Walay Sikulu |

Greetings and salutations.
Do we already have our gear on us, or is that what is arrayed on the large table?

Gorthug |

We have no healing. That is really bad. Could I take kinetic healing for a feat? Archetype says no, but we really need something.

Walay Sikulu |

We aren't at zero healing.
We have an inquisitor and a paladin that can put some healing up if necessary. If need be I can invest future levels skill points into UMD. If I knew I was going to be doing that I would have traited pragmatic activator instead of magical knack; the hit to caster level would have hurt, but my charisma is a dump...
Maybe the GM would allow small tweaks to characters for party balance?

Rashed Al-Amin |

Sarenrae's blessings upon you all! I will of course be happy to lend healing to our cause. Although I can't promise an unlimited supply, since I've really just got Lay on Hands to work with.

Gorthug |

I hate to suggest this, but would you consider VMC Cleric? Would give you Channel as well as lay on hands. And a Domain. With you’re Cha it’d be pretty solid amount of healing.

Walay Sikulu |

Would mean losing third and seven level feats though...that's a pretty big hit when we are all technically enemies in the long run.
Honestly, if we worry about not having enough healing I would sooner swap out my trait to pragmatic activator and rearrange some skill points, (probably drop disable device and knowledge planes down to 4 ranks each) picking up a wand of clw. Probably drop the CMW pots, at least a couple of them, I bought in the process.
The GM would have to okay the adjustment to the character of course.

Walay Sikulu |

Welcome to the game Mythic/Thadeus Stradavor. Since you are a Neutral Warpriest of a Neutral diety, did you decide to go with positive or negative spontaneous casting, fervor, and channeling?
It has bearing on the conversation we are having right now, and I could not find your choice on your character sheet, although I may have overlooked it.

Walay Sikulu |

Gonna poke this question for Thadeus to get it bumped. Are you going positive energy or negative energy on your character?
I can rebuild mine to activate healing wands and the like if we feel we need to, but if Thadeus is a positive energy kind of guy then we likely don't need it.

Zorgax the Brutal |

Hey all,
totally missed the discussion forum, so far. Apologies.
Yes, I'm an inquisitor and I'm probably willing to wield your wands of CLW for you. I guess we'll have to work out alliances in game, still. The paladin can CLW too, right? And the warpriest? We'll be ok :)
So far, I've made the first version of a statline. It doesn't include my phantom animal, nor my familiar, but it's a start. At least the GM has all the stuff in a PM if he really needs it.
Anyway, thrilled to play this game. It feels like the hunger games. Even the start of it with the table full of magic items and all that :D
I wonder if we shoot an arrow of lightning at the dome, or if we play the game to the end. Is gonna be interesting :D

Rashed Al-Amin |

Might be worth pointing out that I can't actually use wands or scrolls or the like--my archetype trades out spellcasting so I don't have a caster level or anything like that. I do still very much have Lay on Hands, though, so healing isn't off the table for me.

Walay Sikulu |

Holding off to post anything more substantial until I finish identifying the potions since I already committed to those actions.
He will be dismissing the invisibility once he is done with the identifications.

Walay Sikulu |

An indoor swimming pool is a huge boost to property value. Congratulations! (j/k - sorry about the flood...that sucks).


Good joke lol
Yeah, the sudden melt foubd new paths for water expression. Destroyed my books, couch, tv, game systems, furnace blower, camping gear, sutcases we were going to give to our nephew for his trip to germany this summer. All lost.
This sux

Walay Sikulu |

Oh my gosh...Now I feel like crap for making light. Dude, I'm so sorry. That does suck.

Helix Missionary |

Also incredibly sorry to hear about that. Hope things aren't too terrible to deal with.
As far as Rashed's detecting, it would be his Detect Evil for being a paladin. However, as far as I'm aware no one in this group actually has an evil aura (i.e., from a class feature), so even evil characters show up as a Faint aura--same as any other mortal who happens to be a bit on the wicked side and can be redeemed.
As a side note, that's one of my favorite things about inquisitors: no alignment aura to screw things up.

Walay Sikulu |

Yep, as a paladin he would detect as a Strong Lawful and Strong Good aura.
Anyone without Outsider blood or a divine basis to their class would detect with Faint auras.

Thadeus Stradavor |

Gonna poke this question for Thadeus to get it bumped. Are you going positive energy or negative energy on your character?
I can rebuild mine to activate healing wands and the like if we feel we need to, but if Thadeus is a positive energy kind of guy then we likely don't need it.
My bad I forgot to check the discussions, missed all of this and Thadeus doesn’t channel due to the archetype but can fervor positive energy.
Sorry to hear about your basement I can relate I’ve always had water coming in my basement during storms but never that bad, hopefully insurance can help cover some of the damage.

