Welcome to the jungle (Inactive)

Game Master Connor McGinnis

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Sovereign Court

Hi all! Posting to see if anyone is interested in a nice slow homebrew. Here's the low-down
Welcome to the jungle: You are a group of heroes assigned to protect an excavation crew as they begin to open a new village in a remote jungle most have declared to be haunted. "A living hell" was one name for it. A "place of plague" another. What the real motive behind the building of the town in a completely obscure part of the world is unknown. It's time to find out weather there's any truth to these "ghost stories". Are you up for the job?

Character building: Classes are: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Gunslinger, Ninja, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Spell-less Ranger, Sorcerer, and Wizard (found in core rulebook, ultimate combat, and online)
Races allowed are: Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Tiefling, and Aasimar
20 pt buy
150 starting gp
2 traits
You all gain weapon focus as a free feat for any one weapon of your choice.
You begin play at level one but will grow in level over time.
There is no one true end to the adventure, so you can do side things and such as much as you want, though there are key points that you should tackle so the campaign doesn't come totally off track.
I'm looking at one or two posts a day, with the exception of Friday and the weekends. post if you can during that time, but I don't check as much then. The last thing I want to do is come back Monday and find I have a gazillion posts to get up to date with.
I'm taking in 4-6 players, preferably 4 or 5. If enough people respond though, I may make a 2nd group, but I WILL NOT MAKE A THIRD GROUP. It's too much to deal with.

Definitely interested. I'm thinking perhaps a druid, who took the job with the vested interest in trying to steer the development and laws of the village in such a way that they are respectful to the nature around them. Not anything too crazy where they would freak out if a single tree is cut away, but to still try and guide it into living harmoniously in its ecosystem.

Any more background info or summary you could give, just so there's a bit more to shape the character by? I'll try to whip up some backstory and crucnh tomorrow.

Dotting for interest. Probably going to do a Lore Warden Fighter or a Falconer Ranger, but still deciding. As Nidoran said, more background info would be helpful.

Interested. Can we use any Paizo Content or just CRB/UCom?

Dotting for interest. Sounds like a nice easy going campaign.

Sovereign Court

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Interested. Can we use any Paizo Content or just CRB/UCom?

I'd like it better if you just used CRB/UCom, but you can branch out a bit too. I'd just have to look up things not from those two online.

As for background info, I'll try to give you something more later. Not enough time right now.

Interested as well, looks like a perfect setting to play a Druid (Ape Shaman Archetype or something)

Also interested and waiting on further background info to develop a 'proper' character.

BTW, where are the rules for a spell-less ranger?

Sovereign Court

Your characters would probably be adventurers from a nearby town or living in a nearby forest, making sure the building process won't harm the woods around the large clearing too much. I can't give away much more info without delving into things I wanted kept quiet until the campaign actually starts. Hope that small bit will help in forming a good background. If you have any further questions I'll try to answer as best I can.

Sovereign Court

Fabian Benavente wrote:

Also interested and waiting on further background info to develop a 'proper' character.

BTW, where are the rules for a spell-less ranger?

You can get all the info you need for it by buying the pdf from the paizo site. I think it's under five bucks.

Just my number crunch for an Ape Shaman druid.
Still thinking about his backstory, probably he has been a guide into jungle-type areas for some time now with his trusted companion Gilgamesh.

Let me know what you think

@DM Connor:

Some of his feats and such still have to be worked into his background, him being bullied and using his fists to fight back he learned the value of sheer muscle power regardless of weapons.
As a sidenote, Improved Unarmed Attack is mostly for Improved Grapple tree, maybe later for the Feral Combat Training.
He is more of a beater than a spellcaster obviously

Character Sheet:

Rufon Hammerhand
Male Human Druid (Ape Shaman) 1
TN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses: Perception +5


AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16
HP 10 (1d8+1+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3


Speed 20 ft. (Medium Armor)
Melee: Scimitar +4 (1d6+4/18-20x2)
Spear +4 (1d8+4/x3)

Ranged: Spear +2 (1d6+4/x3) 20 ft
Sling (40) +2 (1d4+4/x2) 50 ft


Str 19, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats: Weapon Focus (Claw), Power Attack, Improved Unarmed Strike
Traits: Eyes of the Wild (+2 Perception in natural settings), Bullied (+1 attack on AOO with unarmed strikes)
Skills: Knowledge (Nature) 1 rank (+3, +1+3-1), Perception 1 rank (+5, +1+3+1), Handle Animal 1 rank (+3, +1+3-1), Climb 1 rank (+8, +1+3+4)
Languages: Common
Combat Gear: Scimitar, Hide Armor, Heavy Wooden Shield, Spear (3), Sling (40)
Other Gear: Pouch Belt, Waterskin, Trail Rations (5)

