DM Dickie |
Two more of the undead are felled by Ko as they continue their inexorable march towards the living flesh and immense power of the assembled group. Meanwhile Sienna manages to tear one of the poor cursed thing's legs off with a nasty impaler strike.
Attack THAC0 18: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 1 = 6
Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 2 = 8
Jaryx steps forward to give Dismoon some room to continue firing, but is unable to drop the undead before him.
All THAC0 19, each hit deals exactly 1 point of damage.
CD v Dis: 1d20 ⇒ 11
CD v Jar: 1d20 ⇒ 17
CD v Jar: 1d20 ⇒ 6
CD v Sienna: 1d20 ⇒ 15
CD v Sienna: 1d20 ⇒ 18
CD v Ko: 1d20 ⇒ 6
CD v Ko: 1d20 ⇒ 2
CD v Ekee: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Round 3 Spawns: 1d4 ⇒ 1
From the south a lone gith appears. It glances behind itself nervously.
On your turn, please include a Wisdom check with whatever actions you take. Map is current. I will have Jaryx act last.
Round 3 Start!
Ekee |
Gleaming steel razors shash at the creature beside her.
razor attack THAC0 18: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
razor attack THAC0 18: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Then moves to stand beside Farcluun. Ready to engage the approaching hoard.
Ko-Tik |
Wisdom 14: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Ko continues her assault on the shambling dead as they shuffle towards her pack mates. Crystaline blades barely returning to her hands before being flung out again at new targets.
3d20 ⇒ (10, 3, 10) = 23 12, 5, 12
3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5) = 13 15, 13, 15
DM Dickie |
Sienna and Ko both notice something odd about the way the gith keeps looking somewhat behind him. He seems to be looking at someone that isn't there. That's when the priestess and huntress notice sand being kicked up, as though someone were hustling to keep up with the Gith. Someone unseen.
Ekee cuts one of the undead to shreds before falling back to stand closer to Farcluun. Dis drops another of the creatures before running out of ammunition while Ko'Tik does double duty and takes two more out. The horde looks to be slowed by the oasis, but continues to come.
Attack THAC0 18: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 1 = 10
Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 2 = 13
Attack THAC0 18: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 2 + 1 = 20
Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 2 = 14
Another undead is destroyed, this time by Jaryx.
The horde converges upon the site of the ritual, one of the undead taking notice of the gith.
All THAC0 19, each hit deals exactly 1 point of damage.
CD v Gith: 1d20 ⇒ 20 Rofl, poor gith, always the joke.
CD v Jar: 1d20 ⇒ 3
CD v Jar: 1d20 ⇒ 8
CD v Sienna: 1d20 ⇒ 15
CD v Sienna: 1d20 ⇒ 18
CD v Sienna: 1d20 ⇒ 3
CD v Ko: 1d20 ⇒ 14
CD v Ko: 1d20 ⇒ 4
CD v Farcluun: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Round 4 Spawns: 1d2 ⇒ 2
Side: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Two of the serpentine creatures like the ones that ambushed you outside of the collapsed palace appear near the edge of where the undead have been thinned.
Round 4 Start!
Ekee |
Moving to engage the wave of undead.
She moves to the square south east of Farcluun. and attacks west and north creature twice each, north first
Wrist razor specialization & two weapon fighting 3+1 attacks this round. THACO 18
attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
attack: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
DM Dickie |
Think we're just waiting on Dis? I'll go ahead and do Jaryx now just to get it out of the way.
Attack THAC0 18: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 2 + 1 = 17
Damage: 1d10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 2 = 9
The half-giant gladiator destroys another undead, leaving only one to the west at the moment.
Note to self: I have already removed the undead from the map.
DM Dickie |
I had Ko come give Sienna backup for the third kill.
The group starts to thin out the most immediate bunch of undead around the same time that the newer foes hit the field. Still, a sizeable number of cursed dead threaten them.
All THAC0 19, each hit deals exactly 1 point of damage.
CD v Gith: 1d20 ⇒ 20 TWICE?!
CD v Jaryx: 1d20 ⇒ 11
CD v Sienna: 1d20 ⇒ 19
CD v Farcluun: 1d20 ⇒ 9
CD v Farcluun: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Fdam: 1d10 ⇒ 7
CD v Ekee: 1d20 ⇒ 11
The gith goes down as the undead creature tears it apart. Moments later the gith rises up, now one of the undead.