Walay Sikulu |

Re pvp initiative:
I think if we are on the defensive (like now) then we roll it and see who goes first. There wouldn't really be a storehouse round if somebody started swinging right now.
If somebody were to decide to shank someone else in their sleep or something then probably surprise round single action and then roll initiative.
Of course gm has final say.

Gorthug |

Well. To be gentlemanly.
Initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Gorthug will only attack if Zorgax also rolls Initiative or if he responds with an insult. So if either are you’re plan then feel free to roll Initiative and get the first blow if you win.
Insulting Gorthug in Orcish, is generally a quick way to start a brawl. Orcish society is violent, and I’d imagine that fighting for hierarchy is fairly common. Without a very compelling reason otherwise, Gorthug will rise to the challenge.

Zorgax the Brutal |

So... Yeah, that escalated quickly... Bloody orcs :D
Anyway. You said you're not attacking.
Right now you see how Zorgax turns about, says grave mistake, and is clearly about to attack you. You just don't know if he's going to cast spells first or if he will charge you straight on. You have initiative (awesome roll, btw). Are you sure you're going to let him charge you instead of you charging him? Or maybe you wish to take another action? Or a readied action?

Walay Sikulu |

Gm, when you get to it could you give me the identify results of the other 5 potions that I initially picked up?

Gorthug |

Ah, the wait! Was looking over Zorgax’s profile and most info is lacking. I’ve figured out a way for him to do 120+ damage on the charge, so am eagerly awaiting his posting.
Zorgax, if one of us dies mind if I get to see you’re full stat block?


ok, so we have ourselves the first true form of combat for this mini-adventure.
How i manage combat is as follows.
a round of combat in game time is equal to 24 hours of real time
By breaking it up to a single day, this allows everyone involved the opportunity to have an action.
The round starts at 1200 CST CST is my time zone, so it should make it easier for everyone else to know when the 24 hour clock starts. I take my lunch break around 1200 everyday, and find having this consistency makes it easier for me, and everyone involved, to know when the new round will start.
player initiative will be the order of posting. no rolls for initiative are needed. THE DM Will post his combat actions last, and will post at 1200 CST
what this means is that PCs can post in any order, once the start of the round has occurred. For example, gorthug, walay, thadeus are taking on a white dragon. COmbat starts on monday. Gorthug posts at 1pm, walay at 3pm, and thadeus posts at 7pm that monday. Tuesday, I write up a brief summary of the action, make a roll for the dragons actions, and then the new round of combat starts. This time, Thadeus posts first at 2pm, then walay at 3pm and gorthug at 10pm. and then the system repeats itself.
if a player is unable to post for that 24 hour period/1 round of combat, he will be assumed to be fighting defensively, will receive a +5 DM dodge to his AC. Id rather see your PC die while your actively involved with his rolls, than relying upon myself or someone else while your away.
If a player is away due to illness or vacation prior to the start of combat, the player will be assumed to be "hanging back" or not participating in the combat. If a player gets sick or goes on vacation while in the middle of combat, another player will perform the dice rolling for the missing Player.
PVP special rules
as you can see, for combat involving the DM controlled NPCs, initiative isnt really needed. But, when going up against your fellow PC, it has a bonus, or perk to it.
the round for combat is 24 hours. the round starts at 1200 CST.
initiative will be rolled at the start of every combat round. This is to ensure a level of fairness to the combat, as both PCs are equally matched in various other means.
initiative will be rolled in its own seperate post.
in the event of a Nat 20 being rolled for initiative, the player will gain an extra partial action.

Walay Sikulu |

Interesting. Always go first against monsters...that will certainly help my sneak attack damage.
I have often wondered about rerolling initiative every combat round. Always seemed like too much rolling and keeping up with for a traditional tabletop game, but in PbP it seems like it could work.
How will this interact with duration of buffs and debuffs? The first example that comes to mind doesn't apply since we don't have any monks I don't think...but stunning fist stuns until the end of the monk's next turn. If the monk wins initiative the following round then does the stun end before having any mechanical effect?
Fullround casting exists as a balance mechanism to give the opponent an opportunity to interrupt before the spell is completed and the effect takes place. If I start casting at the end of a combat round and then win the next initiative to finish before my opponent gets a turn, do I get the spell off without a chance of being interrupted?


