Kallie Silversun |

Kallie stood stunned. Her real mother had been someone she'd heard about from so many sources, and she had always been the one to stir strange fantasies and fanciful might-have-beens. If Setsuna hadn't died, Kallie wouldn't even be a centaur. Wouldn't be named Kallie, even. She'd be someone so different it boggled the mind.
Then Ryli had told her that Setsuna had effectively died the soul-death. There was no other explanation, because she had been certain that Jeevika would have attempted to bring her back at some point. The very fact that she didn't return meant that there was nothing left to bring back.
When Kallie had later learned that souls could choose not to return, she had asked Mama Ryli about that possibility. She had been assured that there was no way that Setsuna wouldn't have wanted to come back to see Kallie grow.
Kallie had believed that, mostly.
She had always wondered, though, that maybe her soul mother just didn't care that she wasn't a half-elf, or even half-orc like Papa Eugeni had been before he became a toad creature. That the reason she didn't come back was because Kallie wasn't really hers anymore.
"I was happy," she whispers when she finds her voice, thinking back on her early days in among the Thunderhoofs. "But I would have been happier."
Emotions swirl, and deep reserves of hurt and pain rise to the surface. Her hooves stomp and her tail swishes as she moves around the cabin. "I needed you. How could you?"
She hugs herself as she squeezes her eyes tight. Tears stream down as she wars with going further, telling this person who claims to have been Setsuna all the different ways her absence has hurt her through her life.
But she stops herself, because another part of her takes hold, the part of her that would want her to stay. There was no changing the past, but she could have a future knowing her. "I-- I don't want you to go," she finally says. "Please. It hurts, but, don't go."

Galatea Kailani |

Right now, Kallie Silversun had every right to be angry with her mother.
That said, when her daughter gave her a chance, Galatea was quick to seize it.
"I'm not going anywhere, Kallie. I promised you that I would set up and be better. I intend to keep that vow until the end of time. As long as you need me, dear, I will be here for you."
Galatea once again offered her hand to Kallie.
I might... not always live up to your expectations, Kallie Silversun, but I will never stop trying.

Galatea Kailani |

Galatea took a deep breath and centered herself.
"Kallie, I'm sorry if I sound so... artificial? Rehearsed? This is..." Gali began before trailing off. She knew that Kallie was more than smart enough to understand what the Oracle meant: there was a lot to say, and for the sake of their kinship and friendship, Galatea wanted to say it all well.
Hand still outstretched, she took a tentative step forward toward her friend.
"I wasn't there for you when you needed me, but that changes now, okay?" Galatea affirmed gently and sincerely. "I really do want to make amends. What do you say?"

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie draws in a trembling breath, not finished with her crying but not sure what good it's doing. She needed to ponder, to square this new reality with all her old fantasies and stories of her mother. To think that she was alive all these years and simply was afraid... it hurt. She couldn't fathom what sort of fear that could have kept her away for so long.
She opens her mouth to ask, but she stops herself. What sort of answer could possibly be adequate? She shakes her head and turns her flank to her. "Yeah, sure. Looks like we'll be on this ship for a while, anyway. It'd be awkward if I told you to stay away the whole trip.
"But I need to think about it. Okay? I don't know what sort of amends I need."
She hugs herself and turns all the way away, feeling emotionally raw and spent. She couldn't believe it, but she wanted to talk with Ryli. She was clueless sometimes, but she was wise. She didn't know how to feel, but maybe her Earthmother could make some sense of her tangled emotions.