Nature Bond: Ape Animal Companion, Gilgamesh
Nature Sense: +2 to Perception & Survival checks
Wild Empathy: primates at +4 bonus when full-round action

0-level spells DC 11 3
Detect Magic
Detect Poison

1-level spells DC 12 2(1+1)/day

Animal Companion:

Gilgamesh, Gorilla (Ape) Animal Companion
Init +3; Senses: Perception +5, Low-light vision, Scent


AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+1 Natural, +3 Dex)
HP 12 (2d8+3)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1


Speed 30 ft., Climb 30 ft
Melee: Claws x2; +2 (1d4+1/x2)
Bite +2 (1d4+1/x2)


Str 13, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats: Toughness
Skills: Acrobatics 1 rank (+7, +1+3+3), Perception 1 rank (+5, +1+3+1)

Link, Share Spells

Here's my submission: Etienne Navarre, Falconer Ranger. He's been hired to use his woodland talents to assist/protect the building crew. Hopefully he'll earn enough money to pay a high-level spellcaster/healer to fix his companion's "condition". Any more specifics will depend on your knowledge of an obscure 1985 fantasy movie. :-)

@DM Connor:
Two quick questions and then I'll be done: how many tricks does my hawk start off knowing? What would you recommend I pick for my initial favored enemy? I'm going "undead" because of the 'haunted' reference in your post, but I have no problem switching if something else will be better applicable to your campaign. Of course, if you want things to be a surprise, that's perfectly understandable as well. :-)

Character Sheet:
Etienne Navarre
Level 1 Falconer Ranger
Alignment: NG
Languages: Common
Track +1
Favored Enemy: Undead (+2 bonus)

STR 14
DEX 18
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 13
CHA 10

Speed: 30ft
Initiative: +6
HP: 12 (1d10 + 1CON + 1favored class)

BAB: +1
AC: 18; Touch: 14; Flat-Footed: 14 (+4DEX, +3armor, +1shield)
CMB: +3; CMD: 16
Saves: Fortitude +3; Reflex +6; Will +2

Skills (6 + INT + 1human) (Armor Check Penalty -1)
Acrobatics +5, *Handle Animal +4, *Heal +5, *Knowledge(nature) +4, *Perception +5, *Stealth +8, *Survival +5

Indomitable Faith

Weapon Focus (longbow)
Point-Blank Shot
Precise Shot

Money: 6gp, 7sp, 9cp

Studded Leather Armor (+3 AC)
Buckler (+1 AC)
+6 longbow (1d8, x3) 20 cold iron arrows, 20 blunt arrows
+3 longsword (1d8+2, 18-20)
Other Gear: Backpack, Bandolier, Bedroll, Blanket, Canteen, Fishhook, Flint/Steel, Rope (50ft), Sewing Needle, String (50ft), Sunrod x5, Trail Rations (5days), Explorer’s Outfit

Animal Companion:
Hawk Animal Companion
Tricks Known: Distract

STR 10
DEX 15
CON 12
WIS 14

Low-Light Vision
Speed: 10ft, fly 80ft (average)
Initiative: +2
HP: 5 (2d8 + 1CON)/2

BAB: +1
AC: 13; Touch: 12; Flat-Footed: 11 (+2 DEX, +1 natural)
CMB: +1; CMD: 13
Saves: Fortitude +4; Reflex +5; Will +2

*Fly +6, *Perception +6

Weapon Finesse

+3 bite (1d4)
+3 talon x2 (1d4)

By contrast, I have no crunch ready, but backstory written up for Lethe Cosain, human Druid.

From an early age, Lethe showed an affinity for nature. She felt at peace in the trees, often wandering into the forest surrounding her home village for hours at a time, stretching slowly into days as she grew older. Her mother was a cleric and her father was a stablemaster; she inherited both an affinity for divine magic (Trait: Gifted Adept) and for handling animals. She didn't truly wish to pursue either avenue, though. As a cleric in her mother's footsteps, she'd have been cloistered away and cut off from nature, no longer free to wander through forests and take in the beauty of nature. If she instead trained to tend to horses, she would have been stuck tending to animals kept by cruel masters, pain apparent in their eyes. She could see and hear the torment, and it impacted her deeply.

She grew weary and worried as she grew older, the pressure on her to decide before she came of age what she wished to do. Her mother wished for Lethe to follow in her footsteps, while her father saw her affinity for calming animals and would have loved to have someone with such a gift working for him. She hated both options, and took one last trip into the forest before her sixteenth birthday to try and find some direction or answer.

