DM Thron |

Check in here if you are in Group 2!
• Erimriel - Chaotic Good female aasimar Brawler
• Andrezi - Neutral Good male Human Witch
• Aleksandr 'Sasha' Volkov – Neutral Male Half-Elf Summoner
• Serafina Trimble - Lawful Evil female human Sorcerer
• Rahaal – Lawful Neutral Female Aasimar Cleric (Evangelist)

Serafina Trimble |

Checking in!

Rahaal |

Present and reporting for duty!

Serafina Trimble |

My forum avatar will work for me.

DM Thron |

Some more updates regarding how things will work in the game:
1) Player death/Player disappearance: If a player either leaves the game, goes a long time with no posted reasoning, or a character dies, I am not going to replace them. This may seem a tad harsh, but it is what it is. This is going to be a very grim, very real feeling setting. Granted, once the magics of resurrection become available, player death will not be a serious issue. Also, if the party wishes to pool funds to have such magic performed, that is another option. However, having been in and seen several PbP games in the past fall due to player inactivity, I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of this up front.
What will I do if the party gets too small? Well, that particular party would fail, from an RP perspective. They would have 2 options at that point:
A) Seek asylum with the neighboring group/kingdom (depending on whatever phase they are at).
B) Return as a whole to Restov, and then begin searching for replacements. Which, in turn, WOULD result in my opening up a recruitment thread again and finding replacements. However, this would STILL result in some sort of negative impact on the players cities/kingdom, due to a lack of faith in their rulers.
2) Combat: Initiatives will be handled in blocks. As in, I will roll for the player's individual initiatives, as well as clusters of enemies. I would then list them out based on averages, and then play out initiatives then.
Example: Party rolls an average initiative of 17. A group of goblins roll initiatives of 14. Their bugbear leader rolls an 18. And their trained goblin dogs roll an average of 19.
The combat would run as follows:
Goblin Dogs
3) Maps: As I said before, I will host the maps on the game's Roll20 site. During every-day posting, the map will be placed in a default position of the main area map that you can all see now. During combats, I will transition it to a regular grid combat map for the duration of that scene.
4) Exploration: A large part of this campaign involves exploration. I suggest you do the following...nominate someone to handle the path your party takes as you explore the area. This does not mean that person is the leader of the group (though they could be). It just means, for simplicity's sake, that they are the one guiding the group through the wilds and making those decisions, to prevent us on waiting for a consensus before moving on to each and every hex. That way, if there are several hexes with nothing of note, I can breeze through them without having to wait days on end just for an update that says:
"You guys search the area, and only manage to find more scrub grass and plains as far as the eye can see."
Instead, I could say, "You spend three days searching the area. Most of the time, it is a peaceful journey through rolling plains. It wasn't until the third day, that a large shadow flew overhead..."

Andrezi the Wanderer |

As the only one in the group with ranks in Survival, I hereby nominate my goat and I as the team's guide. I have a +10 Survival skill (+12 To avoid getting lost thanks to my compass) while my goat has a +4 when looking for food.
I'll be posting my gameplay post as soon as I get home from college, its a rather short day today, and I have the feeling our teacher will 'call in sick' again like last monday. Just a feelin' :P

Serafina Trimble |

Serafina will grudgingly offer her horse to anybody who appears to be slowing things down. In essence, if it will get the party's base speed to 30 ft, she will do it. Otherwise no.

Rahaal |

Here's a bigger pic of Rahaal.

Rahaal |

BTW, anyone round to chat / discuss strategy on roll20?

Rahaal |

Yeah Jelani! Great to see you're joining the fun...and probably a Good Thing that we'll have another martial member of the party.

Serafina Trimble |

Aw man, another established group member! :p
I guess I'll just go closer to the fire, since I can't see the world map! ;)

Erimriel |

I think West and South are our purview as explorers. East is back across the river and towards Restov (away from the Slough) and North is back into Brevoy (away from the Slough). My vote would be to follow the river a ways South, since it provides a very simple and effective natural boundary.

Serafina Trimble |

Seems like a sound plan.

Andrezi the Wanderer |

Hey guys apologies for the lack of posting, this week's labs have been kicking my ass and I've been a bit too pooped to post. Tomorrow is an easy day, however, so I'll have a post up then.
Just trying to get used to standing around working on vehicles for a few hours at a time. Need new shoes.. mine are worn out to s&%+. Feet hurt, tired.. bleurgh.

DM Thron |

Was going to post an update to the game, but until you guys give me a line of questioning to go on (or kill the guy), it would basically just say, "He wakes up."
So, I'm going to assume you search the house and the fallen bandits, here is what you find:
5x leather armor
5x longbow
100 arrows
5x short sword
10 days of trail rations
325 gp (most of which is in the chest)
2x potion of cure light wounds
2x chainmail
heavy wooden shield
Silver amulet of a Stag's Skull worth 50gp
Large Chest
Average Lock (key available)

Serafina Trimble |

I'll be happy to put the loot in Open Office and have it on Google Drive as an editable document when I get home this evening.

Rahaal |

Serafina, awesome, thanks!
Re questioning: Lets assume Erimriel gets him tied up before he wakes. Who wants to question him? Rahaal could but she's more of a diplomat than an intimidator at the moment, and would probably wait to let someone else take the lead on this if someone steps up.

Serafina Trimble |

Serafina has a +7 Intimidate...was just holding off so I don't hog all the spotlight. I'll be happy to question him.

Rahaal |

Go for it!...especially since you have experience with bandits as well. Makes a ton of sense in game.

gyrfalcon |

Go for it. I'm happy to do loot like we do in Thron's Rise of the Runelords and Crusty's Iron Gods games:
- keep track of resale value of loot
- divide that evenly amongst party
- folks can keep found items for resale value
- or if no one wants it, it gets liquidated at some point
Serafina, if you're going to track for us you should feel free to do it however works for you. If you want a template to copy (or just inspiration) here are two versions:
- Made by me, and a bit simpler
- Made by Crusty, with more info and cool colors

Serafina Trimble |

Alrighty, preliminary loot sheet up, I believe.

Aleksandr 'Sasha' Volkov |

Mind if I take the spear for now, it's the only thing I'm proficient in on the list. Once we find (or I can buy) a crossbow it's all yours.