Fort Inevitable (Inactive)

Game Master Daedeloth

Adventures around Fort Inevitable

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AC-22; HP 44 INIT +3; PERCEPTION +11
Greatsword +9/2d6+6; PA: +9; 2d6+9

F%*~ it, non-discreetly then.

Slaagh seems happy and excited when Pnin apparently tries the food. He seems a bit agitated by Kiryl's spell and the rest of the group's failure to eat.

The vat containing the pink food radiates magic as well as the torchlike light fixtures and the metallic door in the room. The magic seems strange to Kiryl, he does not recognize the type of aura as anything he has seen or even heard of.

The group hears one of the doors in the hallway you recently transited open and 6 humanoid lizards armed with spears come through the door and start moving down the hallway towards you.

AC 23; HP 51; INIT +6; PERCEPT +27
Shortbow +13 / 1d6+6; Morningstar +6 / 1d8+1; Sneak Attack +4d6
Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +5

Slaagh! Who are your friends? I am sorry for my group's rough manners. They don't appreciate the finer things like us. I am eager to learn more about your worship practices. I hope we can all get along despite some of my friends' behavior.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Anyone else taking any action as the six lizard folk approach?

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

Screw it...Sanrael eats a couple tablespoonsssss

AC-22; HP 44 INIT +3; PERCEPTION +11
Greatsword +9/2d6+6; PA: +9; 2d6+9

Kiryl watches the newcomers warily, blade ready.


AC 22; HP 65; init +3; Perception + 10

Curral sees Sanrael about to eat a bite, Sanrael, knock that off! Get up here. We're going to need your blade, not your bile!

Human Sorcerer4(Elemental Water) BAB +2 AC:15/19(mage armor) HP: 30 INIT:+9 Perp+8
F:4 R:5W:5
Appraise 5, Bluff 8 Intimidate 8, K-Arcana 6, K-Planes 5 Spellcraft 5, UMD 8, Perception 8
7/day elemRay 0:light, jolt, drench, message, disrupt undead, detect magic 7/day1:magic missile, mage armor, Summon 1, ENLARGE person, Grease, Protection From Evil (Burning Hands) 4/day2nd Flaming Sphere

Pay close attention to Slaugh as others are focused on the six lizard men.
perception: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 - 2 = 10

Sanrael can make a DC10 reflex save if he wants to avoid eating.

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

No...Sanrael will try it.....

Sanrael eats the food, make a DC12 Fort save or your sickness becomes worse. -4 instead of -2 to all your rolls

AC 23; HP 51; INIT +6; PERCEPT +27
Shortbow +13 / 1d6+6; Morningstar +6 / 1d8+1; Sneak Attack +4d6
Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +5

Pnin hides his dismay at Sanrael's brazen bravery . . . What a trooper?

See, Slaagh? We aren't all bad, even the half-elf will try a bite! Now, please, let's sit with your friends and talk about your god!

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

fort: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

As best as he can.....Sanrael tries to make a brave face....Smiles....
mmmmm goodfoodsss...truly you are blessed....

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

Although this crap taste like it came out of a balors hasnt made me any mote ill than the smell

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

sense motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 sanrael appraises the mood if the lizard folk

The leader of the approaching lizard people yells something to your lizard companion, unless you speak draconic you don't understand what he says, but you think he sounds angry.

Draconic language:
Who are these outsiders and why are you sharing our food with them?Take them back and send them away at once!

The six lizard people enter the room and point their spears at the group and gesture for you to go back the way you came (your lizard friend included).

"Sorrysss friendsss, they saysss yousss must leavesss."

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

whysssss?? We just wantssss friendssss...we come in peace...To help and Ally ourselves with you....please tell them this

Anyone else taking any action?

