Ironperenti's Rise of the Runelords Campaign

Game Master Ironperenti

The Roll20 maps link is HERE

Treasure tracker is HERE

Player notes: Player Notes

Calendar is HERE

Market Bargains:

Market Bargain Hunting (you may search for a bargain once per week) d20 Roll
1–6 A piece of adventuring gear, clothing, food or drink, or trade good of your choice (chosen from any in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment) at 10% its normal price.
7–12 An alchemical item of your choice (chosen from any in Ultimate Equipment) at 10% its normal price.
13–16 A weapon of your choice (to include expert or masterwork) at 10% its normal price.
17–19 A potion or scroll of your choice (chosen from any in Ultimate Equipment) at 10% its normal price.
20 A magic item of your choice at 10% its normal price.

6,201 to 6,250 of 6,408 << first < prev | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | next > last >>

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

@Kizzy: if you wish. Since you have not seen any enemies yet, I didn't think you would want to start such a short running spell.

F Human Varisian Bard 9 hp 62|62 AC 16 | touch 11 | flat-footed 15 | F +4 R +7 W +8 | 30' |Init +1 | Perc +14

ok; I misunderstood, will hold the Haste until enemies approach; or someone tries to move more than the 30’ away

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Isabella hops off the parapet and beats feet back toward the others to help at the stairs.

Did you bury Jack with his bow or shall we assume Vale is carrying it? +1 electric bow.

Zherxikas, you are up and then it will be time for ogre madness. Actually, your actions will not affect those inside.

The ogre closest to the stairs turns looks around the corner down below after the fireball explodes. He actually looks a little nervous before beginning to climb up. He tops the stairs and bellows at Runt and Forest as he swings at Runt, an easier target because he is still partially in the stairwell. The creature misses.

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 10rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 90mins, heightened awareness 90mins, weapon of awe 8mins
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,
Isabella 62/62;
Zherxikas 54/54;<<<
Ogres -44 critically injured C,D,E / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -32 moderately injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 4mins
Vale 59/62;

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

Was Runt able to cast the divine favor when he heard them on the floor below as per this post? The idea was to cast the spell as a readied action before they got to the top of the stairs.

Ranger 9 | HP 104/104 Nonlethal 0/104 | AC 28 T 15 FF 24 | CMB +14, CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm/grapple) | F: +11, R: +09, W: +8 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (low-light vision)| Equipped Weapon: +1 Adamantine Longsword +18/+13 (1d8+8/17-20 Slashing) ; Shield Bash +15/+10 (1d6+6) Piercing ; Elven Longbow +14/+9 1d8+2P+1d6E | Speed 30/30ft | Stamina: 11/11 | Martial Flexibility: 5/5| Active Conditions: *None.* |

Forest focuses all his hatred on the hideous monstrosity before him...

I think there's a post somewhere with Forest taking the elven lightning bow, but I'm fine with handing it off to Vale. I was going to suggest he take one of the ogre hooks, but it turns out those don't have reach despite being large polearms, so the bow is a good option, and I'm sure her former owner would not object.

Forest will use his actions to take bane of ogres, as mentioned hereth

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

@Runt; yes, just forgot to add it to the tracker.
@Forest: You say to do your warrior spirit when you hear the fireball so we can assume it went down in the surprise round. You may take full actions

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 10rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 90mins, heightened awareness 90mins, weapon of awe 8mins, Divine favor 10rds
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,
Isabella 62/62;
Zherxikas 54/54;<<<
Ogres -44 critically injured C,D,E / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -32 moderately injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 4mins, bane ogres 10rds<<<
Vale 59/62;<<<

Ranger 9 | HP 104/104 Nonlethal 0/104 | AC 28 T 15 FF 24 | CMB +14, CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm/grapple) | F: +11, R: +09, W: +8 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (low-light vision)| Equipped Weapon: +1 Adamantine Longsword +18/+13 (1d8+8/17-20 Slashing) ; Shield Bash +15/+10 (1d6+6) Piercing ; Elven Longbow +14/+9 1d8+2P+1d6E | Speed 30/30ft | Stamina: 11/11 | Martial Flexibility: 5/5| Active Conditions: *None.* |

Forest lays into the first of the stupid brutes to dare climb the stairs. Tis a good day to be Forest.