Interesting. Always go first against monsters...that will certainly help my sneak attack damage.
I have often wondered about rerolling initiative every combat round. Always seemed like too much rolling and keeping up with for a traditional tabletop game, but in PbP it seems like it could work.
How will this interact with duration of buffs and debuffs? The first example that comes to mind doesn't apply since we don't have any monks I don't think...but stunning fist stuns until the end of the monk's next turn. If the monk wins initiative the following round then does the stun end before having any mechanical effect?
Fullround casting exists as a balance mechanism to give the opponent an opportunity to interrupt before the spell is completed and the effect takes place. If I start casting at the end of a combat round and then win the next initiative to finish before my opponent gets a turn, do I get the spell off without a chance of being interrupted?

Gorthug |

Seems fair to me. Also means that martials get the chance to attack twice. That can be a huge advantage as well.
Though I am fully aware that all of us are at Waylay’s mercy. With his Invisibility and flight, nobody can touch him. Well...until he runs out of Spell slots.
Speaking of which. My Gorthug’s Familiar has blindsense and can speak telepathically to Gorthug. So if it can sense someone invisible can it tell Gorthug where the foe is? And if so what kind of miss chance is that?

Zorgax the Brutal |

Phew... That was a long post with a lot of rules searching, because I didn't want to make any mistakes. I'll go and cast my vote for the provinces, now, for which I suddenly have to hurry :D
initiative each round seems fun! wish I'd know, it, though. I might have gone for a higher initiative character.
Anyway. Booyah, Gorthug! ;)

Zorgax the Brutal |

Aw, really?
It was just an orc brawl for domination. It didn't have to be deadly... But I can't very well let these insults slide, now, can I?
Oh well, I rolled low on initiative. Perhaps the paladin or the wizard will intervene...
I'll make my post when the GM gives me the turn. Of no one intervenes, Zorgax will most certainly finish him...
I'll post my full stats, btw. Sorry that I hadn't done so, yet. They're on my PC. I might be in time to edit this post to add them.
Zorgax the Brutal
Ability scores 15, 13, 10, 17, 11, 15
Str 20 (+2 race, +1 level)
Dex 15
Con 11
Int 13
Wis 16 (+1 level)
Cha 10
Medium size humanoid (orc, human), +2 str, 30’ movement
Dragonsight: darkvision 120’
Sacred Tattoo, +1 luck to saves
Racial weapons
Trait: Fate’s favoured, +1 to luck bonuses
7 Inquisitor (green faith marshal, sacred huntsmaster)
1 spiritualist (totem spiritualist)
Favored class bonus (inquisitor): add +4 hp
Add spells to list: purify food and drink (0), air bubble (1), liberating command (1)
Eagle domain:
Hawkeye 5/day: swift action to gain +3 on one ranged attack roll or perception roll
Aerial evasion: evasion when flying
Miscellaneous class features:
Etheric tether (keep Trox alive)
Power of nature (druid domain and spells)
Wild lore (add wis to knowledge nature)
Cunning initiative (add wis to initiative)
Track (add half level to track)
Bane (swift action to bane a weapon 7 rds / day)
Nature’s ally (commune with nature 1/week)
1 lookout
3 dirty fighting
3bf pack flanking
5 planar focus
7 shake it off
7bf outflank
Skills: 54 ranks, 8 ranks max
4 Fly +10 (-3 ACP) (+3 when casting fly)
8 Handle Animal +11
1 Knowledge (arcana) +4
4 Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7
1 Knowledge (nature) +6 (+7 when phantom is harboured)
5 Knowledge (planes) +8
4 Knowledge (religion) +7
8 Perception +19 (+3 in bright light)
8 Perform (oratory) +11
8 Ride +12 (-3 ACP)
2 Survival +8 (+3 when tracking)
8 Sense Motive +14
8 Stealth +13 (-3 ACP)
1 Swim +9 (-3 ACP)
Spiritualist spells:
Level 0: detect psychic significance, mage hand, message, open/close
Level 1: burst of adrenaline, shield
Inquisitor spells:
Level 0: create water, detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink, read magic, sift
Level 1: air bubble, aspect of the falcon, cure light wounds, divine favour, keep watch, liberating command
Level 2: eagle’s splendour, invisibility, lesser restoration, resist energy, see invisibility
Level 3: dispel magic, fly, remove curse
Init +5, move 20’
Falchion +11, 2d4+8, crit x2 (15-20)
Longbow +7, 1d8+5, crit x3 (20)
AC 19, flat-footed 17, touch 12, CMD 22, HP 68
Saves: fort +11, ref +8, will +14
Negative energy resistance 10, 25% negative levels resistance
Often enjoyed bonuses:
(Trox harboured) +4 will vs mind-affecting effects
(Raz or Trox adjacent) Flanking +4 to hit
(Raz or Trox adjacent) +1 to all saves per adjacent ally
(free action) Rage (melee) +2 to hit, +3 damage, -2 AC, no spells
(swift action) animal/planar focus: so many choices!!
(swift action) Hawkeye (ranged) +3 to hit
(swift action) Bane +2 to hit, +2d6+2 damage
(spell) Divine favour +3 to hit, +3 damage
(spell) Shield +4 AC
(spell) energy resistance 20
Phantom animal: Warcat
Str 25, dex 15, con 18, int 3, wis 11, cha 5
1 narrow frame
2 ferocious beast
5 intimidating prowess
8 signature skill: intimidate
1 escape artist +6
5 intimidate +19 (demoralize as move action)
1 perception +4
Init +2, move 40’, pounce
Bite +12, 1d8+8, crit x2 (20), grab CMB +17 (if grappled, rake next turn 2x 1d6+8)
2 claws +12, 1d6+8, crit x2 (20)
AC 17, flat-footed 15, touch 11, CMD 26, HP 84
Saves: fort +9, ref +7, will +2 (+4 will vs enchantment = +6)
Often enjoyed bonuses:
Power attack: -2 to hit, +4 damage
(Raz or Zorgax adjacent) Flanking +4 to hit
(Raz or Zorgax adjacent) +1 to all saves per adjacent ally
(swift action, permanent) animal/planar focus: so many choices!!
Valet familiar: hawk
Str 6, dex 17, con 11, int 9, wis 14, cha 7
Feat: weapon finesse
4 Fly +14
8 Handle Animal +6
1 Knowledge (arcana) +0
4 Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3
1 Knowledge (nature) +0
5 Knowledge (planes) +4
4 Knowledge (religion) +3
8 Perception +21
8 Ride +11
2 Survival +4
8 Sense Motive +10
8 Stealth +22
1 Swim +2
Init +3, move 10’ or 60’ fly
2 claws +10, 1d4-2, crit x2 (20)
AC 19, flat-footed 15, touch 16, CMD 16, HP 32
Saves: fort +11, ref +8, will +14
Often enjoyed bonuses:
(Trox or Zorgax adjacent) Flanking +4 to hit
(Trox or Zorgax adjacent) +1 to all saves per adjacent ally