Galatea Kailani |

It was difficult for her to determine what exactly Kallie was thinking. She had some ideas, but even after all these years, Gali was still a bit rusty with reading people. If she had to guess, going by the wizard's body language and words, Galatea would say that Kallie... felt betrayed but also wanted to give her a chance.
The Oracle debated whether to channel Mom again or try speaking like... Galatea; Gali eventually decided to try somewhere in the middle. Both the Jeevikan and Galatean methods of dialogue had their strengths and weaknesses.
"Of course, Kallie," Galatea answered with a nod of understanding. "Again, I know this is a lot to... process."
That was a good start...
"If you have any questions, just ask."
That was a decent follow up. For now, Galatea would truly prefer that this matter stay between her and Kallie. However, to be honest, she had no right to demand that of her daughter.
Galatea also really wanted to explain her reasons for... everything. For example, it would have been beyond awkward to approach Kallie during Gali's second childhood and claim to be Setsuna reborn. Before that, there had been those many months of physical, mental, and spiritual illness. Perhaps that material was better left for future discussions. Even then, Galatea definitely understood that there had been numerous lost opportunities for coming clean.
"As requested, I'll leave you to think things over," Galatea finished, slowly working her way to the door. As oblivious as she could be, Gali knew that Kallie's body language indicated that the conversation was likely over.
For everything she had done wrong, Galatea had tried to have some presence in Kallie's later life, albeit as an aunt instead of a mother. The circumstances of their childhoods had kept her and Kallie apart. For all Ryli's efforts, the Thunderhooves were still somewhat wary of outsiders. Meanwhile, House Kailani had been a bit too keen about hitching their wagon to Argor Constantine. However, as adults, Galatea and Kallie had gone on a few adventures together, and during the last eight months, Gali had spent much time with Kallie in Sandpoint.
I hope that counts for something. If not... well, no time like the present to be better.
"...Just remember, I love you, Kallie. Always have. Always will."
Unless stopped, Galatea took her leave...
An exhausted Galatea exited the cabin. Cheshire was still parked where Gali had left her. Good. With a whistle, Gali had the tigress follow her and returned to the main deck.
...I think I'll wait until tomorrow to speak with Embreth. Hopefully, apologizing to him will be more... straightforward.

Galatea Kailani |

The Next Day?
...Should I have really broken the news to Kallie so... soon? So suddenly?
It was the one thought Galatea kept thinking all night.
Her intention had been to reassure her favorite wizard that she... had support. Even in these dark times. So far away from any other family. Granted, Kallie also had Embreth.
I should talk with him soon. Reaffirm that we're still allies and friends.
After learning Embreth's choice in patron god, Galatea had... kept her distance from him. She had also kept being as polite and civil as ever, but, well, being hunted by a bunch of Father Skinsaw cultists had left Gali highly wary of Norgorber and his religion. Still, despite everything, Embreth... was still Embreth; he had stuck with Galatea through thick and thin, and he still clearly cared about Kallie's wellbeing.
...Oh my God, Abasi!
Her... cousin? Brother? ...Abasi had literally lost his entire family yesterday! Argoo was either dead or missing. Bethania was most likely dead. Odds were good that Lana was also dead. Shiloh had basically gone into exile.
He has no one left. No wonder he’s basically been comatose.
Truth be told, Galatea was unsure about how to handle her cousin’s situation.
After briefly thinking of her sister, Galatea suddenly found herself worrying about the state of her immediate family. Alaznist had been able to strike and topple Argor Constantine at the height of his power in the seat of his power. While the Treeslayer was probably a tougher nut to crack than Argoo, the rest of House Kaliani... wasn't.
...The big question was why would Alaznist care about House Kailani at all? After cutting down Karzoug, to Galatea's knowledge, Mom had basically washed her hands of the other Rangers. That included their efforts to chase down Alaznist. Yeah, there had been those trips to visit Ryli, but those had stopped over a decade ago. Meanwhile, it had been two decades since she had talked to Eugeni, and all contact with Zoli had almost immediately ended after Karzoug's defeat.
And now here they were. Alaznist had won so hard that Galatea couldn't think of a good hyperbole!
That was the problem now. What was the point of it all? What were Galatea and her friends supposed to do about any of this? By the time the Varisian Rangers had discovered Karzoug's true ambitions, they had already derailed two of the Runelord's plans. They had also uncovered a path to victory. Alaznist? It would require another coalition of deities to neutralize her.
...At least Atty got a happy ending.
At that moment, Galatea found herself wishing that Honey was with her. She would have made mincemeat of that ridiculous assassin leader, and she would have a plan for the future. Even in the most dire of times, Honey had always known what to do.
She was always encouraging me to talk to Kallie. Why didn’t I listen until now?
Back to Kallie already? Heh. For as long as she could remember, Galatea’s thoughts had always gone in cycles.
When would it have been a good time to break the news to Kallie? While she likely could have found a better (relative) time to tell the centauress, Gali just did not see waiting any longer than she had as a viable option. There had been so many times she had wanted to say something during those eight months in Sandpoint, but getting a moment alone with Kallie had been impossible.
Probably should have said something in the last decade at least, acknowledged Galatea. Mom could have easily adopted Kallie after the Thunderhooves exiled her.
That thought... really hurt. Truth be told, given Galatea’s circumstances, it also seemed like the best answer for that question of when. For several years, Kallie had been reliant on Eugeni for support. Eugeni. Ryli could be clueless, but she was wise. Eugeni?
No wonder Kallie is so frustrated with me.
Despite going in cycles, Galatea eventually found herself reaching a conclusion.
Unless we get ridiculously stronger, we really can’t do much about this mess. For whatever reasons, heroes far stronger than us failed to stop Alaznist, and she’s basically invincible now.
Galatea sighed.
I think we should just take a vacation. Find some ruins to explore and let other people save the world for a change.
However, before committing to that idea, Galatea found herself pondering something else.
...Elandra was saying a lot of vague things yesterday and offering no explanations. I think it’s about time she set the record straight.
After what happened, Galatea trusted the Black Arrow with her life, but she also knew a lot of important information that Gali and her pals did not.
Now having a rock-solid purpose, Galatea sought out her savior.
"Elandra, I think it's time we talked," Gali said politely but firmly.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33

