Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie bounces to her feet as the vision and sensations manifest and Agrimmosh appears in her hand, the drawing of the hammer so quick as to appear magical. Eyes wild, she turns this way and that, waiting for something to come up from the sea of runes and attack, determined that it would get a taste of a god's hammer before it would get any of her friends.
Her tension is slower to fade than the vision, but eventually, it does and she looks down at the smith's hammer in her hand in mild surprise before tucking it back into her belt.

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As everything seems to be settling back down, one by one, each of you notices that a strange, tiny, armored reptilian creature with a blue gemstone horn in the center of its forehead can be seen sitting on the ledge of one of the windows on the north wall. Its expression seems to be both perplexed and surprised before it scurries away, dropping off the window sill to run off toward the plaza.
If anyone makes their way over to the window frame and looks outside, they see this:
There is the twang of a fired crossbow, a colored flash and the sound of a reptilian choke. A tall figure approaches the tiny corpse from the shadows of a nearby building. He is dressed in finely crafted black chainmail, which is like a protective second skin. A large crossbow is in his hands, a bolt inserted and lever pulled. His white hair is pulled up into a ponytail, and a hard light is in his amber eyes as he examines his handiwork.

Tsadok Whisperfall |
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Once the battle has ended Tsadok returns Sable Moon to its resting place upon his back. He looks about the room to see how all his traveling companions have fared. He watches as Nymm approaches the monitor’s body.
Then he finds himself in the sea of runes….. He kneels down to take a knee so that his hand may touch the liquid, Are this engrams that the Monitor spoke of, he thinks as he moves his hand through them. The vision ends to find him running his hands over the smooth floor. When he catches movement from the corner of his eye.
He turns his attention to the curious little creature, but as the creature itself notices it has been seem by all. It darts away. Tsadok moves to see where the little one went only to hear the sounds of a bolt being fired. Where he sees the figure approaching its kill, Tsadok stands and watches the man. If the man notices him, he will nod to the hunter.

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Crossbowman's Perception check: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
The crossbowman's head snaps up quickly and he immediately begins casting his gaze about until it finally comes to rest on the grey-skinned half-orc. With his weapon resting along the length of his right arm, bolt pointing toward the ground, he approaches the window.
With a suspicious glare, he addresses Tsadok in heavily accented Elven: Sen nha nehel, keryness? Sen kar nehel kerradun? Neh holme nha quor nesh nehel. Shan, ent ava nehel karn. “Who are you, warrior? What do you want? No sanctuary here for you. Go, and be glad you did.”

Tsadok Whisperfall |
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Tsadok see's when the man notices him and nods. He remains calm and motionless as the man approaches.
Remain calm, Tsadok speaks but not to the approaching Ilythiiri but to the group.
Tsadok stands in the window with his hands in front of him over lapped right over left. As he speaks, Tsadok follows his every word. Tsadok pause for a moment after he is finished to compose his response.
Le qu Tsadok. Lek nehel ath, Trelgath. Tel' le't nha nehel le sar-asar. Kerymeth Lian. I am Tsadok. If you are, Trelgath. Then it is you I seek. Weapon Master. And with that being said he brings his hands up to form a fist with his left and grasps the top with his right. Where he bows slightly at the waist while his eyes remains locked on the Ilythiiri.

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Tsadok stands in the window with his hands in front of him over lapped right over left. As he speaks, Tsadok follows his every word. Tsadok pause for a moment after he is finished to compose his response.
Le qu Tsadok. Lek nehel ath, Trelgath. Tel' le't nha nehel le sar-asar. Kerymeth Lian. I am Tsadok. If you are, Trelgath. Then it is you I seek. Weapon Master. And with that being said he brings his hands up to form a fist with his left and grasps the top with his right. Where he bows slightly at the waist while his eyes remains locked on the Ilythiiri.
The jet-black elf looks mildly surprised at the mention of the name "Trelgath," but that quickly turns to anger.
Siilen lahr hied nah ik ausa tel'quiet! Kar nehel usal ysele ath piir, n'qua nha aul bren shesh, ennamar avaae'mhaor ent hel. Ent le gis n'qua. Ent nha n'qua. Shan shunti nehel sil veris. Sehan noarun shesh, ivae teshuel hied. E n'ava ya saaden. Hiine kash, ath tel'quiet kash. Thar lor que'sol, avavaen? That name no longer has any meaning for me! If you came here following tales of treasure, there is none, only desolation and loneliness. I have nothing. I am nothing. You should go while you still can. If you stay too long, the light will take hold of you. Have you seen those poor wretches that live below? That will be your fate as it surely will be mine. It will be good to forget, yes?
The last sentence is accompanied with a slight laugh and smile that momentarily breaks the seriousness of his dark features. But it doesn't last long as the dhaerow becomes earnest, perhaps noticing the others in the atrium behind Tsadok for the first time.
In addition to the rather large crossbow that he is carrying and chainmail that he is wearing, you can also see a longsword sheathed at his hip and 5 strange cases like the one sitting atop his crossbow strapped to his chest. If any of you wish to make a DC 20 Perception check to sense motives, feel free to do so at this time.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie waits warily, trying to decide if the discussion is going well or not, but careful to not take any aggressive actions.
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Nyym |
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Nyym stands from the wreckage still holding the core in his hand. As he came around from the vision he had just experienced. Hearing the conversation that was taking place. Nyym listened intently to the exchange as he glanced around at his companions to gauge thier reactions as well. Nyym steps up next to Tsadoc..
We are here at the behest of Priestess Miz'ri to recover an item of importance to her. As we have been told. It was ur actions that allowed her a others to survive and no suffer the fate of those that remain below. The Converted she called them. We were also told Weapon Master that should we find you and you were still of ur own mind that you would be a great ally to us in our endeavor.
Heres hoping he hasn't fallen to far into state to recover.
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Nyym knows that he will be unknown to the weapons master. But hopefully invoking the name will have a positive effect rather then a negative.

