Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Aiko raises an eyebrow at Liesel-Marie's words about her 'witch sight'. The arael’sheaen is not some party trick to be performed for the amusement of others. The way she says it brings to mind one who has been admonished for doing just that.
With unusual clarity, Liesel-Marie meets the samurai's eyes and says, "Maybe not, but if you wish us to travel with you, you and the doubting one need to know who you are traveling with."
As the faint whispers tickler the back of her mind, Liesel-Marie abruptly stands, instinctively reaching for her greataxe as she looks around the room, eyes a little wild, before they return to the tableau of her associates old and new around the table. She watches, still tensed herself, as Aodhan stalks over to Aiko. As she hears the words of the samurai and the bouncer's response, a terrible realization dawns on her.
The whispers return as Aodhan struggles, but this time, the Erutaki has focus and they flow off like water from a duck's back. She gently steps up behind the Chelish man, keeping her voice low and unthreatening. "None of us knew, Aodhan, what that was in the cave. We thought we had defeated the monster. I am ashamed that I fled from my own axe, afraid of what I saw and did not understand. You were the stronger, you leapt forward to wrest it free, and you gave us the time we needed to destroy it as best we could. That it lives on somehow in you, I did not know, and for that I am ashamed once more. If anyone should be fighting this battle, it should be me. I should have stood fast, my friend, and I did not. It should be me."
And she tries to gently, but very firmly, take the man by the shoulders and turn him toward her where she can envelop him in a crushing bear hug while he gets it together or falls apart, whichever he needs. She looks at Kytynna, pain in her eyes, and whispers, "I'm so sorry. It should be me."
Bare d20 awaiting its bonus: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Everything above the roll was typed before I previewed the roll. I cannot deny how much that roll pleases me. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

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As the faint whispers tickle the back of her mind, Liesel-Marie abruptly stands, instinctively reaching for her greataxe as she looks around the room, eyes a little wild, before they return to the tableau of her associates old and new around the table. She watches, still tensed herself, as Aodhan stalks over to Aiko. As she hears the words of the samurai and the bouncer's response, a terrible realization dawns on her.
The whispers return as Aodhan struggles, but this time, the Erutaki has focus and they flow off like water from a duck's back. She gently steps up behind the Chelish man, keeping her voice low and unthreatening. "None of us knew, Aodhan, what that was in the cave. We thought we had defeated the monster. I am ashamed that I fled from my own axe, afraid of what I saw and did not understand. You were the stronger, you leapt forward to wrest it free, and you gave us the time we needed to destroy it as best we could. That it lives on somehow in you, I did not know, and for that I am ashamed once more. If anyone should be fighting this battle, it should be me. I should have stood fast, my friend, and I did not. It should be me."
And she tries to gently, but very firmly, take the man by the shoulders and turn him toward her where she can envelop him in a crushing bear hug while he gets it together or falls apart, whichever he needs. She looks at Kytynna, pain in her eyes, and whispers, "I'm so sorry. It should be me."
Insert Music: Takeharu Ishimoto - The Price Of Freedom/I Want To See You Smile
Tears begin to slide from Kytynna's large aqua blue orbs and down her face as she hears the Erutaki's words. Do not blame yourself for recoiling from that thing. Your instincts have always served you well. Aodhàn hesitated also, but acted, in the end, knowing that if he didn't, that I would.
Kytynna's grapple attempt: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
She then slips in behind the Chelish bouncer and wraps her slender arms around his waist. You can’t have my arael'sha, Kyt says determinedly as she presses the left side of her face against the back of Aodhàn's shoulders. She closes her eyes and continues, I have faith in you. All I can do is hope you come back to me.
The words, though spoken quietly, carry a conviction with them that denotes a strength of heart and will that has come to be synonymous with Kytynna.
Everyone else within the main room within the main room don't exist within the moment. All there is is the elf and her arael'sha.
Her heart friend.

Araki Aiko |

Her arael’sheaen still active, Aiko watches as the cloudy black tendrils of Aodhàn's aura retreat before Kytynna's brilliant rose and Liesel-Marie's blood-red.
She releases the heart sight, not wishing to intrude any further upon the three anymore than she already has.
Aiko is then reminded of the knight Calrianne Blix and she envisions that crooked smile of hers as she sends the Minkan away so that she can face the agents of Clan Nikumu alone.
They are companions you would be proud to call your own.
And as if in response to her unspoken words, she is reminded of the third and final precept of the Ichimeiyo, the warrior's code: Without Service, Nothing. The way of the true warrior is not the way of the noble, and though nobles may walk alongside ichimeiyo, they are permitted actions that would dishonor their servants. To succeed in their study, a warrior must align with a master and swear loyalty. If their master dies, the warrior must seek vengeance. If the master dishonors himself or would bring dishonor on the warrior, the one sworn to that master may renounce him—and if he does not, he accepts the same judgment of fate that awaits his lord.
The samurai was technically rurouni, a swordsman wandering in search of personal enlightenment or so as to serve ordinary people in need rather than a lord. And to that end, she serves the goddess Shizuru, the Empress of Heaven, in order to inspire others lead a more virtuous life while living one of her own. She has seen much in her travels, but nothing like this.
Aiko finds herself moved to tears.

Aodhàn Charthagnion |

Finding himself between Kytynna and Liesel-Marie, with both holding onto him in form or another, Aodhàn tries his best to regain himself once more.
Aodhàn's Will save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8, DC 13; -2 due to shaken condition, +1 against spells or effects with the fear or emotion descriptors due to Indomitable
Despite his efforts to do otherwise, the Chelish bouncer finds himself unable to effectively shake off the hostile influence seeking to fully assert itself upon him. However, his will is such that even in the face of Raggedy Man's attempted domination of him, Aodhàn is able to recite to himself the words of a now familiar song performed by Mesa last night at the ceremony, though he does so with visible effort:
Love is a distant aroma at best
A withering smile that's
Stuck deep in your vest
The night air it wraps
Its fingers around
Your body it shakes from
A now distant sound
Oh, the sound of her voice
A sweet symphony
Played over and over
Until you are free
Immediate action: use of Heroic Defiance to delay the shaken condition until the end of his next turn (after which time the condition takes its normal effect). Standard action: Inspiring Performer to receive a +2 morale bonus on saves against charm and fear on his next turn.
DM Blayde MacRonan: Aodhàn cannot willingly fail this Will save, as he is actively trying to suppress the Raggedy Man's control. Think of it as a type of psychosis. However, with that said, the PCs can help him achieve success by making either an Influence check (if you have the skill) or a Charisma check (if you do not) in a cooperative effort. If you roll a 10 or higher on your check, Aodhàn gets a +2 bonus on his next saving throw. (You can't take 10 on a skill check to Aid Another.)

