The Will of Achaekek

Game Master GM-Gathrix

Maps of Golarion
Red Mantis Wiki

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The vine, tries to call forth local plants to capture the party, but with the warning is able to avoid it all together.

You finally arrive at the gates of the city. Vela orders the gate opened from atop the city wall. Everyone in town makes way for your holy pilgrimage to the Pagoda, already decorated in red.

"Make way"! Vela shouts and is echoed by blood watch throughout the city. Brawling pirates and local tradesmen all stop what they are doing to watch the procession.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

Kayla stayed to the rear of the group even as they entered the city.

though once they came closer to "civilization" Kayla tried to remain more and more inconspicuous. It was like she was trying to hide from someone.

As they make their way to the Pagoda, Kayla starts to let the rest take the lead. This was not her faith. she seemed more concerned with not being discovered.

stealth: 1d20 + 17 - 5 ⇒ (15) + 17 - 5 = 27

perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

You go stealth once in town, avoiding people and using the alley ways and shoddy architecture to your advantage. You notice you are not the only one trying to hide during this procession. A young half-orc male is hiding in the alley way. He is wearing bonds on his hands.1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 He does not appear to notice you. You recognize this half-orc, he was an indentured servant in service of the bloodwatch. Supposedly he tried to cause a mutiny and was placed in service of the city for his crimes. Capturing him might endear you to the bloodwatch, or blackmailing him for favors might also be rewarding.

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

Rakus keeps a look out as he get's closer to his destination. While he was sure provoking the mantis in their home was suicidal in the worst way, it was his nature to be careful. Other thoughts crossed his mind as well, getting the egg identified and appraised as well as the coming interaction with his fellow clergy. His curiosity at the contents of the chest was little.

LE Human(Tian-Hwan) Female {Sanctified Slayer}Inquisitor(Heresy) 3 | HP: 30/30 | AC: 18 (T: 12, F: 16) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +8 | Perc: +12, SM: +13/+15/+17 | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: Detect Chaos, Stealth Synergy

Areum is at full posture as they pass through the gate; her sabers are held pointing inwards, her arms crooked in imitation of a mantis. She pays little mind to her fellows, or the throng of people gathered. She whispers in Infernal, prayers to Achaekek.

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

Though her wounds were bandaged and no longer bleeding, the whole right side of Zaphani's body was still sore from the dinosaur's attack. She wasn't sure what she was going to do with the egg she was given, but at this time it didn't seem that it would be appropriate to attempt to raise the animal. She and the master's animals never got along well with the exception of his pet python, and even it tried to bite her. She stayed in the lead, doing her best to show no outward evidence of her injuries as they headed to the pagoda. Such weakness did not befit a Mantis and she would show none.

As you get closer to the pagoda, you can feel the power in the relic surging. It draws your attention away from everything else.

When you reach the Pagoda, a Red skinned humanoid in lavish red robes awaits. He is surrounded by numerous attendants. The priest, known as Mantis of the Pagoda, beckons the group to join him on the Pagoda with out stretched hands. The relic is pulsing red now in Rakus' hands.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7


Kayla comes out of hiding addressing the young Half-Orc.

Well Well, look what I found. she says getting herself eye level with the crouching Half-Orc

Her blades are not drawn, but Kayla remains wary in case he does decide to attack.

So, tell me, what reason would you give to keep me from turning you in?

Kayla makes it clear that she really does not want to kill him, but also has no qualms if she needs to.

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

Rakus gives a nod of respect before presenting the chest with both hands, on bended knee before the Pagoda's master. He did not take in the cheers or attention, that meant nothing to him. Glory was not the way of Achaekek, completing your task and accepted duty was. Until the chest was taken by the priest, his mission was not over and nothing else mattered.

LE Human(Tian-Hwan) Female {Sanctified Slayer}Inquisitor(Heresy) 3 | HP: 30/30 | AC: 18 (T: 12, F: 16) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +8 | Perc: +12, SM: +13/+15/+17 | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: Detect Chaos, Stealth Synergy

Areum kneels, head bowed in deference to her deity and the importance of the ceremony. She continues her muttered prayers until the Mantis of the Pagoda, or one of his attendants, makes prayer of their own.