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

i suggest we dont make any moves
If they wanted a fight...we would already have it
sanrael whispers the the party

AC 23; HP 51; INIT +6; PERCEPT +27
Shortbow +13 / 1d6+6; Morningstar +6 / 1d8+1; Sneak Attack +4d6
Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +5

Slaagh! You shouldn't kick us out after we've just eaten. Please tell your friends that we are just wanderers looking to learn about the religion. I'm open to joining. Life outside the spire wasn't making sense.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

AC 23; HP 51; INIT +6; PERCEPT +27
Shortbow +13 / 1d6+6; Morningstar +6 / 1d8+1; Sneak Attack +4d6
Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +5

Of course now is when I roll low. Pnin has performance anxiety.

AC-22; HP 44 INIT +3; PERCEPTION +11
Greatsword +9/2d6+6; PA: +9; 2d6+9

Kiryl takes no action besides being ready to kill everything scaly in sight if they get frisky.

Slaagh tries to convey the wishes of the group to remain but the leader of the other lizard folk snarls in reply and strikes him with the butt end of his spear driving him to the ground.

The others continue to gesture with their spears for the group to go back form whence you cane.

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

ok we will go...

Human Sorcerer4(Elemental Water) BAB +2 AC:15/19(mage armor) HP: 30 INIT:+9 Perp+8
F:4 R:5W:5
Appraise 5, Bluff 8 Intimidate 8, K-Arcana 6, K-Planes 5 Spellcraft 5, UMD 8, Perception 8
7/day elemRay 0:light, jolt, drench, message, disrupt undead, detect magic 7/day1:magic missile, mage armor, Summon 1, ENLARGE person, Grease, Protection From Evil (Burning Hands) 4/day2nd Flaming Sphere

Cast message on Kiryl.

Whisphering If we go back what do we do? Come back the next day? They have irritated me. Maybe I shall show them the full force of a Sorceress.

Speaking directly in Common language to the lizard folk. What is the problem here? Do you have no manners? Pointing a spear at me? Why is this individual someone you will strike down? Answer me.

intimidate: 1d20 + 8 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 8 - 2 = 16

AC-22; HP 44 INIT +3; PERCEPTION +11
Greatsword +9/2d6+6; PA: +9; 2d6+9

They have given us no slight and we have no authority in this place Idril. What would our response be if their kind suddenly showed up armed in Fort Inevitable? I would guess we would ask them to leave as well; if we did not kill them out of hand. Our mission is to stop the undead from roaming and attacking those on the surface. Let us return and see if there is some other place we have missed in our searches.

Kiryl backs out of the room and returns to the necromancer's lair.

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

Sanrael backs up the stairway to necromancers room

AC 23; HP 51; INIT +6; PERCEPT +27
Shortbow +13 / 1d6+6; Morningstar +6 / 1d8+1; Sneak Attack +4d6
Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +5

Good luck to you, Slaagh.

Pnin exits the room, saddened.

It does not appear as if the lizard folk other than Slaagh understand Common, though they probably know that Idril is angry about something.

The party returns back to the stairs and then up to the area where Gorlth was encountered. The lizard folk follow the group to the bottom of the stair and stop.

AC-22; HP 44 INIT +3; PERCEPTION +11
Greatsword +9/2d6+6; PA: +9; 2d6+9

Are there any other obvious areas we have not explored yet?

Well fellows, barring some place we have not yet thought to explore yet, it looks like back to town for now. We can report to the Paralictor and let her know the name of the necromancer and that we may have potentially disrupted his plans, as he does not appear to have returned to his abode.

Then maybe we come back and scout for any further undead milling around, or perhaps go seek our fortunes elsewhere. I can think of some woodland bandits I would not mind paying a visit to and settling a score or three.

AC 22; HP 65; init +3; Perception + 10

Did we find the 'crowned skull' and destroy it? If not, than looks like we're going to war against the trogs and their pink goo of putrescence.