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

The Erutaki's grip is unrelenting and her voice is low enough that anyone beyond the bouncer and his heart friend might not hear it.
"You are your own master. Push the monster away. I didn't take the burden, but I'm going to let it take you." She keeps repeating this like a mantra for her and for him.
Influence untrained: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
So close.

Nyym |

Nyym could only stand and watch as Liesel-Marie and Kyt tried to calm Aohden. Seeing the conflict in the man that risked it all was hard for Nyym to see.
This is what it looks like when someone puts it all on the line for thier friends, family, and home. If ever faced with such a difficult decision. I only hope I have the courage and strength to do the same.
Nyym focused back on the here and now.
Look into ur own heart Aohden. Don't let him win. Your not alone. We are with you. Where you shoulder this burden, we will help you push through it. You are one of us. One of our family and we dont let family fight alone. Now FIGHT IT!!!
influence: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Nyym gave a quick glance around to make sure no one was approaching them. He knew they were watching. But they needed to make sure no one got to close to agrivate the situation as he knew Aohden was at a very precarious point. While Aohden would not knowingly and intentionally hurt anyone there. One wrong move or word could mean the difference between calming Aohden down or a fight none of them wanted.

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Even though I'm botting both Kytynna and Rocnork (effectively making them NPCs), I will go ahead and attempt rolls on their players' behalf.
He watches the events playing out before him, unsure as to what he could or should do. Much was lost to get here. A great weight of anger is upon his shoulders. The few who changed so much. The few who bring hope where there is none. They are needed. All of them. He stares at the human willing him to fight.
Rocnork Charisma check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Kyt maintains her hold on Aodhàn, nuzzling the side of her face against the back of his shoulders. Ai Armiel Telere Maenen Hir. You hold my heart forever. I know yours is the stronger will, arael'sha. Not his. Show him.
Kytynna's Influence check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Currently, Aodhàn has a +8 bonus on his next saving throw (+2 from his inspiring, +6 from the aid another checks). Now we wait and see what will happen with Tsadok's roll.

Tsadok Whisperfall |
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Tsadok watches the events take place, to get a better idea of what the Erutaki has been speaking about this Raggedy Man. He sees that Aiko has caused an internal fight with the large man. But upon hearing the man call out “FIGHT”, Tsadok instantly grasps the hilt of his blade. But does not unsheathe it.
He sees the others call to the man with words of encouragement, seeing that it is working. But he knows nothing of this man or what to say to him of his battles. But it comes to him, he moves to within close ear shot of the man.
Where he begins to hum a low tone as he transitions to singing in the same low voice. The song is from his childhood, it was a song his mother sang to him, when he fighting his internal demons.
Charisma Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Aodhàn Charthagnion |

As he fights to resist the malign influence resulting from the Raggedy Man's lingering psychic presence, Aodhàn can feel the onslaught of memories (both his and the other's) vying to secure a foothold within.
Within his own mental plane, the Chelish bouncer finds himself all alone. All at once, lying on the ground before him is a length of rope. Across from him, two individuals take their positions, with a smiling Gorewillow as anchor and the Raggedy Man taking the point.
Looking around and finding no one coming to his aid, Aodhàn sighs as he hesitantly takes his place across from the two. Once he is in position, the three take up the rope and, after a lengthy staredown, begin pulling.
Aodhàn's Will save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19; +1 against spells or effects with the fear or emotion descriptors due to Indomitable, +2 morale bonus on saves against charm and fear, +8 from the aid another checks
As the pull begins in earnest, both teams struggle to move the other toward the center line. The bouncer's hands nearly slip off the rope, his arms burning from the exertion of the pull. And as toils in an effort to compensate for the sudden and momentary slack, the Raggedy Man and Gorewillow try to take advantage.
The half-orc's sadistic smile grows at the sight. He calls to the point of his team. He's got no heart.
The Raggedy Man immediately barks back at Gorewillow. Don't slack off now!
But that initial surge doesn't last. For though he seems uncoordinated in his efforts at first, Aodhàn has a surprise in store for his opponents. The smug look on Gorewillow's face changes to one of shock as the bouncer drops his elbows below his knees to add to his own stability and prevent himself from being moved toward the center line.
The temporary stalemate comes to an end as he now takes advantage of the other side's disarray. Aodhán heaves and pulls, finding a rhythm that suits himself and puts his opponents at a disadvantage.
Despite the duo's best efforts, the Raggedy Man and Gorewillow find themselves being slowly dragged toward the center line, their feet digging furrows into the dirt as they go.
Aodhàn works to continue the momentum he has gained. Groans could be heard from both sides, each pulling with all the might that they could muster.
And then it happens.
Just when it looks as if he will drag the two closer to the center line, the Raggedy Man gives Aodhàn a sly wink that completely catches him off guard, so much so that the stores of energy that are fueling him nearly dwindle. He almost didn't notice the rope sliding roughly through his fingers. With a low growl, he readjusts his grip on the line and begins to pull with renewed vigor.
The feeling is in the air. The toll of the pull is beginning to show on the participants. It is only a matter of time before one side will make that one misstep which will allow the other to capitalize and achieve victory.
And it comes from Aodhàn, as something within him seems to shatter. Gorewillow and the Raggedy Man take advantage of the human's obvious distraction. As one they pull, and though Aodhàn struggles to maintain his place on the field, he can slowly but surely feel himself being drawn closer to the center line. Five feet becomes ten, and the bouncer teeters on the brink. His resolve unbroken, he maintains his grip on the rope and digs his feet into the soil as his torso hovers above the line. Aodhàn then leans back, throwing all of his remaining might into the pull.
Even as he does this, Aodhán finds himself no longer alone as from out of the darkness around him, Aiko moves toward his side and grabs a piece of the rope so that she too can pull. One by one, others appear, adding their strength to Aodhàn. First Liesel-Marie, then Nyym, followed by Rocnork and Kytynna. Last, but not least, Tsadok joins in, siding with the Chelish bouncer as well.
Faced with such an outpouring of support for Aodhán, Gorewillow and the Raggedy Man find themselves quickly dragged across the center line....
Back in the main room of Ramblehouse, tears stream down the dark-haired man's face as he silently slumps, finally regaining control of himself once again.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

Liesel-Marie is ready. When the exhausted man goes limp, she doesn't let him fall.
Let Kytynna focus on caring for him, Liesel-Marie will support them both if she must.
She will rage to gain the strength stance if she needs to.

