GM Doom 'n Gloom |
Game is scheduled to start Saturday October 6th.
GM Doom 'n Gloom |
Please add the following information
Character Level:
Exp Track:
Day Job:
Hob Cottonleaf |
Player: Greymore
Character: Hob Cottonleaf
PFS#: 133512-22
Faction: Silver Crusade
Class: Paladin
Character Level: 2
Exp Track: Normal
Day Job: None
Willing to play one of the 3rd lvl pregen characters.
Apollyanna Lapin Sukino |
Is this seat taken?
Player Great Green God
Character Apollyanna Lapin Sukino
PFS # 139009-40
Faction Silver Crusade
Class Paladin
Character Level 4
XP speed Normal
Day Job N/A
GAK! You already got a CORE pal!
Okay, then maybe Apollyanna's roommate Gwen.
Player Great Green God
Character Gwendolyn the Strange
PFS # 139009-12
Faction Dark Archive
Class Sorcerer
Character Level 4
XP speed Normal
Day Job profession (librarian): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 Typical for a job in academia.
Hob Cottonleaf |
Go for playing your paly GGG. I am going to be playing a 3rd level pregen from the module and just applying it to Hob. I will make the decision on which one once the group fills out.
Quinn, the Investigator |
Well then, with the group we have going, I guess i'll play Quinn, the Investigator pregen. He has knowledges and trap sense, and can probably be useful in combat!
I will apply the chronicle to the following character:
Player - Tealk
Character - Morka
PFS # 159547-17
Faction - Sovereign Court
Character Level - 2
Speed - Normal Track
Day Job - Oratory Take 10 for 20
Ny'a |
Player: Zin Z'arin (Rob Riemersma)
Character: Ny'a
PFS#: 192785-9
Faction: Sovereign Court
Class: Paladin
Character Level: 2
Exp Track: Normal
Day Job: TBD
And I will be playing Crowe, so this is another Paladin that's mustered but won't be appearing. :)
I will work on getting a profile set up for Crowe ASAP (Edit: it looks like these pregens aren't in the folder, so I'm going to have to build Crowe's alias from scratch; it might take the weekend.)
R D |
I will work on getting a profile set up for Crowe ASAP (Edit: it looks like these pregens aren't in the folder, so I'm going to have to build Crowe's alias from scratch; it might take the weekend.)
Ny'a: No need to build from scratch. :-) The official Paizo PDF with 3rd level stats for Crowe for this module is available here.
Andracar |
Player: Scorch
Character: Andracar
PFS#: 41759-6
Faction: Dark Archive
Class: Sorcerer
Character Level: 4
Exp Track: Normal
Day Job: Profession: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Crowe by Zin |
Ny'a: No need to build from scratch. :-) The official Paizo PDF with 3rd level stats for Crowe for this module is available here.
Yes, the pregen is also linked above, but to fill out that info in my Profile for this alias, I need to build the character in HeroLab. These pregens aren't in the Pregen folder, so I don't have a source to copy-paste from.
Apollyanna Lapin Sukino |
I own the book and have a PDF (played once in standard before, but never ran). Here is the unformatted text copied and pasted for your character-building convenience. Just delete some line-breaks, and add some formatting code, and you should be good.
Male human bloodrager 3
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Deity Desna
Homeland Varisia
Init +2; Senses Perception +7
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 28 (3d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
Defensive Abilities blood sanctuary, uncanny dodge
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 earth breakerUE +6 (2d6+4/×3) or
morningstar +5 (1d8+2) or
punching dagger +5 (1d4+2/×3)
Ranged javelin +5 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks bloodline power (elemental strikes),
bloodrage (15 rounds/day)
Bloodraging Statistics When bloodraging, your statistics are
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 14; hp 34; Fort +6, Will +4;
Melee +1 earth breakerUE +8 (2d6+7/×3) or morningstar +7
(1d8+4) or punching dagger +7 (1d4+4/×3); Ranged javelin +5
(1d6+4); Str 22, Con 17; CMB +7; Skills Climb +6.
Statis tics
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Extra Rage, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +4, Knowledge (arcana) +6,
Perception +7, Spellcraft +6, Survival +7
Languages Common, Shoanti
SQ bloodline (elemental [air]), fast movement*
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, alchemist’s fire (2),
thunderstones (2); Other Gear mwk steel lamellar, +1 earth
breakerUE, javelins (6), morningstar, punching dagger,
backpack, belt pouch, everburning torch, flint and
steel, grappling hook, hammer, pitons (5), rations
(2 weeks), silk rope (50 feet), waterskin, 60 gp
* The effects of this ability have already been
calculated into Crowe’s statistics.
