GM Tealk's - Return of the Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master Brainiac

Book Four - Temple of the Peacock Spirit, Part 1
Magnimar - Maps!
Inventory - Loot!

Current Date 16 Kuthona, 4718 AR

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Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

Maga peeks into the room, "Ahhh, are those friends of yours? They dont seem quite happy to see you..."

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

@Flik, as Remy mentioned, you succeed at the save, please have your turn haha!

Images?: 1d2 ⇒ 2

"Ha! Miss me sweatheart!" She laughs at Fergus, but then Viralane recoils from the small arcane bolts which hit her. "You little RAT!" as she cast's her own suggestion on Fergus. "Go be with your dead ancestors and make hit the anvil why don't ya?"

"Sweatheart, Viralane, can you deal with him please?" as she cast's sanctuary on herself.

@Fergus, make me a DC 18 Will save to leave, at a -2 penalty please.

Combat Tracker! wrote:

Round 3
Active buffs - Good Hope, Naturalist, +4/+4 a/d and +2 saves!
Active debuffs - --
You can give instructions to Maga as a free action!

@ Borgol -10 lethal (REF (20)) - confused 3

! Damil Russo -88 lethal (unconscious, bleeding)

@ Maddie (MA)
@ Fergus (REF (20) -Hyp. Stare -2 Will
@ Remy -40 lethal (REF (20), MA)- confused 3
@ Flik (-) May act twice!
+ Maga Sorsh

! Viralane -26
! Hida Doss (sanctuary)

Everyone may act!

Ruso, stable?: 1d20 ⇒ 171d20 ⇒ 14

Bluff +13, Diplomacy +23, Disable Device +20, Perc. +23, Perform (Oratory) +21 (Sing) +17, Profession (librarian) +19, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +10, Use Magic Device +20
Knowledge Skills:
All +17
Bard (13) HP 81/81 | AC 17 TC 12 FF 16 | Init +7 | Percep +23, Motive +1 | 20ft Speed | +8 CMB | CMD 19, FF 17 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +10 (+11 v illusion); (+4 v magic traps, lang. dep., writing)| 1: 5/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/5, 4: 4/4, 5: 0/1; Perf: 35/38

"No, not friendly at all, Maga. Give us a hand, if you don't mind. Anything to take them down would be helpful!"

Flik will continue dispensing advice and cast glitterdust (DC 17) on the both of them.

He'll pull out his shortbow and ready an action to shoot Viralane if she casts another spell.

Readied Action:

shortbow: 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 2 + 2 = 26 for piercing: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

Confusion: 1d100 ⇒ 70
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Remy can't seem to break out of the cycle of self-inflicted violence. Her knuckles and her face are bloody and bruised from the repetitive punches.

The dice are against me! >:( I'll probably knock myself out next round without healing.

Bluff +13, Diplomacy +23, Disable Device +20, Perc. +23, Perform (Oratory) +21 (Sing) +17, Profession (librarian) +19, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +10, Use Magic Device +20
Knowledge Skills:
All +17
Bard (13) HP 81/81 | AC 17 TC 12 FF 16 | Init +7 | Percep +23, Motive +1 | 20ft Speed | +8 CMB | CMD 19, FF 17 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +10 (+11 v illusion); (+4 v magic traps, lang. dep., writing)| 1: 5/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/5, 4: 4/4, 5: 0/1; Perf: 35/38

Sorry, Remy. I didn't realize you were low. I'll heal you next round.

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

It's all good. Shooting Viralane is probably better since there's little chance for me to help in the fight right now. At 10/60 HP currently. Maybe Borgol can heal me if he acts normally this round.

Female Child Human Chronomancer 12 | HP: 62/62 | AC 17 TC 13 FF 15 | Fort: +7, Ref: +9, Will: +10 | Init +4 (forewarned)| Per +15 SM -1 | 30 ft. speed/ 40 ft. fly | +6 CMB | CMD 17 FF 15 | Temporal Pool 6/9 | Telekinetic Fist 9/9 Full Stats, Spells

Maddie continues a barrage of magic aimed at Viralane.

