GM Valen's PFS 5-08 The Confirmation (CORE)(PbP) (Inactive)

Game Master Lysle


Tactical Maps

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Dark Archive

Male Half-orc Ranger 1 / Rogue 2 AC 15 {T:11/FF:14} HP 17/27 Init+5, Perception +6 {Trap Spotter 10'} | Fort +3, Reflex +6, Will +0

"This is dinner fer the worms in about three, two..."

Greatax vs RED {flank}: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 6 + 2 = 181d12 + 6 + 1d6 ⇒ (10) + 6 + (4) = 20

"ONE!" He kicks the wolf with his foot. "Good doggy, play dead."

Grand Lodge

m human (varisian) fighter 3 (CORE) [hp: 34/34] [ac: 19/11/18] [init: +1; perc: +8] [saves: 6/3/3(+1 vs. fear)] [CMB: +7/CMD: 18(17)] [move: 20]

You are right, I read it in a hurry when I posted. My bad.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Paladin of Iomedae 6 | HP 48/52 | AC 26 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +9, CMD 21 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6; SM: +11 | Speed 30ft (20 ft in armor) | Detect Evil: At Will | Smite Evil: 0/2 | Lay on Hands: 6/6 | Aura of Courage (10ft) | Active conditions:

Roran countinues to attack the wolf.

attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 71d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

The half-orc' great axe crushes the skull if the last wolf. Somewhere the worms rejoice for their bountious gift.


"Well done!" Janira notes. "Though almost taken by surprise, you were able to work well as a team. That is one reason why few Pathfinders venture alone."

Seeing the party is essentially unscathed, the halfling urges you on through the wilderness. As she leads you, Janira notes that some of the forest features seem to have changed. She leads you off the path to avoid a copse of fallen trees and a few freshly opened sink holes.

However, finding the path again is proving to be difficult and require some skillful observations.

Please give me a Survival check for the group. Players may aid another.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Paladin of Iomedae 6 | HP 48/52 | AC 26 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +9, CMD 21 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6; SM: +11 | Speed 30ft (20 ft in armor) | Detect Evil: At Will | Smite Evil: 0/2 | Lay on Hands: 6/6 | Aura of Courage (10ft) | Active conditions:

Roran sheathes his longword before continuing on. "Yes, well done indeed."

Roran aids whoever will take point on navigation. survival: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Grand Lodge

m human (varisian) fighter 3 (CORE) [hp: 34/34] [ac: 19/11/18] [init: +1; perc: +8] [saves: 6/3/3(+1 vs. fear)] [CMB: +7/CMD: 18(17)] [move: 20]

Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Dark Archive

Male Half-orc Ranger 1 / Rogue 2 AC 15 {T:11/FF:14} HP 17/27 Init+5, Perception +6 {Trap Spotter 10'} | Fort +3, Reflex +6, Will +0

Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

The moss grows on which side now? That fight must've taken more out of me than I thought.

Liberty's Edge

**CORE** HP 14/14 | AC14 Tch14 FF11 | F+3 R+5 W+0 | Init +3 | Perc +6 Gnome Rogue 1

"Thanks Janira, I hope we don't stir up any more wild creatuers though."

Survival: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

"One never knows, Ada." Janira responds. "Best to remain alert."

The group continues to travel through the wilderness and though the trail was blocked by fallen objects and shortcuts were overgrown, the skillful Ada is able to discern a path that does not significantly slow the adventurers. Following the gnome’s insightful lead, the party makes its way out of the dense forest into a wide clearing at the base of a sheer cliff. Thick vines cover the surface of the cliff stretching 30 feet overhead.

“Here! The cave entrance is behind those vines,” Janira says with a broad smile as she walks to the cliff’s face. She pulls back several layers of vegetation to reveal a narrow crack in the cliff’s surface. “This is where I saw the gillmen enter.”

As she motions toward the aperture, the surrounding woods come alive with the sound of small animals fleeing some unseen danger. "What was that you were saying earlier, Ada?" Janira begins to say with amusement. However, her bemused look turns to determination once she hears a large creature crashing through the undergrowth, undoubtedly the cause of the commotion. The halfling worriedly remarks, “Quick, take cover before whatever it is spots us!”