Longsword 1 (Bane, Battle Cry, TWF): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (11) + 18 = 29
S Damage (Bane, Adamantine, Magic): 1d8 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (8) + 8 + (1, 6) = 23

Longsword 2 (Bane, Battle Cry, TWF): 1d20 + 18 - 5 ⇒ (2) + 18 - 5 = 15
S Damage (Bane, Adamantine, Magic): 1d8 + 8 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 8 + (4, 6) = 23

Shielf Bash 1 (Battle Cry, TWF): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
S Damage (Bane): 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Ranger 9 | HP 104/104 Nonlethal 0/104 | AC 28 T 15 FF 24 | CMB +14, CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm/grapple) | F: +11, R: +09, W: +8 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (low-light vision)| Equipped Weapon: +1 Adamantine Longsword +18/+13 (1d8+8/17-20 Slashing) ; Shield Bash +15/+10 (1d6+6) Piercing ; Elven Longbow +14/+9 1d8+2P+1d6E | Speed 30/30ft | Stamina: 11/11 | Martial Flexibility: 5/5| Active Conditions: *None.* |

Longsword Hate (Bane, Hate, Battle Cry, TWF: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (2) + 19 = 21
S Damage (Bane, Adamantine, Magic): 1d8 + 10 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 10 + (2, 2) = 15

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Forest beats the ogre down before Vale even gets a chance to shoot. He waits (hold action) to shoot at any other that comes up. Zherxikas drops a second fireball so that it affects two other ogres and the wounded yet energetic gray ogre.

Z fireball: 8d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 4, 2, 5, 1, 4) + 4 = 26

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 9rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 89.9mins, heightened awareness 89.9mins, weapon of awe 7.9mins, Divine favor 9rds, hasted 5rds
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels, hasted 5rds
Isabella 62/62;
Zherxikas 54/54;
Ogres C Dead / -44 critically injured D,E / -26 moderately injured A, B / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -58 seriously injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 3.9mins, bane ogres 9rds, hasted 5rds
Vale 59/62; hasted 5rds<<<

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Sorry, been busy.

A second ogre dares to top the stares just like his buddy. In a similar manner he finds it easier to swing and Runt and does so. The beast misses. Vale fires off three arrows, one of which hits (9 dmg on J).

Round 2
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 3.8mins, bane ogres 7rds, hasted 4rds<<<
Vale 59/62; hasted 4rds

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 8rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 89.8mins, heightened awareness 89.8mins, weapon of awe 7.8mins, Divine favor 8rds, hasted 4rds<<<
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels, hasted 4rds<<<
Isabella 62/62;<<<
Zherxikas 54/54;<<<
Ogres -44 critically injured D,E / -26 seriously injured A, B / -9 moderately injured J / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -58 seriously injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 3.8mins, bane ogres 7rds, hasted 4rds
Vale 59/62; hasted 4rds

F Human Varisian Bard 9 hp 62|62 AC 16 | touch 11 | flat-footed 15 | F +4 R +7 W +8 | 30' |Init +1 | Perc +14

Kizzy will begin her performance to Inspire Courage.
+2 comp att and weapon dam

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

Runt steps to the side so she can see down the stairs, or would if there was not a huge ogre in the way. Now buffed up to a respectable level, she lets loose.

"Time to swat some ogre butt."

Activating bane on humanoid (giant) ...

to hit falchion, heroism, divine favor, haste, inspire, bane: 1d20 + 10 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 10 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 24
damage slashing, cold iron, weapon of awe, divine favor, inspire, bane: 1d6 + 9 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 9 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + (1, 5) = 28

to hit falchion, bonus attack from haste: 1d20 + 10 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 10 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 37
damage slashing, cold iron: 1d6 + 9 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 9 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + (5, 3) = 30

to hit falchion, iterative: 1d20 + 10 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 - 5 ⇒ (3) + 10 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 - 5 = 18
damage slashing, cold iron: 1d6 + 9 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + (2, 6) = 27

Ranger 9 | HP 104/104 Nonlethal 0/104 | AC 28 T 15 FF 24 | CMB +14, CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm/grapple) | F: +11, R: +09, W: +8 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (low-light vision)| Equipped Weapon: +1 Adamantine Longsword +18/+13 (1d8+8/17-20 Slashing) ; Shield Bash +15/+10 (1d6+6) Piercing ; Elven Longbow +14/+9 1d8+2P+1d6E | Speed 30/30ft | Stamina: 11/11 | Martial Flexibility: 5/5| Active Conditions: *None.* |

Forest is brimming with magical powers, and the ogres don't stand a chance against their superior positioning.

