WR Dragon Age

Game Master wicked_raygun

A PBP Game using the Dragon Age system, and running the Dalish Curse.

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Speed 16; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4

Athros will take the bowl and visibly suffer a, "Thank you." Afterward he will head back to the Chantry.

Speed 11; Health 46/46; Defense 14; Armor 4;

Calem will be on guard to prevent any possible intervention by the mob they met earlier.

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The crowd remains seated, but they continue to stare daggers at Athros and Calem. The tavernkeeper once again notices the looks and stalks over to the table. "Alright, break it up. Time to go home."

Athros and Calem can hear the table argue back for a moment, before grumbling and sulking away. Clearly the have no interest in gaining her ire. The Blacksmith also clears the table, but he continues his angry glaring at Athros.

The two walk back to the Chantry and find Sister Arda reading silently next to the elvish woman. When she sees the food, she thanks the band, and begins slowly spooning some of the broth into the Elvish woman's mouth. She responds almost mechanically to the food. Sister Arda says a few words to her, but the woman doesn't seem to be fully conscious yet.

"She's eating. That's a good sign. She'll need some more time though."

Anything else you guys want to do? Or do you just wait in the Chantry?

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

Shianni will keep watch on both the women to make sure nothing happens.

The Band settle in to wait. They feel nervous about the hostile attitude in the village. And Shianna in particular makes a point to keep an eye on Sister Arda. The Sister checks the elf woman for fever, or gives her sips of water, but little else.

She also doesn't ask the Band any questions about what they are doing in town, or what occured at the Fuldor Farm.

Later that afternoon, there is a knocking at the front of the Chantry. The Sister opens the door to let in a fairly tall man, with longish dark brown hair, turning to grey, and a mixture of the same in his close-cropped beard. He wears a suit of light mail with a longsword on his back and a dagger on his belt. He seems remarkably fit for a man of his years, and walks with a gait that clearly telegraphs that he is no stranger to combat. His pale eyes are sharp, but surrounded by laugh-lines.

"Master Tarl," the Sister greets.

"Sister. Good to see you." He then addresses the Band. "I'm Tarl Dale. The Warden of Vintiver under the rule of the Bann. I've been told of a massacre at the Fuldor Farm. And I've been told you were found there. Please, tell me what happened. And speak with care."

Perception (empathy TN 11) or Cunning (military lore) TN 11 :

His tone isn't threatening exactly. But they are careful, controlled and confident. He carries himself like a soldier who is used to people doing what he says.

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

Perception: 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 2, 4) + 1 = 10

"We were travelling together when we came upon the farmhouse. I believe there were a pair of people near the front door, obviously dead and being fed on by" Shianni subconsciously shudders "tainted wolves. We fought them off, but it was too late for the people in the house. We found the injured young woman a while later and decided to bring her into town for assistance. And here we are" finished Shianni.

"Janten told me he found you squatting at the Fuldor Farm. And that you threatened him."

Clearly the one who spotted you may have been exaggerating.

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

"Yes, if by threaten him we offered to allow him to join us so that he wasn't wandering around alone where there would be tainted wolves. Clearly that makes us terrible people."

Female Human
Speed 14; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4
Rogue 2
Communication (Barg,Pers) 3, Cunning 1, Dexterity 4, Perception 4, Strength 1

Perception: 1d6 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (5) + 4 + (6, 5) = 20

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Female Human
Speed 14; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4
Rogue 2
Communication (Barg,Pers) 3, Cunning 1, Dexterity 4, Perception 4, Strength 1

"Master Tarl. My name is Zira. It is a pleasure to meet you. And as my friend here has said. We only wished for the man to join us where we had a more defencable position. He was out in the open. We feared there may have been more wolves about"

Persuasion : 1d6 + 3 + 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + (6, 5) + 2 = 22

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Wow. Welcome back, Zira. Holy crap that roll.

