Chaleb Sazomal

Chimaera2000's page

2 posts (24 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Full Name



Black Templar









About Chimaera2000

Base Stats:
Renown: Respected
Past Event: Geonide Crusade
Personal Demeanour: Gregarious
Chapter Demeanour: Zealous

WS: 58 (+5)
BS: 30 (+3)
ST: 40 [60] (+10)
TG: 40 (+8)
AGI: 35 [40] (+4)
INT: 60 (+6)
PER: 55(+5)
WIL: 35 (+3)
FEL: 50 (+5)

Wounds: 23/23
Fate Points: 3/3
Move: 5/10/15/30

Trained Skills:
• Awareness +10 [+20 Sight & Sound (Heightened & Auto-Senses); +20 in dark conditions (diagnostor helm)]

• Chem-Use

• Ciphers (Chapter Runes, Xenos Markings)

• Climb

• Command

• Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch, Imperium, War)

• Concealment [-30 (Astartes power armor)]

• Deceive

• Drive (Ground Vehicles)

• Forbidden Lore (Xenos)

• Intimidate

• Literacy

• Logic

• Medicae [+10 (diagnostor helm); +20 (astartes combat webbing); +20 on Space Marines (narthecium)]

• Navigation (Surface)

• Scholastic Lore (Beasts, Codex Astartes)

• Search

• Scrutiny

• Silent Move [-30 (Astartes power armor)]

• Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic)

• Tactics (Recon and Stealth)

• Tracking

Ambidextrous: Equally proficient with either hand.

Astartes Weapons Training: Proficient with all weapons except exotic weapons

Bulging Biceps: Does not need to brace with heavy weapons, no penalty for not bracing

Counter Attack May make a melee attack at a -20 penalty after a successful Parry.

Deathwatch Training: Automatically confirm Righteous Fury against aliens.

Fearless: Immune to all Fear or Pinning effects; must make a Willpower test to back down from a battle in progress.

Hardy: Always recovers from damage as if Lightly wounded.

Heightened Senses: (Hearing, Sight): +10 to tests related to hearing and sight.

Killing Strike: Can spend Fate Point while making All-Out Attack to make melee attacks for the round impossible to parry or dodge

Nerves of Steel: Reroll failed willpower tests to avoid or recover from pinning

Quick Draw: Ready pistols, basic ranged weapons and one handed melee weapons as a free action.

Resistance (Psychic Powers): +10 bonus on tests to resist effects of psychic powers.

Total Recall: Recalls facts, trivia, and past events perfectly; may recall complex information (such as a building layout) with an Intelligence test.

True Grit: Half critical damage taken, rounded up.

Unarmed Master: Unarmed attacks do 1d10+ST bonus damage and are not considered unarmed or primitive.

Unnatural Strength: Double your base Strength modifier.

Unnatural Toughness: Double your base Toughness modifier.

Starting Equipment::
Astartes Mk. 8 “Errant” power armour: Shots against Head instead hit Body on an 8-10; +5 Command. Armour History: “A Fury Like Lightning:” +5 Agility, +1 Initiative.

Chapter Trapping: Tabard with Deathwatch heraldry: Add 1 additional Cohesion after achieving a Primary Objective.

Other:Astartes bolter with fire selector

Astartes bolt pistol

3 Astartes frag grenades & 3 Astartes krak grenades

Astartes combat knife

Narthecium (+20 Medicae on Space Marines; double effects of First aid; consider patient Lightly Wounded at up to triple their Toughness bonus)

Reductor (can remove progenoid glands)

Repair cement

Requisitioned Equipment::
95/100 req used

Astartes heavy flamer with backpack fuel supply

Power sword with dipole mag-lock (can be Readied as part of a Parry)

Diagnostor helm (+10 Medicae; +20 to visual-based tests in dark conditions)

Astartes combat webbing (+20 Medicae)

Elucidator (translates foreign speech and text into standard language and vice-versa; can translate alien languages with a Difficult (-20) Logic test).

Auspex (+20 Awareness with half-action & concentration; can detect gases, radiation, etc. with a Tech-Use roll)

Space Marine Implants:
Secondary Heart/Ossmodula/Biscopea/Haemastamen: You gain the Unnatural Strength and Toughness Traits.

Larraman’s Organ: You do not suffer from Blood Loss.

Catalepsean Node: You suffer no penalties to Perception-based Tests when awake for long periods of time.

Preomnor: You gain +20 to Toughness Tests against ingested poisons.

