Time to die


The characters have been forced to participate in a violent bloodsport in an attempt to earn their freedom. yet freedom can only be found at the end of the dungeon, and at the edge of a knife

dungeon map

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Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

Keep your head up, it will get better, and no worries about the updates. We can entertain ourselves haha

Init +5, move 20’, Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20), Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20) neg energ res 10, neg lvl res 25%, bane rds 6/7, hunter focus uses 6/7, rage rds 3/4

Take care, no rush. I hope life gets better for you, soon.

DECEASED //// Draugr Captain Roughrider (1) Wounds (33) HP (36) AC (18/12/16) Saves (7/4/6) DR 5/bludgeoning or slashing; Resist fire 10 Perception (+8) Initiative (+2) CMD (20)

GM, was on you’re profile that you are a soldier. What’s you’re MOS? I’m a 13D

Init +5, move 20’, Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20), Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20) neg energ res 10, neg lvl res 25%, bane rds 6/7, hunter focus uses 6/7, rage rds 3/4

Had to google what MOS means, silly Americans having codes for jobs ;)
What's a 13D?

I was a medical sergeant, myself. Royal Dutch Landforces. No missions, though...

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

Funny how many military folks you see around, I’m a 19A armor officer

DECEASED //// Draugr Captain Roughrider (1) Wounds (33) HP (36) AC (18/12/16) Saves (7/4/6) DR 5/bludgeoning or slashing; Resist fire 10 Perception (+8) Initiative (+2) CMD (20)

13D: Automated Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems Specialist. I’ve been offered a commission as JAG Officer (lawyer) which I’ll likely take at the end of the year.

And very cool! Had no idea how much military experience is here

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

Is your commission through OCS, green to gold, or just plain ROTC?

DECEASED //// Draugr Captain Roughrider (1) Wounds (33) HP (36) AC (18/12/16) Saves (7/4/6) DR 5/bludgeoning or slashing; Resist fire 10 Perception (+8) Initiative (+2) CMD (20)

Direct Commission ocs . I’m an odd case. I’m a specialist in the National Guard, and civilian side a lawyer (focus on veteran benefits and discharge upgrades, dabble family law).,But I’m going to go Active Duty as a JAG Officer, which should be a better use of my skills.

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

Ahhhh ok, I’m just finishing up ROTC and commission in a little over a month or so. I’ll be national guard though not active.

Init +5, move 20’, Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20), Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20) neg energ res 10, neg lvl res 25%, bane rds 6/7, hunter focus uses 6/7, rage rds 3/4

Funny indeed, but I do get it. I mean, bases are usually some way away from your social life, and leave you with some alone time. So PBP is a nice way to play when your friends aren't close.

I'm a civilian, now, btw. I'm using the registered nurse degree that I got in the army to work as a psychiatric therapist in a FACT team (flexible active community treatment).

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

Yeah that makes sense, and that’s very cool.

Init +5, move 20’, Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20), Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20) neg energ res 10, neg lvl res 25%, bane rds 6/7, hunter focus uses 6/7, rage rds 3/4

Thanks :)

GM, you've got a PM.

And I've got an additional question, still...
Would the Bastard's Sting's 2d6 damage to living creatures affect my phantom animal and my familiar?

I believe that's RAW, but... I also believe no one actually put much thought into antipaladins as a player class... For example, the touch of corruption lacks the option to use it on oneself as a swift action (as a paladin can do), as if no one would ever make an antipaladin that's healed by negative energy. And antipaladin is actually a companion class (see fiendish boon), which makes the Bastard's Sting a silly item. Also, that item would stop the antipaladin from ever riding an impressive warhorse, or even a nightmare (because that fiend is 'living').
SO... I reckon a little bit of RAI is required, and I'm asking for it now.

IF I gain a level in antipaladin and thereby I activate Bastard's Sting's powers, WOULD I be able to exclude my companion and familiar from its damage? Or even better, would I be able to exclude allies from its damage?

I won't go through the trouble, otherwise.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Hey everyone

I owe you all an apology for going AWOL on this pbp.

I suffer from PTSD from my time in iraq, and as such it will rear its ugly head and will lead me to going days with not wanting to do anything. Only this time it was way, way worse. I went down deep the rabbit hole, and ended up spending a couple days in the VA hospital dealing with my desire to commit suicide.

As of today, i am feeling much better, and it seems that im pulling myself out of that deep hole, hence my posting today.