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Kyt listens intently to the conversation between Tsadok and Trelgath, translating for those who don't speak the language of the elven people.
Perception check - Kyt: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
Rocnork watches the dhaerow closely, trying his best to attune himself to Trelgath's emotional state of being. The wyvaran immediately notices the attempts to shield himself from the possibility of experiencing hope of any sort.
Perception check - Rocnork: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Aiko, who understands what is being said, levels a flat stare at the ilythiiri. As she does, her reddish-orange eyes shimmer briefly. Trelgath's aura appears to her arael’sheaen as a gloomy series of dark gray, parallel vertical lines as well as thick black clouds within. Every so often, there are blood-red flashes that manifest. He has an air of pensiveness about him, but also strong hatred as well. This one will definitely need close watching.
Perception check - Aiko: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
If you are successful, Trelgath definitely has his defenses up, but not enough to prevent you from picking up that he is attempting to insulate himself from feeling any sort of expectation of rescue from co'nbluth/N'Tel'Quess or non-drow, which would be at odds with his upbringing of self-reliance as a drow/dhaerow/ilythiiri. As a consequence, Trelgath is likely beginning a slow regression into a bestial and instinctive state of mind.
When Nyym speaks, Trelgath's eyes fall upon him immediately. He then growls in Undercommon, Dos guy'ya l'p'obon d'ussta ka'lum, jhal Usstan naut zhaun vel'uss dos ph'. Telanth dosst kaas! You bear the mark of my clan, but I not know who you are. Say your name!

Nyym |
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Here we go...
I am known only as Nyym.
Nyym keeps his demeanor calm and passive. The last think he wanted was a confrontation that would be best avoided. While Nyym did not speak of it. It was his hope to make sure those one made it back out of this hell he had resigned himself to.

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Nizana's lotha barra. Nizana's little shadow.
Trelgath says this with a bemused smirk. Il xunus naut telanth nindel dos zhahen kitrye-ilythiiri. Orn'la nindel t'yin morfeth dos kitrye-elghinyrr? She did not say that you were half-drow. Would that then make you half-dead?
The weapon master laughs as though he has made a joke. He then continues, this time in Common: Is what Little Shadow says true? That you come here on behalf of Priestess Miz'ri?

Nyym |
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Nyym chuckled as well for the Weapon Master had known idea just how close his half dead statement was to being true. By all tense and purpose. Nyym, like others from Team Ruby, should not even be alive right now.
Ah yes. The name Nizana has bestowed apon me since our chance encounter in Trunau. Yes, the words I speak are true. We were tasked to retrieve a crystal stone prism. Purple in color. Seems this item is of Great importance to the Priestess.

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Trelgath's amber eyes blaze brightly as he listens to Nyym. When the half-drow is done, he replies: Priestess Miz'ri is wise. She knew that survival alone would not be enough, not without purpose. One must defeat one's own shadow, one's own demon, or be cast into the abyss. I have dwelt in darkness and have conquered it. He bows his head in a moment of silence before finally finishing with, So be it!
I will guide you through this place to the great machine that floats above the sea of runes. The dangers are great, for they go beyond the converted ones. There is a threat just as great, a burly and muscled man with green skin and blue limbs like glass that are hard as steel. A number of the roving ones in this place seem subservient to his will, which makes him a servant of the great machine. And then there is the mighty-thewed monstrosity with the rough aspect of a man that has light radiating from between its plates as if from the inner presence of a violet sun. It is something I have learned to give a wide berth in my short time here and I advise you to do the same.

Nyym |
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You know the dangers down here better then any of us. Your guidance and expertise are most welcome and appreciated Weaon Master Trelgath. Priestess Miz'ri spoke well of you.

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You know the dangers down here better then any of us. Your guidance and expertise are most welcome and appreciated Weaon Master Trelgath. Priestess Miz'ri spoke well of you.
As did Nizana of you. Which is no small thing, for the Black Fist does not easily give praise. Trelgath then adds with a sly smile, Perhaps when this is all said and done, she can show you what it truly means to be fully alive.
With a hearty laugh, the weapon master motions for the others to follow him as he moves away from the atrium's window and into the plaza.

