GM Ietsuna's Debt to the Quah (Inactive)

Game Master Ietsuna

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Gameplay thread for debt to the Quah

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Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin paces in front of a small table in this meeting room in the Grand Lodge. In front of him on the table is a packet of parchments.

Pathfinders, a rather concerning development has come to light. I have received a summons requesting Pathfinder presence at a meeting of the Shoanti quahs. The impetus for this request is troubling, to say the least.

About one year ago, a Pathfinder named Lumketul Simset returned to the Grand Lodge with notes on a rather exciting discovery: a Thassilonian ruin, tucked in a remote area in the Iron Peaks in Varisia. He also returned with several artifacts, which we took in for further study. Lumketul’s notes were the basis of a tale published in the Pathfinder Chronicles shortly thereafter, which has become rather popular among those endeavoring to uncover new Thassilonian discoveries.

However, I recently received a message from Cousin to All, an ally from the Shriikirri-Quah. Shadde-Quah traders came across a copy of the Pathfinder Chronicles. Upon reading Lumketul’s entry, they realized that he was speaking not of a Thassilonian ruin, but of a sacred Shoanti burial site known as the Muschkal Sepulcher. Shadde-Quah leadership contacted the Skoan-Quah, which sent out their boneslayers to confirm the reports. Turns out—unfortunately for all parties—Lumketul did in fact damage and plunder the sepulcher.

Ambrus rubs his temples with one hand, then continues. Our relations with the quahs have already been somewhat strained, although friendlier than their other connections with outsiders. Fortunately for us, we have some history of goodwill with the Shoanti, so Cousin to All was able to convince the other quahs to send representatives to hear our side of the story. Unfortunately for us, our side of the story is still bad. Lumketul showed no regard or respect in his blind pursuit of discovery, and frankly, the Society doesn’t have much grounds to deserve forgiveness. The Muschkal Sepulcher is an important location for all the quahs, and Lumketul’s disregard has cast the Society as a whole in a bad light. We’ve tried contacting Lumketul, but he has cut contact with the Society, and no one in the Society has heard from him in over a year. This is where you come in. I would like for all of you to travel to the meeting of the councilmembers and represent the Society. I believe excuses will not be received well; rather, please petition the council with utmost earnestness and sincerity.

Ambrus pushes the packet of parchments across the table. I’ve had Lumketul’s notes on his expedition dug up in the hopes they’d be of some use. I’ve also included a copy of his Chronicle publication, although his embellishments and obfuscation of truth may have rendered it useless; nevertheless, maybe you’ll glean some helpful information from it. Ambrus then reaches down beside him and pulls up a large satchel and an egg-shaped rock that emits a warm, red glow. The bag contains the items Lumketul plundered from the burial site. At the very least, we must return the items to the Shoanti, and I request you try to convince the council to allow you to restore the sepulcher to its proper state. As for the stone, if you touch it to a broken object, it will gradually repair it. It won’t last forever, but it should have enough magic left in it for this mission. The venture-captain pauses for emphasis. It’s important to the Society to develop further relations with the quahs, so this could be an opportunity to show that we can be trusted.

The contents of the packet of parchments is on slide 3

Inside the bag are four carved wooden weapons mounted on simple bases: a bolas, a bow, an earth breaker, and a klar. It also contains a small stone statue of a wolf cub and a ring stylized as a scarab beetle. In Subtier 3–4, the bag of holding is type I, while in Subtier 6–7, it is instead a type II bag. The glowing egg-shaped rock is a scavenger’s stone.

Can I have a Diplomacy (gather information) or Knowledge (local) check to see what your characters know about the Shoanti

DC15+ Diplomacy or Knowledge (Local):
The fierce Shoanti are spread throughout the Storval Plateau in northern Varisia, where they eke out a living in harsh, inhospitable conditions.

DC20+ Diplomacy or Knowledge (Local):
The Shoanti formerly inhabited much of southern Varisia, until they were forced northward into the Storval Plateau after bloody conflicts with Chelaxian colonists. This violent history has led to many Shoanti being mistrustful of outsiders.

DC25+ Diplomacy or Knowledge (Local):
Despite seeming xenophobic, Shoanti are not completely closed off. Many outsiders have been known to join their ranks, but only after a history of demonstrating loyalty to their clan and dedication to its principles.

When you are ready you tell the venture-captain and Jia enters the room. He gestures you all in closer then, in a flash, you are transported to just outside the entrance to a chamber below the Storval Stairs. Standing waiting for you are two figures. They step forward smiling. Welcome. We are assistants to Cousin to All. Please come this way to the council chamber.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf Pal1/Mnk4/CoI1 HP53/53 AC18 TC16 FF17 CMD25(29 vs Trip/Bull Rush) F+10 R+6 W+12 (+3 vs Poison +5 vs Spells, +1 vs Mind-Affect) Init +1 Perc +10 Spd 30 Ki 6/6 Smite 2/2

Diplomacy to Gather Information: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Unsure of how to properly respond, the dwarf nods in greeting.