What she found instead were the words of the forest. She thought herself mad when she first heard the trees whispering to her and she understood the birds' song as though they were really speaking. She believed it though, having faith in the words that danced on the winds and in her mind. She would, in a way, be both a cleric and a steward of animals, but not as either of her parents desired. Having no choice but to answer the call, she rushed home, gathering her things and leaving under the cover of night, knowing her parents would not approve of her decision as it served neither of them to have a druid for a daughter.

On her first night in the wild, she came across a big white cat with white stripes being accosted by a poacher; a human carrying a big sword and a net, loudly demanding the cat be quiet so that he could sell it at market. The cat was bleeding, and Lethe knew in that moment that it was her duty to protect the cat from those who would do it unnatural harm. She grabbed a fallen branch, and without knowing how she knew the spell, cast Shillelagh on the branch. Like a clever predator she struck him behind, a cheap shot, but such was how things worked in her new domain. (Trait: Dirty Fighter) She beat the poacher within an inch of life, warning him that should ever threaten a living being again she would not show him the sliver of mercy she just had. Then, she picked up the bleeding cat and carried it away.

She nursed him back to health, and though initially aggressive, by the time he would have been in good enough shape to do her any harm he was already calmed and complacent. When he was fully healed again, he didn't leave her side. She asked him to be her companion, and he agreed, gaining the name Sentine.

They set out together, travelling the wilderness, coming by towns where she would preach about loving and respecting nature, much like her mother would venerate her Gods in the streets. Eager to punish wrongdoers and restore balance, she often visited public houses where she went, listening for stories of poachers or wild animals attacking villagers. She struck down the wrongdoers and calmed the animals. Sometimes the person posting the job would not be happy with the animal pacified and never to return to the village, calling instead for their death, but Lethe never once raised a hand in violence to an animal who could be reasoned with.

Her current job is one of great interest to her. The establishment of a new village on unsettled land makes her uneasy, knowing how uncaring progress is toward the beauty of nature. She came along not only to continue her work of pacifying animals who otherwise would have been slain senselessly, but also to hopefully serve as some kind of compass, to guide the construction of the village and its laws into a direction that respected everything around them.

Lethe is, above all else, very approachable. She maintains a cordial, friendly demeanour and walks lightly in most circumstances. Though she can tell truly sentient beings from animals, she tends to interact with them the same way, acting softly and calmly to them, speaking in dulcet tones. When angered or protective, though, and driven by her conviction, she can unfurl into a loud, aggressive, much less soft-spoken beast. Diplomacy is always her first instinct, but if she's in danger she won't hesitate to assert herself.

Being raised among animals, many of whom horses with less-than-kind owners, Lethe is very perceptive toward people in pain. She becomes even softer around such peope, and animal or not, will be very kind and try to ease that pain, hating to see people hurt.

Though devoted to her purpose as a cleric and a staunch defender of nature, she isn't overtly preachy about matters, especially in situations where she has no power to change the outcome. She understands the circle of life and that the loss of a single tree will not lead to the rampant death of everything around it. She will still try to keep a gentle hand steering matters into a direction she can agree with, but is not forceful in her beliefs until there is a clear threat she has cannot morally abide.

Her life as a traveler has ensured she has very few close confidants, except for Sentine. Though it cannot truly speak back, she often confides in him as she would a sentient friend, and is more protective of him than she is of anything else. She values friendship, and for the time being he is her closest and only friend, so she will fight with every ounce of life in her to keep him safe.

Dark Archive

Ladyhawke. love that movie. You need Phillipe the Mouse to go with you.8D

This sounds like it could be very cool.

I'm kind of thinking a Bard sounds like it could be pretty fun for this (and I haven't really played one much before either), so I'll see what I can put together on that. Probably will go with a human or half-elf.

I can probably have the crunch done shortly for submittal. Not positive on the backstory yet... with luck, inspiration will strike shortly :P

Background and Personality update for Rufon


Growing up for Rufon was just as a normal boy would, fights, getting into trouble, playing in the streets. His interests lay also with many animals and even bugs that were walking or crawling around in the forest and jungle nearby, many other kids didn’t understand his interests and thatmade him a bit of an outcast among the children of the village.
Around the age of eight years old, he became picked on from there on, being bullied around because he was weak and weird.

Rufon felt lost, finding solace on the forest floor, until one day an elder of the village came to ask him why he could always be found in the forest. Rufon answered him that he found the ways of the forest animals and plants intriguing, pointing out the things to the elder he had learned over time. The elder took a liking to the boy, asking him if he would be his apprentice and aide through the last years of his life, explaining to Rufon that he too was an admirer of nature, but in fact an elderly druid.