Nyym |
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Nyym turns back to the others for a moment. Then after a knowing nod. He moves to follow the Weapon Master. Through the whole exchange. Nyym could feel the gaze of Tsadoc as well as Aiko on him. Both for different reasons or maybe even the same. He knew Liesel-Marie and Kyt trusted him. But the other 2 still did not know him as well. Rocnork was an unknown own and even harder for Nyymto read. But just the same. He knew his loyalty was truly being tested. Even in himself. Till recently, he had not even encountered another like himself. But in the end he knew where he would choose.
I will not forgo the bond of family that I have grown with those that accompany me. While there are those now that are like me in appearance. They are not like me of the soul and mind. I choose my own path and my path is with Trunau and Team Ruby.
This set firmly in his mind. Nyym continued behind Trelgath.

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Everyone gains 1,300 XP. This brings your current totals to 23,020 (LM, Nyym, Kyt, Rocnork, and Tsadok). Team Ruby is 2,980 XP away from tier 1 of 6th level. Break out the fanfare! Get your characters properly updated and we'll move on.
Insert Theme: Azodi – Final Fantasy VII ▸ Bombing Mission Remix
As the group is being led across the plaza, narrow avenues extend in all directions between massive angular towers of metal, stone, and glass, much weathered and scarred by time and the elements. Here and there, large, twisted green plants twine up the sides of ancient buildings, and occasionally a whisper of movement is seen through the haze of bluish radiance shrouding the sky above.
Just as a reminder: the area beyond the atrium looks to be fairly large and is encompassed by a faint bluish energy field that sheds dim light throughout the ruins below. However, Trelgath informs you that the energy maintaining it is being sapped by failing mechanisms and by the constant gnawing of the strange blue creatures below ground. While functioning, winds are reduced to calm and temperatures are increased by 70 degrees compared to prevailing outside temperatures. However, every hour there is a chance that the field ruptures and collapses, exposing those in the ruins to extreme cold and severe wind conditions. To help with this, he produces a metallic wand and touches each of you with it, stating that the magic will protect you from the cold. Each of you receive 30 minutes of cold resistance 10.
Buildings: The concourses are raised a foot above the avenue between, and the interior of each building is 10 feet above street level. The interior rooms have 10-foot ceilings, and the roofs above are mostly flat, though angled around the edges to be 25 feet above street level. Building climbs requires a DC 20 Athletics check for exterior walls, 25 for interior walls. Most windows are cracked if not entirely broken. A Medium or smaller creature can smash through a window as a swift action taken during their movement with a DC 15 Strength check. The buildings here seem mostly deserted. A search of the rooms turns up scattered shards of stone, metal, and glass, tatters of cloth, and occasional tangled bits of wire.
Terrain: The main avenues of the city are usually 30-40 feet across, with raised concourses or plazas on either side 10 feet wide. Streets and concourses alike are often strewn with light or dense rubble or ice sheets. The concourses and avenue between the buildings is treated as icy and difficult terrain, increasing Acrobatics DCs by 5. There is a cumulative 10% chance that a steam vent erupts. When it does so, it sends forth a plume of steam and scalding water into the air and deals 6d6 points of fire damage (DC 16 Reflex half). The radius of such bursts is typically equal to 30 feet. If the dome is down when this happens, then starting in the second round of the vent’s eruption, the rapidly cooling water begins falling, dripping down into a forest of quickly freezing icicles. This rain of freezing water affects anyone within 30 ft. of the vent’s eruption and lasts for the length of the eruption as well as 1d3 rounds thereafter. Any creature caught in this freezing downpour takes 3d6 points of cold damage each round and is slowed (as the slow spell) by the layer of frost and ice forming on it. A DC 21 Reflex save halves this damage and prevents the slow effect. Once the creature has been slowed, each additional failed save causes its speed to be reduced by 10 feet. If the creature’s speed reaches 0 feet, it is completely encased in ice and is considered helpless. At this point the creature continues taking damage from the freezing water—automatically failing any saving throws—plus an additional 3d6 points of cold damage each round until freed from the ice. The creature also begins to suffocate until at least partially freed (requiring a full-round action by someone other than the helpless individual). Mild steam vents are as hot as saunas and have a sulfurous odor.
steam vent eruption % roll: 1d100 ⇒ 77; next roll will be 20% chance for eruption

Nyym |
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Nyym follows the weapons master. Looking this way and that. Nyym can't help but be amazed at the size of the place they have found themselves in. But Nyym was also very aware that danger could be around any corner. Just waiting for a chance to strike at the group. After hearing of some of the monstrosities that Trelgath had warned them of. Nyym was on edge. He had no desire to face those. Especially if a seasoned Weapons Master who had survived this long on his own down here wished to avoid them as well. Because of that. Nyym was very aware of his surroundings and ever watchful for any danger that may be lurking about.

