YoricksRequiem |

That's a marvelously vivid and horrifying prelude.
Yorick: Tough call. I'm a shapeshifter fanatic so I'm always drawn to druids/Shifters, but being an Arcane Duelist would give the party a Face, and a Ranger would be extremely helpful at navigating the wild places that Skaven breed in.
I think I'll go with the Shifter. It might be the closest I can ever get to playing a Panserbjorn. So I'll go with the Beasthide Tribe, and WereBear form, and it says we should work together to figure out two Shifter moves in addition to getting "Shrug off a blow".
Definitely let me know if you have anything in mind for it. I was thinking maybe a move to barrel through things, and one to intimidate via roar?
And I'm thinking probably, like: STR 15, DEX 9, CON 16, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 8.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Digging the "intimidating roar" (which in some cases, would function as an "AoE Taunt" to use MMO nomenclature) and "breaking through obstacles" ideas. You can also have a utility move - your ursine claws and instincts also happen to make you excellent at hand-fishing when Shifted. You don't need to mark off a ration when Undertaking a Perilous Journey through territory in which fish can be found.

YoricksRequiem |

Digging the "intimidating roar" (which in some cases, would function as an "AoE Taunt" to use MMO nomenclature) and "breaking through obstacles" ideas. You can also have a utility move - your ursine claws and instincts also happen to make you excellent at hand-fishing when Shifted. You don't need to mark off a ration when Undertaking a Perilous Journey through territory in which fish can be found.
Awesome, love it!
Can we come up with a different alignment, too? The ones on the PDF are all a lot.. darker than I want to go. Obviously because of the "Beast Within" move, I'd have some dark sides to my personality (Likely Rage, Stubbornness, maybe Poor Impulse Control), but I'd prefer not to be a bad person, and would like some kind of alignment that's more based around being a Guardian?

Giltharon Doran |

YES!, another opportunity to play Dungeon World! The PBP this character im posting on was in, sadly fizzled due to players not having time, but I really loved how your characters actions werent as restricted as they can sometimes be in Pathfinder.
Seeing that writing sample added some extra excitement, pretty darn wonderful writing.
How are you doing character selection? Is it just first come first served like it sorta looks in this recruitment thread? Is there still room.
Im not sure if I want to play this character again or go for something else. Is Pirate even allowed?

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

YoricksRequiem |

Still room! Pirates allowed! Ya-harr! I was in that campaign too, Giltharon - I was Mandus, the friendly lizardfolk necromancer.
Haha, I was honestly thinking something as simple as like:
Good: Defend those weaker than you.
Lawful: Fulfill a promise to protect someone during a dangerous journey or situation.
I think that I'd like to play it less that Lycanthropy - at least this strain / tribe - is a curse, and more that it's something of an intentional sacrifice - that you aren't "turned" until some kind of coming of age ceremony. I'm imagining it as having to learn how to exist as a person long before you ever get the ability to become monstrous.
And the reason being is that however this comes to happen, it does involve tapping into your primal urges. So there are definitely some of these tribe elders that can be rageful, or violent. And they have to work to keep this part of themselves under control.
I'm almost imagining it as like, knowing a martial art. You have to be careful because the simple act of flying off the handle can result in someone being seriously injured or things being broken. There'd probably be some kind of tenets that this tribe would follow.
But, of course, the animal side of us is strong, and sometimes things happen. Still, this kind of perfect balance is what we'd strive for. I suspect this wouldn't be true of all the lycanthropes - or even necessarily of all the Bear lycanthropes, but it would be so for our tribe, and we'd at least attempt to be protectors of nature.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

With great power does come great responsibility, Petey. Bears have been associated with guardian spirits and totems for almost the entirety of human history - it makes perfect sense to try to incorporate that into your character's tribal beliefs. Go for it. I'll enjoy testing your mettle to see how well tempered you truly are.

Dhice Bierson |

I just worked out a race move for a Human Channeler with Moosh. Just for everyone's enlightenment, it is:
Here let me help you with that
When you let your power Trickle out to provide a boon for a neutral or friendly person you may Parley with them using CON instead of CHA.
The Trickle move for me is: You can emit a small amount of your Primary Element for mundane tasks or to impress someone without having to Channel.
I really like the idea of channeling a cobblestone into the air to raise a heavy basket onto a cart in order to convince someone to help us out.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Giltharon : I expect a certain amount of attrition on a PbP game, and I am not scared of DMing a large party. Think about it - you know the Skaven breed in horrific numbers, would you want to send a small party of adventurers to quell the threat? I know I wouldn't, if I were a wealthy noble financing such an expedition...
So my selection process isn't really a process, more of an...open pair of double doors. Come on in, everyone! Statistically, you're unlikely to ALL die on the adventure!