Araki Aiko |

The Minkan samurai observes the final moments of Aodhàn's intense mental struggle. When it is over, Aiko stands and approaches the bouncer. As she places a glowing hand upon his forehead, the Shizuran whispers, Rest, valiant warrior.
Standard action: lay on hands with mercies diseased and sickened.
The level of illumination in the main room increases significantly, though the effect is neither harsh nor long-lasting. When it ends, the bouncer seems more visibly relaxed.
Aiko looks at Liesel-Marie. I thought perhaps his suffering was due to some affliction of the mind, but this condition is beyond my capability to remove. At any rate, he'll have at best an hour's worth of respite from the derangement. After that, he'll need to be carefully monitored.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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”Is this a demon-thing? Can the church priests push this out?”
”He’s already said he won’t join us on our journey, but we can hardly abandon him when he needs us so much.”

Araki Aiko |

”Is this a demon-thing? Can the church priests push this out?”
Aiko's Religion check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
I'm somewhat familiar with fiendish possession, though a priest would have more in depth knowledge than I. But no, this does not seem to be that type of possession. If it were, he would not have been allowed to leave the confines of the temple. To put it simply, a possession involves the projection of a soul into the body of another. And while fiends from the infernal planes of existence are the most well known source of intrusion, that is not the only kind. And if they are unsure what kind of entity has forced its soul into him, then pushing it out can cause more woe than weal.
”He’s already said he won’t join us on our journey, but we can hardly abandon him when he needs us so much.”
I understand, to some extent, your dilemma. He is a valued friend and ally. But what practical benefit would it serve for you to remain with him? Given that you've stated previously your preference of, and I am paraphrasing here, 'having someone else worry about the big picture to allow your focus on destroying one enemy at a time', I'd have to say that there would not be a benefit to your remaining at his side. Are you steeped in lore that can be of benefit to him, lore that the priests do not currently have access to? Or are you perhaps driven more by guilt for having avoided the fate which he is currently undergoing? If this is indeed due to such a feeling, then you do not only Aodhàn great dishonor, but yourself as well.
Aiko does not mean for her words to seem as harsh as they sound, but as a practitioner of Ichimeiyo, the samurai understands all too well that in this instance, it is necessary to show Liesel-Marie that a true warrior follows a code that stresses honor, loyalty to a cause or master, and an absolutely unbreakable will. Otherwise, the warrior becomes one that is blown here and there like the waves of an ocean, owning nothing and owned by no one. In her lands, there is a word for such a warrior.
The leader of this town has given her a mission, one that she has agreed to perform. To back out of it now will not only put others at risk, but bring upon her great dishonor.
And while the dilemma's solution seems all too obvious to Aiko, the samurai also realizes that her ways were not the ways of those in these lands. In the end, she can only hope that Liesel-Marie finds her resolve and does the right thing.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie shifts her weight as she considers the other woman's words.
With a dark look, she finally responds, "Fine. My axe and my hammer are of little use against this enemy. Let us stop talking and do something. I am not the shaman, waiting in the camp for the warriors to return from the hunt. I am a hunter. Let us hunt."
She whispers to Aodhan, "Staying here wastes your sacrifice. I must leave and I will bring honor to your name and your legend."

Nyym |
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Nyym looked and listened to Liesel-Marie and Aiko as he sat back down. Liesel-Marie was frustrated and he understood why. Aohden was dealing with something beyond thier abilities to deal with with thier many valuable skills. All save for maybe one..
We aren't entirely leaving him alone. Aohden had said that he would be traveling with Mesa, Vigazi, and Nogusta. While Nogusta has not been with us from the beginning. He has more then proved himself and I trust him with my life. Being a cleric makes him more then qualified to accompany Aohden and tend to him as needed.
Nyym looks to Kyt..
While we could definitely use you with us. I can also understand if you wish to accompany him as well. Having someone close to his heart might even be beneficial in keeping him from falling to the Raggedy Mans control. The choice is urs.
Nyym ended it it such a way that left the decision to Kyt and Kyt alone. He would respect her choice either way.

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Kytynna is silent for what seems an eternity, her face struggling to maintain some semblance of calm in the wake of all that has transpired. After Cham has some of Ramblehouse's patrons come to assist Liesel-Marie in moving Aodhàn to a seat, she casts a lingering glance at the mentally bouncer before finally turning back and responding to Nyym.
I want to be by his side, whether it is going with him or him coming with us. But I also don't want to diminish what he did for all of Team Ruby. I also don't to be a distraction for him, one that could give the Raggedy Man an opportunity to gain a stronger hold. If that means setting aside my want to allow him to do what he needs to do, then I will. So I will be accompanying you and Liesel-Marie on this mission. Besides, it will give me the opportunity to take my frustrations out on those that are most deserving of it. The last is added with a wink and a smile.
She continues, somewhat eager to change the subject. We should start preparing to make this journey. I have received Halgra's letter of introduction and Captain Bloodtusk will be waiting for us with his keelboat some 18 miles north of Trunau on the southern bank of the Kestrel River. That's just over a day away according to the Chief Defender. The sooner we get underway, the better. As for the situation with Aiko, we can discuss that while we travel.

Nyym |
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Nyym nodded his acceptance of her answer. He admired the strength of decision. He knew it was no easy decision to leave the care of one she loved in the hands of others. But her decision was also a double edged sword. While she was worried of being a distraction to him by her accompanying him. Her accompanying Nyym and company also mentioned she could possibly be distracted in her concern for him while they were apart in his condition. But Nyym did not voice it. He promised to respect her decision and he would do just that. Nyym turned to Liesel-Marie and the rest with a knowing look before responding to her last statement though.
I have a feeling we will run into hers before we get to ours as its along the way. Trust me when I say there will be plenty to take frustration out on along the way. Aikos opponents are Dark Elves.
There was no amusement in his expression or his voice. Nyym was taking the thought of facing his own kind very seriously.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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The sooner we get underway, the better. As for the situation with Aiko, we can discuss that while we travel.
With an attempt at humor, the now-unburdened Liesel-Marie replies, "I'd like to finish breakfast first, but my kit is packed and ready to go." She pauses for a moment as though unsure whether she should sit or retrieve her things, but flashes a brief grin and sits back down at her mostly-empty plate.

