To Wear the Carrion Crown
Game Master
Running the Carrion Crown Adventure Path.
Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4
I'm ok with 5 for now, although I may have to rethink my rogue dip if I'm the only full BAB character left in the party. Sorry to see you go, Michael. I'll miss you and your air guitar. Good luck with your computer troubles.
Sorry to see you go. Yeah, I think we'll be ok with what we have - there's a couple of us who can fill in as melee beat-stick when needed.
Also, that Gorum's Balls comment was hilarious.
Best of luck Michael.
I'll miss the air violin.
I'm fine with 5.
For leveling up, will we use average hp? roll? half max and roll half?
Male Human Alchemist 4 (HP 28/28 - AC15, T13, FF12 - F+5 R+6 W+2 - Init+2 - Perc+8) (Effects: +2 save vs Poison)
Sorry to see you go Michael. Best of gaming in the future!
I admit I stole your "Gorom's Balls" exclamation for a character in another campaign. It's just too good to not use. I need to come up with some more expletives involving the other deities.
I wonder if Michael's still following this and knows the fuss we're making over him? I must say this is the most attention I've ever given to a departed player - usually we just sort of hand-wave the fact that nobody really notices that they're not around anymore. In this instance, though, the role-play opportunity is quite fun - worked in quite nicely to what we were doing anyways.
Had an emergency with our dog last night and this morning so running well behind at work today. Likely won't be able to post until this evening. Apologies for the delay.
No problem. Hope everything's ok.
Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4
Sorry to hear about your dog Haldhin. I hope everything's ok.
Thanks, we actually ended up putting him to sleep. Tough decision, but it was for the best. So late night, emotional morning, but we're good.
If any of you have a dog, give it an extra treat for me. :)
F Human Inquisitor 4 {HP32/32; AC16/12/14; F+5 R+4 W+8; Init+7; Perc+10}
I gotta say - this is the first time I've ever played like this, with everyone running off in their own directions. It goes against the standard mantra of "don't split the party" but in this circumstance I think it fits and is quite naturally what everyone would do. And it does make for some really interesting roleplaying. Haldrin, thanks for keeping up with each individual so well - I can't imagine it's easy.
Heh, it's a first for me too. I'm not quite sure why either, I guess the story just lends itself to that behavior for some characters.
And thanks, it's not too bad, but I admit that I've created a default Word template that contains spoiler tags so I can avoid typing them every time. ;)
In other news, everyone will definitely be 2nd level by this weekend, so you can plan to start using updated characters next Monday.
Speaking of, I totally forgot to answer the question about hit points, sorry about that. Please use max less two (d4=2, d6=4, d8=6, d10=8, d12=10).
Male Gnome Wizard (Fire) 3 (HP 19/24 AC 13, T 13, FF 11/ F +3, R +3, W +3/ Init. +2/ Per. +2)
I remember, when 3.0 first came out, Monte Cook posted that he and many others felt that having d4 for hit points, for any type of class, was too low. But it had been given "sacred cow" status so no one touched it.
Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4
Does any class still get only d4 hp? I thought the lowest these days was a d6, and even the humble rogue gets a d8.
Male Gnome Wizard (Fire) 3 (HP 19/24 AC 13, T 13, FF 11/ F +3, R +3, W +3/ Init. +2/ Per. +2)
Not anymore. The Wizard and Sorcerer did in 3.5 but from there on in, I believe, all the splatbook full arcane casters got d6.
I wasn't sure if some of the prestige classes used a d4 or not.
Do the other numbers seem fair? If we go forward and find a problem, I'm always up for changing things later.
Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4
Those numbers seem more than fair to me, especially when you add in Con bonuses and favored class hp and stuff.
Male Human Alchemist 4 (HP 28/28 - AC15, T13, FF12 - F+5 R+6 W+2 - Init+2 - Perc+8) (Effects: +2 save vs Poison)
Sorry folks. My dad passed away this afternoon, so the next few days are going to be very busy.
I'm not dropping out, but I can't promise I'll be able to post much until next week.
Male Gnome Wizard (Fire) 3 (HP 19/24 AC 13, T 13, FF 11/ F +3, R +3, W +3/ Init. +2/ Per. +2)
Yikes, sorry for your loss. I've been through that myself so you'll definitely be in my thoughts.
