Ironperenti's Rise of the Runelords Campaign

Game Master Ironperenti

The Roll20 maps link is HERE

Treasure tracker is HERE

Player notes: Player Notes

Calendar is HERE

Market Bargains:

Market Bargain Hunting (you may search for a bargain once per week) d20 Roll
1–6 A piece of adventuring gear, clothing, food or drink, or trade good of your choice (chosen from any in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment) at 10% its normal price.
7–12 An alchemical item of your choice (chosen from any in Ultimate Equipment) at 10% its normal price.
13–16 A weapon of your choice (to include expert or masterwork) at 10% its normal price.
17–19 A potion or scroll of your choice (chosen from any in Ultimate Equipment) at 10% its normal price.
20 A magic item of your choice at 10% its normal price.

6,101 to 6,150 of 6,408 << first < prev | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | next > last >>

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware
Zherxikas wrote:

glitterdust is something next I'd try, seeing how he did against the first part of the phantasm killer. unforunatley I used by aquas orb that could have helped block a door...'

scfratch that, I'm going to try using obsuring mist to let us try and retreat a bit

Is the idea to lure him through the door and get flanking going? Or were you hoping for a full retreat into the tunnels?

Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8

Isabella moves to follow Vale, casting healing magic on Forest to hopefully rejuvenate him.

cure moderate wounds: 2d8 + 9 ⇒ (4, 1) + 9 = 14

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14
Runt PbP wrote:
Zherxikas wrote:

glitterdust is something next I'd try, seeing how he did against the first part of the phantasm killer. unforunatley I used by aquas orb that could have helped block a door...'

scfratch that, I'm going to try using obsuring mist to let us try and retreat a bit

Is the idea to lure him through the door and get flanking going? Or were you hoping for a full retreat into the tunnels?

that probably works, was jhust trying to buy some time to get forrest back up, etc

F Human Varisian Bard 9 hp 62|62 AC 16 | touch 11 | flat-footed 15 | F +4 R +7 W +8 | 30' |Init +1 | Perc +14

I did this! I told him to look after Runt… Kizzy blames herself as she sees Forest fall. She needs to help, no matter the cost. Kizzy rushes to help Forest as Vale lifts the fallen warrior… Kizzy will attempt to grab Forest’s sword before retreating into the hall.

Ranger 9 | HP 104/104 Nonlethal 0/104 | AC 28 T 15 FF 24 | CMB +14, CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm/grapple) | F: +11, R: +09, W: +8 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (low-light vision)| Equipped Weapon: +1 Adamantine Longsword +18/+13 (1d8+8/17-20 Slashing) ; Shield Bash +15/+10 (1d6+6) Piercing ; Elven Longbow +14/+9 1d8+2P+1d6E | Speed 30/30ft | Stamina: 11/11 | Martial Flexibility: 5/5| Active Conditions: *None.* |

The Forest abides.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Forest wakes finding himself draped across Vales broad shoulders his last memory that of the monstrous ogre cutting him down.

Round 2
Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0855, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group effects: haste (+1 AC, +1 to hit, xtra atk)
Zherxikas 49/54;<<<
Forest 7/92;<<<
Jaagrath (ogre) -59 moderately injured (corrected for DR)
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 95mins, heightened awareness 95mins
Isabella 62/62;
Vale 59/62;

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

New round, new actions.

Round 2
Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0855, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group effects: haste (+1 AC, +1 to hit, xtra atk)
Zherxikas 49/54;<<<
Forest 7/92;<<<
Jaagrath (ogre) -59 moderately injured (corrected for DR)
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 95mins, heightened awareness 95mins
Isabella 62/62;
Vale 59/62;

Ranger 9 | HP 104/104 Nonlethal 0/104 | AC 28 T 15 FF 24 | CMB +14, CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm/grapple) | F: +11, R: +09, W: +8 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (low-light vision)| Equipped Weapon: +1 Adamantine Longsword +18/+13 (1d8+8/17-20 Slashing) ; Shield Bash +15/+10 (1d6+6) Piercing ; Elven Longbow +14/+9 1d8+2P+1d6E | Speed 30/30ft | Stamina: 11/11 | Martial Flexibility: 5/5| Active Conditions: *None.* |

"Ugh...W-what..." Forest shakes his head, trying to clear the black fog from his eyes. He feels like he was nearly killed, then brought back by magic. A not unfamiliar feeling for the veteran ranger, but an always unpleasent one. But he's also... floating? "W-what? Vale... Put me down!"

