• Secondary Heart/Ossmodula/Biscopea/ Haemastamen: You gain the Unnatural Strength and Toughness Traits.
• Larraman’s Organ: You do not suffer from Blood Loss. Catalepsean Node: You suffer no penalties to Perception based Tests when awake for long periods of time.
• Preomnor: You gain +20 to Toughness Tests against ingested poisons.
• Omophagea: You may gain a Skill or Skill Group by devouring a portion of an enemy.
• Multi-Lung: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test for drowning or asphyxiation. In addition, you gain a +30 to Toughness Tests made to resist gases, and may re-roll failed results.
• Occulube and Lyman’s Ear: You gain the Heightened Senses (Sight and Hearing) Talents, +10 to relevant Awareness Tests.
• Sus-an Membrane: You may enter suspended animation.
• Oolotic Kidney: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test ro resist poisons and toxins, including attacks with the Toxic Quality.
• Neuroglottis: You may detect any poison or toxin by taste with a successful Awareness Test. You gain a +10 to Tracking Tests against a target you have tasted.
• Mucranoid: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Tests caused by temperature extremes.
• Betcher’s Gland: You may spit acid as a ranged weapon with the following profile:
---- Range: 3m; Damage: 1d5; Pen 4 Toxic. If you hit your target by 3 or more degrees of success, you have blinded him for 1d5 Rounds.
• Progenoids: These may be retrieved with a successful Medicae Test.
• Black Carapace: While wearing Power Armour, enemies do not gain a bonus to hit you due to your size.