GM Lorenzo |
Fast-paced, action-driving classic role-play of PFS Special #8-99C: The Solstice Scar as part of PbP Gameday VII.
A Pathfinder Society Special designed for levels 1–11. This table is for PCs in Tier 7-8.
The world-renowned Blakros Museum has outdone itself, gathering an unrivaled collection of relics from the Shining Crusade, a holy coalition that felled the greatest lich to threaten Golarion. When trouble befalls the exhibit mere days before its debut, the Pathfinders intervene, only to discover that one of the relics is key to averting a far greater disaster that has laid in wait for a millennium.
The story continues, first taking the Pathfinder Society into the frozen north to complete a fallen hero's unfinished business and vanquish a powerful foe that rules from the icy Tusk Mountains. In order to earn the favor of a powerful celestial being and destroy a sinister curse, the Society's agents then travel to Lastwall's tangled Fangwood.
"The Solstice Scar" is a multi-table interactive adventure in which each group's actions can affect neighboring groups and contribute to the entire room's success. This is an ongoing adventure that will be updated and rereleased incrementally several times each season, collectively telling a longer story while also presenting exciting stand-alone chapters.
Written by Andrew Hoskins and Kalervo Oikarinen.
This closed campaign is part of PbP Gameday VII.
Instructions: Once you have been accepted into the party by the GM, please "ninja-dot" here in order to enter this scenario into the list of your campaign threads.
PbP TIP: To "ninja-dot," post on this thread, and immediately afterword, delete the post. Why? To keep the campaign thread clear of unnecessary clutter. Clutter belongs on the discussion thread, instead.
GM Dennis |
Months ago, agents of the Blakros Museum in Absalom stole a holy dagger—a relic of the Kellid Twinhorn following and the Shining Crusade from centuries ago. What seemed a simple dagger was key to keeping a powerful villain at bay, and the Pathfinder Society has allied with the Twinhorn following and its bold spiritual leader Medda in order to return the relic, use it to perform a ritual before midnight on the winter solstice, and stem an undead invasion. “We are only hours away from the stone circle and our encampment,” Medda announces. “If we are going to make it there by midnight, we need to press on. Once there, we will use Ivvora’s hilt to perform our time-honored ritual and keep evil from our lands.” Medda produces the small hilt of a broken weapon with only a fragment of its black metal blade remaining. “Let us move. There are dangers in these ancient woods: orc raiders, bears that topple trees, and worse. Stay in groups and don’t get lost.”
As the Kellids and Pathfinders reach the top of the hill next to the Twinhorn encampment, they notice splashes of blood and the occasional corpse dotting the landscape. Medda raises her voice, calling, “My brethren, our families are under attack! Secure the camp and drive back any who oppose you. Pathfinder allies, join us in defense of our home!” The landscape opens into a burned hillside where blackened trees stand like lifeless sentinels. A crude blockade shields the entrance to a natural cavern.
Table GMs, area H is now open. Once you have completed area H, you may proceed to areas I or J. The Deepening Shadows condition on page 14 is in effect.
GM Lorenzo |
The Story So Far...
The Pathfinder Society was taking part in the annual Torchbearing gathering to celebrate their achievements, train with one another, and swap tales of their adventures, when the festivities were disrupted. The Blakros Museum was under attack!
Agents were called to the entrance of the Blakros Museum to find Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin and Nigel Aldain discussing a massive security breach. The Museum was under attack and its defensive systems had gone berserk. Ambrus Valsin dispatched teams of Pathfinders to disable the haywire defenses and arrest the thieves who invaded the museum. The Pathfinders dealt with magical wards, constructs, guard creatures, and even haunted Shining Crusade relics.
Finally, in a barricaded room on the third floor, the Pathfinders confronted the intruders, Kellid warriors of the Twinhorn Following and their leader, Medda. During the negotiations, a bound devil escaped into the cramped lounge; the Pathfinders and the Kellids fought together to defeat the fiend and send it back to Hell.
Medda explained the Kellids’ reason for attacking, namely, to retrieve an ancient relic that agents of the Blakros Museum had stolen from her people.
When the Shining Crusade defeated the dread lich Tar-Baphon in 3827 ar, the lich’s lieutenants scattered, hoping to evade the crusade’s triumphant armies. Eshimka, one of the nightwalkers serving Tar-Baphon, fled north to hide and build up its power. Ivvora, a disciple of the divine martyr Vildeis, tracked the evil creature into the Tusk Mountains. There she contacted a nearby tribe of Kellids known as the Twinhorn following, and together, they formed a plan to destroy the nightwalker.
On the winter solstice, they lured Eshimka to a circle of standing stones where the Twinhorn druids used their powerful magic to bind the nightwalker. Ivvora leapt from the shadows and attacked, burying her sacred dagger deep into Eshimka’s flesh before the blade snapped off near the hilt. Try as it might, the nightwalker could not pry the blade loose. As the druids’ ritual concluded at the darkest hour of the solstice, Eshimka sensed its imminent demise and used magic to escape back to the Negative Energy Plane.
After the escape of the nightwalker, Ivvora left the ruined hilt of her blade with the Twinhorn following, instructing them to place it on the center stone each year when the world grew darkest. She then traveled north, pursuing new threats in her never-ending quest to eradicate evil from Golarion. The Twinhorns have kept their promise to Ivvora over countless generations, ensuring that their nomadic circuit always brings them back to the standing stones each winter.