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

I'll reset Forest's action to after Vale but giving him a full turn.

Zherxikas moves toward the stairs with Vale and prepares to cast a spell (readied action, assume some sort of offensive spell). The ogre barbarian cuts down the two porcupines in front of him and bellows for all to hear, "I'm gonna roast you over a spit!"

Vale puts Forest down and takes up his Axes again and prepares to attack or head down the stairs as the others lead.

Round 2
Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0855, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group effects: haste (+1 AC, +1 to hit, xtra atk)
Zherxikas 49/54; readied spell
Jaagrath (ogre) -59 moderately injured (corrected for DR)
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,<<<
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 95mins, heightened awareness 95mins<<<
Isabella 62/62;<<<
Vale 59/62;
Forest 7/92;<<<

F Human Varisian Bard 9 hp 62|62 AC 16 | touch 11 | flat-footed 15 | F +4 R +7 W +8 | 30' |Init +1 | Perc +14

Was Kizzy able to grab Forest’s weapon? If so she would move to give it back.
Kizzy waits for the fighters to retreat or regroup to fight, she will act based on what everyone is doing.

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

Runt will summon a Giant scorpion as more dlaying tactics and back away from the door, hoping it will come out where the group can surround it. The porcupine on the other side vaporizes.

primordial augmented giant scorpion, lvl 4:

Primordial Giant Scorpion
Note: Not from special summoning list
Init +0
Space 10 ft., Reach 10 ft.

Str 19[23], Dex 10, Con 16[20, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
hp 47 (5d8+15+10)
AC 16, touch 9, flat-footed 16 (+7 armor, –1 size)
Immune mind-affecting effects
DR 5/cold iron[Primordial]
CMD 18 (30 vs. trip)
Fort +7[9], Ref +1, Will +1

Move, primordial: 60'
Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.
Perception +4

"Isabella, you might want to back off and help Forest."

to hit claw: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
damage, primordial: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7; +grab

to hit claw: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
damage, primordial: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9; +grab

grab: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19, if a claw hit

If a grab succeeded...
constrict, primordial: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

to hit sting: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
damage, primordial: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9; +poison
Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 17; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Strength damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8

"Still working on it."

Isabella continues to shadow Vale and Forest so that she can direct more healing to the wounded ranger.

Convert remove disease to cure serious wounds: 3d8 + 9 ⇒ (3, 5, 3) + 9 = 20

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

The scorpion comes into existence drawing away the porcupine. It then snaps claws and whips its tail with one claw finding enough purchase to cause slight injury but even the giant scorpion is unable to subdue the raging ogre.

Round 2
Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0855, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group effects: haste (+1 AC, +1 to hit, xtra atk)
Zherxikas 49/54; readied spell
Jaagrath (ogre) --65 moderately injured
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,<<<
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 95mins, heightened awareness 95mins<<<
Isabella 62/62;
Vale 59/62;
Forest 27/92;<<<

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

After setting Forest down, "Come on, let's get out of here." Vale begins to descend the stairs unless someone halts him.

Ranger 9 | HP 104/104 Nonlethal 0/104 | AC 28 T 15 FF 24 | CMB +14, CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm/grapple) | F: +11, R: +09, W: +8 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (low-light vision)| Equipped Weapon: +1 Adamantine Longsword +18/+13 (1d8+8/17-20 Slashing) ; Shield Bash +15/+10 (1d6+6) Piercing ; Elven Longbow +14/+9 1d8+2P+1d6E | Speed 30/30ft | Stamina: 11/11 | Martial Flexibility: 5/5| Active Conditions: *None.* |

"I'm not leaving!" Forest growls, accepting his sword from Kizzy. He takes a deep breath as the healing magics of the others wash over him, but his focus is on his hatred of ogres - a hatred that manifests itself in the sword enchanted by Isa. The magical fog will give him an advantage against the ugly ogre, negating its reach advantage. In his mind, he only needs to survive long enough to get one more swing at it... He listens through the fog for the monster to come stomping down the hallway.

Do we have any way to make Forest invisdable? Or mirror image, or something? He doesn't want to leave... Move Action to use Martial Flex >> Advanced Weapon Training >> Warrior Spirit. Standard Action to use Warrior Spirit to put Bane (Ogres) on the sword.

