War of Ages (Monkeygod's Golarion Game)

Game Master Monkeygod

A disparate group of "adventurers" seek to possibly end the threat of Treerazer once and for all.

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The ring is a very COOL idea. Reminds me a bit of the ring my Drow PC Veldrin has :).

I just hope that you haven't hurt yourself otherwise by spending most of your gold on it.

Congrats on the additional help from Kyrademon!

Charolis' build is coming into shape. I have added quite a bit to the stats on his character page. However I think I should redo the ability buy. I did a 15 point buy on top of the base minotaur, but after seeing the quote from the monster guide about monstrous PCs:

"Creatures with class levels receive +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, and –2 adjustments to their ability scores, assigned in a manner that enhances their class abilities."

I feel like I should adjust the scores using that system since it is Pathfinder standard. All I know is that Charolis is one bad ass right now (although he has several weaknesses that could be exploited easily).

Also, I am using the gold allotted per class level. It seems right that using monstrous characters shouldn't get 12th level gold, but if Monkeygod deems we all get 12th level gold then I'm down with it.

All in all, this seems like a mondo awesome undertaking and it should be a cool experience!

Does anyone know if there is a better minotaur avatar out there? The Paizo avatars are hell to go through...

The Exchange

Kolm Godhand:

Advanced Dwarf Armiger 12
All level bonuses into Con

CON28(7) +9
INT 18(5)+4
WIS 20(5)+5
CHA 12(0)+1


AC 34 10+ 14 Armor +1 Dex + 6 shield +2 Deflection +1 Natural

HP 274

CMB: +14
CMD: 27

DR 3/-

Bulwark: Count as cover for all adjacent allies against all attacks.

Safeguard 3/day: Trade places of ally for an attack

Reflect: Take only half damage from any effect that allows Reflex for half. If save is made, take only ¼ damage.


Fort 20 (25 vs poison/spells)
Reflex 9 (14 vs spells)
Will 16 (21 vs spells)

Attacks Available:

Bardiche:+18/+13 1d10+7
Shield Bash: +16/+11 1d6+5
Gauntlet:+15/+10 1d3+5

Armiger Talents
Spear Brace: +3 to-hit with polearms
Shelter of Steel: 1d8+6, 7/day
Uncanny Block: reflavored uncanny dodge
Unkillable: +33 hp

Armor Expert -1 ACP
Zest for Battle - When you have a morale bonus to attack, you gain a +1 trait bonus on damage
Glory of Old(Five Kings Mountains): +1 trait bonus against poisons and spells

Background Feats:
1Skill focus Perception
3 Iron Hide

3Shield Focus
5Weapon Focus Bardiche
7Improved Initiative
9 Improved Shield Bash
11Steel Soul


Perception: 26
Sense Motive 20
Survival 20
Intimidate 16
Craft Armor 19
Knowledge Engineering 19
Knowledge Noblity 19
Profession Bodyguard 20


+3 Full Plate
+3 Heavy Spiked Steel Shield (+2 Spikes)
+3 Bardiche
+4 Belt of Con
Boots of Speed
Cloak of Resistance +3
Periapt of wound closure
Ring of Feather Falling
+2 ring of Protection
Decanter of Endless Water
+1 Gauntlet
Pocket Watch
Masterwork Backpack
250ft Silk Rope
250ft Hempen Rope

This dwarf is nearing his first century, and it is beginning to show. His deep red beard has speckles of grey, and his eyes don’t have quite the blood-lust they once held. He is much larger than the average dwarf, weighing in at 250 lbs, but he’s also one of the hardiest specimens to be born in a long time. His face has a few scars, some of which are almost as old as he is. He wears armor that seems to be generations older, with knicks and scratches everywhere, but very well polished.


Kolm was born a distant relative of one of the current members of the Gathering Council, although he has no proof of his noble heritage. He lived in a small stronghold, consisting of 7-10 of smaller dwarven clans, south of Highhelm, and when his home was overrun with orcs, he was the sole survivor. He gathered what was left of his shattered life, and set out by himself, not knowing the lands, as he was still young for a dwarf, and had not yet been taught of the lands outside of the massive, stone doors. He has since wandered, with the armor and weapons of his ancestors, doing what a tough dwarf is especially good at, defending things. He has taken on dozens of assignments, from escorting caravans to defending VIPs, and he’s got the scars to prove it. He is now on his way to a very important assignment, defending [insert PC/NPC name here]

I may have missed some things, but I believe I got all of the necessary stuff.