Speci al Abi lities
Bloodline Power The element of air
infuses your being, and you can draw
upon its power during your bloodrage.
When you enter a bloodrage, your
transformation takes on physical
characteristics of your elemental
air bloodline. You can use the
following bloodline power
while in a bloodrage; once the
bloodrage ends, your bloodline
power immediately ceases.
Elemental Strikes (Su): As a swift action up to three times
per day, you can imbue your melee attacks with elemental
electricity for 1 round, dealing an extra 1d6 points of
electricity damage with your melee attacks.
Bloodrage (Su) You can bloodrage for 15 rounds per day.
These rounds are renewed after resting for 8 hours, although
the hours of rest need not be consecutive.
Entering a bloodrage is a free action. While in a
bloodrage, you gain a +4 morale bonus to your Strength
and Constitution and a +2 morale bonus on Will saving
throws, but you take a –2 penalty to Armor Class. You also
gain 6 additional hit points, but these disappear when the
bloodrage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit
points. While in bloodrage, you cannot use any Charisma-,
Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics,
Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires
patience or concentration.
You can end your bloodrage as a free action. When the
bloodrage ends, you’re fatigued for a number of rounds
equal to twice the number of rounds spent in the bloodrage.
You cannot enter a new bloodrage while fatigued or
exhausted, but otherwise can enter bloodrage multiple
times during a single encounter. If you fall unconscious, your
bloodrage immediately ends.
Blood Sanctuary (Su) You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws
against spells that you or an ally casts (such as fireball).
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) You cannot be caught flat-footed, even if
an attacker is invisible, but you still lose your Dexterity bonus
to AC if you’re immobilized or if an opponent successfully uses
the feint action against you.
Apollyanna Lapin Sukino |
Male human investigator 3
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Deity Abadar
Homeland Galt
Init +2; Senses Perception +12
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 20 (3d8+3)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4; +2 vs. poison
Defensive Abilities trap sense +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee sword caneUE +4 (1d6) or
club +2 (1d6)
Ranged hand crossbow +4 (1d4/19–20)
Investigator Extracts Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
1st—cure light wounds, shock shieldUC (DC 15), stone fistAPG,
true strike
Statis tics
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Great Fortitude, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +8, Craft (alchemy) +10 (+13 to
create alchemical items), Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +9,
Knowledge (dungeoneering, history, nature) +8, Linguistics +10,
Perception +12, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +8, Use
Magic Device +7
Languages Aklo, Ancient Osiriani, Aquan, Auran, Common,
Ignan, Osiriani, Terran
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +3, identify potions), inspiration (5),
investigator talents (trap spotter), keen recollection, poison
lore, trapfinding +1
Combat Gear oil of magic weapon, potion of sanctuary, acid (2),
alchemist’s fire (2), antitoxin, smokestick; Other Gear leather
armor, club, dagger, hand crossbow with 20 bolts, sword
caneUE, eyes of the eagle, alchemy crafting kitUE, backpack,
belt pouch, formula book (contains all prepared extracts,
plus anticipate perilUM, comprehend languages, detect secret
doors, and endure elements), hooded lantern, manacles, oil
(4 flasks), sunrods (3), thieves’ tools, tindertwigs (6), trail
rations (2 weeks), waterskin, 90 gp
Speci al Abi lities
Alchemy (Su) By holding a potion for 1 round, you can use
Craft (alchemy) to identify it as if using detect magic.
Extracts You can prepare a number of extracts each day.
Extracts behave like spells in potion form, and you cast the
spells by drinking the extract. You must refer to your formula
book whenever you prepare an extract.
Inspiration (Ex) You begin each day with a pool of five uses
of inspiration. As a free action, you can expend one use of
inspiration to add 1d6 to the result of a skill check or ability
check (including any you take 10 or 20 on). You can do this
after you make the roll, but must do so before the results
are revealed. You can only use inspiration once per roll.
You can use inspiration on any Knowledge, Linguistics, or
Spellcraft skill check without spending a use of inspiration,
provided you’re trained in that skill. As an immediate
action by expending two uses of inspiration, you can use
inspiration on attack rolls and saving throws.
Investigator Talents You have learned the following
investigator talent:
Trap Spotter (Ex): Whenever you come within 10 feet of
a trap, you receive an immediate Perception skill check to
notice the trap. Your GM should attempt this check in secret.
Keen Recollection (Ex) You can attempt all Knowledge skill
checks untrained.