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Perhaps because the wind is buffered by the strange monoliths stretching in all directions, the altitude's chill is less intense here than beyond the bunker where you entered these ruins, though frost rimes every surface.
barrier drop % roll: 1d100 ⇒ 8
Hours before protective barrier returns: 1d4 ⇒ 2
There seems to be a strange flickering shimmer in the air that lasts for a few moments, then the bluish haze that surrounds the area is gone. All at once, the cold snaps back into being.
The protective barrier will be down for 2 hours. During that time, you'll be experiencing conditions of severe* cold or exposure (below 0° F). Unprotected characters must make a Fortitude save once every 10 minutes (DC 15, +1 per previous check), taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage on each failed save. Any character with the Survival skill may receive a +2 bonus on this saving throw and might be able to apply this bonus to other characters as well (DC 15 or better; grant bonus to one other person per point over 15). However, due to the protection granted by Trelgath's wand, you can avoid making these saves. Unless prevented from doing so, he will reapply the wand's effect every 20 minutes to extend the length of protection time until it runs out of charges.
* I know I said previously that the cold severity would be extreme, but upon doing some research after taking into account that you are in the northern Mindspin Mountains (which have volcanoes and is home to fire giants), I decided to lessen the the cold level to severe rather than keeping it at extreme.
Preception Checks
Aiko: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Kyt: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
Liesel-Marie: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Nyym: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Rocnork: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Trelgath: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
Tsadok: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22
Everyone except Aiko is able to make out the form of three-legged, vaguely humanoid-like creature standing guard near one of the buildings. It, however, does not seem to notice you.

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This is the updated map showing the location of the three-legged mechanical guard.
Trelgath, who is very tall for a dhaerow at six feet, looks down at Nyym and speaks in Common. That's one of the mechanical servants I spoke of before, Little Shadow.
Is the way you're taking us a direct path to the machine? asks Kyt.
The weapon master nods before offering, We could take another way, but the risk of running into more of these servants and the converted increases.
Rocnork growls to himself before speaking. This is taking longer than necessary as is. I favor taking it down and moving on. One enemy is better than many.

Nyym |
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Nyym instinctively started looking for possible weaknesses in the metal being as well as best avenues for attack and if need be, withdrawal.
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
As he did so. Nyyms mind returned to thier most recent foe.
Before we encountered you. The Monitor we fought spoke of preserving an Ark and call some or all of us Engrams. It sought to eliminate us and preserve our bodies to be taken to what I can only assume is the centerpiece of all this. Could that mean that there is a central intelligence behind all this and if so, does that also mean that these things are part of a hive mind? Which also begs the question. If it is, then if we take out this mind at the center of the hive. Would it stop or disable these mechanical beings?

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Nyym instinctively started looking for possible weaknesses in the metal being as well as best avenues for attack and if need be, withdrawal.
As he did so. Nyyms mind returned to thier most recent foe.
This would've have required a Lore (engineering) check. That said, I'll allow the check (though it will incur a -2 penalty). However, Nyym is unable to discern any form of weakness related to these mechanical creatures.
Before we encountered you. The Monitor we fought spoke of preserving an Ark and call some or all of us Engrams. It sought to eliminate us and preserve our bodies to be taken to what I can only assume is the centerpiece of all this. Could that mean that there is a central intelligence behind all this and if so, does that also mean that these things are part of a hive mind? Which also begs the question. If it is, then if we take out this mind at the center of the hive. Would it stop or disable these mechanical beings?
The weapon master listens to the half-drow shinobi, but it becomes very obvious that he has no idea what Nyym is talking about.
No, says Kyt. It called us engram-seekers. Which implies that others have come seeking engrams. Whatever those are. Maybe it has something to do with that vision, the one with the sea of runes?

Nyym |
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Nyym listened to Kyt..
I stand corrected. Was abit busy at that particular moment to catch everything it spoke of.
Where it not for the fact that at the moment in question. Aiko had come to Nyyms aid when the thing had almost cut him in half. Where it not for the seriousness of that close call. Nyym might have thought the being busy abit comical. But it was a close call and nothing down here was any laughing matter.
You could be right though. Oddly enough, I was the only one to pick up that piece from the wreckage. But we all had the same vision.
Nyyms thought turned breafly to the item he still currently carried in a pouch in his gear.
Hopefully we will get the answers we seek once we get where we are going. Till then we will just have to be extra vigilant as we trek deeper into this place.

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You could be right though. Oddly enough, I was the only one to pick up that piece from the wreckage. But we all had the same vision.
Nyyms thought turned breafly to the item he still currently carried in a pouch in his gear.
The object actually projected the visualization that you all saw. I get that Nyym (as a character) doesn't understand that, but I wanted to make that perfectly clear to everyone.

Araki Aiko |

The Minkan samurai turns to Liesel-Marie and motions for the Erutaki to follow her.
Should Liesel-Marie opt to do so, the two move a short distance away from the others. Far enough to speak confidentially, but close enough to keep eyes on the party.
Aiko begins to talk, her tone somewhat hushed. Sword-sister, are you skilled in tracking? I'm having a problem reconciling a set of tracks. I was wondering if you could help me with them.
She then points to the ground, specifically at the sign left by the group.
DM Blayde: I need a DC 23 Survival check (DC 25 Perception check if Liesel-Marie has no ranks in Survival). She gets a +2 bonus to roll due to Aiko's assistance.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie follows, curious why the swordswoman wants to speak to her. Hearing the request, she ruefully shakes her head. "I grew up in a hunting tribe, but they did not teach girls the arts of the tracker. I feel like I knew them once, somehow, but that time is lost in my memory."
Liesel-Marie by herself can't hit the Survival DC at all and can only hit the Perception DC with a nat 20. With help, her odds are marginally better. Here goes.
Perception DC 25: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 2 = 23
I will return to trying to update her character sheet.
EDIT: Say, how does the critical hit house rule interact with vital strike? Does the potential critical damage increase by the number of times that the dice are multiplied? So a 1d12 greataxe with +12 critical damage becomes a 2d12 greataxe with +24 damage? Asking for a friend.
EDIT 2: At this level, I should be able to apply a +1 weapon attunement to a second weapon, but when I try to apply it to Agrimmosh, it doesn't appear to work - is there a reason this would not work?