The two serpentine creatures hold up some sort of small object and chant in an unknown language. The only familiar word they say is one that Farcluun said recently, 'Dregoth'. Glowing hammer-like objects suddenly materialize before them and shoot out to attack their enemies.
Spiritual Hammer vs Jaryx: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Spiritual Hammer vs CD: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Round 5 Spawns: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
Side A: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Side B: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Round 5 Start!
DM Dickie |
"I am almost finished, you need to give me some space for the final step," Farcluun shouts. The obsidian orb is vibrating and the fire burns bright.
"Farcluun! Stop this at once!" The voice is that of a matornly woman, but it comes from a bulbous headed small humanoid that has faded into existence to the south . "You know that will not work with undead. You are simply ruining a useful resource!"
"You know all about wasting resources, Uyness." Farcluun quips before resuming his chants in an ancient arcane tongue.
At this point, completing the ritual requires Farcluun have all squares adjacent to him cleared at the start of a turn.
Ekee |
Spinning and slashing Ekee attacks the creature to her north.
razor attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
razor attack: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19
damage and crit: 1d6 + 4 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 + (4) + 4 = 13
If it drops she will occupy the position.
Talk about low and high
DM Dickie |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
As Ko and Ekee clear the last of the undead nearest Farcluun, the bulbous-headed thing continues speaking in someone else's voice.
"Farcluun...don't do this! I will help you get revenge on Andropinis for killing your wife and child. We can do it together!"
Farcluun laughs derisively and pulls the Scroll from his robes. "Still just the scared little girl from Wavery, mighty Queen of Raam? Using your feminine wiles to cajole us lustful men? You're a one trick...what were those animals?"
"Ponies," the woman answers curtly.
"Indeed. A one trick pony. I will have my revenge. Or you master will. Or some lucky slave, like with Kalak. It does not matter. What matters is my ascension. I can right the wrongs. Bring back ponies."
"What makes you think you can succeed where Rajaat failed?"
"I won't make the same mistake he did, Abalach-Re." Farcluun gazes at the scroll.
There is a pause before the woman's voice asks, "Which one?"
"Trusting you." Farcluun drops the scroll into the fire.
The Scroll ignites with black flames that throw a deep purple glow on the hundreds of undead and the two snake-men. Farcluun drops to his knees and the woman's voice screams in rage from the small humanoid's mouth.
There is a collective 'thuwmp' sound as a thousand undead fall to the ground. The fire dies and only the light of the moons give the valley any visibility. Farcluun writhes on the ground in agony for a few seconds, then his obsidian orb cracks like an egg. Then it shatters. He stops moving and groans.
Somewhere the two serpentine humanoids and the big-headed one have disappeared.
DM Dickie |
Farcluun laughs on his back in the sand as the sky gradually lightens. A new day is dawning after a long night. For some reason the sky seems a little less bright than it should be. A thin band of silvery-gray clouds begin to gather, blocking the sun's rays from starting to bake the wasted ground.
"It worked," Farcluun moans after his laughter dies down. "I knew it, they never needed to slaughter so many, they never needed to kill..." Farcluun's words trail off and he swivels his head about. He peers at Dismoon. "T'nallah? Darling? They said the tribe was killed by Rajaat's people!" He glances at Ekee. "Daughter? Y-you've grown so much!" He suddenly begins a violent coughing fit. When he stops he lays very still with his eyes closed.
A drop of water falls from the sky, landing on Sienna's head. Then another hits the ground nearby. Then another. A cooling drizzle falls from the sky, causing ripples to form from their impact on the smooth surface of the oasis.
The light rain fades away and the clouds disperse. A score of Farcluun's elves arrive with a scrap of canvas, which they lay out beside their master, and a chest made of some unknown, but beautiful hardwood. One elf unlocks the chest's bronze lock with a key. He leaves it closed and leaves the key in the opened lock then rejoins the other elves.
Farcluun's most loyal minions roll his body with great effort onto the canvas. They roll it up and secure him as best as they're able then sixteen of the twenty laboriously pull his unconscious body off into the sands.
One of the four left behind stands before the group and reaches up to unhook the black leather square in front of his face. He starts to speak, but it takes him a minute to warm his unused vocal chords up. "You have helped our Lord today. You have helped Athas today. This is the prize he wished you to have." The elf reattaches the leather square and bows before he and the other three elves grab their spears and hustle to catch up to the rest.
I'm going to assume someone will peak in the chest...
