Nyym |
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Nyym awakens to the sounds of footsteps close to his door. Instinctively his hand went for his Hope Knife as it was the closest to reach. His encounter with the female dark elf last night had him on edge. He chuckled slightly at the though...
Nyym, settle down. You're getting abit jumpy of late.
He rolled up into a sitting position and looked around his modest room.
Will be awhile before I see this room again after this morning. Maybe I will see about getting my own home once this business is settled.
That last thought made him laugh almost out load. While he was sure he would be able to. But could he really settle down like that? Not like he had anyone to settle down with. Stretching out a couple times to loosen up. Nyym pushed these thoughts away. Now was not the time for a wondering mind. Now was the time to get things in motion and handle business. Nyym stretched out a fea more time this way and that. Then washed his hands and splashed some water on his face. After drying, he set about the room gathering his gear and setting out down stairs. As he rounded the corner he has that Aiko and Liesel-Maries were already downstairs.
Well let's get this going shall we.
With that thought he headed over to join Liesel-Marie at her table.
Tsadok Whisperfall |
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Tsadok slept quite well for the events of last night. He sat up in bed to see the morning light shining through the cracks around the shutters. He went and opened the shutters to let the sunlight shine throughout the room. He sat down on the floor in the beam of sun light.
So many of my kind cannot enjoy this simple pleasure. But I shall for them.
He sat there for several more moments allowing the sunlight to bathe the previous day’s events from is his body. To start the day anew. With a motion as quick as a flash he was on his feet, started to gather his possessions. He exited his room to head down to the main room for he was hunger for two reasons. One to see what today had in store and the other because hunger, sleeping is hard work.
As he came into the main room he saw the half-breed and another he could guess was a member of this Team Ruby. He spot Aiko and started to walk in her directions.
DM Blayde MacRonan |
As some of the other residents of Ramblehouse begin making their way downstairs to the main room for breakfast, Cham can be heard discussing an incident that occurred last night, namely a prisoner escape from the Trunau Countinghouse. Interestingly, while none of the priests of Abadar present were killed, they have proven unable to recall any details about the attacker beyond a considerable ability to take each of them unaware and being left too weak to move before lapsing into unconsciousness. The whereabouts of the escapee and her accomplice, at this time, is currently unknown. Lessie Crumpkin (who not only is the proprietor, but is also a member of the Council of Defenders) has informed Patrol Leader Jagrin Grath that a reward of 5,000 gold sails is being offered to any party that can bring the criminal back to stand trial for their wrongdoing.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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”Good morn, Nyym. Did you sleep well? I don’t think I’ve gotten such good rest since... I don’t think I’ve ever gotten such good rest. I had a dream - no nightmare, nothing like that, it felt like a memory of before, when I was young.” She pauses, thoughtful for a long moment, ”But then, I guess I have no way of knowing if it was a memory or just something my mind made up because I was dreaming.” Another long pause, then she looks at her friend.
” I hope it was a memory. I really hope it was something real.”
Nyym |
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Nyym took a seat across from Liesel-Marie..
Hope so too. Sounds like it was a good dream. I slept ok. But we had some unexpected visitors last night. Dark Elves. We able to avoid a fight, Myself and Aiko. They were here for Aiko, but was poised to strike at Team Ruby as well.
Nyym pointed out Aiko as he spoke her name so Liesel-Marie could see who he was speaking of.
But they call her by a different name. Samurai. She originally cam to Trunau to see our aid. But seems her troubles arrived before she could approach us.
Nyym paused for a moment dreading what he was about to tell her next. But he trusted her and the others of Team Ruby. So he continued..
It would seem that I am from the same clan as these particular Dark Elves. They bore the same mark that I have.
Nyym indicated the area over his eye.
Unfortunately you can't see it because it's only visible to dark vision. The 2 newcomers that came to find us in the Tomb have joined Aiko to help her. But they are suspicious of me. Given the events of last night I can't really say as I blame them. They will also be traveling to Redlake Fort. I told her last night that I would speak to you and Kyt about traveling with them to Redlake Fort and possibly aiding them as I am sure they will be looking for me as well now. One of them approached me thinking I was one of her group. Even gave me a bottle of the potion they used to disguise themselves.
Nyym sat back in his chair and let Liesel-Marie take it what he had told her. He really hated being the bearer of bad news. Not like they didn't already have enough going on at the moment.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie looks at him, waiting, but he seemed to be done talking and waiting for her reply. She turns to look at the woman he indicated, who happened to be watching them at that moment. Liesel-Marie smiles at her and nods in acknowledgment. She notes the blades in the woman’s sash.
