Theorythmus |
@GM, I just noticed that I never put up Secundus' Paragon/Renegade points. Seeing as he is a very balanced person in my view, I'm going for 50/50 split. So Paragon 10 & Renegade 10.
Rest of the information can be found further up thread or under the alias I'm posting with. (I use it to store character concepts for different recruitment topics, to not clog up my account with unused profiles :))
@Viluki, as I had said before, here is the full character review (on your new character)
No problems here as far as I can see.
- I think your total HP should be 9 instead of 10. 6-1 at lvl 1 and 5-2 from what you rolled.
- How do you get to a +8 Will? I only get to a +6, namely +3 from your lvl's in sentinel and +3 from Wisdom, might be missing something though?
Powers & points:
- Tech & Biotic points seem in order.
- Total number of powers are wrong though. A sentinel has the following power break down :
Lvl 1 --> 2 tech & 2 biotic specializations
Lvl 2 --> 1 tech OR 1 biotics specialization
Lvl 3 --> 2 tech & 1 biotic OR 2 biotic and 1 tech specialization.
So possible totals are : 5 Biotic & 3 tech, 5 tech & 3 biotic or 4 tech & 4 biotic.
Important to note is that you need to look at the requirements for the powers at the lvl you take them. For example at lvl 1 you can't have Tech armor rank 2 due to it requiring Electronics 5 which is impossible at lvl 1.
- Tech armor rank 5 requires 11 ranks in Electronics (not 11 in total modifier, actual ranks put in them) Seeing as we are lvl 3, max ranks = 6 and in the case of Tech armor that means max rank for that power is 2.
- Same problem with Throw, starting requirement is 3 ranks in Biotics, so throw 3 would require 7 ranks in Biotics.
- You haven't used up all of your skillpoints. You normally have 42 & have taken open minded for an extra 5. I count only a total of 46 skillpoints spent.
- Don't forget that you technically also have an untrained diplomacy of +6 (+2 from being asari & +4 from high charisma). Might be important to put that information somewhere :)
- You should check the Table on page 79 for skill synergies, as you qualify for 2 of them, namely a +2 on medicine from 5 ranks in knowledge(biology) & +2 to electronics from 5 ranks in knowledge(technology)
- I think you misread the way variants on armor/weapons work.
In order to buy a specific variant, the character must
already possess the previous variant. Example: in
order to buy the Variant IV of an M-3 Predator pistol,
the character must have bought the pistol as well as
that pistol’s variant II and III.
The cost of a variant is always equal to the previous
variant cost +15% of that cost. Variant II costs always
the normal weapon’s cost + 15% that cost. Round
So for example, total cost for your M-3 Predator variant VI pistol would be : [note when rounding, always round down unless otherwise stated in the text]
280+322+370+425+488+561 = 2446 creditsI don't mind reviewing it again once you made the necessary changes.
Viluki |
Senses: Listen +3, Spot +3
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft
Defense: 11 (+1 Dex), touch 11, flat-footed 10
Shield HP: 18 Shield HP DR: 2
HP: 9 (3d6-3) HP DR: 1
Resistances: +25% chance of negating critical hits
and sneak attacks (from Scorpion Light Armor)
Fortitude: +4 (only +0 vs. environmental effects)
Reflex: +6 (only +2 vs. environmental effects)
Will: +6
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+1
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Weapon: M-3 Predator (SA 2, R -2, ammo 15, 30 ft)
One-Shot: +1
Double-Tap: -1
Auto-Fire 1st action: +0
Auto-Fire 2nd action: -2
Full-Auto Fire 1st action: +0
Full-Auto Fire 2nd action: -2
Full-Auto Fire 3rd action: n/a
Critical: ×2
Damage: 1d6+2 versus shields and synthetics
Biotic Points: 13 (2 in maintenance)/ Tech points 10
Tech Powers
Disruptor Ammo (rank 3)
Biotic Powers
Barrier (rank 3)
Throw (rank 1)
Pull (rank 1)
Str: 10 (12-2) Dex: 12 (10+2) Con: 9 (11-2) Int: 16 Wis: 16 (13+3) Cha: 18 (16+2)
Feats: Ardat-Yakshi, Jack of All Trades, Open Minded
Skills: Biotics 9+, Knowledge (Biology) 9+, First Aid 11+, Electronics 13+, Knowledge (technology) 9+, Medicine 11+, Knowledge (Physics) 9+, Intimidate 8+, Repair 4+
Morality: Paragon +0, Renegade +20
Ability Points: 12
Melding: DC 25 or die
Scorpion Armor IV (5740), M-3 Predator I (280), Language Translator Software (20), Omni-Tool (2+ Electronics, 2+ First Aid, 1650), Medi-Gel kit 5 (250), First Aid Dispenser (20), thermal clips 12 (12) and 110 credits. Weight 29 lb
stats have been revised
In light of figuring out the biotic/tech powers thing I'll focus this character on getting full barrier and biotic dome, followed by the slam and reave powers. On the tech side I'm maxing out Disruptor Ammo with an eye towards the squad bonus, and may go for adding Warp Ammo eventually as well.