A removable shelf is built into the chest. Sitting on it is an obsidian ring carved to resemble kanks placed end-to-end, a thin necklace of silver, and a curious looking stick with a piece of amber at the end. Beneath the shelf are several canvas bags containing a large quantity of coins in various denominations and minted from more or less every city-state in the Tablelands. One of the sacks has a half-dozen pearls and wine-stained feathers.
The coins are all metal. 500 silvers, 40 gold, and 10 platinum. The pearls are worth 100 gp/each and the chest itself would be worth at least 10 gold.
Sienna Raindancer |
As the undead minions collapse and the whole drama comes to an end, Sienna's swings of the impaler slow, then her arm sags and she simply breathes, tired, under the heat.
She looks up, surprised, as the rain rolls off her face, then lets out a heavy sigh. The impaler slips out of her hand and her head rolls forward as she simply breathes and gets her bearings once more.
Ekee |
After the scroll burns Ekee scans the area with her infravision. Relaxing only when she is sure there are no further threats.
When Farcluum is delirious She actually looks sorry for the 'man'.
As the rain begins she stands with her face up and arms out wearing an amazed smile.
She nods to the Elves as they depart.
Looking at the others for several minutes she finally says.
"I am a simple gladiator and know nothing of magicks such as these. But even a little gladiator girl knows of the names he spoke and the stories that go with them. I also know that each time 'people" such as them arose to shake the world. Heroes have risen to bring them down. But perhaps they are just stories.
She turns away and walks slowly toward the oasis and kneels beside it, looking about. She stands and turns to the group and says.
"I don't know about the rest of you. But I have no desire to return to being a caravan guard. And I am pretty sure that there will be no sanctions from the caravan masters. Which means we can do whatever we want. So what do you want to do now?"
Sienna Raindancer |
"I'm not sure yet," says Sienna, the gray chalky dust usually on her face to protect against the sun all smeared by the rainfall. "This oasis could be a great place of prosperity if it's nurtured properly, now that the curse is gone. Is there a druid tending these lands? If not they need to be protected against those who would exploit them - defilers and the greedy and wasteful."
"But that may be too tall a task for someone like me."
![]() |
Dismoon didn't trust the strange elven tribe that carted away Farcluun, even though her curiosity had many questions for them. All that inquiry was ferried out of her mind however at the sight of the spoils. She grasped the golden coins with both hands "Hahaha! Have you ever seen its equal?!"
Later as others spoke of the future "I think we should get far, far away from here. There will be much fighting for this unclaimed land, and I'd rather not be famous during that fight..."
Cassiel "The Quiet" |
Cresting over a nearby dune, a lone, cloaked figure looks on in bewilderment at the rainstorm pouring down on the nearby ruins. Were he a bard, he would have been moved to song. Alas, were he to actually write one, it would be grounds for a templar to have him killed.
...this isn't what I expected to see. This is better.
The cloaked figure starts walking down the dunes, effecting a bit of a stagger and cupping his hands to catch the rainwater as it falls, drinking it up greedily.
"A miracle! Truly, it is a miracle!" He calls out to the sky, sparing a momentary glance at the nearby group before trying to catch more rainwater.
Cassiel "The Quiet" |
"Rain has spirits? Huh. First time I've ever heard of it." The cloaked figure turns and approaches the group, pulling his hood down.
"Ah, but where are my manners? My name is Cassiel--Student of the Exalted Path. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"I understand that meeting a stranger under a hail of rain is a good omen--after all, how often would the Elements bless such a meeting?"
Ekee |
Seeing the figure approaching, Ekee easily suppresses her usual reaction to be on guard. She is just too tired and the amazing gift of rain has given her hope for the future.
"It's been a day of wonders and omens. Welcome friend, I hope. I am Ekee."
Cassiel "The Quiet" |
"Oh, of course I am a friend." Cassiel grins and makes a sweeping bow. "Why would a lonely hermit like me forgo a chance to meet such fascinating company?"
"Especially when they've proven themselves to be so remarkably fierce!"
DM Dickie |
Too exhausted from the long night and last few days to be fully suspicious of the new arrival, the group wanders off to find shade as the clouds disperse and the harsh Athasian sun beats down on the parched sand. A strange building not too far from the oasis makes for a reasonable place to recover.
