Vengeance of the Downtrodden (Inactive)

Game Master DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish"

Campaign Wiki credit to Smoog

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Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Getting Under the Hood:
"I would not have expected to be present before either...and yet, here I am. We shall see what it brings." He only meant that he would not have expected the situation to arise like it had. Given the opportunity to speak the truth freely, he had taken it surprisingly easily, especially given Gorlaug's teachings. He wondered why...though perhaps a part of him already knew. He listens for the questions, and answers them in turn.

What do you most desire?
"I might have been tempted to say to kill the Necromancer that defiled mine and others traps with the bodies of our kin, but you beat me to that it seems...I don't know whether to be pleased or disappointed. But right now, I just want to be absolved of the burdens placed upon me by the actions I undertook the day the adventurers came. They've weighed upon me long enough. I suspect they may do for a while longer."

What do you wish I would do?
This was an unexpected question. The following comments were at least familiar, but the fidgeting that had started when Greas had took down his hood gets slightly more intense. "If I had to ask anything...communicate. There is a certain amount a leader must keep veiled from their subjects, but the earlier incident only goes to show there is only so much you can bottle up within yourself before you cannot take it any longer, and not relaying important information can be potentially lethal in unexpected ways. So, I wish you would find one you can trust as a confidant to help reduce the burdens of what troubles you, and tell us anything that we really need to know. Not all secrets should be kept."

His word was true. And those words said more of the things that surround him than they may have normally. He knew what he was getting into, though. He continues to fidget for a moment, then it decreases slightly. A pair of questions find their way to his tongue. "...I find myself compelled to ask. How can I get you to confide the details of this 'betrayal' you spoke of earlier to me? Anyone else you would tell is your decision. And the other question...What do you wish I would do? Bearing in mind, of course, that I lack the type of desires toward anyone that you hinted toward a moment ago." A smirk flickers on his face at his words, but he soon returns to his fidgeting.

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F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Reciprocation, part 1:
Sees answers the questions aimed at her in reverse order, turning her gaze slowly back to Retzack for his questions.

"Greas, I can hardly tell you the details of my burdens if you won't shed light on your own. If you want to be the one I confide in, I need a reason to trust you. Not as an assassin, not as a man to lead me by the hand, but as someone with whom I can feel safe and vulnerable at the same time. Cook with me one night on the road, and we'll get caught up. I could use someone to talk to. I can't hear Tanard most of the time." Sees glances around for a second, ashamed of offering that last statement.

"Oadir, that's not what I would need you to lie for. You're the honest, earnest sort, and that's reflected in your answer. Sometimes secrets come at short notice, and I won't have time to convince you of their necessity. For these others, that is not a problem, but I can see I will have to keep you out of clandestine affairs in the future.

I'm confident we... I can bring our growing clan together. I dread the day I'm convinced to tell Greas what I've done. I'm disappointed that I will have to keep you at arm's length. I dread Retzack's questions, and Thunk's reaction to our assessment of him. I'm worried that my judgement is clouded by drink. I'm worried I've been drinking too much recently to try and improve my own powers... to try to forget.

I miss Hegh...

I need you to take fewer risks with your power, where ever it comes from. It comes too easily for you, and you ask it for more than you need without considering the consequences. You already lost an eye! I cannot imagine how I would react to that. I wouldn't still be adventuring."

Her gaze comes back to Retzack. "See? Nothing to be afraid of. Your questions, my darling husband-to-be?" Her gaze remains steady, and affectionate, as her heart thuds in her throat.

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Question the first:

Retzack listens patiently as the other questions and answers are received and delivered. He feels contended, pleased that he is included in a session of honesty among those that had so recently been openly accusing him of much mischief.

He grins. "Excellent! Isn't this fun? The open and free give and take. Burdens being shared and lifted. Feelings explored and explained. Deepest desires being given voice.

Greas, here's something I can do for you: By the power vested in me by Propoket the Many, and the goblin tribal leader Meatsnacks, my Propoket bless him and keep him, I hereby absolve you of all burdens related to prior actions. Propoket teaches us that the crimes committed weigh on the hand that committed them, there is no other burden. I do not blame myself for the loss of my former tribe, I blame the human army that attacked them. So, too, you did not wage death upon those you cared about, this band of adventurers did. Hence, to blame thyself for the actions of others is to blame thyself for the sin of not being omnipotent.

If you wage war for revenge, that is different. But do not mistake a burden of action for a burden of inaction. It seems to me the only thing more you could have done is die by their side, and then who would meet out righteousness upon their murderers?"

Retzack leaves the rhetorical question aside and turns to Sees. "Ah, my beautiful bride-to-be. How little I know about you--the real you. I know only what I've seen you do--or not do--over the little time we've been together.

Hence, since we have so little time and so few questions, I must needs cut to the quick. We are not the mask we show the world, but the inner face we hide from all.

Hence, that is what I would know of you. My first question to you is: What do you desire most?

The -really- interesting thing will be what my second question is."

Question the second:

Retzack absorbs Sees' answer to his first question.

He follows her answer with, "Well! What I truly want to know is:How can I get you to Love me?"

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Retzack? There's a question list. You can't just ask whatever you like and have the move work for you. Anything off the list, and there's no guarantee of an answer, let alone a truthful one. You can check the move "Charming and Open" to see what they are.

Juuuust making sure you're aware.

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Oh confound! Alright, sry, got caught up in the moment. Alright, edited.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Feels Jam:
At the first question, the dirge nods. Her initial response comes with a sigh. "I want purpose and direction in my life. I want to feel comfortable in my own identity. I want to wake up in the morning, and know what needs to be done. As Scoops, I was nobility in a sense. Dealing directly with Gorlaug had its perks. I also shoveled shit for a living. Purpose, but no direction. As Sees-Death, I have been on this quest of revenge and redemption, but the rest of you could probably do that without my help. Only a vague purpose, and only a temporary direction. I need something more, and that is why I am trying to keep this tribe together, keep my people together, arbitrate conflict, delegate great works, venture forth unto prosperity. Purpose, and direction."

