Wrath of the Righteous Table Redemption (Inactive)

Game Master nightdeath

Redemption Table:
Terendelev's Scales
Anevia Tirabade
Horgus Gwerm

Init macro:

Daylen [Dice]1d20+1[/Dice]
E-Terah [Dice]1d20+2[/Dice]
Kevril [Dice]1d20+1[/Dice]
Melchesiech [Dice]1d20+2[/Dice]

Sovereign Court

Recruitment is closed now.

This is for players who have being confirmed

Kevril Silverkin - Half Elf Paladin
Daylen ValdromHuman Cavalier
E-Terah Deepheavy - Female dwarf oracle of stone
Melchesiech - Elf Abjurer

Please sign in via Discussion thread.

Thank you.

Hello! Nightdeath mentioned y'all might be in need of another. I'd like to apply with Mori. She's built as a tank, and will be focusing on the guardian mythic line. Everything's in the profile, but leaving the background info here for easy reading.


At first glance some might mistake Mori Fallenoak for an elf. Certainly her lithe form is more reminiscent of her mother’s elven heritage than of the human-tinged half-elven blood she inherited from her father. Her elven features further express themselves in her flowing waist-length hair, the color of which resembles the leaves of a mature oak, and the copper color of her eyes. Mori prefers to dress simple, wearing a sleeveless shirt underneath her unadorned leather tunic, a pair of leather leggings, and sturdy hide boots. A small necklace of woven vines hangs from her neck, a young flower bud dangling from it like a pendant.

Ritual markings painted in a deep red adorn Mori’s skin, tracing unbroken lines from the markings on the backs of her hands to the one on her forehead. Though the symbols upon her hands and forehead appear to be sylvan in nature, only those well versed in the ways of druids are able to decipher them.

While Mori’s appearance betrays little of her human heritage, her personality certainly makes no effort to hide it. Though it is clear she carries herself with the grace of, and occasionally displays the aloofness and mercurial temperament of an elf, more often than not she comes off as hot headed and brash. When given a choice between calmly analyzing a situation or rushing in, Mori always chooses the latter, a habit that caused her much trouble a few years back.

While she makes stops in Kenabres semi-frequently and is familiar with the locals, Mori can hardly be described as gregarious. Mori is slow to open up and trust others, and will rapidly change the subject when questions about her past arise. She has great respect for those who actively work to protect nature, especially druids, or those who obviously revere it as she does, and attaches greater weight to their words and suggestions. This occasionally causes her problems, as while she still considers herself a druid, other druids seldom do, and being lectured about it tends to put her on the defensive.

Background Synopsis
Born in a druid circle in Kyonin, a circle known for its extensive ritual archives and the ancient bear spirit O’ku-Kami which resided nearby, Mori Fallenoak was the child of two of the eldest druids within the circle. Due to her parent’s station, she was allowed to roam freely through the archives when growing up, and was able to learn a considerable amount of druidic magic by her early teens.

Shortly after her initiation into the circle, she went to visit O’ku-Kami and found him under assault by robed cultists. After the cultists subdued the Kami and fled with samples of his blood, Mori rushed to his side. In an attempt to save the Kami, she performed an ancient ritual which, unknown to her, would have sacrificed her life to strengthen O’ku-Kami. At the last moment, the Kami realized she was unaware of her fate and broke the ritual. The resulting backlash returned Mori’s spirit to her body, along with what remained of Oku-Kami’s strength.

In the aftermath of the raid, the Circle debated the fate of Mori, and were leaning towards punishing the girl by exile, as the Kami otherwise would have survived the assault. Due to the protests of her parents and the extenuating circumstances, however, they decided to delay judgement for ten years. In the meantime Mori would be stripped of her knowledge of druidic magic, rituals and the druidic language via another ritual from the archives, and would be given a flower bud which would literally bear the fruit of her deeds after a decade.

Upon leaving the circle, she began dreaming at night of a white stag who led her through the forest. The dreams eventually led her to a cave where she found several dead cultists. Taking it as a sign that she was to pursue the cultists, she began following their trail, aided by the dreams when she had difficulties. She finally lost the trail near Kenabres, and when her dreams ceased, she began living in the nearby wilderness hoping for further signs of the cultists.

For two years she has resided in the surrounding wilderness, coming in to Kenabres to interact with people and buy what few supplies she uses. Today she finds herself in Kenabres again, having found Armasse to be an enjoyable, if a bit crowded, diversion from her patrol of the surrounding wilderness.

Also got the message from Nightdeath thought I'd throw my char in here will have to adjust stats if selected, but background is done.

Koba-Ja, an oddity even amongst other kobold members of the Ja clan, left his mine when he felt the call of adventure and excitement. He ventured briefly into the surrounding areas and met up with a strange group of people who welcomed him into their small adventuring band. It was here that he learned to hone his abilities as a fighter and learned many valuable morals commonly accepted by other civilized races.

After a few skirmishes with some evil goblins, the group was overwhelmed by a cultist group that took Koba and his companions, prisoner. They tried to sacrifice him as part of a demonic ritual, (as best as he could figure), but something went wrong. Instead of destroying him, Koba embraced the energy expended in the ritual, heightening his small arcane tendencies, and was able to break free. What these have done to him he is not sure, but he knows the depth of evil which touched him. He decided that his clan could no longer follow their old ways and must advance into their proper place; accepted amongst the “goodly races” should be something to be desired. To accomplish this they needed to set out at once and join the crusade upon the demonic hosts pouring through the World wound.

Upon reaching the leader of his tribe Koba immediately tasked him with this new cause. The leader, a cowardly wretch, ordered Koba from the tribe and mine to wander alone. Koba swore to return, lead the faithful and brave members of his tribe or kill anyone standing in his way when he was powerful enough and took up the new name of Koba-Jol intent on starting his own Jol clan.

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