Edit: Fixed Trait.

@ Meredian, yes, three background feats(remember, they can't be combat or metamagic, just things to help flesh out your character) and three traits. one needs to be regional, not a campaign one. I have NO idea if any exist for the Darklands though. There's a website titled after Nethys that lists all traits, but I don't know the link.

@Charolis, i went with 120k gold because it's tween 12th n 13th level gold, which felt right for this game. Also you built him using the base stats then adding 15 points via point buy?? If so, he seems fine that way.

TO ALL: please list which feats are your bonus background feats, makes it easier to check out.

Also, for skills, just list the ones you have actual ranks in, or have a racial bonus or penalty to. Ex, if you're a Halfling with zero ranks in Stealth and Climb, list them anyways, cuz you have a +4 and +2 respectively.

The Exchange


Also, I realize now that I forgot a trait. I will be editing shortly.

Alertness,Persuasive,Sharpe Senses are the three background feats I picked for my character.

Earlier I had thought about playing a an ex-familiar mink who seeks to return to his roots - as well as his animal type - by embracing extreme druidism. I wouldn't want to step on Mr. Pinky's delicate draconic toes, so instead permit me to submit Pharocharisti, the completely honest purveyor of second-hand infernal contracts, used rods of wonder, and the complete line of Never-Fail(R) brand hypoallergenic plot devices and hermetically-sealed deus-ex-machina in a can (only about 25% of which he actually has on hand at a given time).

Pharocharisti worked his way up through the infernal hierarchy thanks to hard work. Chained to other petitioners, he screamed the loudest. As an imp, he suckered in the most bright-eyed souls of young arcanists willing to sell off bits of their souls just to ace a sorcery exam. His tenure as a barbazu was short-lived, as he quickly secured a wealth of dirty secrets sufficient to simultaneously depose that hamatula that had always annoyed him while also impressing the cornugon who reigned over the hellish county. Deciding the ambitious fiend would be better put to use as an assistant than as a foot soldier, the cornugon promoted him on the spot.

Newly garbed in the flesh befitting a contract devil, Pharocharisti embraced the libraries of the Hells. Decades spent wading through cumbersome codices about tax loopholes might have seemed like a personal hell for some, but they were to Pharo like a whetstone to a fine blade. His self-imposed studies provided the training needed not only to be a successful devil but to be an paragon of hammering out infernal contractual agreements. He immediately set out for Pharasma's Boneyard to start arguing cases.

After winning a few easy arguments regarding souls who made halfhearted conversions on their deathbeds, Pharo had his big chance: A paladin whose bid to save the life of a loved one led him to sign over his own soul! Rubbing his hands together while trying to maintain his composure, the devil noticed that the opposing council was none other than Camaherthri, a notable solar renowned for driving a hard bargain. Perhaps this should have convinced Pharocharisti to back down, but it only made him bolder; imagine the power and glory he would reap if he could swindle a soul from Camaherthri! Yesiree, he'd be sporting a gelugon's carapace by Asmodeus' next birthday bash!

Thinking back, Pharo has some difficulty remembering the exact details of the trial. In fact, there's little he can recall beyond his discovery that he had cornered Camaherthri into giving up his own angelic soul in exchange for letting the paladin walk free. Forget gelugon - he would be named the newest pit fiend for this! Sealing the solar's essence into a gem and swallowing it for safe-keeping, Pharo headed back to the Nine Hells to relax by lounging around and maybe catapulting a few petitioners into the nice lake of fire around the bend. Imagine his surprise when he just couldn't bring himself to commit such an innocent act of wanton violence. As a sense of holy dread grew within his core, he quickly pulled up the final documentation from the trial and realized that he didn't get to do what he wished with the solar's essence; the two of them were bound together! Oh, word got around pretty quickly, and Pharo quickly found himself the butt of many jokes in the infernal pubs. He packed up his bags and headed for the Material Plane, hoping that with a little research he might find some way to transfer Camaherthri's spirit into a more readily recyclable and manageable form.

Since then, Pharo has done just about everything to try and undo the damage of having a solar bonded to his soul. He's posed as a sly rug merchant, provided Pyrrhic administrative advice to kingdoms on the fritz, and even underwritten some underhanded insurance contract, but he hasn't been able to do anything truly evil. At present he continues to offer his services and that of Paralegal, his intelligent bow (although he has the sneaking suspicion that Camaherthri influenced its production somehow), to the highest bidder of either coin or information.