AdamWarnock |

AdamWarnock wrote:Well, phooie. I wanted to try a landschneckt type character, but I don't think I can make a big enough differentiation to make it worthwhile to pick. Oh well, guess better luck next time.What specifically about the landschneckt did you want to emulate in their class? Their mercenary nature? Their halberds?
I may have gotten my history a little mixed up. Yes, she is mercenary, but she was going to use a greatsword like they used against pike formations. That's the main reason I bowed out. I was worried about stepping on the toes fo a character you already had and was also a sword wielding fighter.

Grigor Umlich |

I may have gotten my history a little mixed up. Yes, she is mercenary, but she was going to use a greatsword like they used against pike formations. That's the main reason I bowed out. I was worried about stepping on the toes fo a character you already had and was also a sword wielding fighter.
If that was me, I'm a sword and boarder. Come on in and build as a barbarian, or something.

AdamWarnock |

Name: Bathilda
Class: Barbarian
Look: Wild eyes look out from a boyish face. A heavy overcoat covers most of her long, lanky frame, while a pair of sturdy breeches and a pair of sturdy boots cover the rest.
Race: Outsider (Human)
HP: 23
Base Damage: d10
Alignment: Neutral
STR: 16 +2
DEX: 13 +1
CON: 15 +1
INT: 8 -1
WIS: 12 0
CHA: 9 0
_______________ is puny and foolish, but amusing to me.
_______________ ’s ways are strange and confusing.
_______________ is always getting into trouble—I must protect them from themselves.
_______________ shares my hunger for glory; the earth will tremble at our passing!
Load: 24
Gear: 5
Two-handed Sword (Close, [Messy, Forceful], +1 Damage, 2 weight)
Dagger (Close, [Messy, Forceful], 1 weight)
Chainmail (1 armor, 1 weight)
A coin with a crossed sword and halberd on the face and the coat of arms of the 3rd Landschneckt Brigade on the reverse.
Dungeon Rations (5 uses, 1 weight)
Starting Moves
Herculean Appetites
Others may content themselves with just a taste of wine, or dominion over a servant or two, but you want more. Choose two appetites. While pursuing one of your appetites if you would roll for a move, instead of rolling 2d6 you roll 1d6+1d8. If the d6 is the higher die of the pair, the GM will also introduce a complication or danger that comes about due to your heedless pursuits.
Appetites: Mortal pleasures, Fame and glory
The Upper Hand
You take +1 ongoing to last breath rolls. When you take your last breath, on a 7–9 you make an offer to Death in return for your life. If Death accepts he will return you to life. If not, you die.
While you wield a weapon it gains the forceful and messy tags.
What Are You Waiting For?
When you cry out a challenge to your enemies, roll+Con.
- On a 10+ they treat you as the most obvious threat to be dealt with and ignore your companions, take +2 damage ongoing against them.
- On a 7–9 only a few (the weakest or most foolhardy among them) fall prey to your taunting.
Full Plate and Packing Steel
You ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear.
Bathilda joined up with a band of mercenaries, The Steel Talons, at the tender age of ten. She has since grown into a woman of large appetites, specifically those of booze, men, fame, and glory. She left the Steel Talons after an altercation with her commander and joines the Landschneckts. After a few years in the 3rd brigade, she found herself out on her own when the 3rd Brigade was disbanded. She has since been adventuring with her current party.
GM MooshyBooshy, can you take a look and see if I have everything right? If it meets your approval, I'll post in the discussion thread.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Absolutely to both of you, the more the merrier. Just limit yourselves to between 1 and 3 action posts per day, and it won't get too overwhelming. :)
If you get caught up on the Gameplay thread you'll see that the people I've already got have just fought off/are in the process of fighting off a Skaven ambush. You can join as one of the Mercenaries that was still tied up and unable to escape your bonds during the fight.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" |

Absolutely, some of the players that joined initially did not actually...join join. Write up a character and introduce him in the Discussion thread; and remember, in-universe you've been adventuring with this party for 6 months by now. Feel free to invent Bonds between you and the other players as they would make sense.

Morley McGree |

Having looked at the Templar, they feel a little too... shouty, for me. I'm going for a godless Paladin, with powers deriving from sheer force of will. They may be divine in origin, maybe, maybe not. Should I post my character here, or elsewhere?
You should post in the discussion thread, and then update your profile with your selected stats and moves. You could use my profile as an example.
Then once that is done you should figure out a way to narrate your character's way into the story. You've probably been with the mercenary company for 6 months (unless you are a survivor in the town joining up, perhaps even one of the corpses in the ditch that isn't as dead as we thought). As a member of the mercenary company you could just have always been traveling with us.