DM Thron |

Elandra started to reply, but then the ship lurched and slowed immensely, eventually coming to a stop. Moving to the deck, the group sees the crew making room for them while Captain Kelzan stood proudly on the quarterdeck, leaning on his hands on the railing as the tails of his longcoat fluttered in the sea breeze. ”Well, my fortuitous passengers, I believe it is time we come to formal terms regarding the pricing of your passage.”
His parrot squawks as it sidesteps along the rail beside him. ”You should know what sort of things I expect of those aboard my ship, be they passengers or crew. Number one, everyone helps. If you work magic, and the need arises, you will work magic. If you can fight, you will be expected to fight. If you can sail, you’ll be expected to help with the ship. If you cannot do either of the latter two,” he says with a smile, ”you’ll be expected to learn. The reason for this is simple: the seas are a dangerous place. Sea monsters, pirates, patrolling war ships claiming the waters as their own, so on and so forth,” he says as he begins walking along the deck, waving his hand as he speaks. ”As such, everyone contributes in times of need. So, trying to barter with those services,” he shakes his head, ”null and void. So, we can barter in far simpler terms: goods and coin. Not the promise there of later. Coin or goods of value on hand, right now. Plain and simple,” he says as he walks down the stairs to the main deck in front of your group. Once a few feet away, he holds his arms out to his side and says, ”So...tell me where you want to go and I’ll tell you the fare!”

Embreth Tileani |

Embreth looks at Jaya. "Isn't your mom's family from Oppara or something? Taldor is close, we could go there, figure things out once we're away from here."

Galatea Kailani |

Galatea paused at Embreth's suggestion and slowly started nodding. It was a good one. She had been thinking Andoran, but Taldor was good alternative. As her friend had noted, it was also closer.
"Taldor sounds like a very viable option," Gali agreed.

Jaya Farwynd |

"I think it depends what we plan to do. We can't unseat a goddess, but that doesn't mean we can't thwart her followers' schemes. The problem is, we don't know why they were trying to hunt any of us down. After all, Alaznist already won. I suppose we could stay in Oppara until we figure things out, but... well I don't know. Pretending this never happened is obviously impossible, but our path is certainly unclear."

Embreth Tileani |

"Well now that we have a goddess after us, maybe we should contact our other powerful relatives and associates, and see if they can help. If not, then I'm sure she'll find us. In the meantime we need to keep moving and go on some adventures to get stronger. It's alchemically proven that the fastest way to improve your abilities is through adventuring."

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie had been distracted and withdrawn lately, but she comes out of her shell briefly for the discussion.
"Well, since we have goddess problems, I have an aunt who's the herald to a goddess who should be on our side. Though I don't know what Cladissa would say except to forgive Alaznist. That's kind of her thing, I hear."
Her words suddenly take a new meaning and her head turns to Galatea. She looks at her for a brief second, then she finds the deck very interesting and stares at it.