As if she’d summoned the creature with her words, a massive horned monstrosity emerges from the trees. Standing eight feet tall on a pair of cloven hooves and wielding a tremendous axe, the bull-headed creature roars with unbridled anger when it spots the group.

“A minotaur!” Janira screams. Wisely assessing that an injured minotaur is beyond the capabilities of you, her charges, the halfling informs the party. “There’s little chance we can stand against it. Take this bag,” Pulling off her backpack, she continues, “and head deeper into the caves. Finish your mission. I’ll lead it away from the caves, lose it in the forest, and join you as soon as I can. Now go! GO!” She heaves her backpack into the cave, casts a spell, and darts off toward the minotaur before turning to lure it away.

The cave entrance ahead of you is is only 5 feet wide.

Survival (DC 15+):
You spot several footprints in the soil around you heading into the cave. They appear to have been left by a web-toed humanoid only hours before.

If you open Janira’s backpack:
You find that it contains the following items:

potion of barkskin
potions of cure light wounds (x2)
potion of feather step
potion of vanish
scroll of entangle
scroll of gust of wind
scroll of identify
scroll of mage armor (CL 6)
scroll of obscuring mist
wand of burning hands (CL 3rd, 4 charges)
[i]wand of cure light wounds
(CL 3rd,7 charges)
alchemist’s fire (x2)
holy water
tanglefoot bags (x2)

You each have a choice to make: either listen to Janira and flee into the caves, or ignore her orders and stay to fight.

Dark Archive

Male N Human Druid 2 | HP: 15/19 | AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 (15 Fl) | F: +6, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none

Survival DC 15: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Nahko hesistates momentarily. If six of us together aren't equipped to handle this thing, how can Janira do it alone?!? But Janira was in charge here, this was Nahko's confirmation. Cooperate. The motto says cooperate. It's not my place to go against her wishes here! He grudgingly takes Janira's backpack and pushes through the cave opening with Kuti in tow.

Hey, look... webbed prints!

"She's right; the gillmen are here now!" Nahko exclaims, waving absently at something he sees in the mud as he goes in.

Once inside, he investigates the backpack's contents. Wow, she wasn't kidding about being prepared!

Grand Lodge

m human (varisian) fighter 3 (CORE) [hp: 34/34] [ac: 19/11/18] [init: +1; perc: +8] [saves: 6/3/3(+1 vs. fear)] [CMB: +7/CMD: 18(17)] [move: 20]

"You heard the lady's orders, get inside on the double."

Bacleive goes inside about 10', fishes out his everburning torch, and grabs it in his shield hand.

The Concordance

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Male N Gnome Cleric 4 (Gozreh) - Init +2, Senses: Low-Light Vision, Perception +6, AC 17/ touch 13/ ff 15; hp 35/35, F+7, R+3, W+8, Speed 15 ft. Skills Acrobatics 1, Appraise 1, Bluff 3, Climb -4, Diplomacy 10, Heal 4, Knowledge (arc5, nat6, pla5, rel5), Perception 6, Profession (Sailor) 13, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 5, Survival 4; Icicles 5/7; Lightning 2/7; Channels 3/6

Sarzuket flings Janira's backpack over his shoulder and follows!

Dark Archive

Male N Human Druid 2 | HP: 15/19 | AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 (15 Fl) | F: +6, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none
Nahko Bear wrote:
He grudgingly takes Janira's backpack and pushes through the cave opening with Kuti in tow.
Sarzuket Thicketbotter wrote:
Sarzuket flings Janira's backpack over his shoulder and follows!

Were you attempting to take it away from Nahko?

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Paladin of Iomedae 6 | HP 48/52 | AC 26 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +9, CMD 21 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6; SM: +11 | Speed 30ft (20 ft in armor) | Detect Evil: At Will | Smite Evil: 0/2 | Lay on Hands: 6/6 | Aura of Courage (10ft) | Active conditions:

"Janira, do not take unnecessary chances. Get to safety as soon as you get the chance." With the he gives her a hasty salute and move into the caves.

Liberty's Edge

**CORE** HP 14/14 | AC14 Tch14 FF11 | F+3 R+5 W+0 | Init +3 | Perc +6 Gnome Rogue 1

Ada pulls out her dagger and shuffles her feet forward into the cave following behind the party after she ensures someone picked up her bag.