Magic Missile: 5d4 + 5 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 1, 3) + 5 = 15

Male Dwarf Paladin 13 (HP 147/171 AC:22 T:11 F:21 Saves F:+16 R:+9 W:+14 CMB:+17 CMD:28 Init:+1 Perc: +15 Heal: +18)

Will Save DC18: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 9 - 2 = 19

You keep wasting your breath! Fergus says as he continues his assault.

Attack 1: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 12 + 2 = 16
Attack 2: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 2 = 22
Damage 2: 1d12 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 5 + 2 = 10

Prototype GM Tool CR-X

Borgol tries to snap out of his confusion.
Confused, maybe not?: 1d4 ⇒ 1

"I am sorry, Viralane, but i must ask you to stop this." The burly man runs over, and slashes at the woman, igniting her dress in flames as he swings.
Longsword: 1d20 + 11 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 11 + 4 = 221d8 + 5 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + 5 + 4 + (4) = 14

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

Only the look of sadness and disappointment can be seen across Viralane's eyes, as she manages a few words, before falling unconscious, "Borgol...why?" He dress, in a beautiful blaze, she fall into Borgols arms, caressing his cheek as she goes. Dramatic, but still quite splendid.

The woman at the back, rolls her eyes, "I guess, this is where i take my leave then." She flurishes her arms again, and tries to go invisible.

I will redirect your at the cleric, then @Flik, if that is okay?

Flik, vs Sanctuary: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 makes it!
The arrow comes almost out of nowhere, but she tries to hold onto the spell.
Concentration: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31

She disappears.

Combat Tracker! wrote:

Round 4
Active buffs - Good Hope, Naturalist, +4/+4 a/d and +2 saves!
Active debuffs - --
You can give instructions to Maga as a free action!

@ Borgol -10 lethal (REF (20)) - confused 4

! Damil Russo -88 lethal (unconscious, bleeding)

@ Maddie (MA)
@ Fergus (REF (20) -Hyp. Stare -2 Will
@ Remy -50 lethal (REF (20), MA)- confused 4
@ Flik (-) May act twice!
+ Maga Sorsh

! Viralane -50 (unconscious, bleeding)
! Hida Doss -4 (sanctuary, invisible)

Everyone may act!

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

Map updated!

Maga laughs at the small gnome, "Oh well, look's like you got em! Well done!" He jugles one of his bombs, "Shall i put your confused companions out of their missery?"

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

Confusion: 1d100 ⇒ 27

Remy finally stops hitting herself, but that doesn't mean she comes to her senses. "Ow. I don't know... What is... Borgol and Viralane? That girl is on fire! Fire, dire, liar, pyre, inquire..." The monk continues to babble incoherently.

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

Will, vs Glitterdust; V, H: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 291d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
@Remy is right, i somehow forgot the glitterdust. Errrrr, change of action. Hahah grrrr your paladin has succeeded in every will save...

The cleric succeeds at the save, but is unable to go invisible.
"I guess it is my time to leave. Don't be too mean to Viralane." She claps her hands, and vanishes in a puff of green smoke.
She is gone gone...

Combat still going, we have confused team, and unconsious and bleeding enemies.

Male Human Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine Tracker/Infiltrator) 4/Cleric 2/Vindicator 7 (HP: 117/117 | AC: 26[33] TC 13 FF 23[30] | Init: +3 | Percept: +19(+22) Motive: +6| 30' speed, fly 60' | CMB: +17 | CMD: 30, FF: 27 | Fort: +15; Ref: +11; Will:+13)

Confusion: 1d100 ⇒ 55

Borgol smashes himself in the face with the edge of his shield, "The bugs! They're everywhere!"

Self-Inflicted: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Bluff +13, Diplomacy +23, Disable Device +20, Perc. +23, Perform (Oratory) +21 (Sing) +17, Profession (librarian) +19, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +10, Use Magic Device +20
Knowledge Skills:
All +17
Bard (13) HP 81/81 | AC 17 TC 12 FF 16 | Init +7 | Percep +23, Motive +1 | 20ft Speed | +8 CMB | CMD 19, FF 17 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +10 (+11 v illusion); (+4 v magic traps, lang. dep., writing)| 1: 5/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/5, 4: 4/4, 5: 0/1; Perf: 35/38

Flik purses his lips, "Well, at least she's not in the way."

