GM_Grandlounge's Down the Verdant Path (Inactive)

Game Master Grandlounge

Useful PBP information and guides



[dice=Initiative Slippy] 1d20 +6 [/dice]
[dice=Initiative Ren] 1d20 +1 [/dice]
[dice=Initiative Philip] 1d20 +4 [/dice]
[dice=Initiative Cylipsti] 1d20 +5 [/dice]

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Young frog's tongue fires out in a cork screw flash.
Tongue Touch: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Grab/Pull: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Attaches to Cylipsti and drags him through the grey soil, his heels leaving ruts as he fights the beast.

If this moves Cylipsti he takes an attack vs grappled AC from Papa Frog.

Attack: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1

Trying not to bite his son and aim round the mushrooms proves too difficult for him.

Bold may act.
Active party buffs: (none)
Round 1


Frog: Son (sickened) -5 | Father (sickened/shaken(1))

Grand Lodge

Male Samsaran Warpriest lvl 3 AC 20, FF 17, T 13 F+4, R+5, W +8 Per +7 Int +5

Cylipsti is dragged 10 ft by the force of the tongue toward the large frog.

[I]Raginori, deity of the storm, I require your assistance. Please, lend me your power at this time.{/I]

Cylipsti uses a fervor to swift case divine favor. DC is = 10+CMB=10+5=20
concentration check: 1d20 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 4 + 3 = 22

Cylipsti feels the power of his liege fill him with power and he attempts to strike his whip at the frog who has grappled him.

-2 to attacks for being grappled and a -2 Dex penalty for being grappled
whip attack: 1d20 - 2 - 2 + 9 ⇒ (5) - 2 - 2 + 9 = 10

If it hits...
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Sorry that was a -4 Dex penalty that translates to a -2 penalty to attack.

The Concordance

Aasimar Crossblooded Sorcerer 4| AC15 T11 F14 | HP 21/22 | CMD:12 | F:+3 R:+3 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +4 | Spells: 2nd-5/5, 1st-7/8, Sacrificial Boon: 8/8 | Active Effects: mage armor

"Well...That sometimes works."

Ren steps up and baths the creatures in purifying fire.

burning hands; CL3: 3d4 + 4 ⇒ (4, 4, 4) + 4 = 16 DC 17 Reflex

Liberty's Edge

Male Grippli Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 2 | AC:22 T:18 F:15 | HP:20/20 | CMD:17 | F:+4 R:+9 W:+3 | Init:+6 | Perception:+8 | Grit:3/3

Slippy hops along the tops of the mushrooms to maneuver for a clear shot.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Quickly reloading his crossbow as he moves, "You've got that one right where you want him, right Cylipsti? I'll leave him to you." Once he's positioned with a clear shot at papa frog he fires off a bolt.

Crossbow: 1d20 + 10 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 10 + 1 - 4 = 19 damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
-4 for shooting into melee already included, incidentally I don't think it matters here, but Slippy is using Cold Iron bolts if I don't mention otherwise.

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Cylipsti shortens his grip on his whip and it slams down with magical force crushing the skull of the frog. A spectacle for such a humble weapon as a whip.

In perfect synchronicity a gout of flame erupts from above the shoulder of Cylipsti, as Ren's fire provide the perfect opportunity for Slippy's bolt to jam into the tympanic membrane of older frog.

GM Screen:
Reflex: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Both bodies singed, motionless, and dehydrated form the heat pose no threat to the party.

The Concordance

Aasimar Crossblooded Sorcerer 4| AC15 T11 F14 | HP 21/22 | CMD:12 | F:+3 R:+3 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +4 | Spells: 2nd-5/5, 1st-7/8, Sacrificial Boon: 8/8 | Active Effects: mage armor

"Damn! Why didn't they run..."

The Exchange

Male Human Investigator(Empiricist) 2 | AC 18 FF14 T14 | F+2 R+7 W+3 | HP 11/17 | Init+4 | Perception+9(+10vs traps) | CMD 15/11FF

"Well damn, that was just a waste, shame they didn't feel like talking. Everyone alright?"