Turning back to Nyym, she answers, ”So we are hunted by someone we don’t know and cannot identify. That’s no different than last week, is it? But we have potential allies to help us against this foe, someone that also needs to go where we are going, anyway. Sounds good to me. Do you trust these people? What’s the question here?”
She leans in, ”You do not look well. Why are you ill at ease, my friend? We won against the orcs and we take the battle to those that sent them. We have lost allies, but we are gaining new ones. The gods provide, do they not? Are you leaving something unsaid?”
Nyym |
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Nyym looks back towards Aiko. Then turns back to Liesel-Marie.
Nothing unsaid, just the frustration of not remembering the past. While I feel like I am being made to face my own people so to speak. I know that I am not really one of them. I remember nothing of my parentage. Nyym looks around a moment. Then shakes his head and smiles. I guess it's just a bad feeling. But ur right. The gods provide. We made it though some trying times together. This will be no different. From what I over heard of Aikos story last night. She is an honorable sort. That fact that she had come seeking us tells me she is seriously wanting help in this matter. I do not know enough of the other 2 though to pass judgement. But they give no indication that they mean to cause any problems that I am aware of. There are alot of unknowns here. But were we not just as unknown at one time ourselves? I say we trust them till we are given reason not to. We are asking them to do the same after all.
Araki Aiko |
Aiko waits until Cham is done talking before making her way over to where Liesel-Marie and Nyym are seated. Ohayou gozaimasu, the Minkan begins while executing a bow at the waist in a 30-degree angle, again with her hands in front (one on top of the other) below her abdomen. Unlike last night, however, her reddish-orange eyes are not down to the floor, but rather fixed upon the face of the Erutaki. Her gaze is not meant to be aggressive, but instead reflects the earnestness she feels. I am Araki Aiko. After the events of last night, and per our arrangement with the cha'quess, it is my wish to continue our business concerning the Redlake Fort. However, there are some issues that need to be addressed. Namely, the dhaerow of Clan Nikumu that are pursuing me, and quite possibly, your group as well.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie reaches over to pull a chair away from the table, clearly offering it to Aiko. ”I’m not good with ceremony and I’m not sure I understand everything you just said, but my friend, my brother-in-arms, says we have common cause. Let’s talk so we can figure out how we can help each other.”
She’s not noticed Tsadok yet, but if he comes to the table, she won’t turn him away.
Araki Aiko |
Aiko takes the offered seat. I am here in these lands to fulfill both the request of the knight Calrianne Blix and the debt that I owe her. This requires me to journey to Redlake Fort. And while I possess a map, it would be foolish to attempt exploration on my own. It has been my hope that I could perhaps seek the aid of the heroes called Team Ruby, but you have been assisting with the rebuilding of this town and that will take some time to finish. Time that, it seems, I no longer have.
Before I can discharge my duty, the dhaerow of Clan Nikumu, a notorious cult trained in espionage and combat techniques who serve the Golden League crime syndicate, seek my death. Having already claimed the life of my companion for foiling the League's plans four years ago, they sought to do the same with me last night. By the grace of The Empress, they were unable to do so, but only because I offered my life to them on the field of battle. Away from this town. Away from this place.
She continues. I had no wish to draw others into this matter beyond the search for Redlake Fort. I also have no wish to draw the dhaerow to that place. Instead, I would prefer to find where they have established their lair and hit them there. However, if it would be foolish to explore the fort on my own, then facing the dhaerow alone on their terms is equally so. And so once again, I find that assistance is needed.
She gestures toward the half-orc. Tsadok has generously offered his help, but even with his aid and that of his companion, it will not be enough. It is still my wish to have the help of Team Ruby. At this point, Aiko's gaze leaves the Erutaki to settle upon Nyym. However, Tsadok has expressed his concern regarding the cha'quess, the half-elf. Specifically, where his loyalty lies.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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"I don't know how you did it, but thank you for not involving my town," she gestures to Nyym, "our town in another battle. These people have seen enough, and bloodshed will return to Trunau soon enough."
"We are not needed for the rebuilding. We have been asked to go to Redlake Fort to find the one that set the orcs on the path that nearly destroyed this town and those within. I intend to see that through, but sometimes the best tactics are not the most direct." She grins and shrugs, "Not that my fighting style would ever hint that I know it."
"For myself, I see the value in accompanying you and your new allies to the lair of these - dero? - in exchange for your accompanying us to the Fort in return. Whether Nyym and Kytynna wish to come along is up to them - we are not a military force, we are a group of friends, thrown together by chance. We have no commander, merely common cause. I have absolutely no doubt of the loyalty of Nyym. He may not stand beside us swinging his sword, but he has never abandoned us, even when that was certainly the smarter choice. If your friends and mine find ourselves with common cause, we will stand with you. I vouch for Nyym's loyalty with no hesitation."