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I have a feeling we will run into hers before we get to ours as its along the way. Trust me when I say there will be plenty to take frustration out on along the way. Aikos opponents are Dark Elves.
There was no amusement in his expression or his voice. Nyym was taking the thought of facing his own kind very seriously.
Kyt looks as though she has taken a stiff shot to her solar plexus when Nyym mentions dark elves.
How...? She looks at Aiko in wonder. We'll definitely talk about this later.
DM Blayde MacRonan wrote:The sooner we get underway, the better. As for the situation with Aiko, we can discuss that while we travel.With an attempt at humor, the now-unburdened Liesel-Marie replies, "I'd like to finish breakfast first, but my kit is packed and ready to go." She pauses for a moment as though unsure whether she should sit or retrieve her things, but flashes a brief grin and sits back down at her mostly-empty plate.
After breakfast then. As if in response to her concession, Kyt's stomach issues a low gurgling noise.

Nyym |
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As things start to calm back down. Nyym looks back to Aohden as he is settled into his seat. He felt for the man as Liesel-Marie did in they were the two that felt most responsible for his situation as of currently. Aohden had alot to deal with and Nyym hoped that he would be able to find the help and answers he sought. Nyym did take comfort in that Mesa and Nogusta as well as Vigazi would be with him. Once he was sure that all was calm again. He went back to his seat as well and started eating again.
But his thoughts turned to the upcoming fight with those of his own kind. Nyym did not wish to fight his own people. But he would if he must. With these thoughts and what had just transpired. Nyyms breakfast, while tasty and filling, just did not have the enjoyment it had when he 1st sat down.
I do not wish to kill my own. But if I must to protect my new family and home. Then I will do what I must.
Nyym looked back to Kyt and Aohden..
You are lucky man to have her love Aohden.
With that he looked back to his plate and continued eating. In a way he wished for someone. But at the same time he was kind of glad to be alone. With what they were about to face. Nyym knew any connection to him would be dangerous. So he would be content with his companions. Some some of who knew and trusted him. Some who reserved judgement till such time as they knew more of him. Then there was one who viewed him with suspicion.
You will see who I am and where my loyalties lay. You will see that I am not like those we are about to face. They to would see as well. I am my own. I will NOT be the monster my visions portray me to be. I will do what I must to protect those that would suffer should he turn away.
Nyym continued eating in silence as the others conversed around him.

Araki Aiko |

Aiko resumes eating with her nuribashi, the pair of lacquered sticks from before, keeping a watchful eye on the members of Team Ruby. It is plain to see that each one regarded the others as family, with some relationships obviously going beyond even that bond. It brings to mind the time she spent with Calrianne, traveling to Avistan from Minkai by the land route over Golarion's northernmost continent, the icy Crown of the World. Though fraught with peril, the samurai recalls the beauty she beheld along the way. Sights Aiko would have otherwise gone her life without seeing had she not accompanied the knight.
With a slight smile, she also watches Rocnork and Tsadok, noting that the duo, despite their near constant bickering, hold a grudging respect for one another. The half-orc and wyvaran obviously share some sort of bond, though it is very different from the kind shared by the members of Team Ruby. The samurai, while hard-pressed to understand its nature, is able to acknowledge its existence.
Her own circumstance has been the singular unifying factor, the one thing that has brought them all together. No, Aiko realizes, they are still two separate factions sharing a temporary goal. Given the nature of the dhaerow, if both groups don't come together, they find defeating them to be even more difficult than it needed to be.
Aiko's expression hardens as she accepts her part as intermediary, understanding that she has very little time to accomplish the unification of the two groups. The dhaerow will serve as their baptism of fire.

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The rest of breakfast passes uneventfully. When all have had their fill, Aiko, Rocnork, Tsadok, and the members of Team Ruby go about preparing for their journey, gathering their respective kits before meeting outside of Ramblehouse.
The adventuring party currently consists of the following:
Team Ruby - Kytynna, Liesel-Marie, and Nyym.
Araki Aiko
Once a quick headcount is performed, the group sets off toward their first destination: the lair of the dhaerow. Thanks to the information gained by Nyym, the group are able to find it after are three hours of travel:
A low bunker of blue-black stone protrudes from the ground. Dimly visible amidst a thick layer of black, dull-colored sandy stone is a faint tracery of silvery wire inlaid in a repeating star-like pattern encircling a hexagonal portal in the bunker’s face. To the right of the portal is a hexagonal panel of milky-white crystal, spiderwebbed with cracks and smashed through in several places.
This entire portal is covered in a layer of greywacke sandstone (hardness 0, hp 20), which must be removed before the portal can be opened or the crystal panel accessed. If the greywacke takes more than 20 points of damage, any damage over this amount is treated as negative hit points for repairing the access panel. Once the stone coating is removed, the panel must be repaired using make whole or mending. 1 hour of work and DC 25 Lore (engineering) and Finesse checks can also repair 1d4 points of damage. The crystal panel has 0 hit points (plus any negative hit points from breaking through the sandstone) and must be repaired up to 10 hit points to function. The portal itself can also be broken or battered down (hardness 15, hp 60, break DC 30). A DC 15 Survival check also indicates the presence of multiple faint footprints.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

Assuming someone explains the situation to Liesel-Marie, she hefts Agrimmosh and looks at the wall for any obvious weak points.
"So they were coming here to a stone building that cannot be entered without breaking the wall? That seems an unusual way to lock a door, doesn't it? And who broke the crystal?"
She will use Agrimmosh to break the stone if no one has a different suggestion. Repairing the panel will have to fall to someone else, however. She has a slight chance of managing that break DC on the door if she rages and uses her strength surge, but I believe she would still have to roll a natural 18 or better to make the check, barring any aid anothers that might be available.

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Assuming someone explains the situation to Liesel-Marie, she hefts Agrimmosh and looks at the wall for any obvious weak points.
"So they were coming here to a stone building that cannot be entered without breaking the wall? That seems an unusual way to lock a door, doesn't it? And who broke the crystal?"
A silver-haired female elf with skin like polished obsidian and rose-hued eyes rises into view atop the low building. The dhaerow is lithe, slim, and graceful in build, features, and movement, much as other elves appear to human eyes. She is dressed in fitted pants, a shirt, a hooded cloak, and soft leather boots, all in neutral colors and the few buttons and rivets that can be seen are wrapped in dull, dark cloth.
Not if the intent is to seal something within. Of course, the best hidden doors tend to be the most obvious traps.
I need to roll Perception checks. Anything less than 18 indicates failure.
Araki Aiko: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Kyt: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Liesel-Marie: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Nyym: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Rocnork: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Tsadok: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29
Kyt, Liesel-Marie, Rocnork, and Tsadok are all too aware of the presence of five other silver-haired dhaerow positioned around the group moments before they rise from their ground blinds. Three male, two female. Four of the five wear garb as the first and are pointing crossbows (three heavy, one light) while the fifth (a female), in addition to being unarmed, is dressed in similar fashion as Kytynna, though the clothing is specifically more expensive and gaudy in appearance.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

"This is a terribly hidden door. What does that say about your trap? Or perhaps your friends should learn to hide themselves better."