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14

best I can do right now is 'enlarge person' Forest

F Human Varisian Bard 9 hp 62|62 AC 16 | touch 11 | flat-footed 15 | F +4 R +7 W +8 | 30' |Init +1 | Perc +14

Kizzy could do invisiblity

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

The planning isn't silent. This needs to be a discussion. Forest calling out I aint leavin, can someone drop a spell on me to help in this fight. Kizzy and Z responding with what they have. I'm tracking Kizzy still has an action before we roll into round 3

Round 2
Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0855, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group effects: haste (+1 AC, +1 to hit, xtra atk)
Zherxikas 49/54; readied spell
Jaagrath (ogre) --65 moderately injured
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,<<<
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 95mins, heightened awareness 95mins<<<
Isabella 62/62;
Vale 59/62;
Forest 27/92;

F Human Varisian Bard 9 hp 62|62 AC 16 | touch 11 | flat-footed 15 | F +4 R +7 W +8 | 30' |Init +1 | Perc +14

Kizzy casts cure moderate wounds on Forest, then whispers I will make you invisible next round, wait for my spell before engaging!

CMW: 2d8 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1) + 6 = 13

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Zherxikas is up.

Round 3
Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0855, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group effects: haste (+1 AC, +1 to hit, xtra atk)
Zherxikas 49/54; <<<
Jaagrath (ogre) --65 moderately injured
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 95mins, heightened awareness 95mins
Isabella 62/62;
Vale 59/62;
Forest 40/92;

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Zherxikas asks Forest, "If you want, I can cast enlarge on you." If Forest agrees, Zherxikas casts the spell. Otherwise he holds his action for now.

The ogre dispatches the scorpion in a single blow and then moves out the the door. For all of his bluster and noise he moves slowly, probably because he cannot see well enough to move quickly.

Round 3
Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0855, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group effects: haste (+1 AC, +1 to hit, xtra atk)
Zherxikas 49/54;
Jaagrath (ogre) --65 moderately injured
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,<<<
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 95mins, heightened awareness 95mins<<<
Isabella 62/62;<<<
Vale 59/62;<<<
Forest 40/92;<<<

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14

works for me

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

Is the white line the mist boundary? Is Kizzy performing?

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

it is the mist boundary

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

I'm delaying Runt's turn in hope of a flank since she has the outflank feat and is an inquisitor.

Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8

Isabella puts a shield of faith on Forest as well just before he's turned invisible.

+3 deflection bonus to AC, make sure to check stacking with a ring of protection if you have one.

Ranger 9 | HP 104/104 Nonlethal 0/104 | AC 28 T 15 FF 24 | CMB +14, CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm/grapple) | F: +11, R: +09, W: +8 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (low-light vision)| Equipped Weapon: +1 Adamantine Longsword +18/+13 (1d8+8/17-20 Slashing) ; Shield Bash +15/+10 (1d6+6) Piercing ; Elven Longbow +14/+9 1d8+2P+1d6E | Speed 30/30ft | Stamina: 11/11 | Martial Flexibility: 5/5| Active Conditions: *None.* |

"No, no." Forest mutters to Z's offer, shaking his head. He needs to get in close to the ogre to cut it down from below. The hallway is too cramped to be large, and the fog would block his vision. Controlling his breathing and practically brimming with magic, Forest steps up past Isabella. If he wasn't being careful, he might have run into the giant looming out of the mist. In spite of his internal rage, he does not yet strike, instead waiting for the perfect moment to cut the monster down.

Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (13) + 21 = 34
Move Action to Move. Trying to get a full attack off of invis, so won't attack this turn. There isn't room down here for Enlarge, and Forest would have to attack at 10' and face the 50% miss chance, so I think no on enlarge for now, but thanks =)

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Forest is surrounded by the magical force field and then is made invisible slipping off into the fog. Vale shakes his head and then waits to hear the combat start.

Round 4
Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0855, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group effects: haste (+1 AC, +1 to hit, xtra atk) 4/7
Zherxikas 49/54;<<<
Jaagrath (ogre) --65 moderately injured
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 95mins, heightened awareness 95mins<<<
Isabella 62/62;
Vale 59/62;<<<
Forest 40/92; invisible 9mins, shield of faith 9mins

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

It occurs to me that Runt would not know if a flank was available in the fog. He will wait until the last moment, cast Forced Mutation, then approach the deadly ogre and try to apply the enchantment.

to hit touch, heroism, haste: 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 12 + 2 + 1 = 18. +4 if outflank applies

If that hits its touch the DC is DC 18 and if it fails it looses the use of an arm.