So, thanks for bearing with me, and if youre up for it, id love to pick this pbp up again and be your DM. I cant promise that something like this wont happen again, but i can promise an awesome game for when i am mentally able to be your DM.

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

No apology needed, things like this are far more important than a PbP game. It’s good to see you back and great to hear that you’re getting better. And I’m happy to continue on, we haven’t even had a PC death yet ;). On a more serious note if you ever need to reach out feel free to message me, it may not be much but if it’s all i can offer, and sometimes that helps.

DECEASED //// Draugr Captain Roughrider (1) Wounds (33) HP (36) AC (18/12/16) Saves (7/4/6) DR 5/bludgeoning or slashing; Resist fire 10 Perception (+8) Initiative (+2) CMD (20)

Agreed on all points. This is far less important. We’re here, and I hope that you see this as being enjoyable and not an obligation. Take the time you need for you.

Init +5, move 20’, Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20), Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20) neg energ res 10, neg lvl res 25%, bane rds 6/7, hunter focus uses 6/7, rage rds 3/4

Yes, I agree, as well. Happy you've found the bright side of things, again. And if you'd ever like to talk, I actually do mental healthcare for a living... Though a forum is a s#*&ty way to connect, I'd always be willing to lend a hand, brother, for just a talk or even for suggestions in treatment of your trauma's. I think it's great that you're so open about it.

Now, let's continue our harsh game ;)

| HP: 74/74 | AC: 21 (25); T: 15 (19); FF: 19 (23); CMD: 19 | Fort: +9; Ref: +13; Will: +10 | Init: +6 ; Perc: +12| Senses: Darkvision 60' | Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 3/ Arcane Trickster 5

Based on OOC talk that has occured over the past week or so I imagine I am the only one here that has no inkling of what you may be going through. (I learned just about everybody else in this game is either active or former military.)

If you would still get enjoyment and fulfillment out of DMing this game for us that I am here for it. Like Gorthug said though, if it feels like an obligation and not a fun way to de-stress let us know, we will understand.

Glad you are doing better, and looking forward to killing some half-orcs. :)

Male Half-Orc (Desertkin) Sorcerer (Crossblooded Solar/Orc) | HP 32/32 | AC 14, touch 13, FF 12 | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +2 (darkvision 90 ft., low-light vision)

I'm also out of the military loop myself, but I'm familiar with the need for taking care of mental health and coping with things. Like everyone else has said, take all the time you need and make sure you're okay as the top priority. I'm loving the game and am happy to continue, but health always comes first!

| HP: 74/74 | AC: 21 (25); T: 15 (19); FF: 19 (23); CMD: 19 | Fort: +9; Ref: +13; Will: +10 | Init: +6 ; Perc: +12| Senses: Darkvision 60' | Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 3/ Arcane Trickster 5

Just to double check something, I never left my tiny hut since it was not threatened by the storm...so when you say everyone takes this damage, I am not included in that...correct?

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Ooooo yeah. I forgot about you. Im going to have some fun with you

| HP: 74/74 | AC: 21 (25); T: 15 (19); FF: 19 (23); CMD: 19 | Fort: +9; Ref: +13; Will: +10 | Init: +6 ; Perc: +12| Senses: Darkvision 60' | Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 3/ Arcane Trickster 5

I figured...this seems to be the kind of game where if you split from the party you get punished...Walay hasn't learned that yet though, and for now he thinks he is safe in his tiny hut.

Male Half-Orc (Desertkin) Sorcerer (Crossblooded Solar/Orc) | HP 32/32 | AC 14, touch 13, FF 12 | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +2 (darkvision 90 ft., low-light vision)
also, just so everyone knows, i plan on advancing everyone at least 5 levels. There are certain rooms that once you hit them, youll go up a level. Plus, the added bonus is every time someone dies, everyone else will go up a level.

Hear that guys? We'll be making it to level 13.


On another note, GM, how do you feel about retraining in this game? I specifically ask because the Holy Avenger is a great weapon that I could make good use of... if I were capable of using it to its potential with my build. If I can swap a feat (and, ideally, a trait) for another at this level, in addition to the feat from leveling up, I'd be quite capable of using the weapon. Is that allowed, or no? I fully understand if not.

EDIT: To be more specific, I'd look to swap Iron Will for Weapon Focus (longsword), which would qualify me for Slashing Grace (longsword) so I could use the Holy Avenger properly with my build. Additionally, if you'd allow it, I'd love to swap my Merciful Scimitar trait to Blade of Mercy--although I'd just as soon not have the +1 to nonlethal damage that trait provides, as it's already a better version of what I have (albeit with a religion requirement).