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"This is a terribly hidden door. What does that say about your trap? Or perhaps your friends should learn to hide themselves better."
The female dhaerow on the bunker raises a delicate eyebrow at the Erutaki's words while trying to stifle a laugh. The irony of your statement obviously eludes you.
She drops down from the building, placing her amidst the surface dwellers. I am Nizana of the Black Fist. We represent Clan Nikumu. At the last, she gestures toward the other dhaerow before continuing. I have been authorized by priestess Miz'ri to arrange a temporary truce with the samurai and any allies she may have so that a parlay can be established. If a truce is not desired, then we will continue to carry out our contract.
Nizana turns toward Nyym, a warm smile upon her face. It is good to see you once again, Little Shadow.
Compared to Kytynna and even the other dhaerow males, Nizana (as well as the other two females) is taller and possesses a more athletic build. Also, she places her weight on the balls of her feet, rather than standing flat-footed as most tend to do. Finally, aside from the heavy crossbow that can be seen strapped across her back, Nizana carries no other obvious weapons, though her hands are heavily wrapped.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

The female dhaerow on the bunker raises a delicate eyebrow at the Erutaki's words while trying to stifle a laugh. The irony of your statement obviously eludes you.
Liesel-Marie shrugs, "Never claimed to do irony well. Or battle with words."
"So what's locked behind the door?"
I will stop so we can get some input from the others. I'm beginning to feel like the only one playing is the GM, the occasional reply from Nyym or myself notwithstanding.

Tsadok Whisperfall |

Tsadok walks beside Aiko in silence, only the rhythmic tone produce by the rings on his blade sound as his feet touch the ground, for the trek to the dhaerow’s encampment.
As the female dhaerow spoke Tsadok places his hand in front of Aiko to warn her of the other dhaerow that are nearby. He does not show any sign of looking for a fight due to the fact that if they wished a fight they would have already attacked from cover.
Tsadok however does not hold a slight chuckle back at the words of Nizana. But as she continues to speak, Tsadok shifts slightly on the balls of his feet as well. Knowing that she will pick-up his movements. All the while his eyes are locked on her but his ears are attuned to her friends. He does cut a slight glance toward Nyym when she addresses him.
Did he lead us here, knowingly or is he’s memory lose being used or are theirs? Trust or collusion, will soon reveal itself.
Tsadok steps into the conversation seeing that this calls for more brains than brawn.
Nizana, we both know if a fight is what you desired then it would be well underway. So what help do you wish from us discovering what lays behind the sand stone door? Between the cracks and the light foot prints around the portal, it’s a good guess. From the looks, you and your band have tried to gain access to it already. He awaits for her response but before she can he poses another question.
What can you tell Little Shadow of himself?

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Nizana listens to both Liesel-Marie and Tsadok. When they are done, she remains silent for a moment, as if considering her next words carefully. What the half-orc says about desiring a fight is true. However, we do not need your help in discovering what lies beyond the door. This we already know. As to what that is...
Bound by honor, we have been hunting the samurai for some time, combing this region for some sign of her. Not knowing how long it would take to find our quarry, we sought to establish a lair, a place we could operate from while conducting our search. Eventually, we came upon this structure. Upon gaining entry, work went into its exploration. What we found was beyond anything that could be imagined. Strange crystals, metallic carvings and artifacts of gleaming silver and shattered glass, at once ruined and yet enduring from time out of mind. Eventually, we came across a machine. Not knowing its purpose, the priestess gave strict orders to leave it be, declaring that section of the underground complex off limits.
However, one foolishly ignored her command, and in so doing, awakened the contraption. It stole his mind, turning him into a horrific monster. I am ashamed to say that we were caught off our guard, as one by one, our number began to diminish, with the ilythiiri that were taken returning converted to the will of the now obviously sentient machine. The ilythiiri that you see now managed to retreat to the surface, but only due to the courage of Weapon Master Trelgath, who took it upon himself to remain behind to hold off the converted long enough for our priestess to place a seal upon the entrance.
However, we have discovered that an item of great importance was left behind. Or rather, taken from us. A crystalline stone prism*, vibrant purple in hue. Our priestess desires very much to have this item returned to her. If you will assist in its retrieval, we can offer up a delay in the carrying out of our contract for a period no more than two weeks.
As Nizana speaks, she is looking directly toward Nyym. And though her words do not convey any feeling, her rose colored eyes seem both desperate and ashamed.
* A prism is a 3-dimensional shape with two identical shapes facing each other.

Nyym |

Nyym listens intently as she speaks. Well aware of eyes being directed at him by more then just her.
The look in her eyes.. desperate and ashamed. She is in a position that does not sit well with her. Or the others for that matter. They are use to being in a position of power and strength. Not asking for help such as now.
He looks up at Nizana..
I might would have been inclined to say the same of seeing you as well Nizana. Were it under different circumstances and a friends life didn't hinge on the outcome of our meeting. You say you are honor bound to hunt down Aiko. I must ask though. What honor comes from hunting one who helped expose a dishonorable act.
He kept his voice even and non aggressive. But he's voice also left no mistake that he would fight if he had to. Something that even now he wished to avoid. But Nyym knew that a fight would be inevitable if not sooner, then definitely later. He would settle for later in this case.

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The way of the true warrior is not the way of the League, and though there are leaders within who may walk alongside the path of honor, all are permitted actions that would dishonor their servants. Nizana's words carry with them a sense of resignation, as though she herself has had to face that very same question asked by Nyym. That is the Golden League, a powerful organization with influence throughout Tian Xia. And we act as silinrai, hunters, on their behalf. It is a role our clan has accepted, one we perform with honor.
We have seen our le'i, our kin, in these lands. We went to them, thinking they could be of assistance. Only to discover that our brethren had become bitter and twisted, warped reflections of what they once were. They have forgotten what it means to be ilythiiri, so debased has their blood become. They have cast aside their honor to serve malign and destructive entities not native to this world, all for the sake of power.
The Black Fist laughs, though there is no humor to be found in her voice, but rather disgust.
The unarmed female dressed in expensive cloths intones: "Uss z'klaen g'jahall uss' ehmtu barra, uss' ehmtu errdegahr, xor tlu luth wund l'rendan. Usstan inbal wayc'el wun oloth lu'inbal shabeull ol.
Her words cause the other assembled dhaerow to respond in unison: Ji tlu ol!
Knowing that the others will not understand what was said, Aiko translates: One must defeat one's own shadow, one's own demon, or be cast into the abyss. I have dwelt in darkness and have conquered it. To which they responded, So be it!
Nizana continues, We are not like them, Little Shadow. We are not like the co'nbluth in these lands. We remain ilythiiri. We still walk the way of the true warrior. We can be ruthless and vicious, but we are loyal to who we serve. And we conduct ourselves with pride and superiority in all that we do.