Well, I think this ogre is dead.
Longsword 1 (Bane, Haste, Inspire, Battle Cry, TWF): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24
S Damage (Adamantine, Magic, Bane, Inspire): 1d8 + 12 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 12 + (3, 4) = 23

Longsword 2 (Bane, Haste, Inspire, Battle Cry, TWF): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35
S Damage (Adamantine, Magic, Bane, Inspire): 1d8 + 12 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 12 + (3, 2) = 22

Longsword Haste (Bane, Haste, Inspire, Battle Cry, TWF): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (18) + 21 = 39
S Damage (Adamantine, Magic, Bane, Inspire): 1d8 + 12 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 12 + (6, 4) = 25

Shield Bash 1 (Haste, Inspire, Battle Cry, TWF): 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (6) + 19 = 25
S Damage (Inspire): 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Longsword 2 Crit Conf: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31
Longsword 2 Crit Damage: 1d8 + 12 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 12 + (1, 2) = 19

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14

Casts a glittering spell on important looking ogre.

Glitterdust - DC 20 Will, centered on ogre D trying to get D, 1 and E

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

The ogre drops broken and bleeding.

I have not properly moved my ogres around, I blame the party and a competition but no matter. Z, I will leave the three where you can hit them with the glitterdust but note that one of the other ogres has managed to climb up using the cliff/wall area and is ready to step across to the battlements. If you wish to change your action to deal with him you may do so. Map is updated. Also, you saw some of the ogres go along the east side of the keep.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Party done. I am off to church and Z has not changed his action so I assume he is still glitterdusting. I will post this afternoon when I get home.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

The three ogres below Zherxikas each get covered with golden glitter and are blinded. Runt shifts position and sees nothing at the moment but both she and Forest can hear the bass rumbling of ogre speech though it is difficult to make out any coherent thought just shouts of they have stairs and killed gug.

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 8rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear), Inspire courage (+2 morale bonus to hit and damage)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 89.8mins, heightened awareness 89.8mins, weapon of awe 7.8mins, Divine favor 8rds, hasted 4rds
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels, hasted 4rds
Isabella 62/62;<<<
Zherxikas 54/54;
Ogres -44 critically injured D,E / -26 seriously injured A, B / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -58 seriously injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 3.8mins, bane ogres 7rds, hasted 4rds
Vale 59/62; hasted 4rds

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Isabella originally wanted to cast prayer so I'm going to have her move and cast.

Isabella makes her way down the hall and once she can see the team she casts prayer. Then you hear one bellowing voice give obvious commands.


"Use the towers. Gog and Yib stay in the hall and kill them if they come down."

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 8rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear), Inspire courage (+2 morale bonus to hit and damage)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 89.8mins, heightened awareness 89.8mins, weapon of awe 7.8mins, Divine favor 8rds, hasted 4rds, prayer 7rds
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels, hasted 4rds, prayer 7rds
Isabella 62/62; prayer 7rds
Zherxikas 54/54;
Ogres -44 critically injured D,E / -26 seriously injured A, B / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -58 seriously injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 3.8mins, bane ogres 7rds, hasted 4rds, prayer 7rds<<<
Vale 59/62; hasted 4rds, prayer 7rds<<<

Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8

Ok, I didn't realize that hadn't gone off, so that's fine.

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

"What did it say? They coming or what?"

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Forest says, "They're going to the towers. We want to hold up in the hall?"

I'll give each of you a sentence or two before I advance to the next round.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

About this time, Zherxikas' raven arrives and announces, "Ogres coming up the walls along the east side."

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

"I'd rather meet them in one of the towers; maybe head down here and take a look?"

Ranger 9 | HP 104/104 Nonlethal 0/104 | AC 28 T 15 FF 24 | CMB +14, CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm/grapple) | F: +11, R: +09, W: +8 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (low-light vision)| Equipped Weapon: +1 Adamantine Longsword +18/+13 (1d8+8/17-20 Slashing) ; Shield Bash +15/+10 (1d6+6) Piercing ; Elven Longbow +14/+9 1d8+2P+1d6E | Speed 30/30ft | Stamina: 11/11 | Martial Flexibility: 5/5| Active Conditions: *None.* |

Forest doesn't want to wait for the ogres to come to him...

Moove 20' (so far) down the stairs

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

Runt nods approvingly as Forest makes his (final?) charge.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Forest heads down the stairs. On the last few before he enters the hall he peers cautiously out without revealing his own head. He can see two ogres, one on either side of the stairs, each having backed up to give themselves lots of swinging room. He is pretty sure they are aware he is there and are just waiting for him to step out. Vale goes with Forest to engage the Ogres.

