GM Cellion's Dawn of Flame AP

Game Master Cellion

Loot Log

[dice=Marisol init]d20+9[/dice]
[dice=Flint init]d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Sammad init]d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Ordyt init]d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Belmarniss init]d20+2[/dice]

Current Date: Pharast 21, 321 AG

3,401 to 3,450 of 7,121 << first < prev | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | next > last >>

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

The ifrit looks about the clam up when you start feeding her what seem like obvious lies from her perspective. But as she glances between you and sees your reactions, she slowly loosens up. "Well damn. You're not playing some holier than thou game, are you? She got away from you? Well we all saw her dead - torn to pieces. That means..." She narrows her eyes, murmuring "That efreeti, probably."

She simmers silently for a short while, then says "Even if you didn't kill her, you screwed us all over by meddling in the Corona operation. And with the Commander dead, us Brass Dragons were left begging for whatever scraps that efreeti woman had to offer." She looks up "And don't bother asking for her name, none of us knew it. She introduced herself as our 'handler', after Jalusann's failure. Our failure."


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Female LG drow solar disciple technomancer 11 | SP 86/86 HP 59/59 | RP 8/8 | EAC 26; KAC 29 | Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +7 (+8) | Resistances Fire 2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +17, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Dancing Lights (at-will); Detect Magic (at-will); Holy Attack (2/day) | Spells: 1st 7/7; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 5/5; 4th 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

"Probably 'Nurleth,' we've encountered her too," Belmarniss comments. "And what she did to Jalusann was f*ckin' wrong...even if we were on opposite sides of this conflict, she didn't deserve to die for a fight she WON."

Am I feeling EMPATHY for them?! she thinks to herself.

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Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

Lowering his blade and suddenly looking tired, Flint addresses the prisoner, ”This seems to be a repeating tactic of theirs. In Asanatown and Corona we were able to defeat most of our enemies without killing them, yet their own leaders killed the ones we spared and blamed it on us,”

”I can’t say I blame you Brass Dragons—you are mercenaries and have no reason not to believe the lies you have been fed...until now. The very fact you are all three alive should give the lie to the tale that we are merciless killers, even though we have every right to execute you for what you were attempting to do here. Do you ever feel like a pawn, told just enough to motivate you towards someone else’s dubious ends, manipulated to die for a cause you don’t even believe in?” Flint adds, wondering how close his remark hits to home in some of his own actions.

”In Asanatown we liberated the people from a martial law takeover based on racism and fueled by fear of the psychic burst from the heart of the Burning Mother. In Corona, we tracked down data that had been stolen from us as we tried to find the source of that phenomenon. And now, we journey through the depths of the star to find and stop this phenomenon that is slowly killing our psychically gifted brothers. Can your employers claim such altruistic missions?” he finishes, hoping to get the woman to open up more.

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NG oread Spacefarer Blitz-Soldier1/Mystic10 l KAC30 EAC28 l 0/99sp 73/73hp (5hp; +2/rd) l RP8/11 Resist Fire 5 l F +7, R +4, W +10, Ini +6 l Perc. +15, SM +15 l Spd45 l SLA: Energy Ray at-will l Active Conditions:

Whoops, I had flipped around Nurleth and Jalussan in my head!

Ordyt grimaces at Bel's scolding, chastened. Reaching out to Flint mentally, he telepaths Captain, if Nurleth sent them to sabotage the ship it means we can expect a hot reception. Maybe they could help us bluff our way in? Pretend like they captured the Breath of Embers so we're not fired on immediately. Or we could impersonate them, I dunno.

Using my Minklink ability for this interrogation.

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

The ifrit shrugs uncomfortably as Bel offers the hint of an olive branch and Flint explains how both the Brass Dragons had been manipulated. "As far as being a pawn, yeah, that's what we signed up for when we joined a mercenary outfit. And we were damn good at it with Jalusann at the helm. Sure we didn't know where the credits were coming from, but we weren't paid to ask questions." She fixes a flat stare at Flint's blade "And I'll be honest, I don't give a flip about whether the hand that doled out the credits was a saint or a sinner. Most of the time which is which depends on whose side you're on anyway."

"Just like you lot." She looks at Flint, from her expression clearly dismissive of his claims at altruism.

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

”It might work, but this looks like a purely suicide squad—probably not believable they took over the ship, and their orders didn’t seem to include that possibility.” thinks Flint back at Ordyt.