Omophagea: You may gain a Skill or Skill Group by devouring a portion of an enemy.

Multi-Lung: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test for drowning or asphyxiation. In addition, you gain a +30 to Toughness Tests made to resist gases, and may re-roll failed results.

Occulube and Lyman’s Ear: You gain the Heightened Senses (Sight and Hearing) Talents, +10 to relevant Awareness Tests.

Sus-an Membrane: Nonfunctional in Black Templars

Oolotic Kidney: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test to resist poisons and toxins, including attacks with the Toxic Quality.

Neuroglottis: You may detect any poison or toxin by taste with a successful Awareness Test. You gain a +10 to Tracking Tests against a target you have tasted.

Mucranoid: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Tests caused by temperature extremes.

Betcher’s Gland: Nonfunctional in Black Templars

Progenoids: These may be retrieved with a successful Medicae Test.

Black Carapace: While wearing Power Armour, enemies do not gain a bonus to hit you due to your size

Astartes power armor bonuses:
AP: 10 Body / 8 for all others

Servo-Augmented Musculature: +20 Strength

Auto-senses: Dark Sight; immune to Photon Flash and Stun Grenades; Called Shots are Half Actions; +10 to Sight and Hearing Awareness Tests (total +20 with Heightened Senses)

Built-in Gear: Vox Link and Mag-Boots

Nutrient Recycling: Can operate for two weeks without re-supply

Recoil Suppression: May fire Basic weapons 1-handed without penalty

Size: Hulking (Black Carapace means no bonus for enemies to attack)

Poor Manual Dexterity: Delicate tasks suffer a –10 penalty unless using equipment designed for Space Marines

Osmotic Gill Life Sustainer: With the helmet on, the armour is environmentally sealed

EXP spent:

WS +5, Int +10, Per +5 (1100 XP)

Deed: No Quarter Given (+3 WS, gain Counter-Attack talent; 500 XP)

Fearless (800 XP)
Hardy (100 XP)
Total Recall (500 XP)

Awareness +10 (300 XP)
Chem-Use (400 XP)
Ciphers (Xenos Markings) (200 XP)
Command (300 XP)
Deceive (400 XP)
Logic (400 XP)
Scholastic Lore (Beasts) (200 XP)
Scrutiny (400 XP)
Search (400 XP)

Picture of Athalos, Black Templar Apothecary

TL; DR backstory:
a) Before he was Athalos, a Templar Apothecary, he was a human named Carter. Carter's father was a doctor and he was a thug. They started a stim-supply operation that landed them in the Savlar Chem-Dogs penal regiment.

b) The Chem-Dogs fought on Armageddon and their commander died terribly in an Ork crossfire. Carter led the squad in an improbable berserk charge that broke one side of the Orks forces and let Imperial reinforcements mop up the other.

c) After the battle, an Inquisitor pulls him and his father out of the regiment. She wants them to use their chemistry knowledge to figure out how to activate a Xeno bio-weapon to wipe out a Tau colony. They succeed, but also determine that the weapon will cause terrible biological damage to human settlers who repopulate the colony after.

d) Carter and his father argue with the Inquisitor not to use the weapon. The Inquisitor kills his father to force him to activate it, but doesn’t kill Carter because she views it as “squandering a potentially valuable asset to the Imperium.” She owes a favor to a Black Templar warden in a nearby chapter-monastery and ships him off to them to be recruited.

e) He succeeds, becomes a Black Templar, and fights in the Crusades long enough to request a transfer to the Deathwatch. He begins seeking out the Inquisitor who killed his father even whilst waging war against the enemies of the Imperium.

Full Backstory
Some sons follow in their father’s footsteps to become doctors just like them. Other sons con their fathers into illegal stim-supply ops, get busted, and land them both in penal regiments on Armageddon. “Details, details,” that son would scoff as Ork flamethrowers and exploding Chimaeras choked the ash-filled hellscape around father and son.

Long, long before he was Athalos, Apothecary of the Black Templar Space Marines, that son was named Carter. Carter and his father Reynaud had just been hurled into an Arbites cell on Savlar before they were dragged to an Imperial shuttle. “Congratulations, scum, you’re going to fight Orks on Armageddon!” whooped a Guard commander who was far too enthusiastic about leaping headfirst into a Squiggoth’s maw. Probably because a few hundred thousand criminals could be a main course and he’d just be the toothpick.