Character Premise:
Pharocharisti is an advanced, celestial blessed contract devil. Although most devils that share his based type try to escape battle or bargain a way out, Pharo has learned that a bit of physical trauma can go a long way on the Material Plane; he is a solid shot with a bow. His sly tongue and expansive knowledge of the multiverse have been tempered by his quasi-exile to the realm of mortals, and the experience has left him with a wry sense of humor.

Hi, all. There still seems to be some confusion about character creation. This post is an attempt to clear things up. Bear in mind that, while I am now co-GM, this game is Monkeygod’s concept and goes by his rules. If he contradicts or denies anything I say, go by what he says, not me.

That said, here is what I have gathered to be the character creation rules:


1) If you are creating a character with a race that does not have racial hit dice when used as a PC, use a 25-point buy build.

2) If you are creating a character of a “lesser” monster race with racial hit dice but low CR and relatively low stats (Gnoll, Duergar, Hobgoblin, Orc, etc.), ignore the stats in the book and use a 25-point buy build.

3) If you are creating a character of any other race that comes with racial hit dice, start by using the stats in the book. Do NOT adjust these stats in any way. If the stats are particularly low (or high), consult with Monkeygod; he will help you make adjustments as needed to get your character on par with the others.


We are playing at a CR of 12. This is NOT the same as level 12. It means:

1) If you are creating a character with a race that does not have racial hit dice when used as a PC, create a 13th level character. If you use any templates, subtract the template bonus from your character level on a one-for-one basis. Some particularly powerful races may count as already having one class level, even if they have no racial hit dice; they should be made 12th level; Monkeygod will make that determination.

2) If you are creating a character with a race that has racial hit dice, add any class levels to your CR on a one-for-one basis until you reach CR 12 -- *NOT* CR 13 or level 13. A 7 CR monster should have 5 class levels; a 4 CR monster should have 8 class levels; a 1 CR monster should have 11 class levels.

ADDENDUM TO 2(2) -- Note that for characters with racial hit dice, number of feats and stat advancement is based on total hit dice, not level or CR. Stat advancement is already figured in to the base monster stats, but this will affect when you add additional ones for levels. So, a CR3 monster with 5 racial Hit Dice and 9 class levels would actually have "14 levels" for purposes of feats and stat boosts. They would get 7 feats (plus the three background feats), and get +1 to a stat at class levels 3 and 7.


1) All characters will start with 120,000 gp in money and items. Remember that no single item can cost more than half of this.

2) Custom items are allowed, as per page 550 of the rules.


1) Third party material is allowed if Monkeygod gives explicit permission. Many such rules will be allowed. Permission has already been granted for Dreamscarred Press material, which means psionics are allowed.

2) Three bonus “background” feats are allowed for each character. These are for flavor and should not be combat feats. Skill feats and weapon proficiency feats are explicitly allowed.

3) All characters should take three traits, one of which should be regional (although there is flexibility with that.) Custom traits are allowed with permission of Monkeygod.

4) All alignments are OK, but there will be *NO* PvP, and don’t get too crazy in how you plan to play your character if you’re thinking of an evil build (or a good build, for that matter, since slay-all-evil-character types exist.) Monkeygod is fairly loose with how he handles alignment.

5) Note from me -- Please remember that feats can only be taken once unless they explicitly say otherwise. If you are playing any special build, be sure to carefully read the abilities and restricitions.

Monkeygod wrote:

The ring is a very COOL idea. Reminds me a bit of the ring my Drow PC Veldrin has :).

I just hope that you haven't hurt yourself otherwise by spending most of your gold on it.

It's distinctly possible, but I've got a crap ton of spell casting options to keep myself out of trouble. So we'll have to wait and see. ;-)

Monkeygod wrote:

@ Meredian, yes, three background feats(remember, they can't be combat or metamagic, just things to help flesh out your character) and three traits. one needs to be regional, not a campaign one. I have NO idea if any exist for the Darklands though. There's a website titled after Nethys that lists all traits, but I don't know the link.

@Charolis, i went with 120k gold because it's tween 12th n 13th level gold, which felt right for this game. Also you built him using the base stats then adding 15 points via point buy?? If so, he seems fine that way.

TO ALL: please list which feats are your bonus background feats, makes it easier to check out.

Also, for skills, just list the ones you have actual ranks in, or have a racial bonus or penalty to. Ex, if you're a Halfling with zero ranks in Stealth and Climb, list them anyways, cuz you have a +4 and +2 respectively.