Looking back at the woman and failing to comprehend life choices so devoid of morality, Flint responds, ”Saint or sinner, your employment is over with the Brass Dragons, as you knew it would be one way or the other when you took this mission. Time to look to what future you might have now by being forthcoming with the Ambassador.”

Diplomacy Aid for Sammad: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29

Female CG Sylph Roboticist Mechanic 11 |SP 77/77 HP 68/68| RP 12/12 | EAC 27; KAC 26; Elec Res 5, Fire Res 15 | Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +5 | Init: +9 | Perc: +19, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | SLA: Flight 1/day, Recall 3/day | Miracle Worker 2/2 | Active conditions: See Invisibility

Mari's lips pulls upward in displeasure for a moment, before she regains control of herself. People'll do and say anything to put the blame on somebody else, all the way to the bitter end, she thinks. She keeps that thought to herself, though. No need to sabotage Sammad before he's even gotten started.


Female LG drow solar disciple technomancer 11 | SP 86/86 HP 59/59 | RP 8/8 | EAC 26; KAC 29 | Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +7 (+8) | Resistances Fire 2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +17, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Dancing Lights (at-will); Detect Magic (at-will); Holy Attack (2/day) | Spells: 1st 7/7; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 5/5; 4th 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

Belmarniss visibly bristles at the jab from the mercenary, but holds her tongue. She WANTED to shove her order's insignia in their faces, maybe give a speech about "right making might" or yell something about honor, but she knew that'd be counterproductive at this point.

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

The ifrit scowls at Flint's statement, but looks towards Sammad to hear what he has to say.

(Of course, any of you can jump in, especially if we don't hear from Sammad. Consider what remaining questions you may have, and what you want to do with your three prisoners, before we move on.)

Male LN Ifrit Corporate Agent envoy 11 | SP 74/74 HP 70/70 | RP 9/9 | EAC 28; KAC 28; | Fort: 6; Ref: 11; Will: 8; | Init: +4 | Perc +11, SM +15 | Speed: 30 ft. | SLA: overheat 2/day | Active conditions: none

Sammad stands to his full height, looking down at the prisoner. "What good are credits if you're dead, though? Was vengeance against us really such a powerful motivator that you all were willing to die to secure it?"

He turns away, then back again. "Tell me, what would you do if you were to face Jalusann's killer? Her true killer, that is. Because we pursue her now, and the people that she answers to."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)
Sammad Al-Fayir wrote:
Sammad stands to his full height, looking down at the prisoner. "What good are credits if you're dead, though? Was vengeance against us really such a powerful motivator that you all were willing to die to secure it?"

"Against a band of psychos that wrecked our operation, killed our boss, turned us into hunted persons in the Archipelago, and left us with an efreeti breathing down our necks? Yeah, I'd say vengeance was a fine reason." A spark of defiance returns to the ifrit's eyes. "But if said efreeti was the one behind half our troubles..."

Sammad Al-Fayir wrote:
He turns away, then back again. "Tell me, what would you do if you were to face Jalusann's killer? Her true killer, that is. Because we pursue her now, and the people that she answers to."

"That I don't know, maybe wring her neck if I thought I could get away with it. But I wouldn't dream of standing a chance normally. Efreeti are serious business." She shrugs "If you're planning on going after her, you're welcome to."

The ifrit wriggles, uncomfortable in her bonds. "You're not looking for help, are you?"

Male LN Ifrit Corporate Agent envoy 11 | SP 74/74 HP 70/70 | RP 9/9 | EAC 28; KAC 28; | Fort: 6; Ref: 11; Will: 8; | Init: +4 | Perc +11, SM +15 | Speed: 30 ft. | SLA: overheat 2/day | Active conditions: none

Sammad cracks a hint of a grin, as his words seem to be having the desired effect on the prisoner. "Of course we are. We know only the vaguest shape of what to expect at our destination...any inside information you can provide would be welcome.

In exchange, we'll do our best to protect you during the operation, and to see that you're treated fairly on our return. And perhaps we'll even let you take a crack at Nurleth for yourself...," he finishes with a conspiratorial wink and smirk.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (3) + 18 = 21

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

"I don't even know where you're going, or why, for that matter. The efreeti, Nurleth maybe, said the whole thing was top secret and had to be kept that way. Considering the mission, there wasn't any reason to ask more, and Nurleth wasn't in a sharing mood anyway." There's a clear sense from her tone that you've redirected her hatred to a new efreeti target.