His apprenticeship lasted until he was 16 years of age, the elder was getting sick and frail, giving Rufon a last test he needed to complete: stay in the jungle for a month, get to learn the way it speaks, listen and watch life unfold before you, take only what you really need with you, you will know when you are ready to come back. With this information Rufon set out, armed with rope, a sharp knife and the clothes on his back.
During his solitary stay in the jungle he learned to identify every sound and smell, becoming very aware of anything that moved around him. One thing in particular struck him, a young gorilla with his pack, was being pushed around by some older youngsters. Rufon immediately felt connected to this particular beast, understanding that also in nature bullying happened, it was just a part of life.
Eventually the gorilla stayed behind the pack and Rufon climbed down from his observation point to try and connect with him, the first meeting between the two send him reeling back as the gorilla slammed him.

The following weeks Rufon was determined to get contact with the lone gorilla, he knew it was fate somehow. The gorilla, which he called Gilgamesh, came to trust him, Rufon trying to point out at Gilgamesh he should become stronger, climbed together and wrestled with him to increase both their strength of arms. In the end Gilgamesh defeated one of his bullies in fist-to-fist combat, Rufon himself felt overjoyed and realised that more than a month had passed already, but he was done here. Going out of the jungle Rufon felt something following him, looking back, Gilgamesh came out of the woods as well, intent on joining his friend.

Rufon himself stood up to his former bullies, they never stood a chance against his newfound strength and fists, he learned the value of sheer muscle power and no need for weapons outside in nature, earning his nickname: Hammerhand. His later jobs though were as an escort and guide into forests and jungles, bringing in his jungle experiences, during which he carried a sword (scimitar), shield and armour, just to get a better first impression. His latest job takes him and Gilgamesh as an escort to an excavation crew, trying to build a new town inside the jungle, somewhere his employer thought he would be a perfect fit.


A bit of a simpleton, his first reaction to danger could be pound it into the ground as easily as backing off, the latter more often in case of really big threats. He protects those that are weaker than him, vowing to never forget his own painful youth. Socially he is a bit reserved, spending more time in the company of Gilgamesh and in nature than with others, though when he makes friends, it is for a lifetime.

Chakka wrote:

Ladyhawke. love that movie. You need Phillipe the Mouse to go with you.8D

Every good party needs a Rogue. :-)

I'm submitting an aasimar cleric or paladin on a mission to cleanse the world from evil. I can do the crunch as soon as possible and the story to follow.

Crunch is finished. She turned out as a mixed caster/combat druid, specializing in conjuration.

Character Sheet:
Lethe Cosain - Druid 1
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid (Human Female)
Init +2; Senses; Perception +8
AC 14, touch 11, flatfooted 13 ( 3 armor, 1 Dex)
HP 10 (1d8+1 favoured class)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
-Club +3 1d6+2 (x2) 10 ft B
-Scimitar +2 1d6+2 (18-20/x2) S
-Dagger +2 1d4+2 (19-20/x2) 10 ft. P/S
Spells Per day:
-0th: 3/day, DC 14
--Detect Magic
--Purify Food and Srink
-1st: 2/day, DC 15
--Cure Light Wounds
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 18 (16+2), Cha 10
Base Attack 0; CMB 2; CMD 13
Feats: Weapon Focus (Club), Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning
Traits: Gifted Adept, Dirty Fighter
Favoured Class: Druid (+1 HP)
Skills: Climb +6 (1), Diplomacy +1 (1), Handle Animal +4 (1), Knowledge (Nature) +7 (1), Perception +8 (1), Survival +10 (1)
Languages: Common, Druidic, Sylvan
-On person: hide shirt, club, scimitar, explorer's outfit, silk rope, signal whistle, spell component pouch, backpack, waterskin, 10 glass vials, 2 sacks
-With Sentine: Saddlebags, blanket, flint and steel, holly, mistletoe, iron pot, mess kit, soap, 10 torches, 5 days of animal feed, 5 days of trail rations
Cash: 74 gp
Encumberance: 41 (Light) (0-58, 59-116, 117-175)
Gifted Adept (Call Animal): Pick one spell when you choose this trait. Whenever you cast that spell, its effects manifest at +1 caster level.
Dirty Fighter: When you hit a foe you are flanking, you deal an additional 1 point of damage (this damage is added to your base damage, and is multiplied on a critical hit). This additional damage is a trait bonus.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skills: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Weapon Focus (Club): You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon.
Spell Focus (Conjuration): Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select.
Augment Summoning: Each creature you conjure with any summon spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution for the duration of the spell that summoned it.