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An eye-catching collection of glittering rocks rests by the side of the pond, stored inside a floppy hat. While most of the stones have little material value, one of them is a pearl of power (1st level).

DC:10 Knowledge (nature or planes):
You identify the frogs as fey creatures from the First World—a clue in Jamila’s favor.

DC:10 Knowledge (history or local):
You recall that Briar Henge druids often employ giant-sized versions of animals—evidence in Falbin’s favor.

Concordance Faction DC:10 Heal :
Frogs’ chameleonlike skin contains properties that respond to seasonal changes in the First World the maybe of interest to Ashasar.

Liberty's Edge

Male Grippli Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 2 | AC:22 T:18 F:15 | HP:20/20 | CMD:17 | F:+4 R:+9 W:+3 | Init:+6 | Perception:+8 | Grit:3/3

Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Slippy hops down from his perch on top of the mushrooms and prods at one of the dead frogs.

"I'm alright. You think those druids set these things here to watch for anyone investigating their mess, Falbin? Maybe we should continue with a bit more caution and hopefully get a bit more information before whatever else might be around here decides we look tasty."

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"See they summon their wicked creatures and plague the land. But you have proven yourselves to be formidable. We will prevail over those foolish druids."

The Concordance

Aasimar Crossblooded Sorcerer 4| AC15 T11 F14 | HP 21/22 | CMD:12 | F:+3 R:+3 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +4 | Spells: 2nd-5/5, 1st-7/8, Sacrificial Boon: 8/8 | Active Effects: mage armor

knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
heal: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18

"These creatures are obviously Fey of the First World. Is it possible that you are both right, and the druids are involved in the portal?

Ren inspects the frog corpses carefully, "The Concordance is interested in the unique chameleon nature of these creatures. Mind helping me take a sample?" Ren goes to work, dumping and rinsing an acid flask before taking some skin samples with his dagger, before chilling the flasks with a ray of frost and storing them in his backpack.

Grand Lodge

Male Samsaran Warpriest lvl 3 AC 20, FF 17, T 13 F+4, R+5, W +8 Per +7 Int +5

knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
knowledge(local): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

The evidence does seem to suggest things that are in both of your views, Falbin and Jamila. Maybe somebody has turned a druid to open a portal?

Cylipsti casts detect magic on the treasure. If there is anything besides the Pearl of Power (1st)

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

No other treasure, so you continue on. After another mile of travel through increasingly tropical conditions, you arrive at a long-abandoned settlement whose only remaining structure is a low stone well.

The riotous jumble of ferns and fungi gives way to a glade with a low stone well at its heart. Wet, warbling sobs escape from a small gray figure slumped against the mossy bricks. The gnome appears bleached of all color— even their gaudy costume and intricate tattoos seem incongruously bland and ashen. Their tears flash briefly with iridescent rainbows as they fall. As if half-waking from a dismal dream, the gnome looks skyward and cries, “A love so close, so far! I’d give all and more for a drop of crimson or a dab of teal!”

The Concordance

Aasimar Crossblooded Sorcerer 4| AC15 T11 F14 | HP 21/22 | CMD:12 | F:+3 R:+3 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +4 | Spells: 2nd-5/5, 1st-7/8, Sacrificial Boon: 8/8 | Active Effects: mage armor

Ren watches from a safe distance. "Umm. Cylipti... Do you understand this variety of crazy? Are you able to find a common ground with this creature"

Grand Lodge

Male Samsaran Warpriest lvl 3 AC 20, FF 17, T 13 F+4, R+5, W +8 Per +7 Int +5

Cylipsti looks at Ren. I've only dealt with bleached gnomes once during my 4th life. It wasn't pleasant. Though I will see what I can do for this poor soul. And it's Cylipsti.

Turning to the gnome, Cylipsti lowers his voice and approaches within 10 feet. Excuse me, Master Gnome. May we be of assistance?

Cylipsti beckons Phillip forward as he is more diplomatic.

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

Without raising her downcast eyes the grey gnome sniffles, and in a soft voice, as if whispering to herself she says, "I'm not a bleachling." Tears well up in her eyes once again and she begins to sob.

