Galatea Kailani |

Galatea was literally the first person off the boat.
"You know someone, Jaya?" Gali asked rhetorically. "I was just gonna ask around, but then again, having a good point of reference will just help me refined my search."

Jaya Farwynd |

"Yeah, I didn't spend a lot of time here growing up, but I have some correspondents. We should probably start with Master Dondle Grasslefizz. He'll be up on any arcane goings on, we might need to spread around a few interesting secrets to get the really good stuff though."
Don't. Stall.
"Also, there's something I should show you all tonight, assuming we're able to secure appropriately private lodgings with my cousins or something. It's nothing bad, just private, but it could easily be misinterpreted if I hid it from you."
The Tileani academy of fencing was definitely Jaya's first and only foray into that art, and she was mostly raised in Kaer Maga.

Galatea Kailani |

"...Help me refine my search," said Galatea, seemingly at random. She sighed, "Geez, all these years, and I still butcher my words. Anyway, that sounds like a solid plan, Jaya. A master arcane caster is probably the first person I'd try asking about any magical happenings. As for secrets, being witnesses to Alaznist's apotheosis, we can probably give him a few good ones."

DM Thron |

Jaya leads you through the city expertly. Oppara gives even Absalom a run for its money in terms of scope and grandeur, though where Absalom's is on the rise, Oppara's is clearly in decline.
Eventually, Jaya leads you all to a small but lavishly decorated shop selling all sorts of herbs, potions, unguents, and oils. Inside, the various smells and aromas assail your noses as you enter, though not overpoweringly so and definitely not in an unpleasant way.
"Welcome! Welcome to Dondle's Delica...by my whiskers!" an older gnome says as he steps out from behind the counter, "Little Jaya! How lovely, how lovely! How have you been child!? My my my, you've grown!"

Jaya Farwynd |

Jaya bends down to quickly air kiss both of her penpal's cheeks.
"I've been... well enough, Master Grasslefizz, but I fear we may have arrived here at the bow-wave of cataclysmic news. Have you heard of Alaznist's return?"

Embreth Tileani |

Embreth begins to idly browse the store's wares while he keeps one ear on Jaya's conversation. I recognize a lot of this stuff from alchemy class. Too bad I can't remember what to do with any of it other than my mutagen formula.

Abasi Blakros |

For most of the time at sea, Abasi was withdrawn and in shock, rarely speaking more than a few words. Instead he retreated into his relics.
Getting off the boat, he brightens just a bit to be back on land.
Entering Grasslefizz’s store, his eye starts to scan the shop hungrily for any possible relics of historical interest--magical or not--though he keeps an ear tilted toward Jaya’s conversation with the gnome.

Jaya Farwynd |

Jaya's shock was visible. So word hasn't spread.... "She's an ancient Thassilonian archmage, the likes of which hasn't been active since Old Mage Jatembe. She attacked Absalom, and seemed to have even warped the laws of magic around there. You haven't heard any of this?"

Galatea Kailani |

Never one to remain silent for long, Galatea decided to join the conversation.
"...It's worse. While everyone was busy attending the coronation of Argor Constantine, Alaznist secretly took the Trial of the Starstone... and succeeded. And then she destroyed the entire Cathedral. Jaya, myself, and the rest of us were all witnesses to the event; we saw Alaznist's name right under Lady Cladissa's..."
Gali took a few seconds to center herself.
"As for magic, right after her apotheosis, conjuration and apparently abjuration spells just... stopped working. I know it sounds crazy, but the priest and druids on the ship we took out of Absalom were unable to cast any conjuration magic. Trying to use such spells resulted... results (?) in painful backlash. Jaya rightfully calls them the Shatter Schools."
Galatea paused for a moment before getting to the point.
"...Master Grasslefizz, are conjuration and abjuration magic still working here? People around town appear to be acting as if everything is still... normal. However, given our personal experiences with the backlash, none of our casters have been eager to cast such spells..."

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie stays quiet and in the back of the group, staying watchful (and hopefully disguised?).