Theorythmus |
Looks good. I only have some very minor details :
- If I add up everything you bought, you only have 108 credits left instead of 110.
- I'm not certain how you calculated the 5% weight reduction/shield boost from the variants of your armor? In the game I played we hadn't bought variants yet, so never needed to do the calculations. I would find it very strange that they would use the standard "always round down" rule here, as then you would have an armor weighing 21 lbs and only having 15 shield HP (due to the fact that 5% of 15 is 0.75 so would round the total back to 15, which I think is quite silly)
- All your equipment except the armor comes out at 7 lbs and in all the calculations I made I never got to 22 lbs for the armor, so your total might be off by 1 lb up or down, not certain there.
Now I also have one suggestion. I don't know how fast we'll be leveling or anything, but it might be handy to at least have 1 rank in an actual tech power, so you can alternate between tech powers, biotic powers & shooting your gun, as tech & biotic powers are on separate cooldown. And then you have some use out of those 10 points already. Just my 2 cents :)
Viluki |
yeah, although I'm wondering what exactly is our player tally? As if we our lacking a frontliner it might be wise to convert my character into the frontliner. It can be done either by turning her into a vanguard or rebuilding her as a sentinel who really doesn't care about cooldowns (e.g Tech Armor+Annihilation Field+Biotic Enhancement).
On the armor I am confused, really confused. They need a method that is a little saner concerning armor and weapon variants, hopefully this playtest will help iron out the system.
Theorythmus |
About the armor, I'm confused about it myself. I asked on the forum of the creator's site to give me an example how he thinks it should work. Specifically asking for the Scorpion Light Armor. Will let you know if I hear something back.
As far as I know we have the following (mostly) completed characters :
- Secundus, Turian Soldier, who is basically designed for front-line duty with 32 HP, DR 2 on his armor & 40 Shield Hp. Obviously not as up close and personal as a vanguard or something like that, but he'll be normally making certain people notice him ;).
- Alestia Calis Asari Scientist, by Sacraz
- unnamed Salarian Scientist, by Saltykid
- unnamed Drell Assassin, by MDT
- currently unnamed Krogan Battlemaster, by Eleazar Wheelock
and then we have your Asari Sentinel
There were also other people planning on making various characters, but we haven't heard from most of them anymore. It's up to you really what do you want to play :)
Theorythmus |
Got some explanation on the armor issue. Apparently it works like this for the shields & weight for your scorpion :
Variant I : 1150 credits | 27 lbs | 15 shield HP
Variant II : 1322 credits | 25,65 lbs (-5% weight compared to variant I, no rounding) | 15 shield HP (+5% shield HP compared to variant I, rounded normally)
Variant III : 1520 credits | 24,3 lbs (-10% weight compared to variant I, no rounding) | 16 shield HP (+10% shield HP compared to variant I, rounded normally)
Variant IV : 1748 credits | 22,95 lbs (-15% weight compared to variant I, no rounding) | 17 shield HP (+15% shield HP compared to variant I, rounded normally)
So apparently, I was wrong in thinking one needs to add/remove 5% compared to previous variant. Was thinking this due to the fact that it is the case with the cost of the variant.