"Is she going to be ok? That thing is huge!" She stretches out her arms to indicate how large.

Survival: 1d20 ⇒ 5

Dark Archive

Male Half-orc Ranger 1 / Rogue 2 AC 15 {T:11/FF:14} HP 17/27 Init+5, Perception +6 {Trap Spotter 10'} | Fort +3, Reflex +6, Will +0

"So, that's it? We're just gonna let her run off 'n face that thing by herself? Doesn't seem to "team-y" ta me." Seven ta one is bettin' odds in our favor. Good thing Shay ain't here ta see this. He watches Janira run toward danger. Damn! "This's gunna sound crazy, but I say we go help her. Somethin' in that bag is bound to slow 'im down or let one of us get close."

I mean, for all we know, we may end up fighting this thing anyway.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

As the others heed the halfling's urgings and head into the cave, the horned head of the minotaur begins heading toward the lingering half-orc. Korum begins to catch a whiff of the smell accompanying the bovine beast and the odor of its hot breath as it approaches. When it is nearly within striking range of the half-orc, there is a high pitched cry.
Any PCs understand giant?

The cry comes from Janira and it is followed by a quick arrow that flies by the minotaur's ear. Angered, the creature turns in the halfling's direction.

"Run!" Janira calls to Korum as she tries to stay ahead of the approaching beast. "Go into the caves with the others!"

What will it be? Does the whole party head into the cave? Or do some (or all of you) remain and fight the minotaur?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male LG Human Paladin of Iomedae 6 | HP 48/52 | AC 26 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +9, CMD 21 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6; SM: +11 | Speed 30ft (20 ft in armor) | Detect Evil: At Will | Smite Evil: 0/2 | Lay on Hands: 6/6 | Aura of Courage (10ft) | Active conditions:

Roran looks over his shoulder at the ones straggling behind, "We were given a direct order from a senior agent to head inside and complete the mission. She knows what she is doing."

Why does every group I play with always want to fight the minotaur up front? It has happened that last three times I have played in PBP

Dark Archive

Male Half-orc Ranger 1 / Rogue 2 AC 15 {T:11/FF:14} HP 17/27 Init+5, Perception +6 {Trap Spotter 10'} | Fort +3, Reflex +6, Will +0

I've only fought him first once actually. I figured everyone waited until the end. Makes no matter to me really, just playing the character.

Shay will kill me. No, she'll just be disappointed. That is somehow much, much worse.

The half orc turns a hot glare on the human, "I pray your right. paladin." As he stalks into the cave opening, he mutters under his breath, "Pfft, some holy warrior."

Again, just roll playing. No attacks on players or anything. Let me know if I'm bugging anyone and I can dial it back.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Paladin of Iomedae 6 | HP 48/52 | AC 26 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +9, CMD 21 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6; SM: +11 | Speed 30ft (20 ft in armor) | Detect Evil: At Will | Smite Evil: 0/2 | Lay on Hands: 6/6 | Aura of Courage (10ft) | Active conditions:

perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 Guess he heard that one

"I guess not everyone is brought up to follow orders." He then catches himself. "I hope she can get away unharmed as well. Not all orders are easy ones to follow. But her mission was to get us to the caves and complete our confirmation. By her, leading the minotaur away, she is completing her mission. Now it is time for us to complete ours."

You are not going to hurt my feelings with in character talk or out. Not everyone in the society are buddy buddy. Disagreements happen. I lost my first race boon to challenging the minotaur first, all because one character raced off to play hero, then abandoned the table because he got killed too and sulked about it.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Sticking together, the entire party enters the cave, following the tracks that indicate the presence of one or more gillmen and leaving the skillful bard to occupy the minotaur on her own.

As you venture further into the narrow cave, you find that the cave system appears to stretch deep below the foothills of the Kortos Mounts, though most of it seems accessible only through the narrow, keyhole tunnel where you currently find yourselves. A dull, almost-hissing sound seems to echo off the walls around you, indicating the distant rushing of underground streams somewhere in the blackness ahead. The tunnel twists and turns for several hundred feet before slowly opening to a wider passage. A large hole spans the cave’s width and stretches ten feet down the path.