Galatea Kailani |

"Sabrina is a little more... martially-inclined than her boss. Cladissa also has paladins; I even trained under one," Galatea explained reflexively to Kallie during their brief second of eye contact. For some reason, she abruptly blushed, and her eyes likewise suddenly found the deck very interesting. After a few seconds, Gali composed herself and turned toward Elandra, "Do you have anything to put toward Captain Kelzan's price? I really can't cover the whole fee myself like last time."
Going by her tone, Galatea was also asking the rest of the group at large for help.
Got 100 gp I'm willing to put toward the price. If we get closer, I might be able to haggle the price down a bit.

Kallie Silversun |

Kallie looks up. "I have the money if no one else does."

Embreth Tileani |

The little halfimaar looks incredulous when the captain names his price. "First of all 1000 is highway robbery, and you know it! We'll give you 800, which is still f*!&ing robbery. You couldn't get one tenth that from anyone else for passage to Oppara."
You don't like it we'll slit your throat and figure out how to move this tub on our own.
"I'm good for my fifth," Embreth supplies.

Galatea Kailani |

"I've got a hundred I could reasonably put toward the bill," added Galatea. "I know that isn't a straight fifth, but I also covered the entrance fee, so..."
Gali promptly turned to Captain Kelzan.
"Regardless, Embreth does raise a good point, Captain; even under the circumstances, you are charging a lot for a rather straightforward trip. You even said it yourself: Oppara is close, and the voyage likely won't be exciting. In other words, an easy pay day for you. So let's go with Embreth's 800, shall we?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34

Jaya Farwynd |

As a general sense. The typical fee for a voyage of this length would run something like 30 gp each
Jaya's face grows hot as Captain Kelzan makes his outrageous demand. "Unacceptable. 100 would be too much. Even disregarding our services, which if needed could prove invaluable, your price is preposterous."
Diplomacy Aid: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

DM Thron |

”Indeed, the price is high,” Kelzan says with a smile and a shrug. ”But, there is a thing called supply and demand. You have the demand, while I...” he holds his hands out, gesturing to the open seas, ”have the only supply. Also, you are obviously risky cargo. More risk means more coin. However...I am in a generous mood, and you seem like nice enough folk. I’ll make it 900. If that is unacceptable, I hear Geb is lovely this time of year...”

Galatea Kailani |

"...Fine. Nine hundred gold pieces it is," sighed Galatea, not wanting to press her luck further. She handed over her one hundred gold piece contribution. We better get our money's worth, though.

Embreth Tileani |

Can always take it back after I kill you, you damned dog... Embreth produces coin from somewhere hidden on his person. He hands it silently over while glaring daggers at the captain.

DM Thron |

Assuming everyone pays their share...
A few hours on the sea towards Oppara, and moods are much lighter, save for a few faces. There are a pair of halflings, dressed in natural hues and jewelry made of sea shells, who keep to themselves and are nervously whispering to one another. With them is an unusual sight, a half-orc man dressed in black and white attire, a holy symbol of amethyst hanging around his neck. The three seem in private conversation, their eyes studying the night sky and it’s strange, ominous lightshow arcing periodically.
”Captain! Ships to Port!”
In the distance, you see a large number of ships, all sea faring vessels. They seem to be sailing back towards Absalom. The captain steps to the deck and studies the ship before moving over to your group and asking ”Friends of yours?”
It’s impossible to see the ships banners at this distance, they only being visible by their deck lights and silhouettes. He turns to the halflings and says, ”Go take a look.”
They nod and both dive overboard, their bodies changing into sharks as they hit the water!

Galatea Kailani |

Galatea watched as Kallie paid off the majority of the group's bill.
...I'm so getting her a nice present.
During the few hours of peace, Galatea went around the ship gathering information about the current status of magic; with conjuration spells failing right and left the day before, her main concern was that healing magic might be no longer working...
Diplomacy - Gather Info: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24
Hours: 1d4 ⇒ 3 "A few hours" implies at least three, so Gali should have enough time.
When the ships appear on the horizon, Galatea had only one thing to say on the matter.
"...How about we just avoid them?"