Tarl Dale nods, seemingly satisfied. "Very well. I heard you brought in an injured elf. What can you tell me about her?"

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

"We found her and we're trying to heal her." says Shianni very matter-of-factly.

"She's recovering in the next room, Master Tarl," Sister Arda confirms. "She's not yet lucid. And I think I recognize her from the incident at the Harvest Festival."

Tarl sighs. "Damn. That's all we needed. Another reason for that hothead Coalan to go on about some damned Dalish curse. That idiot has half the townsfolk worked up and primed to doing something stupid."

Speed 11; Health 46/46; Defense 14; Armor 4;

"What do you mean... Dalish curse?" Calem asks. "I really don't like the idea of some mob swooping in on us because of some rumor."

Tarl Dale sighs.

"Just over two weeks ago we had our Harvest Festival. It's a big celebration that brings in merchants and farmers into the town. We even make a local fair of it. And it lasts for a few days."

"This year, as is sometimes the case, the fair also brought a caravan of Dalish elves. They were looking to join in the festivities and sell their wares. Many of the villagers were excited to have them around. They've always been polite before. Can't remember a year before this one where we've had a problem."

"So anyways Coalan, the blacksmith, had a few drinks in him, and he took offense to a Dalish eyeing one of the local girls. One thing led to another and it almost turned into a row between the Dalish and Coalan. I was able to get in there and told them both to go home to cool off."

"That's when the Dalish fellow said something about not having a home. And he hoped that one day we knew a fraction of what the Dalish have lost. Then he spat at my feet and walked off. The rest of the fair went off fine, I guess. But that fight put a damper on things. In the end, the Dalish had a much cooler reception when they left, than when they arrived.”

"And several days ago, we started losing livestock. And Coalan's been on and on about a 'Dalish Curse' ever since. If he keeps it up, I'm throwing him in the stocks, I swear to the Maker."

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]


"That's not how a Dalish curse is done at all." says Shianni matter-of-factly.

"I suppose you would know, Ma'am. As I said, it's nonsense. But Coalan riling people up is very real. And while I don't know much about magic, I do know about the things stupid people can do when they're scared. And this massacre at the Graul Farm is bound to be problematic, to say the least."

"Look, you seem like a tough bunch. I know you don't know the elf woman you found at the farm, and you certainly don't owe her anything. But would you be willing to stick around for a bit until she wakes up? I need to investigate the farm, and I'm worried someone might try something while I'm gone. And I need to speak with her. I don't think anyone's dumb enough to attack her here at the Chantry. But I've learned to never bet against stupidity."

Speed 16; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4

Athros' face adopts a very unimpressed look. "As she is Elvhen, I will stay to protect her. Should a group of shem come barging in here, I will not go out of my way to keep them alive," he say flatly.

Speed 11; Health 46/46; Defense 14; Armor 4;

"Yeah... I'll stick around. I didn't save her just to let her get killed a day later." Calem agrees.

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"I'd prefer it if you didn't kill anyone," Tarl Dale says sternly. "Misguided or not, these are still my people. I would expect an elf, of all people to understand that."

Tarl Dale then sighs, his demeanor softens and he says, "All the same, I won't begrudge someone defending their life. Sister Arda, I'll leave these people to you."

Sister Arda smiles and says, "I'm sure they'll behave."

Any additional questions or what have you?

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

Nope. queue the Mob of Peasants.

Female Human
Speed 14; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4
Rogue 2
Communication (Barg,Pers) 3, Cunning 1, Dexterity 4, Perception 4, Strength 1

Nope :) and glad i could help defuse the situation somewhat

"Indeed, yes. Hunger, fear and more than one person with a grudge can easily get people riled up about nothing. Sure, we will stay and protect the lovely lady"

Hey I want to thank everyone for sticking with me during these weird couple weeks I've had.

The dalish woman rests through the rest of the day and night.

This is a full rest. I don't believe anyone was still wounded, but if they were, the would regain 10 + Constitution + Level in Health. Mages regain all mana.