Tsadok Whisperfall |
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Tsadok over hears the talk of an escape from this Countinghouse. Melira has escaped, no doubt she will be coming for this. He thinks as he touches the hilt of her sword. But that will come.
Tsadok joined Aiko at the table she was setting at, though no words were spoken they knew what needs to be done. He watches as she gets up from the table and walks over to where the other two of Team Ruby sat. He watched the introduction Aiko gave, he was waiting for his feather friend to join him but he has not. Tsadok raises from his set and strides forth to stands behind Aiko.
He stands there and listen to the story for the night before repeated, though a shorter narration than then. With the mention of his name he nods his head to the table. And as the words, “half-elf” are spoken he shifts his gave to the one called Nyym.
”Our town”…..in another time it is my town as well, Tsadok thoughts drifts back to there. This one has a chance to survive. I swear it.
Listening to the female speak his thoughts wander back to the escape and certain words she spoke, Who? He wonders if she is part of this attack or was she just the failed first attempt.
Aiko, have you heard of this escape? She was the one who sought to kill someone at the ceremony. Here name is Melira, a Aldori Swordlord but she’s more. A Shadow Dancer. Would she be the type the dharow would employ? Shifting gaze to the female, Good, loyalty, we shall see.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie tilts her head as she listens to his words.
"The Chief Defender believes she was here to kill one of the members of Team Ruby. I'm not sure I understand why, but the council seems to think she is another part of the story that led to the attack on the city. The name doesn't sound familiar to me. What is an Aldori Swordlord? And what is a shadowdancer? If she's coming after me or my family," she points at Nyym again, "the more I know about her, the better."
She frowns slightly at his parting shot. "This is the deal. I will aid you and yours, but only with Nyym and Kytynna alongside. If they choose not to accompany you, I shall not. If you cannot accept aid from either of them, you don't need mine. But I think we are starting this relationship on the wrong foot."
She stands slowly and bows slightly to Aiko and Tsadok. "We have met, but I don't believe we have been formally introduced. I am Liesel-Marie, originally from the far north, it would appear, but I have no real memory of my time prior to Trunau. This is the only home I can remember. My friend Nyym, here, seems to have come from somewhere else, also, but his memory starts in Trunau, also. We have had visions of a time before, but we know not where or when that time was. I would count you among my friends. Tell me of yourselves, my new friends, if you would."
Araki Aiko |
Aiko rises in turn, a radiant smile gracing her features. Yoku atta. I hail from the nation of Jinin on the distant continent of Tian Xia, which lies across the Embaral Ocean.
She then looks to Tsadok, curious to see what he will say next.
DM Blayde MacRonan |
The first bit of information is a freebie - this is practically common knowledge for anyone who was raised in the Inner Sea region (which would exclude Aiko and Mesa due to hailing from Minkai).
Aldori swordlords are among the deadliest and most feared fighters of the Inner Sea. They have spent long years mastering the Aldori dueling sword, against both other dueling swords and all manner of other weaponry. Their speed and reflexes weave a net of impenetrable steel around them, from which they strike and harry their unfortunate opponents.
Liesel-Marie and Nyym have already faced an opponent trained in the ways of the Aldori style of dueling: the half-orc Vorom during the fight at the Killin' Ground.
The second bit of information requires a DC 20 Society check to recall knowledge. Tsadok is familiar enough that he does not need to perform the check.
Shadowdancers are those who use innate ability rather than arcane magic to harness the power of shadow magic. Always existing in the place where light and darkness met, shadowdancers are enigmatic and dangerous. Shadowdancers draw upon the power of the shadows to become a bit like a "super rogue" in that their ability to hide is very potent. As a shadowdancer becomes more experienced, they can command the shadows to do their bidding.
Tsadok Whisperfall |
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Tsadok listen to the histories of the two. Even though one was brief but why? Trauma, guilt, or shame. But they both suffer from the memory loss…. His thoughts trails off feeling the eyes of Aiko upon him.
I hail from the Skull Eater tribe of the eastern lands of Whisperfall near Ustalavic. A much different time than now. as he speaks of his home he stands tall and proud, for he misses them at times.
Going back to the Erutaki’s comments and avoiding more about himself..
Melira is a very deadly foe but not as deadly without this, as he pats the hilt of her Aldori dueling sword. nor without her beloved. Which he could be the one that freed her along with the aid of her shadow. She was here to kill someone but she did not reveal the name before she fell. Tsadok pauses, That is how it fell she was there.. A slight smile came to his face. , she was not here….He stops realizing he was talking. Pardon me, sometimes thoughts of the past confuses thought of the present. He nods to the group.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie raises an eyebrow, "Her beloved? Do we know who this assassin loved?"