Although one wall has collapsed, the curious building still provides ample shade. One of the most notable features is a well-worn circular path surrounding a massive stone pillar with posts. Another machine nearby holds large buckets of some sort. A long stone ramp of some sort with a circular indentation leads away from the tall bucket machine. Most of the ramp-like construction has collapsed.
Over the course of the day everyone gradually falls into a heavy sleep as the stress and exertion of the expedition into the ruins takes it's toll. They share the same dream before the sun rises the next morning, though not everyone's dream ends the same.
A feeling of weightlessness. No light of any sort. A total emptiness. An object seems to move closer gradually. A tiny pinprick of blue that grows into a small dot. The color changes rapidly between blue and green and orange as it grows. In time it grows to the size of the Eye. In fact, it is the Eye. Two smaller spheres can be seen slowly rotating around the Eye. They look like miniature versions of the Athasian moons. For a moment everything seems to be in a steady rhythm of spinning and color-shifting, then a bright white light appears on the Eye and slams into "Ral" which knocks it into "Guthay" which shatters into a million glistening pieces. The Eye turns as black as the lightless void.
In the morning Dismoon and Jaryx have both disappeared.
Cassiel "The Quiet" |
Cassiel wakes up in time to see the large half-giant leaving. He tentatively nods.
"Of course, sir. I'm sorry for your loss."
Don't anger a half-giant.
Cassiel "The Quiet" |
Heat Protection (16): 1d20 ⇒ 9
Once the rest of the party rises for the day, Cassiel approaches them.
"Your half-giant friend has decided to leave, it seems. He seeks a halfling of some description, and mentioned having to make up for someone named Ludi. The big chap seemed quite guilt-ridden."
Sienna Raindancer |
Sienna sleeps well under the shade of a ruined wall, and only slowly rises later. She looks up to the sky, shielding her eyes and blinking repeatedly, before she seems to re-assert her location. She wipes away sand and carefully brushes out her clothes and armor. She dabs away at her face with a small amount of water - some might say wastefully - then armors up and, at last, picks up her impaler once more.
She makes a slow circuit around the collapsed ramp, looking up wonderingly at the bucket assembly, then finally gives up. Drawing forth a small piece of hard jerky, she chews on it relentlessly for quite a while before she says to nobody in particular, "Well, we only have so much food... what's our next move?"
Ekee |
At first Ekee sleeps better than she has in over a month. Then comes the dream other than the moons and the ominous overtone she does not understand its meaning.
She wakes rested and with a renewed sense of hope. This feeling is quickly dashed when she learns of Dismoon's and Jaryx's departure. She sits for a long time staring out at the desert. Eventually she stands, turns to the others and says.
"It's because of me. They are all gone because of me. Derlan vanishing. I led the others into the ruin where the Banshee...Ludi...Now, Dismoon and Jaryx. I am only one left out of five who began the trek. It seems I am unlucky for those I would call friend. But I will also not abandon them."
Nodding to Sienna's comment. "Yes, survival is the first order of business.
Ekee |
Dang, cutting and pasting from two documents, I missed a few words. corrected below
"It's because of me. They are all gone because of me. Derlan vanishing. I led the others into the ruin where the banshee...Ludi...Now, Dismoon and Jaryx. Ko and I are only ones left out of six who began the trek. It seems I am unlucky for those I would call friend. But I will also not abandon them."
Cassiel "The Quiet" |
Cassiel blinks in surprise. ...oh. That does sound unlucky.
And if you only knew your luck might have just taken a turn for the worse.
"Hmm. That is remarkably unfortunate, if unsurprising. I get the impression that this is no place for the unprepared."
I imagine I'd be more worried if I knew what a banshee was.
Cassiel nods. "I agree, we should see about ensuring our own survival before committing to any further exploration."
Sienna Raindancer |
Sienna brushes back her hair and affixes a bandana about her head loosely, then she looks to the sky.
Cloud?: 1d100 ⇒ 62
Seeing a lone cloud, she sits in the corner of the ruins and closes her eyes. Occasionally she looks back up to the cloud, murmuring something, and every once in a while she decants a small amount of water from her waterskin onto her fingers, then flicks it into the air so that it comes back down on her in tiny droplets.
After some time of this she stands and makes one last flickering of her fingers, after which a slight grayish pallor comes over her skin. From time to time it seems to move and darken in places, like shadows cast by clouds above.
Merciful shadows.
Finally she shoulders her impaler and strides through the heavy sand to the stranger.
"So. Who are you, and what brought you to this cursed place?"
