Zeriax |

On my phone at the moment - will roll scale healing on Ryu and Maelchar once I get home.

Maelchar |

ah, ok... i'll correct my sheet to show 2 uses of iron weapon... thanks for the update

Zeriax |

I think the account for Zeriax is correct DM Variel - Garith, I'm gonna use the scale on them as they are too wounded - if a fight breaks out and Ryu or Maelchar are hit, they go down...
Before they plod on, Zeriax ponders both his own and his companions' wounds, and decides to use the scale on Ryu and Maelchar, as they usually take up the brunt of melee combat.
"Here friends" - he approaches them - "Let the scale healing powers restore you" - he comments as the scale glow envelops Ryu and then Maelchar.
Scale on Ryu: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (2, 7) + 10 = 19
Scale on Maelchar: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (7, 1) + 10 = 18
After his companions have recovered somewhat, he tries to recover some of the arrows he has used in the combat.
What should I roll for arrow recovery Variel? [I have the feeling I keep asking this :D]
Any healing potion left to boost Zeriax up from 5hp?

Maelchar |

"Thank you Zeriax, and thank the gods... Let me return the favor as you're pretty wounded as well."
He casts cure light wounds on Zeriax.
clw: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

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I think saving it would be the best idea, so she can hit someone that's down in a fight, depending.
ALso lemme know if you need arrows from the loot list, lemme know, and I'll remove them.
If anyone disagrees, I'll take healing from Oriana, otherwise i'll pop one of our 8 potions and should be good to go.

Zeriax |

Variel, after reviewing the last fight, I think Zeriax only shot 5 arrows, with 2 misses
Arrows recovered: 1d2 ⇒ 2

DM Variel |

The largest inn in Kenabres is Defender's Heart-a stout stone structure that survived the fall of Kenabres with ease. Built to last and largely ignored by the initial demonic attack (which focused much more on Old Kenabres and the riverfront), Defender's Heart was a perfect choice as
a place for surviving crusaders and veterans of the war to gather and form a sort of defensive line. The majority of the smviving crusaders now housed here belonged to the Eagle Watch (see page 72), and they have assumed control of the various other leaderless mercenaries while they wait for the Mendevian army to come to the city's aid.
While the inn is owned an run by a one-armed man named Kimroth Otai, he's largely ceded control of the building to the Eagle Watch-the highest ranking survivor of which is the half-ore paladin Irabeth Tirabade. Along with a handful of experienced crusaders and city guards, Irabeth has spent the past several days gathering intelligence on the assault, formulating plans to defend the inn against periodic attacks by demons and cultists, and working to keep morale up by promising the Mendevian army is only a few days away from helping to retake Kenabres.
For 2 blocks in all directions the streets have been cleared to create a dead man's zone. The group barely makes it 20 feet before a shout of alarms goes up from the Heart. Immediately you can all see arrow and bolt tips point out of windows aiming at the group.The front door opens up and a dozen soldiers all dressed in the livery of the EAgle Watch come pouring out. They are all equipped with scale mail, tower shields and spears. From behind the phalanx wall a woman's voice calls out, Stop moving and drop your weapons. Take 5 steps back and turn around. Lay down on the ground with your hands behind your back. You have 6 seconds to comply or you will be shot!
Before you can start o follow the instructions, Anevia calls out to the voice, Irabeth, it is me, Anevia. These people rescued me from beneath Kenbras when the demons attacked. Please, come look for yourself, Silverstrong.
AT a quick word from the woman the tower shields part revealing a halforc woman. She moves forward until she is 60ft away from the group. Stopping there she pauses for a bit and you can tell that she is scanning the group. Satisfied with her cursory search, she hurries the rest of the way forward and pulls Anevia into an embrace. They stand there holding each other letting the emotions wash over them. Eventually, Irabeth composes herself and turns to the group. Please,come in and tell me your tale and everything that has happened to you.
Entering the inn you notice that the place has been transformed from an inn to a military base. Soldiers and priests abound but few clerics are seen. In addition to themilitary presence it seems that merchants and citizens alike are present holding up in the fortified inn. One whole wall is set up as a bazaar where a brisk trade in weapons and armor are being sold. Apparently a contingent of crusaders made a foray out to sucere the arms for the war effort. Next to the people selling the arms and armors, a grey haried woman has a small table set up with paper and inks aplenty on it. Weapons and armors of +1 enhancement are available along with scrolls of spells 2nd level or lower. There are also plenty of inks for scribing scrolls as well.

