Vorrak grew up in a small town after his mother fled the dragonborns homelands, fleeing from Vorrak's tyrannical red dragon father. After a small bit of traveling his mother had been accepted in the town to an extent due to her golden scales, however, Vorrak was born as a red dragonborn, and was shunned or regarded suspiciously often by others in the village for this. Slowly, Vorrak's dislike of the villagers began to fester as hate and frustration. He vented this anger and frustration by learning swordplay and how to use a shield. He would spend hours of his days practicing routines, smashing several wooden training dummies over the course of several years. He planned to one day leave this worthless(at least to him) town and earn enough money to move him and his mother to a better home in a larger city. Until, at the age of 15 the village came under attack by a monstrous beast, the few town militiamen were either killed or incapacitated by the beast during a final defense of the local inn where most townsfolk had gathered for safety. Vorrak had been training with a blade for years and was sure he could have likely taken the beast, yet a small nagging voice seething with hatred at the people of the town kept him from action, until his mother attempted to defend the villagers. She had been searching for Vorrak, who had been near the tavern before the alarm went out, once she was their she didn't hesitate once to throw herself between the beast and the other townsfolk. However, She was struck down quickly. In a fit of anger and despair Vorrak charged the beast and slew it, even after sustaining a heavy blow from it. With ragged breath he crawled to his mother and asked why she had done that. She told him, it was because she wanted to try and protect others. Even if they had treated them poorly for being different, she told him life was precious and that even if there was only a little bit, there is good in the world, and that defending that small amount of good was something worth dieing for. She passed away in his arms as the crowd gathered closer, praising him a hero. Days later he left town, at once conflicted unsure of his own views on life however he would hold his mothers last words dear. He would seek a philosophy of his own, but, he would take his mothers action to heart and fight to defend any good he found in his journeys.
It was during his travels, that he was given divine guidance and strength to aid him in his cause.
Note: Vorrak doesn't serve a single god, nor does he come from an order of knights or the like. He seeks justice and fairness (so others don't suffer through the same fate he did as a child), and to protect the good folk and goodness in the world (as his mother), even if it is small and hard to see sometimes.
Appearance: This is actually pretty accurate image