Araki Aiko |
Aiko's expression becomes a thoughtful one. I most certainly do not. But, if she was willing to attack your team during a ceremony with others around, that may speak to her mental state.
Int check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15 Aiko doesn't have Society as a skill, so she attempted an Intelligence check instead.
I am not familiar with what a "shadowdancer" is, but where I am from, we have what are called shinobi. Individuals that act as spies and mercenaries, and are trained in espionage, deception, and surprise attacks through methods deemed dishonorable and beneath the honor of the samurai. If this shadowdancer, this Melira, is anything like that, then for her to act in the manner that she did last night would seem to indicate that she isn't in her right frame of mind. And of all the things that I can think of that can cause a person to not act rationally, the loss of a lover tops the list.
The Minkan turns to regard the Erutaki. So perhaps it isn't that her lover abetted her escape. It may be that she, instead, came to avenge the loss of that lover. And if that is truly the case, then finding out this person's identity is important. If she is operating in a misguided manner, then there may be a way to deal with her that doesn't involve killing her.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Brow furrowed, Liesel-Marie asks Tsadok, "This Melira, is she an orc? Or a member of the orc tribes? So many orcs died during the attack... If it's one of those, I don't know how that information would help us."
Araki Aiko |
"Though the bonds of love extend across any distance, I will not stretch them further by separating lovers." It is a belief held by those who serve The Empress, who is separated from the one she loves due to an act of great jealousy. Aiko sighs, then continues. But that is a secondary issue. If she is truly after your group, then we will find out if and when she comes for you again. If her lover yet lives, then it will only be a matter of physically reuniting them. If the one she loves is truly dead, however, then they will be together again in the next life. How soon that will be shall be left up to her.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie realizes she is still standing and settles back into her chair. ”That, my new ally, is a plan I can understand. I don’t do a lot of tactics, if you haven’t seen me fight.”
”So. What are your thoughts? How will we find the lair of the derrow?”
Tsadok Whisperfall |
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Tsadok looks at Liesel-Marie, No she is not an Orc, but one of you. But I do know the name of her beloved, Gorewillow. He has to be near for they do not stray too far from each other. And any information will help us.
Tsadok shifts his gave to Nyym, And as far as your last question, your friend can answer that one. For he had a chat with one last night.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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"Gorewillow. I believe that reuniting them might be difficult." She looks at Nyym, "Is that not the one the Raggedy Man was... or the one that was the Raggedy Man... or one was inside the..." She throws one hand up in the air, "It's all very confusing, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, she's going to have to talk to Pharasma to find out where his soul now resides. He died in the tomb."
She seems to have completely missed the reference that Nyym might know where to find the dark elves.
Thoughtfully, she adds, "Or he was already dead in the tomb because the Raggedy Man had consumed him."
Nyym |
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Nyyms had been listening to the exchange. But at the mention of Gorewillow being the lover....
So it's me she is hurting. Gorewillow was already consumed by the entity of the Raggedy Man before we got to him. We were already hunting him for the murder of Rodrick Graff. I would have killed him either way. But being that he was no longer himself. It became more of a mercy killing. That thing that consumed him almost killed Aohden. We hope that it's the last of the Raggedy Man. But we have no way of really knowing.
Nyyms voice kinda trailed off as he recalled the fight with Raggedy Man Gorewillow. But then he remembered another thing mentioned about him by Stadoc..
Yes I have the location that they will be meeting after they vacated Trunau. 9 miles northwest of this town, near the Mindspin Mountains. Once they meet back up, thier Priestess and Championwill determine thier next course of action. I am sure by now the female I spoke to will have realized I was not truly one of hers.
Nyym looked back to Liesel-Marie..
Where you go, I go. We are our own family in what we have suffered. The others may have thier own tasks. But this shall be ours together and with Kyt should she choose to join us.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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”What was The Raggedy Man seems a better question. A being that entered our dreams and attacked us, then when we fought him, it was even more of a nightmare. None of our weapons seemed to harm him, save a dagger blessed by the love of a woman for her fallen fiancé. Nyym struck that final blow, but he and I struck together to bring him down.”
Nyym |
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Nyym looks down for a moment. Then back at the group..
While we dont know how the Raggedy Man came to be. I can tell you that it was a being of pure rage and hate. It fed on fear and hopelessness. The blade was the Hope Knife of Rodrick Graff. Lover of the Half Orc Brinia and father to her unborn child. The Hope Knife was a gift between them forged in thier love for one another. It was enchanted during the battle when the Goddess who's sword I carried vanished from my back. Guess it just goes to show, love can overcome any hate if wielded in protection of others. I considered it a great honor to be able to wield that blade and protect both the town I love and call home and the family that Rodrick loved in his life.