He stops performing and casts a healing spell on Remy.

cure light wounds: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

With no more active threats, all the group has to do is manage for Borgol and Remy to snap out of their confusion.

Please roll me 3 more confusion rolls please, both of you, and we can move on.

Male Human Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine Tracker/Infiltrator) 4/Cleric 2/Vindicator 7 (HP: 117/117 | AC: 26[33] TC 13 FF 23[30] | Init: +3 | Percept: +19(+22) Motive: +6| 30' speed, fly 60' | CMB: +17 | CMD: 30, FF: 27 | Fort: +15; Ref: +11; Will:+13)

Confusion: 1d100 ⇒ 30 Babble

Confusion: 1d100 ⇒ 40 Babble

Confusion: 1d100 ⇒ 54 Bash Ow: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

Confusion: 1d100 ⇒ 571d100 ⇒ 451d100 ⇒ 47
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Remy pummels herself one more time before babbling a bit longer. Finally she comes to her senses. "Ugh... That was not a fun time. Let's stop them from bleeding out if we haven't already. We need to question them to find out why they are there."

As she collects the fallen foes' gear and looks around the room, she gives Maga Sorsh a glare. "Thanks for your help," she says sarcastically.

Seeing Borgol in bad shape like herself, the bruised and bloodied monk makes her way over to him. "Are you alright? Viralane's spell messed us up. I hate having my will taken away from me."

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

Assuming you stabilise/heal them both...

You get to Viralane, putting out the flames on her dress and stabilizing her wounds. However, by the time you remember about the rapier wielding librarian it is too late for him, and he has already passed away.

There is no trace of the other peacock woman left.

Inside the room, you notice standard explorer equipment is shared around the room, typical gear you would use to spend multiple days or even weeks out on an expedition. Research equipment, is neatly displayed on one of the tables, providing anyone with the essential means to peruse ancient documents.

DC 19 Survival:
You suspect that they have not been here longer than a few nights, as most of the gear looks freshly set up.

Gathered here, is a large number of books about ancient Thassilonian magical theory and practice from the Great Library.

Examining the books and research notes, would take you 1d8 hours, with -1 for every 5 over 25 Flik can get with his profession check.


Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

As you bring Viralane to her senses, she has a small panic attack as she wakes up, "Ahhh! Not again, why...what...what's going...oh..." She sees the group standing over her, hands tied, she stops resisting. "I see, so that's how you do things. Borgol, dear, why are you with these barbarians?"

She looks around, seeing he allies dead body, and no sign of her mentor, she sighs. “And now I know how poor Corla must have felt when I abandoned her. Is she alright?” Genuinely concerned for her old friend, you see a side of Viralane you have never witnessed before.

She continues, "As i was going to say, before you so rudely punched me." There is a slight pause, and you can see genuine sadness in her eyes, }We parted on such sour terms, and I have felt dreadful about how I treated you and took advantage of your trust. Can you forgive me, a woman with little recourse but to ply her trade as best she is able? Will you give me a second chance?”

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

”That depends how cooperative you plan to be,” Remy says, glaring angrily at Viralane. ”Corla is fine, by the way, no thanks to you. Now, tell us what the three of you were doing here in Hollow Mountain!”

Bluff +13, Diplomacy +23, Disable Device +20, Perc. +23, Perform (Oratory) +21 (Sing) +17, Profession (librarian) +19, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +10, Use Magic Device +20
Knowledge Skills:
All +17
Bard (13) HP 81/81 | AC 17 TC 12 FF 16 | Init +7 | Percep +23, Motive +1 | 20ft Speed | +8 CMB | CMD 19, FF 17 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +10 (+11 v illusion); (+4 v magic traps, lang. dep., writing)| 1: 5/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/5, 4: 4/4, 5: 0/1; Perf: 35/38

Flik clucks his tongue at Viralane's apparent repentance and goes about his business digging through the books.