Animal Companion:
Sentine, Animal Companion
Medium (Big Cat)
Init +3; Senses: Perception +5, low-light vision, Scent
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (1 nautral, 3 dex, 1 dodge)
HP 11 (2d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
-2 Claws; +3 (1d4+1/x2)
-Bite +3 (1d6+1/x2)
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats: Dodge
Skills: Perception +6 (1), Stealth +7 (1)
Bonus Tricks: Attack
Equipment: Saddlebags, blanket, flint and steel, holly, mistletoe, iron pot, mess kit, soap, 10 torches, 5 days of animal feed, 5 days of trail rations
Link: A druid can handle her animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn’t have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The druid gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion.
Share Spells: The druid may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. A druid may cast spells on her animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type (animal). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants an animal companion. This ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.

Sovereign Court

Great job on getting things submitted, guys! That was a lot more than I expected.
Whack-a-rogue: Start the animal companion off with six tricks and keep undead as your favored enemy.
Everyone: You're all looking good, but i'd take a look at getting at least something for bludgeoning damage, even if it is only a club. Some undead have dr to piercing and slashing damage, and a large part of the fighting would be against undead.

Slings and unarmed attacks count as Bludgeoning damage so I'm all set as well, besides having an animal companion too that deals Bludgeoning.

I'll take those six tricks as well than for my companion.

Sovereign Court

Sounds good, Rocan.
Overview: We have three players totally ready now, so I need at least one more to get their character done before we can start. I'll post on when we can start using the campaign thread after that happens. In the meantime, if I have to make any changes for anything involving the campaign i'll let you know, so keep an eye out for further updates.

I'm going to add a sling and a quarterstaff to my inventory.

For my companion, I'll add the following tricks:
Attack all creatures

If I'm chosen for this campaign, I'll go ahead and create an alias. :-)

Alright, took longer than expected to get this done. I was a little stumped on backstory and personality for awhile, but now that I got something going I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

So, here is Sylas Kivarin. His main deal would be archery and support through Bardic Performance, primarily the Inspire Courage part. Hope he looks alright. If he is accepted, I can make an alias for him, but will hold off for now.

One question I did have was whether we could use racial favored class bonuses from the Advanced Races Guide. If not, then he'll have 1 more hit point, and if we can, then he'll have one more cantrip. That should be the only thing incomplete on him though.

Sylas Kivarin
NG Male Human Bard 1
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +3, Senses Perception +4

AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 14 (Armor +3, Shield +1, Dex +3)
HP 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1 Ref +5 Will +2

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Longsword +2 (1d8+2/19-20) or Morningstar +2 (1d8+2)
Ranged Shortbow +4 (1d6/x3)
Special Attacks Bardic Performance 6/day (Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1)
Spells Known (CL 1)
1st (2/day) — Cure Light Wounds, Grease (DC 13)
0 (at-will) — Light, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Read Magic (DC 12)

Str 15, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
BAB +0, CMB +2, CMD 15
Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (Shortbow)
Traits: Magical Knack (Bard), Resilient
Skills: Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Knowledge (All +1), Perception +4, Perform (Sing) +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +7 (Armor Check Penalty -1)
Languages: Common
SQ Bardic Knowledge +1
Gear Shortbow, Arrows (40), Longsword, Morningstar, Studded Leather, Buckler, Spell Component Pouch, Backpack, Bedroll, Torch (2), Trail Rations (4), Waterskin, Flint and Steel
-Cash: 49 gp, 7 sp, 8 cp
-Encumbrance: 62 (Light Load: 66 or less)

Magical Knack (Bard): +2 Caster Level in chosen class, to a maximum of Hit Dice.
Resilient: +1 Trait Bonus on Fortitude Saving Throws.
Human Bonus Feat: Extra Feat at first level.
Skilled: +1 Skill Rank per Hit Die.
Point-Blank Shot: +1 Attack and Damage on Ranged attacks within 30 feet.
Precise Shot: No penalty for shooting into melee.
Weapon Focus (Shortbow): +1 Attack Bonus with chosen weapon.
Bardic Knowledge: +1/2 Bard Level (Minimum 1) to all knowledge checks, and may make Knowledge checks untrained.
Bardic Performance: Standard Action to begin, Free action to maintain, 6 rounds/day.
-Countersong: Allies within may 30 feet may use the bard's Perform (Keyboard, Percussion, Wind, String, or Sing) check in place of their Saving Throw against Sonic or Language-Dependant effects after the Saving Throw roll is made, and any round after during which they remain under such an effect with a non-instaneous duration. Requires Audible Components.
-Distraction: Allies within 30 feet may use the bard's Perform (Act, Comedy, Dance, Oratory) check in place of their Saving Throw against Illusion (Pattern) or Illusion (Figment) effects after the Saving Throw roll is made, and any round after during which they remain under such an effect with a non-instaneous duration. Requires Visual Components.
-Fascinate: Enchantment, Mind-affecting. Targets one creature to become fascinated. DC 12 Will Save Negates. Requires Audible and Visual Components.
-Inspire Courage: Allies within 30 feet recieve +1 Morale Bonus on Saving throws against Fear, and +1 Competence Bonus on Attack and Weapon Damage rolls. Requires Audible or Visual Components, chosen at beginning of Performance.