Nyym then looked to Aiko..
I have been told that I am a type of shinobi and I know you may at time disagree with my method of actions. But I wield my abilities only to protect those that need protecting and for the good of Trunau. I will gladly be ur ally in this should you choose to except me. I can not account for any misdeeds I had wrought in my past. I have no memory of them. But I have taken this as a second chance for me. One that i entend to do good by. These Dark Elves are obviously from my past. A past i have sworn to rectify and atone for. You came here seeking aid. I am offering you my aid.
Araki Aiko |
Nyym then looked to Aiko..
I have been told that I am a type of shinobi and I know you may at time disagree with my method of actions. But I wield my abilities only to protect those that need protecting and for the good of Trunau. I will gladly be ur ally in this should you choose to except me. I can not account for any misdeeds I had wrought in my past. I have no memory of them. But I have taken this as a second chance for me. One that I intend to do good by. These Dark Elves are obviously from my past. A past i have sworn to rectify and atone for. You came here seeking aid. I am offering you my aid.
Aiko levels a flat stare at the half-drow. As she does, her reddish-orange eyes shimmer briefly. Nyym was surrounded by a brilliant emerald green aura, though she could also see faint lines of grey flickering throughout it. Your ki, your vital force, is stronger than many I have seen in these lands. However, while it does show that you are possessed of versatility and adaptability, you also seem to be in a state of sorrow, though not enough to make me think you're a prisoner to that sadness.
Your ways are not my ways. Nor are mine yours. I may not always agree with your methods and you will not always agree with mine. However, understand that I will not work with any who actively and maliciously pursue the hurting, oppressing, or killing of others. Nor will I work with anyone who consistently offends my warrior's code. If this is not acceptable to you, then I will seek my own way and leave you to whatever goals you may have.
Tsadok Whisperfall |
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Perhaps when we encounter her, we could share this information to put doubt in her mind of who she is looking for. She may have been sent toward you to occupy your time so they could address Aiko
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Liesel-Marie nods, but it's pretty clear she's not following the thread of the conversation. "Tell you what - let's order our breakfast and make our plans to find this lair. And you just point me toward whatever heads need to be crushed or removed, as the case may be. I do better if I think less and all this talk is starting to make my head hurt."
Nyym |
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Nyym looks Aiko right in the eyes as he listens to her speak. Then without even a second though...
I can respect that and understand. I have found since my time with Team Ruby that while everyone is different. They can accomplish great things when those differences come together for a common goal. I look forward to working with you in a quest to achieving all we set out to accomplish.
Wish those word he gave her a respectful bow of his own. But keeping his eyes soft,but locked with hers. Then he turned to Liesel-Marie..
Yes, breakfast. We better enjoy it while we can. Not sure when we will be able to have another good meal such as this.
Nyym gave a light smile as they waited to order. But he resisted the urge to respond to the questioning of his loyalty. To Nyym. He had put those cards on the table last night. No more needed to be added to the matter at this juncture.
Yes my new friend. You definitely shall see. But until then. I shall say nothing else nor be baited as such. There may have been a time I would have cut your throat for such. But that was another time and another Nyym.
With that. Nyym sat quietly as they waited for someone to come take thier order.
Araki Aiko |
Aiko turns her gaze from Nyym to the Erutaki, her eyes still flickering as she does. The Minkan is surprised to see a mostly blood-red aura clinging to Liesel-Marie. Mostly, as flickers of pale blue along with flashes of bright red interplay with each other. This one is driven by strong passion, unconscious instinct, and a powerful anger. But she also has a genuine sense of faith that is as pure as anything I've seen.
She inhales deeply, allowing her vision to return to normal before speaking once more in response to Tsadok. I'm not in charge of the morning meal. That is something Lady Larringfass will be handling herself.
The Minkan samurai's thoughts return to the auras of both Liesel-Marie and Nyym. He is an individualist, someone that resents restrictions. She, however, is a bit more complicated. Despite the overwhelming anger within her, the strength of her faith may represent a belief in redemption, that one can be returned to the light if given the chance. Indeed, any who refuse an opportunity to be redeemed may awaken a righteous rage that could see them killed. But beyond that, I can sense no desire to actively pursue evil. And that is what really matters in the end.
They will make fine traveling companions.
Aiko smiles at that thought. Time to fill our bellies before we head out. Especially since this one... (at this she points to the grey-skinned half-orc with her thumb) ...can eat a full breakfast all by himself.
DM Blayde MacRonan |
A full breakfast consists of the following: back bacon (cut of bacon that includes the pork loin from the back of the pig and is derived from the same cut used for pork chops), fried, poached or scrambled eggs, fried or grilled tomatoes, fried mushrooms, fried bread or buttered toast, sausages, black pudding, baked beans, boiled potatoes and cabbage with a brown sauce that is sweet with a peppery taste similar to that of Worcestershire sauce. It is often served with either tea or coffee.