Slippy sidles up near Cylipsti, "What's going on then? Did the portal do this to you? Is it draining colour from you to power itself? That's really strange. Colour as a power source. I wonder what people could accomplish with that."

The Concordance

Aasimar Crossblooded Sorcerer 4| AC15 T11 F14 | HP 21/22 | CMD:12 | F:+3 R:+3 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +4 | Spells: 2nd-5/5, 1st-7/8, Sacrificial Boon: 8/8 | Active Effects: mage armor

Timidly Ren joins the others. "We can help you, where are you from?"

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“I am Azure, as I’m sitting here, but blue of a different hue without my palette. But it’s nearby, just on the other side. In my grayest hour, I’d welcome knights of any shade. Maybe you?”

She grabs a beautiful yellow flower in two fingers like a verdant tea cup. When she tucks it in her hair and the colour evaporate into the ether.

Where are you from/ Did the portal do this to you/ Is it draining colour from you to power itself?

"I'm from the other side of the hole here, from the many-splendored First World. I confess my heartbreak tore it open. You see, long back, one of the Eldest caught me borrowing a bauble or two, and knowing I’m nothing without my indigo and verdigris, he plucked them right out of me and stuffed them into a bindle bag! Now it’s ever so close, but I’m too yellow to cross!”

We can help you?

“If your looking to help it was yearning for my colors that made it be, then as long as I’m grey, it’s sure to stay. Ah, what does it matter? I’ll fade to nothing in a day or two.”

The Concordance

Aasimar Crossblooded Sorcerer 4| AC15 T11 F14 | HP 21/22 | CMD:12 | F:+3 R:+3 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +4 | Spells: 2nd-5/5, 1st-7/8, Sacrificial Boon: 8/8 | Active Effects: mage armor

Can we see this hole/portal?

Ren looks to the gnome, struggling to parse his comments. "He put your indigo in a bindle bag? An your sorrow opened this portal? But you can't cross over?"

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

You look around for a portal. You catch a strange shimmer of light out of the corner of you eye. Turning your head towards it, you let you eyes go out of focus, and there it is a portal!

"My rainbow was stolen and bundled in a bundle. So sad was I in exile that I made a door home, but that sadness is so strong I cannot walk through that door."

Jamila, "Well we know the source of the weather now. It seems to be the first world, and this poor creatures sadness seems to be allowing the bleed-through." Jamila looks at Falbin who in turn looks at the ground.

"Can I trust you to fix this problem in the prototype world?"

Grand Lodge

Male Samsaran Warpriest lvl 3 AC 20, FF 17, T 13 F+4, R+5, W +8 Per +7 Int +5

Absolutely Azure. We will go forth and fix this problem. How will we know your rainbow? There are probably a fair number on the other side

The Exchange

Male Human Investigator(Empiricist) 2 | AC 18 FF14 T14 | F+2 R+7 W+3 | HP 11/17 | Init+4 | Perception+9(+10vs traps) | CMD 15/11FF

sorry for missing a few days have been sick
"And what can you tell us of the of the eldest who did this to you? any chance that he/she guards it or has others guard it for them?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Grippli Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 2 | AC:22 T:18 F:15 | HP:20/20 | CMD:17 | F:+4 R:+9 W:+3 | Init:+6 | Perception:+8 | Grit:3/3

"Being sad made a portal? I don't know much about portals but that seems strange. You're sure this is your doing and not something else going on?"

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

"It is true. I lost my colour and now I'm blue. That is what made the hole in your world. My colour sits through there in a brown sac. I used to think brown was drab but I would wear nothing but burlap if it meant wearing an colour at all."

Liberty's Edge

Male Grippli Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 2 | AC:22 T:18 F:15 | HP:20/20 | CMD:17 | F:+4 R:+9 W:+3 | Init:+6 | Perception:+8 | Grit:3/3

Slippy approaches the portal cautiously and peers at it, "I suppose this should stay open until you get your colour back, then? So coming back once we have it shouldn't be a problem? Unless you can tell us more about this Eldest or his possible guards like Philip suggested before we go then I'm ready to see what's on the other side."