Tsadok Whisperfall |

Tsadok listens to the female dhaerow, Yep needs help, explain their problem. Most of what I said was true save one word, it is not to discover but recover what lies beyond the door. And with you asking for help from a bounty and her companions this is a very important items. And I would also assume these are your remaining forces. And two weeks is a reasonable offer if it wasn’t for the item’s importance and the size of your group.
He pauses to allow his bluntness to set in.
I offer this, if we decide to help you and recover the said item. You allow Aiko a four week grace. So the question is, do you incur the wrath of your priestess or delay your honor for two more weeks.
Her honor is not to discern what is right or wrong but to fulfill to contract given to her clan. Just as the honor of her word to us if we undertake this recovery mission. He adds to what Nyym said to her. For Tsadok understand what honor is, he has his own personal code of honor but it is more to his own internal self.

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Tsadok listens to the female dhaerow, Yep needs help, explain their problem. Most of what I said was true save one word, it is not to discover but recover what lies beyond the door. And with you asking for help from a bounty and her companions this is a very important items. And I would also assume these are your remaining forces. And two weeks is a reasonable offer if it wasn’t for the item’s importance and the size of your group.
He pauses to allow his bluntness to set in.
Nizana arches an eyebrow at the words of the grey-skinned half-orc.
I offer this, if we decide to help you and recover the said item. You allow Aiko a four week grace. So the question is, do you incur the wrath of your priestess or delay your honor for two more weeks.
Her honor is not to discern what is right or wrong but to fulfill to contract given to her clan. Just as the honor of her word to us if we undertake this recovery mission. He adds to what Nyym said to her. For Tsadok understand what honor is, he has his own personal code of honor but it is more to his own internal self.
The Black Fist's expression becomes one of derision as she listens to Tsadok's speech. She glances over at the priestess. Miz'ri, in turn, keeps her face neutral. Instead, her wrapped fingers begin to move in the intricate silent hand code of the ilythiiri. When Miz'ri is done, the Black Fist gives her a nod before returning her gaze back to Tsadok. When he finishes, it is the priestess, not Nizana, who gives the response.
The tu'retok is under the impression that our smaller number makes us less dangerous. You may test that belief at your leisure, but I will warn you that each ilythiiri you see has received over nine years of training in combat tactics, six months of arcane magic training, and six months of religious training, starting at the age of 20. The next 90 years are then spent determining whether or not an individual ilythiiri possess talents that go beyond merely fighting. Those that do are given further tutelage to develop them, whether it is 50 years of advanced religious studies for our clergy, 30 years of "practical magic" training as a wizard, or 20 years of spiritual and mental development to produce some of the deadliest and successful killers in the Darklands. So underestimate us at your peril.
We are shinobi, who value loyalty and duty and for whom the ends justifies the means. If we are commanded to dress in black, lurk in the shadows, and kill with poison, so be it. Our honor is stronger for not questioning what must be done. We have a saying: Rath'argh vaene natha dro'draeval, jhal aphyon zhah kristass. That translates in your language to "Dishonor lasts a lifetime, but death is instant."
Miz'ri pauses thoughtfully before continuing. I will add a week, making the length of abeyance three. That should be more than sufficient for both our needs. Do we have a deal?

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

Liesel-Marie keeps an eye on the dhaerow nearest her, the hammer still in her hands as it was when they stepped out of hiding.
"I'm no fancy speaker. If I hear you right, there's something behind that door that you really want back. If she's going in after it, I'm going in, also."
The erutaki nods, as if that settles everything. And for her, it might.

Nyym |

Nyym listened to everyone as each spoke. It kinda irked him that Aikos fate hung in the balance and yet they bargained as if she was some property or stock being auctioned at market. It bothered him even more that while this object was so important. Yet their was no mention of recovering and or rescuing any survivors...
Only a couple of years ago. A hand full of us awke to the healing mentrations of the town known as Trunau. Having no memory beyond the waking there. We were excepted into thier community and treated for our injuries. Through our actions and loyalty we were made full citizens of Trunau.
To me loyalty is something that is earned and I do not sell it to the highest bidder. I give it that are truly deserving of it. Your contract with the Golden League has meant the continued survival of Clan Nikumu. I can understand and even respect it. Having no memory of my past. I didn't even know what this mark I bare ment until my chance meeting with Nazana on the assembly grounds of Trunau. I have however had a couple of visions that I can only guess is a glimpse of my past. If that is the case. Then I had granted such unwavering loyalty before and the person or persons who I granted such loyalty repayed me by having me killed along with my companions. Some of whom are no present at this time.
That is not a mistake I will be repeating. It is because of those that I AM loyal to that regardless of however much time weare granted. I am going into that cavern. I will not leave others like me at the mercy of whatever is in there. If I can bring back survivors I will. If we can recover ur lost item. Great. But those that I AM loyal to may be in danger from what maybe lurking within. If that is the case. Then I need to know so that measures may be taken to ensure the safety of my home and those of the people who reside within its walls.
Nyym looks at his companions and then at Nazana and then to the priestess. Then in a voice that carried with it Determination and conviction..
I will make it clear here and now. While I have offered my aid to Aiko. The extinction of a people is not my goal here should we indeed cross blades. To go that far is to make any of us no better then the Orks we faced in defences of Trunau a 10 day ago. While ur numbers are few and may increase yet again should we find any survivors. I go in know and excepting this. I have no doupt in ur prowess in the field and in the arts. My studies have taught me at least that much. This decision by me in no way means my loyalties have shift. I made a promise and I will see it though.
On the last statement, Nyym looked directly at Stadoc. He had after all been the most vocal of his distrust of Nyym given these newest divelopments..