"Alright, if we're going to get a chance out of here, we'll take you up."


Female LG drow solar disciple technomancer 11 | SP 86/86 HP 59/59 | RP 8/8 | EAC 26; KAC 29 | Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +7 (+8) | Resistances Fire 2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +17, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Dancing Lights (at-will); Detect Magic (at-will); Holy Attack (2/day) | Spells: 1st 7/7; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 5/5; 4th 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

"Vengeance may not have worked out for you, but why not give justice a try?" Belmarniss quips. "The Knights of Golarion are always on the lookout for talent with integrity."

Male LN Ifrit Corporate Agent envoy 11 | SP 74/74 HP 70/70 | RP 9/9 | EAC 28; KAC 28; | Fort: 6; Ref: 11; Will: 8; | Init: +4 | Perc +11, SM +15 | Speed: 30 ft. | SLA: overheat 2/day | Active conditions: none

Sammad lets his grin show fully now, positively beaming at his success. "Then welcome to the Nurleth-Kicker Crew, fellow ember. I understand that you do not have much information, as I hoped...unfortunate, but I suppose it can't be helped. What else can you offer our operation, then?"

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

"The Burning Mother soothes as well as burns, and her offer of redemption is ever open. I welcome you and your team to a new world of opportunities," says Flint earnestly, adding, "But given your recent mission, you will need to prove yourselves to us before we give you the run of the ship."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + 9 + (6) = 18

Flint will want to lock down sensitive ship's systems and keep a careful eye on them before he allows them much autonomy.

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

"Other than a steady hand with a pistol... the reason we got drafted for this is because we were all handy with machinery. In case you need something fixed or adjusted, that's us. But I'd rather be bringing the heat to Nurleth, all things considered." The ifrit eyes you all, a little uncertain at the overall change in tone. Flint judges that as much as you're feeling out whether you can trust this group, the ifrit you have awake is trying to work out whether she can trust any of you. Flint can tell she definitely doesn't like you.

"The name's Atra, by the way."

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

Seems reasonable, he did threaten her after all. More that whether she likes him or not, Flint wants her to be very afraid to do anything further to damage his ship, so he'll settle for a healthy fear even if it has to be paired with dislike...

"Bringing the heat...interesting turn of phrase," comments Flint, cracking a wry smile and turning to Sammad. "Looks like you have this under control, Ambassador. I'll head back to the bridge to keep an eye on things while you sort the rest of it out," he adds, giving Atra an inscrutable look and finally nodding at her and moving away, his eyes returned to their normal flinty grey shade.


Female LG drow solar disciple technomancer 11 | SP 86/86 HP 59/59 | RP 8/8 | EAC 26; KAC 29 | Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +7 (+8) | Resistances Fire 2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +17, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Dancing Lights (at-will); Detect Magic (at-will); Holy Attack (2/day) | Spells: 1st 7/7; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 5/5; 4th 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

Belmarniss nods.

"Mine's Belmarniss Rycast," she says. "Star-Knight Belmarniss Rycast."

Female CG Sylph Roboticist Mechanic 11 |SP 77/77 HP 68/68| RP 12/12 | EAC 27; KAC 26; Elec Res 5, Fire Res 15 | Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +5 | Init: +9 | Perc: +19, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | SLA: Flight 1/day, Recall 3/day | Miracle Worker 2/2 | Active conditions: See Invisibility

Mari chimes in with her own name, but her focus has drifted back to the task of repairing the damage done to the ship.

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Alright, looks like a good enough conclusion for now.

With the situation defused and a trio of would-be saboteur "allies" now under your wings, you turn your attention back to fully repairing the systems damage they caused and continuing along your plotted route through the sun's plasma to Noma. Atra explains the situation to her fellow saboteurs once they're awake again, and after some animated discussion about whether or not to trust your group, they all end up offering their services as Atra did.

It takes about a full day to completely repair the damage to the power conduit wiring to the level that you can remove Mari's earlier patches to the system. Once you do, you're able to rebalance power to restore things back to their full and normal functionality.