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn enters the Grand Lodge proudly, puffing his chest and inhaling a deep breath, taking in all the glory and history of the place. Taking off his cloak, he turns to the group and shakes everyone's hands.

"Venture Captain Valsin: I am pleased to finally meet you. Your reputation precedes you and the tales do not paint the complete picture of your full stature Sir, if I may say so. Pathfinder Agents: well met. I am Visbaron Zzorn Eilif from Falling River in Taldor, and I've heard much about you all and it will be my honor to assist you in this mission," says the Visbaron, taking a seat.

After listening to the Venture-Captain's introduction, he leans forward as the fallen Pathfinder's notes are pulled out of the satchel. After Ambrus explains the purpose of the mission, Zzorn nods, and says, "We will be discreet and we will focus on the task at hand, while endeavoring to restore the Society's good name. You have my word. It goes without saying that the success of this mission would be for the greater good of the Society and by extension, Taldor."

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Remembering the ways of the Shoanti, Zzorn adds, "It is imperative that we demonstrate both loyalty to the clan and dedication to their principles throughout our interactions with the locals. To fall short there would mean failing the mission, regardless of how hard we battle or how cleverly we solve the tomb's puzzles."

Scarab Sages

Gnome "Professor" HP 80/80 | AC14 T11 FF14 | CMD 11 | F11 R3 W10 | Init +0 | Per +10 (+6)

Gather Info/Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

A small, withered gnome riddled with age spots snorts awake from his slumber throughout most of Ambrus Valsin's just in time to recognize they are being teleported to the Storval Stairs.

"Wait! I, er---- oh!"

Pushing his thick spectacles up the bridge of his crooked nose he squints up the stairs at the two Shoanti.

The Professor, recalling little about the Shoanti, quickly (and intentionally or unintentionally?) degenerates into a tirade that masks his fading memories on the matter.

"Are those half-orcs? Have we been teleported to that orc island? I don't remember anything about a staircase there!? Are they hostile?!?"

As the others brief the addled gnome, he calms.

"Ah, so the Society did it again? Plundered without regard for the natives? I'm not really that surprised. I might remind you all it was only a few decades ago when the Society was much smaller and much more respectful. Why, Golarion was much colder then and the weather much harsher... you know we had to walk to our missions, none of this fancy schmancy teleportation magic like we're some sort of Runelord!"

Grand Lodge

M Half Orc Lunar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4/Paladin (OathLoyalty, Mind Sword) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 18/14/14 | F+12 R+13 W+14 | Init +5 | Perc +4 | Active Condition: None

Ijo Ibn Son calmly approaches the Lodge. He gives his panther Najam, a final pet before he instructs it to wait for him outside. Ijo blinks hard over his cloudy eyes. The door is barely visible to him but he manages to make his way inside and find the meeting place.

Ijo is quiet as he receives the briefing. The half-orc sits up straight with his eyes closed. A light purple robe covers a chain shirt.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
Have a look a the spoilers, folks.

The Shoanti already despise outsiders, Venture-Captain. Should we expect significant friction from the locals? Ijo speaks from is chair, eyes closed.

The Exchange

M / Prehensile Tail/ Minor Magic acid splash at will/ Major Magic Snowball 3/day Vanara /HP 39/ AC 21/ FF 15/ T 16/ Fort +3/ Reflex +10/ Will +3/ Init +7/ Unchained Rogue 2 /CMB +5/ CMD 21/ Climb Speed 20/ Low light vision

local: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

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Many of the councilmembers will be suspicious of your intentions, but Cousin to All did convince the rest of the quahs to at least entertain this meeting, so I believe they’ll approach this meeting with somewhat open minds. I believe that your best bet is to approach them with honesty and respect, owning our mistake and presenting a clear solution to the problem. However, don’t try to play the relics off as a bargaining chip; we are obligated to return the items, not simply doing so as a nicety.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf Pal1/Mnk4/CoI1 HP53/53 AC18 TC16 FF17 CMD25(29 vs Trip/Bull Rush) F+10 R+6 W+12 (+3 vs Poison +5 vs Spells, +1 vs Mind-Affect) Init +1 Perc +10 Spd 30 Ki 6/6 Smite 2/2

"Earnestness is the best course, for certain." Kalten rubs at his shaven scalp. "Convincing them to allow us a chance to right the wrongs does not sound easy."

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I have faith in your abilities nonetheless. Here, these are the council members and their affiliations. It may give you a starting point at the very least. The Venture Captain hands over a list to you. See slide 4

Scarab Sages

Gnome "Professor" HP 80/80 | AC14 T11 FF14 | CMD 11 | F11 R3 W10 | Init +0 | Per +10 (+6)

The Professor squints at the list, reading the names loud enough for someone a half-mile away to overhear.

"Payah Against the Wind? Cousin to All? Kemchet Flame Stoker.. Lake At Dawn.. Memory Tender.. Rollicks In Waves and Togimal in Shadow?"

Sucking in barely enough oxygen to sustain himself, the gnome wheezes for a moment.