My background feats are skill focus dungeoneering, Improved Initiative (always useful for the survival of a drow), and Breadth of Knowledge. I listed them first, so they should be easy to find.

Found my regional Trait;Friend of the Dead (Geb)P
Source Inner Sea Primer 8
Your close association with the intelligent undead of Geb has imparted some of their otherworldly essence to you, and this essence helps you in your dealings with the undead. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks against sentient undead.

Kyrademon wrote:

Hi, all. There still seems to be some confusion about character creation. This post is an attempt to clear things up. Bear in mind that, while I am now co-GM, this game is Monkeygod’s concept and goes by his rules. If he contradicts or denies anything I say, go by what he says, not me.

That said, here is what I have gathered to be the character creation rules:


We are playing at a CR of 12. This is NOT the same as level 12. It means:

1) If you are creating a character with a race that does not have racial hit dice when used as a PC, create a 13th level character. If you use any templates, subtract the template bonus from your character level on a one-for-one basis. Some particularly powerful races may count as already having one class level, even if they have no racial hit dice; they should be made 12th level; Monkeygod will make that determination.

My race has no racial hit die, so I'll need to add a level. I only made him level 12.

Also, I spent more than half my gold on an item, but monkeygod seems to love it, so I guess it's cool. ;-)

Meredian Adriatnaic wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:

@ Meredian, yes, three background feats(remember, they can't be combat or metamagic, just things to help flesh out your character) and three traits. one needs to be regional, not a campaign one. I have NO idea if any exist for the Darklands though. There's a website titled after Nethys that lists all traits, but I don't know the link.

@Charolis, i went with 120k gold because it's tween 12th n 13th level gold, which felt right for this game. Also you built him using the base stats then adding 15 points via point buy?? If so, he seems fine that way.

TO ALL: please list which feats are your bonus background feats, makes it easier to check out.

Also, for skills, just list the ones you have actual ranks in, or have a racial bonus or penalty to. Ex, if you're a Halfling with zero ranks in Stealth and Climb, list them anyways, cuz you have a +4 and +2 respectively.

My background feats are skill focus dungeoneering, Improved Initiative (always useful for the survival of a drow), and Breadth of Knowledge. I listed them first, so they should be easy to find.

Found my regional Trait;Friend of the Dead (Geb)P
Source Inner Sea Primer 8
Your close association with the intelligent undead of Geb has imparted some of their otherworldly essence to you, and this essence helps you in your dealings with the undead. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks against sentient undead.

Improved Initiative is *NOT* an acceptable background feat, as it directly grants a bonus to combat.

Any feats that directly benefit you in combat, are NOT allowed as background feats. Same goes with Metamagic, which Kyra left out in the above post.

Regarding magic items, YES, you should not spend more than half your gold on one item, BUT if you have something really cool in mind for your character, like Tiny Coffee Golem does with his ring, run it by me and we'll see.

Quick note: if you have any bonus feats, be they the background feats, from a class, etc list them with this after: (B) so I know they are your bonus feats.

Important communication from you GM: If you are playing something that lists racial feats and skills, you can swap those out for ones of your choice. Just make sure the math on skills adds up correctly.

Monkeygod wrote:

Improved Initiative is *NOT* an acceptable background feat, as it directly grants a bonus to combat.

Any feats that directly benefit you in combat, are NOT allowed as background feats. Same goes with Metamagic, which Kyra left out in the above post.

Regarding magic items, YES, you should not spend more than half your gold on one item, BUT if you have something really cool in mind for your character, like Tiny Coffee Golem does with his ring, run it by me and we'll see.

Quick note: if you have any bonus feats, be they the background feats, from a class, etc list them with this after: (B) so I know they are your bonus feats.

Important communication from you GM: If you are playing something that lists racial feats and skills, you can swap those out for ones of your choice. Just make sure the math on skills adds up correctly.

Gotcha. Will swap out Imp initiative with something else.

Also I added one level to make him the correct CL per instruction as well as just fleshing out the sheet.

edit: Swapped Imp Ini for Skill Focus UMD. He was a prodigy. He's used this to greaat effect in the past to pretend to be a divine caster.

Monkeygod, when do you need the characters completed? I need to redo my bonus feats still.

Sinvel Menter wrote:
Monkeygod, when do you need the characters completed? I need to redo my bonus feats still.

Take your time, you have till at the very least Monday, as I want folks to have the weekend to do up their characters.

