Hellknight Hill: Bumblebrashers! (Inactive)

Game Master Joana

Hero Points: Darla * Des * Drake * Gellius * Gethric *
the Bumblebrashers' map

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Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

The Bumblebrashers have lived here for years,” Gellius points out. “It’s clear where our suspicions should fall. These newcomers have caused all manner of problems.

I think our duty is clear,” he continues to Darla and Gethric, although it’s more of a question. “We need to return beneath the citadel and find out what other evils have been stirred up down there, then put an end to them. However, I feel we would be remiss not to return to the town and report what we’ve found to the council. I don’t know about you two, but I could use a hearty meal, a bath and a good night’s sleep in a proper bed! I feel like I’ve been run over by a wagon.

Alek Stagram wrote:
"I had no idea Citadel Altaerein had been so warded...."

"'No idea,' eh?" Aronida needles back. "You caught on pretty quickly, it looked like ... and didn't raise your sword to help us out."

"Those are Hellknights," Alek snaps back, "or were. This is their final resting place. We're the intruders here, not them. If we can solve the problem just by backing off, then, yes, I far prefer that option to destroying the rightful guardians of the honored dead!"

"Hey, we're only here because you want your grandfather's ring," Aronida reminds him.

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla looks uncomfortable as Aronida starts accusing Alek of...something. Duplicity, perhaps? Although she'd had her misgivings about the man, he'd helped them out with some battles and provided healing after the fact.

"Well, if your grandfather's ring is in that crypt, it's likely beyond our reach unless we destroy the guardians," she says to Alek, "or can find some way to trick and occupy them long enough for one of us to sneak in and quickly search the area. Why don't we all return to town, regroup, and try to work up a plan?"

Male Halfling Rogue 2 (Thief) 26/26 HP

Smiling gamely Gethric can't help but agree with Darla "I'm all for a trip back to town for a hot meal, clean up and check in with the council. After all... we are heroes now and it'd be reasonable to let them all know we're safe and sane... ish before we continue on through the rest of this place?"

Warbal brightens. "That's true! You are heroes! You slayed the dragons and let us Bumblebrashers back into our home. I will go back with you and tell your Chief all the great and heroic things you did!"

Goblin Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 17 | F+7 R+5 W+6 | Focus Points 3/3 | Perception +4; darkvision | Stealth +4

They had their home back! The not-dragons were dead, and so were most of the other invaders. But it was still very, very dangerous - the Breachill heroes had returned many times to rest and heal, then they had gone back in to deal with more monsters and more threats. It seemed to Des that it would go better if they had a healer with them when they went to fight monsters. And with Helba talking about adopting Revka into the tribe...

Speaking the longshanks tongue so they could understand, Des comes up next to Warbal and tugs at her sleeve. "I want to come too. I can help them. I don't want to sit here and wait for them to go into danger, then come back all bloody and hurt."

The somewhat timid goblin talking to Warbal looks a little different than the other Bumblebrashers, with a slight coppery tint to their skin. They tug nervously at a multi-layered necklace of feathers, bones and bits of carved wood that covers almost their entire torso.

Warbal gasps. "మీరు చెప్పేది నిజమా? ఇది చాలా ప్రమాదకరమైనది!" Turning to the heroes, Warbal explains, "This is Des, the Bumblebrashers' healer. That one time Stumpy tried to feed Big Bumble by hand, Des made him all better. Well, not all better; his hand didn't grow back -- but he didn't die!"

Are you sure? It's very dangerous!

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

"Excellent!" Gellius replies with a grin. "Pleased to meet you, Des. I for one would welcome having a healer come along. I must say your home has proved more dangerous than I would have thought!"

"I'm Gellius," he continues with a nod of his head. "Gellius Tauranor from Corentyn. Somewhat skilled with a rapier, but sadly less talented at getting out of the way than I would like."

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

"I'm Darla, and I'm pleased to have you along," the bard tells the goblin with a smile, extending her hand tentatively. "Do goblins shake hands?" she asks both Warbal and Des uncertainly.

Alek looks less than thrilled to acquire two goblin traveling companions. "If you intend to return to town, we had better get underway. We're certainly not making any progress just standing around here."

Goblin Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 17 | F+7 R+5 W+6 | Focus Points 3/3 | Perception +4; darkvision | Stealth +4

"I'm Des." Unfamiliar with this shaking hands custom, Des just shakes both their hands vigorously in the air, as if drying them. "I'll just get my things!" the new goblin announces, darting away and returning a few moments later with a sack tied to the end of a stick, bulging in places with odd shapes and with the Bumblebrasher's makeshift rope coiled around it.