The cost would normally be 5 silver shields (the equivalent of a good meal), but as Cham regularly has those that live at Ramblehouse perform errands for her, the meal is free.
While Liesel-Marie and the others focus on breaking their fast, Aodhàn and Kytynna have left Sanctuary and are making their way to Ivory Hall to receive Halgra's letter of introduction that will be needed to pass on to Captain Bloodtusk. After arriving, the Chief Defender also reminds the elf that the keelboat they will be using should be waiting for the team on the southern bank of the Kestrel River.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
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Not one to stand on ceremony, Liesel-Marie is also not one to avoid talking with her mouth full. She gestures with the knife and fork as she speaks around a mouthful of egg, "So we have a short time to get to know each other before we find ourselves fighting a deadly and practiced foe." She swallows and cuts another bite of sausage before continuing, "Specifically, how we fight. Do I need to worry about either of you dropping fireballs and what-have-you on clusters of enemies? I'm not going to say I'm graceful on a battlefield, but I'm not completely out of control. Not always. I can remember to stay out of the way. I'd rather someone else worry about the big picture and let me focus on destroying one enemy at a time, to tell the truth."
She grins, "But I can surprise a foe sometimes. One fellow was so sure that I would ignore him in favor of his ally that I was fighting that he stepped right up next to me to attack this one," pointing at Nyym. "I shifted to be behind him, still engaged with my original foe, but the new fellow was so concerned that he couldn't see me that he surrendered his advantage. And died as a result. Then we only had one to fight."
"But then, when we had to face a troll, there was only one way to fight. All-out, everything I had, no tactics, and let my friends work around me." She shudders, "We were fortunate. I was fortunate. I am sure that creature could have defeated all of us by himself on a different day."
She fixes her gaze on Tsadok. "I don't want all of your secrets, my new friend, but if there's a way I can be a better ally in a fight, do tell." She spears the piece of sausage and chews, gazing at the half-orc.
Araki Aiko |
Aiko nods in approval of Liesel-Marie's suggestion as she produces some utensils that were little more than a pair of equal-length lacquered ironwood sticks that taper to a sharp point on one end. The Minkan begins to use the item, holding the untapered end to deftly snatch up pieces of food between the sticks as she speaks between bites. I am schooled in a battlefield art with a large comprehensive curriculum of weapons, and an array of armed and unarmed combat techniques for use both while armored and unarmored. Through my devotion to the Empress of Heaven, I am able to not only channel a measure of her power, but I also possess the arael’sheaen, the heart's eye, which allows me to sense one's ki and decipher their intentions.
She also looks to Tsadok, curious to hear what he has to say.
Tsadok Whisperfall |
Tsadok eyes the food brought forth, he proceeds to help himself to the potatoes and cabbage with helpings of bread, mushrooms and lots of meat. He eats and listen to the conversation, till the remarks directed towards him.
Tsadok shifts his gaze to meet the Erutaki's, Fear not no fireballs will come forth from these hands. My skills lies in the use of my blade and my hands. He says as folds his arms to his chest. But it's easy to have secrets when you have no memory. Tsadok adds with a sharp tongue as he returns to eating.
Nyym |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Nyym was busying himself with some eggs and sausage and was about to take another bite when her heard Tsadoc comment on secrets. Nyym stopped in midlife. First looking at Tsadoc, then to Liesel-Marie. While she was known to be a cool customer most the time. She was also not known for backing from a challenge. That being said, Nyym got the feeling that Tsadoc was one to take proof through action before truly trusting.
There are alot we really dont know about each other and sharing a breakfast is not really enough time to get to fully know one another. Like with Team Ruby, the only way to really get to know and trust one another is to get through this together as a team. While I know my heritage throws a shadow on me. I for one look forward to working with you all. As for how I fight. I tend to Work best as a team player during combat. But I have been know to draw attention to myself to take pressure off others as well. I also act as a scout and harasser.
Nyym hoped his intervention into the conversation was enough to dissuade any farther comments that may lead to unpleasantness. Nyym glanced between the others at his table as he went back to his eggs and sausage.
Araki Aiko |
The Minkan's eyes narrow at Tsadok's last statement. Is he intentionally trying to provoke her?
Aiko sets down her hashi, her eating utensils, and rises from where she has been sitting. It is as the cha'quess... She pauses. ...Nyym says. We are allies, joined in common cause. Let us put aside any doubts we may have to better work together.