Ryu Tadamasa |

Ryu’s hand instantly flashes to the hilt of his sword at the threat of being shot; seeming quite prepared to die in a mad rush to protect his lord and company.
However, once things have been smoothed out, he relaxes his hand from his weapon and grunts in some amusement at the soldiers and their gear.
As he watches them move back, he studies them thoughtfully as he passes, following Garith and the others into the building.
Glancing at the Eagle Watch, he studies their gear a bit.
”Huhh… shiny,” he says with casual grin at their presence as his hand absently brushes some of the dried blood that is caked on his flesh aside with a casual flick of his fingers.
He saunters over to the merchants casually.
"Gods damn that's a nice set-up..." he says whistling tonelessly at their display.
"Yo, lads and lasses, me and my lord Garith-sama and my brother Pakak-kisai; not to mention the rest of them - we're damn thirsty after all that rescuing, savvy? So what's a guy got to do around this joint to get a beer?" he says with a loud but friendly voice.

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Inside the Defender'S Heart
Today had been a quite day. But when the call to arms was sounded Samantha was on her post in the matter of seconds. Looking out over the palisades she could make out a groub of what looked to be mainly humans accompanied by a Dwarf. When they appeared to be no threat she innerly calmed down and moved to the fore where her healing magics might soon be rquired to mend the new arrivals.

Zeriax |

Well... Looking at our loot list, it seems we have quite some stuff to sell :D All the items in the "Unsold" column are up for grabs/sale?
Zeriax welcomes the opportunity for a respite - he had been on edge, ever watchful for days now - he had assumed the responsibility of guiding his companions through the wrecked city, and it was a task he did not take lightly.
Even though from his perspective, things were far from safe even within what it seemed to be some sort of safehouse, he allowed himself to relax momentarily, and peruse the implements on display from afar, but still staying protectively close to his companions and charges - "This is a moment of rejoice Anevia - it proves that hope should never be underestimated" - the monk smiles at the woman, then turns to Irabeth - "Well met, I am Zeriax" - he presents himself with a bow, keeping his spartan composure in spite of the piling wounds.

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Relaxed for the first time since the attack, Garith smiles warmly at the couple. "We have been through much, and have news, Arms and armor, as well as artifacts to study." he says, indicating the group heavily laden with gear. "I am Garith Mordrand, a knight of Iomadae. I am happy to see so many familiar faces, even of those whom i have only seen inpassing. It brings me great joy so see you well."
He relates the events that had transpired, "After the attack, we encountered Anieva along with a lord, Horgus and the Elf Mage Aravashinal. We are currently in search of his fellow Riftwarden. While below, we encountered the Descendants, a people living underground, who were under attack by false followers of Iomadae, secret cultists attempting to martial them against us." Explaining their encounter with the mole-men think they are called the descendants, and i forgot Arivashinals friend's name and can't search it at work. He then slowly draws the Radiance, allowing it to shine in his hands, "The enemy had stolen the Radiance, which we recovered as they were attempting to abscond. A blessing, as I have been able to weild it to great affect agains the enemies of the Crusade."
"From there, we returned Arivashinal to the Library, Horgus to a secure location, and cleared out safehouses of the cultists." He glances at his friends inviting them to add.
Zeriax, all items are up for grabs on the loot list, it jsut comes out of your share of the gear. Just lemme know what you want to claim or comment on gear that you want and i'll update the sheet for you.