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Ok. Ill allow anyone who wants to make some minor tweaks, ie a trait and feat or a skill (looking at you walay),to their pc.

DECEASED //// Draugr Captain Roughrider (1) Wounds (33) HP (36) AC (18/12/16) Saves (7/4/6) DR 5/bludgeoning or slashing; Resist fire 10 Perception (+8) Initiative (+2) CMD (20)


HP: +16
BaB: +1
Skills: +4
Saves: +1 Will
Feat: Iron Will

Elemental Overflow: +1 Hit +1 Damage

Blast Training: +1 Hit +1 Damage

Extreme Range: Blast Range now 480ft

Metakinesis: 2 points of burn for +50% damage

Also I’ve been healing 2HP/Round. How are Gorthug’s wounds looking?

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

With the level up, youre fully healed

Init +5, move 20’, Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20), Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20) neg energ res 10, neg lvl res 25%, bane rds 6/7, hunter focus uses 6/7, rage rds 3/4

GM, could I have an answer to my question about the bastard's sting? Does it hurt:
- everyone but me
- everyone but me and my familiar / companion
- everyone but me and my allies


Also, I'll have a look at minor feat/trait swaps

| HP: 74/74 | AC: 21 (25); T: 15 (19); FF: 19 (23); CMD: 19 | Fort: +9; Ref: +13; Will: +10 | Init: +6 ; Perc: +12| Senses: Darkvision 60' | Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 3/ Arcane Trickster 5

I decided to keep my build the same and level up. Now that I have established in character that Walay is a bad liar he can become a better one through level up and it might take the other characters by surprise. >:]

I also need my question that I had PMed you answered. The timing is no longer important now, so I will ask it in the open...

PM wrote:

Hey GM, there is some disagreement across the internet if a wizard/rogue can split Scorching ray between targets and get sneak attack damage on both targets.

Could you give me your thoughts/ruling on that?

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM
Zorgax the Brutal wrote:

GM, could I have an answer to my question about the bastard's sting? Does it hurt:

- everyone but me
- everyone but me and my familiar / companion
- everyone but me and my allies


Also, I'll have a look at minor feat/trait swaps

Everyone but you

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM
Walay Sikulu wrote:

I decided to keep my build the same and level up. Now that I have established in character that Walay is a bad liar he can become a better one through level up and it might take the other characters by surprise. >:]

I also need my question that I had PMed you answered. The timing is no longer important now, so I will ask it in the open...

PM wrote:

Hey GM, there is some disagreement across the internet if a wizard/rogue can split Scorching ray between targets and get sneak attack damage on both targets.

Could you give me your thoughts/ruling on that?

Both, but on the second one youd incurr a -5 to your ranged touch attack

| HP: 74/74 | AC: 21 (25); T: 15 (19); FF: 19 (23); CMD: 19 | Fort: +9; Ref: +13; Will: +10 | Init: +6 ; Perc: +12| Senses: Darkvision 60' | Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 3/ Arcane Trickster 5

Good to know. I don't think I realized that scorching ray was subject to the iterative attack penalty. Glad I am finding out now.

Init +5, move 20’, Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20), Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20) neg energ res 10, neg lvl res 25%, bane rds 6/7, hunter focus uses 6/7, rage rds 3/4
Zorgax the Brutal wrote:

GM, could I have an answer to my question about the bastard's sting? Does it hurt:

- everyone but me
- everyone but me and my familiar / companion
- everyone but me and my allies


Also, I'll have a look at minor feat/trait swaps

Everyone but you

Alright. Then it's a useless trinket. Would've liked to know that earlier, but here it is. Won't take an antipaladin level, then.

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

Just saw all this was in the field the last 4 days. But like the level up and the appreciation for my acid washed armor, definitely thought it was amusing. Probably cleaned off all the soot front eh lightening.

Male Half-Orc (Desertkin) Sorcerer (Crossblooded Solar/Orc) | HP 32/32 | AC 14, touch 13, FF 12 | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +2 (darkvision 90 ft., low-light vision)

Having some issues updating Rashed's profile at the moment, but I'm ready to go. He's gained HP, +1 to his Reflex save, skill points, and a new Mercy. He's also retrained Iron Will to Weapon Focus (longsword) in order to qualify for Slashing Grace (longsword), and swapped Merciful Scimitar for Blade of Mercy--the grace of Sarenrae has granted him the skill to use this new weapon.

