World's Most Interesting Voice in the Void (002) [PFS CORE 1-35] (Inactive)

Game Master Great Green God

Mystery strikes at the problem-plagued Blackros Museum in Absalom, and its curator, Nigel Aldain, needs your help... again!

Museum Visitor's Guide

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He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

This is the discussion thread for the Outpost III online convention game: Voice in the Void. In order to play in this game you have to have first signed up for it on the Outpost III sign up sheet. General admission sign-up begins on Monday, March 2, 2020.

As this is a discussion thread, we talk about stuff here. But before we do, if everyone who is interested in playing could please provide me with the following info:

Player Name
Character Name
Day Job Roll (if any)
Level Progression Speed (slow or standard)

Initiative Modifier
Perception Modifier
Sense Motive Modifier

If you could then "ghost dot" (post some random text with your character and then delete the post) on the Gameplay thread with the character you are playing so that this game shows up on your campaign page.

    A few quick notes
  • • This is a CORE game so CORE and chronicle source-based characters only. Do not bring your Leshy Investigator here--at least not without some damn good sources.
  • • It is a Tier 1-7 game, so your character must be between 1st and 7th level to play.
  • • At this point, it looks as though we are playing a higher tier game (the first two sign-ups have 7th level characters) so if folks could keep their PC's levels at, or above 4th level that would be great.
  • • Other than that there are no real special requirements for this adventure (i.e. you do not need a character to have a certain aptitude for Diplomacy or Stealth, nor do you need someone who can survive on their own in arctic-cold or underwater.)

About me I am not a pushy GM, but I would like to finish on time. I hate botting people. I'll do it at need, but I have more than enough NPCs to play as it is. You are signing up to play in an RPG game, so play it. Things happen sure, but in general you should be present, and not just for my sake, but for everyone else at the game table too.

I don't put your character in front of the next door they have to kick down, and I certainly don't kick it down for them. That's called: writing a novel. We are here to game. Your character can do as they like (or not) within the game world. You guys are the heroes here, so you move the story. I'm just here to guide you through the world, and to judge the results.

Our official start date is Monday, March 30th.

Stay thirsty my friends.

Grand Lodge

Elf, Wizard (Diviner) 6, HP 32, AC:13, FF:13, Th:10, F+5/R+5/W+5(+1 vs fear +2 vs ench), Perc +14, Init +4

Player Name: Mark M
Character Name: Vie Vsetko
PFS #: 30504-12
Faction: Dark Archive
Day Job Roll (if any): craft bookbinding: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Level Progression Speed (slow or standard): standard

Initiative Modifier: +6
Perception Modifier: +14
Sense Motive Modifier: +2

The avatar is not up to date. I may play a F2F game or 2 before the start. I will certainly have it up to snuff before start date.

Scarab Sages

* * Pathfinder Core! * * F Gnome 7 Mystic Theurge
HP: 57/57 | AC 19; TC 12; FF 18 | CMB +1; CMD 12 | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +14 | Init +7 |Perc: +6, SM: +10 | Speed 20ft

Player: GM Tealk
Character Name: Yabatha Grinma
PFS #: 159547-24
Faction: Scarab Sages
Day Job (roll or take 10): 22.
Progression: Normal

Initiative Modifier: +7
Perception Modifier: +6 (+9*)
Sense Motive Modifier: +10

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

With a meager 33% of the participants signed in at this point, I'd like to go over a few not-so-last-minute details.

1. First, thanks for coming!

2. If folks could (if you haven't already) head over to the second page of the google slides document and post some more statistical info about your characters in the space provided, that would be great. (Yeah, I know some of it is a repeat, but I didn't think about it until now.)

3. Marching Order! Consider your marching order, with the idea that folks in the even numbered positions might move up a spot when you can stand in two rows. Also remember to place your pets if any. Take a look at each other's sheets to get a handle on what folks can do in an emergency situation.


4. Has anyone played this scenario before? If so at what level? As this is a quasi-investigative adventure, please keep in mind the difference between in- and out-of-character knowledge. Don't spoil things, but also don't hold back from providing info your character might rightfully know.

5. Finally, feel free to post in the Gameplay play thread. We cannot officially start the module until the end of the month, but feel free to RP and get to know one another. Describe your characters in appearance, action in speech. I should note that I despise the typical "We all show up in a meeting room for a briefing" intros... I despise the typical "We all show up in a meeting room for a briefing" intros, so pay attention to that first post in the Gameplay thread.