(As has been stated before, the cost per variant need to be added up as you need to own the previous variant before you can go to the next. I know you did that already, just put it here again for clarity)
Theorythmus |
Sorry for the triple post, but got some more info back from the creator.
Apparently, rounding works as follows :
- when it references round normally, it references the mathematical rounding (.5 and more is rounded up, otherwise round down)
- when it references round up or down, it's just that round up or down.
- when it references nothing (like with most power save dc's where a part of the DC is determined by # of ranks in skill / 2, you use the version that is referenced in the manual, which is round down.
This would mean that you have to pay 3 more credits it seems, hope this helps :
Variant I : 1150 credits | 27 lbs | 15 shield HP
Variant II : 1323 credits (Variant I + 15%, rounded normally) | 25,65 lbs (-5% weight compared to variant I, no rounding) | 16 shield HP (+5% shield HP compared to variant I, rounded normally)
Variant III : 1521 credits (Variant II + 15%, rounded normally) | 24,3 lbs (-10% weight compared to variant I, no rounding) | 17 shield HP (+10% shield HP compared to variant I, rounded normally)
Variant IV : 1749 credits (Variant III + 15%, rounded normally) | 22,95 lbs (-15% weight compared to variant I, no rounding) | 17 shield HP (+15% shield HP compared to variant I, rounded normally)
Sorry for any confusion I may have caused :)
Naele Almaton |
Here is a a rough draft of my submission for a krogan battle master.
STR 16, DEX 11, CON 16, INT 9, WIS 14, CHR 13
Feats: Greater Bashing, Improved Plating, Improved Regeneration.
Krogan Racial Traits
Physical characteristics: a krogan gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +2 bonus to Constitution, a -4 penalty to Wisdom and a -2 penalty to Dexterity and Charisma.
Medium: As Medium creatures, krogan have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Krogan speed is 30 feet
Amplified Vision: The krogan eye set ensures they cannot be flanked. It also provides them with a +2 bonus to Spot checks.
Scales: A krogan’s natural scales provide them with a natural Plating equal to 1/2 krogan level + Constitution score.
Warrior Personality: Krogan’s are natural warriors, not diplomats. As such they prefer intimidating tactics and violence to solving problems with diplomacy. They gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate and a -4 penalty to Diplomacy.
Enhanced Regeneration: A krogan has a regeneration rate equal to his Constitution modifier. This regeneration also allows them to regenerate organs in a rate of 1 organ per day and regenerate limbs and broken bones in a quarter of the normal time.
Redundant Systems: A krogan’s secondary and tertiary set of organs ensures that all krogans have a 50% chance of negating critical hits and sneak attacks. However, once hit by a critical, krogans immediately switch to secondary or tertiary organs, a mechanism that takes its toll on higher thought processes. When victim of a critical hit against their normal HP, krogans take a penalty of -2 Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma and must make a Will save DC 15 or enter in a rage called “Blood Haze” where the krogan sees everyone as hostile. During that rage, the krogan gains +2 bonus to Str and Constitution. This lasts for 1 hour. Cumulative critical hits do not result in a cumulative penalty.
Krogan Charge: A krogan deals extra 1d8+1 per character level points of damage when he makes a melee attack with a charge • Naturally Adapted: Krogan are highly adapted to any sort of environment and so they gain a +5 bonus on all saves against temperature effects, radiation and poisons.
XP Required: Krogan characters require 15% more XP to level up than other races.
Skills Biotics 7 ranks, Spot 7 ranks, Listen 6 ranks, Electronics 3 ranks, Knowledge physics 2 ranks
Combat Specializations: Incendiary ammo rank 1, Fortification rank 2, Lift grenade Rank 1.
Biotic specializations: Pull rank 1, Biotic charge rank 2.
Equipment: Unity Amp 2 (biotic points +2) 285+1250, Mercenary Medium Armor(1620), 15 thermal clips (15) grenade x 3 (240)
Weapons: M-96 Mattock (1265). Krogan Battle Hammer (2750),
Feth |
I was going to sleep. But. I got caught up looking through the manual. And I'm legally required to roll an elcor living tank. So here are my stat rolls.