“As of now, you’re Savlar Chem-Dogs. You’ll have a rebreather to put whatever the hell stims you boys kill your brain with these days and a lasgun to blow away every Ork feth-face you see! Heck, take whatever’s not nailed down on the battlefield after…. Just get in there, scream ‘For the Emperor!’, and send greenskins straight to Him!”

Their commander did scream “For the Emperor!” before his body showered the squad in red-misted gore. Yet, Carter’s squad wasn’t afraid when Lootaz cored their Chimaeras and caught them in a crossfire with Orks in an opposing trench in the wastes. Carter himself didn’t doubt as he took command of the squad and ordered them to dump all of their smoke grenades in front of the Orks so they could charge the opposing trench. The Savlar Chem-Dogs were furious from the aggression stims they popped before every fight… and Carter and his dad had cooked up the good stuff before this one.

Their berserk charge into the Ork trench would have done a Templar proud… and against all probability, it worked. In more lucid moments after, the Chem-Dogs said that the victory was partly from their impromptu sergeant’s uncompromising push to attack and never yield. It was also partly from that sergeant not getting his fool head blown off as he rushed down the length of the trench to pump it full of flame with an appropriated Ork Burna. Whatever the cause, Imperial reinforcements showed up to drive out the Lootaz, Carter received some shiny medals, and both he and his father were yanked off-world by order of the Inquisition.

His father Reynaud whispered caution and suspicion. Even though Carter was a hero of the moment, even though they knew how to fix the human body and how to muck it up with every chemical in the Imperium… it just didn’t make sense why Inquisitor Kylastis would choose scumbags from an expendable regiment to fill out her retinue. It made more sense when the elderly Inquisitor Kylastis commended on their courage, whispered that she needed their knowledge to save lives, and showed them the Xenos bio-weapon she intended to use on a Tau colony. She just needed them to show her how to turn it on.

“Fear the alien,” Carter heard in his thought and shivered across his arms as he studied the weapon. Over the days, he searched for the trigger sequence while Reynaud made a projection of what the biological and ecological effects would be expected after the weapon was used. The aged Inquisitor Kylastis calmly and warmly welcomed them into her office when they informed her they were successful. Before Carter could begin, Reynaud interrupted… the bio-weapon would kill every Tau on the planet and while leaving ecosystems mostly intact. However, the toxins would linger; human settlers to arrive on that world would suffer from burned lungs, ocular and aural damage, and genetic deformities for at least three generations. Inquisitor Kylastis nodded and said that this was acceptable. Carter leapt in with every argument he could imagine to convince her that in no fething way was this acceptable!

“Sure, my father and I have wrecked a few immune systems in our time,” Carter started. “Those people chose that for themselves, though. Their lives may have even been better off for it; we may have provided better quality of life in this gorram universe of ours. It’s different for those colonists, though… I know how this works and there’s no fething way that the Administratum will tell those colonists what’s going to happen to them and their children when they start living on this world. I like you, Inquisitor, but if we use fething Xenos tech to take this planet then we’re failing Imperium and its people.”

Reynaud looked proudly at his son. The aged Inquisitor's head bobbed as she stated, “Thank you for your honest appraisal.” Her bolt pistol blew Reynaud’s head into so many chunks and gobbets before she turned it back towards Carter. “Now activate that weapon.”

Carter seethed as he input the activation sequence for the bio-weapon… and there was purpose in that rage. He saw that the Inquisitor’s bolt pistol had been holstered the entire time she’d walked with him back the launch bay, the softening of her posture. He would not die today and that would give him the opportunity to have his vengeance. As the shuttle arrived, Carter couldn’t keep his mouth and shut and blurted out, “Why am I not dead?”

The Inquisitor sighed in her grandmotherly way, then chuckled. “Don’t flatter yourself. I owe a favor to the Black Templars warden in the fortress-monastery on Sepulchre IV. That charge you pulled off on Armageddon makes me think you’d be a good fit for them. I don’t believe that luck or the Emperor’s favor makes men triumph. I believe a man’s skills and willpower are what elevates him and yours have proven valuable to the Imperium. If you survive the selection, you’ll be an asset to the Templars… and I hate throwing away assets before they’re provided their full value.”

They both smiled and nodded as Carter swore he’d kill that Inquisitor. Even if he became a Space Marine, even if he fought in crusades and defended the Imperium, he would find a way to rejoin the Inquisition. He would find Inquisitor Kylastis and kill her in his father’s memory. Becoming an Astartes means leaving much of one’s humanity behind, but the drive for vengeance remains.

Carter was anointed as Athalos, Templar knight, and his hatred stayed pure.