At the bottom of the pit lies a small bundle of cloth, seemingly caught on a series of sharpened, wooden spikes that line the pit floor. By torchlight, the spikes appear to glisten from liquid winding its way down the spikes. Though the liquid appears to be dark at first, you realize that it is a trick of the light and that the liquid is simply water that has dripped down onto the spikes form the stalactites above.

Knowledge (dungeoneering) or Survival (DC 15+):
The hole in the ground adorned with spikes is obviously artificial, though you can tell that its construction is at least a year old.

The pit is 10 feet wide and 10 feet deep. The pit bears rounded walls that eliminate any corners that a trapped creature might brace against while trying to escape (seemingly intentionally so).
The DC of Climb checks in this area is 15. Due to the dampness of the cave, the DC of all Acrobatics checks is increased by 2.

Dark Archive

Male N Human Druid 2 | HP: 15/19 | AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 (15 Fl) | F: +6, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none

Survival DC 15: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Nahko approaches the edge of the pit, and peers down into its depths.

"Hmm. I've got a rope; we can get down there handily, I think, but I'm not sure that I want to cross those spikes. And the climb out doesn't look fun at all." He continues looking, though, as if trying to find another solution. He points to the cloth. "I'd like to see what that thing is, too, if we can."

"Anybody have an idea?"

The Concordance

1 person marked this as a favorite.
* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Male N Gnome Cleric 4 (Gozreh) - Init +2, Senses: Low-Light Vision, Perception +6, AC 17/ touch 13/ ff 15; hp 35/35, F+7, R+3, W+8, Speed 15 ft. Skills Acrobatics 1, Appraise 1, Bluff 3, Climb -4, Diplomacy 10, Heal 4, Knowledge (arc5, nat6, pla5, rel5), Perception 6, Profession (Sailor) 13, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 5, Survival 4; Icicles 5/7; Lightning 2/7; Channels 3/6

"I do! hand me your rope and Janira's backpack please!" says Sarzuket. Stretching Nahko's rope out, Sarzuket brings one end near the pit, puts it on the ground, and drops one of Janira's tanglefoot bag on it. He then securely ties the other end of the rope to the second tanglefoot bag to a Profession Sailor: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 near perfect miller's knot, and then flings the bag far to the other side of the pit!

ranged touch vs. AC 5: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Hearing the satisfying sucking sound of the exploding tanglefoot back out in the darkness past the pit, Sarzuket smiles and asks Korum, "Yarr! you're a big lad! would you mind holding the rope tight until we're all through? then we'll all put our backs into it from our side to hold it tight for ya? it's securely anchored at both ends now, but there's some slack in the middle you see?"

Climb vs. DC 5, 'Rope with wall to brace against', taking 10: 10 - 4 = 6

On the other side, the small gnomish sailor waves to everyone. "Looks like the coast is clear here. Come on over quick while the tanglefoot bags are still stuck!"

Rounds remaining to tanglefoot bag 1 2d4 - 1 ⇒ (3, 3) - 1 = 5
Rounds remaining to tanglefoot bag 2 2d4 - 1 ⇒ (3, 4) - 1 = 6

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Very clever idea that I have never seen done before! Kudos!

Despite the gnome's urging, it is evident that the tanglefoot bags won't hold long enough for each member of the party to get down into the pit. Indeed, the sticky goo from the first bag begins turning brittle just seconds after Sarzuket gets to the other side of the pit.

Climbing at one-quarter speed, requires two rounds to climb down and an additional two rounds to climb up the other side.

However, once on the other side, Sarzuket locates a 3-foot-wide, sturdy wooden plank, that had been resting against the cave’s wall just out of sight around a corner in the tunnel approximately 30 feet beyond the pit.

Grand Lodge

m human (varisian) fighter 3 (CORE) [hp: 34/34] [ac: 19/11/18] [init: +1; perc: +8] [saves: 6/3/3(+1 vs. fear)] [CMB: +7/CMD: 18(17)] [move: 20]

"That was quite clever my little friend, but I think that is a little risky for one as heavily armored such as myself."

knowledge(dungeoneering): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

"I have a climbing kit. That should help some."