"Nope! Haven't heard of any of them!"

He waves his hand.

"But Lake at Dawn does sound pleasant, peaceful even. Perhaps we should bring a gift or two to help smooth things over? A fishing pole for this Rollicks in Waves?"

Grand Lodge

M Half Orc Lunar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4/Paladin (OathLoyalty, Mind Sword) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 18/14/14 | F+12 R+13 W+14 | Init +5 | Perc +4 | Active Condition: None

Ijo perks up and listens to the list. Also, not familiar with them.

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

"Perhaps we should consult the Grand Lodge libraries to see if it contains information on these council members."

Knowledge Nobility: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33 Plus whatever bonus the Grand Lodge library would yield

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You don't really have time to sit in the library for hours searching through tome after tome for references to these leaders. They are waiting for you to have this meeting and given the situation they should not be kept waiting. One volume is available though and it provides a little information on each of the leaders.

Payah Against the Wind:
The militaristic Payah Against the Wind values power and ability above all else. She is passionate about her duties. She believes that camaraderie with teammates is of utmost importance, so she develops close-knit bonds with those who she works with.

Cousin to All:
Cousin to All is affable and helpful, always looking to connect with people or all backgrounds. She is normally kind and even keeled, but she shows strength in her interactions when required.

Kemchet Flame Stoker:
Flame Stoker is a man of few words, but of strong will. He is fiercely protective of his people and does not trust outsiders.

Togimal in Shadow:
Although Togimal In Shadow may seem withdrawn and uninterested to those who do not know them, they are actually sharply perceptive and cunning, always in thought and carefully pondering decisions.

Lake at Dawn:
A paragon of inner strength and calm, Lake at Dawn seeks to be the level head in whatever group he is in. Poised and unwavering, he does what he can to reach compromises between the quahs.

Memory Tender:
Memory Tender’s mind tends to wander, and she speaks cryptically. When spoken to on her areas of interest, she is more straightforward and enthusiastic.

Rollicks in Waves:
Rollicks in Waves is typically boisterous and brash, although these traits are somewhat tempered during council meetings. He is grateful to the Society for their past help.

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn relays the information to the others while blanching two of his spears with a coat of adamantine, turning the blades slowly over the flame to melt the substance evenly. After the coat has cooled down, he stows his spears and and hoists his backpack, heading back to the venture-captain for teleportation.

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The path leading into the earth beneath the Storval Stairs opens into an expansive cavern, chatter echoing off the striated rock walls. Smaller passages branch from the main chamber, winding deeper underground. The space is filled with people grouped in small clusters engaged in quiet discussion. Waiting near the entrance to the cavern are two Shoanti. One of them, a half-elf with a prominent facial tattoo resembling a styled hawk, approaches. Be welcome, my cousins. I am Cousin to All. Good to see you well. It seems the others are open to hearing your case, considering that they showed up, so I believe it’s possible for a good outcome today. The other Shoanti, a shorter human man, approaches. I am Rollicks in Waves of the Shadde-Quah. Many thanks to the Society for their past help.

Has anyone played 8–22: Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen?

He continues, I see this situation as the actions of a rogue agent. I’ve seen what good the Society can do, so this seems like one individual’s mistake to me. You’ve got a ‘yes’ vote from me. With mine and Cousin to All’s votes, you’ll need to convince two of the others to vote for you as well—majority wins.

Cousin to All nods. I think it would be best to get as many of the other councilors on board as possible. Having the quahs unified is in the best interest of not only each individual clan, but to the Shoanti as a whole. Opening them up to further alliances with the Society would benefit both sides, and hopefully lead to the other Shoanti becoming more receptive to interacting with the outside world, which I believe would be a massive boon for our people. The meeting begins immediately.

Cousin of All summons the councilors to take their places, her shouts echoing through the rock chamber.

At Cousin to All’s summons, the councilmembers walk up a sloping stone ramp to a rise featuring a row of wooden benches. Cousin to All and Rollicks in Waves take their seats toward the left side of the platform. A councilor with a rune pattern on her face formed with tattoo and scar takes a wide-stance seat, idly spinning a greatsword. A slight figure with hood drawn sits cross-legged and hunched, eyes downward. Another councilor sits forward on her bench, a vulture perched next to her. A long-haired man clad in a robe takes his place, waiting attentively. The last councilor stands near his bench, arms crossed and with a cold glare, auroch hood around his shoulders.

Cousin to All begins. Thank you, all, for honoring my request and being here today. I understand that this is a situation of the utmost sensitivity, so I appreciate everyone’s continued civility as we discuss this matter.

As you all know, a Pathfinder Society agent has desecrated the Muschkal Sepulcher—a severe offense. However, the Society would like to right their wrongs. They have sent these representatives to present their case to you, esteemed representatives, on how they would like to repair our bonds and fix this problem.

The man in the auroch cloak hardens his glare. What bonds do we have to repair? These tshameks deserve no such opportunity and no forgiveness. This is a Shoanti problem that only the Shoanti can fix, as we always have.