The next morning, after a breakfast of fresh bread and wine provided to the Band by Sister Arda, the Dalish woman wakes up. She turns to whoever is there and whispers, "Water."

Sister Arda fetches a cup and helps the woman drink. She seems hesitant at first to take any from the human woman. But eventually relents and drinks deeply.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

Sister Arda smiles kindly and says, "It's these folks you should thank. They brought you here yesterday. And not a moment too soon. A little longer and you would have died."

The woman turns to the Band and says, "You have my thanks then. My name is Eshara."

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

"I am Shianni Fadrick. Are you up to answering some questions?"

Female Human
Speed 14; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4
Rogue 2
Communication (Barg,Pers) 3, Cunning 1, Dexterity 4, Perception 4, Strength 1

Zira does a curtsy
"I am known as Zira. But please, take your time. You have been through a lot. We will wait for you to regain your strength"

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Speed 16; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4

Athros, with a gentle look on his face, speaks up, "Aneth'ara Eshara. Ir Athros. Iras arla?"

Hi Eshara. I am Athros. Where is home?

Speed 11; Health 46/46; Defense 14; Armor 4;

"I am Calem. I'm the one who found you in the loft." Calem says calmly.

Eshara answers Athros with a short sentence in Dalish

"We are Clan Andrale."

She sighs and then says, "Everyone is in grave danger."

“As you may know, our band visited this village just two weeks ago, during their harvest festival. We were welcomed, then, but there was a bit of trouble: some of the locals had too much to drink, and there was a confrontation with some of our young men.

"Harsh words were exchanged, and Harralan, one of our hunters, attacked the big blacksmith. The village warden separated them before it could get out of hand, but still the damage was done. We
were no longer welcome here and we moved on as soon as the festival ended.

“Harralan was angry at our treatment, but our elders assigned him the duty of scouting as we made our way through the Brecilian Forest, to give him time to cool off. He was the first to disappear—he simply didn’t return from his scouting one night.

“Then other scouts and hunters began to go missing, as did the ones sent to look for them. The elders decided we should go back, but by then it was too late.

“Three days after Harralan disappeared, before we could reach the edge of the forest, they attacked our camp: monsters emerging from the trees in the dead of night. My people were taken. Those who fought were beaten or killed. I was captured along with the rest, taken to an ancient ruin in a rift valley deep in the forest, off the trails. The master of the monsters is a creature, an abomination. He calls himself Mythallen, which in our tongue means “child of vengeance”. I was brought before him, and then to his chambers. I managed to escape, taking the broken link of silver I found laid out as if on a shrine.

“The monsters pursued me, accompanied by a pack of baying beasts. I was wounded, but managed to avoid them, hiding among the trees and gullies in the forest for more than a day, always moving, never resting for long. I stumbled upon the farm where you found me and managed to conceal myself in the hayloft. I heard some of the farmers coming… The darkspawn must have attacked. I remember the terrible screams… Then nothing until you found me.

“Please… You must help my people! Mythallen and his creatures must be stopped!”

Speed 16; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4

"Of course, for Elvhen, I must," Athros says quickly as he begins packing up his things.

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

"Of course I'll help you. I didn't heal you just to leave you to fight a war by yourself."

Speed 11; Health 46/46; Defense 14; Armor 4;

"Well, seems like we're settled then." Calem agrees. "Well, if you want out now's the time I guess."

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Eshara smiles. "Thank you, again. If you give me some time, I can accompany you to the ruins. The way is dangerous, but I can get you there."

Cunning (healing) TN 11:
She's still hurt. But perhaps with some magic could be good to go.

Speed 16; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4

Cunning: 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 2, 6) + 2 = 11

With a quick eye, Athros analyzes Eshara's situation.

"We can wait a day I am sure."

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

Healing: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 1) = 6

"No, no. I can come with you." Eshara flinches a little as she tries to stand.