As long as no one minds me doing some research as we heal and rest up.

Profession (librarian): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28

Research Time: 1d8 ⇒ 8


Female Child Human Chronomancer 12 | HP: 62/62 | AC 17 TC 13 FF 15 | Fort: +7, Ref: +9, Will: +10 | Init +4 (forewarned)| Per +15 SM -1 | 30 ft. speed/ 40 ft. fly | +6 CMB | CMD 17 FF 15 | Temporal Pool 6/9 | Telekinetic Fist 9/9 Full Stats, Spells

Maddie looks over all the books assembled, and picks out one that catches her eye, and flops onto the ground to read it, legs kicking in the air as the adults do the actually important stuff.

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

Flik and Remy immediately get stuck into the research, realizing how long it is going to take them to go over the entirety of the material in this room.

Remy Tomovici wrote:
"...Now, tell us what the three of you were doing here in Hollow Mountain!”

Viralane smiles, "Now now, we're friends Remy, you know i am more than happy to be cooperative, under the right circumstances." She tugs at her restraints, noting that she is less then comfortable. "The Peacock spirit and I have made an agreement. I would bring to it the weapon that it once lost, and in return it would heal me of my ailment. When one of my little sparrows overheard in that not-so-secret meeting of yours with the council, that you would be coming to Hollow Mountain, I just couldn't resist. You see, my superiors were not quite happy with me when you stole Baraket from under my nose..." She pauses, knowing the extravagance in the lie she just uttered, but only plays it off like that's exactly what happened, "I had to bring them something tangible. The priestess of the Church of the Peacock, Hida Doss, remembered that there was a library under the mountain, a place we could do more research on the powerful weapons and artifacts of old Azlant. And you know how the saying goes, kill two birds with one we are."

She goes solemn, and almost hopeful, "But please, do with me as you will, but leave me here on Rivenrake Island in this wonderful library. I feel like i am 'this' close, so finding a cure for my ailment. Something in these old tomes could be the cure to overcoming lift this curse that has been placed upon me!" She reaches out to Borgol, "Please, you know what it's like to not belong outcast even from your own home..."

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

Remy crosses her arms over her chest but looks to Borgol, letting the ranger offer his opinions.

Bluff +13, Diplomacy +23, Disable Device +20, Perc. +23, Perform (Oratory) +21 (Sing) +17, Profession (librarian) +19, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +10, Use Magic Device +20
Knowledge Skills:
All +17
Bard (13) HP 81/81 | AC 17 TC 12 FF 16 | Init +7 | Percep +23, Motive +1 | 20ft Speed | +8 CMB | CMD 19, FF 17 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +10 (+11 v illusion); (+4 v magic traps, lang. dep., writing)| 1: 5/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/5, 4: 4/4, 5: 0/1; Perf: 35/38

Flik takes a moment to peer at Viralane over the top of a book and rolls his eyes.

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

When Borgol hesitates, Remy clicks her tongue. ”We can’t leave her here unsupervised. But, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, maybe we should help her. If only to stop her from continuing to work with these Peacock Spirit cultists against us. Surely the Sihedron Council might have the resources needed to find a cure for her curse.”

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords
Remy Tomovici wrote:
When Borgol hesitates, Remy clicks her tongue. ”We can’t leave her here unsupervised. But, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, maybe we should help her. If only to stop her from continuing to work with these Peacock Spirit cultists against us. Surely the Sihedron Council might have the resources needed to find a cure for her curse.”

" would really do that for me? Even though I tried to back stab times was it?" She smiles warmly at Remy, confused internally as to how she should be feeling towards the monk after all they have been through. "I would not decline an offer to receive help from the Council. But perhaps you can help take all these books back with us to Magnimar? I am sure there is something in these pages that would be helpful."

"And we're they're not cultists. They are good people, once you get to know them."