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

Zorgax since you don’t want the bastard sword would you be willing to give it to Thadeus? Since wielding a greatsword and a massive shield is mad hard.

Init +5, move 20’, Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20), Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20) neg energ res 10, neg lvl res 25%, bane rds 6/7, hunter focus uses 6/7, rage rds 3/4

Trade you for that ring of blinking? ;)

As an aside. I hope to have time, today's evening, to update my character.
I was at my father's for a weekend and watched GOT yesterday.

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

Oooo that’s a hard trade, I think I’ll find a way to work with my shield haha.

Init +5, move 20’, Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20), Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20) neg energ res 10, neg lvl res 25%, bane rds 6/7, hunter focus uses 6/7, rage rds 3/4

That's ok. I've decided to take antipaladin anyway... It's not often anyone gets to wield unholy weapons like that. If it does damage to my phantom animal, so be it ;)

DECEASED //// Draugr Captain Roughrider (1) Wounds (33) HP (36) AC (18/12/16) Saves (7/4/6) DR 5/bludgeoning or slashing; Resist fire 10 Perception (+8) Initiative (+2) CMD (20)

That’s the spirit!

I planned on being a two handed build. But couldn’t say no to this shield. Some very uncommon loot drops

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

With the shield of the sun, it’s hard to wield both the great sword and the shield. I may look into being a bit of a switch hitter dropping the shield when I need to attack.

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

Finally got around to updating and leveling up thadeus, got really side tracked with a bunch of other stuff in real life.

Init +5, move 20’, Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20), Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20) neg energ res 10, neg lvl res 25%, bane rds 6/7, hunter focus uses 6/7, rage rds 3/4

At least you got it done. I'm still being sidetracked :D

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

Any update on the level up?

| HP: 74/74 | AC: 21 (25); T: 15 (19); FF: 19 (23); CMD: 19 | Fort: +9; Ref: +13; Will: +10 | Init: +6 ; Perc: +12| Senses: Darkvision 60' | Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 3/ Arcane Trickster 5

I am leveled and ready to go.

Init +5, move 20’, Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20), Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20) neg energ res 10, neg lvl res 25%, bane rds 6/7, hunter focus uses 6/7, rage rds 3/4

I'll do it tonight!!

| HP: 74/74 | AC: 21 (25); T: 15 (19); FF: 19 (23); CMD: 19 | Fort: +9; Ref: +13; Will: +10 | Init: +6 ; Perc: +12| Senses: Darkvision 60' | Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 3/ Arcane Trickster 5

There may not be much of a point. Looks like gm hasn’t posted on the boards under any alias in over a month. Game might be dead.

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

Shame, hopefully everything’s alright.

| HP: 74/74 | AC: 21 (25); T: 15 (19); FF: 19 (23); CMD: 19 | Fort: +9; Ref: +13; Will: +10 | Init: +6 ; Perc: +12| Senses: Darkvision 60' | Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 3/ Arcane Trickster 5

We could take a full rest and then fight eachother now to see who wins.

I was hoping for some more prep time and the ability to pick people off one at a time, so I will probably die quickly, but at least it wouldn't be a waste of our work creating the characters.

Male Dwarf Warpriest/Arsenal Chaplain|HP 135/135| AC:22 FF:22 T:11| F:12 R:4 W:12| Sense Motive+9 Perception +10 |init+0|+1 Keen Greatsword 14/7,+5/2d6+14/17-20|5/9 Fervor|Blessings 5/7| Sacred Weapon 8/9 rounds| Rage 1/1

That’s fine by me, I’m curious to see who ends up standing in the end.

Male Half-Orc (Desertkin) Sorcerer (Crossblooded Solar/Orc) | HP 32/32 | AC 14, touch 13, FF 12 | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 | Init +2, Perception +2 (darkvision 90 ft., low-light vision)

I suppose if we want that's something we could do, sure. Just meet in the open field and have a free-for-all?

Let's see how many of you I can knock out and keep alive before the rest gang up...

Init +5, move 20’, Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20), Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20) neg energ res 10, neg lvl res 25%, bane rds 6/7, hunter focus uses 6/7, rage rds 3/4

I've got everything ready except for the skills.

So... Sure!

How will we arbiter this in case of rules interpretations?
General consensus by vote?

I feel bad for the GM, though. Hope he recovers.

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