Grand Lodge

Human Expert 6

Zaphani, though only a recent convert to He Who Walks in Blood, she took her devotion just as seriously as the clergy did. She bowed and whispered the appropriate prayers all the while doing her best to show no pain.


Xalyth keeps her blades sheathed as they walk through the streets. As they approach the Pagoda she draws them and assumes the fighting stance of the Mantis. Her back straight, her eyes forward, she struts forward as if she were the only one accompanying the relic.

The Mantis of the Pagoda places the relic on the altar on the pagoda and begins to chant. The rest of the city is dead quiet.

The worried Half-orc puts a finger to his lips as a sign of quiet when the Priest is chanting. When he is done and the noise level rises he responds.Pa please! I... I will do anything. I know a boat, I can take you too if you want.

When the priest stops chanting a Red Mantis appears out of the chest, and suddenly it is caught up in a swarm of Red Mantis that sweep the area, leaving as suddenly as they arrived.

We are blessed this year! The Priest calls out with joy!

Knowledge Religion DC 25 or Worshiper of Achaekek:
This response to the offering is rare. It suggests that the Red Mantis organization will grow, but this is typically at the price of one of the Vernai or even the Blood Mistress herself dieing or exiled.

The city bursts into music and dance. Red buckets of pigs blood are poored on the streets. Children play with paper and stick shaped mantis. The priest stands in the pagoda with his eyes closed for a short period of time. Then he opens his eyes and looks at the group.

Come with me, we have much to discuss. He looks a bit more solemn then when he was giving his chants.
****************************Congratulations you are all now one level higher******************************************************************

Female Human Ninja / Level 2 / Hp - 20 [20] / AC - 18 / T - 14 / FF - 14 / Fort +1 - Ref +7 - Will +0 / Initiative +5 / Perception +5

Elliana strolled towards the Pagoda with all of the arrogance and self-assurance she could muster, bowing her head slightly to the Mantis of the Pagoda when they reached their destination.

As the mans words ring through her ears, she feels a swelling of power within her, the awakening of a new strength she did not know she had.

Sorry, I've been quite busy over the last few days, will level up now.

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

Growth. Pain. Fallen. Those blessed will fall, in honor or disgrace, one among their number will be no more. Prophecy. Payment. Retribution. The way of the mantis, long known and ever present.

Rakus nods and follows the priest without hesitation.

"Of course."

He did make a note that one of their party was missing. He would not bring it up unless it was relevant. He trusted that the many undercover mantis or guards were watching little Kayla somewhere. The Red Mantis did not let even their celebrations get in the way of their duty, as it was often the best time for their enemies to strike or gather information. It was fortune or lack of expertise on his part that he was not chosen for such duties. Offense and planning was so much more enjoyable then defense and counter infiltration.

Leveled up, more priest power.

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

Will get the level added when I get home from work, long day today

"Indeed, that was quite an omen"

And perhaps an opportunity

While the omen could be interpreted many ways, to Zaphani it meant something quite clear. There was about to be a shakeup in the order's power structure. She'd seen this thing dozens of times in Katheer. When someone dies, someone else rises. Often, they brought others with them. It was all a matter of knowing who to side with and when. The right people stood to gain much and others could lose it all, which in the Red mantis meant your neck.

It would be a dangerous game, but Zaphani was going to play it. Blue she just had to figure out her first move...

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

leveled... another Ninja level


I think you have misunderstood. you are not leaving the city. You see I have a use for you.

Kalya pulls some devices from a hidden pouch and begins to work the locks of his manacles as she explains the situation.

You see, I may not seem like one of the Mantis, but I do need them. and since I need them, I have to do what I can to keep their favor. while at the same time, do what is in my own best interest.

as she speaks she takes 20 on the locks for a 31 disable device

I could have killed you and turned your head in for a reward. I could have also turned you in alive and gotten a reward. after which you would have been killed. now in both of those scenarios, I get richer and you get dead.

She lets that sink in for a bit

Now there is always a third option. One where you stay alive. but, you work for me instead. You will be my ears and eyes on these streets. blend in with any other street urchins, maybe join a gang, no matter to me. just as long as you remember who saved your life. Now I know you will want to just go to that boat of yours and sail away. you could do that, but then that would bring us back to options one or two. now we don't really want that, do we. so, do we have an understanding?