When Retzack returns with his second question, she pauses. "I don't know. I've never felt someone's loss like I felt Hegh, but I don't even know if I loved him, and that's what hurts. I never had the opportunity to explore that possibility. I didn't get over myself soon enough.

For the longest time I was the only female in the group, and that made my decision important, made me an object, made the whole courting ritual a game of alegience. I ventured to falsly inflate my value in the group by trying, in vain by the way, to pit the men around me against eachother for my favor. I have a piece of parchment in my pack where I kept track of who gave me gifts. I hated myself for it because it wasn't about me. Then, Tallest-Silver came into the picture, and I hoarded the same game that disgusted me. She was competition."

Sees-Death sighs again. "Two of you here have professed to loving me at one point, and deep down, my reaction is incredulity. It's not about you. I don't think I deserve love, so I sabotage myself. I try to show you that I don't deserve it. Show me I deserve love... if that's possible. If I can start to love myself, maybe then I can love others. Anyone who can do that will be God in my eyes."

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Watching and Listening:
Greas takes in what he has heard thus far. His eyes close, and the fidgeting halts. He appears far calmer and more tranquil than he had prior. Gorlaug knows why.

The goblin was...interesting. In his own peculiar way, he meant the best. The deliverance of absolution and the elaboration of his ideology displayed that. It explained much. As for whether his delivered absolution carried any weight, it made little difference to what he felt. The effort was begrudgingly appreciated, at least. It was interesting to note the goblin's desire for Sees' affections as well. Primarily what could cause such rapid attachment. The goblin was still to be watched...but perhaps not killed. Immediately. He could have much fun before that point anyway.

Oadir only confirmed everything thing he had thought of him. Paying attention to the tieflings below though, his desires made increasing sense, as well as some of his prior actions. Their peculiar treatment made it only increasingly ordinary that they would seek a place that welcomed them. He was still to be given a wide berth in matters that must remain secretive, though.

The real point of curiosity was Sees. She...had a point when it came to burdens. But now was not the time for it. Sure, he was around the people that would likely give him the least grief over things, but Oadir's tongue ruled anything out here. He was looking forward to a chance to speak freely and catch up with her, though. It would be pleasant to have a time where he could loose his own tongue. Providing, of course, no prying ears.

This stated lack of purpose and direction, however, was surely worth making record of. Similarly, the lack of self-worth. The self-hatred. This had to be amended. Post-haste. It was bad for her and all she led. There was no good reason not to amend the scenario. If he had to, he'd teach her to love herself, despite being poorly suited to that. And unlike the goblin, he would not be asking for her affections. This was worth doing in and of itself. He just hoped it didn't lead to anything unfortunate.

He may have to make use of that chance to catch up. Crumble her doubts and burdens, and rebuild their leader - from the ground up if necessary. Whatever must be done.

"Well. This has proved interesting." Greas's eyes open again. He isn't fidgeting as he had. "Do not worry, Sees. You are doing a fine job here. And you shall continue to." A breath. The lack of his hood has returned to his notice. "I think you shall be pleasantly surprised by what you are worth. Just look, and see."

The fidgeting is setting back in, now that he has spoken. "With questions asked and answered, is business here concluded? I believe we had matters to attend to."

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

Smoog gets restless waiting for the ceremony to conclude and heads down to the kitchen to check on things...

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Retzack nods at Greas. "You are of course correct, as always, wise Greas. We can't be expected to leave so many alone for so long without expecting them to blow up -something-. Let's just hope they haven't done anything too wacky like try to find the wine cellar or something.

And, but though we shall be hasty, we can not be too hasty. Sees? There is a minor detail to complete. Unless you would rather wait until the perfect moment, though, alas, in hectic times such as this, one can hardly promise a peaceful rest, let along a picnic of wine and cheese along a moon-dappled coastline."

Again the diamond ring is in his hands, presented forward.

"Shall we?"

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Sees stands to exchange rings with Retzack. "Of course, darling. There is no rest for the wicked. Greas and Oadir can check on the festivities downstairs. Surely we have a few private moments to get better acquianted.

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Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

Yeah, yeah, alright then. I have no power in this but I've seen enough weddings to know my way around. Oadir coughs a little, setting on a posh voice.

If you were to exchange rings? He waits for them to stand ready. As we join you in a marriage that is not of love, but may still be in future, would you care to exchange any words of oath? If they do, he waits.

Then I hereby declare you husband and wife, you may do however you please. And on that note Oadir is outta there!

He then rushes downstairs, looking upon the group of mischief makers trying to, or having succeeded in getting into the alcohol supply, as he shouts: What in the Nine Layers of Hell is going on here?! Those drinks are to be sealed away for the BIG celebration! When we've taken the town, THEN we can drunk off our asses! And that's a promise!

Oadir stands, ready to take on the full brunt of the disappointment among the troops.
Let me know what roll is required, I just figured somebody had to do something. Oadir has been sitting eager to do this, but he wanted the ceremony to proceed as it should. No one deserves a rushed wedding, not even a political one.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Retzack stands and exchanges rings: The priceless Diamond of Massiveness to her, and the Stone of Irrationality for him.

He puts it on...and begins to feel more calm already.

'Oooooooooooooooh yeah. Thaaaaat's the good stuff. What was I ever worried about in the first place?'

He endures Oadir's ceremony, wishing the demon had at least put in a little better of a veneer of sincerity in it. Even marriages of convenience should start off on a golden foot.

At the end he, being a goblin of tradition, leans in for a kiss from the female kobold.
'What do they call girl kobolds? Kobold-ess? She-kobold? Koboldette?