At least hear them out, Kemchet Flame Stoker, Cousin to All bristles. I understand your frustrations with this situation— believe me, I have some of my own—but the Pathfinder Society wants to make things right. I feel it only fair to allow them that chance. Flame Stoker scoffs but speaks no further.

The hooded figure looks around the room as everyone speaks. They look almost as if they will speak, but they remain silent, instead studying each person.

The vulture and its owner stare at each Pathfinder in turn Scaling the Council of Quahs before the latter speaks. The boneslayers reported extensive damage and missing relics from the sepulcher. This site is of the utmost importance to our history, built up over hundreds of years. That legacy can’t be repaired in a day.

The woman with the greatsword sneers. They certainly don’t look like much. How could we trust their ability to fix things? She clangs her sword off the rock platform for emphasis. Rollicks in Waves shoots a look at her and retorts, The Society is more capable than you think, Payah Against the Wind. Do at least give them a chance to prove that.

The long-haired man speaks up. This has been a most troubling development. I want to hear what these Pathfinders have to say. My only request is that the quahs reach a mutual understanding and maintain a mutual respect on this matter, even if our opinions on the best course of action differ. We must remain unified, even in our disagreements.

Certainly a worthy goal, Lake at Dawn. I trust everyone to strive toward that, Cousin to All remarks. So, Pathfinders, please approach and state your case. How are you going to undo your misdeeds? How will you settle the Society’s debt?

Ok, now’s your chance. Present your case and try to sway the members of the council to your side. You have 4 rounds to speak. Each of you can make a skill check to influence 1 person from the council. The first 3 of these are in this public setting, while in the fourth you can go and speak to them while they deliberate with their clans. Diplomacy is the obvious choice of skill, however it is not the only skill. You can discover what other skills will be useful by rolling knowledge (local) or sense motive. I will include the council members below in spoiler just to save space. Also included is a short introduction that the venture-captain gave you before you left.

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn played Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen

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Rollicks in Waves thanks you for defeating the Fleshwarped Queen and her followers. He says that with that dangers cleared from the forbidden ruins, the Shadde-Quah was able to safely seal them, locking away the source of magic that corrupted bodies and minds.

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf Pal1/Mnk4/CoI1 HP53/53 AC18 TC16 FF17 CMD25(29 vs Trip/Bull Rush) F+10 R+6 W+12 (+3 vs Poison +5 vs Spells, +1 vs Mind-Affect) Init +1 Perc +10 Spd 30 Ki 6/6 Smite 2/2

Kalten also has Wrath.

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Rollicks in Waves thanks you for defeating the Fleshwarped Queen and her followers. He says that with that dangers cleared from the forbidden ruins, the Shadde-Quah was able to safely seal them, locking away the source of magic that corrupted bodies and minds.

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn bows to Cousin to All and thanks her for inviting him to speak.

"As Rollicks in Wave was saying, he's happy for our help in defeating the Fleshwarped Queen. They were finally able to seal the forbidden ruins and that's a good thing. I am Visbaron Zzorn Eilif of the most populous noncoastal Taldan prefecture, Krearis! I was granted peerage by Princess Eutropia herself at the completion of certain delicate services rendered. The region of Krearis stretches from the Falling River in the north, where I have been tasked to patrol and collect various tolls along its length, to the base of the World’s Edge Mountains in the south and to the Verduran Forest in the west. The rugged terrain, rocky hills, and boggy creeks of Krearis create dozens of distinct and isolated landscapes, from rolling fields to primeval forests to marshy wetlands. The hardy, stubborn people who settle here embrace this isolation, making them tough as nails, a brave people fit to be ruled one day by me! ha ha ha! I VEHEMENTLY REJECT the popular joke the rest of Taldor say about Krearis, that it is ready to go to war with any of its neighbors... whenever it can stop going to war with itself. Sure, some of our barons and earls sometimes disagree with one another, but a good debate is healthy I say. As far as me, well, apart from my obvious mastery of the greatsword that's on my back, I know my way in the wilds, and I have been learning Taldan heraldry from childhood! my grandpapa was in the Ulfen Guard, and my papa was a valiant squire and blacksmith. It stands to reason that I follow in their noble footsteps and learn my way around banners dangling in the battlefield, so that one day, I can submit my candidature to the Ulfen Guard as well! and... if I can say... perhaps become one of the first Ulfen Guard serving a Queen of Taldor, if the winds of change blow the right way, I mean... he he he! In the meantime, praise Kurgess! may your physical condition be at its peak and may the best man win!"

Zzorn watches the various clan leaders during his boring speech attempting to see how they react to various topics, especially Kemchet Flame Stoker.

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

As he reaches his seat to sit back down, Zzorn whispers his finding to the party, smiling.

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Payah Against the Wind seems to be impressed by Zzorn's talk of martial prowess and a desire to join the Ulfen Guard.

Cousin to All seems quite well disposed to you in general.

Kemchet Flame Stoker Sits in his seat looking bored during Zzorn's speech. He appears to have already made up his mind to vote against the Pathfinders.