Embreth Tileani |

Embreth sidles over to Kallie, taking her hand gently in his and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

DM Thron |

Grasslefizz turns to listen eagerly to the information being shared freely with him. "Oh! A new goddess! Oh my oh my oh my! How exciting! And so soon after the other ascendance! Exciting times indeed!"
As Galatea mentions changes to the effects of magic, he furrows his brow and asks "Really? Interesting...I haven't worked any incantations today...let me see let me see..." he mutters as he moves to his work table behind the counter and begins working a few alchemical preparations. When the time comes to add some magic, he attempts to do so for a curative elixir. "AAAGGHHH!" he shrieks as he clutches his head! "Oh dear oh dear...not good...not good at all!" he says. He looks to a cabinet behind the desk containing brewed potions and mutters to himself, "I wonder... before walking over and taking a small blue vial from a rack. He sips it down, eyes widening at a realization.
"Ah! Already prepared affects seem to be working just fine! Oh how excellent!" he says before eyeing his shelves, a grin painting itself across his face. He begins taking down various vials and storing them away in a case.
"Yes...yes...this is fortuitous news for me!" he says as he finishes taking down a final pair of vials and replacing them with a selection of others he had prepared.
"So...Lady Farwynd! How long will you be in the city for? And who are your friends?" he asks as he stows the case away behind the counter.

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie blinks in near horror at the ramifications. That if healing potions made before Alaznist's ascension still work, but it's impossible to make more, then what exists are all that's left and they are going to be worth a fortune.
"It's not fair," she mutters to Embreth as he holds her hand comfortingly. "When Cladissa ascended, she didn't rewrite the rules of magic. She didn't break the Cathedral. I mean, aren't there rules for gods???"

DM Thron |

Grasslefizz shrugs. "Who knows. They are the gods, after all. They don't have to answer to us no more than we have to answer to a fruit fly," he answers casually. "Oh my...oh my oh my yes yes yes! I need to...run to a temple. Temple of Nethys...yes. Make me some trades..." he mumbles excitedly as he begins collecting more potions into a sturdy carrying case that has slots for holding small potion vials.

Embreth Tileani |

"It's not fair," she mutters to Embreth as he holds her hand comfortingly. "When Cladissa ascended, she didn't rewrite the rules of magic. She didn't break the Cathedral. I mean, aren't there rules for gods???"
"I guess not. Maybe we should become gods ourselves in that case. This is b$+#+!!"

Galatea Kailani |

Galatea found herself silently nodding along with Embreth and Kallie's conversation. However, she respectfully refrained from interrupting her two friends.
"The temple of Nethys?" Gali repeated upon hearing Grasslefizz's plans. "Would it be alright if we accompanied you, Master Grasslefizz?"
Namely, I'm curious what the God of Magic thinks about recent developments.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33

Abasi Blakros |

Abasi (still too numb to feel much direction) is perfectly happy to follow along toward the temple. He walks along at the back of the group, feet dragging.
As they walk, he turns to his companions and whispers, "OK, well, we made it out of Absalom alive so...yay us, I guess? Only Conjuration and Abjuration are f*&@ed--maybe world-over and for eternity?--and my father and Nigel and...way too many people are dead. And Bethy might be too by now, or worse.
"Elandra, there must be something else we know about these folks? How do we pursue Beth? Or, or...f@*!, I don't know. Maybe we go find Master Tileani and Silva, since they've been trying to hunt Alaznist down for a while. Right?"

DM Thron |

The gnomish alchemist doesn’t seem to object to your following along.
In reply to Abasi, Elandra says ”I honestly do not know. How does one hunt a goddess?”
As you approach the temple, the doors are shut and it seems no one is being permitted entry by the two men dressed in half white, half black robes.