DM Blayde MacRonan |
As the Minkan samurai attempts to diffuse the tense situation, Rocnork makes his way down to the main room, striding over to the group. With a grunt, the wyvaran takes a seat next to Tsadok and begins eating.
Not long after, Aodhàn and Kytynna enter the Ramblehouse. The elf, upon seeing Nyym and Liesel-Marie, waves before quickly heading over, dragging the human after her.
You started eating without us, says Kyt, her manner playful as she glances at both the Erutaki and half-drow. The elf then turns her attention toward the others at the table. Who are they?
The one standing is Aiko, who I told you about last night. Aodhàn continues, pointing out the rest as he speaks. The other two are Rocnork and Tsadok, the ones that not only helped us get out of the tomb, but also kept that woman from attacking us during the ceremony.
Right. Thank you for that. The elf bows, her action similar to the one done by the Minkan earlier. When she is done, Kyt says, So since we're all here together, then that means we're going to be working together?
At this, the wyvaran stops in mid-bite as he begins to look at the others around him.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Liesel-Marie doesn’t let Tsadok’s comment slow down her eating after her one question. At Kytynna’s “accusation“, she just winks and nods and keeps chewing.
At the inquiry about working together, she nods again. Pausing to swallow, she points to Aiko and says, ”She has made some nasty enemies and has deemed to share the fun of whipping them with Team Ruby. In return, we have offered to share the fun of taking down a fortress with her. It’s the least we can do.”
DM Blayde MacRonan |
Kytynna stands with a big smile on her face. Sounds like fun. She then turns to face Aiko. I'm sorry. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Kytynna, and I look forward to us working together.
Liesel-Marie Frostvale |
Liesel-Marie gestures to Kytynna with her fork, looking at Aiko, "A heart as pure as wind-driven snow, she has. See what your mystic visions show you." To Kytynna, she adds, "Aiko has some sort of witch sight - she can see into your soul."
The rager waits, curious what the mystic warrior will see in Kytynna. And what she sees in Liesel-Marie.
Deciding she's not that concerned, she returns to tucking in more breakfast, amazed at Tsadok's capacity to consume victuals and deciding it's not a competition she would win.
Nyym |
Nyym swallows another bit of eggs before speaking with a smirk..
We figured you to would be doing a breakfast for 2 seeing as we head out today. We wouldn't want to be interrupting anything after all.
Nyym gave Kyt a wink and Aohden a knowing smile. Keeping the tone playful and light. Nyym shoved a piece of bacon in his mouth enjoying the savory smoked taste.
Araki Aiko |
Liesel-Marie gestures to Kytynna with her fork, looking at Aiko, "A heart as pure as wind-driven snow, she has. See what your mystic visions show you." To Kytynna, she adds, "Aiko has some sort of witch sight - she can see into your soul."
The rager waits, curious what the mystic warrior will see in Kytynna. And what she sees in Liesel-Marie.
Aiko raises an eyebrow at Liesel-Marie's words about her 'witch sight'. The arael’sheaen is not some party trick to be performed for the amusement of others. The way she says it brings to mind one who has been admonished for doing just that.
However, upon seeing the Erutaki's curious expression, a sigh escapes Aiko's lips as her reddish-orange eyes shimmer briefly. She then casts her gaze toward the elf.
And is shocked to see an aura comprised mainly of a brilliant rose hue, tinged with lilac.
It is as you say. She possesses a purity of spirit that I've rarely seen. And as for you, you are driven by strong passion, an unconscious instinct, and a powerful anger. But I also see in you a genuine sense of faith that, like her, is very pure.
The Minkan allows the power of her heart's sight to rest upon Aodhàn and immediately regrets doing so. Dark images were twisting and turning within a cloudy black aura like ghostly snakes swimming through smoke while the very edges act as though they are tendrils that extend out reaching toward those nearby. And with it comes the barest whisper of voices...
And then – if we all won't cry, fer shore –
The Raggedy Man he'll come and "splore
The Castle-halls," and steal the "gold"—
And steal us, too, and grab and hold
And pack us off to his old "Cave"!—And
Haymow's the "cave" of The Raggedy Man!—
Raggedy! Raggedy! Raggedy Man!
Here comes the raggedy man! Raggedy man! Raggedy man! Hey, raggedy man! Raggedy! Raggedy! Raggedy Man!
The Minkan sits down heavily in her chair, unnerved by what she has just experienced even as the light fades from her eyes. Aiko is not one given to the emotion of fear; the samurai's training and faith typically precludes feeling such a thing for herself. But the aura of the dark-haired man fills her with fear for the safety of the others.
Aware that eyes of the others will be fully upon her, Aiko takes a moment to regain her composure before speaking directly to the Chelish man. I know not what horrors have been visited upon you, but take care. Hatred stains your soul and seeks to taint those that you care for. I could feel a presence, the one you call the Raggedy Man.