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Say, how does the critical hit house rule interact with vital strike? Does the potential critical damage increase by the number of times that the dice are multiplied? So a 1d12 greataxe with +12 critical damage becomes a 2d12 greataxe with +24 damage? Asking for a friend.
The way I look at Vital Strike is that it essentially is giving you a guaranteed "crit" with the base damage of the weapon before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision-based damage, and other damage bonuses, in exchange for only making a single attack that round. This, to me, explains why the extra weapon damage dice are normally not multiplied on a critical hit in the standard game, but are, instead, added to the total. So with that said, treat Vital Strike as follows:
Vital Strike (Combat)
You make a single attack that deals significantly more damage than normal.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage. Add the weapon’s critical damage for the attack before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision-based damage, and other damage bonuses. On a critical hit, this extra damage is added to the total.
This means that Improved Vital Strike would allow you to add the weapon’s critical damage for the attack twice before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision-based damage, and other damage bonuses, while Greater Vital Strike would allow you to add the weapon’s critical damage for the attack three times before adding bonuses from Strength, weapon abilities (such as flaming), precision-based damage, and other damage bonuses (with the additional damage being added to the total on a critical hit in each case).
At this level, I should be able to apply a +1 weapon attunement to a second weapon, but when I try to apply it to Agrimmosh, it doesn't appear to work - is there a reason this would not work?
It's because of Agrimmosh's impact special weapon enhancement, which counts as a +2 weapon bonus. Remember, Agrimmosh is actually a +2 impact weapon. Any weapon, armor, or shield special abilities on attuned items count against your enhancement bonus from attunement. To be able to use the full power of Agrimmosh, you would have to be 13th-level (where you would gain the +4 weapon attunement bonus, which would cover the normal +2 enhancement bonus, as well as the impact weapon ability). If you don’t have enough of an enhancement bonus to afford the special ability (as is the case currently with Liesel-Marie), you can still use the weapon’s power on its own, but the weapon gains no enhancement bonus.

Araki Aiko |

Liesel-Marie follows, curious why the swordswoman wants to speak to her. Hearing the request, she ruefully shakes her head. "I grew up in a hunting tribe, but they did not teach girls the arts of the tracker. I feel like I knew them once, somehow, but that time is lost in my memory."
Aiko nods her head before speaking once more, a twinge of sorrow evident in her voice, I see. I was not aware of this. The samurai pauses for a long moment then continues, I was never able to fully comprehend elven woodcraft, much to the chagrin of my instructors. That said, however, something seems off about Trelgath's footprints to me. I was hoping to get some sort of confirmation from you before bringing the matter up to the others, but I could just be allowing my distrust of the weapon master to cloud my judgment.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie crouches down to look at the tracks closer, looking for what Aiko refers to. She reaches down and traces her finger through the dust on the floor, as though that's what had her attention, inspecting her fingertip afterward.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 2 = 19
She stands, regarding the samurai solemnly. "You fear he is not what he seems. His former team outside said they expected as much. We will have to keep an eye on him." She looks at her friends, just a few feet away. "Ally or not, he'd better not bring harm to my family." She looks at Aiko sidelong, "Or you, of course, but we aren't sisters quite yet. I do look forward to it. My tribe has been too small for too long."
Regarding Vital Strike, so my damage goes from (for example) 1d12+6/+12 without vital strike to 1d12+18/+12 with that feat?

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Regarding Vital Strike, so my damage goes from (for example) 1d12+6/+12 without vital strike to 1d12+18/+12 with that feat?
Your greataxe example is correct. This also means that when using Agrimmosh, your damage goes from 2d6+4/+12 to 2d6+16/+12 (one-handed) and 2d6+6/+12 to 2d6+18/+12 (two-handed). I didn't take into account bloodrage or any other modifiers that Liesel-Marie may have.
Liesel-Marie crouches down to look at the tracks closer, looking for what Aiko refers to. She reaches down and traces her finger through the dust on the floor, as though that's what had her attention, inspecting her fingertip afterward.
She stands, regarding the samurai solemnly. "You fear he is not what he seems. His former team outside said they expected as much. We will have to keep an eye on him." She looks at her friends, just a few feet away. "Ally or not, he'd better not bring harm to my family." She looks at Aiko sidelong, "Or you, of course, but we aren't sisters quite yet. I do look forward to it. My tribe has been too small for too long."
Something does indeed seem off about the footprints left by the drow weapon weapon master, especially when compared to both Kytynna and Nyym. Elves typically leave the faintest of tracks normally, but Trelgath's seem to possess a deeper imprint than what his body's apparent weight would suggest.