Runt follows?

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

Much as she would like to someone has to protect the casters so she hangs back, delaying until the casters catch up and get on the stairs or something. In fact...

"Isabella, Zherxikas, get between me and Forest. Seems like they are trying to flank us. Where is Zherxikas, anyway? What is taking him so long?"

F Human Varisian Bard 9 hp 62|62 AC 16 | touch 11 | flat-footed 15 | F +4 R +7 W +8 | 30' |Init +1 | Perc +14

Kizzy continues to Inspire Courage. She is concerned with the sheer number of ogres, but believes in Forest.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Forest has a standard action from Round 3 as does Vale if you guys want to use it.

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 7rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear), Inspire courage (+2 morale bonus to hit and damage)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 89.7mins, heightened awareness 89.7mins, weapon of awe 7.7mins, Divine favor 7rds, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Isabella 62/62; prayer 6rds
Zherxikas 54/54;
Ogres -44 critically injured D,E / -26 seriously injured A, B / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -58 seriously injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 3.7mins, bane ogres 6rds, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Vale 59/62; hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Let's get this show on the road.

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 7rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear), Inspire courage (+2 morale bonus to hit and damage)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 89.7mins, heightened awareness 89.7mins, weapon of awe 7.7mins, Divine favor 7rds, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds<<<
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds<<<
Isabella 62/62; prayer 6rds<<<
Zherxikas 54/54;<<<
Ogres -44 critically injured D,E / -26 seriously injured A, B / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -58 seriously injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 3.7mins, bane ogres 6rds, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Vale 59/62; hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

Forest would move in on the ogres, I'm thinking, even if it is dangerous. If so Runt will be joining him back to back and leave Vale to defend the flank.

If that works put Vale next to one of the ogres downstairs and Runt Next to the other. I think Forest would draw a pair of AoO as he moves in, but should get a strike. Then Runt would move in on the other one and get an strike too.

@GM, does that sound good?

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14

casts two globes of electricity on the ogres that he can see.

ball lightning, dc22 reflex negates, -4 if wearing metal: 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 1, 3) + 4 = 12

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

Runt casts a summon monster spell and summons

summon amount: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Giant Porcupines. 2 next to the ogre to the south and one next to the one to the north, then moves into the hallway.

to hit tail slap, south ogre: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
damage, primordial: 3d6 + 5 ⇒ (4, 6, 4) + 5 = 19

to hit tail slap, south ogre: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
damage, primordial: 3d6 + 5 ⇒ (5, 4, 3) + 5 = 17

to hit tail slap, north ogre: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
damage, primordial: 3d6 + 5 ⇒ (5, 1, 6) + 5 = 17

primordial augmented giant porcupine:

Primordial giant porcupine
Init +1
Str 21[17], Dex 12, Con 20[16], Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 5
HP: 28[22]
AC/T/FF: 13/11/12
SR: 8
CMD: 17[16] +4 vs. trip
F/R/W: +8[6]/6/2
Move, primordial: 50'
Senses: low-light vision, scent
Perception: +6
Feats: Agile Maneuvers, Lightning Reflexes
Quills: Any creature attacking a giant porcupine with light or one-handed melee weapons, natural weapons, or an unarmed strike takes 1d3 points of piercing damage. A creature that grapples a giant porcupine takes 2d4 points of piercing damage each round it does so.

Ranger 9 | HP 104/104 Nonlethal 0/104 | AC 28 T 15 FF 24 | CMB +14, CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm/grapple) | F: +11, R: +09, W: +8 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (low-light vision)| Equipped Weapon: +1 Adamantine Longsword +18/+13 (1d8+8/17-20 Slashing) ; Shield Bash +15/+10 (1d6+6) Piercing ; Elven Longbow +14/+9 1d8+2P+1d6E | Speed 30/30ft | Stamina: 11/11 | Martial Flexibility: 5/5| Active Conditions: *None.* |

Forest doesn't want to give up the high ground, but there aren't enough ogres on the second floor to kill, and the magic making him stronger will only last so long. He rounds the corner at the foot of the stairs, charging one of the ogres and slicing into it. These two will be dead in time for them to run back upstairs.