DM Variel |

As Ryu calls out for a beer a man steps up to him. He has one arm but seems to manage quite well despite the injury. Indeed all you have to do is order one. Simple enough though I should warn you that there is a limit of 2 per night per Lady Irabeth's orders. There is to be no drunkeness while you are hear. If that happens it is an immediate court Marshall and loss of your life. Sounds harsh but that is the way it has to be right now.
His stern countenance falters a bit as a hint of a smile appears in his eyes, The names, kimroth and this is my inn. Enjoy yourself if you can and relax when your not on shift. In the meantime, here. The first drink for each survivor is on me.. With that he hands you a strong ale.

Irabeth Tirabade |

Once back inside Irabeth puts aside her emotions as she listens to your account asking pointed questions. At numerous times she asks for clarification, in particular about the Descendants and their perspective on the demons. From the shadows of the demon attack comes a ray of light. Allies unlooked for yet found in the darkness. I will send emissaries to these Descendants and propose an alliance with the members of Neathholm.
The rest of the account she remains quiet she is familiar with the actions of the cultists and the demons. She nods appreciatively as you retell clearing out the cultist safe house.
At the mention of Aravashinal, Irabeth motions to an aid next to her. Whisper to the aid you can hear her mention the name Orlun and the aid leaves her.
It is at this point that Garith brings forth Rdiance. As he draws the blade fromthe sheath the sword glows with a powerful light. Everyone in the inn stops talking and turns to stare at the group. With a trembling hand Irabeth reaches out to touch the blade. We all thought it was lost forever. This more than anything would bring hope to the people and make the demons second guess themselves. As you have recovered it I would suggest that you keep it for now. Only by Iomedae's will have you found it so I see no reason that you should not wield it. It is a powerful weapon indeed. May it continue to be so in your hands.
Now, what would you have of me? It seems from your account that you are still planning on visiting a couple more of the cultist safe houses. That sounds like a wise and sound plan. You seem to do well as a team and as a strike force unit. As leader of the Eagle Watch I ask and command that you continue to do act accordingly. I would make one suggestion however. Take Samantha over there with you. She has proven quite the capapble healer and her divine presence may make the diffences for you. I return I will see to it that Oriana gets an escort to her home. It is the least I can do for bring Anevia to me.

Ryu Tadamasa |

”Yeah – like I said; I’ll take a cold one…” he says moving forward into the room.
He takes the drink and lifts it to his lips, enjoying the taste.
He looks at Kimroth thoughtfully over the edge of the mug as he drinks. Then he pauses and places the mug on the counter, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes widening in some amusement about the orders of Lady Irabeth.
”Huh… Hell, brother, thing is, I don't serve your lady; I serve Garith-sama,” he says genially.
”So I’m wondering how can I suffer a Court Martial if I am not in her service?” he asks with a wry grin.
”As for being on a shift?” he chuckles as he takes another drink from the mug.
”Well… that’s up to my lord; but for now, I’m just a lad who’s enjoying your bloody hospitality, eh?” he says with a smile, but his eyes are on the innkeeper, studying him.
”Your drink is good, by the way,” he adds with a nod of his head, than turns to lean on the bar and regard the others without any concern.
As leader of the Eagle Watch I ask and command that you continue to do act accordingly...
Ryu turns to watch the speaker and takes another taste of the drink, chuckling softly to himself, but says nothing more for now.

Irabeth Tirabade |

Sorry Zeriax didn't mean to gloss over you. I wanted to get Irabeth's post up and forgot to include you.
Irabeth nods her head in your direction as you introduce yourself. Smiling at you in a way that means she understands your training she still tells you, You have my thanks Zeriax. Now please be at rest in the meantime while you are hear recovering. There is no reason to stand on ceremony. You are among friends and allies.