Bacleive takes out his climbing kit, drives 2 pitons into the ground 5' from the pit, belays some rope, then climbs down the side into the pit.

Climb: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

After grabbing the cloth, he climbs up the other side...

Climb: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

...and secures the rope with 2 more pitons.

"Careful, this pit looks like it was made within the last year. It's creator may be nearby."

LOL...figures, the GM posted as I was typing up my novel here.

Bacleive will help move the plank into position when he arrives on the other side, then collect his equipment.

Liberty's Edge

**CORE** HP 14/14 | AC14 Tch14 FF11 | F+3 R+5 W+0 | Init +3 | Perc +6 Gnome Rogue 1

Ada begins running then leaps across to the other side.

Acrobatics: 1d20 ⇒ 16

"Oh yeah that's how you do it!" She stands proud on the other side.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Continuing on through the tunnel beneath the Kortos Mounts, the pitter patter of droplets from the stalactites overhead intensifies into periodical trickles. Standing pools and rivulets form along the cave floor, leaving your boots and travel gear feeling damp and less pleasant.

There is some benefit that comes with the increased moisture, however, and it manifests in the form of a dim light that patterns the walls—the result of blue-green luminescent fungi that seem to prosper in the moist cave environment.

Petroglyphs—most depicting marine animals or spiral shapes—also periodically decorate the tunnels’ walls. The features become increasing frequent as you venture further inward. The rough surface of the carvings provides a natural platform for the fungi, causing it to grow thicker and making the carvings glow slightly brighter than their surroundings.

Secret Rolls:

????: 4d12 ⇒ (4, 5, 1, 8) = 18

Eventually, the tunnel opens up into a large cavern, one that must once have housed beautifully carved reliefs and inscriptions that have since weathered heavily, though these carvings appear to be in a different in style from the petroglyphs found elsewhere in the caves. Nevertheless, what remains now are partial and distorted images with features dulled and softened to the point that it is hard to distinguish what each once depicted. A wide tunnel exits the cavern on its far side, and blue-burning torches line the passageway’s walls.

Each PC may make an Appraise, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (religion), or Perception check to identify one or more of the weathered reliefs and accompanying inscriptions. The writing combines Aquan and Azlanti, and a PC receives a +2 bonus on this skill check for each of these languages he or she can understand.

Knowledge (history or religion) (DC 15+), Linguistics (DC 15+), Appraise (DC 17+), or Perception (DC 17+):
You are able to decipher one of the weathered reliefs as depicting a farmer plowing four lines in a field. You recognize this relief as a sacred depiction of "The Farmer", a parable and retelling Aroden’s prophecy that humankind would prepare the rocky earth for planting and over generations wear the pebbles down into fertile soil.

You conclude that what you see scattered about the cave are inscriptions from the History and Future of Humanity, the principle holy text of Aroden, as well as images that depict these passages. The weathered carvings focus on parables that feature at least some of Aroden’s guises, meant to illustrate his hopes for humanity, including "The Farmer". However, the sections of the holy text depicted appear to be slightly different than those that appear in the known version of the History and Future of Humanity. This might suggest that these images could possibly represent an earlier version of the work. Until the disappearance of the god, Aroden, portions of these parables were often imitated in rituals believed to impose divine blessing upon those who engaged in them.

Dark Archive

Male N Human Druid 2 | HP: 15/19 | AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 (15 Fl) | F: +6, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none

Nahko will cast detect magic and examine both the petroglyphs and the cloth that was found in the pit.

Perception DC 17: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

[b]"Wow, this is pretty interesting! This is basically some Arodenite carvings of The Farmer, but this has to pre-date most of what we consider to be those parables." He takes out the paper and pencil that Janira gave him, and begins to take notes on the carvings.

The Concordance

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Male N Gnome Cleric 4 (Gozreh) - Init +2, Senses: Low-Light Vision, Perception +6, AC 17/ touch 13/ ff 15; hp 35/35, F+7, R+3, W+8, Speed 15 ft. Skills Acrobatics 1, Appraise 1, Bluff 3, Climb -4, Diplomacy 10, Heal 4, Knowledge (arc5, nat6, pla5, rel5), Perception 6, Profession (Sailor) 13, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 5, Survival 4; Icicles 5/7; Lightning 2/7; Channels 3/6

The rope idea was for people to slide across, and a double move at 1/4 speed is a total of 1/2 your speed which should be 10' for everyone. The whole party could cross in one round I think (following initiative, one by one) but your down then up idea works as well!