Togimal in Shadow is unreadable. They keep their face hidden in the depths of the shadow of their cloak so their attitude is unknown.

Lakes at Dawn seems to be impressed by the mention of Zzorn's father and grandfather.

Memory Tender seems to be undecided on your group as yet.

Rollicks in Wave is much like Cousin to All in being well disposed toward you.

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

My guesses:
Payah: Profession Soldier
Kemchet: Intimidate
Togimal: Arcana or The Planes or Stealth
Lakes: history
Memory: Religion or The Planes

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Sorry, just realized I forgot to give you these spoilers. Hopefully it helps you out Zzorn


Against the Wind is renowned for her might. No doubt she is intimidating, but don’t let that deter you from trying to convince her of your intentions. She values strength, so show that strength in your conviction.

Affiliation Tamiir-Quah (Wind Clan)
Background Payah Against the Wind is a warlike lightning-raid leader, defending her quah’s lands. She has earned respect through her combat prowess and strong leadership in battle.
Appearance Payah Against the Wind is toned and athletic. She is blind in one eye, with a scar crossing over it from her forehead down her cheek. She has incorporated the scar into her facial tattoo design, which is the rune of the Wind Soul, Cilvat. She is wearing a hide vest with a skin-tight, long-sleeved hemp shirt beneath and cloth shorts. Against the Wind fights using a greatsword, which she nearly always carries and often idly plays with.


Cousin to All is beloved by many Shoanti—a respect hard earned, with her being a former outsider. She is also well respected in Nirmathas, where she often visits on diplomatic missions. She’s a valuable ally, and her presence is sure to keep heads level and discussions civil.

Affiliation Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan)
Background Cousin to All is an emissary of the quahs to Nirmathas.
Appearance Cousin to All is a tall, toned half-elf wearing a leather
vest and a breechcloth with tanned-hide leggings. On her back
is an animal-pelt cape. Her clean-shaven head is adorned with
a stylized falcon with its wings outspread, with
trailing lines indicating its motion.


Flame Stoker definitely has a reputation as a tough leader, equal emphasis on ‘tough’ and ‘leader.’ As he is strong willed and protective of his people, I seriously doubt you’ll be able to convince him that your intentions are true.

Affiliation Sklar-Quah (Sun Clan)
Background Kemchet Flame Stoker is the jothka (war-chief) of a prominent Sklar-Quah tribe and one of the foremost in Sklar- Quah leadership.
Appearance Kemchet Flame Stoker is towering and muscled. He wears an auroch hide cape, with the hood still sporting the animal’s signature horns, and cloth pants. He carries his battletested earth breaker on his back. His head is covered in stylized flame tattoos. He has a large burn scar wrapping from his solar plexus around to his back. His cold glare and hard features intimidate those he interacts with.


I don’t know much about Togimal in Shadow other than what rumor holds. Skilled hunter, vigilant tracker. I’m not sure what their attitude will be heading into this meeting, but I know the Lyrune-Quah wouldn’t send In Shadow if there was any doubt regarding their wisdom and judgment.

Affiliation Lyrune-Quah (Moon Clan)
Background Togimal in Shadow is a huntmaster and widely regarded as a wise decision-maker in uncertain situations.
Appearance Togimal In Shadow is of slim build and wears a simple cloth hood and cloak, a tight-fitting leather vest, and loose pants. They carry a longbow on their back, with a quiver containing myriad types of arrows. In Shadow has a tattoo depicting a stylized version of the Owl constellation, although it is rarely visible due to their cloak. They generally avert their eyes when they notice they catch someone’s gaze.


Many say Lake at Dawn is one of the foremost reasons the Shoanti haven’t broken out in civil war. While that’s certainly hyperbole, there is no doubt as to his ability to broker peace between the quahs. Although he is protective of his people, I think you will be able to convince him that your actions will be for his people’s good.

Affiliation Shundar-Quah (Spire Clan)
Background Lake at Dawn is a priest of ancestor worship who believes the ancestors can provide the answers to problems in the present. His demeanor and wisdom have lent themselves well to his role as a peacekeeper among the Shoanti.
Appearance Lake at Dawn is portly and of medium height. He is clad in a cloth tunic and cloth shorts, and he is wearing handwraps. Unlike most Shoanti, he wears his hair long, tied up in a bun when needed. He normally has a calm and neutral expression, and his brows furrow when he is deep in thought.


The Skoan-Quah is known for their amazing recall of history, and Memory Tender is known for being one of the best, preserving Shoanti history through tales passed down through the generations.

Affiliation Skoan-Quah (Skull Clan)
Background Memory Tender is part of a noble lineage of oral historians who pass down tales of Shoanti heroes and accounts of Shoanti historical events. She formerly served as a boneslayer.
Appearance Memory Tender is stout and strong. She wears a sleeveless cloth shirt and a long animal-hide skirt, and she has a satchel worn with a strap over her shoulder. One of her arms is heavily tattooed from her shoulder to her elbow, featuring scenes of skeletal animals. She tends to speak somewhat enigmatically and can seem as if her mind is elsewhere at times. Her spirit animal is a vulture with black feathers. The vulture perches on a ledge nearby during the council meeting, watching for trouble.