On the fourth day of travel, you're alerted to another danger by Popoko's chirpy voice over the ship's PA system. "Heyo fwiends!~ You shouwd come up to the bwidge. Thewe's something out thewe that wooks supew dupew weiwd! OwO" When you get there, you notice that the long ranged scanners are passively picking up some wild energy fluctuations. Not close yet, but rapidly approaching your position.

Mysticism DC22; Identifying the nature of the threat:
You recognize the strange energy readings as belonging to a Photonic Anomaly, an extraordinarily rare ooze composed of a pseudo-intelligent mass of living plasma. The size and power of such a creature renders it a threat to starships, though they're almost never seen except very close to the surface of the sun, so there's few reports of actual attacks.

If you've exceeded the DC by 5 or more, you can ask questions like you would for IDing a creature, except you get Starship combat details instead :)

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Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

Note that once the ship has main power routing back, Flint wants to do the shakedown maneuvers and combat drills so the crew can get used to how the ship reacts. Hopefully we can do that before the fourth day.

Mysticism: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Having no idea what this might be, Flint asks, "Let's get those sensors dialed in and see if we can tell what that thing is. Could it be an inferno whale headed our way?"

"Combat positions, everyone, we need to be ready for evasive maneuvers if this phenomenon keeps coming for us. Let's change course and see if this energy signature adjusts to match. If so, that means some intelligence is guiding it towards us," Captain Flint orders.

NG oread Spacefarer Blitz-Soldier1/Mystic10 l KAC30 EAC28 l 0/99sp 73/73hp (5hp; +2/rd) l RP8/11 Resist Fire 5 l F +7, R +4, W +10, Ini +6 l Perc. +15, SM +15 l Spd45 l SLA: Energy Ray at-will l Active Conditions:

Mysticism: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24

Arriving at the bridge on Flint's heels, Ordyt leans over the read the screen over his captain's shoulder. As his eyes flicker over the readouts his frown deepens in concern.

"Captain, that's Photonic Anomaly! They're, um, well they're really big plasma oozes--as big as a starship! If it decides we look tasty we'll definitely be in for it."

Female CG Sylph Roboticist Mechanic 11 |SP 77/77 HP 68/68| RP 12/12 | EAC 27; KAC 26; Elec Res 5, Fire Res 15 | Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +5 | Init: +9 | Perc: +19, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | SLA: Flight 1/day, Recall 3/day | Miracle Worker 2/2 | Active conditions: See Invisibility

Mari looks skeptically at the scanning data. "Judging by its speed and trajectory, I think it's already decided that yes, we are in fact tasty."

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

"How fast is it moving? Can we outrun it?" Captain Flint asks Belmarniss as she (hopefully) starts working the sensors.

"Mari, get ready to shunt power to engines--we might need a speed boost to avoid this thing. If we can't, we'll have to hope our weapons will discourage it," he adds.

"Ordyt, you seem to know the most about this creature--how do we drive it off?" asks Flint, concerned about trying to stop a living ball of plasma.

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

I hope everyone's missed *starship combat* :)

Map updated!

If you need a refresher on the rules, I put together some links in this post back before our first combat. Let me know if you have any questions.

As you watch, and begin evasive maneuvers, the photonic anomaly by means of frankly physics defying fits and starts. One moment it seems to be moving one direction, when a fraction of a second later it has full speed in another without seeming to turn or accelerate. At times it even seems to blink from one location to another. While its strange zigs and zags seem random, the aggregate of its movements rapidly close the distance with you. As it does, the core of the anomaly begins to glow.

Piloting - Round 1
Bel Piloting: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Anomaly Piloting: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

GM Screen:
1d6 ⇒ 6 1d8 ⇒ 3
Bel easily gets the initiative over the anomaly. It lurches toward the starboard side of your ship, not quite on a direct collision course.

Breath of Embers moves second.

Breath of Embers - 85/85 HP - 25/25/25/25 Shields
Anomaly - ?/? HP

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (19) + (4) + 9 = 32

As the crew takes their positions and the entity closes in, Flint watches the monitors and tries to get a sense of this creature...Is it intelligent enough to reason with, or simply acting on instinct? With it’s collision course, is it trying to engulf them?