I...I don't know if I can hide here for long. They are looking for me. I know! I will give you this, I have saved it for a very long time, hidden from my masters. I don't need it because I am about to leave this island. If you still chose to kill me so be it, I am done being a slave! He gives you a very old map. It depicts a pirate hideout along the coast on a small island north east of the Crimson Citadel. There are words on it, but it is not in a language you recognize. The half-orc runs down the alley.

The Mantis of the Pagoda leads you into a tower in the center of town. It is dripping with thick blood and long red and green flags of Mediogalti hang from it. This is an older building, it looks like part of a ruin that the rest of the city was built around.

Inside there are pews facing an altar. A winding staircase is hidden behind the altar by a long canvas with a depiction of the Red Mantis on it. The priest walks to the altar and cuts his hand. He spreads the blood on the altar and goes into a trance for a moment. The Priest begins to speak in a strange language.

Language Infernal:
The following are marked for death by my unholy decree :Gorek Zsuma, Tsavo Ren, Sinful Red, Rrrriiip, Yoki, and Lady Nya Van Collik.If you had access to this, roll Knowledge Local/Nobility for more information

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7


Kayla is not evil, she may be an assassin, but she also has some semblance of right and wrong. to let this one live or die is now her choice to make.

She lets him live, for now. run little one, our paths will cross again, I may not be so merciful next time.

Kayla pockets the map and returns to the rest of the celebration.

discovering the others are gone, Kayla simply mingles among the crowd.

looking for some tasty sweets and then tries to slip into the shadows to watch for the return of the others.

stealth: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

Rakus quietly translates for those that do not understand. His studies were very focused, he rarely cared for things like politics or local cultures personally. It meant he needed to do more leg work when it came to information gathering and local integration but such was the job. Everyone had parts to play, his was nether blade or scout.

"Anyone happen to know anything about these names?"

He said in a whisper, out of respect and caution he did not want to unintentionally break whatever commune the priest was having.

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

Once out of the public eye, Zaphani drops her facade slightly and shows that the injuries she suffered on the way here are actually bothering her. She walks with a noticeable limp and grabs at her side a bit as it pulses in pain. Also not wanting to interrupt, she makes mental notes of the names and searched her memory for what she might know of them.

Kn Nobility/Local (same mod): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Kn Nobility/Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Kn Nobility/Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Kn Nobility/Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Kn Nobility/Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

LE Human(Tian-Hwan) Female {Sanctified Slayer}Inquisitor(Heresy) 3 | HP: 30/30 | AC: 18 (T: 12, F: 16) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +8 | Perc: +12, SM: +13/+15/+17 | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: Detect Chaos, Stealth Synergy

Areum does not have to listen hard to understand the priest's words, as she is fluent in Infernal, and takes note of the names while maintaining proper ceremonial form.



Know:Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Gorek Zsuma:
An orc pirate that frequents the shores of Mediogalti. Before today he was seen as a friend to the Mantis providing slaves and other illicit goods.

Tsavo Ren:
A new recruit within the blood watch that went missing a few months ago. Apparently what ever he has been up too in that time has not pleased the lord of assassins.

Sinful Red:
A madam that offers her services in the Shackles.

A Gripplis tracker that lives in the Mediogalti Jungle. He has offered services to the Red Mantis in the past.

A tribal leader of Monkey Goblins that was seen as little more than a nuisance until today.

Lady Nya Van Collik:
Recently hired the Red Mantis for a job. A native of Nidal, but you recall her mentioning visiting Sargava before her return home.

The Priest falls out of his trance almost literally and needs to brace himself on the altar to avoid falling down.

"I...I was communing with our lord!" He seems surprised, but blissful about the ordeal. "I had no idea he would come to me himself. Help me to a chair, that experience took a lot out of me."

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

Zaphani quickly moved to help the priest, helping him reach the nearest chair while looking to the others. "Someone write down those names. A number were familiar to me and I think either we our our brethren will soon have need of them.


With Rakus translating, Xalyth searches her memory for references to those names.

Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

"That is quite a list. Though I must admit I am not completely familiar with all of them" She sounds confident in what Knowledge she has.

Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Sense Motive DC 21:
She has a bare minimum of knowledge. Maybe she's heard the names in passing, but not much more than that.