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Liesel-Marie keeps an eye on the dhaerow nearest her, the hammer still in her hands as it was when they stepped out of hiding.
"I'm no fancy speaker. If I hear you right, there's something behind that door that you really want back. If she's going in after it, I'm going in, also."
The erutaki nods, as if that settles everything. And for her, it might.
Both Nizana and Miz'ri wear looks of confusion at Liesel-Marie's simple statement. The two begin flashing their hand code to one another for several moments, with both their gestures and expressions displaying a sense of strong emotional content. When they are done, the Black Fist says aloud, I'm to accompany you down there? Am I then to be a hostage?
Nyym listened to everyone as each spoke. It kinda irked him that Aikos fate hung in the balance and yet they bargained as if she was some property or stock being auctioned at market. It bothered him even more that while this object was so important. Yet their was no mention of recovering and or rescuing any survivors...
Only a couple of years ago. A hand full of us awke to the healing mentrations of the town known as Trunau. Having no memory beyond the waking there. We were excepted into thier community and treated for our injuries. Through our actions and loyalty we were made full citizens of Trunau.
To me loyalty is something that is earned and I do not sell it to the highest bidder. I give it that are truly deserving of it. Your contract with the Golden League has meant the continued survival of Clan Nikumu. I can understand and even respect it. Having no memory of my past. I didn't even know what this mark I bare ment until my chance meeting with Nazana on the assembly grounds of Trunau. I have however had a couple of visions that I can only guess is a glimpse of my past. If that is the case. Then I had granted such unwavering loyalty before and the person or persons who I granted such loyalty repayed me by having me killed along with my companions. Some of whom are no present at this time.
That is not a mistake I will be repeating. It is because of those that I AM loyal to that regardless of however much time weare granted. I am going into that cavern. I will not leave others like me at the mercy of whatever is in there. If I can bring back survivors I will. If we can recover ur lost item. Great. But those that I AM loyal to may be in danger from what maybe lurking within. If that is the case. Then I need to know so that measures may be taken to ensure the safety of my home and those of the people who reside within its walls.
Nyym looks at his companions and then at Nazana and then to the priestess. Then in a voice that carried with it Determination and conviction..
I will make it clear here and now. While I have offered my aid to Aiko. The extinction of a people is not my goal here should we indeed cross blades. To go that far is to make any of us no better then the Orks we faced in defences of Trunau a 10 day ago. While ur numbers are few and may increase yet again should we find any survivors. I go in know and excepting this. I have no doupt in ur prowess in the field and in the arts. My studies have taught me at least that much. This decision by me in no way means my loyalties have shift. I made a promise and I will see it though.
Miz'ri regards Nyym with a stern expression before speaking. I will tell you what you will be facing so that your understanding of the situation is made better. With perhaps the exception of Weapon Master Trelgath, there are no survivors below. Those that you encounter below, the converted, are no longer ilythiiri. They are abominations, a fusion of flesh and machine. Stripped of who they once were, the converted are little more than drones serving the will of the apparatus. And there are also the automatons, fully mechanical constructs that serve the greater machine as well. Fight well when you encounter them, for should you fall, then your corpse will be added to their collective. If you can find him, and he has not been converted, Trelgath will be a great ally to you. Though I hold no hope for his return, if you should manage to return the weapon master to our clan, the gratitude we could express would be enormous. Enough to extend the three week period to four.

Nyym |

Nyym met her expression with one of his own.
The information is greatly appreciated. As for the Weapons Master. It is my hope that we can infact bring him back. If the others are as you say and there is truly no hope. Then we shall give them.the end befitting the warriors they once were.
Nyym turn to face Nizana..
While you are welcome to accompany us in this endeavor. You do so of your own choice and free will. You will not be a hostage to be used as a bargaining chip. That is not our way or the way of a true warrior or so I have been told. Liesel-Marie most likely ment that if Aiko is going in there. Then she will be accompanying her. As she has said. She is not known for expression in words. But she is honorable and I am honored to have her traveling with me. Kyt and Aiko as well. While I know little of Stadoc or Rocnork. While I know little of them. They have pledged aid to Aikoas well and that is enough for me.. We travel together as equals. We work best that way.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

Liesel-Marie looks confused in return. "No hostages." Then she understands and points at the samurai, "If she goes in, I'm going in."

Araki Aiko |

Liesel-Marie looks confused in return. "No hostages." Then she understands and points at the samurai, "If she goes in, I'm going in."
Throughout the encounter with the dhaerow, Aiko has been watching and listening, arms folded but her hands within easy reach of the daisho she wears.
Though I am prepared to face each and every member of Clan Nikumu here, I will go into this place and do what needs to be done. Not because it benefits me in any way, but because it is the right thing to do. After all, should these converted Nikumu find some means of escape, they could pose a serious threat to the people of Trunau. I will not have this upon my conscience, knowing that my actions could have prevented this from being so.
She then turns to Liesel-Marie. Come, vel'nys, my blade-sister. I am ready to face this threat head on and do what we do best.

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Unusually quiet, Kytynna, like Aiko, has been observing the dhaerow of Clan Nikumu with more than passing interest. Something about the sight of them is causing her mind to race with images of a female elf's shocking transformation—pale skin darkening to black and deep black hair bleaching silver. Aqua eyes filming over to cold white orbs. The entire change takes only seconds—where once was an elf now is a dhaerow.
The elf knows of the legends concerning the morfhaor, the dark transformation. It is a secret that has been kept from not only the N'Tel’Quess, those not of the elven people, but their own kind as well. For though most dhaerow were born to dhaerow parents, there have been instances of elves transforming into dark elves as well.
Had she witnessed such a fate befall one of her people?
Aiko's declaration shakes the elf from her troubled thoughts. Yes! Let's go and kick butt for goodness.
Kyt wears a smile on her face as she speaks, but her mind isn't too far from dwelling upon this newest wrinkle in her memories.
And as usual, Rocnork silently watches, wondering just what it is he has been caught up in.

Nyym |

A thought accured to Nyym as the others voiced thier opinions about the current situation.
Am I correct to assume that it would be a dishonor if someone else finished ur contract before you were able to? Or if something was to happen to the target of ur contract before you were able to complete said contract? Also am I correct in assuming that The Golden League also requires proof of completion of said contract?