Grand Lodge

Elf, Wizard (Diviner) 6, HP 32, AC:13, FF:13, Th:10, F+5/R+5/W+5(+1 vs fear +2 vs ench), Perc +14, Init +4

3. Marching Order - As a super squishy wizard, I usually want to be close to the end in position 5 or 6.
My pet is a cat familiar named Chuckles. If the group has no one to scout he can go in front to do some looking. But he doesn't have find traps or the ability to disable device. Stealthy as a dream though.
If we aren't needing a scout he normally lies draped across my shoulders.

4. Neither played nor GM'd. I can't even remember anyone talking about it.

Scarab Sages

* * Pathfinder Core! * * F Gnome 7 Mystic Theurge
HP: 57/57 | AC 19; TC 12; FF 18 | CMB +1; CMD 12 | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +14 | Init +7 |Perc: +6, SM: +10 | Speed 20ft

Yabatha will take position 3. in the party, she likes being in the middle of the group, and is happy to wander up into melee. However, if someone wants to go in front of her, she will happily give way.

Yes, I have indeed played this scenario, and gm-ed it in standard. I will refrain from making any big decisions, and will mostly roleplay.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

3. Yabatha
5. Vie

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

More questions! Have any of the participating PCs had any interaction with the Blakros Museum (possibly in Mists of Mwangi), Nigel Aldain (the Curator), or Venture-Captain Adril Hestram? If so, how did it go? Did anything notable happen?

Grand Lodge

Elf, Wizard (Diviner) 6, HP 32, AC:13, FF:13, Th:10, F+5/R+5/W+5(+1 vs fear +2 vs ench), Perc +14, Init +4

I don't believe Vie has had any interaction with Blakros Museum, Nigel, or Adril.

Although I really don't remember who the venture captain was for Shadow's Last Stand or You Only Die Twice. So it could have been Adril and I just don't remember it.

Scarab Sages

* * Pathfinder Core! * * F Gnome 7 Mystic Theurge
HP: 57/57 | AC 19; TC 12; FF 18 | CMB +1; CMD 12 | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +14 | Init +7 |Perc: +6, SM: +10 | Speed 20ft

None with this character.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
PFS CORE - Vie Vsetko wrote:
I don't believe Vie has had any interaction with Blakros Museum, Nigel, or Adril.

No worries (for anyone). It is just an RP thing. I once had a PC haul off and smack a venture-captain. That and I don't believe either of them are in the adventures you mention above (which are set in Almas). Nigel is in nearly everything related to the museum, going back to Mists of Mwangi (this scenerio is the next in the overall Blakros-arc after that one), and Adril stops appearing as a regular NPC after the first season or two.

Vie, are you going to be 6th level by the time we start as noted on the sign up sheet?

Grand Lodge

Elf, Wizard (Diviner) 6, HP 32, AC:13, FF:13, Th:10, F+5/R+5/W+5(+1 vs fear +2 vs ench), Perc +14, Init +4

Well I sometimes lay down some snark at the venture captains, but I don't think I've ever actually smacked one. ... Yet.

Yeah, he is 6th level now. I thought I'd have another chance to play him this week. But all the F2F PFS games got cancelled due to the Covid-19 thing.
So I will get the avatar updated sometime today.

The avatar is now updated. I might still make a minor purchase after the briefing if possible. I'm getting to have a moderately extensive spell book. If anyone feels the need to know what is in it, let me know and I will get it typed out.

Liberty's Edge

Male 1/2 orc Rng 7/Ftr 2 | HP 78 | AC 19; Touch 12; FF 18 | F +12; R +7; W +7 | CMB+15; CMD 27 | Speed 30 ft | Init +0 | Perc +11 | Stealth: +4 Ranger 7/Fighter 2

Player Name Qstor
Character Name Grog
PFS # 202-27
Faction S. Crusade
Day Job Roll (if any) Profession: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Level Progression Speed (slow or standard) standard

Initiative Modifier +0
Perception Modifier +10
Sense Motive Modifier +0

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

So it looks like we are solidly in the Highest tier for this game.