As both business and ceremony is completed, Retzack's words follow Oadir's deeds. 'Indeed indeed! There is busineess to be done and a kingdom to be won! We have promises to keep...and miles to go before we sleep. Still, I'm infinitely glad of the words that have been said and deeds done. Truthfully the future will be--"

Retzack seems to stutter over the last word, as if inhaling before finishing the sentence.

inner thoughts:

'Hello again.'
'YOU?!? What in the name of Propoket's throbbing member are YOU doing here???'
'You leave my side for a few short years and I find you already carting around with some hussy. Not even a goblin!'
'You left ME! Without so much as a by-your-leave, I found you AND the Stone missing! Wait a minute! What are you doing HERE?'
'Ya, lover-boy, you never fully understood the Stone. Turns out it doesn't so much 'relieve' you of emotion as 'store' them. Spoiler alert: I'm immortal now. And a good thing too. I've been waiting for -ages- for someone suitable--as in, not her--to put this thing on. You can't imagine how glad I am that it's you. And just in time too. You were about to make a terrible mistake. Well, more than the one you've already made. I got a lot of work to do to make things right.'
'NO! No no no no no no NO! You can NOT ruin things now! I've, I've, I've done so much and I'm so close to--'
'Shhhhhh. Sh sh sh sh shhhhh. There there. Mellisand's here to make everything--'

"--much better."

Retzack leaves the room and summons his minions. He stalks out, taking stock of the situation.

Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |
Retzack the Black wrote:
He endures Oadir's ceremony, wishing the demon had at least put in a little better of a veneer of sincerity in it. Even marriages of convenience should start off on a golden foot.

Here I am, trying to do something nice, given the circumstances, doing my best, and all I get is criticism. Remind me never to be nice to you again. *Puff*

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Can I help it if I was expecting something along the lines of "Mawwig.... Wove. Twue Wove, will fowoow ewe, foweveh...." =-3

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Maybe my alignment should have been "pit males against eachother for my affection." I'd get hella xp with that one.

The kiss is surprisingly a lingering one. She didn't expect there to be such a difference in kisses. Then again, she had rather caught Fssst off-guard when they kissed.

She's actually disappointed to see Retzack leave.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

"I'll leave you two to it." The hood's back up - you don't even know when it happened, but it is. In a flash, he's out of the door. If Thunk asks, the goblin is an ally - a strange one, but allied nontheless.

And an ally that I will need to put my fingers back on when I actually remember.

Greas shows up behind Oadir. He'll keep these lot in line if he must.

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

When Oadir and Greas enter the kitchen they see Smoog running around waving his arms and yelling at the throng of former slaves...


>>> What you see....

Oadir and Greas reach the main level to discover that the already-destroyed reception/feasting hall was even messier now that the freed slaves had finished eating. You see one small kobold, barely older than a child's age, clearing tables and stacking plates, seemingly out of habit.

Down the halls, toward the subterranean levels of the temple where you came from, the goblins, duergar, and many of the kobolds are all clamoring around the door, and arguing with Smoog, who is desperately trying to regain some semblence of order. A chorus of "awwwws" arises from all of them at Oadir's proclamation, and the duergar looks surly and chews his beard angrily. "We've drunk all the water, or the harpy-men pissed in the rest! Give us an ale!" he proclaims. His manacle-marks on his wrists are still reddened and fresh; this one looks to have been new to slavery in Estr before joining Tanard's cause.

One of the younger kobold slaves, looking rebellious, hucks a half-eaten fruit at the tiefling from the back of the throng. The apple is skewered in midair by Greas' weapon before the edible missile even reaches Oadir's arm's reach.

Retzack, you are approached by the shambling, reanimated corpse of the bride, her neck making soft grinding sounds as she walks. Her head falls back, and hoarse words emerge from her mouth, tinged with the faint sound of buzzing insects within.

"Master...I can't recall..." her head slumps forward, rolling on a neck no longer able to sustain her adequately. Her bloodshot eye looks up at you through the fallen bangs of her hair. "Were the roses at my wedding red, or white?"

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

'Awwww, you can't even control your own creations.'
'Be silent, Mellisand! These I've discovered a power beyond the parlor tricks I taught you.'
'You discovered how to make rebellious zombies? Oh my, how wonderful. I'll inform Elminster he is now second-fiddle....'
'Still thy harpy tongue! Or, thoughts. Whatever. My flock grows beyond the range of the singular. The Viator messenger bugs are just having a hard time of things.'
'And the muscular atrophy? That a new trick too?'
'Oh confound...the Dead Movers simply need to be re-calibrated. The Atlas-axis joint was ever their weakness.'

Retzack stops in hsi tracks and frowns. Tiny winged messengers, the size of dust-motes and barely visible, fly from him to the red-eyed bride. The Dead-Movers along the stabilizing Rectus capitus group of muscles, as well as the large sternocleidomastoid are given impetus to grow and strengthen.

Retzack smiles at the perfect and alabaster unliving thing. "You had red, red roses. Dozens and dozens of them. They represented the blood of slaves spilled so those in your audience could grow soft and not live to their full potential. We only work as hard as we need to, and slavery of the living is a great retardant of economic growth. No society can grow great with it."

He turns, his smile gone as if it had never been. More Viators fly.

M̷ȩ͞m͜͡or̶̢y̴͝ ̷̀͡s͝͏ù̡͢p̶͢p̀͘ŗ́e̷̸s̸s̸̛i̷̶͏o̧͘n͜͏ =̨͝ MO̕͞R͘E͟

Retzack follows Greas and Oadir to the commotion. They handle it admirably and he feels no need to interfere. "I concur, Lord Oadir."

'Why am I calling him 'Lord' now?'
'Hush, dearest. Doesn't the title suit him?'

"The humans are certainly mustering in force. What are your plans for striking at the town and securing our freedom?"