Poison Lore (Ex) If you take 1 minute to examine a poison,
you can attempt a Knowledge (nature) check to identify any
natural poison or a Knowledge (arcana) check to identify any
magical poison (DC = the poison’s save DC). Once identified,
you can spend 1 minute to attempt a Craft (alchemy)
check (DC = the poison’s save DC) to neutralize 1 dose of
the poison, rendering it harmless. You cannot accidentally
poison yourself when applying poison to a weapon or when
examining or attempting to neutralize a poison.
Trap Sense (Ex) You gain a +1 bonus on Reflex saving throws
made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against
attacks made by traps.
Trapfinding You gain a +1 bonus on Perception skill checks
made to locate traps and to Disable Device checks.
You can use Disable Device to disarm
magical traps.
Apollyanna Lapin Sukino |
Male half-orc warpriest 3
CN Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Deity Gorum
Homeland Belkzen
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+8 armor)
hp 30 (3d8+9)
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +5
Defensive Abilities orc ferocity
Speed 20 ft.
Melee greatsword +7 (2d6+6/19–20) or
heavy flail +6 (1d10+6/19–20) or
spiked gauntlet +6 (1d4+4)
Ranged mwk heavy crossbow +3 (1d10/19–20)
Special Attacks blessings 4/day (Strength: strength surge +1;
War: war mind), fervor (1d6, 3/day), sacred weapon (1d6)
Warpriest Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +5)
1st—bless, divine favor, magic weapon, shield of faith
0—create water, detect magic, read magic, stabilize
Statis tics
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 16
Feats Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Power Attack,
Weapon FocusB (greatsword)
Skills Heal +8, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (engineering) +4,
Knowledge (religion) +4, Sense Motive +6
Languages Common, Orc
SQ focus weapon, orc blood, spontaneous casting (cure)
Combat Gear scroll of cure moderate wounds, scrolls of hide
from undead (2), scroll of remove fear, wand of cure light
wounds (25 charges), alchemist’s fire (2), holy water (3);
Other Gear mwk half-plate, greatsword, heavy flail, mwk
heavy crossbow with 20 bolts, spiked gauntlet, pearl of
power (1st level), backpack, battle standard, belt pouch,
caltrops, drum, flint and steel, healer’s kit, iron holy symbol
of Gorum, shovel, torches (4), trail rations (2 weeks),
waterskin, 38 gp
Speci al Abi lities
Blessings (Su) Your deity (Gorum, god of strength and battle)
grants you the following minor powers, which you can call
upon four times per day in any combination.
Strength Surge: As a swift action, you gain a +1
enhancement bonus on melee attacks, combat
maneuver checks that rely on Strength, Strengthbased
skills, and Strength checks for 1 round.
War Mind: You can touch an ally to grant it a
tactical advantage for 1 minute. Each round at the start
of its turn, it can select one of the following bonuses: +10
feet to base land speed, +1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 insight
bonus on attack rolls, or a +1 luck bonus on saving throws.
Fervor (Su) Three times per day, you can touch a creature
to heal it of 1d6 points of damage as a standard action;
targeting yourself is a swift action. Alternatively, you can
deal 1d6 points of damage to an undead creature with a
successful melee touch attack as a standard action that
provokes an attack of opportunity. This attack counts as
positive energy and undead do not receive a saving throw
against it.
As a swift action, you can expend one use of fervor to
cast any one warpriest spell you have prepared. You can
target only yourself with this spell, even if it could normally
affect other or multiple targets. Spells cast in this way
ignore somatic components and do not provoke attacks of
opportunity. You do not need to have a free hand to cast a
spell in this way.
Focus Weapon You receive Weapon Focus as a bonus feat.
Sacred Weapon (Su) Your deity’s favored weapon
(greatsword) and any weapons designated by selecting
them with the Weapon Focus feat are sacred weapons, and
deal damage based on your level rather than the weapon
type. At 3rd level, a sacred weapon deals 1d6 points of
damage. If the weapon normally deals more damage than
this, its damage is unchanged. This does not affect any other
aspect of the weapon.
Spontaneous Casting You can expend
any prepared spell that isn’t an
orison (0-level spell) in order to
cast any spell with “cure” in its
name that’s of the same spell
level or lower.