We cannot officially start until the 30th. I'm not actually sure when the 30th "officially" begins since this is world-wide event, but we still have time, so you have a few days to finalize you characters, discuss your marching order, figure out who you are playing with, and chat in-character on the Gameplay thread, or here out-of-character.

Grog and anyone new to the thread, thanks for coming. Make sure you address the "homework" I've handed out above in the next few days, and here's hoping for a good game. :)

Liberty's Edge

Female Halfling Rogue 3 / Ranger 2 / Shadow Dancer 2| HP: 50/50 | AC: 24 21 Tch 16, Fl 16) | CMD: 19 | F: +7, R: +12, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13/+14 Darkvision, SM: +5 | Active conditions: Bull's Strength

Player: PJP
Character Name: Zora Magda
PFS #: 150786-13
Faction: Liberty’s Edge
Day Job (roll or take 10):
Progression: Normal

Initiative Modifier: +6
Perception Modifier: +13 (+14 to find traps)
Sense Motive Modifier: +5

She is known by some as "Jinx" but is trying to shed that nom.

I was going to use Zora as an aid character in the special, but I am not sure it is legal to do both. If not, I will replace her in that and stay put here.

Also, stealth is a key component of Zora, so she is happy to scout ahead. So we can put her in spot 1 in the marching order to represent that. She is also happy to take Chuckles with her for extra pair of eyes.

I have played this once long ago as standard, but I can't recall any of the details.

History-wise, most of Zora's experience was gained in the Emerald Spire, so she hasn't had contact with the people you have asked about.

Grand Lodge

Elf, Wizard (Diviner) 6, HP 32, AC:13, FF:13, Th:10, F+5/R+5/W+5(+1 vs fear +2 vs ench), Perc +14, Init +4
Zora Magda wrote:


I was going to use Zora as an aid character in the special, but I am not sure it is legal to do both. ...

Nope. They clarified that a few days ago. Decision is based on the fact that the aid characters can get killed.

Scarab Sages

* * Pathfinder Core! * * F Gnome 7 Mystic Theurge
HP: 57/57 | AC 19; TC 12; FF 18 | CMB +1; CMD 12 | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +14 | Init +7 |Perc: +6, SM: +10 | Speed 20ft

@ GM, I just realised that I have a few unassigned chronicles from our Thornkeep game, Yabatha will be level 6.1 for this game! Haha, I will update her information and sheet today.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
PFS CORE - Vie Vsetko wrote:
Zora Magda wrote:
...I was going to use Zora as an aid character in the special, but I am not sure it is legal to do both. ...
Nope. They clarified that a few days ago. Decision is based on the fact that the aid characters can get killed.

That and they generally make these sort of rules based upon face-to-face convention games, where it is impossible to play at more than one table simultaneously (unless you are taking A LOT of "bathroom breaks"). So I am not sure if there is an "official" official ruling on it, but it would probably be best to play it as if you couldn't have her at both tables just to avoid any complications that might show up down the road. For instance, it is possible to die during this game as well.

Yabatha Grimna wrote:
@ GM, I just realised that I have a few unassigned chronicles from our Thornkeep game, Yabatha will be level 6.1 for this game! Haha, I will update her information and sheet today.

Cool beans! Third level cleric spells are the balm! ;)

Scarab Sages

* * Pathfinder Core! * * F Gnome 7 Mystic Theurge
HP: 57/57 | AC 19; TC 12; FF 18 | CMB +1; CMD 12 | Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +14 | Init +7 |Perc: +6, SM: +10 | Speed 20ft

Actually going for magic theurge on this character, so currently 3 wiz, 3 cleric. :(

hello any free spot for this game??

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Garmon, this is an Outpost III (on-line convention game) game (which you need to sign up for here). At present all the seats are full, but not everyone who has signed up has arrived yet.

By PFS rules I can take up to seven PCs, however--dungeon corridors, and small maps tend to hamper large groups. Movement, soft cover, AoOs, and firing into melee, sometimes make for a slow, and frustrating game experience, especially for melee characters stuck in the middle, or back rank, so I would rather not go to seven.