When briefed by his Pathfinder field agents, Valsin was angered to learn that museum agents had resorted to theft to gain relics, and he promised Medda that the Pathfinders would accompany the Kellids back to the Tusk Mountains to return the relic to the Twinhorn Following.
The Pathfinders joined the Twinhorns on their journey to the Far North, past Belkzen and Lastwall, to prevent the destruction of the world.
To gain safe passage through Belkzen the Pathfinders had to bargain with a number of influential representatives of Chief Grask Ulteth, leader of The Empty Hand orcs. Not all of the orc tribes agreed; as the convoy traveled north, up the Flood Road and Ivvora’s Path, the route Ivvora had used when pursuing Eshimka, the Ice Tooth and Black Sun launched an all out assault, ignoring The Empty Hand’s protection.
Together, the Pathfinders and the Twinhorns defeated the orc ambush and resumed their long march. Finally, the Pathfinders and Medda with her small band of warriors near the homeland of the Twinhorn Following.
GM Lorenzo |
Medda's battlecry alerts you to the danger.
When the first waves of of the hordes attacked, the Twinhorn members remaining in the encampment struggled to fight them off. Some retreated to this nearby cave and constructed a haphazard barricade. They’ve held off the undead horde for several hours, but the barricade is about to collapse.
You hear the desperate calls for help from within the cave. "Help! We can't hold on much longer!"
The charred trees here don’t provide cover or impede movement.
At your approach, three creatures turn away from the barricade to face you. Two desiccated corpses wield greatswords, their eyes blazing with eerie red light. Beyond them is a third creature, its emaciated flesh appears charred or dried, and its empty eye sockets seep trails of smoke.
Eldritch: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Neptune: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Seren’s Seven: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Undiana Jones: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Riddywipple: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Alexander: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Tessara Omelion: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Valoria Lackland: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Arazni: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Maroon ??: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Red ??: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Purple ??: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Round 1
Bold may act.
Undiana Jones
Maroon ??
Purple ??
Serena's Seven
Red ??
Neptune, Undiana, and Valoria, you're up!
(Reminder: Animal Companions/Mounts/Familiars/Eidolons have their own Initiative results. They can act independently or you can opt to have you and your companion act at the same time on the lower of the two Initiative results. The one with the higher result will be considered delayed, but not flat-footed.)
Neptune the Sith Cat |
Neptune lazily stretches over the shoulders of the Eldritch. Her eyes gloss over the undead, and sparks an interest in the one that has no weapons.
Know Religion DC18: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Unfortunately in her travels, she has not seen one like that before. She has not much to offer right now and continues to stay on the Eldritch.
Valoria Lackland |
Valoria whirls her sword above her head, its flashing blade catching the rays of the lowering sun and scattering like an inspiring beacon.
Full-round action for Iomedae's Inspiring Sword, all allies within 30 feet gain a +2 sacred bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 2 rounds.
[dice=Knowledge (religion) w/Iomedae's Inspiring Sword]1d20+4+2[/dice]
[dice=Knowledge (religion) w/Iomedae's Inspiring Sword]1d20+4+2[/dice]
"Those creatures with greatswords are ragewights! 'Ware their blades, for they will cut to your very soul!"
GM Lorenzo |
Neptune meows, and Valoria, wielding her longsword aloft, performs an impressive display of her martial prowess, inspiring her comrades-in-arms. She recognizes the undead creatures armed with greatswords: Ragewights!
Ragewights are spirits of savage warriors who died in a rage and have since had their burial places disturbed or robbed. They're most common near a vast graveyard with many barrows of barbarians slain by their foes. Grave robbers plundering such barrows occasionally unleash a ragewight, which immediately sets out to build an undead army of spawn and wage war against those who slew it centuries ago.
Iomedae's Inspiring Sword - Allies within 30 feet of Valoria gain a +2 sacred bonus to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 2 rounds.
Round 1
Bold may act.
Undiana Jones
Valoria & Arazni
Maroon ??
Purple Ragewight
Serena's Seven
Red Ragewight
Neptune, you're up!
(Thanks to Valoria for directing the GM to a sentence in the Mounted Combat section of the CRB: "Your mount acts on your initiative count as you direct it. You move at its speed, but the mount uses its action to move." I appreciate the correction.)
Alexander Divyr Incostas |
Posting early:
(Although caught somewhat off-guard), Alexander's training, experience and unshakable faith in Asmodeus gives him iron-like resolve for the upcoming combat.
Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26, Immunities & Special Attacks.
(Regarding the smoke-eyed creature), "Beware, it's a Bodak! A foul undead spirit!"
(Motioning to the creatures with Greatswords), "And those foul beasts are Ragewights as Valoria has said! The creatures can drain your very life-essence from your body!"
Alexander Divyr Incostas |
Posting early:
(Although caught somewhat off-guard), Alexander's training, experience and unshakable faith in Asmodeus gives him iron-like resolve for the upcoming combat.
[dice=Knowledge Religion]1d20+13
[dice=knowledge Religion]1d20+13, Immunities & Special Attacks.(Regarding the smoke-eyed creature), "Beware, it's a Bodak! A foul undead spirit!"
(Motioning to the creatures with Greatswords), "And those foul beasts are Ragewights as Valoria has said! The creatures can drain your very life-essence from your body!"
Will update actions as other players post.
GM Lorenzo |
Alexander Divyr Incostas recognizes the creatures and issues a warning to everyone. The smoke-eyed monster (maroon) is a bodak, a medium-sized undead creature with the extraplanar subtype. He recalls that the two ragewights have several special attacks and all the immunities of typical undead.