Their weapons and armour are clearly scavenged either from the invading frog-people and monkey-people, or from the Hellknights' armoury - an ill-fitting and bloodstained leather tunic, a rackety crossbow and a dagger. "Ready!" Des announces.

Warbal chatters happily on the way back to Breachill, papering over both Des's shyness and a palpable tension between Alek and Aronida, who takes pains to stay at the opposite side of the group than him.

Going downhill makes the walk easier than the trek uphill, and within the hour, they reach the northern gate of Breachill by which they exited on their way to the citadel after the fire. By chance, Dalvyn is one of the two guards on duty. He grins and waves as he recognizes the approaching group. "How was the heroing?" he calls. "Doesn't look like you've lost anyone, at least. As a matter of fact, you seem to have picked up a few extra!"

Warbal shakes both hands vigorously in the air in Dalvyn's direction, in her newly-acquired longshanks-style greeting. "They were great heroes," she assures the guardsman. "They slayed the naughty dragon! This is Des!"

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

"Yeah, we beat the so-called dragon, but then a group of skeletons knocked us around pretty bad. There are still dangers in the old keep, so we decided to come back to town for some reinforcements."

Goblin Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 17 | F+7 R+5 W+6 | Focus Points 3/3 | Perception +4; darkvision | Stealth +4

Seeing the town from the top of the battlements had been funny, it looked quite small from the distance, like toys, but as they draw closer Des is constantly rubbernecking as the goblin takes in the size of the settlement. "This is lots of little castles! Must be many-many-many people here. Hi!" Des also greets Dalvyn the guard.

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

Gellius is eager to get back to the inn to clean himself and his clothes. However, he also remembers the tale of a torch wielding arsonist and his suspicions about the halfling Calmont.

"Did the town guard have any luck determining who started the fire in the town hall?" he enquires of Dalvyn as they re-enter Breachill.

Dalvyn retracts his attention from the visiting goblins to respond to Gellius. "Looks like it was that weird little halfling from the bookstore," he nods. "He was all over town telling folk he'd seen a goblin with a torch, but the story didn't seem to add up. Back in the hallway where the fire started, some fragments of burned paper turned up that looked like that crazy speech he started to give at the Call. He's in the jail for now, but he's sticking with his story ... only now it's a whole tribe of goblins burning the town. Renatta Gilroy reckons he may be mixing it up in his head with something he experienced years ago in the Goblinblood Wars."

Darla & Gethric:
Renatta Gilroy runs Lamond's Lament, a charitable organization founded by the Gardania family that provided food, housing, and assistance to refugees during the Wars. Since the Goblinblood Wars ended, it hasn't been as busy but still provides help to the local poor and down-on-their-luck and to newcomers. Calmont Trenault would certainly have received her help upon arrival in Breachill.

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

Gellius nods his thanks, not surprised but not wanting to dwell on things in front of Warbal and Des.

"Thank you for the update. Here's hoping he comes to terms with whatever it was he's remembering. I'm glad the culprit was caught, anyhow." he then follows the others into town.

As the group moves through the streets toward the town hall, Des and Warbal attract attention, but it is clearly more curious than alarmed. It seems that Calmont hasn't succeeded in arousing the enmity of the citizens toward the goblins. Alek in his platemail attracts nearly as many passing glances; in return.

Approaching the bridge over Breach Creek to Monument Circle, the damage to the back of the town hall buildings is only too evident, but the sad sight is accompanied by the sound of saws and hammers as the local craftsmen are already about the business of making repairs. Inquiries direct the group to the office of the town council in the eastern wing.

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla gives half-hearted waves to folks who hail her, but it's obvious she's feeling dejected--like a failure.

Well, at least none of the party died, but the people of Breachill have a right to expect more from an Uskwold.

The party makes their way past the barricades set up to block off the damaged parts of the building and heads down the corridor to the council office. Inside are Greta Gardania, Melma Ann Sendari, Jorsk Hinterclaw, and Trini Sprizzlegig, along with a member of the town guard.

The gnome is the first to notice the group's arrival. "Hello!" she welcomes them happily. "That was quick. Are you done already? Was it really dragons?"