That said, not everyone has showed up yet, so there is still a chance. We don't start until March 30th. Consider yourself first off the bench should someone not show.

ok many thx

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Druid 7 (HP 59/59) (AC 26/11/25) (CMD 20) (Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8) (Init +3) (Perception +18)

Player Name Luke_Parry
Character Name Radagast the Brown
PFS # 2847 - 31
Faction Grand Lodge
Day Job Roll (if any) N/A
Level Progression Speed (slow or standard) Standard

Initiative Modifier +3
Perception Modifier +23
Sense Motive Modifier +3

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

So I just sent a PM out to our last sign up.

Some folks still owe me some homework (the party's marching order, your relations if any with the NPCs mentioned above, and filling out some info on slide 2). Thanks. :)

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Druid 7 (HP 59/59) (AC 26/11/25) (CMD 20) (Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8) (Init +3) (Perception +18)

Radagast's very first scenario was Mists of Mwangi, so he knows Nigel reasonably well ;-)

Liberty's Edge

Female Human [AC: 23/12 tch /22 ff; H66/66; Frt +9, Ref +5, Will +10, +4 vs fey and plants; Init +1; Perc +13 Druid 7

I am here. Sorry to be almost late. I was not following the lodge postings - just too many posts to track for me right now.

Player Name: Skorn (Harry)
Character Name: Stormy Weathers
PFS # 3387-15
Faction: Dark Archive
Day Job Roll (if any) Profession Sailor: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Level Progression Speed (slow or standard): Standard

Initiative Modifier: +1
Perception Modifier: +12
Sense Motive Modifier +3

Stormy is good with front line or near front line. She is a melee fighter but sometimes needs to get a buff off before fighting. She also has a pet - a well armored cat.

She has not played any of the mentioned mods or dealt with those NPCs.

I have both run and played this mod. It was my 5th game played with my first character and it was quite some time ago. I recall nothing atm but as we play I might get flashes of memory. I will certainly try to keep player and character knowledge separate.

Liberty's Edge

Male 1/2 orc Rng 7/Ftr 2 | HP 78 | AC 19; Touch 12; FF 18 | F +12; R +7; W +7 | CMB+15; CMD 27 | Speed 30 ft | Init +0 | Perc +11 | Stealth: +4 Ranger 7/Fighter 2

Grog can go up near the front, behind Stormy is OK.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
Stormy Weathers wrote:
I am here. Sorry to be almost late. I was not following the lodge postings - just too many posts to track for me right now.

Um, when you say 'right now' do you mean 'during the game' right now?

Liberty's Edge

Female Human [AC: 23/12 tch /22 ff; H66/66; Frt +9, Ref +5, Will +10, +4 vs fey and plants; Init +1; Perc +13 Druid 7

No. I have over 600 unread messages in the cottonseed lodge set of message and over 1000 in the flaxseed lodge. Normally game start notices are posted there but I have not been reading them.

Rest assured I will be a regular poster here.

Dark Archive

Male Human (Keleshite) Fighter (two-handed) 8 | hp 11/74 | AC 20, T 14, FF 16 | CMD 25 (27 v sunder) | F +10, R +7, W +6 | Spd 30' (40' land)| Init +3 | KnArc +7, KnDun +7, KnPla +7, KnRel +7, Perc +0, SensM +0, Spcft +8 |
Radagast the Brown wrote:
Radagast's very first scenario was Mists of Mwangi, so he knows Nigel reasonably well ;-)

You aren't the only one. "Ook." ;)

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
Stormy Weathers wrote:
Stormy is good with front line or near front line. She is a melee fighter but sometimes needs to get a buff off before fighting. She also has a pet - a well armored cat.

Got a cat alias?

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

1. Zora
2. Stormy/Battle Cat(?)
3. Yabatha
4. Grog
5. Vie
6. Radaghast

So it looks like it's Ladies First. Make the changes that you want to the above list.

If you need any sawed-off baseball bats, or lengths of tire chain to make your point with, just let me know.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Druid 7 (HP 59/59) (AC 26/11/25) (CMD 20) (Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8) (Init +3) (Perception +18)

Well, as someone who generally likes to Pounce in order to full attack, I would prefer to not be at the back :-P

Liberty's Edge

Female Human [AC: 23/12 tch /22 ff; H66/66; Frt +9, Ref +5, Will +10, +4 vs fey and plants; Init +1; Perc +13 Druid 7

I'll find two cat aliases - one for the pet and one for Stormy in cat form.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
Radagast the Brown wrote:
Well, as someone who generally likes to Pounce in order to full attack, I would prefer to not be at the back :-P

Alas, I don't make the Marching Order. I just put people as close to where they say they want to be as they can in order of said request. Vie apparently is fine with being last if you want to move up to the 5th-ish position.