Iomedae's Inspiring Sword - Allies within 30 feet of Valoria gain a +2 sacred bonus to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 2 rounds.
Round 1
Bold may act.
Undiana Jones
Valoria & Arazni
Purple Ragewight
Serena's Seven
Red Ragewight
Undiana Jones, you're up!
Undiana Jones |
Apologies for the delay in posting - as noted earlier, yesterday was my wedding anniversary so no time for Pathfinder.
Knowledge (Religion) DC 18, Iomedae's Inspiring Sword: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 14 + 2 = 27 Special Attacks, please
Knowledge (Religion) DC 16, Iomedae's Inspiring Sword: 1d20 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 14 + 2 = 19
Undy glares at their foes across the distance. "Dear me, a Bodak and two ragewights! I have the strangest feeling of deja vu - though I have to admit I can't recall what that phrase even means or what language it might be from! - almost as if I have seen these very creatures before... Well, I suppose that's what they always say about the undead, that's it's hard to kill things that are already dead... Though that shouldn't prevent us from trying!"
Undy begins to mumble incanations and wave his hands about, while also adding an Alchemist's Fire from his spell component pouch as an additional spell component. Those with their own arcane capabilities likely recognize that he seems to be taking longer than normal for the invocation of his spell, though before too long a blast of fire shoots forth from his hands and hurtles through the air at the undead monstrosities. As the fire flies through the air it seems to become infused with water, transforming the fire to superheated steam.
Casting Fireball (easily within range and centering the 20' radius spread in the middle of the foes in order to catch all of them in the blast. Using the Undine Steam Caster feat to add the Water descriptor to the spell; this makes it a full-round cast (not a 1 round cast); the damage is still Fire. This has the effect of raising the CL by 2 and it also adds a debuff rider to which they are all likely immune (due to it being Fort-save based).
Caster Level check vs SR if needed: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Fire Damage, Fireball: 10d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 6, 6, 2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3) = 44 DC 20 Reflex for half (can't remember if being flat-footed affects this but I think it doesn't?). Each foe that fails its Reflex save also catches on fire as if struck by Alchemist's Fire (due to using it as an additional spell component)
Fire Damage, Alchemist's Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 3
In addition, due to Undy's Crashing Waves hex (which he gets from the Shaman Waves Spirit that he gets from his Spirit Whisperer archetype), any creature that takes damage from the spell must make a DC 20 Fort save or be knocked prone. They are likely all immune due to being undead but just fyi.
Finally, Undy steps forward five feet.
GM Lorenzo |
Undiana Jones flips through his mental stash of monster id flashcards and finds the bodak. His inner eye bulges in horror! A bodak has a single special attack:
Death Gaze (Su) 1d4 negative levels, 30 feet; Fortitude DC18 negates. The save DC is Charisma-based. A humanoid slain by a bodak's death gaze rises as a bodak 24 hours later. This is a death effect.
Armed with that knowledge, the Wizard reaches into his spell component pouch and pulls out the big guns. He pops the top on a flask of alchemist's fire, and a glowing, pea-sized bead streaks from his pointing pinky finger toward his target and blossoms into an explosion of flames and steam.
All three creatures howl in raging fury, but they remain on their feet. Flames continue to lick the hides of the bodak and the maroon ragewight.
Bodak Reflex DC20: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Maroon Ragewight Reflex DC20: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Purple Ragewight Reflex DC20: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
The bodak's appearance is profoundly disturbing. Its flesh looks dried, taut, and desiccated, though it possesses a strange, otherworldly sheen. Its body is disproportionate and distinctly androgynous. Hairless and with only vague hints of facial structure, the bodak's eyes are deep set in their sockets and constantly weep foul-smelling smoky vapors.
Advancing at a lumbering pace, the bodak spits out an incomprehensible stream of vile accusations, curses, and threats in Hallit.
The purple ragewight's corpse-like visage darkens in savage fury, as it lopes toward the party. It halts and shrieks a challenge at you, its greatsword raised at the ready over its left shoulder.
Iomedae's Inspiring Sword - Allies within 30 feet of Valoria gain a +2 sacred bonus to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 2 rounds.
Round 1
Bold may act.
Undiana Jones
Valoria & Arazni
Bodak (-34; on fire)
Purple Ragewight (-22; Readied Action)
Serena's Seven
Red Ragewight (-47; on fire)
Eldritch, Seven, Riddywipple, and Tessera, you're up!
The Eldritch |
"I like your style, Undy. You carry all the explosions; and I applaud your choice and execution! Now, allow me to make ourselves even quicker!"
The Eldritch calls upon the arcane words he studied earlier today, and taking out a shaving of a licorice root and motioning his hands around it. The arcane energies split from the root to connect with the party!
Eldritch has casted HASTE on 8 party members, which is everyone that isn't Neptune.
Then through the trees the Eldritch steps with a swift speed, moving far enough through to be able to get a better view of the oncoming ragewight, but keeping enough foliage to provide some means of cover.
Tessara Omelion PFS |
Tessara activates her Flight Hex and moves 30’ up into the air.
GM Lorenzo |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Eldritch casts a golden oldie, stomping on the party's accelerator. Then he inches closer to the action, finding some limited concealment behind a scorched tree.
Tessara makes like a witch without a broom and takes to the sky.
Iomedae's Inspiring Sword - Allies within 30 feet of Valoria gain a +2 sacred bonus to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 2 rounds.
Haste - +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. When making a full attack action, may make one extra attack. Movement increases by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed.
Round 1
Bold may act.