Sister Arda puts a hand on her shoulder, and says sternly, "Not like that you're not. You need to rest."

Sister Arda than looks pointedly at Shianna for a moment, and then says to everyone else, "You know, how about I go to the Inn for a moment and bring Eshara back some more soup. It's wonderful soup. Practically magic."

The Sister then walks out of the room.

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

Perception to catch a hint: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 2) + 1 = 5

Seems reasonable for her to catch that.

Shianni will attempt to cast a spell.

Heals (TN 10; Spending 2 MP): 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 4) + 4 = 10

Healing Feeling!: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6

Shianna's eyes glow, and Eshara's lingering wounds begin to magically stitch together. This time when Eshara stands there is some true strength in her limbs.

"Thank you," she says to Shianna. "We should leave soon."

Before we head off, are you actually taking Shianna now? And do you want to buy supplies before you leave. You'll need rations in the wilderness.

Speed 11; Health 46/46; Defense 14; Armor 4;

"you stay here a bit, collect yourself. Ill go get us supplies." Calem offers. "Anyone able to contribute some silvers?"

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Female Human
Speed 14; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4
Rogue 2
Communication (Barg,Pers) 3, Cunning 1, Dexterity 4, Perception 4, Strength 1

"That is terrible. I can not even begin to imagine what such an ordeal has done to you. You have my bow at your disposal" she smiles and chucked a bit
"Ill come to if you feel you can't handle my bow?"

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Okay if you guys want to buy supplies you can find most of what you need without a problem. However, if you want weapons or ammo, there's only one blacksmith in town, Coalan. And he's one of the guys who almost rioted on you. Plus you got the impression of Eshara and Warden Dale that he clearly doesn't like elves. So go ahead and tell me what you want to purchase. Bear in mind that Eshara only has a dagger and light leather armor.

Speed 16; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4

"I need nothing," Athros says shortly, clearly irritated. He goes back to checking his pack.

Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

"I have all I need."

Female Human
Speed 14; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4
Rogue 2
Communication (Barg,Pers) 3, Cunning 1, Dexterity 4, Perception 4, Strength 1

not sure how much join we have anyway =^^=

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Speed 11; Health 46/46; Defense 14; Armor 4;

Im good.

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As the band is rounding up supplies, they find Warden Dale ready to meet them. When they tell them Eshara's story, he looks troubled.

"I would go with you, but it's my duty to stay in town and prepare a proper defense--which will be difficult since I'm pretty sure, I have the only proper sword for 10 miles, short of your own."

"The Dalish have always been peaceful neighbors, and I wish them no ill will. If you can help them, I'll commission a payment from our treasury. It won't be much, though, I'm afraid," he admits with a sheepish tone.

"May the Maker guide you well."

On the way out of town, Eshara assures the Band that the place they seek is only two days travel away.

Perception (seeing) TN 17:

DEX (stealth): 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 5, 5) + 2 = 17
You spot Coalan and a group of 8 villagers hiding off the side of the road with clubs in hand. They look angry, dangerous, and not a little drunk.

Speed 11; Health 46/46; Defense 14; Armor 4;

perception: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 3) = 11

Yeah no way im seeing whatever that is.

Calem will stand beside the elf, letting her lead the way but staying nearby in case of blight beasts.

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Max HP: 14 | AC 16 | Init: +2 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +1; Wis: +6; Cha: +0 | Spell DC: 14 Current Damage: -10 |
Spell Slots:
| Inspiration: [ ]

Perception: 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 1, 4) + 1 = 11

Shianni continues to observe her patient for signs of relapse.

Female Human
Speed 14; 31/31 HP; Defence 14; Armour 4
Rogue 2
Communication (Barg,Pers) 3, Cunning 1, Dexterity 4, Perception 4, Strength 1

Zira takes her usual spot behind the group. Bow in hand. After the little incident with the wolves she was not going to take any chances

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