Tsadok Whisperfall |
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Tsadok crouches down when the metal creatures were spotted and as the grouped paused to plan its next action. But he knows with the barrier down that it will be cold. We need to find shelter from the cold. And not expend much energy in a battle. He says in a low tone to the group. He looks for a path to the building that would conceal their movements.
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25

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Tsadok crouches down when the metal creatures were spotted and as the grouped paused to plan its next action. But he knows with the barrier down that it will be cold. We need to find shelter from the cold. And not expend much energy in a battle. He says in a low tone to the group. He looks for a path to the building that would conceal their movements.
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25
A quick look around reveals the following across the plaza from where the metal creatures are stationed (as shown on this map):
Tsadok's eyes come to rest upon a building with wide, low steps leading up to shattered glass doors flanked by massive angled stone pillars. A similar doorway provides egress farther down the building’s façade, but the nearer doorway, in the shadow of a collapsed sky-bridge overhead, reveals a curious lump of vaguely human metallic sculpture atop the remnants of a pedestal. Across a rubble and ice-choked boulevard the fallen bridge once spanned lies a companion building, blockier in shape and with what could be a long-empty fountain.

Araki Aiko |

Liesel-Marie crouches down to look at the tracks closer, looking for what Aiko refers to. She reaches down and traces her finger through the dust on the floor, as though that's what had her attention, inspecting her fingertip afterward.
She stands, regarding the samurai solemnly. "You fear he is not what he seems. His former team outside said they expected as much. We will have to keep an eye on him." She looks at her friends, just a few feet away. "Ally or not, he'd better not bring harm to my family." She looks at Aiko sidelong, "Or you, of course, but we aren't sisters quite yet. I do look forward to it. My tribe has been too small for too long."
The Minkan samurai seems nonplussed by the Erutaki's words. I am not motivated by fear, merely concern. And I plan to keep more than just an eye on him. The heart sight has shown me much, and there is an almost animalistic rage to this Trelgath that rivals your own. It clings to him like a disease, crawling beneath the surface of his being and spreading throughout his ki like an infection. I have no idea if he is capable of tapping into it the way that you do, but if he is then Trelgath could prove to be a problem.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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The Erutaki's expression barely changes as she nods slightly. "I will be ready to aid you. Just say the word."

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Tsadok crouches down when the metal creatures were spotted and as the grouped paused to plan its next action. But he knows with the barrier down that it will be cold. We need to find shelter from the cold. And not expend much energy in a battle. He says in a low tone to the group. He looks for a path to the building that would conceal their movements.
Kytynna nods her head in agreement. You and Nyym scout out the area and see what you can find in the way of shelter. I'd like to have Rocnork take to the sky and come back with an aerial report. He's got wings, so we should take advantage of that. The rest of us will wait here for you to come back. Don't take too long and don't get into trouble.
The last is said with a sharp look at the half-drow.
Trelgath is quick to add in Common, The winged one needs to be careful. There are predators here that will take advantage of the unwary, and the sky is not as safe as it seems.
The wyvaran grunts in acknowledgement of the weapon master's warning before lifting off from where he stood.
The elf continues, Our resources are limited, and as Tsadok has said, we need to avoid expending our energy in battles. Especially if they can be avoided.
I'll have Rocnork roll a Perception check. He's in a low pass (under 5,000 feet in altitude, and he's flying at 200 feet. He won't (and, as a consequence, neither shall the rest of you) have to make a Fortitude check due to thinning atmosphere due to not being acclimated to higher altitudes. He has to equal or beat a DC 22. 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10.
And with that result, he does see the buildings laid out below him as previously described to Tsadok, but nothing else beyond that.
If Nyym and Tsadok wish to make a Perception check, they may do so. If they wish to make Stealth checks as well, feel free to roll them. I will make Perception checks for the cybernetic servants to give you the DC to equal or beat.
Cybernetic Servant Perception check: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16
And to keep things interesting...
Possible Encounter: 1d100 ⇒ 28

Nyym |
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Nyym listen to Kyt give out instructions. But with the sharp look she gave him as she spoke of staying out of trouble. Nyym could not help but give her his best "Who? Me?" Look as he put on his fained innocence expression before responding...
Yes Dear. But honesty. I know nothing of this trouble you speak of..
This was immediately followed by a mischievious grin and a wink. Not waiting on a response or a reprimanding smack from the monk. Nyym moved off to check out the area for shelter.
stealth: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
lore engineering: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Tsadok Whisperfall |
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Tsadok listens to Kyt direct their actions and chuckles.
Be mindful my brother He says to his winged friend, before he moves off in a different path toward the shelter.
He moves forward looking to avoid direct line of sight of those creatures as well as any others that may be around.
Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

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Cautiously, both Nyym and Tsadok move northward and approach the nearest doorway. Looking through the doorframe, the two are able to catch the momentary prickling sensation across their skin as a charge fills the air within moments before looking down at the floor to see energy crackling and coursing.
Thanks to Nyym's Lore (engineering) check, he can tell that this hazard is caused by some type of malfunction, causing a current of electricity to travel across the metal floor. He can attempt a DC 26 Finesse check to divert the flow and render the room safe to travel through. Thanks to both his knowledge of engineering and his specialty of electrokinesis, Nyym receives a +4 bonus to this check. Tsadok can attempt an aid another check to assist the half-drow by making a DC 10 Finesse check of his own. If he succeeds, Nyym will receive an additional +2 bonus to the check, giving him a +6 bonus altogether. If Nyym fails this Finesse check, the two risk receiving a jolt of electricity damage for their efforts.