Undiana Jones
Valoria & Arazni
Bodak (-34; on fire)
Purple Ragewight (-22; Readied Action)
Serena's Seven
Red Ragewight (-47; on fire)
Seven and Riddywipple, you're up!
Seren's Seven |
Explosions and shouting, and magic starts flying. And Seren is left standing there with eyes bugging out at sight of the growling, cursing undead. "Woul' ya all shut up! I can' hear myself think!" She pauses a moment, then looks at the rest of the party. "Not you guys! My friends just won' be quie'!" She mutters something about unwanted advise while she rolls her neck and shoulders. "I ain' warmed up a' all, ya know?"
Her eyes fuzz out a bit and a touch of something of her demeanor changes, making the little rag doll seem a bit more heroic. Then with a breath she begins to dance. It's a whirling, frantic series of endless steps to a tune only she can hear. As she goes her eyes roll back into her head and her skin becomes nearly as pale as their dead enemies. The motion comes with a bigger change to her bearing, and despite her small stature she starts giving off the presence of a much larger, more certain warrior.
"I was growing bored, joining a battle shall amuse me for a brief time." "Jus' don' get me killed, dummy!" Which is ruined horribly by the argument with herself in a very distinct masculine Tien voice and the much more slurred set of her own speech.
Free action to start Spirit Dance - Champion, Standard to cast heroism on myself, move to new location.
Spirit Aura: All allies within 30ft gain a +2 bonus on all non-spell damage rolls.
Riddywipple Z. |
Eldritch caster level check for Haste vs Riddy SR 13: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Knowledge Religion DC 18 vs Bodak: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24 Resistances
Knowledge Religion DC 16 vs Rage Wights: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14
Seeing the enemies advancing, Riddy hurriedly draws forth his wand of Magic Missile and lets two bolts of force fly towards the Bodak.
Caster Level check vs SR, if needed: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Magic Missile force dmg: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (1, 2) + 2 = 5
Then Riddy steps 5' to get closer to Undy, as if together they might somehow be protected from these fearsome foes.
GM Lorenzo |
Some of you think Seren might have lost her mind, when, confronted with fearsome undead monsters, she reaches for... a doll. Your worry deepens, as she seems to suffer a debilitating seizure. And then she starts twerking and speaking in a deep baritone, very male, Tian-accented voice!
Weird, sure, but somehow the Zumba session makes everyone feel a little more confident about their martial prowess.
Riddywipple regards the foes challenging his draconic majesty. The faerie dragon recognizes the bodak, a creature known to be resistant to fire and acid, and perhaps immune to others. Better take this dude down fast! he thinks. Riddywipple draws a wand and blasts the monster with two magic missiles.
The angry, red ragewight abandons caution in its savage fury and charges forward in a lumbering range-walk. The flames that had covered it wink out, as it draws back its greatsword. The blade crashes down, and by some miracle the blow misses Seren!
Reflex DC15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Greatsword, Savage Fury, Furious Focus, Power Attack; Damage: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 162d6 + 16 ⇒ (4, 6) + 16 = 26
Iomedae's Inspiring Sword - Allies within 30 feet of Valoria gain a +2 sacred bonus to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 2 rounds.
Haste - +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. When making a full attack action, may make one extra attack. Movement increases by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed.
Spirit Aura - Allies within 30ft gain a +2 bonus on all non-spell damage rolls.
Round 1/2
Bold may act.
Undiana Jones
Valoria & Arazni
Bodak (-39; on fire)
Purple Ragewight (-22; Readied Action)
Serena's Seven
Red Ragewight (-47; -2AC from charge)
Alexander, Neptune, Undiana, Valoria & Arazni, you're up!
Alexander Divyr Incostas |
"May the keeper of Law and Order protect us..."
(Alexander channels the dark blessings of Asmodeus into his soul)
*Casting Divine Favor followed by a 20 foot movement*
(Alexander extends the chain of his flail to its full length)
*10 foot reach as a swift action*
*+3 Luck Bonus on Attack and Damage rolls for 1 minute*
Valoria Lackland |
1 round of Iomedae's Inspiring Sword remains.
Valoria spurs Arazni forward to the ragewight which struck at Seren.
She slashes her longsword down at the thing, attempting to end its miserable existence.
[dice= +1 longsword (haste, higher ground, Inspiring Sword)]1d20+13+1+2[/dice]
magic, slashing (champion spirit) damage: 1d8 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 2 = 11
[dice=+1 longsword vs. AC 10 for +5 AC (haste, higher ground, Inspiring Sword)]1d20+13+1+1+2[/dice]
[dice=+1 longsword vs. AC 10 for +5 AC (haste, higher ground, Inspiring Sword)]1d20+13+1+1+2[/dice]
Arazni—Celestial Horse |
Arazni snorts as she strikes out at the unnatural creature with her hoof.
[dice=hoof (haste, Inspiring Sword)]1d20+9+1+2[/dice]
bludgeoning, magic (champion spirit bonus): 1d6 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 2 = 9 damage
Undiana Jones |
Sorry for the delay - posted this yesterday but it got eaten by the site - reposting now.
Undiana once again calls forth a steamy watery fireball, again adding a bit of Alchemist's fire to the mix, and centering this one between the Bodak and the Purple Ragewight.
Fire damage: 10d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 2, 6, 6, 3, 5, 2, 4) = 37 Reflex DC 20 for half damage; on a failed save also catch fire
Alchemist's Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Then Undy steps forward five feet, while averting his gaze from the Bodak.
GM Lorenzo |
Alexander calls upon his archdevil patron's favor and marches forward into battle, working the kinks out of his weapon's chain.