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

"I'm sure they said that about the diabolist of House Thrune, too," Remy says dubiously. "We'll take the books back with us, though it might take several trips to load them on the ship. Perhaps a trip back to the city is in order before we continue exploring the dungeons here. But we have to figure out how to get out of here, first. A portal transported us from the entry that we used. Can you show us how you came down here, Viralane?"

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

"You got here through a portal? How quite original of you. No, we took the passage into Hollow Mountain through the Shrine of Ibdurengian. We took the T-junction west." She winks at Remy. "You should be able to find your exit back through that way."

"Now, are you going to do something about my restraints? Not like i can do much agasint the lot of you anyway." Viralane raises her restraints up.

Male Human Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine Tracker/Infiltrator) 4/Cleric 2/Vindicator 7 (HP: 117/117 | AC: 26[33] TC 13 FF 23[30] | Init: +3 | Percept: +19(+22) Motive: +6| 30' speed, fly 60' | CMB: +17 | CMD: 30, FF: 27 | Fort: +15; Ref: +11; Will:+13)
GM Tealk wrote:
As you bring Viralane to her senses, she has a small panic attack as she wakes up, "Ahhh! Not again, why...what...what's going...oh..." She sees the group standing over her, hands tied, she stops resisting. "I see, so that's how you do things. Borgol, dear, why are you with these barbarians?"

Borgol growls, Because they treat me fairly and don't try to enchant me, for one... Cut the act, Viralane. I don't believe anyone is buying it."

Viralane wrote:
She goes solemn, and almost hopeful, "But please, do with me as you will, but leave me here on Rivenrake Island in this wonderful library. I feel like i am 'this' close, so finding a cure for my ailment. Something in these old tomes could be the cure to overcoming lift this curse that has been placed upon me!" She reaches out to Borgol, "Please, you know what it's like to not belong outcast even from your own home..."

Borgol snarls again, then sighs, "I suppose everyone deserves a chance to feel better... and if nothing else, the knowledge that you had to plead mercy and rely on the pity of others should be enough to pierce even your pride.... But, I warn you that if you so much as mutter the first word of an incantation, you'll lose the little grace I have left to give one such as yourself. The only question will be whether I cut off your hand or your head."

His face warms slightly as he adds, "Maybe we can flip a coin to decide which."

At the last question, Borgol nods, "Aye, I'll do something about your restraints..", and pulls them tighter. "As you said, you've betrayed us three times now, was it? You have a long way to come to earn enough trust that we let you loose -- especially while we're distracted."

Male Dwarf Paladin 13 (HP 147/171 AC:22 T:11 F:21 Saves F:+16 R:+9 W:+14 CMB:+17 CMD:28 Init:+1 Perc: +15 Heal: +18)

Fergus watches feeling that the monk and ranger have things well in hand.

Female Child Human Chronomancer 12 | HP: 62/62 | AC 17 TC 13 FF 15 | Fort: +7, Ref: +9, Will: +10 | Init +4 (forewarned)| Per +15 SM -1 | 30 ft. speed/ 40 ft. fly | +6 CMB | CMD 17 FF 15 | Temporal Pool 6/9 | Telekinetic Fist 9/9 Full Stats, Spells

Maddie rolls onto her back, the book she’s in the middle of floating above her with a flick of her wrist and automatically flipping pages every few seconds as she continues to read. After a moment, she grabs a tossed aside book and wraps it in a cloth to form a bit of a pillow for her to rest her jead against.

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

Remy nods, satisfied with Borgol’s handling of Viralane. ”So, what will it be? Continue exploring or return to Magnimar? At the very least, we should find our way back to Kelhuud so he can watch our prisoner. I’d rather not have to escort her through the dungeon.”

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords
Borgol Ashblade wrote:
At the last question, Borgol nods, "Aye, I'll do something about your restraints..", and pulls them tighter. "As you said, you've betrayed us three times now, was it? You have a long way to come to earn enough trust that we let you loose -- especially while we're distracted."

Very nice!

Viralane looks almost shocked, as Borgol tightens her restraints. "This is not how you treat a lady, good sir! Fine, if you don't want my help carrying some of the load, the be it." She goes quiet, listening to your decisions you make, but pretending like she's really not.