Nyym |
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Nyym let out a breath and silently thanked his abilities in this area of skills. Entering the room would have been bad otherwise. While he had no issue giving other deserving parties a taste of electric energy via his kinetic blades. Feeling such things personally though was an experience he would rather whole heartedly avoid. Nyym didn't give it a second thought as he set to work to safe the room so they could enter.
Let's see, unhook this.. move that over here. Reroute this over there.. reconnect that over here..
finess: 1d20 + 13 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 13 + 4 = 37
Now reconnect this.. and YES!! THATS IT!!
Got it.. Rooms safe.
Nyym, although excited, kept his voice low to keep from drawing attention. Now to get everyone else over and into the protection of the structure.

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With time (30 seconds), effort, and more than a little skill, Nyym effortlessly reroutes the hazardous electrical energy, doing so without leaving a trace of his manipulation.
Everybody receives 1,070 XP. This brings your current totals to 24,090 (LM, Nyym, Kyt, Rocnork, and Tsadok). Team Ruby is 1,910 XP away from tier 1 of 6th level.
After securing the room, the half-drow heads back to the awaiting members of Team Ruby to inform them of what he has found.
Tsadok, after witnessing Nyym's handiwork, continues on his own. Moving westward under a portion of the broken bridge, he passes between the fountain and a pair of glass doors that lead into a room where the building has collapsed. Undaunted, Tsadok edges further along, eventually coming across a flight of stairs and a larger glass door than those he has previously seen.
Peering in, the grey-skinned half-orc comes face to face with a burly and muscled man with moss-green skin and eerie pale blue glass like clockwork limbs, his clothing and hair moving as if affected by a gentle breeze. The large man's eyes (which glow with a faint blue color), broad face, and sharply pointed ears give his features somewhat of a feline cast.
Resting on the burly man's shoulder is a tiny familiar looking reptile with a blue fist-sized gem between its bulging eyes.
Perception check to notice Tsadok: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21
It would appear that neither the green skinned man nor his pet has noticed Tsadok yet.
The map has been updated to take into account what has transpired.

Tsadok Whisperfall |
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Tsadok sees the beast through the thin pain of glass.
My you're a big one. He thinks as he decides his next course of action. Knowing that the party is still alittle worse for wear.
With that in mind retrace his steps from in front of the glass while keeping a watchful eye on the beast. As he moves from view he eyes the stairs, he turns to move up the stairs.
Well let's see what's up here. Something smaller perhaps. He smiles at his own humor.

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Tsadok retraces his steps back to the base of the staircase and moves up them. When he reaches the top, he sees a total of seven doors spaced out at different spots along the corridor.
A quick search here uncovers nothing beyond another set of stairs on the other side of the chamber with the green-skinned man and that the broken bridge can be accessed at this level. The gap spans between 20 and 25 feet, enough that a running start could conceivably allow the members of the group to possibly cross it to the other side.
While the half-orc is searching the upper level of the building, Nyym makes it back to Trelgath and the other waiting members of the group. Moments later, Rocnork returns from his fly-over.
The wyvaran brings up a low-slung building set into a natural rise further west from the group's location. The weapon master says that structure is where the group needs to go if they still want to face the machine. If Liesel-Marie wishes, she can make a DC 13 Perception check to overhear this conversation taking place.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

Unsure why that prompt was necessary - are they hiding it from the rest of us?
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

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Unsure why that prompt was necessary - are they hiding it from the rest of us?
The DC would have been 18 if that were the case: Base DC of 15, +1 for being 10 feet away, +2 for unfavorable conditions (it's a lot more windy now that the blue barrier is down) as opposed to a base DC of 10 from a normal conversation. Just trying to move things along. That is one of my jobs as DM, after all. Even if I haven't been doing that very well as of late. :)
Kyt takes in all of the information, then looks at Trelgath. What more can you tell us about this other building?
It has two entry points, begins the weapon master. As he speaks, it is obvious that he is giving the group a first-hand tactical layout. The first being a metallic portal that offers access to the upper level, with the second being set of metal doors at the foot of the slope that allows access to the lower level. Both are comprised of horizontal plates of metal 10 feet wide with a slotted crystalline panel inside a glazed cabinet set into the wall beside the door. Inside is a narrow catwalk braced several feet off the floor, supported on a series of drums and wheels and with the catwalk seemingly wrapping underneath that as well. It catwalk passes through a low opening in the far wall only a few feet high, covered by a screen of metallic mesh. Several crystalline panels are set into the far wall, which is solid metal up to shoulder height and opaque crystal above. There is a moving metallic walkway that drops at an angle down about 30 feet to the floor below, where it circles around a massive machine sitting astride a golden-glowing pit. Completing its circuit, the walkway circles back around underneath its slanting upper course, passing out through a narrow aperture in the lower south.
A strange light wells up from strange moving machinery below, while untold numbers of cables, conduits, hoists, hooks, and pulleys hang from a vast network of girders above. A large open metal stairwell spirals down to the floor below, and just across it one of the converted stands armed with bow and blade. At each corner of the room stands a bank of strange devices tended by a vaguely human mechanical creature like those you've just seen. Other creatures, both converted and servants, move below.
He continues. The chamber itself is strewn with cables and machinery, including a long moving walkway descending from an aperture in the upper east wall that circles around a vast machine of alien manufacture in its center before looping back under the upper conveyor and out through the south wall. The great machine that dominates the chamber seems almost to squat over a golden-glowing circular pit, the rune sea, with small arms reaching out toward the encircling conveyor while a single metallic tendril writhes sinuously like a clawed hand and glaring eye in one.