Forest has 60' with Haste, I didn't want to try moving into the hidden map lol, so he'll use the rest of his move to move into melee range. Attack.
Longsword 1: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (14) + 22 = 36
S Damage (Adamantine, Magic, Bane, Inspire, Prayer): 1d8 + 13 + 2d6 ⇒ (8) + 13 + (5, 5) = 31

Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8

Now Isabella moves up the stairs into a support position.

Or I won't do that if that's going to block someone.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Using wolverines for the giant porcupines. Since Forest ran south I put two of them on the north side.

Forest rounds the corner and both ogres swing at him but are unable to land a solid blow. Unlike the ogres, Forest's attack cuts the ogre deeply. Runt's porcupines swat the northern ogre leaving him full of quills. Outside, Zherxikas' ball lightning lands fully on the two ogres.

The ogres move all about. One climbs off the tower to move toward Zherxikas. Another steps into the doorway across from Runt and takes a swing at her but misses. One of the gray ogres steps out of doors to the south into the corridor where the team has joined battle and comes to back up his comrade seeming prepared to smash anything that comes near it.

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 7rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear), Inspire courage (+2 morale bonus to hit and damage)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 89.7mins, heightened awareness 89.7mins, weapon of awe 7.7mins, Divine favor 7rds, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Isabella 62/62; prayer 6rds
Zherxikas 54/54;
Ogres -44 critically injured D,E / -38 critically injured A, B / -31 critically injured M / -36 critically injured N / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -58 seriously injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 3.7mins, bane ogres 6rds, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds<<<
Vale 59/62; hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds<<<

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14

which ogres did the ball lightning affect? I was thinking it was the two right below Z i.e. D and E

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

@Z: i had you target A & B since they were climbing up after you and those below you were still blind.

ArcT 4 / Invest 4 | HP 82/82 | AC/T/FF 19/15/14 | FRW 5/11/7 | Speed 30' | Init +5 Perc +12 | Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 20

27 days.
27 days, holed up hoping against hope that Fort Rannick could be liberated.
27 days of shitty rations, shittier weather, and the ongoing casting of prestidigitation so that he didn’t have to smell like s*^t on top of everything.

27 days of hard times to be sure.

But Valdemars tough it out, and they sure as hell don’t show weakness.
Sure as hell don’t show it in front of each other either, but the point was to uphold the family name.
The blissful ignorance of the masses belied life’s basic truth; being from a "family" in Sandpoint wasn't always sunshine & rainbows.

Heading back to Turtle Ferry would have been a tail-between-the-legs move, no way that was happening; he wanted to, but he hadn’t yet. This mission was the best smokescreen he would never have thought of, so a little longer away from Magnimar & Sandpoint wasn’t going to hurt him.
Well, the time away wouldn’t hurt, the rations might.

Fireballs created a LOT of noise and Konrad woke … to a LOT of noise.
Someone had made a lot of noise over in the Fort, and it sounded very much like a fireball.
Actually, it sounded like 2 of them.
It was time!

He quickly glimmered away the sleeves of his bodysuit and applied the ointment up and down his arms; he took flight as soon as his shoulders were coated. He sighted the smoke rising from the fort, and sped towards the flames hopeful to help. Many had died here, but not in vain …

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Konrad, please create a header for your alias similar to Zherxikas'. Thank you.

Forest, the above comments were for your Round 3 action. You still have a full round of Round 4.

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 7rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear), Inspire courage (+2 morale bonus to hit and damage)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 89.7mins, heightened awareness 89.7mins, weapon of awe 7.7mins, Divine favor 7rds, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Isabella 62/62; prayer 6rds
Zherxikas 54/54;
Ogres -44 critically injured D,E / -38 critically injured A, B / -31 critically injured M / -36 critically injured N / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -58 seriously injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 3.7mins, bane ogres 6rds, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds<<<
Vale 59/62; hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds<<<
Konrad 82/82<<<

Ranger 9 | HP 104/104 Nonlethal 0/104 | AC 28 T 15 FF 24 | CMB +14, CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm/grapple) | F: +11, R: +09, W: +8 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (low-light vision)| Equipped Weapon: +1 Adamantine Longsword +18/+13 (1d8+8/17-20 Slashing) ; Shield Bash +15/+10 (1d6+6) Piercing ; Elven Longbow +14/+9 1d8+2P+1d6E | Speed 30/30ft | Stamina: 11/11 | Martial Flexibility: 5/5| Active Conditions: *None.* |
Ironperenti wrote:
Forest, the above comments were for your Round 3 action. You still have a full round of Round 4.