Irabeth Tirabade |

After a long while talking to Irabeth you see the aid finally returning with an old wizened human male. The aid is supporting the elder ensuring that he does not stumble and fall. It looks like the elder has had a serious injury of late and is still trying to recuperate from it. He moves slowly yet does not seem to be in pain. Upon reaching the table where you are gathered the old man shrugs off the aid with a wave. Turning to Irabeth he scowls at her. I don't know why you insist on having Corsini escort me everywhere. I have told you numerous times that my body is healed to where it was before the attack. The rest no one can fix but the gods as time wears on all of us. Some longer than others. Now what is it that you would have me do for you lass. I was upstairs in my room meditating when Corsini retrieved me.
Irabeth just smiles and accommodates the elder. It is obvious that they have a relationship akin to father daughter. I will speak to Corsini but he is there to help should you need it. I know that you are quite capable master Orlun, and with your magics can do things that others only dream of. Yet another set of hands is never a bad thing to have. Now, the reason that I sent for you was this group of crusaders here before you. They have an interesting tale to tell and information that I think you would be interested in for 2 reasons. The first is that they were accompanied by Aravashinal and have visited the Library. As for the rest I wil let them divulge what they know so you can ask them questions should you need to.

Pakak |

Take Samantha over there with you. She has proven quite the capapble healer and her divine presence may make the diffences for you. I return I will see to it that Oriana gets an escort to her home. It is the least I can do for bring Anevia to me.
"Such is sorely needed," Pakak inclines his head, "Greetings, Samantha. I am Pakak Ironwall... I am not sure if we met before the ward fell. Wizards pride themselves on their memory, but my nose was ever in a book and not on people's faces."

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Samantha extends a leisurely greeting to the Dwarven Wizard.
My name is Samantha Starsong. I am a priestess of our lady Shelyn and am glad to assist the crusade in any way Irabeth sees fit for me. She then looks over the company and smiles as she recognizes Garith with whom she has shared a song on ocassion.

Maelchar |

Maelchar steps forward and smiles at Samantha... bows slightly. "I'm Maelchar, Garith's cousin, of clan Zeru, and I think I speak for all of us in welcoming you into our fold, so to speak. I'm not sure what Irabeth has in store for us exactly, but I'm sure you will be most definitely an asset among us."

Ryu Tadamasa |

Ryu takes another drink and observes a woman talking to Garith. Not knowing who she is, or why the two or so friendly, he hoists his mug and moves over to stand a few feet behind Garith and a little to his right.
His hand leans casually on his sword hilt, as if to steady it, but he makes no overt movement, contenting himself just to observe the niceties going on.

Quednys Orlun |

Looking at the group rather expectantly, Well, don't keep an old man waiting what is it that you wish to tell me? If it is to tell me that Aravashinal is safe that I already heard. Once I am done here, if Irabeth allows, I plan on going to the Library myself to aid and assist him. Together we should be able to work some defenses there and keep what volumes and works remain intact. Now, again, what information do you have for me or questions that need answering?

Ryu Tadamasa |

Now, again, what information do you have for me or questions that need answering?[/b]
Ryu enjoys his drink, waiting for anyone in his company to speak and up either ask the man some questions or do something at all.
Finally, he scowls a bit and polishes off his drink.
Bowing politely in front of the old man, he waits than straightens.
"Greetings sensai," he says with formality.
"I have no information for you at this time, but I'm happy to help you if you need it," he says politely to the old warrior.

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To miss Starsight, Garith smiles. "It is good to see you again Samantha. I am glad you will be joining us. Now, Master Orlun, There are a few items and inquiries of sensitive nature of which we must discuss."
in private as to avoid damaging moral, Garith removes the brazen idol, "This artifact enhanced an un-hallowed area's tainted magics, but could be used to reveal secret information about our foes, or be turned and used agianst them. We also acquired a letter penned by Minagho himself, indicating that the woman, Vorlesh, had returned to the Abyss to gather Nahyndrian crystals." he explains, handing the old man the letter.