With the fort save being likely, and with haste active this was a stupid move, but I really, really want to see that spell work!

F Human Varisian Bard 9 hp 62|62 AC 16 | touch 11 | flat-footed 15 | F +4 R +7 W +8 | 30' |Init +1 | Perc +14

Kizzy would have also given a Battle Cry, +1 Morale on Att after casting invisibility. At her reduced levels she will need to wait until next/this round to begin inspire courage.

Battle Cry:
Swift Action+1 morale bonus on attack rolls and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear. This effect lasts for 1 minute.

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

19 touch AC then, +4 if outflank is in effect. With Forest invisible and not attacking, I'm not sure if that grants a flank.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

You wouldn't know what the situation on the far side is and I would agree that there is no flank from an invisible assailant. You could do what Vale did and hold your action until you hear the sound of arms. Note it is not quiet by any stretch of the imagination, this ogre barbarian is roaring at the top of his lungs but I think the ring of steel would still be obvious from 10' away.

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14

calls out that he can dismiss the fog whenever people want.

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14

takes a 5' step backwards anyways

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Zherxikas calls out the ability to disperse the fog if needed. This likely would have draw the ogre to him but then Runt materializes from out of the fog and touches the ogre. The beast seems to shiver but nothing more but its attention is drawn to Runt whom he proceeds to try and split in half. His first attack is off taking out a huge chunk of the wall. Then he comes down with a crushing blow which looks like it may split Runt in half but in the fog (rolled an 11 miss chance) it just misses her and digs a similar gouge out of the floor (the second floor is made of wood).

Runt used her held action so she may keep her Round 4 action. My monster rolled a 1 to hit with his first attack and an 11 on the miss chance roll. Don't forget to apply miss chance to your attack rolls. High is good. Obscuring mist is 20% miss chance.

Round 4
Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0855, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group effects: haste (+1 AC, +1 to hit, xtra atk) 4/7
Zherxikas 49/54;
Jaagrath (ogre) --65 moderately injured
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,<<<
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 95mins, heightened awareness 95mins<<<
Isabella 62/62;<<<
Vale 59/62;<<<
Forest 40/92; invisible 9mins, shield of faith 9mins<<<


ogre FOR: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31

miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 22

miss chance ogre v Runt: 1d100 ⇒ 11

F Human Varisian Bard 9 hp 62|62 AC 16 | touch 11 | flat-footed 15 | F +4 R +7 W +8 | 30' |Init +1 | Perc +14

Kizzy begins Inspire Courage, and get her wand ready.

Ranger 9 | HP 104/104 Nonlethal 0/104 | AC 28 T 15 FF 24 | CMB +14, CMD 29 (31 vs. disarm/grapple) | F: +11, R: +09, W: +8 (+2 vs Fear) | Init: +3 | Perc: +10 (low-light vision)| Equipped Weapon: +1 Adamantine Longsword +18/+13 (1d8+8/17-20 Slashing) ; Shield Bash +15/+10 (1d6+6) Piercing ; Elven Longbow +14/+9 1d8+2P+1d6E | Speed 30/30ft | Stamina: 11/11 | Martial Flexibility: 5/5| Active Conditions: *None.* |

With magical effects from the entire party and Runt providing a distraction, the ogre is easy prey for Forest. He strikes twice, once each at the back of the giants knees, causing it to stumble. As it is brought to it's knees, Forest screams and swings with all his might, aiming a powerful horizontal slice at the monsters neck. "RAAAAGHHH!"

Full Attack. I'm not sure if there's flanking since Forest doesn't know Runt is there/can't see her, so I'm not adding it. Spend 1 Stamina to add to the first attack and 3 to the second.
Longsword 1 vs Flat-Footed AC (though probably not if it's a barbarina), (Invis, Battlecry, Bane, Haste, Inspire, +1 Stamina): 1d20 + 22 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 22 + 1 = 27
1-20 Miss: 1d100 ⇒ 48
S Damage (Bane, 2H): 1d8 + 11 + 2d6 ⇒ (7) + 11 + (2, 1) = 21

Longsword 2 (Battlecry, Bane, Haste, Inspire, +3 Stamina): 1d20 + 17 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 17 + 3 = 27
1-20 Miss: 1d100 ⇒ 53
S Damage (Bane, 2H): 1d8 + 11 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 11 + (6, 4) = 27

Haste 1 (Battlecry, Bane, Haste, Inspire): 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (20) + 22 = 42
1-20 Miss: 1d100 ⇒ 82
Haste 1 Crit Conf: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (15) + 22 = 37
S Damage (Bane, 2H, Crit): 2d8 + 22 + 4d6 ⇒ (4, 8) + 22 + (4, 5, 2, 1) = 46
Those first two attack rolls are pretty terrible. Hopefully Forest has enough buffs to hit anyways.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

As the winds of fortune change the heroes get their second wind. Kizzy begins an inspiring song and Forest unleashes devastation from his invisible position. With the opening of attacks, Vale makes his way through the fog until he finds the roaring ogre and slashes at it with his battle axe grazing the wounded monster.