Sylas had the poor luck to be born into an impoverished family already rife with several siblings, in a city where life was harsh already. For the majority of his childhood, he was rather neglected, living on what meager scraps he could obtain. Growing to detest his lifestyle, and everything within his home city, he turned his back on it at the age of 8, running away, and never looked back again.

Unfortunately, he was ill-prepared for the rigors of the world outside his home either. He spent many cold and hungry nights in the wild, or in the back alleys of towns and cities when he wasn't chased off. On his own however, he discovered an innate affinity for magic, and survived on stolen meals or those bought with pilfered coin. He also began honing his skills with the bow when he was out in the wild.

This lifestyle continued for some time, until he found himself stealing from a wandering minstrel and was apprehended by the man himself. Rather than turn him over to the authorities however, the man took pity on him, and let him go, with no more than a warning that if he continued in his current state, he was apt to find himself imprisoned, or worse. With that, he gave the boy a few gold coins and sent him on his way.

Sylas left without delay, but dwelled on what the man had said. The man remained in town a few days, where he made his living with song and entertainment, as Sylas watched his performances a few times. Finally, when he readied to leave, Sylas approached him and apologized for the attempted thievery, returning the coins that he had been given and asking how he could make a more honest living.

With that, the man – by the name of Rufio Arithon – took him on as an apprentice, training him in the art of song and performance as they traveled along with Bardic magic, which Sylas took to quite well.

While Rufio stuck to performances and entertainment as his choice of income, Sylas began to take on some mercenary work and odd jobs on the side as well. Their paths slowly diverged along these lines, as Sylas's jobs would require longer stays in some towns than Rufio could reasonably continue, but he has always remained grateful to Rufio for helping him leave the streets and the life he used to know, and their paths cross on occasion.

---I'm basically figuring he'll have signed up for this excavation deal as one of his freelance jobs. The fact that it is located in the wilds is an interesting plus, from his personality.

Sylas's rough time growing up has left him somewhat reserved in his interactions with others, though when he is trying to charm his way into or out of a situation, one might never know it. Once he warms up to people however, he does genuinely enjoy conversation with them.

He generally tries to do the right thing, though he follows his own moral compass on what that is rather than that of others. Having traveled and seen much of the world, along with how he spent the majority of his early years, he has less regard for the law than some, though he tries to avoid slipping into his old habits without good reason.

He often spends his free time either practicing his performances or honing his archery skills. On occasion however, he also likes to slip into the wilderness, away from civilization. Though he doesn't have joyous memories of his early years spent in the wilds, he sometimes feel more at home in them than any of the many cities that he has traveled, as it seems the only constant in his life.

If there are any questions or concerns on him, please let me know.

Here goes nothing,I do hope you don't mind a dark character. And sorry for the wall of text but I'm new to the forums and still figuring things out.

The tiefling known as Malice began his life in a port to the far northwest, a major commerical center boasting tens of thousands. Young Malice proved to be an arcane prodigy, however the wizards blinded by religious extremeism refused to train him. Indeed several times they sent guards to bring him to the execution block for the Paladin king's justice. However Malice in addition to being an arcane master in the making was also a natural con artist and leader.

Through lies, half truths and bits of random arcana he outwitted, bribed and defeated his would be captors. Alas for Malice disaster struck in the form of a smitten noble's daughter. This noble daughter's name is now to myth, but one thing is certain she adored Malice. However the girl's father a corrupt cleric found out and nearly killed Malice...nearly Malice beat the cleric senseless and then fled the city.
Now his true story is about to begin, for in order to reunite with his beloved Malice needed power. So he dredged up ancient lore from a forgotten wood or ancient jungle depending on the tellers tale.

What we do know for certain is that Malice rallied a great army from both this plane and others...

"bard Kellach reciting the tale of Malice five hundred years after his death"

character sheet Malice male tiefling wizard 1

Chaotic Neutral Medium Humanoid (native outsider)

Init 2+, perception 0+


AC 11, touch 8, 10 (0 armor 1 dex)
HP 10 (1d6+1+3 favoured class wizard 1+ con 3+)
Fort 0+ , Ref 0+, Will 2+


speed 30 ft.
melee quarterstaff 1d6 (2x)
spells per day
0 magic 3/day, dc 14
Mage Hand
Detect Magic
1 magic 2 slots , dc 15
Obscuring Mist

10 str, 12 (10+2) dex, 16 con, int 18 (16+2), wisdom 10, cha 8
base attack 0,CMB 0,CMD 11
Feats: Weapon Focus (quartstaff), spell focus (conjuration)
Traits:Theoretical Magician,Natural-Born Leader
Favored class: Wizard
Skills: Knowledge (the planes)+5, knowledge (nobility)+5, knowledge (arcana)+5, knowledge (history)+5, knowledge (religion)+5, spellcraft +5
Languages: Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic, Dwarven & Elven
Equipment: Quarterstaff, Scholar's oufit, backpack, Spell component pouch,Spellbook, wizard's (blank), Rations, trail (per day) 10, Waterskin 3, bedroll
Cash:114 gp,silvers

Racial and wizard class abilities
Native Outsider: Tieflings are outsiders with the native subtype.