M Human Ranger 4
Hp's: 56/56; AC: 21; Fort: +9/Ref: +11/Will: +9; Perception: +9; 30' speed; Class DC 19; Hero points: 3/3
Exploration action: Scout

A long dark haired, brown-eyed, fairly well built guard with a bow strapped to his back, a machete and a sickle strapped to either side of him, wearing fairly stout leather armor, stands at his post and remains quiet. But as soon as he hears the word 'dragons' from the gnome, his eyes get a little bigger. Did she just say 'dragons'? Ho ho ho I think she did! Are these people fighting dragons?! Why didn't anyone tell me?! I don't even care if it was a fake dragon. If it even LOOKS like a dragon then somebody should've told me. I can't wait to hear this. This ought to be good. He keeps his focus forward but his ears will be glued to every word that's said.

Goblin Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 17 | F+7 R+5 W+6 | Focus Points 3/3 | Perception +4; darkvision | Stealth +4

Des is slightly dazed as they enter the town hall after walking through a good part of the town. So many people! So many small not-castles! Or maybe really big huts! And this one they were in now was the biggest of all, as big as the Bumblebrasher castle! The awed goblin sticks close to Warbal, who has been here before and obviously knows everything about the place.

"వారి అధిపతి ఎవరు?"

"Which one is their chieftain?"

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

"Not dragons," Darla informs the gnome. "Just really big, really dangerous lizards. And charau-ka--monkeymen from Garund. There seems to be a gate somewhere in the old Hellknight keep."

Wow...my brain's barely functional--I can't remember lots of details of the adventure so far. There were some boggards, too, right? And we never actually found a gate, did we? Did we find some notes that mentioned it?

Des Bumblebrasher wrote:
"వారి అధిపతి ఎవరు?"

"అదే. కట్టుకున్న తల ఉన్నవాడు," Warbal whispers back, pointing at the young human woman dressed in a Qadiran headdress.

That one. The one with a bandaged head.

Darla Uskwold wrote:
"Not dragons," Darla informs the gnome.

Trini immediately looks intensely disappointed.

Darla Uskwold wrote:
"Just really big, really dangerous lizards."

"Tatzlwyrms?" the dwarf Jorsk Hinterclaw puts in.

Darla Uskwold wrote:
"And charau-ka--monkeymen from Garund. There seems to be a gate somewhere in the old Hellknight keep."

All four councilors are struck dumb by this revelation. "A gate?" Greta Gardania is the first to recover. "A magical gate, you mean? But why? Who put it there?"

M Human Ranger 4
Hp's: 56/56; AC: 21; Fort: +9/Ref: +11/Will: +9; Perception: +9; 30' speed; Class DC 19; Hero points: 3/3
Exploration action: Scout

Remaining nonchalant at his post, Drake sporadically cuts his eyes toward the group. Okay, not dragons. But Tatzlwyrms, that's good. That'll work. And you got two goblins that I don't understand. Note to self: Learn goblin. Okay, now, about this whole 'gate' thing. I wonder what that's about? Does it lead somewhere? If so, where? And why are those two guys just standing there looking around like they're lost? They're making that lady... wait... is that, Darla? The gal who sings and I THINK dances? I think she also might do a bit of comedy as well. Or was it puppeteering? Knife throwing? No wait! Juggling! Or am I thinking of someone else? Anyway, not entirely sure but I know I've seen her a time or two at Cayden’s Keg. Speaking of which, man I could use a drink. Gettin' kind of thirsty. Ah well, it can wait. I need to find out more about these 'really big dangerous lizards'. Maybe there's more and they'll need some help takin' them down and that's where good ol' Drake comes in. His head rocks back and forth ever so slightly due to the high level of confidence he has at the thought.

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6
Big Bumble wrote:
"A gate?" Greta Gardania is the first to recover. "A magical gate, you mean? But why? Who put it there?"

"We weren't able to discover that," replies Gellius. "Or not yet, anyway. The Bumblebrashers seemed unaware and although the immediate threat has hopefully been neutralised, it appears that there remains something dangerous deeper beneath the keep."

"Although our mission may be considered successful, I think I speak for all of us in saying that we won't feel satisfied until that mystery has been resolved," he continues. "The lizards are gone, but we were driven back by even more dangerous denizens when we tried to explore further, even with the assistance of Alek here who was travelling in the region and joined us part way through our explorations."

"We thought it prudent to report back and recruit some reinforcements. Des from the bumblebrashers has agreed to accompany us," he continues indicating the second goblin. "But we felt that there may be others from Breachill who would be willing to accompany us on our return visit."