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

"Oadir, you take this lot. I don't have the way with words I'd need to quell them." He takes the apple from his knife and throws it back at the source. "Don't throw anything you can't hit with!"
Volley: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 6) + 2 = 12
Not rolling damage if I don't have to - doubt an half-eaten apple would be particularly harmful anyway. I just want to make a point by beaning them with the apple.

He sighs as it impacts on the kobold's head. That was going to hurt. They really ought to have known better. He looks back to Retzack. "If you want to know what I would do, I would opt to take out the leadership. Send out groups to stir up rebellions across Estr - it will drum up support, and form a distraction that will draw the attention of the townspeople and the militia. As their attention is drawn and their forces are devoted to quelling the rebellion, a small group infiltrates Headquarters, in order to eliminate the Master of this town and any that would be effective in their place. With the leadership gone, they will be far easier to overrun."

It's only now that he recalls his detached fingers. He'd been managing so well with them gone, and with the events of the day, they had slipped his mind. He looks over at Oadir, noting finally the return of his eye. He knew there was only one who would do that. Greas shows his hand to Retzack, and the fingers that should be on it. "Before anything else though, I would appreciate having my fingers put back. I presume Oadir was your handiwork, and given your work with flesh in general, I doubt this is an issue for you."

Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

I need Sees down here, where'd you leave her, Retzack? Her and Thunk, a quick discussion, but I might be inclined to give each of them a pint, if they want more, they are to go out and get it themselves, preferably together with one of us who is sober.
Which reminds me, Oadir was not completely sober last I checked, since we've done a single day of actual going-ons spanning months now of RP, jeez

Quick Constitution check to see how Oadir's doing: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 6) + 3 = 10

I'll manage to do it myself, but I would like some company. This group is a bit Kobold-heavy and I feel like the troops will follow a Kobold a bit more easily for the moment.

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Sees has found a balcony overlooking the dining hall. Looking down, she takes note of the composition of the whole. Mostly Kobolds and Goblins, now all her people through wedlock. Her claw touches her lips. They had always looked so dry and pebbly... Some other races in small numbers, but there was a flock of birdfolk who were keeping to themselves.

Kobold Racial: How do these avian demihumans govern themselves, what do they look for in leadership?

"Outcasts of Estir, we have established the groundwork for a home, taken a great keep, roosted our fledgling dragon, but you are right, we do not have the resources to sustain ourselves for long. We cannot revel in our hedonistic whims just yet. We must root out the pigskins from our town before they rally a counter attack. This will take coordination, and tact. Aside from our Deuregar friend, these are not qualities ale will assist us in. We must stay focused for a few hours more. Would it not be a sweeter celebration to revel in drink and enjoy each other's company, secure in the knowledge that not a single 'good' soul remains in Estir? We've cut your bonds, but we need your help to grind their faces in the dirt."

Parley?: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 5) + 2 = 10

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Retzack nods at Greas. "Oh, of course of course. Ah, do you have the missing body part with you? If you do not, I shall need to scrounge to find something suitable. Ah, um, we seem to have a lack of dead kobolds, so which would you prefer? Alas, we have nought but humans in large stock. 'Twould serve, of course, but I can understand the, ah, stigma that such might accompany.

Alas...well, there is...and the things I could do! O, great things. Indeed, none would be harmed. And you! You might glean part of the power of such a thing! Yes...yes I think that might do.

Which would you rather have, my brother-in-kobold. Human fingers....

or troll?"

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Greas glares. For all the salesman he is, Retzack isn't good enough to convince him by any means. "Retzack. If you would look at my other hand, you would notice it is holding my detached fingers. Fingers I would like put back. I do not know about you, but I would think a matching set of fingers would be more conducive to the things I need them for, no?"

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Retzack looks to where Greas is pointing and his eyes focus on the disembodied fingers as if for the first time. "Ah! Oh my, -those- are what you wish to put on your hand? Oh dear me I had thought those were some burned, mangled, half-eaten sausages you had gotten somewhere. Oh my oh my, no no no no no. Tsk tsk tsk, those would...they would never work. No no. Too much trauma. Far too much. I would...I don't even know if I could....

Come now, wouldn't you like some human fingers? Or even entire hands! Wouldn't it feel better to have, supple, pink, human hands? Or what about the troll?? Oh, oh course, they would look immense on your hands, much like the croc-o-claw that Eats-Bugs has (and where has the boy gotten to?) but think of the advantages!"

'So you can't help him? My how powerful you are you can't even attach a few fingers.'
'Be silent, wench! I could. would just be really hard.'
'Shirking from hard work? I thought you couldn't sink any lower. Glad to know I was wrong. Y'know what else is hard? All this walking. On your own two legs no less! We really need to find a way--'
'Okay fine fine fine! Just, shut your noise.'

"Then again, they are very fine fingers. It would be a waste to not use them.
I just...I must warn you. There might be some...unintended...side-effects. Perhaps. Maybe. There exists a non-zero chance....
Sure you wouldn't rather have the hands of a human? I could lop your own hands off with hardly any pain at all!"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1
Retzack the Black wrote:
Ah, um, we seem to have a lack of dead kobolds, so which would you prefer?

I thought we were past the lies.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Greas is quite visibly debating stabbing Retzack again. It isn't hard to understand why. "Goblin, I'm just going to pretend you got confused because of the colour. Because otherwise, that would mean you were deriding the fingers that have let me do some very fine work."

"I will say right now, I do not see any dead trolls here, and I would not take from a living one. Even if there were, I would prefer not to have a finger from one, as at least on my body, they would be terribly unsuited. And as for human fingers, let alone a hand...the further I am from these things the better."

"Nothing happened to these fingers that did not happen to Oadir's eye. And I should imagine that they would be far less problematic to put in place than it, too. Unless you're telling me you can work within one's skull, but not reattach two stray digits?"

"I do not think there is anything out there that has a non-zero chance. So, goblin - either you tell me the problem, tell me the odds, and convince me I don't want the reattachment of these fingers that have served me very, very well-" Yipes. Surprisingly enough after it all, this is the sharpest edge he's ever heard in Greas's voice. "- or you quit the shenanigans and reattach my fingers."