Maelchar |

Oh, good, I'm glad someone remembered the details of what happened, lol
Maelchar looks on watching the old man's face for any clue that he knows something about what the letter touched on, or the artifact.

Quednys Orlun |

Orlun nods his head at Ryu's direction. Nice the most charming of fellows at the best of times he speaks to you quite plainly. Another young lad trying to 'help' an old man huh. The day I needes your help was the day they dragged me in here. Outside of that 1 day the rest of my 74 years of my life I have been doing just fine on my own. Tell you what, you see me bleeding ont he road then you can help me. Until then I can make do on me own.
It looks like he is about to say more when Irabeth puts a hand on his arm. Looking down at it the man sighs a bit, Ugh, thanks though for what it is worth.
It is at this point that Garith hands Orlun the letter and the brazen idol. Orlun starts to look at the letter when Garith mentions the names of Minagho, Vorlesh and the Nahyndrian Crystals. Fists clenching as he holds the paper you are worried that the old man is going to tear it apart. Sucking in air through clenched teeth Orlun finally hisses out Vorlesh. It had to be her.
Looking at the group he stands and motions for you all to follow him. Come with me to my room where we can talk in private. What I have to tell you only the most learned of scholars knows. I will only tell you as it seems you have stumbled upon knowledge of them yourself and thus can be more dangerous by asking the wrong questions to the wrong people.
Before leading the group upstairs Orlun passes by the bazaar and orders a bottle of elven wine. Handing the young female merchant a small bag of coins he takes the bottle with him upstairs. Opening the bottle he takes a quick drink from it directly before passing it to each member for a drink. Take a drink. It may help steady the nerves as this information is not pleasant and may require a grave sacrifice before all is said and done. Now then, the questions you have and the answers you seek start at the very beginning of the war effort. Some of this some of you may know if you have studied the histories of the wars but bear with me.
Almost 100 years ago the worldwound was formed. How it came to be scholars have spent years studying in the hope of devising a way to reverse or close the portal. Little has been gleaned from divinations by the best in the world. What little was discovered is that a woman by the name of Areelu Vorlesh was the one to openm the portal. As far as I know, there are none who know exactly what the witch Areelu Vorlesh is: demon, cultist, hybrid. Her name is associated with the opening of the worldwound and that is it.
Since the opening of the worldwound there have been numerous clashes with the demons all over. Hope was lost when Minagho captured the city of Raliscrad and the demons began their offensive. It was at that time that the wardstones where created to hold back the demon tide. These wardstones were thought to be the savior of the people from the demons. In part that is correct as it is by the power of the wardstones that the demons can not invade the surrounding areas. Yet the wardstone themselves need to be protected lest they are destroyed. These wardstones are then the focal points of the demonic attacks. Once before a demonic force made its way to the wardstone here in Kenebras. Khorramzadeh himself struck a mighty blow to it and it cracked but did not break. Defenses were soon raised and the demons pushed out of the area but the damage was done.
In hindsight, it appears that was just a test by the demons as a precursor to this assault. We have discovered that Khorramzadeh returned to lead this attack and slew Terendelev after mounting the assault on the Kite. It was there that the wardstone was destroyed resulting in the earthshattering explosion that all witnessed that day. Since then though we have been at a loss as to what the demons are doing. They have not poured out of the city into the surrounding area as one would suspect if the wardstones have fallen. It seems that they have left and returned to the worldwound for the most part and are content to wait for something to happen. If this letter is correct then we have the missing piece of information that we needed.
A part of the wardstone must still be operational. It is this part that is holding the remaining wardstones and the defenses intact. However if the demons are in control of it then they could reverse the polarity of the field. Instead of working against demons it would either summon more of them or be turned against us mortals. That is what Vorlesh must be up to with these Nahyndrian Crystals. Only the pure essence of a slain demon lord can create one of these Crystals. She must have found some and figured out how to use them.
If this is the case then we are in great danger. An army from Mendevian is on its way. If they arrive here and the wardstone is subverted they would die as well. It gets worse. The wardstones are all connected to each other. Each and every one of them. If our wardstone would get subverted then all of them would suffer the same effects. All of the crusaders defending the cities with wardstones in them would perish. All those reinforcements coming to bolster the defenses of those cities would perish. Imagine it you would the death of a million crusaders in a matter of seconds leaving the demons free to roam. Not only that but there would be no warning to other areas. Cities would be ripe for the taking as the demon host marches across all of the world. It would be better to destroy our wardstone than to allow the demons to carry out their plans.
Orlun finishes his long speech with a last long draught from the wine. The fate of the world could be decided in the next few days.