Comfortable speaking in front of crowds, Gellius gives a brief rundown of what the group found, slipping into the clipped, factual reporting style he was being trained for before being drummed out of the Hellknights.

M Human Ranger 4
Hp's: 56/56; AC: 21; Fort: +9/Ref: +11/Will: +9; Perception: +9; 30' speed; Class DC 19; Hero points: 3/3
Exploration action: Scout

Eyes going wide and immediately shooting a finger in the air, "EXCUSE ME!" he blurts out as he quickly steps forward, nearly tripping over his own feet but managing to catch himself. "Sorry! Sorry. Probably a bit much there - apologies Miss Gardania - but, uh, what I meant was is that if you all are looking for a bit more help, then you need look no further," he gives a confident nod as he smiles. "For our local militia here I'm used as a scout for the most part. You know, the eyes and the ears and all that. Plus, if I'm able to recall any type of info on a creature, that in turn actually helps the whole team out. You'd be amazed what a difference just a bit of information can make."

"Anyway, I'm also pretty good with a pair of blades but much better with a bow. And if there's one thing I'm keen on learning more about... it's dragons. And if it's a dragon you're going after then I'm your man," he claims while pointing his thumb at himself and nodding several times.

Melma Ann Sendari looks disapproving. "The town guard are not authorized to take part in the Call for Heroes," she points out.

"Techincally, Melma Ann," Jorsk Hinterclaw points out, "the task for their Call was Physical Repulsion of a Dangerous Creature, and it seems as if they've done that...."

"Yes, sir, Mr. Dwarf, sir," Warbal puts in eagerly. "They slayed the naughty dragon and chased away the corpse-tortoises and rescued Big Bumble from the frogmen. They are great heroes!"

"Well, then," Jorsk goes on imperturbably, "it sounds to me as if they've completed their task and this gate is a separate matter."

"Are you suggesting we put the task to a new Call?" Greta asks.

"If there's a gate open spewing out monsters," the dwarf replies, "next month's Call may be too late. Not only that, but it could pose an active, large-scale threat to Breachill and its citizens."

"Then you suggest we turn the matter over to Captain Lavendil?" Melma Ann sniffs.

"I'm not saying that either," the dwarf persists. "I'm saying that a group of successful Heroes bumped into a separate danger while completing their task. It might be a task for Heroes, or it might be a job for the town guard. To find out, we send a representative of the guard," his finger points to Drake, "with the Heroes who know where it is and how to get to it," the finger moves on to the party, "in association with representative of the Bumblebrashers." The finger settles on Warbal and Des. "After all, if this gate's an ongoing problem, it'll be a threat to them before it gets down the hill to us. And the whole group of them can report back to us what they find out."

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

Darla tries her best to follow the procedural bouncing ball. Looking to Gellius for back-up, she opines that perhaps having a member of the town guard help to investigate the existence of a gate might indeed be a wise decision.

M Human Ranger 4
Hp's: 56/56; AC: 21; Fort: +9/Ref: +11/Will: +9; Perception: +9; 30' speed; Class DC 19; Hero points: 3/3
Exploration action: Scout
Big Bumble wrote:
Melma Ann Sendari looks disapproving. "The town guard are not authorized to take part in the Call for Heroes," she points out.

Frustration and annoyance can easily be seen crossing the ranger's face.

Big Bumble wrote:
"Techincally, Melma Ann," Jorsk Hinterclaw points out, "the task for their Call was Physical Repulsion of a Dangerous Creature, and it seems as if they've done that...."

A grin then instantly forms as he nods several times in agreement.

Warbal Bumblebrasher wrote:
"Yes, sir, Mr. Dwarf, sir," Warbal puts in eagerly. "They slayed the naughty dragon and chased away the corpse-tortoises and rescued Big Bumble from the frogmen. They are great heroes!"

He then nods several more times while pointing at the goblin as if to say, "That's a valid point."

Big Bumble wrote:
"Well, then," Jorsk goes on imperturbably, "it sounds to me as if they've completed their task and this gate is a separate matter."

Puffing up his chest in a proud manner as if that settles it...

Big Bumble wrote:
"Are you suggesting we put the task to a new Call?" Greta asks.

...his face then drops in an instant. What?! No way! There's no time for that!

Big Bumble wrote:
"If there's a gate open spewing out monsters," the dwarf replies, "next month's Call may be too late. Not only that, but it could pose an active, large-scale threat to Breachill and its citizens."

Nodding several times again and quite quickly, Yep! That's just what I said! No time!