Zorgax the Brutal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

No, I get that. And I'm glad. Anyway. I posted the stats. Just not the magic items, although some of them might be gauged from the pluses ;)
No hard feelings for your attacking me, either. Or for putting me at the mercy of the rest of the party, as I am now ;)

Gorthug |

Trox lets go and backs off. To Rashid, Zorgax grins and tips his fingers to his forehead.
"He's yours, boss. Now, come, you have items to divide amongst your horde."
Zorgax indicates towards where Walay and he had stood before.
lol! And with that, the paladin has got himself a following of orcs. Well, half-orcs. But both Gorthug and Zorgax are pretty obviously raised by orcs.
To be honest, I'm quite surprised. Had already resigned myself to just reading the campaign after Gorthug's head would leave his body. Not that I'm complaining! Even if it means being beholden to a goody-goody-paladin.

Walay Sikulu |

I am holding off on any new posts for now...waiting for an answer to a question I PMed to the GM. If the opportunity leaves me behind no big deal.

Walay Sikulu |

Considering the possibility...trying to decide what Walay would do. The answer partially depends on a mechanics/rules question that the GM needs to get back to me on.

Zorgax the Brutal |

I think it worked out fun, in the end. I hadn't expected Gorthug to react so heavily on "you act like a child". I didn't even say "you are like a child", or some such. But that's how escalation works. You never know what hits a note on the other one. Zorgax went off on 'Runt'. And on the fact that he was trying to play boss, the moment Gorthug challenged him.
A ray with a sneak attack now, would be deadly, I think. The two 'orcs' have overextended themselves.

Gorthug |

Yup! Certainly does. I will say though that this was one of my favorite orc moments in pathfinder. Love the jockeying for power and status. Now to see if the wizard murders us all.

Walay Sikulu |

No word from our GM on my question. Maybe I will get it later to be used in the future.
Barring knowing how that ruling goes Walay would not act here...Frankly even if he knew what I am asking it is possible he still would not go murder-spree right now. I am having trouble figuring out how his motivations translate into action in this instance, which I think means he is conflicted too.
Don't hold off on healing up on account of me waiting for the GM. Let's keep it moving.

Zorgax the Brutal |

Yup! Certainly does. I will say though that this was one of my favorite orc moments in pathfinder. Love the jockeying for power and status. Now to see if the wizard murders us all.
Hahaha, yeah, it's definitely fun. It's also fun to 'compliment' the paladin on mistakenly identified CE qualities. :D

Walay Sikulu |

Sorry to hear that dude. We all go through the wringer sometimes. Best of luck.