Medium: Tieflings are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Tieflings have a base speed of 30 feet.

Darkvision: Tieflings see in the dark for up to 60 feet.
Beguiling Liar: Many tieflings find that the best way to get along in the world is to tell others what they want to hear. These tieflings' practice of telling habitual falsehoods grants them a +4 racial bonus on Bluff checks to convince an opponent that what they are saying is true when they tell a lie. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Spell-Like Ability: Tieflings can use darkness once per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability equals the tiefling's class level.

Fiendish Resistance: Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5.

Prehensile Tail: Many tieflings have tails, but some have long, flexible tails that can be used to carry items. While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action. This racial trait replaces fiendish sorcery.

Arcane bond (Viper master receives 3+ to bluff checks), arcane school (conjuration),cantrips, Scribe Scroll

Acid Dart (Sp): As a standard action you can unleash an acid dart targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The acid dart deals 1d6 points of acid damage + 1 for every two wizard levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. This attack ignores spell resistance.

Summoner's Charm (Su): Whenever you cast a conjuration (summoning) spell, increase the duration by a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1). At 20th level, you can change the duration of all summon monster spells to permanent. You can have no more than one summon monster spell made permanent in this way at one time. If you designate another summon monster spell as permanent, the previous spell immediately ends.

Added these as the bonus tricks, in addition to attack.
Attack all creatures

Weapon Focus into Club and Shillelagh were entirely because "haunted" usually means "we're fighting skeletons". And also because it's an easy to really lay on the hurt before I can get Wild Shape.

Darkwolf, you should also get some blunt arrows. Morningstar is good, but if you're Dex focused it'll do you a lot more good to be dealing versatile damage at range.

Huh, I didn't know arrows had Blunt versions too, actually.

Yes, that's a very good call :P

is a elf treesinger out of the picture? if not then i am interested

They're in the Advanced Player's Guide. You can actually find lots of cool trick arrows here, but most of them come from a splatbook for Elves, and most of them aren't that worth it. A couple Raining Arrows later on might not be a bad call, actually. They're too expensive to start with, though.

Took Shillelagh as well, good idea of you Nidoran.
Only thinking of changing Weapon Focus to Slams instead of Claws, just because he is an Ape Shaman

@ Nidoran: Wow, that is a lot of different arrows. It looks like a lot of them probably are somewhat situational, but I'll need to remember them for the future. A few do look like they could be interesting.

And yeah, with an undead-heavy game, raining arrows do seem like they might be worthwhile. Certainly not getting any at first level though, and scraping for a composite bow will probably be first order of business ;)

Sovereign Court

If the reesinger, if that's how you say it, in the APG i'll allow it, though i've never even heard of them.
Darkwolf: Feel free to use the racial favored class bonus.
Note to Everyone: I'm pretty easygoing with anything you guys do, but if I do have a problem with something I won't hide it. If you want to make updates or changes to characters just let me know what they are and post the new version here just as you posted the old version.

So far we have one party of five:
Rufond Hammerhand, Human Druid (Rocan)
Etienne Navarre, Human Ranger (Whack-A-Rogue)
Lethe Cosain, Human Druid (Nidoran Duran)
Sylas Kivarin, Human Bard (Darkwolf117)
Malice, Tiefling Wizard (Vikuki)

If you guys all make aliases for your characters by Monday that would be great. This group could begin play on Monday or Tuesday.
Note to those who don't see their names here: If you start making characters right now i'll put you in a 2nd group.

nevermind if i may i woupd like to ask to make a human gunslinger

reesinger -> Treesinger?

And cool, I'll set up an alias for Sylas then. Also... wow, we sure do have a lot of humans in the group, don't we? I suppose having several animals running around makes it a bit more unique though :P

Grand Lodge

If the second group is shaping up then I would love to toss in a Fighter or Barbarian.

Sovereign Court

Gunslinger is allowed, but the gun itself may warrant some unwanted attention being a very unique weapon at this period in time.

Go ahead and make a character, E.L. Warren. Let's just hope we get enough people interested to make a full 2nd group.