Irabeth Tirabade |

Irabeth stands and looks out the window facing west. At least we have one bit of news, however bleak it might be. We have reason to believe that there is a concentration of cultists and demons located at the Grey Garrison. If the wardstone is to be found anywhere in Kenebras it would be there behind all of their defenses. Ironic that the temple to Iomadae would house the wardstone. I have had dreams these last few night of her weeping at what has happened yet unable to directly intervene. Perhaps you have had these as well as some others that I have talked to have had a similar experience. It gives me hope though that she is still watching over us and is following our actions. It makes following her tenets and all the more rewarding for me. I know that someday she will bless me for my actions as long as I continue what she decrees.

Maelchar |

"Sounds like we need to go to the Grey Garrison then and clear it out. Sure would be nice to have Ori with us, but she really needed to go home and see to the fate of clan Zeru. I don't know about all of you, but some needed healing, and I need a night of rest before I head off to deal with cultists and perhaps worse. Plus we need a little time to sell what we could carry out of the underground and maybe buy a few things to bolster our abilities."
Maelchar does nothing more than state the obvious as he looks around at his friends and sees Garith hurt as badly as he himself had been.

Ryu Tadamasa |

Another young lad trying to 'help' an old man huh. The day I needes your help was the day they dragged me in here. Outside of that 1 day the rest of my 74 years of my life I have been doing just fine on my own. Tell you what, you see me bleeding ont he road then you can help me. Until then I can make do on me own.
Ryu's eyes widen at the man's words.
He stiffens for a moment and says nothing.
Then he turns to Garith.
"Beg pardon, Garith-sama," he say to him.
"If they don't want my gods damned help, then that's fine, but I'm pretty sick and tired of trying to help people and getting small thanks or abuse," he says, thinking of the other "noble lord" who was nasty to him and his companions earlier.
"There ain't no bloody decency in being gods damned rude to people trying to help you - no courtesy, no honor," he says the last word with a hiss.
"So if they don't want me to help them, that's fine. Just let me know if you need me for something else... I'll be around," he says with a bow to Garith.
At which point Ryu will walk away before the rest of the conversation is finished.

Pakak |

Pakak listens to the arcane theory, finding himself nodding at many parts in understanding. "Yes, ward stones are, on a metaphysical level, much like a child's game of crash blocks. One knocks into the other one way or another. The collaborative resonance factor are their strengths and weaknesses."

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Samantha feels pulled into this situation rather abruptly and when she listens to what the old man has to say on the one hand doesn't fully comprehend but understands that the task that lies before her is a rather demanding and urgent one. Immediately she has doubts whether she is up to such a task, after all saving the world should be a task for folk brighter than herself.
She attempts to feel out her connection to her lady Shelyn but all she receives in return is reassurance.

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"A moment, begging your pardon," Garith says with a bow.
He steps over to Ryu for a brief whispered conversation
Placing a gauntleted hand on the worrior's shoulder, Garith says softly, "Master Orlun is an elder, and appears to be constantly coddled and babied for his age and injury since the attack. It is more likely that he took your offer of help as another youngster underestimating him for his age, rather than in the spirit in which you meant it." Hopefully Garith's apology for the man will calm Ryu.
The palidan then returns to the group, following them to Orlun's rooms. After the explination, Garith withdraws the letter regarding the safehouses. "Considering these circumstances, attacking the Tower of Esterod and gathering what information we can regarding the plans of the cultists would behove us. Have you any information on the tower and its potential defenses?"