Aodhàn Charthagnion |
The Chelish bouncer is at a loss when it comes to a response. At first, there is a sense of unease and awkwardness, but those feelings soon give way to anger. One that Aodhàn gives a voice. Just tell the whole bloody world, why don't ye. You don't think I know what's happening to me? Well, you're wrong! "I know not what horrors have been visited upon you". The last is done as a bitter mocking of Aiko's words. You're right. You can't possibly know. No one does!
Aodhàn moves past Kytynna to loom over the Minkan, not caring in the slightest that he's drawing the gaze of everybody else in the room to him. The Chelish man continues his tirade. I wish that what happened to me in that bloody tomb had never happened. But wishing doesn't make it so! It did happen. And if I had to make the choice all over again to do what I did, I'd do it. Because doing what I did means that none of them (at this, he gestures absently at the other members of Team Ruby) have to deal with this. They're my family and I will do what I must to protect them. Even if that means walking away from them.
DM Blayde MacRonan: As the bouncer speaks, the members of Team Ruby (and only the members of Team Ruby) can just make out the faintest of whispers that seems to be intermingled with his words:
And then – if we all won't cry, fer shore –
The Raggedy Man he'll come and "splore
The Castle-halls," and steal the "gold"—
And steal us, too, and grab and hold
And pack us off to his old "Cave"!—And
Haymow's the "cave" of The Raggedy Man!—
Raggedy! Raggedy! Raggedy Man!
Here comes the raggedy man! Raggedy man! Raggedy man! Hey, raggedy man! Raggedy! Raggedy! Raggedy Man!
Aodhàn stands over Aiko, his right hand gripping the top of his cane so tightly and in such a way that it looks as though at any given moment he is going to take a swing at her with it.
Araki Aiko |
Aiko stares up at Aodhàn, seemingly nonplussed by his words and unconcerned for her safety. This is not you, Aodhàn. This is the athil'ess, the hateful heart, speaking. We have sparred together in earnest, and in so doing, I know you. The hate within seeks to twist you, make you into something you are not. But that is only because you have forgotten what is most important. So I will remind you. Who drives us to the brink of madness, lashes us with whips and crowns us with victory when we survive the impossible? Who is it, that does all these things? Who honors those we love with the very life we live? Who sends monsters to kill us and at the same time sings we will never die? Who teaches us what is real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we die to defend? Who chains us and who holds the key that can set us free? Do you remember who that is? It is you. You have inside all the tools that you need, now FIGHT!
Aiko Influence check to demoralize: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23; DC 18 needed to be successful.
Aodhàn is shaken (–2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks) for 2 rounds.
Nyym |
Nyyms face went from smirk to serious in the beat of a heart. While he had no doupt of her abilities to handle herself. He kept his voice even and easy. Moving ever so slightly should he have to intercept his brother in arms and friend.
Aohden, easy buddy. She did not speak ill of you. She is merely echoing what we all feel. The she realizes the great sacrifice you made to protect us. You have been through alot for us. Truth be told, had I struck faster. You would not have such a burden to carry. And for that I can only seek ur forgiveness. But if you must lash out. Then lash out at me brother.
Hearing the faint whispers. A cold chill run its course over Nyyms body. The darkness was trying to consume Aohden still. He could only imagine the inner battle his friend was waging with himself.
Let's sit back down and enjoy some more of the Ramble Houses good foods. We are all friends here. Some closer then others. But still friends.
As he spoke low and easy. He knew that Aohdens voice had already attracted the attention of the room. Even if Aikos had not. As Nyym kept his eyes locked with Aohden, he hoped that he could get through to his friend. If not, then hope that Liesel-Marie and Kyt could help talk the Bouncer down. Nyym had stood and moved closer to Aiko as he spoke. But he was careful to keep his movements nonthreatening.
influence: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Aodhàn Charthagnion |
Aodhàn just stands there, seemingly transfixed by the calm words of the samurai. Up until she says one word.
Upon hearing that word, something seems to register with the bouncer. Like a shaft of golden light piercing through the darkness, the Chelish man is hit with a sudden realization.
This is not his enemy.
A look of confliction appears on Aodhàn's face as he seems to struggle with himself.
DM Blayde MacRonan: As the bouncer stands there, the members of Team Ruby (once again, only the members of Team Ruby) can still hear the whispering, but now it seems intermittent, as though it is breaking apart.
DM Blayde MacRonan: If anyone is going to do something, such as attempt to restrain (CMB roll to hit his CMD of 19) or talk to him (Influence check DC 19 to make a request), this is the time to do it. This isn't limited to Team Ruby. And the -2 from him being shaken has already been accounted for.