Alias made, I'll be crunching the numbers in terms of final equipment and money this weekend

Sovereign Court

Thanks for making one so quickly, Rufon. Now we just have to wait for the rest of the group to do the same.

Here and ready to go. :-)

Is there room in the second group for a Zen Archer? I'll try to come up with something this weekend under a different alias. Unless y'all want a PIRATE Zen Archer. Heh.

Hmm... now this seems interesting... want to post interest while i build a tiefling sorc

ill stay as a tree singer in second group

more to come later.

Kryd Roicha:

LN Male Tiefling Sorcerer 1
Medium Outsider (Native)
Init +x, Senses darkvision 60 Perception +x

AC 14, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 12 (Armor +2, Shield +x, Dex +2)
HP 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +0

+2 save vs cold, elec, fire

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +0 1d4/19-20
Ranged +2 Ray, +2 1d12/x3
Special Attacks at will: Virtue
Spells Known (CL 1) 4/2
1st (3+1/day) — charm person(DC 17), memory lapse(DC 15)
0 (at-will) — daze, haunted fey aspect, disrupt undead, acid splash

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 16
BAB +0, CMB +0, CMD 12
Feats: Eschew Materials (B), Armor of the Pit (1)
Traits: Infernal Bastard, history of Heresy (+1 save vs divine spells)
Skills: Bluff +9 (cha +3, tief +2, rank +1, train +3)
Spellcraft +5
Diplomacy +7
Languages: Common, Infernal, Elven
Gear Heavy Crossbow, 20 bolts, 2 daggers, silk rope 50', backpack, alchy fire
-Cash: 32 gp

Skilled: Tieflings gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Stealth checks.

Fiendish Sorcery: Tiefling Infernal bloodlines treat their Cha as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the charm subschool, increase the spell's DC by +2.

Corrupting Touch (Sp): At 1st level, you can cause a creature to become shaken as a melee touch attack. This effect persists for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level (minimum 1). Creatures shaken by this ability radiate an aura of evil, as if they were an evil outsider (see detect evil). Multiple touches do not stack, but they do add to the duration. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. (8/day)



Kryd was not the easiest child, but surely he did not deserve what happened to him. Found in a parent's crib shortly after he was born, the parent's naturally were quite shocked. They was thrust upon the church in hopes of fixing their child.

He was subjected to years of torture as his more Infernal influences showed themselves. Being bathed in holy light and water, as well as more mundane forms of torture. He finally learned some skill at confusing his opponents, and let him escape.

Traveling with little knowledge of the outside world, he eventually heard about this 'living hell' and thought he might have found a way to reunite with his true family, and real heritage. He hooked up with a caravan coming down to replace personnel and resupply the excavation.

I'm throwin my hat in the ring if there's still room. I've got half a musket master rolled up and I'll post him in a couple hours (if work doesn't pick up).

Here is E.L. Warren's Character. Slow day at work = new BarBar :)

I got my character done faster that I thought. Say hello to pocsaclypse's gunslinger.


Deck grew up in the woods. He was raised by his father, Leed, who had
traveled from the east, and settled in the area when he met Deck's mother, Wynn. When Wynn died in child birth, Leed moved into the woods with Deck and taught him how to hunt and live off the land. Together they lived a semi-isolated life in their cabin deep in the woods and only made occasional trips to town to trade for supplies.
About a year ago, Leed died in a hunting accident while Deck had gone to town. Not wanting to live alone, Deck burried his father, gathered up his few possesions and started traveling from town to town looking for a new place to call home.
It was in the latest town he came too that Deck heard about a new villiage being built. Seeing an opportunity to build a new life for himself and settle down, Deck signed up to assist and was assigned to the protection detail. He uses his position to familurize himself with this new area that he hopes to one day call home.

My character sheets on my profile. Let me know if I forgot anything.

I forgot to add what Malice is suppose to look like sorry about that mishap.

A man with sheer bronze skin comes before you, just a few inches under 6 feet tall. His eyes are the color of molten steel his tail lashes out regularly rifling through his pockets. His head is completely bald, excepting for an array of black symbols crisscrossing it. He gives out a subtle aura of power and intellect, you see from his red and black robes and of course the quartstaff in his hands that he is a wizard.

"Justicar Trius recounting his attempt to capture the hellspawn and bring him to the executioners block to face the paladin kings justice."

Here is Sylas's alias. It's mostly the same info as was posted in here already, but updated a little bit, such as some Blunt arrows and another cantrip known. Also fixed some silly typos and cleared up wording on a few of the abilities.

If I can think of any other gear to pick up, I may do so before the game starts. Will let you know if that's the case.

Updated Rufon's gear, money and load. Think I'm all equipped now to start.
Changed Weapon Focus to Slam attacks.

1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

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