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

"You're right Nahko! this is all so well preserved! magnificent!"

Sarzuket assists Nahko in making rubbings of these reliefs unto parchment.

Grand Lodge

m human (varisian) fighter 3 (CORE) [hp: 34/34] [ac: 19/11/18] [init: +1; perc: +8] [saves: 6/3/3(+1 vs. fear)] [CMB: +7/CMD: 18(17)] [move: 20]

Bacleive looks carefully at the carvings...

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

...and starts to try and sketch the drawings as best he can.

NOTE: Bacleive is still holding his everburning torch in his left hand behind his shield.

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Paladin of Iomedae 6 | HP 48/52 | AC 26 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +9, CMD 21 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6; SM: +11 | Speed 30ft (20 ft in armor) | Detect Evil: At Will | Smite Evil: 0/2 | Lay on Hands: 6/6 | Aura of Courage (10ft) | Active conditions:

knowledge religion: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

"You are correct. Very interesting to find the teaching of Aroden in an unmarked cave. This could have been a type of temple at one time"

Liberty's Edge

**CORE** HP 14/14 | AC14 Tch14 FF11 | F+3 R+5 W+0 | Init +3 | Perc +6 Gnome Rogue 1

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

"Oh wow, look at all this. This must be old." She pulls out her pen and parchment and starts jotting down thoughts and notes.

Dark Archive

Male Half-orc Ranger 1 / Rogue 2 AC 15 {T:11/FF:14} HP 17/27 Init+5, Perception +6 {Trap Spotter 10'} | Fort +3, Reflex +6, Will +0

The rogue looks around, but he is clearly distracted as his thoughts are back with Janira.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

Ada, Roran, Sarzuke:
You are able to decipher another one of the weathered reliefs as depicting a fisherman hauling in an enormous catch of small fish to take back to Absalom. You recognize this second relief as a sacred depiction of "The Fisherman", another one of Aroden’s guises, meant to illustrate his hopes for humanity. “The Fisherman”” parable serves as an illustration of Aroden’s declaration that a great host of creatures could accomplish a great task, whether that be taming the wilds or feeding a nation.

Ada, Roran:
You readily realize that a third relief depicts a person painting murals on the walls of impressive building. This guise of Aroden you identify as being the “The Artist”, the tale associated with Aroden having painted the city of Absalom with beautiful colors so that it might awe all who visited.

You alone identify a fourth guise of Aroden, “The Scholar”, which you realize is depicted in one of the reliefs as writing on a piece of parchment and then reading from it to passersby, just as Aroden was said to smile on those who recorded history and other knowledge to share it with others.

Knowledge (arcane)(DC 22+):
The torches shed light like ordinary torches, but do neither emit heat or seem to consume the torch, indicating that the use of a continual flame spell in the construction of the torches. You surmise that each of the torches is an everburning torch.

An increase in radiance and the movement of the light coming from the short tunnel ahead suggests a larger chamber beyond and likely the presence of a large pool of water.

The Concordance

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Male N Gnome Cleric 4 (Gozreh) - Init +2, Senses: Low-Light Vision, Perception +6, AC 17/ touch 13/ ff 15; hp 35/35, F+7, R+3, W+8, Speed 15 ft. Skills Acrobatics 1, Appraise 1, Bluff 3, Climb -4, Diplomacy 10, Heal 4, Knowledge (arc5, nat6, pla5, rel5), Perception 6, Profession (Sailor) 13, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 5, Survival 4; Icicles 5/7; Lightning 2/7; Channels 3/6

Sarzuket approaches the pool of water! :)

Silver Crusade

Male LG Human Paladin of Iomedae 6 | HP 48/52 | AC 26 T 11 FF 25 | CMB +9, CMD 21 | F: +9, R: +8, W: +10 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6; SM: +11 | Speed 30ft (20 ft in armor) | Detect Evil: At Will | Smite Evil: 0/2 | Lay on Hands: 6/6 | Aura of Courage (10ft) | Active conditions:

"The second one is the fisherman, meant to illustrate his hopes of humanity. The third is of the artist, who in this guise has painted the city of Absalom. He ponders on the fourth and final. "I believe this one is the scholar. It is known that Aroden would smile on those who recorded history and other knowledge to shar with others."