Sees-Death has a strange effect on the gathered slaves. The kobolds instantly fall silent and respectfully listen to her. The goblins chitter among themselves, but they keep it to faint whispers. The orcs hold up their weapons and roar in approval when she comments about grinding Estr to the dirt. The trolls, half-giant and duergar are keeping still, letting the other races do the talking. But the Strix...the Strix are a race of connivers, known for respecting cunning and only cunning. It's not fair to generalize for an entire species, but Strix culture emphasizes wits over brawn. You notice the bird-men have been studiously avoiding being near any of the bigger freed slaves, and have been strictly keeping to themselves for the most part.

From outside you can hear thunder rumbling. A storm is forming over Estr.

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Spoilered for length:

Retzack nods humbly. "As you wish. Prepare thy fingers. They shall be yours again."

Retzack takes Greas into a side room and closes the door. He holds the severed fingers in his palm and meditates on them for several minutes. Bugs of every color and description crawl over, around, and inside the blackened, necrotic, fingers.
In time the fingers take on a brighter hue. The discolored, dead flesh falls away and new growth takes its place.

"Hold out the hand you want them attached to."

Assuming that he does:

Again the familiar phrase is heard. Not in his normal voice, but in a deep, somber tone that reverberates around the room. "Embrace the pain. It is the only way."

The croc-o-lich, which had slithered around behind Greas, again rears up on its hind legs, and six powerful, tree-thick limbs clamp down upon the kobold no weaker than would a steel vice, or the tender grip of the iron maiden.

Bart and Lily come forward and lift the mangeled hand up, clamping the arm straight with four hands made powerful by a full-body treatment which even now graces the severed digits.

Bugs that look like ants but with four large wings and mandibles as long as their body land on the kobold's hand and begin biting hard, opening up the wound. Again and again they bite until blood flows freely.
Into the torrent of blood crawls things that look like centipedes, but they have only twleve legs each and are small as a pen-tip. The enter the newly opened flesh and crawl into the bleeding veins, injecting the flesh with drugs to keep the blood flowing, and for old veins, once healed, to awaken and return to their old duty.

The pain is excruciating.

Retzack extends his hand and the fingers move as if by their own volition, but they are carried by hundreds of cargo bugs that look like small dragonflies. They hover the fingers over to the bleeding stumps. At last the spiders, tiny as dust motes, begin sewing vein to vein, tendon to tendon, flesh to flesh.

The pain slowly fades, and fades...and fades. The three Reborn release the kobold.

Within another minute the only evidence that the fingers had ever been severed is a minute scar running along the circumference.

Retzack hunches down, exhausted with effort.

'Impressive. Your technique has improved since last I saw you work.'
'I neither seek nor accept your praise.'
'Do not be petty, lover boy. Wither you accept it or no, you have it anyway.'

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0
Greas wrote:

"If you want to know what I would do, I would opt to take out the leadership. Send out groups to stir up rebellions across Estr - it will drum up support, and form a distraction that will draw the attention of the townspeople and the militia. As their attention is drawn and their forces are devoted to quelling the rebellion, a small group infiltrates Headquarters, in order to eliminate the Master of this town and any that would be effective in their place. With the leadership gone, they will be far easier to overrun."


"Yes, Greas, I think we should send out multiple loud, harassing, attention-grabbing parties and one quiet, clandestine kill-team.
Will you be so kind as to lead the Kill-squad?
Oadir and Thunk might be perfect partners for this.
I would like to lead a team to the Airship docks and take to the skies to draw attention and cause a scene.
Maybe some goblins and kobolds would accompany me.
The Newlyweds can take the rest and march thru the streets, animating dead and picking up new recruits along the way.
We leave no one behind in the Time Temple because if we cannot take the city proper, there is no reason to come back here to hide."

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Retzack takes a minutes' pause and regains his breath. Gathering his strength he makes a monumental effort and stands upright. He addresses Greas, and then seeks out Oadir and gives him the same message. "My friend, we all know that in this time of strife, we must have unity of purpose. Alas, I know my kind, and though we might be filled with sublime zeal one moment, we can be easily distracted and change purpose, or even loyalties, the next.

I would not see our cause fail because some cunning human offered the goblins shiny objects, so I shall bend their will. Indeed, I hope to craft their will into an unbreakable shield, though I will settle for a castle of sand that at least does not collapse at the first wisps of rain.

Note, though, I must do this -my- way. Goblins respect -strength-. Though my darling wife--"

'Oh my but it feels odd to say that.'
'You're telling me!'
'Shut up, Mellisand.'

"--says the pretty words, words are but dust in the wind to the average goblin.

Do not interfere. Do not condemn...openly. I do what I do for the greater good. If you halt my hand, you will forever have to watch your back against these dozen new goblins."

After the deep council, the necromancer stops off in the kitchen and Bart and Lily pick up two heavy kitchen knives, stowing them in their sashes.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Greas clamps his jaw during the process. This. Was. NOTHING. Be it past experience making the pain seem lesser, or just a force of will and outright refusal to show any sign this was more than he could cope with, or something else entirely, he makes it through the process without even the slightest cry of pain. The pain shows, as it would on near any, but it does not give a hint of overwhelming him.

As the pain fades, he waits until the process is finished, and carefully tests the reattached fingers. "Hmm. Not bad." He looks at the...quite visibly exhausted goblin, as he delivers his message. " had best know what you're doing, Retzack. If this goes awry, the blame will fall on you." He leaves the room, heading back to the kitchen.

He's greeted with Smoog's support of his plan, and nods. "I wouldn't have imagined anyone else would lead the assassination group. As for your partner choice...Oadir I can at least get to cooperate, but I don't see our new fanatical priest being suited to anything 'quiet' or 'clandestine'. I had intended to take one of the tieflings we recruited, actually. She shows promise." He points out the tiefling in question.

Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

Greas, read again. Oadir and Thunk are to be the big bad distraction leaders while you go do clandestine stuff.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

I don't know. It doesn't exactly read clearly to me in that regard.

Those of you inside the Time Temple are starting to feel drops of water hitting them on the head. The freed slaves are looking about themselves in confusion, although the half-giant doesn't pay any mind - it's fallen asleep in the mess hall.

Looking up at the ceiling, you see...stormclouds forming? Lightning begins to crackle among the rafters and strike the steel chandeliers above...

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

Sees finds time to take Greas to the side. "I need you to play the jealous lover for me. We have a flock of unruly Strix who I can only take hold of if I outsmart them. Recruit them for a clandestine affair, something of the usurpation variety. Take them to secure an asset, something you could potentially wield against me. Get them to think you're out to topple Retzack and I, then we will stage a revelation they will admire us for. Can I trust you to sort out the details?"


Down below, among her people, Sees doesn't know what to think of the phenomenon. She has trouble making the connection to magic. She does make the connection between rain and water. "The empty casks, the cloth, collect the water." She uses short phrases in under-common for the mixed audience. She takes a small cask and a bit of deccor and erects a water collection device. They can test the water for potability later.

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Greas seems frustrated. "Sees, as you've presented it to me, the plot isn't sufficiently developed. I have been given instructions, but not any idea of how this is actually supposed to progress, let alone work out the way you want it to. So, I'd appreciate knowing the script and the details. If I end up doing something that ruins this all due to lack of information, then this is pointless. Similarly, I need to know this has the foundations to work."

"May I add that I'm supposed to be leading a group to assassinate the leadership? Either someone else would have to lead them, or it just would not happen. This is not ideal either way. Smoog is going for an airship, and has powerful intellect that the Strix may respect. He's also more fallible in the way I suspect you'd need. I believe he's more well-suited to your act. If you're concerned with him acting as a 'Jealous Lover', then it's worth noting that I am not going to fare notably better there, and that there are much more appropriate roles to fill the same needs for the plan anyway."

While I remember, I could do with some healing too. I haven't got potions or anything.
I rewrote this so many times. Let me know if I need to clarify anthing.

As the thunderclouds form, Greas is on alert. This does not happen naturally. Magic is at play here. The black kobold hurries up the ramp Soup-Spoon created earlier to the window, and takes in the area inside and outside the temple. He has to find who's doing this. This is not liable to go well if left be.
DR: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 1) + 2 = 9
What here is not what it appears to be?

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

"Exactly the wisdom I was hoping for, Greas. Thank you. I'll collaborate with Smoog on the subject." Sees catches Greas by the forearm. "Seriously, we ask too much and expect everything, but it's only because you manage to pull through."
Arcane Arts(healing, double damage): 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 2) + 2 = 5
Healing: 1d8 ⇒ 7


Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Retzack sees Sees and Greas talking about something (probably the best way to kill him. Another day, another death plot) and he casually walks over to them. "Greetings. A fine day for a mild rain storm, eh? I was just wondering if you had any plans for bringing the scheming Strix to heel?

If I might be so bold, perhaps I would be best employed for this? I already must needs bring my devious kinfolk into the fold, so the Strix no doubt already see we Goblins and -assume- we are up to something. Hence, if I approach them and say I need them for a "plan," they will already be half interested, leaping to the conclusion that I, of course, have something cooking. The longer I act without deceit, the more loyal they will be, since they'll simply guess that I have a longer, and more convoluted, game planned out.

Whereas if you kobolds try to get them in a plot, and I mean no offense here, but they might immediately start to look out for a way to double-cross you, if only out of habit.

What say you?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Greas smirks. "Hegh was a trial by fire. If I hadn't learned to do these things, then he would have had a much harder life. I'm sure you learned for yourself exactly why I say that."
Aid Sees: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 6) + 1 = 10
Your effect sheet is up to date, right? Because it said you had +2 when aided, and I want that healing.

When Retzack comes in, Greas gives him a curious look. "Sees was just presenting a plan in order to do that. I cannot say I have enough knowledge of their kind to say exactly what would be most effective, but I said my piece on what I was told of it. I'm sure she can fill you in on what she intended."

"I might have suggested employing you in this, but I assumed you would be busy. That said..." Greas turns his attention back to Sees. "Framing a struggle between you and Retzack might be a more suitable thing to do, if this plan of yours is to happen. We go along with Retzack's idea for now, and in time your plot can be fleshed out and suitable preparations for it made, should a final act be needed. It is more suited for a longer game, and a struggle between those seeking to govern is not uncommon. Smoog and I could play at taking sides in the conflict, though I would not suggest letting anyone else in on it at this moment. Does this sound appropriate to you two?"

The bird-men, looking cross, are huddled in a doorframe between rooms where the stormclouds are minimal. Sees-Death immediately seeks to turn the situation to the kobolds' advantage by replenishing their water supply, a clever trick that gets broad support from the freed slaves. With the help of the half-giant and the trolls, the equipment is set up quickly - the slaves are used to hard labor, and are in fantastic physical shape down to the last kobold. It's likely that the less-physically-fit slaves weren't able to escape their masters in the first place and come join you.

After the three-way conversation between the two kobolds and the goblin concludes, Greas scurries up the ramp to the narrow window high up on the wall. Peering outside, he sees that the storm is much bigger than he realized. Dark, ominous-looking stormclouds are gathering rapidly over the city, and the winds are blowing them toward the time temple. The stormclouds are funneling in through the windows, making you duck your head to avoid being blinded by the rain.

The storm is intensifying by the second. Despite this, the thief's keen eyes are able to discern a faint, flickering green light, coming from the direction of the Headquarters building, and stabbing upward into the sky every few seconds.