EDIT: Spells from the Spell Compendium and other 3.5 books are allowed, as are things from Magic Item Compendium, HOWEVER, you must OK all such choices with me first.

DOUBLE EDIT: Also, if you have a suggestion for a DM boon, throw them out.

Monkeygod wrote:
Sinvel Menter wrote:
Monkeygod, when do you need the characters completed? I need to redo my bonus feats still.

Take your time, you have till at the very least Monday, as I want folks to have the weekend to do up their characters.

EDIT: Spells from the Spell Compendium and other 3.5 books are allowed, as are things from Magic Item Compendium, HOWEVER, you must OK all such choices with me first.

DOUBLE EDIT: Also, if you have a suggestion for a DM boon, throw them out.

i'll be editing my spell selection. ;-) I love me some 3.5 spells.

The only thing for a boon I would want is helping with ideas on what would be a good mount for a half-dragon cavalier since a horse does not seem like it would fit. I really have no idea what you would give for boons though so I am cool with whatever.

Hey, all. I've been glancing over the character builds, and I've noticed a few things that may need to be changed due to RAW. I'm sure these were all simply legitimate errors or misunderstandings regarding the character build rules for the game, or possibly even stuff you've already talked with Monkeygod about and are therefore legit.

These are also just based on glancing over things to check for problems with Pathfinder RAW; Monkeygod is better suited to comment on third-party matters.

I haven't looked too in depth regarding stuff like requirements for feats, abilities, etc. This is just the stuff that jumped out at me. If it screws with your character concept or you consider it unfair, by all means *please* chat with Monkeygod about it.

Alehesia – Your character's oracle level should be 11, not 12, to be at CR 12

Charolis – Your character's fighter level should be 8, not 9, to be at CR 12.
The weapon training bonuses for a Two-Handed Fighter can only apply to two-handed melee weapons; so taking it for axes is fine and will apply to all two-handed axes, but taking it for crossbows doesn't do you any good.
(As a side note, your stats look fine to me if you've purchased a belt of giant strength or something similar, but the strength looks a bit high if that's your unadjusted base -- can you let us know?)

Pinky – Dodge and Mobility seem a little Combatty to be used as Background Feats.

Rannald – In RAW, Eldritch Heritage isn't a feat that can be taken multiple times for multiple different bloodlines.

Meredian Adriatnaic - A Noble Drow is usually considered one of the textbook examples of a race that doesn't have racial hit dice but counts as having an extra level when calculating CR for a PC, so you may need to keep your character at level 12. That's Monkeygod's call, of course.

OK, added more background and replaced the combat bonus feats with ones that are non-combat. Added my gear and items worn, but still have 80,000+ GP to spend on magic items.

(I'll be looking over the builds a little more in depth as I find the time. Charolis, I'll be sure to check out the adjusted build.)

Ok swapped out the Bonus feats for Alertness, Acrobatic, and Deepsight, so he should be done with his feats now.

He currently has 9 levels of Ninja, which added to his HD equals a CR 11. I am not sure if the Pseudodragon is considered a CR 2 or CR 3 monster so I generated him as such. I can add a ninja level to him if need be.

One final thing, he still has 21k in gold to spend. Any ideas on what to get are welcome.

OK, looked over Charolis' new sheet first. The above still applies -- Class level should be Fighter 8, taking crossbow in weapon training does you no good. Most of the rest looks good, except the following:

Even with the +2 belt on your sheet, your abilities right now come to more than a 34-point buy, and your strength score actually seems impossible to get to. Monkeygod might overrule this, but I suggest you switch to a flat-out 25-point buy and use the extra money you have to get yourself magic items to bring you where you want to be. Assuming the absolutely best racial stat bonuses for what you want (+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Wisdom), a 25-point buy adjusted for level stat boosts might get you:
Str: 23, Con: 18, Dex: 12, Wis: 8, Int: 10, Cha: 7

But if you buy yourself a Belt of Physical Might, Str and Con +4 (40,000 gp), and a deep red sphere ioun stone (dex +2, 8,000), and you are at:
Str: 27, Con: 22, Dex: 14, Wis: 8, Int: 10, Cha: 7

Actually slightly better stats than you had, but in a way that seems a little more in keeping with the general build.

Checked out Pinky's build next. A pseudodragon is considered a CR 1 creature, so your ninja level should be 11 to reach CR 12.