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Rakus remains stone faced and with someone already helping the priest he does not move. He had bore witness to his god's will directly, their were implications to consider. The least of which were the names of soon to be dead people, the mantis endlessly killed for their god. A handful of names was hardly worth noting in the grand scheme of things. What took up his thoughts was his and the others place, was it simply good timing or perhaps more. Were the names meant for them directly or not, to much was in question. He needed answers and he would press them once the priest was able once more, as well as in a respectful manner. He liked his head were it sat and while anyone attacking a priest of the mantis was one thing, a fellow priest doing so was another.

LE Human(Tian-Hwan) Female {Sanctified Slayer}Inquisitor(Heresy) 3 | HP: 30/30 | AC: 18 (T: 12, F: 16) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +8 | Perc: +12, SM: +13/+15/+17 | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: Detect Chaos, Stealth Synergy

Sense Motive+Xalyth: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
Sense Motive+Rakus: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23
Perception+Rakus: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21 <-Whichever one is more for body language
lol, I think I overdid it a bit with the Sense Motive...she's starting to turn into her own "future crimes" unit

Areum watches as the scaled woman ministers to the Priest. The entire affair had an aura of oddity about it; was this yet another test from the Blood Mistress, or was this something more, maybe even a message from Achaekek himself?

She casts a long glance at the Drow, frowning slightly at her obvious attempt to feign knowledge; she says nothing in the presence of the Mantis of the Pagoda, but stores the information. She'll have to watch that one more than she had anticipated.

Hands clasped behind her back, Areum turns to regard the pagoda priest more thoroughly. His reaction to communing with He Who Walks In Blood was startling, to say the least. Glancing at Rakus, he seems as interested as she; remaining atypically silent, Areum waits on the pagoda priest to recover.

Thank you my dear. The priest says to Zaphani as he sits down and catches his breath. Please, find your companion that wondered off. She might have felt unwelcome, but I had a vision of her so I believe she was meant to hear this too.

Vela comes inside in a bit of a hurry. Are you ok father? She says worried.

I am fine dear, I will be with you soon. Please stand outside the door until I do and make sure I am not disturbed. The Mantis of the Pagoda answers.

Vela gives a silent salute and looks over everyone briefly, then does as she was asked.


Xalyth looks around the room, "The little one is gone. When did anyone last see her? She was a strange choice for this trip, the little turncoat, does she perhaps have some lingering loyalty to her previous order?"

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

Zaphani searched her memory, trying to remember when the little one was last in sight. "I think she was with us when we came through the gate. We might question her loyalty, but if He Who Walks in Blood does not, who are we to?"

That's not to say Zaphani didn't still have questions about the little one, but the next course of action was clear. The Mantis needed her and they would have to go find her.

"One of you stay with the Mantis, I'm going to go look for the little one."

Strolling out of the structure, Zaphani begins to retrace her steps looking for Kayla and...

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Going off the stealth check above, change if needed

...catches the Gnome on the edge of her vision. Zaphani doesn't immediately call attention to the turncoat, but begins making her way towards her. Once she's close enough she whispers to Kayla,

"You're needed,please follow me."

Zaphani then turns on a heel and starts heading back towards the Pagoda.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

Kayla was not far from the Pagoda entrance. in fact her position proved to be a good vantage point to watch the entrance.

Kayla saw Zaphani approaching rather quickly. but she did not flee or try to hide.

she watched and ate her warm muffin. When the Viskanya arrived Kayla simply looked up.

Zapphani gave the order and turned to leave. Kayla was a little hesitant at first, she felt she was to be punished, and she knows that usually means death.

Kayla follows until they reach the doors of the Pagoda. I should not go in there, I do not follow your faith, and such a place is not meant for me.

maybe I should wait here?

all the while Kayla scans the crowds for danger.

GM I think you know what danger she is on the lookout for

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Female Human Ninja / Level 2 / Hp - 20 [20] / AC - 18 / T - 14 / FF - 14 / Fort +1 - Ref +7 - Will +0 / Initiative +5 / Perception +5

Having followed Zaphani out in to the street, in the search for the littlest Assassin, Elliana keeps her eyes on the passing crowds, searching for any hint of danger or of any sight of the small, deadly ninja.