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Once again, Nizana's hands flash in the hand code of her people. When she is done, the gathered ilythiiri laugh, the first sign of something beyond shame displayed collectively by them. After taking a moment to compose herself, the Black Fist explains. We have no such concerns. Once the Golden League authorized our services, not even their own Xun enforcers would dare to encroach upon our hunt. However, that is not to say we haven't dealt with this sort of behavior before. Despite our reputation - or perhaps because of it, we have dealt with individuals seeking to make a name for themselves by attempting to steal a contract from our clan. They learn the error of their ways fairly quickly, be it in this life or the next.
Miz'ri is quick to chime in, If our target were to meet an untimely end before we found them, then we would work to verify that such is the case. After all, there are those who would use such deception in an attempt to throw us off their trail.
Nizana nods her head in affirmation before continuing. As for proof, that has already been arranged by our target. Upon her death, we will take both her daisho and jisei, her death poem, to our employers to satisfy the completion of the contract, before seeing to it they are sent back to Jinin as requested. At this, Nizana performs a slight bow toward Aiko, who does likewise in return. The jisei has been received by us already. All that remains is the daisho, the swords which mark her status as samurai.
While the Black Fist is talking, the priestess glides toward the portal. Once there, Miz'ri places a hand upon the door and begins speaking in the language of the ilythiiri. A purple light pulses from it to spread across the structure. Moments later, the sandstone that is covering the portal melts away to expose the repeating star-like pattern, more silvery wire, and several vertical slots. She then places the other hand on the smashed panel and begins a series of chants, this time causing the spiderweb cracks to slowly repair.
Miz'ri's mending dice: 1d4 ⇒ 31d4 ⇒ 41d4 ⇒ 21d4 ⇒ 2
When she is finished, a series of blinking lights begin to dance beneath the crystalline face of the panel and the repeating star pattern on the portal thrum as blue energy manifests on the surface of the portal.
Thanks to the drow priestess (through her casting of stone shape and the mending orison), the crystal panel has been repaired up to the 10 hit points necessary for it to function. A successful DC 20 Finesse check (DC 30 without a set of thieves' tools) will allow for using the vertical slots in the proper sequence to open the portal. Masterwork thieves' tools add a +2 bonus to the roll. You can retry the check if you miss it.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

Liesel-Marie steps back from the door, out of her way, as the priestess’ intention to approach it becomes evident.
To the warrior doing most of the speaking, she asks, ”I would hate to speak of former friends in such a way, but the converted, if any remain, does it matter if I use hammer or axe? If we find this thing that changed them, what would you suggest I use to strike? I find it useful to speak to the hunters that have gone before when I can.”
I won’t be the one opening any doors with finesse, so I will wait.

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Liesel-Marie steps back from the door, out of her way, as the priestess’ intention to approach it becomes evident.
To the warrior doing most of the speaking, she asks, ”I would hate to speak of former friends in such a way, but the converted, if any remain, does it matter if I use hammer or axe? If we find this thing that changed them, what would you suggest I use to strike? I find it useful to speak to the hunters that have gone before when I can.”
I won’t be the one opening any doors with finesse, so I will wait.
The slight smile Nizana wears slips away, her expression hardens. The converted are merely empty shells of what they once were. Do with them as you will. As for the machine, it is a vast in size, occupying most of the chamber in which it sits. If it has a weakness, we were unable to discern it.
Insert Music: Keiichi Okabe - The Wretched Automatons [FULL INSTRUMENTAL]
Nizana then describes the chamber and what she saw within it:
The cavernous chamber is strewn with cables and machinery, including a long moving walkway descending from an aperture in the upper east wall and circling around a vast machine of alien manufacture in the center of the room before looping back under the upper conveyor and out through the south wall. The great machine dominating the chamber seems almost to squat over a golden-glowing circular pit, with small arms reaching out toward the encircling conveyor while a single metallic tendril writhes sinuously like a clawed hand and glaring eye in one.

Nyym |

Nyym nodded his head in acknowledgement of what he had just heard..
Good, that means we dont have to fight multiple groups seeking to end Aikos life. One threat at a time.
Nyym stepped forward once the Preistest moved aside and set to work on the mechanism with his masterwork thieves tools..
Nyym will take 10 for this action focusing on the job at hand. Finesse skill gives me a +13 for a total of 23.

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10 minutes later, Nyym figures out the proper sequential order to facilitate entering the structure. As the star-pattern irises open, the half-drow (and anyone standing close by) is able to see what's on the other side.
Beyond is a ramp heading down. Ten feet down the hexagonal corridor, tiny pinpoints of blue light flicker into view, emanating from the floor at regular intervals.
The corridor is 10-foot high, 10-foot wide and extends farther below the ground than can be currently seen. The level of illumination is dim. An area of dim light is like being out under a starlit sky, allowing you to see somewhat. Creatures within this area have concealment (20% miss chance in combat) from those without darkvision or the ability to see in darkness. A creature within an area of dim light can make a Stealth check to conceal itself.

Nyym |

Nyym looks back at the gathered Drow giving them a knowing nod. Then to his companions..
Well.. Let's get on with it.
With that simple statement, Nyym turns back to the opening and stepping through slowly to allow his eyes to shift to his dark vision. He moves in adjusting his armor as he does, but does not draw any weapons. In his mind. His blades would not do for this. But just the same, like his companions, he was uniquely suited for this. He smiled at the thought as he peered farther into the tunnel. Moving 15ft in before stopping to wauith for the others.
But as he waited. He scouted with his eyes and ear. Watching at listening for anything that might be waiting and or moving ahead and in the distance.
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
trip7: 3d10 ⇒ (10, 10, 7) = 27
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

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Nyym looks back at the gathered Drow giving them a knowing nod. Then to his companions..
Well.. Let's get on with it.
With that simple statement, Nyym turns back to the opening and stepping through slowly to allow his eyes to shift to his dark vision. He moves in adjusting his armor as he does, but does not draw any weapons. In his mind. His blades would not do for this. But just the same, like his companions, he was uniquely suited for this. He smiled at the thought as he peered farther into the tunnel. Moving 15ft in before stopping to wauith for the others.
But as he waited. He scouted with his eyes and ear. Watching at listening for anything that might be waiting and or moving ahead and in the distance.[dice=perception] 1d20+10
[dice=trip7] 3d10
[dice=perception] 1d20+10
As Nyym enters, tiny blue lights in the floor are triggered by his approach, spaced 10 feet apart, each shedding dim light as a candle.
Beyond this, nothing else can be discerned. The corridor extends farther below the ground than can be currently seen, even with the aid of darkvision and low-light vision.

Liesel-Marie Frostvale |

Thinking the hammer is the better choice, Liesel-Marie hefts it and considers the darkness.
She looks at the others in their party, "I know he doesn't need light, but I do. Tsadok, Rocnork, do you need light? I don't want to send him in too far ahead, but I don't want my light to give him away."
Thinking a scout and a rearguard with darkvision would be good, with the torchbearers in the middle. Agrimmosh is potentially one-handed, so I can carry the torch. Is anyone able to cast light? Or do we need to actually light it?