Threeshades's Tyranny of Dragons

Game Master Threeshades


Map of Greenest

Current Characters


Forgot to switch to the right alias again.
(3,420 posts)
Evendur "Grim" Greymantle

AC18(20) |HP 38/[40]| Str+3 Int+1 Wis+6 Dex+0 Con+2 Cha+2|Init + 0|Percept +6|Insight +6|Invest +4| War Priest Attacks 0/[3] Inspiration [Y] Channel Divinity 1/[1] HD 2/[5] Male Human Doomguide Acolyte of Kelemvor Cleric (War)/5

played by Helaman (759 posts)
GM Threeshades

played by Threeshades (220 posts)
Jhofre Vascari
Hutch Calrin

Male Human Paladin 2| AC 16 |HP 13/21 |PassPerc 13 |Saves Str +2 Dex +1 Con +2 Int +0 Wis +3 Cha +4| Inspiration: YES (d6 bardic)

played by Xan Nes (212 posts)
Mistress Kayltanya
Dark Archive Sophie "Payn" Calrin

Tiefling (Sexy!) female Warlock 2| AC: 14 | HP: (0)13/17 | 1st: 2/2 | HD: 0/2 | Init: +2 Perc: +0 | Insp?: no =( |FX:

played by Atlas2112 (71 posts)
The Fifth Archdaemon
Dark Archive A stranger, in the dark.

MasterMind 1 | HP: 16/18 | Hold: 0 | XP: 1/8 | Armor: 1, but can't we make an arrangement? |

played by Atlas2112 (48 posts)
Lantern Bearer
Venali Auondril

Male Moon Elf Wizard 2 | AC 13(16) | HP 8/12 | PassPerc 13 | Saves: STR-1 DEX +3 CON +1 INT +5 WIS +3 CHA +0

played by Xelaaredn (141 posts)
Zillyanna Duskwood

Female Moon (High) Elf Rogue 2 | AC 14 | hp 8/15 | PassPerc 12 | Saves STR -1, DEX +5, CON +1, INT +4, WIS +0, CHA +2 | Inspiration: YES

played by Wilken (107 posts)

Previous Characters

Spectral Dragon
Dark Archive Atlas2112
(957 posts)

Grand Lodge Helaman

(6,902 posts)


(238 posts)

Xan Nes

(76 posts)


(250 posts)
Taergan Flinn
The Darkstorm

Human PL 10 | Toughness +11 | Dodge 9 | Parry 9| Willpower 11 | Fortitude 7|

played by Xan Nes (148 posts)
GM Xan Nes

played by Xan Nes (286 posts)
Ancient Solar Dragon
Vorrak Kriv Kerrhylon

M Red Dragonborn Paladin HP: 7/12 | AC: 18| Intit: +0| PPerception: 13

played by TheOrcnextdoor (82 posts)
Nelaxria Lirium
Zilyana Elfslayer

Female Drow Rogue 1 | AC 14 | HP 8/8 | PassPerc 13 | Saves STR-1 DEX+5 CON+0 INT+3 WIS+1 CHA+2

played by Kazuka (67 posts)