Perception-1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Not catching sight of the woman, till Zaphani led her right to her, Elliana is surprised to find the Gnome so close to the Pagoda. 'Good. I really did not wish to search too far. I'm more interested to hear what the old red one has to say!'

When Kayla suggests she should not enter the Pagoda, due to her religious beliefs, Elliana shakes her head and smiles. "Sister, I shared your fears, as I too am not a devotee of the Mantis god, but of the Pirate Queen, Besmara," as she admitted this, she pulled forth the holy symbol from the neck of her shirt, to show the woman, before tucking it back safe. "I hold the Mantis in high regard, but when steel is drawn my first prayer goes to the Lady of the Waves. But I didn't burn when I went inside, so you should be fine!"

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

Rakus had made his way outside, he never intended to search but remain at the entrance. Watching and overhearing the interaction, he spoke.

"You would not burn if you were found unworthy. But nether would you leave, not as you entered anyways. As you have been summoned there is nothing to fear. I make no promises for the future mind you. Now it is best not to keep the priest waiting."

He turns to return, still having thoughts whirling through his head.

You feel strangely welcome, and not in any ominous way. You perceive no threats.

"Yes, please come in child. This is no punishment I assure you." The Priest calls from inside, still too weak to stand.

Assuming everyone reconvenes inside

Vela peeks in to check on the Priest, then returns to watching the door. Than the Priest speaks. "I had a vision when the offering was accepted by our lord. I came in here to commune with his agents, but he reached out to me himself! I believe you are all here for a purpose. As tradition dictates, you are all now official Mantis in training, and no longer mere recruits. As such I have been preparing gifts for all of you on this day"

He looks at KaylaYou are not a Mantis, and never will be, but I have seen that you are a great warrior and asset. As such you will be shown favor as well."

The Mantis removes a tapestry on the wall revealing several large weapon racks. Add a +1 weapon to your character of any kind as a gift from the Mantis of the Pagoda.

"Now, those marked for death is serious. Our lord rarely chooses targets like this, he rather mortals do the choosing themselves. I would be hesitant to send you to dispatch them, if I wasn't so sure. I am sure. Surer than anything I have ever been. Our lord wants these people dead and you must be his instrument. I am sending you on this mission, and I must offer payment as our lord demands. I will send word to the Vernai that I have done so. They will not deny me once they know of my convictions."

"You are free to claim these men and women when ever you see fit, however I suggest you start with Rrriiip, the Grippli tracker. He was here just before you arrived and should be the easiest to find."

The priest pulls out a coffer and hands you all coinage. 3,000 gold each in Ilzamagorti printed coins. "Half now, half when the job is done with proof of death. Standard Red Mantis contract."

The targets are also listed in our Campaign tab.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

Kay;a is silent letting the mission brief be, well, brief. She felt honored to be called a great warrior, as she never really considered herself a warrior, let alone great.

She actually was feeling a little bad about some of the other recruits she had to kill before her capture.

She tries to get a look at who they are after, but the language is beyond her.

what do we know of these people? she asks.

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

Zaphani nods as the priest speaks. IF the idea of Achaekek calling for the death of people was new to him, then it was a great honor to be the ones asked to be his hands. It was still unclear what the omen meant, but a good hunt would be the perfect thing to take their mind off that.

When the gnome asked about the targets, Zaphani filled in what she could recall. "Gorek is an orcish pirate and, the Vishkanya choked a bit on the next word,"slaver who supplied our order with...things. Ren is a missing member of the Blood Watch, interesting he's on the list. 'Sinful Red' is a known madam from the Shackles, interesting one if I've heard right. The afore mentioned Grippl is someone else who has offered our order services but has still managed to draw the ire of our lord. This Yoki I believe is a leader of the local monkey goblins. The last is a former client from Nidal who's making a stop in Sargava on the way home, or so the rumor is. I do think the Grippli makes a logical first target, thoughts?"

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

Kayla nods, understanding. the life of a hired assassin was all the same regardless of the clan or employer. She thinks a bit on the targets. perhaps that map will be useful after all. she thinks.

deciding she should add something,

I can make some inquirys about the city about this Grippli, I don't quite stand out like you guys do, and with some luck, I wasn't noticed coming in here.