Your stats seem a couple of points higher than could be gotten from a 25-point buy build, but I may just be misunderstanding how you did it. If I'm right, I'd say buy yourself a tiny belt of giant strength with your extra money and it'll work out the same or a little better; if I'm wrong, never mind.

Other than that, looks good to me.

Kyrademon wrote:
Meredian Adriatnaic - A Noble Drow is usually considered one of the textbook examples of a race that doesn't have racial hit dice but counts as having an extra level when calculating CR for a PC, so you may need to keep your character at level 12. That's Monkeygod's call, of course.

I added the level based on your earlier comment, but whatever I need to do I will. The only significant difference is 4th level spells for my sorcerer list and +1 Arcane power (it adds power when casting, but not for spells/d).

Monkeygod chime in if you would please. Do you want me to make a level 11 character or level 12. The difference Is minimal, but I'd rather not undo my work if you're cool with that.

Very sorry if I misled you; I did not mean to if it turns out I did.

My final comment on the subject ... looking over the Drow Noble description, it does specifically say that their challenge rating is equal to their class level (something it doesn't usually specifically say for other monsters). So that would, in fact, mean 12 class levels by RAW. But again, Monkeygod has the final ruling here.

One other comment on the build -- I'm for some reason getting only 21 points spent on your stats if you have a +6 Int item (2 for Dex, 5 for Con, 13 for Int assuming you added your +3 to stats there, 1 for Cha, total 21), so if that's correct you should have 4 more points to play with.

I'm not competent to judge the non-Pathfinder stuff, so I leave that to Monkeygod. :)

Kyrademon wrote:

Checked out Pinky's build next. A pseudodragon is considered a CR 1 creature, so your ninja level should be 11 to reach CR 12.

Your stats seem a couple of points higher than could be gotten from a 25-point buy build, but I may just be misunderstanding how you did it. If I'm right, I'd say buy yourself a tiny belt of giant strength with your extra money and it'll work out the same or a little better; if I'm wrong, never mind.

Other than that, looks good to me.

OK updated him to Level 11 ninja, and purchased Belt of Giant Strength for gear.

Taking a break from that and switching back to character mode.

(By the way, hopefully I haven't pissed everyone off ... I am trying to point out where people may have potentially underbuilt their characters as well as potentially overbuilt them ...)

Some possible suggestions for a GM boon for Jade. I'd like them to be in keeping with the anime-like nature of the character, so some possibilities might be:

FLYING LEAP: The character gets a +10 bonus to Jump checks made during the course of a charge.

THEME MUSIC: At all times, music appropriate to the situation plays in the character's vicinity. The character gets a -5 penalty to Stealth checks, but can always act during a surprise round because the music warns her of impending attack by becoming ominous. Other benefits and penalties may be introduced through this effect at the option of the GM.

KAWAII: During non-combat situations (initiative not rolled), the character can as a swift action mysteriously morph into a small-sized version of herself. This functions as a Reduce Person spell with the added benefit of a +2 bonus to all Charisma-based skill checks (although she will still also get the -4 penalty to Intimidate if this makes her smaller than her target.) This effect instantly ends if combat starts.

Suggestions for other possibilities would be welcome.

How about a boon to deal with your character's temper? Almost all the time the angry girl characters in anime or manga can send people flying when they hit them after getting really angry.

Good idea! I think I kind of already have that as a class feature, though (Piledriver). I'll think if there's a way to differentiate it as a boon ...

@Kyrademon are you sure? In HeroLabs it said I was CR 12 at that oracle level :/ Oh well. I changed it now :)

My bonus feats are Extra Revelation, Oracular Intuition, and Persuasive. :D

You could use Piledriver inside combat I figured the boon could be used outside as well as inside combat. Plus piledriver is from your class maybe ask Monkeygod if he will let you get a bonus to it or instead of piledriving the enemy you hit them so hard they fly up and get knocked prone along with the effect? I am trying to remember how the girls in anime and manga do it I tend to skip over those parts because seeing a 4 foot tall 90 pound little girl sending people flying is a bit over the top for me.

OK, I am now officially saying -- DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR WHAT YOUR CHARACTER LEVEL SHOULD BE. Monkeygod will (I hope) make official rulings for all characters.

Kyrademon wrote:

Very sorry if I misled you; I did not mean to if it turns out I did.

My final comment on the subject ... looking over the Drow Noble description, it does specifically say that their challenge rating is equal to their class level (something it doesn't usually specifically say for other monsters). So that would, in fact, mean 12 class levels by RAW. But again, Monkeygod has the final ruling here.