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 4) = 16-2= 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 4, 1) = 15-1 =14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 4) = 12-1 =11
4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 6, 1) = 14-1 =13
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 6) = 19-3 =16
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 6, 1) = 13-1 =12
Reroll: Perception: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3, 3) = 9-1=nope
Very workable!
Feth |
Darn you Mass Effect. Why do I love you so? Rough Draft of my character behind the cut, please feel free to critique. Seeing as I meant to be in bed hours ago I'm sure something's off. I'll do her backstory tomorrow!
Halar Zedan
Female, Large
Height: 8'6
Weight: 719 pounds
Age: 33 years
Strength: 18 (14+4 Racial) =+4 Mod
Dexterity: 8 (12-4 Racial) =-1 Mod
Constitution:18 (14+4 Racial) =+4 mod
Intelligence: 16 = +3 mod
Wisdom: 13= +1 Mod
Charisma:9 (11-2 Racial)= -1 Mod
Speed: 15, Initiative: -5
BAB +2
N7 Valkyrie- 1d8
M-96 Mattock- 1d8
AC: 16 (10 + 2 armor, + 5 (Elcor Plating), -1 (Dex)
Fort +10 (+3 base +4Con, +3 Fibers) , Ref+3 (1 base, -1 Dex, +3 fibers), Will +2 (1 +1 Wisdom)
Shield Bonus: The Elcor Living Tank gains a bonus Shield HP equal to his level.
High Gravity They do not suffer the penalties due to gravity forces that range from 0,5 G
to 4,5 G.
Tough Hide: Plating equal to 1/2 Elcor level + Constitution score.
Slow Reactions: -5 penalty to Initiative tests. In addition, Elcor may not make attacks of opportunity
Body Language: +4 Charisma w/other Elcor
Weapon Mounting: +%50 weapon price + triple weight, -2 recoil penalty, can move while firing w/no penalties, Elcor use Int instead of Dex for shooting attacks.
Armor: Armor costs +%50 for Elcor
Mercenary Medium Armor: Arms – Carries 2 extra Thermal Clips, 50 pounds, 2700 credits
Customizable C; A.
N7 Valkyrie X1= 2620
M-96 Mattock X1 =2530
Omni Tool: System's Scan- 600 credits
At level one- 20
Per level- 5
Total- 30
Climb= 3 ranks+ 4str= 7
Electronics= 2 ranks+ 4= 5
Heavy Weapons= 3 ranks+ 4(int)= 7
Jump= 3 ranks + 4str= 7
Knowledge (current events)= 2ranks + 4(int)=5
Knowledge (tactics)= 3 ranks + 4(int)=7
Knowledge (technology)= 2 ranks+ 4(int)= 5
Listen= 3 ranks +1wis= 4
Repair= 3 ranks + 4int= 7
Search= 3ranks +4int= 7
Spot= 3 ranks+ 1= 4
Combat Specs
Concussive Shot (Rank 2)
Disruptor Ammo
Alestia Calis |
Ok, everything is updated, sorry it took me so long, I've been busy of late. Theorythmus if you have the time can you look over my character again, I think everything is fixed, although I left the strength as 6, not sure if that should be 7, Input from the GM would be most welcome on whether I can choose either score or have to choose the newer one.
I just got back from a Canada trip and I'm moving in for my first year in college. Aug 21st is the move in date, so I'll be packing and getting ready to make the transition, but still be able to check for updates and new characters.
I'm still also making an adventure in the style of the AP's, which is eating up a lot of time as I research the lore and come up with canon-accurate situations for y'all to enjoy. But I'm almost done on that end, so...yeah.
If someone could get me a list of all the players that have submitted characters that are either complete or incomplete, I'd really appreciate that enough to guarantee that person a slot in the campaign. Who knew that the week before college is just as hard as school itself?