Atop her mount, Valoria brings her longsword down, slashing the blade into the red ragewight's shoulder. The undead barbarbian dodges Arazni's hoof.
Undiana Jones brings the boom a second time. The blast engulfs both targets in hungry flames.
Bodak Reflex DC20: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Purple Ragewight Reflex DC20: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
The bodak continues its slow, inevitable advance toward you, determined to bring its devastating death gaze within range. The creature ignores the horrible destruction wrought by Undiana's spells, the flames still licking its flesh.
The severely damaged purple ragewight charges at Valoria, fixated on slaying the cavalier. The creature's blade whirls past her, cleaving the air between her and her faithful steed.
Greatsword, Savage Fury, Charge, Furious Focus, Power Attack; Damage: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 15 + 2 = 232d6 + 16 ⇒ (2, 1) + 16 = 19
Iomedae's Inspiring Sword - Allies within 30 feet of Valoria gain a +2 sacred bonus to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 2 rounds.
Haste - +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. When making a full attack action, may make one extra attack. Movement increases by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed.
Spirit Aura - Allies within 30ft gain a +2 bonus on all non-spell damage rolls.
Round 1/2
Bold may act.
Undiana Jones
Bodak (-76; on fire)
Purple Ragewight (-64; on fire; -2AC from charge)
Serena's Seven
Red Ragewight (-58; -2AC from charge)
Alexander (Divine Favor)
(Neptune?), Eldritch, Seren, Riddywipple, and Tessara, you're up!
Riddywipple Z. |
Riddywipple sends two more missiles of force from his wand, hurtling towards the wounded Bodak.
Magic Missile: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (3, 3) + 2 = 8
Neptune the Sith Cat |
Neptune just rests and does nothing.
The Eldritch |
The red ragewight is now an applicable target for the Eldritch's full power attack!
Swift Action: Arcane Strike
Buffs: Haste, +2 Damage for Non-Spell Damage as Mystic Bolts are a Supernatural Ability. Source: Ultimate Intrigue Pages 60-61
Bonus Damage:Arcane Strike +2, Point Blank Shot +1, Mystic Bolts @Lvl 8 +2.
Hasted Mystic Bolt (Shock Damage): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
Mystic Bolt Damage: 1d6 + 2 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 3 + 2 = 10
Crit Confirmation Hasted Mystic Bolt (Shock Damage): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
Crit Damage Mystic Bolt Damage: 1d6 + 2 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 3 + 2 = 13
Left Hand Mystic Bolt (Shock Damage): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
Mystic Bolt Damage: 1d6 + 2 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 3 + 2 = 12
Right Hand Mystic Bolt (Shock Damage): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
Mystic Bolt Damage: 1d6 + 2 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 3 + 2 = 9
Second Left Hand Mystic Bolt (Shock Damage): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Mystic Bolt Damage: 1d6 + 2 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 3 + 2 = 9
Second Left Hand Mystic Bolt (Shock Damage): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Mystic Bolt Damage: 1d6 + 2 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 3 + 2 = 8
Lowest Attack Roll VS Touch
13, Otherwise the rest are 22+ VS Touch AC
Total Damage
61. If 13 misses, 53.
Eldritch laughs maniacally as each shot makes contact against the unprepared ragewight.
Tessara Omelion PFS |
Tess flies to the ground directly behind Alexander’s current position, ready to begin using her hexes next round.
Would someone please put me just south of Alexander? Thanks.
GM Lorenzo |
Riddywipple empties both barrels of his wand into the bodak. The faerie dragon almost takes the horror down. Almost.
Perhaps heeding the advice of the cavalier, The Eldritch decides to attack the lesser of the various evils confronting the party. The red-with-fury ragewight succumbs to the warlock's merciless barrage of shocking mystic bolts.
Tessara touches down behind Alexander, ready to put a hex on somebody, wisely using the inquisitor as a sandbag.
Iomedae's Inspiring Sword - Allies within 30 feet of Valoria gain a +2 sacred bonus to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for 2 rounds.
Haste - +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. When making a full attack action, may make one extra attack. Movement increases by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed.
Spirit Aura - Allies within 30ft gain a +2 bonus on all non-spell damage rolls.
Round 2
Bold may act.
Undiana Jones
Bodak (-84; on fire)
Purple Ragewight (-64; on fire; -2AC from charge)
Serena's Seven
Seren and Alexander, you're up!
Seren's Seven |
Sorry! All the server nonsense kept me from posting last night!
Seeing the red creature collapse in a heap of mystical energy, Seren redirects his energy towards the bodak. She lets the momentum of her twirling dance send her hurtling past Valoria and Aranzi, and right into an arcing slash of one of her blades for the neck of the lumbering undead. He hoots in twin voices as she goes, more excited than is reasonable for a battle.
She might be a little infected by Eldritch's disturbed laughter.
Free action to maintain dance, move to new location, standard to attack on purple.
+1 Wakizashi (Spirit Bonuses, Heroism, Iomedae's, Haste): 1d20 + 17 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 17 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 25
Damage(Spirit Bonus, Spirit Aura): 1d6 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20
Spirit Aura: All allies within 30ft gain a +2 bonus on all non-spell damage rolls.
Alexander Divyr Incostas |
"In the name of all that is UNHOLY... Back to the Abyss you shall go!"