I’ve heard rumor that Rollicks in Waves is the greatest fishing prodigy the Shoanti have ever seen, not that you’d guess that from being around him. He tends to be loud and brash, from my experience, but kind. He’s friendlier to non- Shoanti than most, so his quah tends to have him deal with outsiders when necessary.

Affiliation Shadde-Quah (Axe Clan)
Background Rollicks in Waves is a prodigious fisher who has recently earned a position as a representative for his clan.
Appearance Rollicks in Waves is a short, boyish Shoanti wearing a brightly colored, patterned headband, a simple leather jerkin, and cropped cloth pants. His shoulders and arms are tattooed with images of fish darting in and out of ocean waves. He often smiles and projects loudly as he speaks.

Scarab Sages

Gnome "Professor" HP 80/80 | AC14 T11 FF14 | CMD 11 | F11 R3 W10 | Init +0 | Per +10 (+6)

So, Cousin and Rollicks are on our side already.. hopefully GM Ietsuna can help us balance in character RP eccentricities with our ultimate goals.

The Professor, unassisted by any others in the basic task of walking, hobbles forward and takes his time to squint at the seven members gathered.

While the elder gnome struggled to perceive the quahs through his spectacles or pick out every bit they said, he was wise beyond his copious years at reading these situations having dealt with his share of angry rooms full of leaders, like the time he accidentally mistook diminuative mummified Prince Omnipeht for a snack.

"Ahem, well yes, the Society has made it's share of mistakes. Really need to put a new effort on our minimum qualifications to carry these things, you know? I've been saying that for years!"

The Professor holds up his wayfinder.

"The kids these days seem to think they can just check one of them out without having to pay for it and just go anywhere and do anything and somehow us, err... wiser members are just going to keep bailing them out of whatever trouble they dig up!"

The Professor eyes his assorted companions, wondering if anyone assigned today was given the task as some sort of penance for recent misdeeds.

Having lived enough to see countless generations make far worse mistakes than his moronic colleague, he focuses his initial discourse at Memory Tender.

"Now, you can be honest. I'm sure your tribes have some of their own members denser than a rock do some things in your memory that you'd like to forget. Wisdom only comes with time, and I can tell you nobody in the Society has lobbied more for keeping the unqualified agents out of the field than I have! Ten years in Absalom before field work I say! Give these youngun's time to grow up a little more before sending them out where they can make mishaps like this!"

Diplomacy (Memory Tender; recall historical Shoanti mishaps): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

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I just noticed we are down one. Chasing them up

Ok, so I am going to put us into something resembling initiative, just so i can track the four influence rounds. Each round you may either roll Knowledge (Local) or Sense Motive to determine something about one of the council members of your choice (Strengths, Weaknesses, Skill to influence) or roll to influence a council member.

Round 1

Professor F

Grand Lodge

M Half Orc Lunar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4/Paladin (OathLoyalty, Mind Sword) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 18/14/14 | F+12 R+13 W+14 | Init +5 | Perc +4 | Active Condition: None

Ijo is interested in Lake At Dawn's ability to keep the peace. The reverence to their ancestors is also an intriguing property.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

The Concordance

Male Halfelf - Skald 8 - AC21/T13/F16/CMD14 |HP 40/59 | Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will+7 |Percept.+6 | Init.+4 | { heroism , rage} (7/23 song used) { +8/8 hp , 3xmirrors, fly }

A half-elf garbed in new adventuring gear, or fresh oil on his weapons, enters the meeting from the side, looking a bit lost.

Oh here it is. I am so sorry I am late. I heard much of what was said while entering. And we will make right for any wrongs done in the past.

kn:local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 to know about the council (skill)

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Knowledge Local 29 as per my last post was to find "Skill to Influence" Kemchet Flame Stoker

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf Pal1/Mnk4/CoI1 HP53/53 AC18 TC16 FF17 CMD25(29 vs Trip/Bull Rush) F+10 R+6 W+12 (+3 vs Poison +5 vs Spells, +1 vs Mind-Affect) Init +1 Perc +10 Spd 30 Ki 6/6 Smite 2/2

Planting his axe headfirst before him, the dwarf regards the Shoanti with stereotypical stoicism. He nods to the new arrival slightly. "Kalten Stonejaw. Good to have you with us." he offers quietly. For once he almost doesn't look out of place in the gathering, his barrel chest bare and leather leggings similar in style to the hide-garbed council members.

His gaze slides past Kemchet, not matching the mountain of a man's disdain but neither hiding his disinterest. A waste of time to push against the earth. comes to mind. Lake at Dawn earns a curious glance, the handwraps reminiscent of past companions. Finally, his gaze settles on the evasive figure of Togimal in Shadow, a feeling of mirrored demeanor, preference for quiet contemplation before speech.