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

Maga scratches the back of his head, "Ahhh, if we've found a way out. I wound sincerely appreciate it if you could maybe pass onto me the runestone, so i can be on my merry way. I don't wish to spend any more time here than i have to, the curse on my people won't lift itself, you know." The alchemist nudges towards Remy, knowing she holds both artefacts.

Whatever you guys wish to do, here are your options still. Majority rules. (1) Explore and find Runelord Thybidos to gain more knowledge on how to stop Alaznist; (2) Go back and try to find what happened to Audrahni and Alustria; (3) Return to Magnimar with the Viralane and Maga, and report back to the council. Do note, this is your third day on this island and within Hollow Mountain.

Also, do you wish to spend the 8 hours here going over the research? Taking all of the books with you here would be 1500 lb, and the library was 2400 lb.

Does Flik wish to do anything particular in this grand library? Does Fergus wish to do anything particular, being in an once dwarven-occupied citadel/mountain?

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

Remy steps away from Maga. "You still have yet to prove the truth of your claims. When we return to the Sihedron Council, you will come with us. Only after they have verified that you are not trying to deceive us will we consider giving you one of the runestones."

Bluff +13, Diplomacy +23, Disable Device +20, Perc. +23, Perform (Oratory) +21 (Sing) +17, Profession (librarian) +19, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +10, Use Magic Device +20
Knowledge Skills:
All +17
Bard (13) HP 81/81 | AC 17 TC 12 FF 16 | Init +7 | Percep +23, Motive +1 | 20ft Speed | +8 CMB | CMD 19, FF 17 | Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +10 (+11 v illusion); (+4 v magic traps, lang. dep., writing)| 1: 5/7, 2: 4/6, 3: 4/5, 4: 4/4, 5: 0/1; Perf: 35/38

I'll wait to see what the vote in on our future destination before I decide what to do with the library. Tentative vote for (1), but I could be convinced. At the least, Flik would search for magical scrolls and books, and look for hidden panels or compartments before we go.

Male Human Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine Tracker/Infiltrator) 4/Cleric 2/Vindicator 7 (HP: 117/117 | AC: 26[33] TC 13 FF 23[30] | Init: +3 | Percept: +19(+22) Motive: +6| 30' speed, fly 60' | CMB: +17 | CMD: 30, FF: 27 | Fort: +15; Ref: +11; Will:+13)

Borgol nods, "Remy's got the right of it - though if you'd like to wait for us outside and not face additional risk, you're welcome to do so. And I think we almost need to drop off Viralane - we can't allow her to come to harm since we've accepted her surrender and agreed to try to aid her. "

He sighs, then says, "That said, I think we still need to find the Runelord and learn what we can - unless someone thinks the secrets we want could be found in the library.... Plus, we're still missing two of our friends, which is also alarming. That to say, we can't leave and while the books are important and valuable, I don't think we can take the time to transport or research just yet.... I think we need to press on."

That's a vote for #1, incidentally.

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

Remy smiles at Borgol. ”It seems we think alike yet again. Alright, let’s follow Viralane’s directions to the surface and leave her, and possibly Maga, with Kelhuud. Then we come back and finish making our way to Thybidos. I could use some more healing magic before we proceed.”

Male Dwarf Paladin 13 (HP 147/171 AC:22 T:11 F:21 Saves F:+16 R:+9 W:+14 CMB:+17 CMD:28 Init:+1 Perc: +15 Heal: +18)

I vote for option #1 as well.

Fergus looks around and envisions a day when this place is occupied by dwarves again. Maybe when I get back to town I will have to send a letter to my Ironbeard kin. Some of them would be crazy enough to settle here and try to make a go of it!

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

Maga sighs, "Fine, i will follow you outside, and then watch over this woman while we wait for you to return. If you take longer than two days, however, i will insist in finding my way back to civilization myself."

Flik and Maddie are unable to fully discern anything more from the various journals in this room; and Fergus laments about the possibilities of dwarves ever calling this place home.

You decide to leave the book here for now. From what i gather, or what are your plans on taking them with you?