Cassiel "The Quiet" |
Cassiel watches the impaler-wielder as she does... something to a few drops of water that causes her skin to briefly change colour. Part of him briefly wants to admonish her for wasting perfectly drinkable water.
"So. Who are you, and what brought you to this cursed place?"
"Oh, me?" Cassiel adopts a casual smile that seems a little too wide. "I am Cassiel--most folks back home called me 'the Quiet'. What can I say--my family has a deep appreciation for irony. You should have met my father--they called him 'the Temperate'. The old fool bet all his money on a montare chariot race--lost his shirt. And my shirt, come to think of it." He gestures to his shirtless, fit chest.
"As to why I'm here, it's all quite fascinating, really. Had an old friend come to me--quite a stubborn fellow, I tell you. He has a remarkable talent for finding people living in caves--he asked me for a favour. He wanted to know what lay within this..." He gestures to the ruined, sand-choked city around them. "...'monument to ages gone by', he called it. Quite charitable of him, really--it sounds more palatable than 'deathtrap'."
"Promised me payment in money and water if I brought him back a souvenir. A PROPER souvenir, he wants, not just a chunk of stone or glass or whatever bauble I can find--something nice, but not too flashy." He tilts his head at the impaler-wielder.
"You know, it just occurred to me--I never learned your name."
Sienna Raindancer |
The color change is not brief - it's constant; she looks like she's in the shade even when she steps out from the ruins into the sunlight.
The woman says, "Sienna - my name is Sienna. Like the red-brown color."
She gestures to the ruins and says, "I hope you brought food and water. The oasis near here is the famous Oasis of Black Water, renowned for its death-curse upon anyone who drinks from it. And it's not particularly wise to cross the wastes like this by yourself - did you come with anyone else? A caravan? A mount?"
She gestures for Ekee to come over and meet the new arrival.
"The half-giant - Jaryx - was overcome by the mental anguish of a banshee that we encountered. While enraged and out of control, he killed one of our companions, a man named Ludi. He couldn't deal with the guilt and left," she explains.
"This is Ekee - a former gladiatrix. Our group has been exploring these ruins in hopes of finding some way to survive, as we were lost in a sandstorm and wound up here with only a limited amount of supplies. Now we're trying to find out if these ruins have something useful, or if we should pack up and try to get to another settlement somewhere along the roads."
Cassiel "The Quiet" |
"Sienna - my name is Sienna. Like the red-brown color."
Cassiel nods. "A fitting name."
"I hope you brought food and water. The oasis near here is the famous Oasis of Black Water, renowned for its death-curse upon anyone who drinks from it. And it's not particularly wise to cross the wastes like this by yourself - did you come with anyone else? A caravan? A mount?"
"Oh, I have my own food and water, you don't need to worry about that." He gestures to the waterskins stashed on his belt.
"As to crossing the wastes? I'm proud to say that I had no need of a caravan or a mount--I've learned from a young age how to find my own water and scrounge up my own meals from the desert. Once you know how to recognize monster territory and start travelling by night, it's... well, not exactly easier, but doable."
"The half-giant - Jaryx - was overcome by the mental anguish of a banshee that we encountered. While enraged and out of control, he killed one of our companions, a man named Ludi. He couldn't deal with the guilt and left," she explains.
"This is Ekee - a former gladiatrix. Our group has been exploring these ruins in hopes of finding some way to survive, as we were lost in a sandstorm and wound up here with only a limited amount of supplies. Now we're trying to find out if these ruins have something useful, or if we should pack up and try to get to another settlement somewhere along the roads."
Cassiel nods along.
"Speaking of these ruins, if you plan to remain here, would you mind overmuch if I accompanied you? This place is vast--and undoubtedly dangerous. I'd certainly be grateful for such charming--and dangerous--company."
DM Dickie |
Flocks of carrion birds, swarms of insects, and a few scavenging animals of various sorts have found the feast laid out before them in the area surrounding the oasis. Noises from various creatures seem to be amplified by the bowl-shaped valley surrounding the oasis. A curious sight and sound to the Athasian heroes.
Stranger than the noise is the very sudden and perceptible lack of sound. Animals perk up and stare to the north before running south. The birds suddenly take to the skies. Something has them spooked.
Cassiel "The Quiet" |
"...well, that's always a good sign, isn't it." Cassiel dryly responds.
"Something big's coming, I'll wager." He pulls out a torch and his fire kit and starts trying to light it.