Araki Aiko |

Perception check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
The Minkan samurai looks to Liesel-Marie. Is something going on? I can't hear what they're saying.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

Fairly openly, the Erutaki says, ”He’s describing the building where we need to go, I think.”
Turning her back to Kyt and the weapon master, scanning their surroundings, she adds quietly, ”He seems very familiar with it. Perhaps he’s had time to study it closely.”

Araki Aiko |

The samurai nods. The words of the one called Nizana gave me a similar indication earlier. We may even be able to formulate a strategy to overcome this machine with what he knows as a result. The question is, how much of what Trelgath says can we trust?
Aiko smiles. All under Heaven's gaze is beauty. Despite the potential of betrayal he represents, the opportunity to do good is still present. We must seize it while we still can.

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Stealth check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
As Tsadok is taking in his surroundings, he starts to become aware of a presence. No, multiple presences, moving about above his current location on the rooftops. First one, then a second, then finally a third.
The three drop as one to walkway, one to his left, two to his right. They are dressed identically in fitted pants, a shirt, a hooded cloak, and soft leather boots, all in neutral colors and the few buttons and rivets that can be seen are wrapped in dull, dark cloth.
The garb of Clan Nikumu.
They are slender to the point of gauntness, the skin of their faces the color of pure darkness, though Tsadok can see that there is a slight ashen tone to it. Attached to their bodies are devices fashioned in differing ways, all made of a material that looks like some kind of black metal or glass with green channels of energy running through it.
All three wield straight, double-edged swords.
I've rolled initiative:
Clan Nikumu Converted Shadow Warriors: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Tsadok: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Since their Stealth check was less than Tsadok's previous perception check, there is no surprise round. Round 1 begins now.
Round 1
Clan Nikumu Converted Shadow Warriors: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Tsadok: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Battle Music: Final Fantasy VII Remake - Those Who Fight/Let The Battles Begin SQUATS VERSION
The first of the converted, the one to the grey-skinned half-orc's left, produced a stone that it immediately hurls at Tsadok's feet.
Move Action: retrieve item
Standard Action: ranged attack - throwing the stone
Converted Shadow Warrior 1 attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13; -2 due to two weapon penalty. However, it only needs to hit an AC of 5 since the target is the square he's in and not Tsadok himself.
Upon striking, it shatters and an overwhelmingly loud bang is produced.
Tsadok needs to make a DC 15 Fortitude save; otherwise, he'll be deafened for 1 hour. A deafened creature automatically fails Perception checks based on sound, takes a –4 penalty on opposed Perception checks, takes a –4 penalty on initiative and has a 20% chance to miscast and lose any spell with a verbal component that he tries to cast.
The second of the converted, the farthest on his right, gestures. A pale green glow surrounds and outlines Tsadok and everything else in a five-foot radius around him.
Standard Action: casts spell-like ability
There is no saving throw for faerie fire. For the next 4 minutes, Tsadok suffers a -10 penalty on all Stealth checks.
The final converted Nikumu, the one closest to him on his right, approaches the half-orc and performs a one-handed swing of its sword, bringing the blade over the converted Nikumu's left shoulder to slash diagonally at Tsadok's right arm.
No Action: 5-foot step
Standard Action: melee attack
Converted Shadow Warrior 3 attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
tsurugi damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Tsadok manages to twist just enough to avoid the brunt of his opponent's slash, and is instead grazed by the sharp blade, leaving him with a shallow cut. The converted stands at the ready, sword pointing down by its left leg.
Tsadok has sustained 3 points of damage and is Healthy at 49 hit points. He takes no penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks, as well as AC and caster level.
And that brings the trio of converted shadow warriors' turn to a close. The battle map has been updated to take the actions taken into account. Next up is Tsadok.
I will the rest of Team Ruby the opportunity to hear the thunderstone that was used. The DC to equal or beat is 7:
Perception Checks
Aiko: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Kyt: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Liesel-Marie: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Nyym: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Rocnork: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Trelgath: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
Everyone hears a loud and sudden pop sound that comes from the north.
Trelgath's head snaps around at the noise, looking in the direction from where it came. It would seem your comrade has encountered some converted.
Rocnork growls a sigh and shakes his head, not surprised in the least, and, with a powerful flap of his now outstretched wings, takes off to aid his companion.
Kytynna looks at Nyym as she draws her crystal sword. Looks like you weren't the one I needed to worry about finding trouble after all.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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"But..." Liesel-Marie points at the sentries they were trying to avoid being seen by. She shakes her head, "I hate waiting anyway, let's dance. Where did that sound come from?"