Eventually, you make yourselves ready to head out, and Viralane leads you, "Right this way, and then past the foyer. The path should be clear." She leads you through a large foyer. The thirty-foot-high ceiling of this impressive. Empty bookshelves line these columns and the surrounding walls. A faded mosaic of countless shades of yellow is set in the floor, depicting the rays of the sun. "And there you have it. The Forsaken Mezzanine. Just follow these stairs up, and we shall see daylight in a few moments."

You finally make your way up into a smaller structure, where an oppressive pall hangs over this chamber. Aquatic demons and sea monsters stalk the scenes carved into the stony walls, the fiends eviscerating one another with expressions that can be described only as gleeful. A mosaic depicting a six-headed snake decorates the floor, its coiling tail cut off by the western wall. At the midsection of the serpent’s body stands what could only a sacrificial altar, copious amounts of blood staining it and the floor around it. What appear to be runes are carved atop the altar, but the dried blood obscures their details.

Viralane explains, "I wouldn't touch that dried blood. It's a poisonous excretion known as 'scarlets kiss'. Dangerous stuff. See, isn't it great that i'm here. Being helpful." She smirks as she leads you outside and into the fresh air of the day.

DC 30 Reilgion:
Scarlet Bliss is often exuded from altars of the demon lord Ibdurengian. Although Ibdurengian has been dead for many centuries, the poison excreted from this altar has remained potent through all those years. When a living creature comes into contact with the scarlet bliss, the stuff slithers eerily to life, climbing swiftly up boots or along prodding implements in search of flesh, making a single touch attack against every available target each round until no targets are present or the trap is disabled.

Maga jumps straight at the opportunity to collect a sample of the magic poison, turning around when he realises you're watching him suspiciously. He takes a sample and puts it in a vial, "What? I'm an alchemist by trade, i wasn't just going to leave it there..."

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

Making your way back through the jungle, you find the intersection which you took a few days ago, but went in the other direction. After a few hours, you find your way back to Kelhuud's camp, where you fine one of the men preparing a meal.

Kelhuud quickly jumps up on his feet, when he sees Maga with you, and draws his bow. "What is he doing with you? And why is he not in chains. He is the monster who brutalizer those sailors on the beach."

Maga instantly gets into a defensive stance, drawing a flask reactively. "Unfortunate circumstances, i am sure. Friends of yours?" He asks, a glint of remorse in his eyes, but ultimately unfazed by the accusation.

You realize your plan on leaving Maga and Viralane here is not going to be as simple as you had initially thought.

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

"He is working with us for now," Remy tells Kelhuud. "While we do not trust him, he has given us no immediate reason to keep him locked up. We had hoped to leave him and this woman with you to watch while we complete our task in Hollow Mountain, but I understand if you think him too much of a threat. In that case, we will have him accompany us back into the dungeon so that we can keep a close eye on him ourselves."

The monk points to Viralane. "This one poses little physical threat, but she is a master manipulator, so watch her closely. If she tries to cast any spells on you, you would be within your rights to strongly dissuade her from doing so again. An arrow to the knee, perhaps."

Male Human Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine Tracker/Infiltrator) 4/Cleric 2/Vindicator 7 (HP: 117/117 | AC: 26[33] TC 13 FF 23[30] | Init: +3 | Percept: +19(+22) Motive: +6| 30' speed, fly 60' | CMB: +17 | CMD: 30, FF: 27 | Fort: +15; Ref: +11; Will:+13)

Borgol nods, "It's true, we don't trust him - but so far he's been at least somewhat useful and hasn't actively betrayed us, unlike certain other people. And he's agreed to come with us to the Council, where I'm sure that the subject of those sailors will be discussed."

At Remy's suggestion, Borgol shakes his head, "Arrow to the knee would be too well hidden. A permanent scar to the face, however, would be disastrous to her pride...."

Dark Archive

Module - Cradle of Night | Society - Glories of the Past | Campaign - Return of the Runelords

Kelhuud doesn't lower his weapon, "Hasn't betrayed you yet. So what am i supposed to do with the woman? Watch her until you return? I suspect the Council will be paying handsomely for all this work we are doing for you?"

