The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (SW)

Game Master Branding Opportunity

Group Benny Pool: 2
Treasure/loot sheet

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Hello everyone!

This is where we'll be having the kinds of discussions about the game that don't involve your PC saying "Hey, why is that goblin wearing a leotard?", or things like that.

Got a questions about how I run the game? Put it here.

Want to ask another player a question, or communicate something to the player (and not the PC)? Put it here.

Want to tell us a funny story about what happened to you today? Put it here.


So with that out of the way, let me tell you a little about this game.

This will be a sandbox game, very much unlike the Adventure Paths that Paizo publishes (and which are very good), but one which hearkens back to the game of AD&D that I grew up with back in the eighties. For those of you who don't know the distinctions, a sandbox game is one in which the players provide the goals and motivations for the game. An Adventure Path generally has a predetermined story in which the PCs play the central roles, but which they can't completely escape from. Sorry if this is very old info, but I have to assume that not everyone is in the know.

Your sandbox adventure begins in the town of Saltmarsh (well, it begins in a tunnel underground, but think of that as more of a prologue), but from there you will be able to go in any direction you want. Want to work for the town guard and track down criminals? You can do that. Want to buy a boat and become pirates. Um, sure, you can do that, but please give me a little more time to plan. Want to explore an abandoned mine that is said to be teaming with monsters and treasure? Oh yes, sure.

How will you know which way to go? I will hopefully be dropping lots of adventure hooks throughout the game, ones that will point you toward a place that you've never visited. Or perhaps you've visited them before, but you receive new info about a person in that place that you didn't know before.

I would like to draw these adventure hooks from the types of PCs that you have created, drawn from their backgrounds and their desires, their wishes and dreams. Maybe your character really wants to become a nobleman and have his own stronghold. Is that possible? Well, maybe not right away, but given enough blood, sweat, tears, and gold it certainly might be. I can guide the story in that direction.

Maybe during your adventures you meet a big bad guy, and you decide that THAT'S THE GUY WHO KILLED MY SISTER! Ok, thank you for the campaign arc, let me build something about taking down that guy (or gal).

So that's basically how my sandbox game will run.

How can you help? Let me know what your PC wants, desires, needs. Also tell me what he hates, fears, and is jealous of. Don't tell me here in this thread (well, do if you like), but I prefer it if you tell it in your character's actions, words, and in her backstory.

If you have questions, ask away.

Discord Chat

Oh, I've thought of something else.

As I mentioned at one point in the recruitment thread, I live on a small island in the western Pacific that is in the GMT + 10 time zone, so I will probably be posting at a very different time from you. Sorry if I can't get back to a question right away, but I may be asleep.

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Discord Chat

And we're off! I forgot to hand out Bennies. Everyone in the party starts the adventure with three bennies and since there are seven PCs, I get seven bennies to spend on your opponents, mwah, hah, hah, hah! Make sure you note your current supply on Bennies on your character sheet or even the "sub-heading" beneath the picture of your avatar (don't remember what those are called).

You can spend a Benny at any time to do the following:

Reroll a Trait: Bennies grant a hero a reroll on any Trait, and best of all, you get to keep the best total from all your rolls. The only exception is a Critical Failure, which ends the attempt and must be accepted. Such is the price of tempting fate!

Recover from Shaken: This is instant and may be done at any time, even interrupting another’s actions if desired.

Soak Rolls: Bennies can also be used to prevent Wounds or recover from being Shaken. Basically, after I roll damage, but before I declare how many wounds you have taken, you can spend a Benny to make a Vigor Roll. Each success and raise erases one of the wounds you WOULD have otherwise just taken. If you eliminate all the wounds, you eliminate the Shaken condition as well.

Draw a New Action Card: When the game is in rounds, a character can spend a Benny to get a new Action Card. This occurs after all cards are dealt and Edges or Hindrances like Quick, Level Headed, or Hesitant are resolved. Then players or the GM may spend Bennies for an additional card as many times as they like and take their choice of all their draws. Edges like Quick or Level Headed do not apply to these additional cards drawn with Bennies. This continues until everyone (including the GM) passes. Then the round begins and no further cards may be drawn.

Reroll Damage: You may spend a Benny to reroll damage. Include any additional dice you may have gained for a raise on the attack roll.

Regain Power Points: A character with an Arcane Background can spend a Benny to regain 5 Power Points.

Influence the Story: This one is entirely up to the Game Master, who may allow your character to spend a Benny to find an additional clue if you’re stuck, come up with some mundane but needed item, or push a nonplayer character into being a bit more agreeable.