Galatea Kailani |

"...Fair enough," Galatea replied nonchalantly with a shrug. Just making sure.
Did Gali's search turn up anything, Thron?
2) "What does Alaznist want with Abasi's family? To my knowledge, in the fight against Thassilon, Argor only sold some goods to the Rangers one time, and that was to help them stop Karzoug. In other words, I don't see a real reason for Alaznist to attack them."
3) "What exactly are those plans you mentioned Alaznist and her followers having for each of us?"

DM Thron |

Short of direct conversation, the three ship crew casters are being a bit tight lipped...however...
1 and 2) ”I don’t know. The fact that I even heard her agents were coming here was a curiosity I intended to simply observe on and report.”
3) ”Alaznist’s minions, the few we could take alive, seemed to have interest in keeping tabs on the movers and shakers of the world. Not just you. But government officials across the Inner Sea, heroes like your parents, mercenary companies, orcish warlords...there was no rhyme or reason to it. But the fact that you were all together and targets as well...I don’t know...something seems too coincidental...”

Galatea Kailani |

In that case, Galatea would attempt to speak with them. Specifically...
Galatea attempted to speak with the priest.
"Hello there. I noticed you appear to be quite distressed. What troubles you?" Gali inquired sincerely. If his magic (or something similar) turned out to be the cause as she suspected, Galatea sympathetically added, "I understand; I'm a divine caster too."
There was a reason she had not casted any spells since yesterday.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

DM Thron |

The priest turns from railing, bowing politely. ”Well. To be perfectly honest, I have no explanation,” the half-orc replies. ”My tests alongside the Waverunners have concluded that any conjurative effect results in painful backlash. We are loathe to continue further testing given the pain. But...” he pauses, ”my prayers this morning did not replenish my spell capacity. That has never happened to me before.”
The black armored men threw her roughly to the deck of the ship. They removed her hood and Bethania looked around the dark room nervously. A pair of men approached and one grasped her by her hair, pulling her head back while the other fastened a brass metal collar around her neck. It was connected by a chain to a matching set of manacles that were placed around her wrists.
Heavy footfalls announced the approach of the man in spiked armor. Bethania recoiled as he came closer. He stopped a few feet away and removed his helmet, revealing rather mundane features beneath. ”What do you want?” she asked. Rather, she tried. No words came out as her lips moved. She tried to speak again, but again, silence.
The man smirked. ”We know of your honeyed tongue all to well, little Blakros. But do not worry, so long as you behave, you won’t be treated too poorly,” he says as he traces a finger along her cheek.
He turns and says to his men ”Do not hurt her. We need to get her back to the Overlord. The fleet will be here soon. Once power has been handed over to our forces, we can move on to the next phase and begin our voyage.”
The men gathered Bethania up, and roughly drug her to a small room and tossed her forcefully inside before closing the door and locking it behind her.

Galatea Kailani |

...So healing magic is basically busted. Wonderful.
Regardless of her internal snark, Galatea nodded in understanding and sympathy.
"...You can probably add abjuration to that list. Maybe. I mean, some of my arcane friends cast those spells yesterday, but that was also before the Starstone Cathedral collapsed. Afterward, I tried casting a Shield spell, and the only result was... pain. Once my friend's Glitterdust spell failed, I got too scared to cast any spells period."
That all said, after her usual post-rest routine of concentrating for fifteen minutes on her spellcasting, Gali actually had been able to renew her magic that morning... [1]
"What about your druid friends? Their Wild Shaping seems to be operational."
[1] - As per my discussions with Thron.

Galatea Kailani |

"Of course," replied Galatea, again completely understanding the man's pain. If not for her heavy conversation with Kallie the prior evening, the Oracle likely would have spent the entire night angsting over whether her magic was busted or not. In a sense, Gali was in the same boat as the priest.
...Metaphorically speaking, obviously.
With her investigation concluded, Galatea returned to the others and reported her findings.
"According to the priest, conjuration magic is just... broken. Casting any such spells yields a painful backlash. Based on my personal experiences, abjuration might be busted as well; I tried casting a Shield spell yesterday, and all I got was a searing migraine for my effort. Again, that second one is just a personal theory; I haven't exactly been rearing to cast another such spell."