Dark Archive

Male Half-orc Ranger 1 / Rogue 2 AC 15 {T:11/FF:14} HP 17/27 Init+5, Perception +6 {Trap Spotter 10'} | Fort +3, Reflex +6, Will +0

The rogue listens to the paladin's insights. His face twists as he tries to reconcile this information. "That's great and all, but why are they here? Did gillmen build this place? Did they even worship Aroden? Do they still? Now we just have more questions."

Dark Archive

Male N Human Druid 2 | HP: 15/19 | AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 (15 Fl) | F: +6, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none

Nahko, after carefully stowing the records of the carvings that he made, slaps his leg to tell Kuti to follow, and proceeds into the area beyond, seeking the source of the water sounds.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

As you head toward the pool, the soft light of the surrounding fungus mixes with the flickering glow of the nearby torches to reveal a grand chamber. The large pool of water sits along the chamber’s southern edge and reflects the blue and green radiance to illuminate the massive stalactites that cling to the ceiling overhead. Two other tunnels branch off from this area, leading to the east and west.
Chamber now revealed on the map.

Rising up from the pool is a column of rock with steeply sloped sides and a flat top, as if omeone had sawn off the top of a massive stalagmite. A miniature city carved from this same stone occupies nearly the entire surface. Tiny trinkets such as ancient coins, polished semiprecious stones, and ornately braided loops of string are scattered throughout the diorama, and pale cave frogs clamber atop it. The smooth cavern floor is covered in gravel and pebbles along the edge of the pool, and several foot-long centipedes prowl among the gravel in their search for prey.

The cavern’s ceiling stretches 20 feet overhead and is crowded by dozens of stalactites, some measuring 10 feet long from base to tip. Despite the impressive geology, the cave’s focus is the sloping, 15-foot-deep pool and its tiny city.

Knowledge (engineering, geography, history, local, or religion)(DC 10):
You readily recognize the diorama as an intricately
detailed model of Absalom, easily identifiable by its Starstone Cathedral. This representation of the City at the Center of the World and the Inner Sea also acts as an altar to the dead god Aroden that, you believe may retain enough power to bless a few more pilgrims.

Kneeling in the water of the pool is a lone gillman.
Picture revealed on Slides.

Dark Archive

Male N Human Druid 2 | HP: 15/19 | AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 (15 Fl) | F: +6, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none

Knowledge (untrained) DC 10: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10

"That's Absalom!" Nahko exclaims. "I bet you that's an altar; look how the gillman kneels. I bet he's praying."

Nahko doesn't move forward, seemingly concerned about interrupting what might be prayer.

The Concordance

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Male N Gnome Cleric 4 (Gozreh) - Init +2, Senses: Low-Light Vision, Perception +6, AC 17/ touch 13/ ff 15; hp 35/35, F+7, R+3, W+8, Speed 15 ft. Skills Acrobatics 1, Appraise 1, Bluff 3, Climb -4, Diplomacy 10, Heal 4, Knowledge (arc5, nat6, pla5, rel5), Perception 6, Profession (Sailor) 13, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 5, Survival 4; Icicles 5/7; Lightning 2/7; Channels 3/6

Sarzuket approaches and bows to the gillman.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End


Nahko Bear wrote:
Nahko will cast detect magic and examine both the petroglyphs and the cloth that was found in the pit.

Roll GM had Failed to Call for:

Sarzuket, Spellcraft (DC 20): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Nahko realized that the cloth was magical, but that the petroglyphs were not. No one else in the party was able to provide him with a definitive clue as to the cloak's magical properties.

- - -

Sarzuket Thicketbotter wrote:
Sarzuket approaches and bows to the gillman.

The gillman seems somewhat surprised to see a gnome appear before him, as if he had, despite the party's discussions and sloshing through the watery cave, been quite unaware of the party's presence until the very moment that the gnome approached.