(Alexander uses his weapons reach to it's full advantage and invokes BANE vs. Undead)
Attack Bodak with Power Attack, Divine Favor, Bane vs. Undead: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26, Damage(Divine Favor, other bonuses, MAGIC/BANE): 1d10 + 20 + 2d6 ⇒ (8) + 20 + (1, 1) = 30
GM Lorenzo |
Seren dances past her compatriots and delivers the death blow to the angry, purple ragewight.
Alexander Divyr Incostas imposes Asmodeus's judgment upon the bodak and carries out sentencing himself, executing the undead horror with his wicked-looking, exotic weapon.
GM Lorenzo |
You have only a brief few moments to catch your breath, before some of Medda's warriors approach you.
"Once again you have earned our gratitude, brothers and sisters," the Kellid warriors of the Twinhorn Following thank you.
They point to the main encampment, "Medda went to talk to our elders. If you want to find her, go that way. She could probably use some help."
"We’d also welcome your sword arms against the hordes of undead. The creatures have been pouring from a portal at the stone circle since nightfall. They’re everywhere, trying to overrun the settlement."
Decision Point: Help Medda convince the elders to do the right thing (assorted discovery, influence, and skill checks) or more hack’n’slash. Rule of Two: To keep a fast pace, the first two posters to weigh in will determine our direction.
Tessara Omelion PFS |
”I think we need to help Medda. Helping her is the reason we are here, in my opinion.”
Tess casts both Mage Armor and False Life, both of which will last for 9 hours.
Temporary HP 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Valoria Lackland |
Valoria quickly cleans her sword and checks over Arazni.
"Not just her Tessara. Her entire following, and all the people of this region."
Satisfied that everything is in as good an order as it can be under the circumstances Valoria pulls herself into her saddle once again.
The Eldritch |
"Diplomacy? Talking about our feelings? Me?! I'd rather be damned to hell and back! Forget this nonsense, I will see you all on the front when we are ready to begin another battle!"
The Eldritch poofs into a large pile of smoke...
Naetrelo |
... And a few seconds later when the smoke clears, and elf who appears to have a mild mannerism is standing there. He looks like a less wild version of The Eldritch. His clothes are tight knotted and not flowing or loose by any means. He seems to be significantly calmer and calculated, even wearing a pair of spectacle glasses. A black cat that walks on all four legs looks up and meows expecting food.
The elf bends down to feed it from snacks in his pocket pouch as he looks up at the rest of the party.
"Hello everyone. My name is Naetrelo, and I am here to assist you on your objective in whatever means I can. I hope we can help the situation with a peaceful and non-violent resolution. If you are wondering about my alter ego, don't worry. He gets upset when the idea of non-violent interactions are introduced to him and he goes back into my subconscious."
Naetrelo is far less powerful than The Eldritch, but he has an additional +4 to his Diplomacy for a total of +22.
Naetrelo has the Socialite Talent of Quick Change [Ultimate Intrigue Pages 11-12], allowing him to quickly change back and forth between egos as a Full-Round Action.
GM Lorenzo |
The Twinhorn old and young creep out of the cave. "Thank you, strangers, for saving our lives."
One little boy offers to share some venison jerky with you. "It's very yummy. But you might need to floss afterwards."
A little girl holds up her rag doll, her only possession. "Mister? Would you like to play with my doll? How about you, miss?"
An old woman squints at you and cracks a toothless smile. "Here, take a chaw of my tobacco." She demonstrates its quality with a powerful stream of spit, a drop trickling down her stained chin, before she wipes it away with the back of her hand.
You pick your way through the embattled camp to the tent where the elders are in council.
The Twinhorn camp consists of several tents made of thick animal hides. A 10-foot high partial palisade runs around the core of the camp, functioning as a windbreak and as a means of making the camp easier to defend. The area around the camp is littered with the bodies of the risen dead and Twinhorn alike, but at the moment it seems to be clear of danger; Medda's small band of warriors must have succeeded in breaking through.
As you stride into camp, a warrior directs your attention to a large tent located in the center of the camp. "That's where our council of elders meets. They're probably in there right now, working on how to best defend the camp. You should go and speak with them."
Drawing near to the tent you can hear the sound of raised voices coming from inside, and you suddenly recognize that one of them belongs to Medda. You step inside the large command tent. The thick hide walls of this large tent muffle the sounds from outside. Iron spikes pin down an enormous map in the center of the tent. Wooden carvings of warriors and monsters lie strewn about the map, marking the location of fighting warriors and the encroaching undead. Medda is here, speaking to two others - a massive middle-aged looking man and an old, wizened woman.
"And you want us to just walk away and leave it all behind!?" Medda exclaims. "This is our ancestral wintering ground!"
"Not to mention you would have us abandon our sacred pledge to Ivvora," Anok rumbles from nearby. "Do you truly think that to be the best course of action here, Kragr?"
The man, Kragr, pounds his fist on the table, sending carvings flying in all directions. "Of course I do! Our forces have been decimated; to stay would be lunacy! There are other wintering grounds, ones where we don't have to worry about bloodthirsty orcs and cursed undead!"
"Are you some of the brave warriors Medda has told us about?" the older woman asks, having spotted you, as you entered the tent. "If so, then please stay and speak with us, for it may be that we find ourselves in need of your wisdom and guidance. I am known as Jala the Patient." She gestures to the tall Kellid man. "Kragr Bloodhand. And you already know Medda and her companion Anok."
She turns, beckoning you to sit. "Make yourselves comfortable, but then we must speak. We near a decision point."
Now you have an opportunity to influence the three Leaders of the Following (Medda, Kraugr, Jala) to stay and help the fight. Even Medda needs convincing, for the arguments of others have started to wear upon her.