Big Bumble wrote:
"Then you suggest we turn the matter over to Captain Lavendil?" Melma Ann sniffs.

Drake's face goes instantly flat. Oh crap no. Please don't.

Big Bumble wrote:
"I'm not saying that either," the dwarf persists. "I'm saying that a group of successful Heroes bumped into a separate danger while completing their task. It might be a task for Heroes, or it might be a job for the town guard. To find out, we send a representative of the guard," his finger points to Drake, "with the Heroes who know where it is and how to get to it," the finger moves on to the party, "in association with representative of the Bumblebrashers." The finger settles on Warbal and Des. "After all, if this gate's an ongoing problem, it'll be a threat to them before it gets down the hill to us. And the whole group of them can report back to us what they find out."

Drake nonchalantly scooches over next to the goblins, one slow and casual step at a time as if there's nothing to see here. Once he arrives next to them he looks around a moment, scratches the side of his face for no apparent reason before settling his attention on Melma Ann and then giving her a great big smile.

Male (He/Him) Human Fighter: 2 | HP: 32 (32) | AC: 19 | F+8 R+10 W+6 | Perception: +6

I think the councilmember makes a very good point, Gellius remarks smoothly. “The truth behind the gate may prove to be nothing, however we have already encountered several dangerous creatures roaming there and were driven back before we could complete our investigations. Not much harm can come from exploring an empty ruin, but ignoring a potential source of further incursions...?

As Darla says, we could use some assistance on a return journey and I’m sure the townsfolk would feel comfort knowing the council have sent a member of the town guard along to bolster our forces. And who better than one well known for scouting?” he finishes rhetorically, with a nod towards Drake.

I’m not sure if she needs persuading beyond “in the public interest” arguments, but if so I’m trying to present this as an opportunity for the council to commit very little in the way of resources and to be able to get lots of credit with the town later.

Goblin Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 17 | F+7 R+5 W+6 | Focus Points 3/3 | Perception +4; darkvision | Stealth +4

Des jumps a little when the guardsman steps forward, but then seems to relax as the fellow offers to help. They had seemed quite focused on the signs of the fire left on the townhall - did this have something to do with the fire nightmares? Des didn't really understand this talk of a gate, but it was clear that more needed to be done before it was safe for the tribe.

"Many monsters in the castle, but not too many, just right for..." their lips move silently as they visibly count the Heroes, themselves and the guardsman. ...for this many! I'm Des, I'll help." Des looks between all four council people, trying to determine who the chief was, then just waves vaguely at all four of them.

M Human Ranger 4
Hp's: 56/56; AC: 21; Fort: +9/Ref: +11/Will: +9; Perception: +9; 30' speed; Class DC 19; Hero points: 3/3
Exploration action: Scout
Gellius Tauranor wrote:

I think the councilmember makes a very good point, Gellius remarks smoothly. “The truth behind the gate may prove to be nothing, however we have already encountered several dangerous creatures roaming there and were driven back before we could complete our investigations. Not much harm can come from exploring an empty ruin, but ignoring a potential source of further incursions...?

As Darla says, we could use some assistance on a return journey and I’m sure the townsfolk would feel comfort knowing the council have sent a member of the town guard along to bolster our forces. And who better than one well known for scouting?” he finishes rhetorically, with a nod towards Drake.

"This is all I'm saying! Like the man said, 'Who better?'" he says, throwing his hands out to the side and up while shrugging.

He then takes a couple of glances at the talky goblin before, "And apparently Des will help too! I mean, just look at her. She's...," he stares at her a moment before looking back to the council, "a helper!" is all he can really come up with seeing how he has NO idea who she is.

Alek clears his throat. "Look, excuse me, I don't have much to do with this; I just ran into your town's ... 'heroes' in the citadel. My name is Alek Stagram, and my grandfather served at Citadel Altaerien during the Goblinblood Wars. I've traveled from Varisia hoping to recover a missing family heirloom that may have been secreted in the citadel. While officially unaffiliated with your town or the local goblin tribe, I should like to continue the search without interfering in the progress of your chosen representatives."

Greta looks slightly overwhelmed by the various arguments and suggestions converging on her. "Um, right, well, first things first. If the task has been completed, the council has to certify it. Trini, would you run and fetch Quentino? He should be out with the workers taking stock of the damage and planning repairs."

"Absolutely!" Trini agrees, leaping to her feet. "We'll be back in a trice!"

Alek folds his arms and rolls his eyes, leaning against a wall with faux patience.