I'm so sorry to hear that. Real life comes first - take care of yourself and your family and we'll be here when you get back. I'm sure Haldhin won't kill your character while you're gone. Best wishes to you.
On a completely unrelated note, our GM is making an extraordinarily creepy and helpless feeling encounter for Shanoa. Captures the horror amazingly well - after it's resolved and we've had a chance to talk about it in character I highly recommend going back and reading the spoilered text.
Sorry for your loss. Our prayers go with you.
Roland, I am very sorry to hear that. Take your time, we'll be here when you are able to post again.
Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4
So sorry for your loss, Roland. Take as much time as you need.
F Human Inquisitor 4 {HP32/32; AC16/12/14; F+5 R+4 W+8; Init+7; Perc+10}
I'm dying to know how things resolve from my last action - anticipation is killing me!
Haldhin, great job on that encounter. I can honestly say that I haven't been this excited about a play-by-post in...well ever. I literally spent the entire week glued to the page and constantly hitting refresh.
Thanks, I'm really glad you're getting into it so much!
Just out of curiosity, what was the creature, mechanically speaking?
Edit: I take it back. I'll try and figure it out IC. It might have consequences. Here's the roll:
knowledge(religion) ID monster: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
F Human Inquisitor 4 {HP32/32; AC16/12/14; F+5 R+4 W+8; Init+7; Perc+10}
I'll respond IC while Shanoa is at the Temple.
Yes, I'll reiterate the level gain in my story post this evening.
Male Gnome Wizard (Fire) 3 (HP 19/24 AC 13, T 13, FF 11/ F +3, R +3, W +3/ Init. +2/ Per. +2)
I've leveled up with the following changes:
New HP total: 16
BAB: +1 (also modifies CMB/D)
New Will Save: +3
Skills added to: 1 rank each in Spellcraft and Linguistics, both +8 now
New Skills: K: Engineering +8, K: Planes +7, K: Religion +7
New Spells in Spellbook: Alarm and Stumble Gap (both 1st lvl)
New language (from Linguistics): Necril I assumed my perusals of the Professor's notes gave me opportunity to glean some of this language. If not, let me know and I'll pick another.
Can cast 1 extra Cantrip and 1st lvl spell/day
F Human Inquisitor 4 {HP32/32; AC16/12/14; F+5 R+4 W+8; Init+7; Perc+10}
I've updated my profile to level 2 as well. Not too many changes at this level - bonus to initiative and survival, an extra spell, and a handful of skill points. I made sure and put a rank in heal after today's craziness.
Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4
Karl is up to date for lvl 2 as well. After much thought I've taken a level in Rogue, so Sneak Attack, trapfinding, and the following skill point assignments:
Acrobatics, Disable Device(2), Knowledge(Local), Perception, Stealth, Survival, and UMD.
Only other big change is a +2 bump to my Reflex save.
Male Gnome Wizard (Fire) 3 (HP 19/24 AC 13, T 13, FF 11/ F +3, R +3, W +3/ Init. +2/ Per. +2)
I do sometimes wish that Pathfinder had tightened up the whole Profession, Craft, Knowledge mechanic a bit (not to mention Spellcraft which, to me, seems just like another Knowledge skill).
Yeah - as is it's certainly much more manageable than 3.x, but I would have really liked them to tie together some of the professions and performances with skills in much the same way that the bard's versatile performance works. And yeah, Spellcraft probably could be merged with Knowledge(arcana).
I haven't had a chance to look through level gains, but everything seems fine.
I plan to have the Harrower arrive in my next story post (later today). Anybody who is interested can have a reading done, but it takes me a while to actually do the work. If anybody knows the question they want to ask, feel free to post it here to give me a headstart on the reading.
Male Human Alchemist 4 (HP 28/28 - AC15, T13, FF12 - F+5 R+6 W+2 - Init+2 - Perc+8) (Effects: +2 save vs Poison)
I'm updated to level 2. Here's the highlights:
New HP total: 16
BAB: +1 (also modifies CMB/D)
New Fort Save: +3
New Ref Save: +3
Skills added to: 1 rank each in Craft (Alchemy), Disable Device, Heal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nature), Perception and Spellcraft.