Sense Motive on Togimal in Shadow for Influence Skills: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

The Exchange

M / Prehensile Tail/ Minor Magic acid splash at will/ Major Magic Snowball 3/day Vanara /HP 39/ AC 21/ FF 15/ T 16/ Fort +3/ Reflex +10/ Will +3/ Init +7/ Unchained Rogue 2 /CMB +5/ CMD 21/ Climb Speed 20/ Low light vision

Mr Teeny turns his attention towards Payah Against the Wind, "It is unfortunate that there are a few careless, less experienced agents in the Pathfinder Society, and that one has made these mistakes. But the society also have many strong, wise leaders that know when things are amiss and need to be set straight. They also know just the people to complete the task. We bring with us the items that were removed, ans also have the means to repair damages done. We just seek the opportunity to make things right."

know local to learn more about Payah: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

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Kemchet Flame Stoker cannot be swayed from voting against you. His mind was made up before this meeting even started.

Omar and Kalten both cannot quite assess the attitudes in the room. You missed the DC

Ijo Ibn Son thinks that Knowledge of Religion would sway Lakes at Dawn, or that it would be harder to sway him with Diplomacy or Knowledge of teh Local area, but he could still be swayed.

Mr Teeny watches Payah Against the Wind as he speaks. The most direct route to influence her is to demonstrate Strength. Other ways that she could be influence would be showing skill as a Professional Soldier, being Acrobatic or Intimidating or being Diplomatic. List is in order of their difficulty.

Round 1

Professor F

Scarab Sages

Gnome "Professor" HP 80/80 | AC14 T11 FF14 | CMD 11 | F11 R3 W10 | Init +0 | Per +10 (+6)

The Professor did attempt Diplomacy to Memory Tender in the first round up above.

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Ahh, ok.

Professor F studies Memory Tender, but is unable to discern much of her motivations or ways to influence her.

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Discoveries so far.
Payah Against the Wind - Strength, Professional (Soldier), Acrobatics, Intimidate or Diplomacy.
Kemchet Flame Stoker - Cannot be swayed
Togimal in Shadow - Unknown
Lakes at Dawn - Knowledge (Religion), Diplomacy or Knowledge (Local).
Memory Tender - Unknown

Round 2

Professor F

The Exchange

M / Prehensile Tail/ Minor Magic acid splash at will/ Major Magic Snowball 3/day Vanara /HP 39/ AC 21/ FF 15/ T 16/ Fort +3/ Reflex +10/ Will +3/ Init +7/ Unchained Rogue 2 /CMB +5/ CMD 21/ Climb Speed 20/ Low light vision

Mr. Teeny will keep his attention on Payah,

"A tribe needs a strong leader, and strong warrior, but strength comes in many forms. Being agile in diplomacy as well as combat can go a long way to winning the day."

acrobatics: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

Grand Lodge

M Half Orc Lunar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4/Paladin (OathLoyalty, Mind Sword) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 18/14/14 | F+12 R+13 W+14 | Init +5 | Perc +4 | Active Condition: None

Ijo approaches Lakes at Dawn with his eyes closed on account of his cloudy vision. He is guided by his panther, Najam. Greetings, venerable Lakes at Dawn. As I understand it, you are to credit for this peace in our time. A feat your ancestors are surely proud of. The moon and stars today are the same our grandfathers were guided by. We do well to honor them.

Kn religion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Sovereign Court

Male NG Ulfen (shaven) Barbarian 2 / Fighter 4 (Siegebreaker) / Ulfen Guard 2 - Init. +2, Senses Normal Vision Perception +12, AC 25/ touch 12/ ff 23; CMD 28 (32 vs. Grapple, 30 vs. Bull Rush/Overrun/Sunder/Trip); hp 71/71 Temp 2/2, F+13, R+5, W+6, Speed 40 ft. | Armored Vigor: 7/7 Rage: 12/12 | Buffs: [b][/b]

Zzorn approaches Lakes at Dawn, "We have returned the artifacts, here in this bag. Tell your people those treasures have been returned, and that we wish to do more for them. Your words unite them, so you are the best to advocate for the Pathfinders' offer to help."

Kn.Local: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

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Discoveries so far.
Payah Against the Wind - Strength, Professional (Soldier), Acrobatics, Intimidate or Diplomacy.
Kemchet Flame Stoker - Cannot be swayed
Togimal in Shadow - Unknown
Lakes at Dawn - Knowledge (Religion), Diplomacy or Knowledge (Local).
Memory Tender - Unknown

Payah Against the Wind - 1 success
Kemchet Flame Stoker - Cannot be swayed
Togimal in Shadow - 0 successes
Lakes at Dawn - 1 success
Memory Tender - O successes

Mr Teeny words make Payah nod with approval.

Ijo Ibn Son gets a smile from Lakes at Dawn.

I am purposely holding off on Zzorn's result until others have acted

Scarab Sages

Gnome "Professor" HP 80/80 | AC14 T11 FF14 | CMD 11 | F11 R3 W10 | Init +0 | Per +10 (+6)

The Professor frowns when he fails to impress the Memory Tender will his aged charms.