The next question from a player often is: "How do I get more Bennies? These are great!"

There are many ways I can award a Bennie:

1) When a player draws the Joker from the deck during combat, everyone in the party automatically gets a Bennie!

2) I reward specific players with Bennies if I really like their action in the game. This is especially true if you do something very clever, and is even more the case when you play one of your Hindrances to your own detriment. I can also give out a Bennie for a memorable line, or creating an effective emotional moment.

As this is my first Savage Worlds game (sorry), it might take me a little while until I get the feel for when to hand out Bennies.

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

Savage Worlds in my experience tends to be fairly straightforward to pick up. :)

Will bennies (both yours and ours) be refreshed in "sessions", after important events, or by some other metric?

Discord Chat
Lord Belros Sunwalker wrote:
Will bennies (both yours and ours) be refreshed in "sessions", after important events, or by some other metric?

I'm not sure yet. Perhaps after the end of the "adventure" or maybe sooner, depending on how easily folks find refreshing them through their actions.

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Female; Parry=7, Toughness=9(2), Bennies:3 Human

One subtlety about using a Bennie to recover from Shaken is that you can use it just *before* you are about to become Shaken! So if you get hit, and *would* become Shaken, you can immediately spend a Bennie to avoid the Shaken completely. If you start a round Shaken, you always first make a Spirit roll to un-Shake. If that fails, you can choose to spend a Bennie then to automatically un-Shake. Or not, and only take Free actions (in SWD, this includes : Speaking, Dropping prone, Dropping items, Reloading bows, Maintaining a Power, and Moving - GM BrOp, has this changed any in SWADE?).

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Gnome | Wounds: 3/3| Pace: 6, Parry: 7(6), Toughness: 9(2) | Bennies: 3/3

Quick note - you can change a character's portrait by editing the alias in your profile settings and pressing change portrait!

Discord Chat
Moves With Grace wrote:
One subtlety about using a Bennie to recover from Shaken is that you can use it just *before* you are about to become Shaken! So if you get hit, and *would* become Shaken, you can immediately spend a Bennie to avoid the Shaken completely. If you start a round Shaken, you always first make a Spirit roll to un-Shake. If that fails, you can choose to spend a Bennie then to automatically un-Shake. Or not, and only take Free actions (in SWD, this includes : Speaking, Dropping prone, Dropping items, Reloading bows, Maintaining a Power, and Moving - GM BrOp, has this changed any in SWADE?).

As far as I know, no, it hasn't changed. As the text I quoted above says, recovery from being shaken (by using a Benny) can be done at any time, even interrupting another action.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
GM BrOp wrote:

This will be a sandbox game, very much unlike the Adventure Paths that Paizo publishes (and which are very good), but one which hearkens back to the game of AD&D that I grew up with back in the eighties. For those of you who don't know the distinctions, a sandbox game is one in which the players provide the goals and motivations for the game.

What Atlas2112 heard:

GM BrOp wrote:
Hey Atlas, I really need you to start spouting all the crazy and half-formed ideas that you remember from every RPG you've ever played, OK?

Challenge Accepted! =D

Female; Parry=7, Toughness=9(2), Bennies:3 Human

Bizzle - I went to my alias, clicked on "Edit my Profile", and the image disappeared! I also didn't see a "Change Portrait" link to click on anywhere. Can you tell me exactly how to get to it? Thanks!

Gnome | Wounds: 3/3| Pace: 6, Parry: 7(6), Toughness: 9(2) | Bennies: 3/3


Here's a step-by-step guide. I hope.

1. On the top of the page, on the black bar, there's a drop-down menu that has an icon of a head, and 'My Account' next to it.

2. Select 'Account Settings', or simply click, to sign into the settings for your paizo account.

3. In the 'Messageboard Aliases' tab, you'd find Moves-With-Grace's alias. Click 'Edit'.

4. You have the option to change the avatar name (if you posted 10 posts or less), and change the avatar image.

5. Find a new avatar, and when you hover over the image, there's button that say 'Select' on the image pop-up. Press that, and then:

6. Profit.

Female Half-elf Bennies: 3 Wounds: 3/3 Power Points: 0/10 Status: Shaken Pace: 6, Parry: 6(7 w/quarterstaff), Toughness: 5(1), Size: -1, Arrows: 11

So, just realized this was up. Does that make me fashionably late? :D

Oh, and if you want hooks, I can give them in spades once I get Allysen nailed down a little more. I do have one idea that might get us tossed out of the local county, but it requires a certain set of circumstances to work.