One other comment on the build -- I'm for some reason getting only 21 points spent on your stats if you have a +6 Int item (2 for Dex, 5 for Con, 13 for Int assuming you added your +3 to stats there, 1 for Cha, total 21), so if that's correct you should have 4 more points to play with.

I'm not competent to judge the non-Pathfinder stuff, so I leave that to Monkeygod. :)

I'll double check the point build tomorrow. YOu may be right. Frankly I hope I did. I could use the Int (maybe con) Buff. ;-)

Went over to TV tropes for more possible boon ideas ...

Cute Little Fangs
When the character's fangs are visible, she gets a +2 bonus to Charisma-based skill checks

Kamehame Hadoken
Once per day as a full-round action, the character can unleash a blast of pure energy as a ranged touch attack that does damage to the target but drains life force from the character. The character will take takes ability damage to abilities of her choice, up to her level in total damage. The target will take hit point damage equal to 1d6 per ability point of damage to the character.

Cute Bruiser
The character's physical appearance tends to make people underestimate her. She can feint as a move action by making a diplomacy check. This effect only works once on any given opponent.

And working with Mrdarknlight's suggestion --

Improved Piledriver
The character may simultaneously make a bull rush and a trip attempt when using the Piledriver class feature. The character may also opt to use the Piledriver maneuver without doing damage, no matter what weapon is used.

I think the Kamehame Hadoken is a bit much ranged touch that can drain 11 ability from someone? Maybe make the ability damage 1/2 your character level and make it something other than ranged touch?

No, no ... what I meant was that it drains ability from *me*. It does hit point damage to the target based on the amount of ability damage I choose to take.

Oh that seems a bit unfair to you than. How about to give up hp or get exhausted equal how much damage you do? Like you do 11d6 damage you are exhausted for 11 mins or drain like 22 hp?

Hmm ... exhausted is pretty significant (move at half speed, cannot run or charge, –6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity), so that does actually seem like a fair trade-off for this kind of thing.

Of course, I'm not really deciding on what boon I get or exactly how it works mechanically anyway -- that's all Monkeygod's call, I'm just trying to come up with fun suggestions. :)

Here is the DM Boon I have for my character in Ryuko's Carrion Crown game:

Varisian Tattoos(DM Boon) When you prepare spells, you may choose one of your tattoos to be active that day:
Vision: Gives a +2 to Perception skill checks. Once per day, may cast any Detect spell as a spell like ability.
The Idiot: Gain a +4 bonus on Will Saves vs. any form of domination or mental debuff. Twice per day may cast Hideous Laughter as a spell like ability.
The Theatre: One of your tattoos comes to life. It speaks very little, if at all, and only in a dry, half-joking tone. You know this creature is from some form of god, or creature beyond your understanding, and you are unsure why it has been assigned to you, though it always seems to be watching, and perhaps judging. This functions as a familiar using your level - 2 (Minimum 1) as your effective wizard level.

Somebody else in game has some sort of amulet(i think) that helps ward off evil.

They can be any number of things, from bonus or expanded class features, to special items akin to legacy weapons, and more. Boons grow as you level, so for us, they will be decently powerful at game's start.


@ Meredian, unless I'm missing something, your level 13, no? would dropping down to 12th level affect you too much?? Also are you using any non PF material?? if so please mark them somehow so I know which they are.

@ Alehesia, CR has always been tricky for me, but I *think* 11 levels would get you CR 12. Kyra, is that correct?? or am I missing something??

@ Jade, please bold your CS like the others have. It makes reading em much simpler.

@ ALL: If you are using an archetype or have levels in a PrC, please explain what special abilities they have so it's easy for me to reference them.

Finally, for the times when Kyra will be GMing and I playing, I am going to be playing a Dark Stalker Rogue/Shadowdancer, just to give you guys a heads up.

You were right. I was a few points too low on my point buy. I corrected stats and will update the details tomorrow. All in all I'm loving this character.

Re: boon items,

I'd love to have greater my sor bloodline. Presently I only count as a
First level sor for them. Or look at almost any of the specialty wizard abilities. I like those. Especially the conjured teleport school.
Basically I'm very open I just dont know what "power level" you're looking at for this. An example would
Help. :-)

Alehesia, I'm looking over your build, and everything seems low ... your stats seem much lower than they should be for a 25-point buy, can you say how you calculated them? Also, even with those stats, I get 84 hit points rather than 60, a base fort save of +7 rather than +6, and your magic items seem very light for 120,000 gp (although I didn't recognize some of them, so maybe I'm wrong about that) ... maybe it's Hero Labs, or maybe I'm missing something, but something seems off here.