Apollyanna Lapin Sukino |
Female half-elf swashbuckler 3
CG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Deity Cayden Cailean
Homeland The Shackles
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge,
+1 shield)
hp 24 (3d10+3)
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +1; +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities charmed life (+3, 3/day); Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk rapier +7 (1d6+1/18–20) or
light mace +6 (1d6+1)
Ranged mwk dagger +7 (1d4+1/19–20)
Statis tics
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 18
Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Skill Focus (Bluff)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Bluff +11, Climb +6, Escape Artist +8,
Intimidate +8, Knowledge (nobility) +4, Perception +6, Sense
Motive +3, Sleight of Hand +7
Languages Common, Elven
SQ deeds* (dodging panache +3, opportune parry and riposte,
precise strike +3), elf blood, panache (3)
Combat Gear potion of good hope, potion of jump, alchemist’s
fire, holy water, thunderstone; Other Gear mwk studded
leather, mwk buckler, dagger, light mace, mwk dagger, mwk
rapier, cloak of resistance +1, backpack, belt pouch, bottle
of fine wine, signet ring, sunrods (3), trail rations (2 weeks),
waterskin, 124 gp
* Other deeds available to Jirelle are listed in the upcoming
Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide, including some
already incorporated into the above statistics.
Speci al Abi lities
Charmed Life (Ex) Three times per day as an immediate action
before attempting a saving throw, you can add a +3 bonus
to the result of the save. You must choose to do this before
the roll is made, and may apply only one use of
charmed life on a given saving throw.
Deeds You can spend panache points (see
below) to accomplish the following deeds.
Note that some deeds do not cost panache
points, but do require you to have at least 1.
Dodging Panache (Ex): When an opponent
attempts a melee attack against you, as an
immediate action you can spend 1 panache point
to move 5 feet, which grants you a +3 bonus to
AC against that attack. This isn’t a 5-foot step, and
it provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures
other than the one that triggered this deed.
Opportune Parry and Riposte (Ex): When an opponent
attempts a melee attack against you, you can spend 1
panache point and expend a use of an attack of opportunity to
attempt to parry that attack. Make an attack roll as if you were
making an attack of opportunity. If your attack roll is greater
than the attack roll of the attacking creature, the creature’s
attack automatically misses. For each size category the
attacking creature is larger than you, you take a –2 penalty on
your attack roll. You must declare the use of this ability after
the creature’s attack is announced but before its attack roll is
made. Immediately after you perform a successful parry, if you
still have at least 1 panache point, you can make an attack as
an immediate action against the creature whose attack you
blocked (provided that creature is within your reach).
Precise Strike (Ex): While you have at least 1 panache point,
you can strike precisely with a light or one-handed piercing
melee weapon (even a thrown one, as long as the target
is within 30 feet) and add a +3 bonus to your damage roll.
Creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are immune to a
precise strike. The extra damage isn’t multiplied with a critical
hit. As a swift action, you can spend 1 panache point to
double your precise strike’s damage bonus on the next attack.
This must be used before the end of your turn, or it is lost.
Panache (Ex) You begin each day with 3 panache points. You
can spend panache to accomplish deeds (see above), and
regain panache each time you confirm a critical hit with a
light or one-handed piercing weapon or when you reduce a
creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a light or one-handed
piercing weapon attack.
GM Doom 'n Gloom |
Just checking in and making sure we are ready to go. I still plan on starting this weekend. If I can, I will try and get us rolling on Thursday.
Quinn, the Investigator |
Crowe by Zin |
The forums don't allow the exact same post to be posted twice (spam filtering, maybe?) so your post has to be slightly different from any previous post.
Crowe by Zin |
In just a couple of hours, I'm heading out of town for my cousin's wedding. I'll be mostly out of touch until Sunday PM. When I'm able to get on, I'll have more of an opportunity to read and less to post due to the type of device I'll have with me, so feel free to bot me if I'm causing a delay.
GM Doom 'n Gloom |
Here is the link to our map for the scenario.
I have also placed it in the 'Campaign Description' tab. Please be careful as my Standard run map is still active from Gameday VII session 1. That is the link under my icon.
Please add your icon, perception and initiative information to the first slide.
Thank you, and good luck. I am looking forward to a great game.
GM Doom 'n Gloom |
Sorry about that. It should be fixed now.
Apollyanna Lapin Sukino |
Apollyanna is pretty oblivious to stuff, but should probably stand near the front of the party (position 1 or 2) except when stealth or perception is needed.
Apollyanna Lapin Sukino |
I realized it was time to update Apollyanna's weapon so I purchased a new +1 mithril longsword with the 'glows with the light of a torch' optional extra for dungeon exploration. (4,015 gp)
Other than perhaps more daily food and water (currently 4 and 1 respectively), I'm set.
Crowe by Zin |
This is a heads-up that I'm going to be traveling tomorrow through Monday (26-29 Oct) and will likely not be able to post while I'm away. Please bot me if I'm holding anything up.