NG oread Spacefarer Blitz-Soldier1/Mystic10 l KAC30 EAC28 l 0/99sp 73/73hp (5hp; +2/rd) l RP8/11 Resist Fire 5 l F +7, R +4, W +10, Ini +6 l Perc. +15, SM +15 l Spd45 l SLA: Energy Ray at-will l Active Conditions:

I'm getting "enormous plasma amoeba" vibes from it, but maybe it's sentient and just...does a lot of sudoku puzzles in its head?

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

Once Flint gets a sense of the plasma ooze from his Sense Motive, he will issue some "orders". Who is going to be our science officer?


Female LG drow solar disciple technomancer 11 | SP 86/86 HP 59/59 | RP 8/8 | EAC 26; KAC 29 | Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +7 (+8) | Resistances Fire 2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +17, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Dancing Lights (at-will); Detect Magic (at-will); Holy Attack (2/day) | Spells: 1st 7/7; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 5/5; 4th 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

"Right, keep our distance but don't LOOK like we're trying to keep our distance. Fly casual. Don't want a repeat of the whale incident," Belmarniss comments, turning away from the anomaly and moving forward, hoping they can turn and maybe fly past it when there's an opening.

Turn, spending 2 move and then flying the remaining 8 in the direction I've marked with a green arrow. Am I doing this right?

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste
Star-Knight Belmarniss Rycast wrote:

"Right, keep our distance but don't LOOK like we're trying to keep our distance. Fly casual. Don't want a repeat of the whale incident," Belmarniss comments, turning away from the anomaly and moving forward, hoping they can turn and maybe fly past it when there's an opening.

Turn, spending 2 move and then flying the remaining 8 in the direction I've marked with a green arrow. Am I doing this right?

Depends if you can choose the facing at which you entered the battle. If we are locked in on the facing we have now, you would have to move 2, turn, move 2, turn, etc. or shorten it to 1 move between turns with a DC 21 Piloting check to maneuver. Flint is planning to issue orders to keep our distance as best you can, so turning and moving away at high speed is good for an opening move, especially if we can keep from getting engulfed. You get 10 total move and the turn doesn't burn up move hexes, you are just limited by the turning maneuverability.


Female LG drow solar disciple technomancer 11 | SP 86/86 HP 59/59 | RP 8/8 | EAC 26; KAC 29 | Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +7 (+8) | Resistances Fire 2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +17, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Dancing Lights (at-will); Detect Magic (at-will); Holy Attack (2/day) | Spells: 1st 7/7; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 5/5; 4th 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

Oh! I thought it took 2 move just to turn! Thank you for the clarification!

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Yep, Flint's got it.

Flint judges that the enormous plasma amoeba likely has only rudimentary intelligence, likely even less than that of a typical animal. It's probably driven by a search for sustenance. It's hard to tell from a distance if its looking to engulf your starship (Not something you can tell with sense motive).

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

"Belmarniss, keep our distance the best we can. Mari, see if you can feed power to the engines to help her. Ordyt, man the turret and see if you can discourage the creature--maybe aim for the glowing bit in the middle. We need someone on sensors to figure out everything we can about this ooze. Brass Dragons, help out where you can! Guns and Sensors most likely." orders Captain Flint.

"Popoko, help Belmarniss with keeping her distance (piloting) and Ordyt with firing solutions (gunner). You've got this Ordyt--you know most about this creature, so try and target something vital!" he adds.

Diplomacy to aid Ordyt's gunnery: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22 versus DC 15.

Between Popoko and Flint, Ordyt should have a +4.


Female LG drow solar disciple technomancer 11 | SP 86/86 HP 59/59 | RP 8/8 | EAC 26; KAC 29 | Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +7 (+8) | Resistances Fire 2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +17, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Dancing Lights (at-will); Detect Magic (at-will); Holy Attack (2/day) | Spells: 1st 7/7; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 5/5; 4th 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

Okay, so when you say he's got it, do you mean we're locked in place and I have to do the "Move 2, turn, move 2" thing? Because I'll make a Piloting check to maneuver, then.

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Oops Bel, I managed to totally misread what Flint said in his OOC comment! That said, Flint's comment is correct. The facing at the start of combat was fixed, so you do need to move 2 hexes before turning for the first time, unless you succeed at the aforementioned piloting check to maneuver, in which case its 1 hex in between.