Looking around and spying the rest of the party, the gillman rises to his feet, offers a bow similar to that he had received from the gnome, and then stares intently at Sarzuket's face as if in anticipation.

Perception (DC 15+):
Off to the side of the pool, you spot a folded robe, most likely the gillman's, which is of a similar style and color to the magical cloth the party had recovered from the base of the pit.

The Concordance

* * * * * C O R E * * * * * Male N Gnome Cleric 4 (Gozreh) - Init +2, Senses: Low-Light Vision, Perception +6, AC 17/ touch 13/ ff 15; hp 35/35, F+7, R+3, W+8, Speed 15 ft. Skills Acrobatics 1, Appraise 1, Bluff 3, Climb -4, Diplomacy 10, Heal 4, Knowledge (arc5, nat6, pla5, rel5), Perception 6, Profession (Sailor) 13, Sense Motive 9, Spellcraft 6, Stealth 5, Survival 4; Icicles 5/7; Lightning 2/7; Channels 3/6

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
"Hey guys! didn't we just find a similar cloak in that hole back there? give it to this man please! it appears to belong to his people."

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

"C-cloak?" the gillman says in response, still staring intently at Sarzuket's face as he repeats the word.

"Cloak." he repeats, more warmly. "You have found one that belongs to another of my people? In a hole?" He holds open his arms with apparent expectation.

Liberty's Edge

**CORE** HP 14/14 | AC14 Tch14 FF11 | F+3 R+5 W+0 | Init +3 | Perc +6 Gnome Rogue 1

"Um, yes we found a cloak. Is this yours?" speaking on common Ada responds.

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End
Ada Fang wrote:
"Um, yes we found a cloak. Is this yours?" speaking on common Ada responds.

The gillman seems to follow Sarzuket's eyes to the other gnome, who looks first at Ada's face then to the cloak she produced in her hands.

Sense Motive (DC 15):
You can tell that the gillman is eyeing the cloak with great interest.

"I recognize the cloth." the gillman says, his tone growing more somber, as he reaches for the cloak. "It belonged to Nuolo."

Clearly appreciative, the gillman notes, "I am Uori. I have come to listen to the holy waters at this place, which is sacred to my people. You appear to be neither vandals nor zealots. Why is it that you have come to this place?"

Dark Archive

Male N Human Druid 2 | HP: 15/19 | AC: 18 (12 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 (15 Fl) | F: +6, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +6, SM +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none

Sense Motive DC 15: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Nahko steps up. "We are Pathfinders. One of our company had noticed activity in these caves from you or your tribe, always around the full moon. We came to learn what it is you do here."

Grand Lodge

m human (varisian) fighter 3 (CORE) [hp: 34/34] [ac: 19/11/18] [init: +1; perc: +8] [saves: 6/3/3(+1 vs. fear)] [CMB: +7/CMD: 18(17)] [move: 20]

Bacleive sheathes his longsword as he approaches, looking over the gillman as he does...

Sense Motive(untrained): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

"That looks like the city we have traveled from, may we examine it?"

Diplomacy(untrained): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

Destiny of Sands | Q16 | Lost Maid of Anactoria | Year of Era's End

"The pure waters of the sacred spring that feeds this pool offers signs to our people." Uori explains to

nce and informs the Pathfinders that they have entered a site sacred to the gillmen. It was once sacred to Aroden, the dead god of humanity, as well, but over the past century, the carvings in the nearby room have weathered and melted, and he speculates that soon Aroden’s influence will have faded completely. However, other creatures have invaded the caves and are not so polite as the PCs. If the PCs defeat the creatures in area B4 and B5, Uori’s attitude improves to helpful. If the PCs improve his attitude to helpful, he is willing to explain what he knows about the carvings in area B2, aiding the PCs on any checks they make to decipher the reliefs. In addition, he offers them his wand of shield of faith as a sign of good will.

Grand Lodge

m human (varisian) fighter 3 (CORE) [hp: 34/34] [ac: 19/11/18] [init: +1; perc: +8] [saves: 6/3/3(+1 vs. fear)] [CMB: +7/CMD: 18(17)] [move: 20]

Bacleive moves over to the entrance of both tunnels and peers down them before moving back to where he started...

Perception(B4): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Perception(B5(: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

...and shares anything he may notice to the group.

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