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

"The eldest will not bother you but I peeped through once, and the wild hunt nearly spotted me. They first caught me, back before, and beat me black-and-blue. Now they guard the Bramble Bank, in the Heartgrove, where my palette hangs. Be wary of those wily ones from the moment you cross through!”

Falbin says softly, "I will not be going through. This as far as my journey takes me.
Here have these."

He hands the group two tangleburn bags, and mutters, "don't die.

Once three people have said they are going through you will have entered the portal

The Exchange

Male Human Investigator(Empiricist) 2 | AC 18 FF14 T14 | F+2 R+7 W+3 | HP 11/17 | Init+4 | Perception+9(+10vs traps) | CMD 15/11FF

Philip draws and drinks an extract heightened awareness then turns to Falbin and says,"we will try not to, and thank you for the conversation and items. shall we?" and steps though the portal

The Concordance

Aasimar Crossblooded Sorcerer 4| AC15 T11 F14 | HP 21/22 | CMD:12 | F:+3 R:+3 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +4 | Spells: 2nd-5/5, 1st-7/8, Sacrificial Boon: 8/8 | Active Effects: mage armor

"into the First World, this should be exciting." Ren will follow Philip.

Liberty's Edge

Male Grippli Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 2 | AC:22 T:18 F:15 | HP:20/20 | CMD:17 | F:+4 R:+9 W:+3 | Init:+6 | Perception:+8 | Grit:3/3

Slippy steps into the portal.

Grand Lodge

Male Samsaran Warpriest lvl 3 AC 20, FF 17, T 13 F+4, R+5, W +8 Per +7 Int +5

Off we go!

Cylipsti steps through the portal

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Azure explains that, “you must jump in while holding aloft an offering, some trifle you’re not too attached to, though I would caution against cold iron. Once inside, spin around thrice widdershins (counter clockwise). The ether of the portal is much like water, so you will have to kick and swim in order to spin.”

I will need Swim checks from everyone.

Cylipsti feels a piece of paper tucked into his belt as he jumps.

Liberty's Edge

Male Grippli Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 2 | AC:22 T:18 F:15 | HP:20/20 | CMD:17 | F:+4 R:+9 W:+3 | Init:+6 | Perception:+8 | Grit:3/3

Slippy holds up a piece of chalk and does his best to follow Azure's instructions as he hops into the portal.

Swim: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

The Exchange

Male Human Investigator(Empiricist) 2 | AC 18 FF14 T14 | F+2 R+7 W+3 | HP 11/17 | Init+4 | Perception+9(+10vs traps) | CMD 15/11FF

Philip will hold up an old pen and follow Azure's instructions to the best of his ability. He grins at everyone"Here goes nothing"
swim: 1d20 + 0 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 0 + (2) = 7

The Concordance

Aasimar Crossblooded Sorcerer 4| AC15 T11 F14 | HP 21/22 | CMD:12 | F:+3 R:+3 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +4 | Spells: 2nd-5/5, 1st-7/8, Sacrificial Boon: 8/8 | Active Effects: mage armor

Following the others Ren steps in, Ren will offer a three sling bullets.

swim: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

Slippy, Ren and Philip are tossing and turning in the maelstrom of portal.

Please roll three swim checks to see if you are able to escape. I will take 4 from Cylipsti.

The Concordance

Aasimar Crossblooded Sorcerer 4| AC15 T11 F14 | HP 21/22 | CMD:12 | F:+3 R:+3 W:+3 | Init:+2 | Perception: +4 | Spells: 2nd-5/5, 1st-7/8, Sacrificial Boon: 8/8 | Active Effects: mage armor

swim: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7
swim: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
swim: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

"Why is this so difficult!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Grippli Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 2 | AC:22 T:18 F:15 | HP:20/20 | CMD:17 | F:+4 R:+9 W:+3 | Init:+6 | Perception:+8 | Grit:3/3

Swim: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Swim: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Swim: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

The Exchange

Male Human Investigator(Empiricist) 2 | AC 18 FF14 T14 | F+2 R+7 W+3 | HP 11/17 | Init+4 | Perception+9(+10vs traps) | CMD 15/11FF

swim: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16
swim: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
swim: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10

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Cylipsti Swim:

Swim: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Swim: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Swim: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Swim: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

Initiative Slippy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Initiative Ren: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Initiative Philip: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Initiative Cylipsti: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Initiative Enemy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Bold may act. The number by your name is the round you enter combat.
Active party buffs: (none)

Round 1

Slippy (1)
Cylipsti (3)
Philip (1)
Ren (2)

Perception checks from the bold.