New Skills: Knowledge (Religion)
New Discovery: Infuse Mutagen
New Ability: Poison Use
New Extract in Spellbook: Detect Undead (Level 1)
Can use 1 additional Extract per day.
Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4
I'd like to know how to lay to rest the spirits, and where the Whispering Way is hiding in Ravengro.
I am apparently not getting updates about new posts from the boards, but I have reset the feeds, so hopefully that does the trick.
I will get the Harrows done as quickly as possible, but if you have a question, please just ask, don't wait for me to answer one before asking another. I'll retcon as needed in her replies.
Karl, I'm going to interpret your question as "Would finding the Whispering Way in Ravengro aid us in laying the Harrowstone ghosts to rest?"
Is that acceptable?
Half-elf Ranger (Guide) 4 / Rogue 2 HP: (37/37) 49/49 / Init +4; Perception +16; AC 18/13/16; F+(3) 5, R+9, W+5; CMD: 21; Conditions: Mummy Rot - Con Damage: 4, Cha Damage: 4
Male Gnome Wizard (Fire) 3 (HP 19/24 AC 13, T 13, FF 11/ F +3, R +3, W +3/ Init. +2/ Per. +2)
"I'm opposed by the dead who walk and evil ones who have knowledge and arcane power that stretch back through the millenia; what is my best course of action to fight this threat?"
Arthur and Karl are finished and posted, I'll work on the others and have them up early tomorrow.
Male Human Alchemist 4 (HP 28/28 - AC15, T13, FF12 - F+5 R+6 W+2 - Init+2 - Perc+8) (Effects: +2 save vs Poison)
"I had never put much stock into the old Pharasman teachings, but due to recent events, I am forced to re-evaluate old superstitions, including those surrounding prophecy. As such, I am curious - what does the future hold for my companions and I?"
Roland, I'm going to have yours tomorrow. Tried to have it today, but weird day and I didn't get to it in time. Sorry about the delay.
Male Human Alchemist 4 (HP 28/28 - AC15, T13, FF12 - F+5 R+6 W+2 - Init+2 - Perc+8) (Effects: +2 save vs Poison)
No problem. Due to further post-funeral business I was accidentally away all day yesterday, anyway.

All of the Harrows are finished, sorry they took so long. I just don't know a way to do them like I want to but only take five minutes each. Anyway, I hope people thought they were worth a couple of days. Also, I appreciate you guys letting me add something like to the game, even though they were time-consuming, I enjoyed the opportunity to try something outside the typical AP structure.
A few comments about the Harrow readings...
- All of the cards were totally random, I didn't "stack" any of the readings. I did create the reading details, but I always used the actual meaning of the cards.
- All of the readings are accurate, and have specific meanings. Some of them may not make sense right now, but they will at some point. Hopefully people can figure out some of the revelations, but I expect some to mean next to nothing at present.
- During some events or encounters, certain characters are going to receive some kind of bonus related to these Harrow readings. I'll go more into detail once characters begin receiving them.
I want to give everyone an update about where we are and what's going to be happening the next few weeks. We have nearly completed the first part of the adventure, and we'll be moving into exploration of Harrowstone soon. Barring some strange detours, I anticipate we'll be heading to the prison next week.
What I plan to do is prepare a map of Harrowstone with all of the rooms and hallways obscured. As the characters move into a room, I will uncover that space.
I will also provide specific encounter maps as needed. I am probably still going to use Google docs, but there are a couple of other options I may try. I'll keep everyone posted.
Finally, I'm going to post all of the Harrow readings to the Obsidian Portal site for easy reference. I'm also going to start a master treasure list detailing everything you find.
That's about all for now. I'm really excited about Harrowstone, should be a fun time.
Male Gnome Wizard (Fire) 3 (HP 19/24 AC 13, T 13, FF 11/ F +3, R +3, W +3/ Init. +2/ Per. +2)
Just so you know, I'm attending GenCon this year and will be leaving to spend the night with frieds on Tuesday before heading to Indy on Wednesday. I have an iPhone so I'll still be able to post but my schedule could be a little wacky.