Thanks for sticking with me,
mdt |
Theorythmus - Turian Soldier - Secundus (Background)
MDT - Drell Assassin - <Name to be determined>
Viluki - Asari Huntress - Mallene
Geriatric -
Stiehl9s -
Doomguide -
Dakcenturi -
Eleazar Wheelock - Krogan Battlemaster - Dentor Krarak
Saltykid - Salarian Scientist - <Name to be determined>
Sacraz - Asari Scientist - Alestia Calis
Undead Forum Slave -
DFang -
Feth - Elcor Living Tank - Halar Zedan
RainbowMagicMarker -
mdt |
Theorythmus - Turian Soldier - Secundus (Background)
MDT - Drell Assassin - <Name to be determined>
Viluki - Asari Huntress - Mallene Lidanya
Geriatric -
Stiehl9s -
Doomguide -
Dakcenturi -
Eleazar Wheelock - Krogan Battlemaster - Dentor Krarak
Saltykid - Salarian Scientist - <Name to be determined>
Sacraz - Asari Scientist - Alestia Calis
Undead Forum Slave -
DFang -
Feth - Elcor Living Tank - Halar Zedan
RainbowMagicMarker -
EDIT : Names Updated
mdt |
Theorythmus - Turian Soldier - Secundus (Background)
MDT - Drell Assassin - <Name to be determined>
Viluki - Asari Huntress - Mallene Lidanya
Geriatric -
Stiehl9s -
Doomguide -
Dakcenturi -
Eleazar Wheelock - Krogan Battlemaster - Dentor Krarak
Saltykid - Salarian Scientist - <Name to be determined>
Sacraz - Asari Scientist - Alestia Calis
Undead Forum Slave -
DFang -
Feth - Elcor Living Tank - Halar Zedan
RainbowMagicMarker -
EDIT : Links Updated
Theorythmus |
It took me a while, but I had some time today, so here are the character sheet overviews I still promised :
This is important for you, as you have plating HP.
"Natural Healing: With a full night’s rest (8 hours of sleep or more), you recover 1 HP per HD. You also recover a number of Plating HP equal to your Constitution modifier or your HD (which ever is lower, but with a minimum of 1 Plating HP). Any significant interruption (such as combat or the like) during your rest prevents you from healing that night.
If you undergo complete bed rest for an entire day and night, you recover twice the amount indicated above."
I think you got a slight mix-up in your stats.
Racial modifiers for a Krogan are : +4 str, -2 dex, +2 con, -4 wis, -2 cha
Your rolls were : 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17
Here's my attempt at rebuilding your stats.
I think your Dexterity is off by 2 points, unless I'm missing something.
16 (12+4)
9 (11-2)
16 (14+2)
9 (9+0)
14 (17-4+1)
13 (15-2)
Greater Bashing requires BAB +3 & Str 16+ since the most recent errata.
So at lvl 3 the only ones who can have it are soldiers.
At lvl 3, max ranks in a skill is 6 not 7. (It's 3 + character level)
Seeing as you have an Intelligence of 9, you only have a total of 18 skillpoints.
It's not because it's a negative modifier that it does not count.
Another important problem is that Knowledge(Physics) and Electronics aren't class skills.
Getting 1 rank in them means you need to put 2 skillpoints in them.
Totalling what I see on your character sheet now, you have spent 30 skillpoints.
Powers :
The requirements for your powers go up every rank you take in them. BAB requirements go up by 1 (unless otherwise specified) and skill requirements go up by 2 per rank. So for Fortification rank 2 you need Electronics 5 ranks.
It's also important to note at which level you get which power. Pull you can only get at lvl 3, as you require Biotics 6 ranks, which will also clash with you Biotic Charge rank 2, as it also requires Biotics on rank 6.
Equipment :
I've added your equipment together and noticed that you still have 655 credits left and that you are currently carrying 71 lbs. Light Load for a 16 strength character is 76 lbs.
So no real problems there, just thought you might be interested in buying some of the items below :
Basic omni-tool 50 credits | 0.5 lbs [Seeing as (almost) everyone has it in mass-effect, even the non-tech inclined]
language translator software 20 credits [Otherwise you can't understand anyone but Krogans]
First Aid Dispenser 20 credits | 1 lbs
medi-gel kit 50 credits | 0.5 lbs
As you already said, you did this while normally having to go to sleep already, so it's normal that you missed a few things.
