Zorgax the Brutal |

Whoops... Forgot the post, thanks Thadeus. I couldn't see the map well on my phone, so I thought I'd post later. And then I forgot about it, because the notification was gone.
Zorgax currently only seeks some shelter from the wind and rain. So he seeks not to enter any of the entrances, merely come close.
But... How does each entrance look?

Gorthug |

By some quirk of fate, the two half-orcs ended up separated from the rest of the group. But with Zorgax sheltering from the wind and rain, Gorthug didn't expect any immediate violence. Besides, a sneak attack wasn't the orc way. If Zorgax wanted to fight he'd issue a challenge. Despite all of their bluster and insults, Gorthug at least acknowledged that Zorgax followed tradition.
Gorthug peered into the entrance, seeing if it was safe to enter.


getting closer and closer towards one of the large, darkened recesses, a large, stone awning leers out at everyone. The lightning bolts that flash down to strike upon the ground briefly illuminates a dark visage, one of a leering demon chiseled into the stone facade. Runes glow faintly angry yellows and reds. The rain tints the stonework, and for some of you, you swear that it looks like the limestone has been washed red with blood.
The wind howls.
the lightnight erupts around you, blinding you.
the thunder deafens your ears.
the rain falls harder upon you, yet this is different somehow.
heavy, thick globs, fall down onto your heads. Viscous, it slowly creeps down your head and face.
Where it lays upon your head, it begins with a tingle. a slight itch. Slowly it builds to an annoying twinge.
A dull burn
it burns.
Pain flares within your mind. Deep, searing pain. Your scalp, shoulders, hands, feet, all wet, all burning. As if you stuck your whole head into a fire pit, it burns! You attempt to wipe it away, and it only spreads. deeper, more intense. every drop of the liquid seems to fill your mind with pain. Your hands begin to clench up as pain forces them to quiver and flex. your shoulders hunch up, attempting to get away from the burn.
it is all around you, in you, penetrating deeper and deeper. relentlessly.
everyone take 10 points of acid damage, and make fort saves dc 22 to prevent more damage.

Gorthug |

Fort: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (6) + 17 = 23
10 damage taken.
Gorthug raised his shield at the last moment to take the brunt of the acid rain. With a growl he moved into the relative safety of the entry way, and then planted his feet on the ground to begin the healing process.
Move action inside, move action to start fast healing. Now healing 2hp per round

Rashed Al-Amin |

Fortitude: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
Rashed gasps in pain as the rain twists into an acidic downpour, eating at his skin and gear, burning where it strikes him. He lunges forward into the cave, seeking only to avoid the burning rain.

Thadeus Stradavor |

Thadeus wakes up, in pain and throws his equipment on, trying to use it to block some of the rain. Once he gets his gear on he runs toward the entrance with the others in it. Sprinting inside to try and avoid the searing pain.
fort: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

Zorgax the Brutal |

Zorgax fort: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
10 damage, hp 58/68
Raz fort: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
10 damage, hp 24/34
Trox fort: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
10 damage, hp 74/84 continuous damage
The ancestors curse me for a fool, tonight. Should have recognised an unnatural storm. I welcome the pain as punishment for my foolishness.
the damage broke the magic of my keep watch spell
"Trox, Fade. Go scout"
Eying Gorthug for a moment, it's clear to Zorgax that for now, at least, they have an understanding.
sense motive for Gorthug's intentions: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19
Zorgax, with Raz, steps under the relative safety of the arch they're under.
Trox turn ethereal and wanders a bit further into the hallway, to see what's there. Trox uses its limited intelligence (3) to relay what it sees to the best of its ability


i made tokens for Trox and fade for the dungeongrid map. feel free to move them about zorgax, since they are part of your PC.
Those that are hiding out under the awnings partake in a rather interesting spectacle of natures pure power.
The rain turns back to natural water again, falling to the earth as rain should, slow and steady, yet without the accostomed sizzling from the acidic touch the previous bout caused.
Yet out in the distance sits the domed shelter that the annoying wizardling has setup for himself. Shaded, unable to see inside its darks confines, you cannot help but feel a mild sliver of anger and jealousy that the little shit didnt get hit with any acidic kisses.
As if in answer to someone's (i blame the paladin) prayers, a lightning bolt hammers down from the skys above, striking the top of the domed structure. The blue lance falls, impacts upon a solid magical force that causes the bolt to fracture into several different, smaller bolts, curving along the domes rigid structure and impacting the earth. Large clumps of dirt and debris are strewn out from the electrical impacts.
A long moment hangs in the air as the hair on everyone's body begins to rise in anticipation....
Two more bolts, larger, more magnificant than the previous one, hammer into the dome, and have the similar effect of blowing up large gouts of dirt into the air. the smell of ozone, the hammer of the thundereous blast shakes the air and ground you stand upon.
a voice roars in anger and annoyance, filling the sky overhead with its anger as the wind rushes from the darkness to mimics its masters cries.

Thadeus Stradavor |

As Thadeus stands under the awning visibly angry from a wasted night of sleep, and the smal burns on his face from the acid he sees these massive bolts of lightning hit the little shelter. He backs up closer to the cave, but not past Zorgax. He mutters to himself this is no ordinary storm, he’s pushing us into the caves. when he hears the roar and the wind howl with it says, we’re all going to die here.

Gorthug |

Elsewhere Gorthug turned to Zorgax. ”I recommend putting aside any differences. Something out there wants us in here, probably to kill us. We should also find the others.”

Walay Sikulu |

For a time Walay was enjoying the storm. There is something about the sound of rain and wind and thunder that can be very zen. He was almost back asleep.
That was before the lightning came directly down on him. The first bolt was shocking, taking him by surprise and causing him to bolt straight up in his dome, wand outstretched in defense.
The second bolt was terrifying, watching the directed light beam shatter across the top his dome, just a dozen feet above his head, and cascade down the sides like white snakes looking to feed. He was frozen in fear. The temperature inside the dome began to swealter as the ambient temperature outside overpowered its ability to stay moderate.
The third bolt spurred him into action. He was a sitting duck out here!
As the third lighting show passed, Walay ran through the barrier of the dome and into the squelching soil of the rain. The dome immediately fell behind him as he left its area of protection. Fat drops began to fall on his head as he made a beeline for the protected cavern entrance that Thadeus and Rashed stood in. (GM, need to know if I take the acid damage now. I am assuming yes, but not sure).
He pulled up next to the two, panting and out of breath. "Well that was adventurous. Did everyone get a nice nap in? What the F is wrong with that storm?!"

Thadeus Stradavor |

This storm is some unnatural force, and I did not get sleep, I was awoke by a bolt of lightning. On top of me. he stands there looking miserable, his armor soaking and newly cleaned by the acid.


ok, now that the group is together, i can say this. Everyone gains a level. any damage taken is automatically healed. remember, max HPs. Thadeus, you made me chuckle with your "acid washed armor" remark, so you may have a free reroll for anything.
ill give everyone a chance to level up their PCs, and then ill describe the first room you check into...
also, just so everyone knows, i plan on advancing everyone at least 5 levels. There are certain rooms that once you hit them, youll go up a level. Plus, the added bonus is every time someone dies, everyone else will go up a level.