Whatever a trice might be, it doesn't appear to be very long, as the gnome councilor reappears quickly, dragging the older human male along with her.

"What is going on?" Quentino Posandi complains. "What is so important that --? Oh, my boy," his tone changes as he sees Gellius in the crowded room, "back already, are you? Was it a tatzlwyrm?"

"From what I understand, no," Alek puts in impatiently. "Some sort of tropical lizard from the Mwangi Expanse. Apparently, your representatives need to be certified so that they can move on and deal with the next task? We'd like to get back to the citadel as soon as possible."

M Human Ranger 4
Hp's: 56/56; AC: 21; Fort: +9/Ref: +11/Will: +9; Perception: +9; 30' speed; Class DC 19; Hero points: 3/3
Exploration action: Scout

Raising a hand, "That would be me, sir! I would be said representative. And also our goblin friend here," he motions to Des. "This crew needs some new blood and we are here to provide that," he declares, nodding. Oh! And this gentleman here - Alek was it? - we'll be going with us as well. But he's not in it to fight dragons, he's in it just to find an heirloom of some type. So stamp whatever you gotta stamp and I'll sign wherever I gotta sign and we can get this show on the road!" he says with obvious excitement.

Goblin Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 17 | F+7 R+5 W+6 | Focus Points 3/3 | Perception +4; darkvision | Stealth +4

A lot of words were said that Des didn't know, but then again, there were many-many longshank tongues, and Des only knew one. Lizard? Lizards were tasty. Dragon, yep, that was the thing that had chased them out of their home, although the technical term is "not-dragon", but Des doesn't dare to correct the loud longshank. They just nod enthusiastically when pointed at.

Wait, the big scary knight was coming, too? Des gives him a wary look and surreptitiously steps a little farther away from him. His armour was way too pointy.

Drake McClain wrote:
Raising a hand, "That would be me, sir! I would be said representative. And also our goblin friend here," he motions to Des. "This crew needs some new blood and we are here to provide that," he declares, nodding. Oh! And this gentleman here - Alek was it? - we'll be going with us as well. But he's not in it to fight dragons, he's in it just to find an heirloom of some type. So stamp whatever you gotta stamp and I'll sign wherever I gotta sign and we can get this show on the road!" he says with obvious excitement.

"No, no," Councilor Sendari replies irritably. "You have it exactly wrong. You three are not being certified; it's the Heroes who answered the Call that are being rewarded."

"Indeed," Greta Gardania puts in, opening a ledger on her desk. "Let's see, yes, the task was Physical Repulsion of a Dangerous Creature, and the pay was twenty gold coins. Miss Warbal, you will vouch that the task was completed?"

Warbal seems confused by the council president's verbiage, but when she finds everyone looking at her expectantly, she repeats, "They slayed the naughty dragon and made sure it was safe for the Bumblebrashers to go back home. Helba gave them many rewards!" She nods emphatically.

"Very well then," Greta goes on. "Quentino, will you pay them? Trini, retrieve the medallions."

Posandi takes a key from his belt loop and opens a small ironbound lockbox, while the gnome disappears underneath a desk and emerges a few moments later with a flat box which she reverently hands to Greta Gardania.

The council president opens the box and takes out five bronze medallions like the one Neven Deckard showed Revka in the Wizard's Grace. On one side the head of Lamond Breachton is engraved in profile; the other side reads The Kindness of Strangers. "Show this coin to any merchant in Breachill," Greta tells them as she hands one each to Aronida, Darla, Gellius, and Gethric, "and you will receive an Adventurer's Discount on any good or service you wish to buy." She hesitates with the last medallion. "Where is the other goblin?" she asks. "Can you give this to her when you return to the citadel?"

Details of the Adventurer's Discount are on page 9 of the Age of Ashes Player's Guide.

Female Human (Taldan) Bard 2 | HP -12- 26/26 [0 NL] | AC 18 | Perc +6, Stealth +7 (+2 Init)| Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 | Speed 25 ft. | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Focus 2/2

"Of course," Darla tells Greta, taking Revka's medallion. The young bard tries to hide it, but she's very proud to have earned her own medallion, like almost every young would-be adventurer in Breachill who dreams of one day answering the Call.

The Uskwold scion tells the others that she needs to check in with her mother and brother at the Wizard's Grace briefly before returning to the Hellknight citadel. She asks the others about the possibility of selling loot they found and/or shopping for additional gear.

I'm not sure if the Loot List is up-to-date; didn't we trade with the kobolds for a magical ring?

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