Gorvald Thrimbyrson

Einar Stormson's page

143 posts. Alias of Wilhelm Shieldbreaker.

Full Name

Einar Stormson


Space Wolf


Wolf Scout 1, Wounds=15/20, Fate=2/3


Ammo Sniper= 3full+4, Bolter= 3Full+28+ 25 Hellfire, Stalker pistol=2Full +13, 2Full Stalker, 1Full +10 Metal Storm.

About Einar Stormson

Einar Stormson
Space Wolf Wolf Scout
Rank 1

Demeanor: Taciturn
Chapter Demeanor: Sons of Russ
Past: Fenris Hunter


Base...Bonus...With Kit/Armour
WS 47....(4)
BS 50....(5)
S 37....(6)......... 57
T 45....(8)
Ag 51....(5)..........
Int 44....(4)
Per 51....(5)
WP 41....(4)
Fel 33....(3)

Wnds: 20
Fate: 3
Movement: Half= 5; Full= 10; Charge= 15; Run= 30

Other Abilities:

Deed: Gene Seed Anamoly:- +3 to 1 stat (BS), -3 to another(Fel), gain Medicae skill
Behind Enemy Lines: -5 Fellowship, +5 Agility, Shadowing instead of Command. May not purchase any Talents that involve fellowship based skill or a fellowship prerequisite.
Wolf Senses Solo mode:May reroll failed Perception based tests and counts as having Dark Sight. Not if in sealed helmet.
Tooth and Nail Squad Attack mode: Free, 2, may reroll opposed tests in grapples, add +20 to outnumbering bonuses and add +20 to Dodge and +10 to Parry
Pack Tactics Squad Defense mode: Can give up an unused reaction to distract and allow other marine's attack to not be Parried or Dodged.


Awareness (51)(+10 heightened senses: smell sight and hearing, +3 chapter trapping)
Carouse (22)
Charm (18)
Ciphers (Chapter Runes) (44)
Climb (37)
Command (18)
Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch, Imperium, War) (44)
Concealment (51)
Contortionist (25)
Deceive (18)
Dodge (51)
Drive (Ground Vehicles) (51)
Evaluate (22)
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) (44)
Gamble (25)
Inquiry (18)
Intimidate (37)
Literacy (44)
Logic (22)
Medicae (44)(+20 Combat webbing)
Navigation (Surface) (44)
Scholastic Lore (Codex
Astartes) (44)

Scrutiny (25)
Search (25)
Shadowing (51)
Silent Move (51)(+30 stummer)
Speak Language (High Gothic, Low
Gothic) (44)

Survival (44)
Swim (18)
Tactics (Recon and Stealth)(44)
Tracking (44)(+10 if tasted)

Talents and Traits:

Dark Sight: No penalties in darkness.
Unnatural Strength (x2).
Unnatural Toughness (x2).

AMBIDEXTROUS: No penalties for off hand, with 2wpn fighter only -10 for attack with each hand.
ASTARTES WPN TRAINING: Proficient in all bar Exotic.
BULGING BICEPS: Can fire Hvy wpns without bracing and no -30.
COUNTER ATTACK: Successful Parry allows Free attack back with same wpn against same enemy at -20.
DEATHWATCH TRAINING: Auto Confirm Righteous Fury.
HEIGHTENED SENSES (Hearing, Sight, Smell): +10 related checks.
KILLING STRIKE: spend a fate to make attacks impossible to dodge or parry.
NERVES OF STEEL: Reroll will svs to avoid pinning.
QUICK DRAW: Ready as a free action.
RAPID RELOAD: Halve reload times.
RESISTANCE (Psychic Powers): +10 resist psychic powers.
TRUE GRIT: ½ critical damage.
UNARMED MASTER: unarmed attacks do d10+ str Impact dmg, not primitive.