Seems I arrived late to the party, if you have room I would like to join as these types of games really get my interest.

If there is room I could have a guy built by tomarrow night. I am thinking a LN Drow Noble Air or Water Elementalist.

I am 13th. I got some conflicting information about CR adjustments and such.
I can go back to 12th and still be interesting. However at 13th I get a couple cool bumps that will significantly aid in my general survivability. By you're own admission I might need it. If you want we can just call that level bump my "boom item." you're call of course though.

I'll get you a full report of the character when I'm not typing on a phone.

Meredian Adriatnaic wrote:

You were right. I was a few points too low on my point buy. I corrected stats and will update the details tomorrow. All in all I'm loving this character.

Re: boon items,

I'd love to have greater my sor bloodline. Presently I only count as a
First level sor for them. Or look at almost any of the specialty wizard abilities. I like those. Especially the conjured teleport school.
Basically I'm very open I just dont know what "power level" you're looking at for this. An example would
Help. :-)

An example like I posted above?? LOL look to my last post at Varisian Tattoos.

@ Omnichaos, not at all late. Peoples have till at least Monday at the very earliest to get me a character. The one think I will say is we already have one Noble Drow caster, though he is far more of a generalist which you seem to not be. It's up to you though, and I haven't said which PCs have been accepted yet.

Well off the top of my head I can tell you my guy will be on the surface with his own ship and crew. Looking at an inner sea map for locations where he would set up a base or hiding place. Only because their is more then one drow caster does not mean they will be remotely the same. ;)

I've bolded Jade's character sheet for easier readability -- let me know if there's anything else you need.

Regarding CR ... by the method you are employing for monsters-as-characters (+1 level = +1 CR), Alehesia should be an 11th level Oracle. Going by strict RAW, she would have gotten one extra level as she advanced and been a 12th level Oracle, which is probably why Hero Labs told her that.

I'm not sure the one-for-one system is working for the gnoll though. Comparing and contrasting, in this system the minotaur, by giving up 5 potential fighter class levels with their attendant bonus feats and abilities, gets in exchange:

Large size with associated increased weapon damage
Reach, with all its advantages including attacks of opportunity
+1 better BAB than a 13th level fighter would have
1 more hit die than a 13th level fighter would have
Significantly better fort, reflex, and will saving throws than a 13th level fighter would have
Never flat-footed
A natural gore attack
Powerful charge

That seems like a pretty fair exchange.

In contrast, the gnoll, by giving up 2 potential oracle class levels, gets:

+1 natural armor
a significantly better fort save

aaaaand ... that's it.

I'd suggest in this case we let her take oracle level 12, which means in exchange for giving up 1 potential oracle level she would get:

+1 natural armor
a significantly better fort save
one more hit dice than a 13th level oracle would have
+1 BAB over a 13th level oracle

monkey god wrote:

An example like I posted above?? LOL look to my last post at Varisian Tattoos.

Lol. Yea just like that. My bad.

Alehesia, you're officially a 12th level Oracle.

check out the characters in Ryuko's Carrion Crown for more examples of DM Boons.

Kyrademon wrote:

OK, looked over Charolis' new sheet first. The above still applies -- Class level should be Fighter 8, taking crossbow in weapon training does you no good. Most of the rest looks good, except the following:

Even with the +2 belt on your sheet, your abilities right now come to more than a 34-point buy, and your strength score actually seems impossible to get to. Monkeygod might overrule this, but I suggest you switch to a flat-out 25-point buy and use the extra money you have to get yourself magic items to bring you where you want to be. Assuming the absolutely best racial stat bonuses for what you want (+2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Wisdom), a 25-point buy adjusted for level stat boosts might get you:
Str: 23, Con: 18, Dex: 12, Wis: 8, Int: 10, Cha: 7

But if you buy yourself a Belt of Physical Might, Str and Con +4 (40,000 gp), and a deep red sphere ioun stone (dex +2, 8,000), and you are at:
Str: 27, Con: 22, Dex: 14, Wis: 8, Int: 10, Cha: 7

Actually slightly better stats than you had, but in a way that seems a little more in keeping with the general build.

Monkeygod said that the 15 point buy i added was good.

Well this is what I have so far, I will finish him up later.

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