Otherwise, you might wait a bit and see if the front rank gets mauled enough to take a break from leading. :)

Liberty's Edge

Female Human [AC: 23/12 tch /22 ff; H66/66; Frt +9, Ref +5, Will +10, +4 vs fey and plants; Init +1; Perc +13 Druid 7

Right. We can certainly take turns at the front, especially since you have a level on me.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

I notice we have a couple of wizards in the party. If you like, remember you can loan each other your spell books to avoid paying rental fees if you see anything you like in the other's book. Your wizard still has to pay for the special ink used.

You don't have to do this, but I thought I should point it out.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Just to put everyone in the loop. I've tried to get in touch with Vie's player the last couple of days with no response, so to keep things moving I'm going to write him into a off-screen role whereby Vie goes back upstairs (upramp?) and calms Nigel down while the party continues to explore the basement. That way if Vie's player (Kydeem) can return he can rejoin the table.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human [AC: 23/12 tch /22 ff; H66/66; Frt +9, Ref +5, Will +10, +4 vs fey and plants; Init +1; Perc +13 Druid 7

Sounds good to me.

Grand Lodge

Elf, Wizard (Diviner) 6, HP 32, AC:13, FF:13, Th:10, F+5/R+5/W+5(+1 vs fear +2 vs ench), Perc +14, Init +4

I am sorry to leave you in the lurch like this. I have had a family crisis. I will not be able to participate in the scenario. Please try to find a replacement. Again, I apologize.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
PFS CORE - Vie Vsetko wrote:
I am sorry to leave you in the lurch like this. I have had a family crisis. I will not be able to participate in the scenario. Please try to find a replacement. Again, I apologize.

No worries, Vie. The best to you and yours. Stay safe, and see you back next time around.

Liberty's Edge

Female Halfling Rogue 3 / Ranger 2 / Shadow Dancer 2| HP: 50/50 | AC: 24 21 Tch 16, Fl 16) | CMD: 19 | F: +7, R: +12, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: +13/+14 Darkvision, SM: +5 | Active conditions: Bull's Strength

I hope it all works out for the best - good luck!

Liberty's Edge

Male 1/2 orc Rng 7/Ftr 2 | HP 78 | AC 19; Touch 12; FF 18 | F +12; R +7; W +7 | CMB+15; CMD 27 | Speed 30 ft | Init +0 | Perc +11 | Stealth: +4 Ranger 7/Fighter 2
PFS CORE - Vie Vsetko wrote:
I am sorry to leave you in the lurch like this. I have had a family crisis. I will not be able to participate in the scenario. Please try to find a replacement. Again, I apologize.

I hope everything is OK

VC Australia - WA

Hello GM and team,
The Organized Play Online Venture Officers have been made aware that Qstor had a Real Life situation come up and will be out for around a week. We request you be kind enough to please bot his character for the duration.
Thank you.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Thanks for the heads up voice from above. Here's hoping everyone is okay.

Liberty's Edge

Male 1/2 orc Rng 7/Ftr 2 | HP 78 | AC 19; Touch 12; FF 18 | F +12; R +7; W +7 | CMB+15; CMD 27 | Speed 30 ft | Init +0 | Perc +11 | Stealth: +4 Ranger 7/Fighter 2

I'm feeling better thanks.

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Good to hear!

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

Alright, so as it looks like we will NOT be finished by Monday, I'll need to two things for everyone.

One, I will need everyone to make a couple of die rolls for boons below. Roll a d20 and a d3. A roll of a 19 or 20 on the d20 wins one of 3 lovely boons.

Second, I will need to know who would like to continue. At our current rate of posts we should be able to finish inside a couple/three weeks.

So roll, and lemme know.

Here comes the BOON! 1d20 ⇒ 61d3 ⇒ 2

He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬

One other thing, if you roll and win a boon, I will need an email address to pass on to the Official Divine Distributors of the Boons. Just PM me with it.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf Druid 7 (HP 59/59) (AC 26/11/25) (CMD 20) (Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8) (Init +3) (Perception +18)

Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 18

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