Space Marine Implants:

• Secondary Heart/Ossmodula/Biscopea/ Haemastamen: You gain the Unnatural Strength and Toughness Traits.
• Larraman’s Organ: You do not suffer from Blood Loss. Catalepsean Node: You suffer no penalties to Perceptionbased Tests when awake for long periods of time.
• Preomnor: You gain +20 to Toughness Tests against ingested poisons.
• Omophagea: You may gain a Skill or Skill Group by devouring a portion of an enemy.
• Multi-Lung: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test for drowning or asphyxiation. In addition, you gain a +30 to Toughness Tests made to resist gases, and may re-roll failed results.
• Occulube and Lyman’s Ear: You gain the Heightened Senses (Sight and Hearing) Talents, +10 to relevant Awareness Tests.
• Sus-an Membrane: You may enter suspended animation.
• Oolotic Kidney: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Test ro resist poisons and toxins, including attacks with the Toxic Quality.
• Neuroglottis: You may detect any poison or toxin by taste with a successful Awareness Test. You gain a +10 to Tracking Tests against a target you have tasted.
• Mucranoid: You may re-roll any failed Toughness Tests caused by temperature extremes.
• Betcher’s Gland: You may spit acid as a ranged weapon with the following profile:
---- Range: 3m; Damage: 1d5; Pen 4 Toxic. If you hit your target by 3 or more degrees of success, you have blinded him for 1d5 Rounds.
• Progenoids: These may be retrieved with a successful Medicae Test.
• Black Carapace: While wearing Power Armour, enemies do not gain a bonus to hit you due to your size.


Mk 5 'Heresy' power armour: AP 9 body, 8 Arms and Legs; +20 Str, +5 Awareness, +10 Fel with Space Marines, -10 with Inquisition
– Unknown Provenance: roll d5; 1=+5BS, 2=+5WS, 3=+5Str, 4=+10 vs Pinning, 5=-10Ag
- Mk8 Gorget (helmet compatible): Head attack roll d10, 8,9,10 = body hit.
- + 10 vs Toxic; 6 doses pain suppressant (ignore critical affects for 1D10 rds; max 1rd stunned; Mag boots; Nutrient recycling 2 weeks; Can fire basic wpns 1 handed; -10 Concealment and Silent Move; -10 to delicate dex tasks.

Astartes stalker bolt pistol, Scout armour and power armour, Astartes Bolter with fire selector, 1 clip of special issue (Hellfire) ammo for bolter, 2 frag, 3 krak, Combat knife, repair cement, Chapter trapping:- Totem of the Sun Wolf = +3 Awareness

Astartes Stalker Bolt Pistol
Range 30M RoF S/2/- DMg 1d10+9X Pen 4 Clip 14 Rld (Full) Accurate (additional +10 when aiming),Tearing (Roll 3 dice for Dmg and pick 2) Wt 5.5+0.5+1
Silent (-30 to awareness to hear and only hear within half normal distance, no test at all with stalker rounds)
Fire Selector:- up to 3 mags, may switch as free action.

Mk IV Ultra pattern sharpshooter rifle
Basic 250m S/-/- Dmg 1d10+4R Pen 2 Clip 5 Rld full Accurate, Felling (1), Toxic. Wht 4 Tailor-made: Only Einar can use it. Comes with Telescopic sight. Suppressor: Awareness tests to notice it fire are at -20 and can only be done at half range. Counts as Solid projectile for Astartes wpn training.

Astartes Chainsword
Melee Dmg 1D10+3R Pen 3 Balanced(+10 to parry),Tearing,

Astartes Bolter (Godwyn pattern)
Range 100m RoF S/3/- Dmg 1d10+9X Pen 4 Clip 28 Rld (Full) Tearing Wt 18

Metal storm rounds:- Dmg and Pen reduced by 2, gains Blast(2) quality.

Stalker rounds:- When used in pistol no tests to detect shots are possible.

Hellfire rounds:- Ignores Natural Armour, Righteous Fury on 9 or 10. 1 extra dmg to Horde magnitude.

Stummer:- +30 to silent move. 20 mins power before 1 hr recharge.

Cartograph:- +10 to Navigation (Surface) tests can store maps and schematics.

Auto-sense goggles:- no penalties due to darkness, +20 to vision based perception at night or in dark, see radioactivity frequencies, record picts, 5x optical enhancement, 5x micro magnification, laser range finder- for artillery or aerospace fire add +20 to BS of allied unit.