Undeterred, he cracks his knuckles.

"Well, perhaps you don't remember the mishaps of the Shoanti that come with youth, but I seem to recall a time when they did a little tomb-raiding of their own, ahem... if you think back to..."

I'll go out on a limb and assume she can be impressed by History.

Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

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Memory Tender listens to Professor F and seems interested, but not interested enough to gain any significant headway with her.

The Concordance

Male Halfelf - Skald 8 - AC21/T13/F16/CMD14 |HP 40/59 | Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will+7 |Percept.+6 | Init.+4 | { heroism , rage} (7/23 song used) { +8/8 hp , 3xmirrors, fly }

Omar approaches Togimal in Shadow, figuring

I don't know how to impress them, so I am gonna just ask out right

diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

So what is your motivation to being here? Is there something you hope to gain from this assembly? How can we make the difference for you? There has to be something that would help.

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Togimal in Shadow is not rude to Omar, but they just stare at him for a moment. Their voice comes from within their hood. My motivation is to see the damage done by your "explorer" repaired. The question is do we find you a group capable of such.

Zzorn seems to have reinforced the opinion of Lakes at Dawn.

Just waiting on Kalten to act this round and we'll get in to round 3

Discoveries so far.
Payah Against the Wind - Strength, Professional (Soldier), Acrobatics, Intimidate or Diplomacy.
Kemchet Flame Stoker - Cannot be swayed
Togimal in Shadow - Unknown
Lakes at Dawn - Knowledge (Religion), Diplomacy or Knowledge (Local).
Memory Tender - Unknown

Payah Against the Wind - 1 success
Kemchet Flame Stoker - Cannot be swayed
Togimal in Shadow - 0 successes
Lakes at Dawn - 1 success
Memory Tender - O successes

Scarab Sages

Male Dwarf Pal1/Mnk4/CoI1 HP53/53 AC18 TC16 FF17 CMD25(29 vs Trip/Bull Rush) F+10 R+6 W+12 (+3 vs Poison +5 vs Spells, +1 vs Mind-Affect) Init +1 Perc +10 Spd 30 Ki 6/6 Smite 2/2

Kalten faces Payah Against the Wind straightforwardly. "You will find our Society flexible and powerful in both strength of arm and strength of action. Each of us brings separate talents together into a unified whole, no matter if we travel here to Varisia or to the outer planes of earth and fire."

Profession Soldier: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Grand Lodge

M Half Orc Lunar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4/Paladin (OathLoyalty, Mind Sword) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 18/14/14 | F+12 R+13 W+14 | Init +5 | Perc +4 | Active Condition: None

Ijo considers redoubling his efforts with Lakes at Dawn.

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The influence system only allows for 1 influence per NPC per round, any other successes are treated as an aid, so Kalten, if you want to redirect your round 2 effort let me know. Ok, next round of influencing.

Round 3

Professor F

Grand Lodge

M Half Orc Lunar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4/Paladin (OathLoyalty, Mind Sword) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 18/14/14 | F+12 R+13 W+14 | Init +5 | Perc +4 | Active Condition: None

Ijo takes the smile as an opportunity and presses to develop a relationship. Perhaps you can tell me of your ancestors. Our stories give us purpose.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

The Concordance

Male Halfelf - Skald 8 - AC21/T13/F16/CMD14 |HP 40/59 | Fort:+9;Ref:+6;Will+7 |Percept.+6 | Init.+4 | { heroism , rage} (7/23 song used) { +8/8 hp , 3xmirrors, fly }

Omar will try his luck with some ancient history on a memory tender

”you know...not being Shoanti myself, I have traveled to these lands a few times. The history is glorious. When the Chelish Empire expanded into southern Varisia through Bloodsworn Vale in 4406 AR, the Shoanti found themselves facing a new enemy: colonizers from the south. The battles between the people of what would become Korvosa and the Shoanti raged for decades, finally ending in 4488 AR.“

Kn history : 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

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Discoveries so far.
Payah Against the Wind - Strength, Professional (Soldier), Acrobatics, Intimidate or Diplomacy.
Kemchet Flame Stoker - Cannot be swayed
Togimal in Shadow - Unknown
Lakes at Dawn - Knowledge (Religion), Diplomacy or Knowledge (Local).
Memory Tender - Unknown

Payah Against the Wind - 1 success
Kemchet Flame Stoker - Cannot be swayed
Togimal in Shadow - 0 successes
Lakes at Dawn - 2 successes, will vote yes
Memory Tender - 1 success

Lake at Dawn speaks with Ijo briefly about the history of the Shundar-Quah before nodding. I will support your efforts. You have appropriate respect for the Ancestors.

Memory Tender is pleased at Omar's speech. We must not forget the lessons of the past.

Round 3

Professor F

Grand Lodge

M Half Orc Lunar Oracle (Spirit Guide) 4/Paladin (OathLoyalty, Mind Sword) 2| HP 41/41 | AC 18/14/14 | F+12 R+13 W+14 | Init +5 | Perc +4 | Active Condition: None


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