Female LG drow solar disciple technomancer 11 | SP 86/86 HP 59/59 | RP 8/8 | EAC 26; KAC 29 | Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +7 (+8) | Resistances Fire 2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +17, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Dancing Lights (at-will); Detect Magic (at-will); Holy Attack (2/day) | Spells: 1st 7/7; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 5/5; 4th 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

Got it. Dice rolling now!

Piloting (Maneuver): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

Doesn't meet the DC, rerouting accordingly.

Female CG Sylph Roboticist Mechanic 11 |SP 77/77 HP 68/68| RP 12/12 | EAC 27; KAC 26; Elec Res 5, Fire Res 15 | Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +5 | Init: +9 | Perc: +19, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | SLA: Flight 1/day, Recall 3/day | Miracle Worker 2/2 | Active conditions: See Invisibility

"On it!" is Mari's clipped reply, as she focuses on redistributing excess power to the ship's engines.

Engineering: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24

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NG oread Spacefarer Blitz-Soldier1/Mystic10 l KAC30 EAC28 l 0/99sp 73/73hp (5hp; +2/rd) l RP8/11 Resist Fire 5 l F +7, R +4, W +10, Ini +6 l Perc. +15, SM +15 l Spd45 l SLA: Energy Ray at-will l Active Conditions:

"Alright, Popoko, let's spin up a firing solution and see how the she handles," Ordyt straps himself into the gunnery chair and lets the ships sensor systems start feeding telemetry data into his helmet's display screen.

"Kinda weird that computers don't handle all of this, you know?" the oread remarks to no one as he swivels the turret towards the Photonic Anomaly. It would have been impossible for Ordyt to hear the crackling hum of the particle beam powering up through the Breath of Embers' hull, but the helmet plays an aproximation of the sound to indicate the weapon's readiness, and the battle-priest grins as targeting schematics flicker before his eyes.

"Alright plasma monster, you could have just keep your distance and let us be. Didn't have to be like this," closing his eyes, Ordyt lets Sarenrae guide his hand.

1d20 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 6 + 4 = 30 Damage: 8d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 6, 3, 6, 5, 3, 2) = 28

"I serve the goddess of the sun, I am Her instrument. Go in peace, and do not challenge us here in the heart of Her power."

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

Awesome roll Ordyt! I think you may need to roll percentile dice for your critical just in case you got through whatever passes for the thing's shields.

Belmarniss, your arrows for movement are still only 8 hexes. You have 12 movement this round if you want it with the boosted engines from Mari.


Female LG drow solar disciple technomancer 11 | SP 86/86 HP 59/59 | RP 8/8 | EAC 26; KAC 29 | Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +7 (+8) | Resistances Fire 2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +17, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Dancing Lights (at-will); Detect Magic (at-will); Holy Attack (2/day) | Spells: 1st 7/7; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 5/5; 4th 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

I had us turn and move 4 more hexes. That work?

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste
Star-Knight Belmarniss Rycast wrote:
I had us turn and move 4 more hexes. That work?

Sure, Belmarniss, you’re the pilot. I’m not sure why you are turning towards it, though.


Female LG drow solar disciple technomancer 11 | SP 86/86 HP 59/59 | RP 8/8 | EAC 26; KAC 29 | Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +7 (+8) | Resistances Fire 2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +17, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Dancing Lights (at-will); Detect Magic (at-will); Holy Attack (2/day) | Spells: 1st 7/7; 2nd 6/6; 3rd 5/5; 4th 3/3 | Active conditions: None.

Trying to go PAST it. It's facing straight south, and I don't think going ALL the way to the north edge and zig-zagging east is very efficient.

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

Gotcha. I didn’t check its facing. I doubt the edge of the map is a hard boundary, though, so we could keep flying away from it...You are the pilot, though, and Flint trusts you to make good decisions...

Female CG Sylph Roboticist Mechanic 11 |SP 77/77 HP 68/68| RP 12/12 | EAC 27; KAC 26; Elec Res 5, Fire Res 15 | Fort +8; Ref +12; Will +5 | Init: +9 | Perc: +19, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | SLA: Flight 1/day, Recall 3/day | Miracle Worker 2/2 | Active conditions: See Invisibility

Mari, watching the telemetry of Ordyt's brilliant shot, silently pumps her fist in celebration.

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

Nice! BTW Sammad, feel free to take an extra action next round.

Engineering Phase:
Mari sends plenty of juice to the engines.

Anomaly Eng: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Anomaly Eng: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
The anomaly pulses with energy.