At level 3 you can increase 1 stat by 1. For the rest it looks in order, but due to notes below you might want to change around a few things.
Defense :
First thing you missed is that neither armor, nor plating give you an actual defense bonus in this game.
Elcor plating gives you an extra amount of HP that slowly regenerates during sleep similarly to normal HP.
"Natural Healing: With a full night’s rest (8 hours of sleep or more), you recover 1 HP per HD. You also recover a number of Plating HP equal to your Constitution modifier or your HD (which ever is lower, but with a minimum of 1 Plating HP). Any significant interruption (such as combat or the like) during your rest prevents you from healing that night.
If you undergo complete bed rest for an entire day and night, you recover twice the amount indicated above."
The medium mercenary armor you have gives you DR 2, which gives you Damage Resistance on attacks vs your plating HP and your regular HP. So every melee attack or shot on either will have the damage reduced by 2.
This means that you will be quite easy to hit, with a dex of 8 and being a large creature. So your basic defense starts at 8. The advantage that you have as an elcor is that you can move while firing. Per 15 ft that you move in a round you get a +1 bonus to your defense. The other option is hiding behind cover, but seeing as you are large, this again will be difficult. Maybe want to think about switching strength & dex around for at least a base 10 in dex?
Another point is that Fibers only add to your Fortitude and Reflex when the saves are made due to powers. Environmental effects don't count. So it's not constantly going to be a +10 Fort save & +3 Reflex save.
Powers :
When you increase the rank of a power, the requirements increase as well. BAB requirements go up by 1, unless stated by the power. Skill requirements go up by 2. This means that for Concussive Shot 2 you need 3 ranks in Electronics.
Skills :
Electronics, Knowledge(current Events) & Knowledge(Technology) are cross-class skills for the Elcor Living Tank and therefor require 2 points per rank. Due to this you used 36 of your available 30 skillpoints.
Feats :
You seem to have only taken 1 feat. At lvl 3 every character (unless the race says otherwise) has 3 feats at lvl 3. 2 from lvl 1 and 1 from lvl 3.
Equipment :
About the Elcor Weapon mounting :
Weapon Mounting: Due to their quadrupled nature, Elcor
cannot hold weapons like other species. Instead, they mount
weapons on their backs. Although it can be difficult to adapt
some weapons, it allows them to fire far heavier weapons with
far greater stability. The price of weapons is increased by 50% for
an Elcor and the weapon’s weight is tripled, to account for the
necessary equipment to make aiming and reloading possible for
the Elcor. However, Elcor reduce the total recoil penalty by 2.
Elcor can also move while firing, without taking any penalties, so
every time they make one attack action, they can also take one
action to move (so an Elcor can effectively use two actions, or even
a full-round action, performing any type of attack, and at the same
time move two actions as well).
Finally, Elcor use Intelligence rather than Dexterity for their shooting
attacks, as they use targeting algorithms rather than manual aiming.
For all other purposes, such as Two-Weapon Wielding or the time
it takes to swap a weapon for another, consider the elcor is instead
wielding the weapons (so he could only have two pistols mounted, or
a single weapon that requires two hands to use).
The bolded part means, that you can't have 2 assault rifles on the basic mounting. Only 1 2-handed weapon or 2 1-handed weapons.
If you want to wield 2 2-handed weapons at the same time, you need the Elcor Multi-Weapon Mount, which costs 7500 credits and weighs 20 lbs. To wield 1 2-handed & 1 1-handed weapon at the same time you need the Elcor Advanced Weapon Mount, which costs 1000 credits and weighs 10 lbs. They are both found in the Other Equipment Section.
The amount of credits you spent is incorrect. 50% more does not mean double.