Zeriax |

Irabeth nods her head in your direction as you introduce yourself. Smiling at you in a way that means she understands your training she still tells you, You have my thanks Zeriax. Now please be at rest in the meantime while you are hear recovering. There is no reason to stand on ceremony. You are among friends and allies.
"No need to thank me Master Tirabade. The joyful reunion between you and Anevia have been reward enough" - the monk bows.
At Irabeth's next words, the monk acquiesces - "I will take the opportunity to peruse the weaponry you have on display - I am sure the dreadful events are far from finished, and I need to replenish my supplies. Thank you" - then moving away to check the multiple bazaar stands.
Samantha extends a leisurely greeting to the Dwarven Wizard.
My name is Samantha Starsong. I am a priestess of our lady Shelyn and am glad to assist the crusade in any way Irabeth sees fit for me. She then looks over the company and smiles as she recognizes Garith with whom she has shared a song on ocassion.
"Well met Starsight, I am Zeriax" - the monk nods - "It is a good feeling to find allies amongst all this destruction - your assistance in whatever lies ahead of us would indeed be welcome, as well as your goddess' blessings"
Orlun finishes his long speech with a last long draught from the wine. The fate of the world could be decided in the next few days.
Zeriax listens in complete silence to the words, the only telltale of a reaction being that his birdlike pupils dilate at certain points as the man recounts what is known by now.
As Orlun finishes, the monk shakes his head - "At every step of the way, every small victory seems to push us into more dire news - there are dire intentions at work here, and we seem to have uncovered the tip of the iceberg"
"Sounds like we need to go to the Grey Garrison then and clear it out. Sure would be nice to have Ori with us, but she really needed to go home and see to the fate of clan Zeru. I don't know about all of you, but some needed healing, and I need a night of rest before I head off to deal with cultists and perhaps worse. Plus we need a little time to sell what we could carry out of the underground and maybe buy a few things to bolster our abilities."
Maelchar does nothing more than state the obvious as he looks around at his friends and sees Garith hurt as badly as he himself had been.
Hey, don't forget about Zeriax, sitting pretty at 5hp - no one cares about the monk... Guess I'mma keeping the scale all to myself from now on *pouts*
"Agreed Maelchar - with a short recovery time, and ressuplying, we should be ready to address this in short order" - Zeriax adds, but then turns to Irabeth - "That is if our assistance is warranted of course. My apologies, but we have been travelling alone for so much time, I have gotten used to making decision on our own"
After the explination, Garith withdraws the letter regarding the safehouses. "Considering these circumstances, attacking the Tower of Esterod and gathering what information we can regarding the plans of the cultists would behove us. Have you any information on the tower and its potential defenses?"
"Sir Garith is right - we were intent on carrying out this investigation of the so called safe houses to its conclusion, and perhaps gathering additional details would be important" - Zeriax comments, then turns to Garith - "Do you believe we will find information pertaining to the Gray Garrison at the tower?"

Maelchar |

sorry Zeriax, didn't see your damage too, I knew others were hurt, just didn't know how bad, Garith's status line was just handy so I went with that. nothing personal meant.