Maga turns to Borgol, "As long as you have something my people need, i will be patient with you and your friends, master ranger. However, I would also appreciate it if i could have the runestone now, and we part ways. You do not need to trust me, only to share with me the prize which we both sought for so desperately. After you finish here, you may follow me to Magnimar and reap the reward from your goodwill." He pauses, "I have a feeling our paths were destined to cross, somehow. But then again, i do not believe in fate."

The deformed man snaps quickly to Remy, "And i work for no one, Remy." A fierce expression across his eyes. Maga eagerly holds his ground here. "I do not wish to follow you back into that forsaken place. If it were your people in trouble, you would understand that i must make haste to get back to them. My mission here is done, but yours is not. What else is there?"

Viralane keeps unnaturally quiet, it's not like her to hold her tongue at such threats aimed in her direction.

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

"We will be sure you are paid a fair share for your assistance," Remy assure Kelhuud.

She frowns at Maga when the man pleads for the runestone again. "The thing is, I want to believe you, I really do. But the abyssal runestone is far too dangerous to let it fall into the wrong hands. If Audrahni were here, she could use magic to verify the truth of your words. In her absence, I'm afraid you're going to have to wait a few more days until we finish our task here. You've waited this long--you can wait a little longer. If you don't want to wait here, Maga, you can head to the beach. We'll meet you there when we're ready to leave."

Male Human Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine Tracker/Infiltrator) 4/Cleric 2/Vindicator 7 (HP: 117/117 | AC: 26[33] TC 13 FF 23[30] | Init: +3 | Percept: +19(+22) Motive: +6| 30' speed, fly 60' | CMB: +17 | CMD: 30, FF: 27 | Fort: +15; Ref: +11; Will:+13)

Borgol nods at Kelhuud, "No, they aren't. But we're more than pleased to pay you for the babysitting we ask of you. As for him, as he says, we've got something he needs, so he'll behave for now. However, Maga, I'll remind you that the deal was we'd go to the Council - don't start trying to change it now - as you said, our mission isn't over, and we're the ones with the stone - and it is assuredly the case that you can't have it until we're done here. If you don't want to help and would rather wait - risking that we die and lose the stone in there, that's your call."

He shrugs, then turns, "Either way, we're heading back in. We haven't accomplished our mission, we have friends that went missing, and just for an additional wrinkle, we'd like to bring the lost knowledge out... "

He closes the distance with Remy and whispers in Varisian, "Honestly, I'd rather him come with us. Last thing we need is for him to set up some sort of alliance with the woman-shaped snake to trap us when we come out, potentially wounded."

Female LG Human (Azlanti) Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 12 | HP: 23/100| AC: 29* (21 Tch, 27* Fl) | CMB: +18, CMD: 38 (40 vs grapple) | F: +11, R: +12, W: +6 (+5 vs. mind-affecting, +4 vs. paralysis, sleep, stun, +2 vs. fear) | Init: +2 | Perc: +15, SM: +0  | Speed 70 ft. | Stunning Fist 12/13; Ki Pool 9/12 | Active Conditions: Mage Armor| Appearance

Remy nods. ”It reminds me of what my sensei In Kaer Maga used to say. ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.’ Best to keep them separated.” the monk agrees.

As she looks up at Borgol, she blushes slightly at how close the ranger is to her...

Male Human Ranger (Skirmisher/Divine Tracker/Infiltrator) 4/Cleric 2/Vindicator 7 (HP: 117/117 | AC: 26[33] TC 13 FF 23[30] | Init: +3 | Percept: +19(+22) Motive: +6| 30' speed, fly 60' | CMB: +17 | CMD: 30, FF: 27 | Fort: +15; Ref: +11; Will:+13)

At Remy's statement and slight flush, Borgol quickly wishes he was Remy's enemy... just for the closeness, then he pushes the thought away. Sorshen really must have done something to me.. I'm going to need to have a remove curse or break enchantment cast on me before this constant distraction gets someone killed.. Probably me if I get crazy enough to make a pass at Remy.

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