DM Thron |

The halflings return to the vessel, indistinguishable from common sharks until they shift into large lizards and scamper up the side of the ship, returning to their normal forms once on deck.
"Well?" the captain asks.
The woman shook her head. "No idea, cap'n. Never seen markings like what they are flying."
While she was talking, her husband kneels down and draws a rune on the deck of the ship.
Several ships of the fleet veer off and start making their way towards the Crimson Aboleth. "Well, it looks like they want to come say hello. Too bad I don't feel obliged to host more guests. TO STATIONS! RUN DARK! NO SOUND NO LIGHTS! SET A COURSE FOR DUE EAST!" he calls out to his crew, who immediately set to following his orders.

Jaya Farwynd |

Jaya's mouth is set in a grim line, but there's a note of excitement in her voice as she discusses the Shattered Schools with Galatea. "Well, there are still plenty of experiments to perform before we can be certain of the effects. After all, as far as we know, Alaznist is only a goddess. If this is truly a universal change, something more than her must be at work. Right now while our best guess is that healing magic would also be harmful and ineffective, I don't think we should experiment, but there are ways around that too. Once we arrive in Oppara, we can begin." her
"More of Alaznist's assassins." Jaya's eyes flashed in anger as she looked out over the waves. "How in the world did she manage to hide this entire weeping fleet?! Where was she even keeping them while people were actually looking for her?!"
You'll have to tell them about your 'birthmark'. If the wrong person walks in on you in the tub they'll think you're some kind of sleeper agent.

Galatea Kailani |

Upon learning from Jaya that Alaznist had somehow hid a massive armada from the entire world, Galatea was about to articulate her thoughts on the matter, but her friend also beat her to the punch.
"...I think Alaznist plans to make Absalom the capital of her new empire; why build a city from scratch when there's a perfectly good one ripe for the taking?" Gali grumbled instead.

Jaya Farwynd |

Jaya made a face as she stared at the ships, a note of disappointment working its way into her voice alongside the carefully suppressed fear. "An empire? How... mundane. A wizard of her power hardly needs to ascend to godhood to forge one of those, let alone take someone else's after they've done the hard work. After all, it's not exactly a new trick for her."
This morning Jaya was in fresh clothes - a fitted blouse and breeches, though she'd kept yesterday's headscarf, so her pouches were more clearly visible than when they were hidden between the skirts and petticoats of her more formal wear. As a result it was a good deal more obvious when she nervously ran her fingers across her spell components.
"I don't think I can sink a ship if they catch us. I could maybe stop one or two, but only once they've gotten very close. If they have archers... I just hope the Aboleth is fast enough."

Galatea Kailani |

"...Where's Sabrina when you need her?" Galatea mumbled aloud. Upon realizing that nobody but her had any context for that remark, Gali smiled slightly and explained, "One time, when my big sister and Jaya's mother were out sailing the seas on a mission, Sabby sunk an enemy ship by Wild Shaping into a water elemental and then smashing up its hull with an adamantine hammer. Her only regret was not performing the deed as an octopus."

DM Thron |

”You imply they’ll catch us! The Aboleth is the fastest corsair on the Inner Sea, ladies!” Kelzan says with a smile. As the ship’s mainsails are unfurled fully, the boat lurches from the pull of the wind and begins cutting through the waves. It soon becomes apparent that the Captain’s boasts are at least true in this moment, as the lighter and less burdened vessel easily outpaces the pursuing ships to the point they eventually give up
pursuit and rejoin their fleet.

Embreth Tileani |

Embreth lurks while the discussion is going on, then looks relieved when the Aboleth eventually outruns their pursuers.

Galatea Kailani |

Sensing that now was a surprisingly good time, Gali left running the ship to Captain Kelzan and approached her littlest friend.
"Embreth, do you have a moment?" she asked sincerely.