Galatea Kailani |

"...I've got this," proclaimed Galatea with a wink to Elandra.
Internally, Gali doubted those words, but if there was anyone who could get them inside... She very carefully approached the two guards, taking every precaution to show that she was friendly and meant no harm. After making sure that their conversation would be relatively private, the Oracle started talking.
"It's a beautiful day outside, isn't it?" Galatea began mysteriously, hoping to get their attention. "Everything seems... normal, huh? The sun is shining. The birds are singing. People are going about their daily lives like everything is just... fine."
She paused for dramatic effect.
"Gentlemen, I believe we can help each other," the Oracle began, activating her signature charm. "My associates and I have information regarding... recent developments that might interest your organization. If we could speak with your leader or someone of similar status, perhaps we could all piece together this puzzle of what's happened recently?"
Realizing that she was getting a little heavy on the Jeevikan purple prose, Galatea decided to try some of the Galatean methods of diplomacy. The latter had been effective with that priest. In fact, historically speaking, Galatea had far more luck with them.
"...Admittedly, this is purely me guessing, but I... think I have an idea why you're closed. It's... terrifying, isn't it? If it's anything like I've experienced lately, I understand. A little at least."
One last dramatic pause.
"...I'm a divine caster too."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33 lol, Gali.
...Not my best ever, but then again, I doubt I'll ever top that little speech I gave Conna.
At that thought, Galatea found herself suddenly rather forlorn but made herself focus on the matter at hand.

Abasi Blakros |

Abasi stands behind Galatea. If we're going succeed against them, I'm afraid I'll need to get over myself.
Despite feeling far from warm, Abasi wills himself to gives the guards his best sympathetic smile. "At any rate, surely your superiors will want a chance to say no to us themselves, rather than you deciding on their behalf, eh?
"Please, trust us that this is important enough to disturb them."
Aid Dip: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28

DM Thron |

The two priests talk among themselves a moment before turning back to Galatea and saying ”Wait here.”
One turns and enters the temple, the door closing behind him.
Grasslefizz sits on a step beside his traveling case of potions. ”Ugh. I hate waiting. This is absurd! I could go to ANY temple in town, but for some reason the one I have a deal with is closed today?”

DM Thron |

After about ten minutes, the priest returns with a small entourage of men in light armor and swords. "You may enter. You will leave your weapons within the front entrance, where they will be kept safely for you until you depart."
Anyone who agrees to disarm is allowed to proceed further into the temple, while anyone who refuses is asked to remain outside. Those of you who proceed are led through an impressive complex of passages. There are laboratories, libraries, summoning chambers, and all sorts of locations of arcane wonders present within this building. However, the staff seems on edge. Several can be seen debating heatedly with one another.
Eventually, you are led to a sizable auditorium that is likely used for lectures on arcane theory. Within, you see five individuals. One is a middle-aged man in white and black robes. He approaches and bows respectfully to you. "Welcome to the House of the All Seeing Eye. I am Arch-Theurge Arcturnum," he says as he then turns to his associates. "May I introduce Archmage Tichimonas," he gestures to the older man with elegant red robes, "Enchantress Salistra," pointing to an elderly woman in elegant finery and an air of confidence about her, "As well as the twins of House Idaria, Lothelnia and Eltharnus," he concludes his introductions with a wave of his arm to a pair of young elves, one man and one woman.
"We are told you claim to have information of interest to the temple? Please, introduce yourselves and enlighten us as to what you know. Master Grasslefizz, a pleasure as always," Arcturnum says pointedly to the gnome.
"Arcy! Indeed indeed, however, I have business to attend to with your wand artificer. An order to fulfill urgently! I'll be on my way!" he says excitedly, and Arcturnum seems more than willing to let him be on his way.
Once it is just the five of them with your gathered group, they turn their eyes eagerly to you, awaiting your tale...

