To Wear the Carrion Crown (Inactive)

Game Master Haldhin

Running the Carrion Crown Adventure Path.

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Oorin, no problem.

Good morning everyone. My family and I are going on vacation Monday, March 4 through Saturday, March 9. During that time, I do not expect to have a reliable internet connection.

We will be traveling for most of Monday, so I will definitely not post that day. Starting Tuesday, I will try to update threads at least once a day, but it may not be possible depending on the internet situation.

Just wanted to warn everyone ahead of time if I end up going silent for the entire week.

Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4

Thanks for the heads up Haldhin. I hope you guys have a great trip! Do you think you'll be able to get the treasure and marketplace stuff up before you leave?

Yes, treasure and marketplace will be up this afternoon before 5pm EST. I just need to double-check the treasure list once more and I'll be done.

The Adventure Treasure summary and marketplaces for both Ravengro and Lepidstadt have been uploaded into the Shared Folder. If I missed anything on the Treasure Summary, please let me know. (I have added Arthur's katana and Michael's sword to the treasure list)

If you want to claim something from the adventure treasure, please type your name in the "Owner" column. If the item is going to be kept for party use, please type "Party" in the column. I'll do all the math work to figure out how much each person gets in total gp.

In addition to what is listed on the treasure summary, everyone will also receive the following:
1. A free masterwork transmutation spell.
2. A reward that may be used to either: a) purchase a +1 enhancement to any masterwork item, or b) find any one item for purchase (under 5,000 gp) that is not listed in the marketplace lists. This is basically a NPC saying "I know somebody who can get that for you, but you have to pay for it". This is not a free +1 upgrade or a free item.

Take a look at everything and let me know if there are any questions. Feel free to start looking through everything and playing around with what you want.


Karl, Shanoa, Oorin, and Roland, the gifts you received early in the adventure (after the false crypt) are going to be "upgraded" a bit.

Darren and Franc, you are both going to receive something extra to make sure everyone is relatively even going into the next adventure.

I'll have all these details later today or this evening.

Shadow Lodge

F Human Inquisitor 4 {HP32/32; AC16/12/14; F+5 R+4 W+8; Init+7; Perc+10}

Nice! Ok, I was going to spend the free +1 enhancement to my morningstar, but since that will apparently be upgraded anyways I think I might have to hunt for something else magical.

By the way, though this is not by any means my longest running PbP game (I have a kingmaker game that's been going for 2 years) this is the first time I've ever managed to finish an AP book in a PbP. So thank you all for your commitment to keep this game going - it's been a lot of fun!

Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4

Agreed, I'm really excited that we finished this installment, and I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.

Haldhin, I think there should be a Scythe among the magic weapons on the treasure sheet.

You're correct with the scythe, I'll add it this evening. It's a vanilla +1 scythe.

Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4

How do we claim stuff off the loot sheet? Roland, do you want the MW thieves tools or should I snag them?

Just put your name in the blue column. You should be able to type on the sheet - let me know if you can't edit it.

Male Human Alchemist 4 (HP 28/28 - AC15, T13, FF12 - F+5 R+6 W+2 - Init+2 - Perc+8) (Effects: +2 save vs Poison)
Karl the Bastard wrote:
How do we claim stuff off the loot sheet? Roland, do you want the MW thieves tools or should I snag them?

You're the guy with the Rogue levels, so I have absolutely no problem with you snagging those. :)

Male Human Alchemist 4 (HP 28/28 - AC15, T13, FF12 - F+5 R+6 W+2 - Init+2 - Perc+8) (Effects: +2 save vs Poison)
DM Haldhin wrote:
Just put your name in the blue column. You should be able to type on the sheet - let me know if you can't edit it.

Tried, but it won't let me type anything. :(

Sorry about that, double-checked permissions and it was set to View Only. I changed it to Edit, so you should be able to type something now.

Male Human Alchemist 4 (HP 28/28 - AC15, T13, FF12 - F+5 R+6 W+2 - Init+2 - Perc+8) (Effects: +2 save vs Poison)
DM Haldhin wrote:

Sorry about that, double-checked permissions and it was set to View Only. I changed it to Edit, so you should be able to type something now.

Cool, it's working now.

Male Human Alchemist 4 (HP 28/28 - AC15, T13, FF12 - F+5 R+6 W+2 - Init+2 - Perc+8) (Effects: +2 save vs Poison)

Okay, I've put Roland's name next to everything I have in my possession. If I have a certain amount of something, I made sure to put a number (1) next to it.

I would like to obtain a masterwork or +1 cane (club) if I can. I also note there's a +1 Chain Shirt in Lepidstadt that I've got an interest in wearing under my big heavy coat.