Well well well

Forest ignores the ogre he has already injured and tears into one of the new arrivals.

5-foot-step NE. Attack the full health ogre to the east aka Ogre L.

Longsword 1 (Bane, Haste, Inspire, Battle Cry, TWF, Prayer): 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (11) + 22 = 33
S Damage (Adamantine, Magic, Bane, Inspire, Prayer): 1d8 + 13 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 13 + (1, 3) = 22

Longsword 2 (Bane, Haste, Inspire, Battle Cry, TWF, Prayer): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20
S Damage (Adamantine, Magic, Bane, Inspire, Prayer): 1d8 + 13 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 13 + (3, 1) = 19

Longsword Haste (Bane, Haste, Inspire, Battle Cry, TWF, Prayer): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (16) + 21 = 37
S Damage (Adamantine, Magic, Bane, Inspire, Prayer): 1d8 + 12 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 12 + (5, 1) = 22

Shield Bash 1 (Haste, Inspire, Battle Cry, TWF, Prayer): 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35
S Damage (Inspire, Prayer): 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

The ogres in the hall attack and injure some of the porcupines (dmg 18, 17). Forest drops the monster library in a flurry of slashes. Vale cautiously steps into the hall past Runt, ducking a swing by the southern ogre, and slashes at the same but misses.

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 7rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear), Inspire courage (+2 morale bonus to hit and damage)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 89.7mins, heightened awareness 89.7mins, weapon of awe 7.7mins, Divine favor 7rds, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Isabella 62/62; prayer 6rds
Zherxikas 54/54;
Ogres -44 critically injured D,E / -38 critically injured A, B / -31 critically injured M / -36 critically injured N / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -58 seriously injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 3.7mins, bane ogres 6rds, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Vale 59/62; hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Konrad 82/82<<<

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Konrad is up!!

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware
Ironperenti wrote:
The ogres in the hall attack and injure some of the porcupines (dmg 18, 17).

Do we need to apply the quills affect to the attackers? Are they attacking with a one-handed melee weapon?

ArcT 4 / Invest 4 | HP 82/82 | AC/T/FF 19/15/14 | FRW 5/11/7 | Speed 30' | Init +5 Perc +12 | Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 20

Sorry, the map is still a little tough to interpret: can Konrad fly about 60' south and attack the ogre engaged with the person on the wall?

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DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Yes, he could fly that way and strike at the offending ogre.

Note I am traveling through another state for thanksgiving. Posting will be sporadic.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

I moved Konrad, he is now at the far right of the screen. He can just see the ogre threatening Zherxikas at a range of 70'. That is with a 60' move.

@Runt: the ogres are using two-handed ogre hooks so the rules don't seem to apply.

I am going to add names to the tokens to help Konrad see who is who.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 7rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear), Inspire courage (+2 morale bonus to hit and damage)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 89.7mins, heightened awareness 89.7mins, weapon of awe 7.7mins, Divine favor 7rds, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Isabella 62/62; prayer 6rds
Zherxikas 54/54;
Ogres -44 critically injured D,E / -38 critically injured A, B / -31 critically injured M / -36 critically injured N / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -58 seriously injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 3.7mins, bane ogres 6rds, hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Vale 59/62; hasted 3rds, prayer 6rds
Konrad 82/82; fly 5min<<<

Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0901, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group Effects: Battle Cry 6rds (+1 morale bonus to hit, +4 vs fear), Inspire courage (+2 morale bonus to hit and damage)
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 89.6mins, heightened awareness 89.6mins, weapon of awe 7.6mins, Divine favor 76ds, hasted 2rds, prayer 5rds<<<
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels, hasted 2rds, prayer 5rds<<<
Isabella 62/62; prayer 5rds<<<
Zherxikas 54/54;<<<
Ogres -44 critically injured D,E / -38 critically injured A, B / -31 critically injured M / -36 critically injured N / others uninjured
Gray Ogres -58 seriously injured 1 / uninjured 2
Green ogre
Forest 92/92; shield of faith 3.6mins, bane ogres 5rds, hasted 2rds, prayer 5rds
Vale 59/62; hasted 2rds, prayer 5rds
Konrad 82/82

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14

concentration DC21 for Fly: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32

Casts a spell on himself defensively and then floats away from the ogre...

yeah, AoO...

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

@Z: That ogre is pretty injured so Konrad may take him down. I'll wait to roll the AOO until after konrad takes his action.

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