GM Doom 'n Gloom |
no worries. Thanks for the heads up. Safe travels.
GM Doom 'n Gloom |
Nice work team.
Next order of business. It looks like we have lost Greymore/Oloch. So we will lose the player, but I am not certain if anyone playing a pre-gen wanted to swap (given that the pyramid may not be the only thing with hardness you will encounter AND Oloch also has a wand of CLW with 25 charges.
Any thoughts?
GM Doom 'n Gloom |
I was just thinking that given the opportunity, burning through the pre-gen's wand saves actual charges off your own.
More importantly, Oloch is a little more effective combat wise, so I wanted to offer that up as an option for consideration. If everyone is good holding pat, then we can move on sans Oloch.
Apollyanna Lapin Sukino |
I'm just gonna put this out there--Apollyanna probably wouldn't think of it herself, and this is all sort of meta anyway, but ancient tombs are typically full of constructs, undead, vermin, and outsiders. While a swashbuckler is undoubtedly good in a courtly, city, or pirate-y adventure I think that that any character that can use divine magic is probably going to be more useful overall, but it is your character.
That said, since so many people are just playing pregen characters and there is some limited reskinning that can be done, everyone could play Oloch or rather a band of half-orc war-priests (regular Oloch, his sister Olicha, her husband Bob, their grumpy dad Oluch, young Olach, etc....)
As a side note, whenever possible with a PFS game I always try to advocate for running the adventure in Harsk-mode where everyone plays the much maligned dwarf ranger.
Andracar |
Sincerest apologies all, I am positively swamped in both work and personal life. I plan to be able to resume proper posting on Monday, November 12th. Your patience is sincerely appreciated.
Crowe by Zin |
A thread from StackExchange (supports multiple grapple targets, up to the limitations of space and reach--i.e. up to 9 targets for a medium-sized creature)
Jirelle of Drenchport |
A thread from StackExchange (supports multiple grapple targets, up to the limitations of space and reach--i.e. up to 9 targets for a medium-sized creature)
Appreciate the reference! :-)
Unfortunately, that thread is not authoritative. I acknowledge that "There's no RAW limitation on the number of creatures that can get stuck to the mimic at a time." However, there must be a point at which common sense takes over.
What's the mimic's STR? Can it truly, effectively attack with 9 Crowes or Olochs stuck to it? RAW has no explicit prohibition. But that doesn't make it reasonable to do. :-D
Whatever. *Shrug* There is a provision for GM rulings. So I'll go with the flow. Whatever Doom 'n Gloom says is how we'll do it.
Crowe by Zin |
In the absence of authority, sometimes you have to poll the crowd. :)
Given that the mimic is a supremely flexible, even elastic sort of creature, it surely doesn't have the same issues grappling as a humanoid would. And since the adhesive is doing the grappling and not the creature itself, it's own strength doesn't seem to come into play much.
An interesting strategy to explore might be for Crowe and Oloch to both reverse our grapples and use the Move action within the grapple--in opposite directions--and challenge the creature's strength. See if we can't just tear it in two? (Or, at the very least, force it to release the grapple on one of us, more likely.)
Jirelle of Drenchport |
In the absence of authority, sometimes you have to poll the crowd. :)
I hear you.
I remain unconvinced that a medium-sized creature could have that effect on so many other medium-sized creatures without any detrimental effect. *shrug* It's all good though. :-)
in opposite directions
With a gleam in his eyes, Oloch nods at Crowe and says: "Let's make a wish."
Sure. Sounds like it would be fun. I already posted my action for the current round; we'll have to wait till the next one.
Let's see what the GM rules.
GM Doom 'n Gloom |
So, Gameday is coming to a close. There is no feasible way we can finish out every encounter. Do you want to fast forward to the final encounter or knock out what we can?
If you are playing a pregen, please remember that if the pregen dies, that condition is applied to the PFS character being reported. This must be cleared/resolved before reporting.
Apollyanna Lapin Sukino |
If anyone asks we could just say that it was 2019's Gameday. ;) I think Apollyanna has an appointment come RetroCon, January 14th, next year, so I'm good either way.
On that note, did we do boons yet?
I'm seeing 'no'. Should we roll or did you want the honor, GM Doom 'n Gloom?
Crowe by Zin |
I think it's acceptable for a game to run over, we just have to roll boons and report before the deadline. I'm willing to play the whole scenario.
The PC that I have linked to this pregen isn't due for a game, like Polly, until RetroCon, so I'm available to go over.
Quinn, the Investigator |
I’m okay with playing this out the whole way through. We are going at a reasonable pace. I have no where to go so hehehe.