Galatea Kailani |

As requested, Galatea left Beatstick with the guards or whoever was tasked with holding their weapons near the temple entrance. If they insisted, she also reluctantly parked Cheshire in the proper location and politely asked that they take good care of the tigress.
Does Gali have to leave Cheshire behind?
"My name is Galatea Kailani," Gali began slowly. She paused before adding, "...You might know my mother and big sister. In fact, their stories are surprisingly relevant to what we plan to tell you."
While the others introduced themselves (or not), Galatea took a few seconds to study her audience. She quickly got an idea of how to break the news.
"I need to establish two facts before we begin. Why do I bring them up? Because together, they establish what I'm about to say is logically possible.
"First, twenty-five... twenty-six years ago, Karzoug the Reclaimer of Thassilon was on the verge of returning from his stasis and possibly conquering Varisia; my mother was part of the efforts to stop him. As followers of Lord Nethys, I believe that you may have also heard of Archmage Eugeni Silva, Mom's peer. Second, less then two decades ago, Lady Cladissa took the Trial of the Starstone and succeeded; my big sister currently serves as her herald."
She let those points sink in.
"During the coronation of Argor Constantine, Alaznist - Karzoug's peer and the Runelord of Wrath - secretly took the Trial of the Starstone and succeeded. My friends and I were all witnesses to her apotheosis. She even destroyed the Starstone Cathedral before our very eyes, and we saw her name right under that of Lady Cladissa. Alaznist's agents also launched an assault and possible false flag operation on the coronation, seemingly assassinating Argor Constantine. As you will likely hear within the next week or two, there were dozens of witnesses to these events."
Galatea gave her audience time to digest the information.
"Before her apotheosis, all forms of magic were working fine. My caster friends were easily casting conjuration and adjuration spells without worry. After Alaznist's apotheosis? Those two schools just... broke. I tried casting a Shield spell and experienced painful backlash. I know it sounds crazy, but the priest and druids on the ship we took to escape Absalom were unable to cast any conjuration magic. That said, we did see the druids Wild Shaping, so transmutation appears to be operational..."
Gali took a few seconds to center herself. These subjects were just so... difficult to discuss.
"I truly believe that Alaznist is the source of this... change. A wizard friend [1] once told me that Thassilonian wizards each completely barred themselves from two schools of magic. There are now two Shattered Schools..."
Galatea paused before thinking of something else to add.
"Similarly importantly, the priest was unable to commune with his deity to renew spells. I can't say about the druids, though they did appear less... shaken than him. Me? My divine power is more... internalized. Like a sorcerer. I haven't tried casting anything lately, but I have felt my magical energies renew daily. That said, part of me worries that I'm in the same boat as that priest."
[1] - Kallie, who somewhat practices similar methodology.

DM Thron |

”Interesting claims you make, Galatea Kailani. Interesting indeed,” Tichimonas replies. ”Though, it doesn’t explain everything. Arcturnum, perhaps we could request an audience of one of this new goddesses divine servants to provide some guidance on the matter?”
Arcturnum ponders a moment. Salients comments ”But, if these children are to be believed, those conjugations would not work and actually prove dangerous. Which would match the results of your tests, Arcturnum.”
”I could commune with one of his agents, however. I have done so before and am able to do so now. I am typically allowed nine inquiries, so we will need to make them good questions, as this is the last such spell I have available...”
They then begin discussing possible options for the questions they wish to ask...

Embreth Tileani |

"What children?" Embreth asks, looking around. Tired of being called a kid by everyone. I just shikebabed an assassin for Norgorber's sake! I don't know how Kallie handles it...

Galatea Kailani |

Galatea had no visible reaction to being called a child. In fact, she was used to such treatment. At least Mom had always treated her like an adult.
So Nethys is still alive and active. And unless Arcturnum has been sitting on that spell for a few days, it would appear that Nethys' clerics can still connect with him... Hopefully, that also means that Mom isn't just a fighter with abnormally strong will and charisma.
"If it's alright, we would like to hear the answers too. In fact, given our experiences, we have some suggestions for questions..."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33
2) Does Lord Nethys plan to take action against Alaznist? While Nethys is a difficult deity to read, it's definitely very possible that he wouldn't be happy with someone messing up two of the most versatile schools of magic.
3) Do any other deities plan to take action against Alaznist? I can't imagine any of the Good deities being happy. I also imagine Asmodeus wouldn't be happy about his devils not being able to get to Golarion.
4) Besides Abjuration and Conjuration, are there any other schools of magic where casting their spells would lead to backlash? Likely redundant with their experiments, but Galatea and pals are blind.
5) Is there some way to restore the functionality of the Abjuration and Conjuration schools?
6) Is there some way to bypass the backlash and successfully cast Abjuration and Conjuration spells? The Grasslefizz Bypass Method isn't going to last forever...
7) Is Alaznist the source of the recent changes to magic?
"Again, those are all just suggestions. I also want to ask a question about healing magic specifically, but I can't think of some way to put it in a yes or no format," Galatea added. "It's just... healing is probably the biggest use of conjuration, and now it's all gone. That's going to have some major consequences..."