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

"We have a murder of crows to harness, darling, and in my experience, they're partial to cunning and prone to backstabbing. If we can ally them to someone they believe to be against our rule, but whose strings we can reliably, and secretly pull, we might impress them by manipulating them into doing something for us. I was only keeping this from you to improve your performance, and because I was not sure they would bite for a post-marital betrayal. As much as the others see you as a thing of shadows and secrets, I know you're partial to half-truths and informed consent. You don't exactly see a betrayal as something that might inspire loyalty like these Strix do. Greas is right, it's a long game, we just need to get it started before they start hatching plans of their own... is that rain?"

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Retzack nods at Sees. "Of course, of course. Just keep me in the loop. In addressing the goblins, I will play the "Alpha". When Greas approaches the Strix they will assume he is the "Subtle" and may look upon him with greater favor."

Spoiler'd for length:

Retzack, flanked by his three Reborn, goes down and joins his kinfolk goblins as they chatter amongst themselves.

"Greetings, greetings my brothers! And how do you find this find day? I have it on good authority that we shall move out soon and subject the humans to glorious warfare...all in Tanard's wondrous name. How does that strike you?"

The majority of goblins chitter and nod, knowing a war leader when they see one.
Except a few goblins whisper among themselves and one of them, the largest, advances on Retzack. "We no follow you! We no follow weak kobolods! We follow dragon! Have dragon come down. Make me high priest! Then war humans make!"

Retzack takes this calmly, and sits down, crossing one leg over another. "Well, that's a very noble aspiration you have, but, alas, the ways of dragons are never so direct as that. The kobolds, and myself, act as Tanard's agents. And you, as newly come acolytes, then take the word from us.

And Tanard already has a high priest. His name is Thunk and he...well, let's say he is quite fervent of his position, and would not be willing to step aside for a goblin. Understand? And what are you called, my overly brash cousin?"

The goblin is clearly not wooed by such soft words. "Me am RedTooth! Me am strongest and smartest! You talk with weak kobolds! You weak! We no follow you weakness! Go, or me stuff you down potty hole!"

The rest of the goblins chuckle and laugh at the naughty threat. They've even seen RedTooth do that a couple times so it's also true. Funny -and- true!

Retzack reclines deeper in his chair, at quite ease, and nods in understanding. "Well, that is an unfortunate position to take, and I see that I'll need to speak to you in a language that everyone here can understand."

He makes a small motion with his hand and Bret comes up behind RedTooth. The Reborn grabs the goblin by the neck and lifts him up. He puts his other hand on the back of the goblin's head so he can't escape. Lily grabs RedTooth's arm, just below the elbow, and places it down on the table, her iron-hard grip allowing no motion. The croc-o-lisk makes no move, save to look at the rest of the goblins, flicking his tongue out, smelling for further betrayal.

Retzack, still calm, says, "True, I myself am weak, but I command with ABSOLUTE certainty a power GREATER than you can comprehend!"

Lily holds the goblin's arm still and with her other hand draws and lifts up her heavy kitchen knife.

"While I -should- gut you like a fish for your INSOLENCE, I sense that you are having a change of heart. Perhaps you find that I am not so weak? That I have commanded before and that you would find it honorable to march with my army?"

RedTooth cranks his eyes in Retzack's direction, but can make no move, so tight is Bret's grip on his neck and head. The other goblins cower and grovel, whimpering in hope that after RedTooth is killed, they will not be next.

"No need to say it. I know of your deep affection for Tanard, and for me. I--"

Retzack seems to pause.

'Well done. They have your loyalty now.'
'Yes, Mellisand. No need for bloodshed.'
'Mmmmm. No. No I don't think so.'
'Eh? What are you droning on about woman?'
'No. No no no. I don't think he should get away scot free.'
'And what the devil would you do about?'
'Mmmm. I think I'll show you.'
'WHAT? No! No no no! No, don't...don't do that.'
'Ah, look. Too late. It's already done.'

Lily's heavy knife comes down and chops Redtooth's arm off neatly below the elbow.

Redtooth looks on in silent horror as his blood comes out in a swiftly gathering pool, and his feet stamp in pain, but Bart's iron grip allows him no further action. Every other goblin is on their knees in supplication of a Warleader's wrath.

Retzack is lost in a momment of horror, but he realizes he can show no weakness, or all is already lost. He continues.

"See now! See what you have brought upon yourself! But! But I am not without mercy. Or Power! Witness!"

From Lily's body emerges the heavy-jawed ants and the three-sectioned centipedes. The bugs infest the severed arm heavily, and the jaws of the ants clamp down upon the arm, suturing it all along the sundered circumference.
They are of course followed by the tiny spiders who spin and spin, inside and out, reattaching internal bone and tendon and muscle.

At last the arm is reattached, and the table and floor and not overly reddened by too much blood.

At last Bart and Lily release their silent grip on Redtooth, who is surprised sublimely that his arm now functions as it always had.

Now Retzack rises. He gazes at the kneeling goblins and places one closed fist over his heart. "Werze."

The goblins, all kneeling now, including Redtooth, mirror the gesture. "Werze.

"Rise, my brothers. Soon we go to kill and plunder. I would have you of a joyous heart when that hour is upon us."

Retzack gathers his Reborn and leaves.

On his way out he catches the eye of the Strix and gives them a quick wink.


"I Believe."

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

Smoog approaches the small gathering of Sees, Greas and Retzack.
Without listening to what they were talking about when he walks up, Smoog somewhat excitedly starts talking...
"I have noticed that those birdmen are having a difficult time fitting in and relating to our merry band of misfits.
Perhaps it is because they feel ashamed at their mutilated wings or maybe they are just naturally peculiar but in any case...
How about I take them with me to the Airship Docks and help them secure a vessel fit for taking them to the skies again.
I am sure they have a wonderful grasp of aerial combat tactics and I could benefit from any education they could provide me on the topic.
Their return to flight status would surely boost their morale and perhaps cement their loyalty to our group.
What is this? Is it RAINING INSIDE?"