Liberty's Edge

Male Grippli Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 2 | AC:22 T:18 F:15 | HP:20/20 | CMD:17 | F:+4 R:+9 W:+3 | Init:+6 | Perception:+8 | Grit:3/3

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

The Exchange

Male Human Investigator(Empiricist) 2 | AC 18 FF14 T14 | F+2 R+7 W+3 | HP 11/17 | Init+4 | Perception+9(+10vs traps) | CMD 15/11FF

perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
"Well that wasn't the most pleasant way to travel."

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GM Screen:
Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

1d4 ⇒ 3
1 (Winter): The icy ground results in diffcult terrain.
2 (Spring): Clouds of pollen clog noses and mouths,
imposing a 20% spell failure chance on all spells with
verbal components.
3 (Summer): Rampant undergrowth makes footwork
diffcult, imposing a –2 penalty on melee attack rolls.
4 (Fall): Swirling leaves impose a –2 penalty on ranged
attack rolls.

You scan your surroundings. You see a dog sized porcupine in the brush.

The weather flips suddenly winter becomes summer. The air is warm and the ground, in seconds, becomes lush with greenery. –2 penalty on melee attack rolls.

Slippy and Philip are free to act.

Liberty's Edge

Male Grippli Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 2 | AC:22 T:18 F:15 | HP:20/20 | CMD:17 | F:+4 R:+9 W:+3 | Init:+6 | Perception:+8 | Grit:3/3

"It was certainly interesting."

Slippy moves away from where he exited the portal onto what appears to be slightly more solid ground, remembering Azure's warning he readies his crossbow in case this porcupine attacks.

Crossbow: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2 Readied action if it does anything agressive

The Exchange

Male Human Investigator(Empiricist) 2 | AC 18 FF14 T14 | F+2 R+7 W+3 | HP 11/17 | Init+4 | Perception+9(+10vs traps) | CMD 15/11FF

Philip will draw his rapier while he moves forward and readies to attack if it's hostile and closes with him.rapier: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 221d6 ⇒ 4 d6 is damage. If a 22 hit's its a possible crit. also including the -2 already rapier: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 221d6 ⇒ 4. he will also examine the creature and try to identify it
knowldege nature: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 11 + (4) = 22 i'm guessing nature but i have all of them

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

The creature in front of you begins lumbering forward, accelerating as it's quills bounce with each stride.

Slippy's blot comes close but slips through the quills not catch flesh.

Philip see the eyes of his enemy dart toward the frog and uses that opportunity to go for the neck. Connecting devastatingly.

Philip knows this to be a fey touch porcupine.

Resist cold 5, electricity 5; SR 4 and do hit it with UAS or natural weapons.

This mean rodent is looking for retribution but falls to the sword.

An arrow time perfectly to be screened by the animals body flies at Philip.
Arrow from the tree: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 211d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

SSMap | Info | 0 GS Map | 0 GS Loot

Bold may act. The number by your name is the round you enter combat.
Active party buffs: (none)

Round 2

Cylipsti (3)
Porcupine (-8) & Vanara

Liberty's Edge

Male Grippli Gunslinger (Bolt Ace) 2 | AC:22 T:18 F:15 | HP:20/20 | CMD:17 | F:+4 R:+9 W:+3 | Init:+6 | Perception:+8 | Grit:3/3

"What did we do to any of you? Stop attacking us!"

Slippy reloads his crossbow as he moves closer and fires a shot off at the monkey archer.

Crossbow: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

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