Here are the new totals for both cost & weight :
Mercenary Medium Armor 2025 credits | 100 lbs
N7 Valkyrie 1965 credits | 27 lbs
M-96 Mattock 1898 credits | 27 lbs
Basic omni-tool 50 credits | 0.5 lbs
System's Scan 600 credits
6538 of 8080 credits spent
carrying 154 lbs of 300 lbs [light load limit] (if you would have 16 strength that would be 228 lbs)
[i]Suggestions for things you might want to buy : [/b]
language translator software 20 credits [Otherwise you can't understand anyone but Elcor]
First Aid Dispenser 20 credits | 1 lbs
medi-gel kit 50 credits | 0.5 lbs
Elcor Advanced Weapon Mount 1000 credits | 10 lbs
A pistol instead of one of your assault rifles?
Seem to be in order.
I think your reflex save is incorrect. You get a +1 from class, +1 from DEX & +4 from fibers, which would be a +6, not +7.
Powers & points:
- Seem to be in order.
If I'm reading your skill breakdown right, you now have used 40 of your 42 available skillpoints. (Am I reading it right that the first number behind the skill is the number of ranks?)
I've run over your item list and if I'm not mistaken this should be everything :
phoenix armor 2510 credits | 15 lbs
Pol-3 amp 1810 credits | 20 functions
+1 DC to all Biotic powers 1500 credits | 5 functions
+1 Damage per dice for biotic powers 2000 | 7 functions
datapad 75 credits | 1 lb
Basic omni-tool 50 credits | 0.5 lbs
language translator software 20 credits
First Aid Dispenser 20 credits | 1 lbs
medi-gel kit 50 credits | 0.5 lbs x 2
1 minor problem, the total comes in at 8085 credits (without the extra 35 that you say you have left.) You can take away 1 medi-gel or take away the datapad, as I suppose most of the other things you want to keep right now.
Hope this helps :)
Halar Zedan |
<with great sincerity> Thank you!. Some of that was stuff I should have caught myself but oh well. She's updated. :)
In thinking about it I reassigned some of Halar's stats. With the way damage reduction works you were totally right about boosting her dex. Her main need for STR is carrying capacity + weapon usage and I think she can get by just fine with 16. I got her dex up to 11 with that stat point I missed. I'm shooting for at least 12 because giving her a dex bonus is good for fun and profit.
Bless you for doing the credits math, I fail at that. I've swapped her equipment, she's going shotgun/pistol.
Question for the GM/whoever knows the answer: Are we using the trait system? If so I'll get her some traits. I'm going to whip up her background tomorrow.
I just finished moving into my college dorm and I've taken a few days to adjust myself. Classes haven't started yet, but I'm still making the transition. At any rate, I'm still monitoring, albeit sporadically, but I promise to still keep this recruitment open.
And one last thing: the deadline to submit characters will be set for Wednesday, the 27th.
@Halar Zedan: Yes, we will be using traits.
Until next time,
And brought back from the dead. College sucks. It ain't what the movies make it out to be. All my free time has been sucked away, so in the lull between projects and assignments that are being shoved down my throat, I'll take some time out of my breakfast to post here.
But I finally have my list of players, so here it is.
Theorythmus - Turian Soldier - Secundus (Background)
MDT - Drell Assassin - <Name to be determined>
Viluki - Asari Huntress - Mallene Lidanya
Feth - Elcor Living Tank - Halar Zedan
Eleazar Wheelock - Krogan Battlemaster - Dentor Krarak
Sacraz - Asari Scientist - Alestia Calis
Please RSPV by replying to this post. Deadline to RSPV is on Sunday, after which I will start drawing from the list again.
Gobo Horde |
Aaand I was going to say "Sweet! A new rules system to learn and a chance to play in the Mass effect universe. I wonder if I can play a Krogan? I wonder if this is still recruiting?
Goes and checks...Dangit!
Well I wonder if it would still be alright if I created a character? Because fun. And if someone doesn't respond, a slim chance of getting picked?
Alright. I will open up the discussion tab, and send PMs to the other players. Gimme a second to type up the scene, and I'll post up here when the board is ready for opening. Think of the discussion tab (for now) as the calm before the storm, so talk and get to know each other. Gameplay Tab will immediately throw you into the chaos.
With that, I now head off to create the discussion tab!