Male Kobold Thief | Lvl 4 | XP 4 | HP: 16/19 | Armour 1 | Damage 1d8 | STR 0 | DEX 2 | CON 1 | INT 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

Greas grins as Smoog enters. "Sees, I think you know what needs to happen here. If this doesn't serve as an example of what I meant earlier, I don't know what will. So, how do you wish to handle this?" I'm basically asking for a full recap on how we're doing this so I don't get confused.


Greas rushes down from his perch, set on finding Smoog and Sees. "Something is being done outside. These clouds are forming across Estr, and the winds are driving them here. There's a flickering green light in the direction of Headquarters, and it's shooting into the sky at regular intervals. Something is happening in that direction, and it seems we need to act. Now."

"I'm leading the assassination team, and I'm taking one of the tiefling recruits with me, at least. Whatever the light is meant to do, my group will address it - it's on our way, if not at our destination. Smoog, I understand you're headed for the airships. How many more teams will we have, who will lead them, and how will the recruits be distributed?"

"While I remember." Greas retrieves the dagger Sees dropped earlier from his person and holds it out to her. It's been cleaned up, and is polished to a sheen. "I believe this is yours?"

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3

Retzack resumes his places in the council of Greas, Sees, and Smoog. "If you are willing, as you lead the Teams of Sneakiness, I am willing to take the rest of the horde and move out in strength, forcing them to send their might against a broad front. Surely this will leave the leadership in the far rear vulnerable?"

Male Tiefling Channeler (Shadow/Ice) | Lvl 6 | XP 5 | HP 14/28 | CON +3 STR +2 DEX -1 INT +2 WIS +0 CHA +0 |

I will take a Captain's Role if need be, but I am no General. Right behind the front lines is where I should be. Give me a small group of big, burly men and I'll point them to where they can create the biggest chaos. I'm not sure if we have any Orcish blood around here, but I've found I can communicate with them decently under stressful circumstances. As for the tieflings, any bulky ones should split between the Assault Squads, while the slender ones are to be recruited to the Assassination Crew(s). Yes, we are that much defined by our body type, it's no big deal. Oadir mentions all of very matter-of-factly as he screens the crowd for a few moments to get the few biggest and baddest, he's definitely recruiting the Duergar and sending him to every place he'll see with ale, that Grey Dwarf is going to have the best pub crawl of his life!

Okay I am ready to take 10 to 15 troops, preferably big, hopefully strong, but most importantly durable! Trolls with me, please! You, Duergar, what is your name? Are you ready for all the ale this town has to offer? We're going on a raid!

If Thunk joins in, the number goes up to 20-25, so about half the group, of however many are interested. With Retzack taking most -if not all- of the Goblins this doesn't leave us with much.

F Kobold Bard Lv 7.03 | HP:19/22 | Dmg:d6 AC:1 | CHA:+2 WIS:+2 CON:+2 DEX:+1 INT:0 STR:-1

"Smoog, take the Strix and secure the skies. I don't want anyone to notice you. Hell, give the Strix the impression that we don't know you're doing this. Don't turn your back on them. Oadir, take the muscle and raid their food stores. Retzack and I can take the main force to crush their seat of leadership. Thunk can decide which force he would like to lead and where."

Sees-Death raises her voice. "For the last time, Smoog, no! We need to focus on undermining their leadership. Go help set up water barrels and get out of my face."
Arcane Arts(healing, double damage): 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 1) + 2 = 7
Healing: 1d8 ⇒ 5

Gearmaturge | Lvl 7 | EXP 0/13 | HP 17/23 | Dam 1d8+2 | Armor +3 | Charge 2 (3) | AA on hold +2 when Aided
STR+0 | DEX+2 | CON+1 | INT+3 | WIS+1 | CHA=0

Smoog slinks away from Sees and her verbal admonishment muttering to himself.
Obviously dejected, he heads toward the flock of Strixeez and whispers to them as he passes...
"If she thinks she can keep you from flying again she is dead wrong.
Follow me if you want to get your wings back."

Parley: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9
Smoog then heads thru the kitchen and calls for Spoons, Ordo and any other kitchen staff to follow him.
"Grab some sacks of food, we have a mission!"
Tossing the airship key from hand to hand, Smoog leads his flight crew out of the Temple thru the sewers towards the Air Field...

Dark Archive

m Goblin Necromancer lvl 5 | HP: 18/20 | Armor: Wait, what? | XP: 3/12 | Toe Eaten?: Nope | Bodies: 4/5 |Power: 3
DM Mooshybooshy wrote:

23 are kobolds,

12 are goblins,
5 are wing-clipped Strix, or bird-men,
5 are orcs,
3 are tieflings,
3 are trolls,
1 is a half-giant,
and 1 is a duergar dwarf

Retzack nods. He takes a piece of chalk and begins drawing on the wall.

"Smoog, take all 5 Strix. You shall be 'Squad Phoenix Hawk,' and take to the skies. Try to infiltrate as far back as you can, targetting their leadership and logistics.

Thunk, take the 5 Orcs and 3 Tieflings. You shall be 'Squad Vindicator', and will act on the ground as you see fit, probably supporting Oadir.

I will take all 12 goblins, and 13 kobolds. We shall be 'Squad Warhammer' and will go up the middle, causing as much noise and chaos as possible, occupying the bulk of their forces.

Oadir, take the Half-Giant, all 3 Trolls, the Duergar, and 10 kobolds as infantry support. You shall blitz up, penetrating deeply, killing much, and disallowing them a secure point to retreat to and gather a counterattack, or to form a solid defensive line.
Sine you will have the biggest, strongest, and most capable fighters of the heaviest kind possible,
You shall
of course
be called



There. I think that's pretty basic. Anyone not mentioned, my darling and capable wife included, may attach thyselves where you see best and act as you see fit. Any questions?"

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