There will be three rounds where you can each try to influence one of the members, or discover information about them that might be helpful you figure out how to influence them best. Each round, each of you may make a single skill check to 1) Influence, 2) Discover or 3) Aid Another person’s Discovery or Influence roll.
You may always Take Ten if you wish. If you have an profession or craft skill that you think might also be applicable, by all means ask. And please, be creative and have fun roleplaying!
Each of the Leaders: Medda, Kragr and Jala require a certain number of checks to be convinced to stay. The number of checks needed for each one of the leaders varies. While I won't outright tell you how many successes you need to win over each one, I'll try to make it very obvious when one of them reaches that point.
Medda Spiritbearer (Knowledge Religion or Sense Motive)
Kragr Bloodhand (Knowledge Local or Sense Motive)
Jala the Patient (Knowledge Nature or Sense Motive)
Naetrelo |
Naetrelo goes over to Medda and opens a small briefcase he carries. He then pulls out a portfolio labelled "The Gods and You".
"Now Medda, I understand your frustration but let us recollect on the teachings of several deities that taught the power of patience and calculations on battle tactics. While I agree that forfeiting the region would be a missed opportunity to quell the forces of darkness, we should consider where to direct our efforts."
Naetrelo then opens the portfolio and scrambles through a few pages, before coming to a page that meets his satisfaction. "Now, as we seem to be combating against the undead, we should be utilizing tactics involving disruption of their power with either positive energy or holy energy. This would ensure us utilizing a crippling advantage against them. The main question is do we have an imminent font of holy energy we can either find or reactivate to give our allies an edge needed on the battlefield?"
Know Religion Take 10: 10 + 12 = 22
Tessara Omelion PFS |
Know. Local take ten for a total of 25 with Kragr.
Tess approaches the strong warrior, and begins discussing the advantages of continuing the traditions at this particular spot. ”Kragr, your ancestors felt this site was holy. This particular wintering ground. To abandon it now, with all of its inherent advantages would be folly. Consider all the stories that have been told by your triage about this spot over the years.”
Seren's Seven |
By the time Seren reaches the tent with the rest of the pathfinders she seems to have lost her hat, and a small child with a doll seems to have gained it. The end result is that her head is now covered in a horrible mess of hat hair that only further ruins whatever image of authority or insight she might be bringing to the discussion.
She finds herself wandering over to the elder Jala while the other approach the larger man and Jedda. Seren gives the old woman a very long, consider stare, then suddenly yelps and swats at something behind her which turns into several more flailing motions as if she's trying to drive something away. Finally her hands finds her hips and she nods with satisfaction before turning back to Jala. "Spirits, wha' ya gonna do, righ'? Keep gettin' into places and stuff."
She wanders a few steps closer and her eyes flash, just briefly, amber along with her gem. "My frien's wanna know why ya are so eager to run! Katsu and Doren especially, an' they are -very- loud. Me, I ain' carin' quite as much.. I'm just bored." Despite appearances, at least some part of the bizarre girl is watching just how patient Jala is with her, getting a read on the woman. Must be one of her more reasonable spirits.
Sense Motive discovery(Heroism): 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 2 = 22 I guess I "take 10" too =P
Valoria Lackland |
Valoria joins Seren and observes Jala's reaction to the odd woman.
[dice=Aid Another Sense Motive]1d20+10[/dice]
She leans over and whispers her observations to Seren.
Alexander Divyr Incostas |
Round One:
(Looking sternly towards the elders, then addressing Medda), "The dead have no place in the lands of the living... while you could leave this place for the time being, the undead will stay, and the stain upon the souls of those stir in eternal restlessness will forever haunt your people."
Knowledge Religion (Taking 10): 10 + 11 = 21
Round Two:
(Alexander shifts his gaze towards Jala), "It is oft said that patience is a virtue...and while this is true, one must not fail to act."
*AID ANOTHER* Knowledge Nature (Taking 10): 10 + 5 = 15
Round Three:
(Finally, Alexander looks at Kragr with a stone face), "We all die Kragr..,better to die facing an enemy than be run down like a fleeing dog!"
Sense Motive (Taking 10): 10 + 15 = 25
GM Lorenzo |
Naetrelo adopts a teacher's pedantic tone. Medda has a lithe build, especially by Kellid standards, and wears her auburn hair tied in a tight braid. She wears a breastplate over her furs and carries a longspear into battle. As a devout follower of Vildeis, she wears a bloody bandage as a symbol of her own sacrifice, giving some of her own life force to sustain the phantom of Anok. Small scars featuring celestial runes peak from beneath her clothing.
Whether it's the substance of his lecture, or his unintentionally amusing approach that wins over Medda, he can't be sure.
"You seem to have studied such situations in depth, Master Naetrelo." She grins.
She listens to Alexander, and nods in agreement. "Exactly, inquisitor. We need only convince Kragr and Jala of the threat and the need to face it here, now."
Medda: Influence 2. You've successfully convinced Medda to stay and fight. No more attempts needed.
Like a moth drawn to the flame, the witch casts her eye on the warrior. This massive Kellid stands a head taller than most humans and wears a dire polar bear cloak from a bear he personally wrestled, pinned, and strangled during a year he spent traveling the Crown of the World. The many scars on his body suggest a life of physical conflict and perseverance.
Kragr rebuffs her advance. "Wasn't a man born who could face Kragr. Nor a man dead, neither."
Tessara realizes an alpha male like Kragr responds better to tough talk than to persuasive banter or insincere flattery.