I also just noted that I should have obtained a new Discovery at level 4, but Hero Labs didn't notify me because it assumed my "free Discovery" from an earlier reward counted for it. I'll update my stat bloc shortly to make note that I now have "Feral Mutagen."

Forgot to mention, there are multiple copies of items in the marketplaces, so everyone can buy a +1 chain shirt, there isn't just one available.

Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4
DM Haldhin wrote:
Forgot to mention, there are multiple copies of items in the marketplaces, so everyone can buy a +1 chain shirt, there isn't just one available.

Sweet, I was just about to ask.

Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4

We're still staying in Ravengro for the 30 days, right? Hopefully that will give Roland and Oorin enough time to glean what they can from the Splatter Man's spellbook. Can book casters still copy spells that are higher level than they can cast? I was never sure of that part.

Changes/upgrades to items:

I'm retconning a few of the items to better fit the progression I have planned.

Karl - The sharpening stone has been worn smooth, but it can now be attached to the pommel of any weapon with a hilt. It must be attached for 24 hours before the weapon gains the benefits. It adds a +1 to hit and +1 to damage, increasing by +1 every five character levels (so +2 at 6th, +3 at 11th, etc).

Oorin - The wand can be used as a spell-storing device for magic missile[.i] spells. You can add two [i]magic missile spells of any caster level, up to a total of 10 caster levels, to the wand. Even after you use all the charges, you can still use it to store two magic missile spells. You must prepare the spells then cast them into the wand, which then stores them until used.

Shanoa - The morningstar you now possess seems to resonate with the power as you pronounce judgement on your foes. The bonuses to attack or damage you receive from an active judgement are doubled while using the morningstar.

Roland - The book you received contains several interesting techniques for conducting your research. After learning to apply these methods, you discover that any mutagens you create last an additional 10 minutes (+1 hour at 14th level).

Franc - You awake one morning to discover the gauntlets you own are now a brilliant white in color. Each of the gauntlets has what appear to be five wings starting at the wrist and curling up and around the forearm. Once per day while wearing these gauntlets, you may make one additional melee attack at your highest bonus. This does not stack with haste or any other ability granting you additional attacks.

Darren - TBD (I have sent you a PM)

Nice. How do I see this sheet?

It's the last link on the Campaign Info tab.

Shadow Lodge

F Human Inquisitor 4 {HP32/32; AC16/12/14; F+5 R+4 W+8; Init+7; Perc+10}

If I keep the holy symbol of Milani for myself, and distribute symbols for anyone else in the party that's religious (I'm sure there's Iomedae for Darren and Pharasma for Roland but not sure if Frank's would be there), how much would the rest of them be worth?

Human M Human Fighter 3 Paladin 1 {HP37/37; AC19/11/18; F+7 R+4 W+4; Init+5; Perc+3}

Yeah Darren is definitely looking for an Iomedaen holy symbol... and recycling one that has been purged of evil and brought back to the light is super poetic :P

Just to make it easy, say it would be the same price.

I'm planning to update loot numbers this morning, so everyone should have final gp in a few hours.

Assuming nothing else specific is going to happen in Ravengro, I'll open the new thread for the next chapter.

Darren, still working on your item. Mentioning it so you know I haven't forgotten.

Took me a bit longer than I expected to get into the Treasure summary, but I've finished now. Look at the 'By Character' tab to find your total gp in coins.

I'm ignoring the potions and scrolls, assuming that somebody would take them, so they don't factor into the calculations.

Let me know if there are any problems or issues.

Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4

Cool, thanks Haldhin. Only problem I see is that Cassandra is still listed on the Campaign tab.

Good catch. I plan to update everything when I start the new thread so I'll make sure the current crew is listed.

Human M Human Fighter 3 Paladin 1 {HP37/37; AC19/11/18; F+7 R+4 W+4; Init+5; Perc+3}

So I tallied up 5698 gp -- is that right? Is everyone getting the same amount or is it different based on the items we already have?

Human M Human Fighter 3 Paladin 1 {HP37/37; AC19/11/18; F+7 R+4 W+4; Init+5; Perc+3}

Hey just a warning that I will be tooling around the countryside on a motorbike for the next couple of days (4-6) and internet might be scarce.

Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4
Darren Cayle wrote:
So I tallied up 5698 gp -- is that right? Is everyone getting the same amount or is it different based on the items we already have?

I think it's different based on what items we're keeping,so that keen longsword represents a chunk of your share, and once we get to Lepidstadt, we get to do some shopping with remaining funds.

Hey all, opening the new thread here.

Please post to dot and I'll start a new discussion thread and begin the next chapter.

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