Xalyth leers, "A hunt. A hunt sanctified by He Who Walks in Blood. We are honored beyond words."

After you receive your items and payment, the mantis calls to Vela outside. He asks that she assist him to his chambers as he is tired. Vela looks over the group sternly and does as asked.

Knowledge:Local/Diplomacy DC 12 for Rrriiip:
You make some subtle inquiries as to the ware bouts of the Grippli tracker. It takes you a while to find a sober man, who tells you that he saw him heading north just before the festival kicked off in the city. He had his net and trident with him like he always does.

Those of you wanting to shop for goods now that you have cash:
There are basic goods here as found in the Core Rulebook and most Martial weapons. There are few firearms and exotic weapons are well exotic with the exception of the sawtooth sabres. I will roll for availability on Magical Items, the more special the more likely you will have to commission them and have them made.

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

knowledge local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
diplomacy: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

After checking about town, Kayla returns to the group. trying to be inconspicuous. The Grippli was last seen heading north just before the festival. we should head in that direction first.

LE Human(Tian-Hwan) Female {Sanctified Slayer}Inquisitor(Heresy) 3 | HP: 30/30 | AC: 18 (T: 12, F: 16) | CMB: +6, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +8 | Perc: +12, SM: +13/+15/+17 | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: Detect Chaos, Stealth Synergy


Appraise: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
2000gp +1, 335gp Mwk Sabre: 2335, offered 2900, which sounds "wildly inaccurate" to me.

"Honored we are, indeed, Xalyth."

Areum strides across the room, carrying a beautiful pair of blood-red sabres; the symbol of the Praying Claws had been inlaid near the hand guards on both sides of each blade, and their shape, when held with pommels-crossed, bore marked resemblance to the icon. She had been occupied by studying the blades since the priest removed their covering, and as she neared the Mantis of the Pagoda, she presented the swords across her forearms, dropping into a bow.

"Lord Mantis of the Pagoda, I graciously accept your gift of a blade; yet I can not bear to part such a glorious symbol of our Lord's righteous might. Would that I be allowed to tithe all but one hundred gold coins to the Church in exchange for both, those listed and all called by He Who Walks In Blood to their end shall know by Whom they are judged."

Having already strapped the scabbards across her shoulders in the fashion of her colleagues, Areum rises and sheathes the blades.

"And we are also thankful for the blessings you have bestowed upon us in the name of our Lord. It is a day of greatness for us all; am I correct that you have communed directly with Achaekek? 'Tis a profound blessing indeed!"

Turning, Areum looks upon Kayla with a hint of a smile. "You are valuable indeed, little one, and that is a welcome suggestion. Perhaps," she pauses, turning to address Elliana, "you might have similar luck at the docks as well? And Rakus,"she says, giving him a nod, "I believe you still have the third egg? Its value could prove of use for our ventures. Particularly if we'll need a ship."

She produces an actual smile as she raises her arms, "We have mission, we have purpose, and we are blessed by the Mantis God! Let us be off to our business."

"It is our way to pay and be paid for blood. Completion of your mission will bring honor enough to our Lord, pious one." The priest says to Weon as he is being carried to his bed chamber by Vela.

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

Seeing that the Mantis is in good hands, Zaphani selects one of the magical sabres and the turns to the job at hand.

"If it's as I suspect, this Grippli will have a head start and will be in terrain he knows well. We should probably quickly provision ourselves for such a trek and make haste. The deeper he gets into the jungle, the trickier this becomes."

Have we all finished shopping in the City and ready to track down the Grippli known as Rrriiip?

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

How much are the dino eggs worth and what are they?

Sounds like an appraise check to me

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

I'm set

Female TN Dread Gnome Ninja 8 / Slayer 4 (modified butterfly blade) (gestalt 1.5) | HP: 50/50 | AC: 19 (T: 15, F: 15) | CMB: +6, CMD: 20| F: +4, R: +10, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +16, Stealth +22 | Speed 20ft | Climb 20ft Active conditions: none. | Ki points used 0/7

no appraise skill for me...maybe next level

Male Human (Azlanti) Wizard 1 / Cleric of Achaekek 2

Same here, no beast merchants in town?

Female Viskanya Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner) 3 | HP 27/27

For giggles
Untrained Appraise!: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

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