Astartes combat webbing:- includes clip pouches,medicae pouch (+20 to medicae tests,detox, pain suppressant and resuscitex), grenade pouches, knife sheath, sidearm holster and soft drop pouch.

Deathwatch Scout Armour: AP 7 Body and Arms, AP 5 Legs;
+ 10 to toughness tests vs contact poisons, radiation, acids or chemicals; -10 to tech-use or scrutiny tests to detect using auto-senses, auspex or auger arrays;
Long range vox- 35km;
Interlocuter beacon- identifies to friendly forces also distress beacon;
+5 vs Toxic and similar poisons;
2 doses pain suppressant (ignore critical affects for 1D10 rds; If stunned, negated in d5 rounds; -No penalty to Concealment and Silent Move;

Astartes Combat Webbing 3
Stummer 5
Mk IX Ultra Pattern Sharpshooter rifle 25
Chain sword 5
Auto-sense goggles 10
Stalker Rounds 2x (SP) 5
Metal Storm Rounds 2x(SP) 15
Fire selector (SP) 2

XP breakdown:


Initial: 12,000 - 12,999
Wolf Scout 200
Deed of Disdain: Gene Seed Anamoly 300
Survival 200
Rapid Reload (elite for skipped lvl) 250

Rank 1: 13,000 - 17,000

Rank 2: 17,000 - 21,300

Rank 3: 21,300 - 25,100

Rank 4: 25,100 - 30,000

Rank 5: 30,000 - 34,500


Due to a defect in Einar's melanchromic organ he has the resulting pure white hair, pale skin and red eyes of an albino. His melanchromic organ does still protect him from radiation and in these scenarios his skin does darken, but normally there is no colour at all. Although white hair is common amongst the space wolves, it is normally age related and as such this difference is viewed with concern if not outright hostility. For this reason, amongst those not of the Vilka Fenryka he mostly wears either a helmet or goggles to hide his eyes.
Other than this, Einar is fairly small and wiry for a Space Wolf, even allowing for his preference for the carapace plates and dura-cloth of scout armour. When in motion he is the consummate hunter, agile on his feet and moving low to the ground to remain close to any tracks, his eyes constantly moving and taking in everything around him.
Einar generally keeps himself to himself, preferring a quiet spot in the corner for feasts, one from which he can keep watch or alternatively to be outside away from the noise.


born in the Kossenneg ite, to a trader and his wife.Einar inherited his father's ease with people and his mother's blond hair and green eyes. Whilst travelling from ite to ite on a supply run in charge of his father's snowrunner and crew, Einar spotted a distant figure being tracked by group of Lindworms. Ordering the steersman to guide the 'Windrider' into spear range the crew launched their spears bringing the first beast down. Flushed with their success they brought their craft round for another pass, but here it all went wrong. An unseen rock and the 'Windrider's' fate was sealed, the craft crashed into the ice and the crew were thrown clear. Floki was killed instantly,left lying on the red snow and Torfel's leg was sundered. Einar however rallied his crew, leading them back into the fight. Without the 'Windrider' they were at a disadvantage though and the crew quickly fell until Einar and one other fought back to back. Just as they were about to fall from loss of blood, they saw the lone traveller throw of his glamour,revealed as a mighty sky warrior. This mighty warrior in his skull helmet,crashing his lightning rod down upon the beasts' heads was the last thing Einar saw.
Little did Einar know, but this was the Wolf Priest Erik Ironmane and on his sayso,both Einar and his last crewman were accepted into the Space Wolves. Here however the saga changes, the Canos Helix affected Einar differently causing him to become an albino and for his natural charisma to leach away, instead he became more of a loner, although the reaction did make his arm straighter and his eye sharper when it came to shooting. As a result of these genetic defects he spent a lot of time with the wolf priests whilst they assessed him and his mutation, deemed acceptable he found his skills now lay with the wolf scouts and the small teams their craft required. Whilst hunting Orks on Septom VII Einar's life was saved by the devastator Viluf, honour bound to repay the debt, Einar stuck with him and over the campaign they saved each others lives several times, becoming more like pack mates. Therefore when Viluf agreed to join the Deathwatch, Einar could not be persuaded otherwise despite the risk of his mutation being discovered by some of the more puritanical chapters.