Galatea Kailani |

Galatea politely gestured for the halfimaar to follow her to a more... quiet part of the deck. Unlike her talk with Kallie, she was... alright with other people overhearing this conversation. However, Gali also felt that keeping this discussion somewhat lowkey was more respectful to her friend.
Whether or not Embreth followed her, Galatea eventually got to the point.
"I want to apologize for my cold behavior toward you," Galatea said softly and sincerely. "We're friends, but over these last several months, I haven't been acting like one to you. For that, I'm very sorry, and I hope that you can eventually forgive me for how I've acted. From now on, I will be better."
She thought about offering Embreth the context of why but ultimately vetoed the idea; Gali generally tried to avoid excuses and such.

Galatea Kailani |

Galatea thought about clarifying why she was apologizing, but she decided against it. Given how... intense her conversation with Kallie had been, Gali decided that it was probably best to let bygones be bygones here. Instead, the Oracle opted to focus on another topic that had been on her mind lately.
"You also have my thanks for being such a good brother for Kallie. You're likely the most supportive family she's ever had. I mean, I know her... mother has her hooves full with the rest of the herd, but I think it says a lot that Kallie prefered exile to living with them. Meanwhile, her father treats her like a houseplant, and besides Shy, my side of the family hasn't really done much for her."
Galatea briefly glanced to the side and sighed, a clear indication that she counted herself in that last category and regretted as such. However, the Oracle quickly recovered and continued. She offered her friend a sincere smile and said, "However, when Kallie has needed someone, you've consistently been there for her, Embreth. And for that, you have my thanks."
After a pause, Galatea giggled absentmindedly and added, "I believe that's everything. I just, well, felt that the apology and my gratitude were long overdue."

Embreth Tileani |

Galatea thought about clarifying why she was apologizing, but she decided against it. Given how... intense her conversation with Kallie had been, Gali decided that it was probably best to let bygones be bygones here. Instead, the Oracle opted to focus on another topic that had been on her mind lately.
"You also have my thanks for being such a good brother for Kallie. You're likely the most supportive family she's ever had. I mean, I know her... mother has her hooves full with the rest of the herd, but I think it says a lot that Kallie prefered exile to living with them. Meanwhile, her father treats her like a houseplant, and besides Shy, my side of the family hasn't really done much for her."
Galatea briefly glanced to the side and sighed, a clear indication that she counted herself in that last category and regretted as such. However, the Oracle quickly recovered and continued. She offered her friend a sincere smile and said, "However, when Kallie has needed someone, you've consistently been there for her, Embreth. And for that, you have my thanks."
After a pause, Galatea giggled absentmindedly and added, "I believe that's everything. I just, well, felt that the apology and my gratitude were long overdue."
"Aye, whatever, Galli. You think too much. Kallie's small like me, and no one wants either of us around. Also she's my sister, kinda. Of course I've got her back."

Galatea Kailani |

When told that she thinks too much, Galatea barely managed to suppress a bitter chuckle.
Guilty as charged.
She also paused at Embreth's remarks about how similar he and Kallie were. They were... very insightful.
"And I find that dedication very admirable, Embreth," reaffirmed Galatea. After a moment of silence, she shrugged her shoulders. "Anyway, thanks again for hearing me out. Let's get back to the others, shall we?"

DM Thron |

After a few days at sea, taking circuitous routes to avoid any further encounters, the Crimson Aboleth comes within view of the city of Oppara. It’s grandeur is quite evident even at this distance, though as you grow closer you can see that the city has seen better days.
The ship pulls in to harbor and docks without issue. Life seems to continue as normal for the Taldans. The skies here at the docks are filled with seagulls cawing and seeking easy meals from the guts of fish from fishermen preparing their catches. Low-end merchants seek to make quick and easy coin from travelers disembarking before they make their way to the finer establishments further into the city.

Jaya Farwynd |

"It seems calm; no new flags flying. So, the first thing we need to do is find out what word has already spread from Absalom, and whether those magical effects are geographically centered."
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25
"And I think I know just the person to talk to..."

DM Thron |

Master Jarvin Gardis, your rondelro instructor at the College of Lion’s, a prestigious bardic college known for many of its students joining the ranks of the enigmatic Lion Blades.
Maria Craddick, a dancing instructor and known participant of the gossip circuit.
Master Dondle Grasslefizz, a gnomish wizard and alchemist who often treats juicy enough secrets as currency (“But just any old secret won’t do, oh no oh no!”)