Dwarf Humanoid
Senses Perception +9, Darkvision 60ft
Languages Common, Dwarven
Defense AC 22, flatfooted 22, touch 11
(+11 armor from fullplate, +1 from deflection)
HP135 max hit dice, full favored class, toughness
Fort+12 Ref +4, Will+12
Defensive Abilities
Spell resistance 13
Stability- +4 CMD agaisnt bull rush or trip while standing
Defensive training- +4 AC against giants
Offense Speed 30ft or 6 spaces, fast movement,medium armor
Melee +1 Keen Greatsword, +14,+7, 2d6+14, 17-20
Fervor-3d6+6 for 9 times
Sacred Weapon +2 9 rounds a day
Blessings 7 times a day
War blessing- 1 round of either: +10 base feet, +1 dodge bonus, +1 insight to attack, +1 luck to saving throws,
Destruction blessing- 1 min ally gains +4 bonus to damage
Statistics Spell like ability Feats Fey foundling, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Greatsword, Power Attack, Step up, Weapon Specialization: Greatsword, Furious Focus, quicken blessing, Greater Weapon focus Gratsword, Quick draw
Traits Fate's Favored
Skills Acrobatics-5, Bluff+1, Climb +2, Diplomacy-1, Escape Artist-5, Heal+5, Intimidate+-1, Know Religion+3, Ride-5, Sense Motive+9, Stealth-5, Survival+5, Swim +2
Combat Gear+1 Keen Greastword, +2 Full Plate, Headband +2 Wis, Cloak of resistence +1, Belt +2 con, Boots of Striding and Sprinting, Ring of Protection +1, 2 wands of infernal healing, ring of blinking, shield of the sun
Other Gear traveller's outfit, backpack, blanket, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, soap, torches (10), Holy symbol, trail rations (5 days), waterskin, hemp rope (50ft),sling, Onyx (200gp, 400gp 400gp), sun shield
0 bleed, detect magic, grasp, guidance, Vigor(changed for create water)
1 divine favor, divine favor divine favor, obscuring mist, sanctuary, summon monster 1, (hide from undead)
2 Air step(traded for Bulls strength), X Bull's strength, Darkness, Hold Person, X Ironskin
3 Channel Vigor, Meld into Stone (traded for Stone Shape), X Deadly Juggernaut, (added animate dead)
Wealth 150 gold
Born to a mother who worked with fey magic and a father who was a soldier Thadeus was born for war. And Thadeus is a dwarf who has seen war, he worked as a soldier for a while and he found his calling on the battlefield. He showed remarkable skills and had what could only be seen as luck that kept him alive. after several years he found himself leading men into battle in charge of an entire company. Before battle one day he ended up going to pray often as he did, but this time he felt some reason to pray not to torag but to gorum. As he knelled down before the altar he heard a voice speak to him loudly but close. It told him that great power lay on the battlefield tomorrow but it would come at a cost. If he wanted the power he must fight. The next day when he led his company in an attack on a tribe of orcs they found out that the orcs had gotten reinforcements. His company was slaughtered to the last man, him. He only survived due to a blessing from Gorum, he fought like a wild beast that day. When he returned back he was shunned as he may have survived, he was blamed for the loss. Disgraced by the loss and without purpose he left the city and traveled alone, he eventually fell in with a group of adventurers that were investigating the disappearances of some people in a small town. When they journeyed to a house where they believed the murderer lived they we're slaughtered by ghosts, and strange visions. Only he survived again. Now feeling lost in life he decided to drink himself to death with what money he has made it was after a night of hard drinking that he was kidnapped by these masked men.
Thadeus has always been a stout dwarf, He is barrel chested with a long beard. He has brown hair and green eyes. He wears his old ceremonial armor that he was given as a captain in the army, on it are runes of luck and deeds long ago that he did. He wears a helmet with a metal mohawk that rises in to a large plume. he wields a large greatsword that he began using after he left the army, it is long even for someone much taller than him, about 5 feet.
He is a young man by dwarven standards but he is old beyond his years having spent hard time looking into the worst the world has to offer. He has learned to read people well and believes less words means more. He knows that there are few places that he feel truly alive, and one of them is on the battlefield. He hates that he loves the blood and gore of fighting yet he cannot get away from it either because it seems to follow him or he follows it. Though he finds little in the world that he cares about, and feels like death follows him, he can not help but try his hardest to survive as like always he is often the lone survivor for a reason.