When Alexander speaks of virtue in the context of nature, Kragr scoffs. The lion hungers and makes its kill. It's belly is full of meat, not full of virtue."
Kragr: Discovery - Kragr is cut of iconic warrior stock. Influencing him requires a successful Average Intimidate; or a Hard Diplomacy or Bluff check. He will require a great deal of convincing. Influence at the end of Round 1= 0.
Seren enters the elders' tent last, shaking some stray spirits off her backside, before addressing Jala the Patient. Jala’s age may have wrinkled her skin and clouded her vision, but she still wears her leather armor and longbow proudly. Regular exercise has kept her body strong, despite her old age.
The medium's casual tone would normally make the woman cross, but her irreverent comments seem to lighten the elder's dark mood. At least, that's what Valoria senses.
"Girl, you remind me of myself when I was a young scout. Mind your tongue, though. Mine got me in plenty of trouble, until I learned to think first, before I spoke."
Jala: Discovery - Jala's a ranger and a warrior. Influencing her requires a successful Average Knowledge (nature) or Profession (soldier); or a Hard Knowledge (religion) check. Convincing her will be easier than convincing Kragr, but harder than persuading Medda. Influence at the end of Round 1= 0.
Undiana Jones |
Round 1, if still possible
Undy suspects that, with all the fighting happening recently, Kragr has missed both breakfast and lunch, and is likely quite hangry. It will be nigh impossible to improve his disposition until his blood sugar returns to normal. Quickly, he and Riddy get out their tools and ingredients and set to work.
Craft (Sushi): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25
Riddy, Craft Sushi, aid another: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Round 2
Undy is most interested to learn more of local fish species from Jala, and cannot help but also show off his knowledge of the aquatic domain to her.
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Riddy, Knowledge Nature, Aid another: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Alexander Divyr Incostas |
*Change of Round 3 Action*
"Lions? I fear no beast...when the lion roars, one needs only reach into its mouth and tear out its throat!
Intimidate (Kragr): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
Seren's Seven |
"I am mindin', but I ain' go' time to think. Ya ever had a dozen differen' voices all mumblin' in ya hea'? It's awful!" She throws her arms up in exasperation, then pulls both of her ears out a bit. "It's constan' noise, and they drive me nutty."
"S'cause Ashava says I gotta help the ghosts sleep or rest or somethin', I dunno. She likes bringin' los' souls home, and apparently they like my dancin', yeah?" Which she can't seem to quite hide the pride in the last statement from, since she stands a little straighter. She's still short, but not quite as short when she thinks about it. "An' honestly I don' wanna go out and figh' zombies and other scary stuff, but Malsaire and Zela keep sayin' go do i'. Gotta release their spirits an' also help all the people that jus' died fightin' not get lost either."
She tilts her head to the side as if listening to something. "It's my responsibility, which I didn' really wan', but I got given it anyways, so no choice. Sometimes ya don' get a choice, ya jus' gotta answer the call... sounds dumb ta me, but I'm gonna do it anyways jus' so they shut their yaps."
Knowledge Religion to Influence Jala: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 13 + 2 = 33
GM Lorenzo |
Undiana attempts to reach Kragr through an appeal to his stomach. Unorthodox, it almost seems to work, as the warrior eyes the strange dish. Perhaps if someone else had some wasabi to give the raw fish some zip?
(Counting this as a Hard Diplomacy attempt. An Aid Another action might result in a success.)
Alexander fears no beast, and drives the point home by beating his chest. Kragr listens and watches, but isn't quite impressed. (Kragr: Influence 0.)
(If a couple of his companions could Aid Another, the attempt might be successful.)
Jala the Patient regards Seren with a mixture of confusion and concern. "Perhaps, you've been tetched by the gods, poor thing. Have you tried eating more garlic?"
(Jala: Influence 1.)
Valoria Lackland |
Round 2
Valoria walks over to Kragr.
"The legends of Eshimka are certainly terrible. Medda told us of them on our long journey here. No one would blame you for backing down from a fight with her minions. After all, a mighty warrior must know when to flee."
[dice=Take 10 Diplomacy]10+16[/dice]
Round 3
Valoria continues conversing with Kragr.
"The Pathfinder Society are mighty allies, just ask those of your people we rescued from the undead. With us by your side, how can you possibly lose?"
[dice=Take 10 Diplomacy]10+16[/dice]
Naetrelo |
Naetrelo sees that Kragr is possibly enjoying some fine sushi, and figures this would be the best time to offer a presentation. He pulls out a small chalk board, and his cat sits on the table wearing a graduate's cap.
"Now Kragr, I understand the frustrating aspects of futility, but allow me to offer a separate perspective." Then he draws a muscular stick figure on the chalk board and writes 'Kragr' under it. "Now, the primary hunter Kragr is the influence of the Twinhorn clan's bolstered strength and image. When Kragr shows his might," He draws little stick figures that only come up to the large stick figures knees. "The clan's children see this and think to themselves they want to be just like him when they grow up, and the Twinhorn get stronger for it."
Then Naetrelo crosses off the Kragr stick figure. "But suppose that Kragr one day did not show himself as the powerful and intimidating man, the next generation would have no one else to look up to." Then he erases several of the kids. "As the mighty elder, Kragr must maintain his legend to help influence the future generations to make the Twinhorn stronger." He then circles the Kragr figure and draws muscular small stick figures.
"Simply put, if you leave now the future generations will have less to look up to because of a legend that could not exist."
Diplomacy to Aid Undiana: 1d20 + 18 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 18 + 4 = 31