Michael Johnson 66 |

Sven stopped, and after finding a small rock or it’s like, threw it at the suit of armor. Best 3to make sure it wasn’t trapped or enchanted to kill them now.
As the rock strikes the armor, a mechanism is triggered and the suit of kobold plate armor swings the halberd in a wide arc that covers much of the landing...
The armor returns to its original position.

Michael Johnson 66 |

”Throw a big enough rock to knock it over? Or...” Sven threw another small rock, to see if it always made the same attack. Because if so it’d be simple enough to knock it over by ducking beneath the blow.
Sven finds a kobold skull and chucks it at the armor, striking the wolfhead helm... The halberd lashes out again...
Studying the arc of the halberd blade, Sven figures it could be crawled past safely enough; the blade swings from the armor's left to right at a height of about 2 feet... A human might be able to crawl under it or leap over it...

Michael Johnson 66 |

[/b] I thinking knocking it over could work, we have the muscle[/b]
He begins to look for a large enough rock that would seem to knock it over.
Mydravos seeks about for a big enough rock or other object to bowl the armor over, but all he sees lying around are smaller objects--skulls, bones, and fist-sized rocks...

Rowena McAnnis |

Rowena sees Sven Chuck a second projectile at the trapped armor, and notices Mydravos searching around for something bigger to possibly bowl it over with, and decodes to try hurling her earthbreaker at it...
Throws improvised weapon at armor 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17 strikes for 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 2) + 4 = 9 bludgeoning damage...
*CLANG!!!* The great warhammer dimts the armor's breastplate and knocks it back into a leaning position against the back wall... The halberd swings again, this time at a higher arc that should be easier to duck under...
There! Nothing to worry 'bout now, aye?
The changeling begins to walk down the stairs...

Rowena McAnnis |

Rowena scoffs at the paladin and keeps walking down the stairs...
As she reaches a point about 10 feet down the stairs, a loud click echoes up the stairway, and all of the stairs suddenly shift, forming a steep slide!
WHOAH!! yells Rowena, startled and thrown off balance, as previously concealed murder holes in the ceiling spray jets of black grease onto the slide...
Reflex 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 fails vs DC 17! She slides the rest of the way down, taking 2d6 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10 falling damage, and is coated in black grease...
OOF!! grunts Rowena as she lands hard and prone at the landing with the tilted armor... The armor swings the halberd above her, missing her...
But then, a secret hatch opens in the ceiling above the landing below, and a small clay pot falls and shatters next to the prone, greased-up Rowena, and a liquid splashes her, igniting her in flames, which also roar up the greased slide toward the others standing at the top of the slide! *WHOOOSH!!*
Rowena takes 2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7 fire damage, Reflex save DC 15 for half damage... Reflex 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 fails!
AAAAAGH!!! screams Rowena, flailing as the flames engulf her... she falls still!
At -2 hp...

Ashok Ravan |

Damned fool! curses Ashok, watching helplessly as the flames burn the motionless Rowena at the bottom of a blazing slide...
Only a few seconds pass as he struggles internally, self-preservation finally losing out to his code of chivalry... He curses again, under his breath, and begins to quickly tie one end of a 50-ft-long silken rope around his waist, handing the other end to Sven...
Mighty Shiva, please let this rope be long enough... he prays, before leaping onto the flaming slide and sliding down toward the burning, unconscious changeling...
Reflex vs DC 17 to stay on his feet 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 fails! He slips and falls prone, taking 2d6 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8 falling damage... Reflex vs DC 15 for half fire damage 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12 fails... Ashok takes 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6 fire damage...
Ashok screams as the flames envelop him, and he collapses on top of Rowena, burning and unconscious!

Michael Johnson 66 |

A bad spot my GMPCs have gotten themselves into... Rowena might be done for, but as Sven is holding the other end of the now burning rope tied around Ashok's waist, he might be able to pull the paladin up the slide and extinguish him before he dies... @Sven, DC 15 Strength check to pull him up in time...

Rowena McAnnis |

Sven shrugged as dropped the charred body to the ground. ”Ah well. At least we saved the Paladin.” With that he began looting the barbarian’s body, looking in particular for any potions that might help the Paladin recover.
Rowena had an earthbreaker, a chain shirt, a sling and 15 bullets, 2 "Greek fires" (alchemists fire, destroyed), an antitoxin (destroyed), 2 daggers, a 50 foot hemp rope, a grappling hook, a backpack, 2 wineskins (one still half filled with red wine from Napoli), 4 packets of salt, and 22 gold ducats.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Descending the slide carefully, with Sven and Mydravos in front rank, Easealf and Essel behind, the Champions reach the 10-ft-square landing. From here, they can peer to the left down another flight of stairs, this one descending some 20 feet to another landing, where another dark archway opens on the left (switching directions back to the south)...
Perception checks, please...
Do you leave Ashok at the top of the Ziggurat? Or is someone carrying or dragging him along?

Essel Theana |

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Essel walks in roughly the middle of the group, ready to cast something if needed.

Michael Johnson 66 |

No one notices the tiny murder holes in the ceiling of the short (20-foot) flight of stairs that lead west from the 2nd landing down to the 3rd landing... until it is too late...
Sven leads the way down the shorter westbound stairs toward the lower landing and switchback... As the party reaches a point halfway down, Sven is suddenly showered by humdreds of swarming, biting spiders that drop down from above through previously unnoticed murder holes in the stairwell ceiling!
A spider swarm drops onto Sven, dealing 1d6 ⇒ 5 swarm damage plus poison (Fortitude DC 11 or take 1d2 ⇒ 1 Strength damage)!

Essel Theana |

Perception and Initiative, really. It just makes for much faster PBP.
Initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Essel Theana |

Essel keeps her nonchalant attitude, firing a pair of magical missiles at the swarm.
Potent Magic Missiles: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 2) + 2 = 6
"Really? Spiders? Should we be impressed?"

Michael Johnson 66 |

Essel keeps her nonchalant attitude, firing a pair of magical missiles at the swarm.
[dice=Potent Magic Missiles]2d4+2
"Really? Spiders? Should we be impressed?"
Essel's glowing darts of force rip through the swarm, killing the majority of the spiders, but there are still enough to continue swarming Sven...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Mydravos takes the lead and the explorers continue down to the next landing, where another flight of stairs, 30 feet long, descend back southward...
Several gleaming pairs of eyes reflect the party's light down below for an instant before receding further back into darkness with alarmed hisses and scuttling sounds...