Female; Parry=7, Toughness=9(2), Bennies:3 Human

Bizzle - ah! That's the problem - I used the old MWG avatar quite a bit, and am well beyond the 10 post limit to change images.

Female Half-elf Bennies: 3 Wounds: 3/3 Power Points: 0/10 Status: Shaken Pace: 6, Parry: 6(7 w/quarterstaff), Toughness: 5(1), Size: -1, Arrows: 11
Moves With Grace wrote:
Bizzle - ah! That's the problem - I used the old MWG avatar quite a bit, and am well beyond the 10 post limit to change images.

That's to change the name. I've just recently changed avatars on a character that has over 1500 posts. There should be a button that says change under the avatar you have. Click that and you can select a new one.

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

This may be a bit early to ask, but I feel the need in case someone gets unlucky.

Will replacement player characters be generated at the same xp as the fallen PC?

Discord Chat
Lord Belros Sunwalker wrote:
Will replacement player characters be generated at the same xp as the fallen PC?


Gnome | Wounds: 3/3| Pace: 6, Parry: 7(6), Toughness: 9(2) | Bennies: 3/3

I'm sorry, guys! I'd considered rolling a bennie, but...

I'll make it up to you.

Discord Chat
Bizzle the Gargantuan wrote:

I'm sorry, guys! I'd considered rolling a bennie, but...

I'll make it up to you.

Actually, Critical Failures cannot be rerolled, but I'm sure nothing bad will happen.

Everyone has an idea for a second character, right? ;)

Gnome | Wounds: 3/3| Pace: 6, Parry: 7(6), Toughness: 9(2) | Bennies: 3/3

On their own, both of those are alright, GM. But together...


Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

We'll be fine. Probably. :)

Female; Parry=7, Toughness=9(2), Bennies:3 Human

So, I didn't read Bizzle's first post carefully. I always click on My Profile, and I always forget about Account settings. The icon should be changed now, thanks all!

Female Half-elf Bennies: 3 Wounds: 3/3 Power Points: 0/10 Status: Shaken Pace: 6, Parry: 6(7 w/quarterstaff), Toughness: 5(1), Size: -1, Arrows: 11

Always, but I rather like Allysen and would like to get to know her before she dies.

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

Well, there will be quite a few PC's between Allysen and the direction of the roar. ;)

Belros sees himself as easily one of the better trained warriors here, by dint of being an elf from a noble house who has trained fairly extensively. And more recently, divine gifts from Pelor. Between those and a sense of nobless oblige, he finds it natural to volunteer for the dangerous rearguard position.

Dark Archive

GM BROP, I seem to have done my math wrong. Since I've not rolled it yet, would you mind if I dropped Shooting by one to increase Fighting by one?

Discord Chat
Isagoras the Light wrote:
GM BROP, I seem to have done my math wrong. Since I've not rolled it yet, would you mind if I dropped Shooting by one to increase Fighting by one?

You're welcome to swap things around as much as you like as long as it's all still "legal". This is the first time playing SWADE for all of us, I believe, so I'm fine letting people adjust their PCs, at least through the first adventure.

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

I've played quite a bit of explorer's edition around the tabletop, but SWADE is new to me alright. Character creation is noticeably different.

I'm experimenting with how best to display skill rolls. Currently I'm displaying the name of the skill rolled and the top result between skill and wild die as a spoiler label, with the rolls underneath. Any thoughts?

Discord Chat

I'd post everything in the open without the spoiler, saves me a click and is more easily referenced.

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

Ah okay, I'll do that so. :)

Dark Archive

So, with group initiative, it's MWG, Enemy, Party.

Discord Chat
Isagoras the Light wrote:
So, with group initiative, it's MWG, Enemy, Party.

Yes, correct.

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

Got it!

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

Damn, but we'll be in a tight space...

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5


Could you add a map link to the section which currently says "The original TSR UK module run using the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rules."?

It would be handier than searching for the map link in threads.

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Discord Chat
Lord Belros Sunwalker wrote:


Could you add a map link to the section which currently says "The original TSR UK module run using the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rules."?

It would be handier than searching for the map link in threads.


Female; Parry=7, Toughness=9(2), Bennies:3 Human

GM BrOp - that's odd, I just copy-and-pasted the results from the on-line program you used to generate MWG (since it included the armor and such). My original post had Parry 6, I wonder why the program said 7? Does it know something we don't about SWADE???