Zeriax |

No worries, was just a joke ;)

Irabeth Tirabade |

I will see that your wounds are all healed up as soon as we are downstairs. We do not have many of Starsight's abilities to heal enmasse but there are plenty like myself that can heal with a touch. We will have you fixed up in short order. Should you need further healing come back here and we will do what we can.
Irabeth continues to look out the window to the west. In that direction lies the remains of the Kite and the Grey Garrison. I don't know what the Tower may have at its core. I would not be surprised to find demons there as well as a couple of cultists. Beyond that I wish I knew more. I think though that your plans should be completed to finish the investigations. In fact I will reward you 7000gp for the efforts thus far and the information gleaned on the cultists. Payment will be upon the final clearing of the third safe house. Not only will you have finished with your own goals but it will give us time to do some last minute recon and contact the Descendants as well.
If you have any further questions please ask them and I will try to answer them as best as I can. If not then I will wish you well on the final task set before you.

Ryu Tadamasa |

Ryu listens to Garith’s comments with a frown on his face.
”I don’t know, chief,” he says after a moment.
”Look, I mean – I’m going to help you out; and I’ll help the rest of the crew, too… you know that. Hell, you’re like my bloody boryokudan , you know? So I’m not going to turn my back on ya’ll – I’m just saying; I bow to the guy, I offer him respect, I tell him I’ll offer him my help and all I get is some gods damn… Hell, I don’t know…” he says shaking his head.
He glances at the others and wipes his hand over his face slowly and takes a deep breath.
”Gods damn, I just wish people’d be a little nicer is all.”
”Anyhow, I’ll try harder, boss – you got my word on it,” he says clapping Garith on his back giving him a small grin.
Ryu will come back with Garith, then, and resume his position to stand slightly behind him as a de facto bodyguard.

DM Variel |

Ryu you approach the bazaar and see a wide arrangement of weapons on the counter and behind hanging on the wall. A grizzled dwarf looks at you asking what y want. Upon your request for the scimitar and scabbard he goes back to the wall and pulls one off. That will be 2320 for the sword. As for the sheath, I don't have anything that fancy on hand. You get me half the gold up front and I will see about having one made for you. That is a lengthy comission though and will take some time, about 2 1/2 weeks or so unless I get orders from Irabeth that needs to come first.

Maelchar |

Maelchar does a little shopping and returns to the party with two small gemstones magically circling his head.

DM Variel |

Maelchar and Zeriax approach another of the stands where an eccentric gnome stands tinkering with a strange contraption. Looking at it, it has a multitude of levers, buttons, springs, and lights. Trying to get his attention you start asking about certain items. He ignores you completely as he fine tunes his contraption. With a last little twist of a screw he sets it down on the table. Turning a crank he winds up the machine and a soft melody plays for about 3 seconds. Then a clunk is heard as a spring shoots out and the music stops. Blasted incompetent no good worthless boorish waste of time...The cursing goes on for another minute as you wait patiently.
Shoving the contraption under the table the gnome finally turns to you with a smile as if nothing had just happened. Lavarius Bartholdi Danglewood at your service. How may I be of help to you and yours?
ahh, you are interested in some of the more esoteric items that I may collect and others sneer at. Well, I am at your service. Did I already say theat. Well never mind. Lets me see here. Ah yes I have an assortment of these floating things. One minute...
Bringing a box up from below the counter you see almost 50 of the little ioun stones. He keeps pulling up one after another setting them to float around his head. After about 20 of them fly around him he holds up the 2 stones you are looking for. Here you go. That will be 900gp please. Come again please, I am at your service.
Hmmm, as for the rest of the stuff, I have most of it. Those salts though we don't have much use for here in Kenebras. Otherwise here you go. I can see about making those. It will take me a while though.

Zeriax |

After himself and his companions have refitted and recovered from their wounds, Zeriax gets ready to lead the way out again.
With a bow, he thanks Irabeth again for having receiving them, and offers his reassurance that they will do their best to gather additional information on the general status of Kenabres, amount and nature of attacking forces, and their intentions - "We shall return with as much information as we can gather" - he nods - "And decisive blows will be struck if the chances present themselves - We will meet you soon. Until then, farewell toy you and Anevia, may your crusaders stand tall"
Moving outside Defender's Heart, Zeriax does his best to pinpoint landmarks on the revaged landscape.
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13