Krinn's Untitled Campaign

Game Master Krinn

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so we have a sand man bard, a vanilla bard, a monk, a melee ranger, a ninja and a wizard. Distinct lack of healing isnt it?

Beslisard and Faer both have soothing performance but that is it

So that is 6 of us, with 1 person DMing so 5 players. not bad

I would suggest that the DM's PC not be around, just off doing something else for their God, and comes back with gaining equivalent XP and treasure.

Who wants to go first? Shall we say 5 encounters then swap (an encounter being a combat or a successful social interaction?

Sorry, folks, I'm not too terribly interested in a rotating GM game. PBP's are random enough without throwing that in the mix. Have fun, though - should be epic!

Hmm, as low as the chances for a last minute comeback are, I would at least wait until the end of this day before pronouncing this dead.

With you on that, Fink'. Entirely possible Nabu's just ducked out until the official close date was over and done with.

hoping he swoops in today and says yay or nay*crossing fingers*

Actually, Freddy took Cure Mod and Serious wounds, and even made Cure Serious one of his Mythic spells. He can't drop channels at will, but I can rotate out one of his level 5 known for Mass Cure Light, which will at least be closer to doing the job and without the risk of healing enemies that a cleric without a good CHA has.

And I'd say give him through the weekend. He could well have run into life things or internet problems, and it'd best to be fair and give him the benefit of the doubt before pulling his game out from under him.

No one is declaring it dead, if you notice that is what I said right away. Hoping he comes back. But no reason to start building a backup plan.

But I will repeat I REALLY hope that this is much ado about nothing.

No one hopes more than me that Nabu comes and makes me look foolish.

Ok so lets move on officially here

Who is in? I am willing to take the 2nd GM slot.

i cant GM for quite some time, i am moving back to the US in a month and it will take a bit to get settled into a house. I will prepare during the downtimes i get during all that, but for the next month i have very little downtime.

so Belsiard, and Tenro in

Silver Crusade

I'm still in (Drizzt). Given two weeks, I'd be able to start things off if no-one steps up.

Well, I would be ready to roll along (and also DM of course). I'm somewhat skeptical that'll work out for long, but if one doesn't try, one'll never know.

I'm in, though I am not ready to DM quite yet

I'm in a rotating-GM game that is also level 20 and mythic, I know such a method can work.

So Belsaird, Tenro, Reddy, Xaikon, Drizzt, and Fink.

DM 1-Drizzt Scheduled to start March 17 ish

Drizzt, would you like to make a thread that we can all dot, and we can have a discussion thread as well?

Think I'm gonna have to duck out of this one if we're doing the rotating DM thing. I just don't have the time to be actually DMing a game; it takes a lot more effort than just playing in one.

Revising then

Belsiard, Tenro, Xaikon, Fink, Drizzt

Drizzt running first.

I will add CSW and CMW to Belsiard for a little more healing

Sounds like a plan

Silver Crusade

New thread up. See you there.

Hi there, sorry to have been out of contact as I was travelling the last two days. I'm up to the game with rotating GM duties. I've done a little stint of it on a game that died. I've also got GMing experience for table tops but I've got no experience GMing at high level.

cool Sarith, come join the party

I'm still here and willing to take a turn on DMing as well.

Next question though, are we going with the concept as is or are we gonna tweak it somewhat?

and if we need a healer i do have my main persona Lady Zaldane who can be re worked as a priestess of Sune! and A Hierophant for us if you would like?

I'm in, my family emergency is finally over and I can get back onto the boards tomorrow.

How much of a warning will GM's get before it's their turn?

Here lady Z before her level up and mythic additives, have to reshuffle some stuff but she is pretty simple straight forward cleric


Nightskies wrote:
New thread up. See you there.

we are on a new thread now

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