Male Human - Balkuni (AG-d4/SM-d6/SP-d8/ST-d6/VI-d8) Novice Priest of Mouqol (Pace 5 / Parry 6(2) / Toughness 9(2)

As far as the movement rules, I don't have an issue with them. It's always possible to step on a rock, slip on a wet patch, or just lose your balance. I might make an Advantage that would allow you to have a minimum roll, or roll two take highest on the die or something like that "Expert Trail Runner".

Not being familiar with how much experience you've all had playing Savage Worlds so I'll give a few hints which you can disregard or embrace as you see fit. Not being a know it all, and not necessarily always right, but you never know.

@ Allysen - Don't forget you can use your Bennies to roll over. When I first started playing I ended up saving my bennies, and they often went unused.

@Brizzle - The format of your rolling makes it look like you're adding the two dice, when in fact you use most advantageous, whether it's the highest of the exploding die.

Female; Parry=7, Toughness=9(2), Bennies:3 Human

GM BrOp - how did you create the map images? I'm looking for a fairly quick way to generate simple maps.

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

I too am interested! The biggest hurdle I've found with my brief pbp GM experience is sorting out the maps.

Discord Chat

I am using Google Drawings, which is part of

You create a blank image and then simply paste another image file into it. I was a PFS Venture-Captain for a few years, so I received a bunch of the Paizo Flip-Mats and Map Packs as PDFs. I simply find the ones I want and then take a screenshot of the parts I need and paste them into the Google Drawing. That's about it, except for the PC/NPC/Monster avatars.

Discord Chat

Oh, and Moves with Grace is correct on everything she is saying about the SWADE rules in the IC thread: readying a weapon is now a free action , and you get a +1 to attack when standing next to an ally. If your target is also standing next to an ally, however, the two bonuses (yours and theirs) cancel each other out.

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

Cheers BrOp. :)

Gnome | Wounds: 3/3| Pace: 6, Parry: 7(6), Toughness: 9(2) | Bennies: 3/3

Hey guys, I've got some travelling over the week, so I may not be able to post on time. Feel free to bot me if need be!

Discord Chat

Thank you for letting us know, Bizzle.

Female Half-elf Bennies: 3 Wounds: 3/3 Power Points: 0/10 Status: Shaken Pace: 6, Parry: 6(7 w/quarterstaff), Toughness: 5(1), Size: -1, Arrows: 11

Hope you'll forgive me for making an assumption on how our conversation will go, Lord Belros. There are a few things going on and I wanted you to know it's not personal if Allysen gets snippy.

First, I'm refining Allysen's background as I play. I tend to look for opportunities for narrative conflict that I find interesting and in this case, I thought about what opportunities there are for friction between Allysen and Belros there could be and I settled on a couple.

1) The idea that she got anything from her elven side irks her more than a little. She's grown up on the streets, been all but enslaved by a vile old witch, and has a chip on her shoulder because of it.

2) I figure with shadow-themed powers, she's been targeted by a witch hunter or two just based on some of the effects of her powers. She's kicking herself for having tipped her hand about magic in front of no less than three priestly types right now.

3) I know Belros probably didn't mean it this way, but the way he phrased his second point certainly can be seen as an implied threat, and Allysen doesn't appreciate that a bit.

So, yeah. I'm hoping that her arc will involve her growing out of the distrust and losing that chip on her shoulder, but it really depends on how things go. I can see things getting a lot worse before getting better, but I think it's more likely that after a little while, she'll start coming out of her shell and being more friendly.

Discord Chat

I'll be posting an update tomorrow (well my tomorrow). Busy day today with lots of work for end of quarter.

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

@Alyssen: No problem. I see Lord Belros as being a fundamentally decent person, but one who can be quite particular about how things are done, and having quite a few notions about how elves rank compared to others in general. Hopefully, events will end up softening his harder edges and letting his more heroic instincts take to the fore.

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

To all my games, two pieces of news:

1) I'm currently job hunting, though that is going well. That said, I might have less free time than usual.

2) I'll be at a gaming convention this weekend, so I'll likely be less active online.

Human | Wounds: 3/3| Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 9(3) | Power: 8/10

Heads up that I will be at a conference between 17-24th of this month and my posting will slow down as a consequence.

Wounds 3/3, Bennies 3/3, Power Points 10/10, Notice 1d6, Condition: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 7 (5 without shield), Toughness: 5

Is Lord Belros counted as being among the scouts?

Discord Chat
Lord Belros Sunwalker wrote:
Is Lord Belros counted as being among the scouts?

He is if you want him to be.

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