Round 4
Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0855, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group effects: haste (+1 AC, +1 to hit, xtra atk) 4/7
Zherxikas 49/54;
Jaagrath (ogre) -167 critically injured
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 95mins, heightened awareness 95mins<<<
Isabella 62/62;<<<
Vale 59/62;
Forest 40/92; invisible 9mins, shield of faith 9mins

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

Runt is in shock. The creature actually missed her? With Forest in a flanking position, or so she guesses from the sounds coming that way, she is heartened. She'd know that fighters grunt anywhere. Calling upon religion righteousness she activates bane as well.

to hit adamantine mace, heroism, haste, outflank, bane: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 11 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 = 23
damage bashing, bane: 1d6 + 10 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (3) + 10 + 2 + (4, 1) = 20
concealment: 1d100 ⇒ 68

to hit adamantine mace hasted attack: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 11 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 = 27
damage bashing: 1d6 + 10 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 10 + 2 + (3, 6) = 26
concealment: 1d100 ⇒ 36

to hit adamantine mace, iterative: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 - 5 ⇒ (14) + 11 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 - 5 = 29
damage bashing: 1d6 + 10 + 2 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 10 + 2 + (3, 2) = 23
concealment: 1d100 ⇒ 50

Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8

With the group redoubling its efforts, Isabella follows on Forest's heels and casts more healing magic into him, bit by bit.

cure light wounds: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

With a follow on flurry from Runt, the big beast drops. Isabella adds a little more healing to Forest.

Character Status
Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0855, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Group effects: haste (+1 AC, +1 to hit, xtra atk) 4/7
Zherxikas 49/54;
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 95mins, heightened awareness 95mins<<<
Isabella 62/62;
Vale 59/62;
Forest 46/92; shield of faith 9mins

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14

Looks around with his magic for other magic.

Pulls out a wand and taps Forrest, then himself.

wand of infernal healing

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Zherxikas finds that the ogre has several magical auras on him. The ogre hook, a pair of bracers, a ring, his piecemeal armor and two potions. (ogre hook +1 human bane, ring of protection +2, piecemeal armor (treat like leather armor) +2, and potions of cure serious wounds)

Character Status
Kuthona 21st, Early winter
0857, temperature 45 (65 inside), heavy rain outside
Zherxikas 54/54;
Kizzy 46/56(46); -2 levels,
Runt 78/78; magic vestment, heroism 94mins, heightened awareness 94mins<<<
Isabella 62/62;
Vale 59/62;
Forest 56/92; shield of faith 8mins

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

"That ring looks mighty tempting to me if it will make my hide tougher. Anyone mind? Forest, do you have one already?"

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14

interesting that they have had human centric magical auras, certainly were prepared to take this keep, not just a random decision

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

Runt tries to figure out what the bracers are.

spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8

"May be wise to sidebar this until we either finish exploring the building or back out and find some place to patch up."

Female C/N Human Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)/9 | HP: 87/87| AC Norm/Tch/FF 28/14/27 28/14/27 | CMD: 23 23 | F/R/W: +11/6/13 +9/4/11 +?[SiOff] | Init: +6 | Speed 30 (mount)/20 ft | Diplomacy +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +16, Kn Eng/Hist/Loc/Nob +6, Kn Arc/Dung/Nat/Pla/Rel +8, Perception +17, Sense Motive +21, SCraft +10 | Active Conditions: light on shield (if dark), false life (0/13 HP), heroism, height aware

"Except that if we end up in combat, that ring will help a lot."

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14

Id say whomever can use the ring from front line, it'd be good... camil, runt, forest?

Male Tiefling Evoker 9 HP 61/61| AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | F +6 R +8 W +9 | CMB +5 CMD 20/16 | Speed 20' Init +5 Perc +11 Dark vision 60' | ER (cold, electricity, fire) 5 | SR 14

spellcraft for bracers: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 32

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