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

There has to be another way..i dont think Gorloth would have passed that way....perhaps we should call Slaagh and ask him from the stairs what he knows?
Sanrael descends the stairs and looks to see if its possible to quietly talk to Slaagh...
perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

Human Sorcerer4(Elemental Water) BAB +2 AC:15/19(mage armor) HP: 30 INIT:+9 Perp+8
F:4 R:5W:5
Appraise 5, Bluff 8 Intimidate 8, K-Arcana 6, K-Planes 5 Spellcraft 5, UMD 8, Perception 8
7/day elemRay 0:light, jolt, drench, message, disrupt undead, detect magic 7/day1:magic missile, mage armor, Summon 1, ENLARGE person, Grease, Protection From Evil (Burning Hands) 4/day2nd Flaming Sphere

Idril the Intimadator will kick back and have some delicious wine at our home base. Idril will definitely wonder about our next steps.
Where to go now. I have no problem running away if we are going to die, but it seems we are not a cohesive group. Too many wild cards. Wonder how to fix this.

Whenever we are all together at our home base Curral, I think you speak true. To truly gain our freedom we have a serious job to do. If we cannot find another way into the Spire, it is what it is. Any suggestions on how we move forward? My actions were not the wisest path forward to our success and freedom. I think we need to find a way to work together. How do we accomplish this?

AC 23; HP 51; INIT +6; PERCEPT +27
Shortbow +13 / 1d6+6; Morningstar +6 / 1d8+1; Sneak Attack +4d6
Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +5

I thought Gorlath had an in with the troglodytes, like a way for us to have safe passage. Maybe it was just an item to let us breath down there . . .

On another note, it is far past time for those brigands to find justice in the form of an arrow through the skull or a blade to the throat.

Sanrael sees two of the spearmen at the foot of the stairs and no sign of Slaagh.

Kiryl and the group believe you have explored all of the Spire’s first two levels.

Curral and the group believe that in order to win your freedom you will have to defeat the crowned skull whom you believe to be Klarkosh.

The group makes its way back home to the winery.

Welcome to level 3.

AC-22; HP 44 INIT +3; PERCEPTION +11
Greatsword +9/2d6+6; PA: +9; 2d6+9

Someone should probably inform the Paralictor's office of our progress and let her know we have a name to work on. "Gorloth" isn't much, but it's more than we had before.

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

perhaps Curral.....Idril? They seem to be the most congenial....certainly not I

AC-22; HP 44 INIT +3; PERCEPTION +11
Greatsword +9/2d6+6; PA: +9; 2d6+9

Oh I don't know Sanrael. As long as you aren't addressing a nefarious necromancer, you seem to do OK.

The next day as you regroup in your quarters at the winery, you hear the arrival of several heavy mounts.

AC 23; HP 51; INIT +6; PERCEPT +27
Shortbow +13 / 1d6+6; Morningstar +6 / 1d8+1; Sneak Attack +4d6
Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +5

Pnin waits for a buddy, and then goes to investigate.

AC 22; HP 65; init +3; Perception + 10

Go check it out.

perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

I walk out the wrong door.

Nothing here.

AC 23; HP 51; INIT +6; PERCEPT +27
Shortbow +13 / 1d6+6; Morningstar +6 / 1d8+1; Sneak Attack +4d6
Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +5

Didn't think we'd have to roll

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32

Pnin understands everything about the inn.

AC 22; HP 65; init +3; Perception + 10

-never hurts to roll...unless you get a 1 of

AC 23; HP 51; INIT +6; PERCEPT +27
Shortbow +13 / 1d6+6; Morningstar +6 / 1d8+1; Sneak Attack +4d6
Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +5

Feel like I'm wasting my good ones and then getting the 1's in battle . . .

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

Sanrael looks out a window to see who has arrived

AC 22; HP 65; init +3; Perception + 10

Oh sure, look out a window. Anyone can look out a window!

AC 21; HP 84 INIT +2; PERCEPTION +16
+13to hit (4STR/7BAB/2weapon); 2d6+8(6STR/2weapon)Power Attack+10 to hit (4STR/5BAB/2weapon/-2PA); 2d6+14 (6STR/2weapon/6PA)ranged composit bow +6;1d8+
+9(+10) FORT; +7(+8) REF; +3(+4) WILL

Sanrael stares perceptively and intensely out a window
perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Curral checks the back door and just sees the vineyards.

Pnin and Sanrael move the curtains back to peek out the front window observing the arrival of the Paralictor and a half dozen men at arms some of which have minor wounds.

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