Helm Phase:
Flint manages to successfully encourage Ordyt.

Although Bel isn't able to maneuver quite as tightly as she desires, the still manages to get the ship away from the direction the anomaly is traveling.

The anomaly shudders and billows, at all times seeming to be about to switch directions.
1d6 ⇒ 5
As you watch, its direction changes in the blink of an eye toward map south east.
1d6 + 1d10 ⇒ (2) + (9) = 11

Gunnery Phase:
With all available aid directed toward him, Ordyt lines up a shot and fires the particle beam, striking the exact core of the anomaly. The shot pierces through a translucent membrane of plasma before cutting through the rest of the "creature".

Crit effect: 1d100 ⇒ 90
It looks to be shuddering uncomfortably after that.

PPB: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 10d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4, 3, 5, 1, 4) = 29
With a keening cry that shows up only on your radiation monitors, the anomaly fires a retaliatory particle beam at you. Bel is just barely able to dive the ship out of the way.

Breath of Embers - 74/85 HP - 25/25/25/25 Shields (F/P/S/A)
Anomaly - -13/? HP - 15/15/15/0 Shields (F/P/S/A), glitching heart.

Round 2 Init:
Belmarniss Piloting: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Anomaly Piloting: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

The anomaly abruptly rearranges itself and zips in the direction you were *thinking* of going, but hadn't yet gone. It ends up facing largely away from you, not that that seems to pose any difficulty for its particle beam.

You guys move second!
(I've moved the anomaly)

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

”Someone get on sensors and get me more information on this thing!” commands Flint, frustrated that nobody has taken up that station.

”Belmarniss, it is moving too fast and turning too quickly for us to speed past it. Bring us in on its unshielded side with our nose pointed towards it,” he suggests.

”I need a second gunner on our forward particle beam. Coordinate with Ordyt and punch through that ooze,” he encourages.

”Popoko, help with firing solutions for both weapons. Mari, see if you can boost the weapons. Let’s convince plasma boy out there we’ll give him indigestion if he keeps after us!” he finishes.

Piloting hints if desired and Computer/Captain actions:

Captain Encouragement to guns: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19

Belmarniss, if you move 2, turn starboard, move 6, turn port, and move 2, turn port, you should line up directly behind it. If you are looking for a pilot roll to make, Evade is a good one—DC 19 to add 4 to our AC.

That is +2 to each gun attack from the computer and +2 to Ordyt’s shot from Flint.

NG oread Spacefarer Blitz-Soldier1/Mystic10 l KAC30 EAC28 l 0/99sp 73/73hp (5hp; +2/rd) l RP8/11 Resist Fire 5 l F +7, R +4, W +10, Ini +6 l Perc. +15, SM +15 l Spd45 l SLA: Energy Ray at-will l Active Conditions:

As the ship tilts and rolls Ordyt feels strangely at ease--everything was going as it was intended to, somehow he knew it. Swiveling the particle beam cannon to track the plasma ooze he sends another lance of energy through it.

"See Atra? Stick with us, you'll go places!"

Gunnery: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 6 + 2 + 2 = 26 Damage: 8d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 2, 5, 2) = 26

Seaweed Leshy Technomancer 1 / Game Master 3 | Maps: (SRD Handouts) | (SRD Maps) | (DoF Handouts) | (DoF Maps) | (DA Maps)

I'll be holding off so other folks have a chance to post. Flint, if you want an NPC to take a spot, let me know which spot.

Male NG Human Priest Solarian 11 | SP 0/110 HP 30/81 | RP 6/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27; DR 5/-; Fire Resist 11 | Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +10, SM: +14+1d6 | Speed 30 ft/30 ft fly| Active conditions: Haste

Depends on Sammad's choice. I had been holding off so he could choose his role. As he hasn't posted in a while, I took the liberty of looking at his character profile. Since he doesn't have any skill in computers listed, let's put him on the forward particle beam weapon unless he posts something to the contrary, which should be firing this round. With a +12 piloting skill, I hope he has maxed ranks, which should give him a Gunnery attack bonus of +9 (6 ranks piloting + 3 Dex) before any additions (+11 this round with the computer aid).

Assuming Sammad takes the secondary gun, let's have one of the Brass Dragons run sensors, scanning the ooze with the +4 bonus from the high end long range scanners we have.

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