The Whispering Cairn (Inactive)

Game Master Death-Lok

The worms crawl in and...stay

Wormcrawl Fissure

Wormcrawl Map Key:

1. Entrance to Wormcrawl Depths
2. Brazzemal's Aerie
3. Northern Lake
4. Southern Lake
5. Zulshyn the Lillend
6. Chimera Spire
7. Thessalar's Fortress
8. Earthcancer Gorge
9. Ktuss' Maw

Current Map

8,201 to 8,250 of 10,541 << first < prev | 160 | 161 | 162 | 163 | 164 | 165 | 166 | 167 | 168 | 169 | 170 | next > last >>

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Does the mist Valgrim went through detect as magical? If so, Exousia detects magic and next round, will try to dispel it.
To move things along: Dispel: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29

The mist is gone! It was magical. Ferez and Bublaka make will saves for me. Just to have them on hand, just in case. Nothing happening to you guys yet.

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Will save: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (18) + 25 = 43

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

Will Save: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (16) + 19 = 35

By the way, Bublaka only inspired for one round this time - lingering performance will continue to grant the bonus for two more rounds

Bublaka: No problem, so 13 rounds used then? I'll place a counter in the Current Status Tab for these sorts of things to help with the tracking.

Valgrim: Think we are waiting on you at this point. Nothing is currently happening or attacking you. Do you wave the rest of the group in or do something else?

Everyone, please move your tokens in Roll20 to wherever you want to be. Your position/locations could become important.

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

Valgrim does not trust finding the gem. He runs to it, drawing his morningstar and tries to destroy it by bashing it. If not, he calls Exousia to strike the gem with her Improved Sunder.
Power attack: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 15 = 22

Afterwards, we rush forward. "We need to move quickly! It is obvious the maggot cast these spells and animated these undead to slow us down. We need to get to it ASAP!" Valgrim rushes ahead, double moving, relying on his Perception to keep him safe.

The small ruby is crushed dust under Valgrim's morningstar...

Ok, where is everyone else in relation to Valgrim? Are you letting Valgrim continue to scout far ahead or are you back to your standard 10' spacing party order?

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Exousia accompanies Valgrim using her True Seeing. Friar and Bub stay 35 feet behind the duo.

Your definitely not surprised Valgrim, it's just a readied action.

Making good speed, Valgrim and Exousia emerge into a cavern. The very air reeks and stings the eyes with the various noxious vapors the ulgurstasta is constantly emitting. The duo doesn't even have time to take in their surroundings when the undead grub vomits up a disgusting spew of necromatic acid that envelopes the dwarf and angel. The tendrils once again emerge and begin whipping about the thing in a frenzy.

Tendril Damage: 1d12 ⇒ 4

Valgrim and Exousia both need to roll reflex saves versus the breath weapon.

a series of seven various sized chests sit against the far back wall of this cavern.

That was its readied action. Your all up!

Updated Current Status:

Bublaka 162/184
Friar Ferez: 166/176
Valgrim: 222+19/233 StoneSkin: 90/150
Exousia: 229/229

Active Spells:
Good Hope (Everyone) - 19 minutes, +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls
Heroes Feast (Everyone, except Valgrim and Ferez(dispelled)) - 12 hours at start
Status (Friar Ferez/Everyone) - 24 hours
Wind Walk (Everyone, except Ferez and Raya(dispelled)) - 20 hours at start
Communal Airwalk (Everyone except Exousia?) - 50 minutes

Magic Vestment (Friar Ferez - armor) - 30 hours
Magic Vestment (Friar Ferez - shield) - 30 hours
Freedom of Movement (Friar Ferez) - 200 minutes
Shield of Faith (Friar Ferez) - 20 minutes - +5 Deflection
Sacred Bond (Ferez and Valgrim) - 75' range for touch spells - 200 minutes
Death Ward (Friar Ferez) - 19 minutes

Freedom of Movement (Valgrim) - 150 minutes
Barkskin (Valgrim) - 150 minutes, +5 natural armor bonus
Repel Vermin (Valgrim) - 150 minutes on himself, 10' radius
Anticipate Peril (Valgrim) - 15 minutes, +5 initiative
Magic Vestment (Valgrim - armor)
Shield of Faith (Valgrim) - 20 minutes - +5 Deflection
Resist Energy (Fire 30) (Valgrim) - 150 minutes
Stoneskin (Valgrim) - from Banner - 10/min per level, do not know CL
Death Ward (Valgrim) - 19 minutes
Greater Heroics (Valgrim) - 19 minutes

Freedom of Movement (Bublaka)
Death Ward (Bublaka) 19 - minutes

Barkskin (Exousia) - 150 minutes, +5 natural armor bonus
Freedom of Movement (Exousia) - 150 minutes
Death Ward (Exousia) - 16 minutes

I think, as far as buffs all you added was Death Wards, right? I have Ferez's 2 Death Wards cast on himself and Valgrim. Exousia cast hers on herself and was a scroll burned to get Bublaka covered? EDIT: Oh, and Greater Heroics on Valgrim. The lingering effect of Bubba's song has run out and is not currently in effect.

You feel the tug pulling you toward the chests, not the maggot.

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

Reflex: 1d20 + 20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 20 + 4 = 41...I have evasion.
Does the worm still have images?
If not, Valgrim will spring attack it. If it does, he will yell for Bubba to dispel it and then spring attack, using his blindfight to negate displacement without blinding himself.

Spring attack: 1d20 + 41 ⇒ (7) + 41 = 48
Damage: 2d4 + 4d6 + 45 ⇒ (1, 3) + (6, 2, 6, 6) + 45 = 69
Miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 62
Miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 75

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Reflex save for Exousia: 1d20 + 2 + 4 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 2 + 4 + 11 = 32

It does indeed still have mirror images. They last minutes/level. It also has that necromantic field around it again but I think your Death Ward protects you from it now. EDIT: Yep, it's negative energy damage so your Death Ward protects you.

After successful save Exousia takes: 1d6 ⇒ 2 Constitution damage from the breath weapon.

Exousia's arm smokes where a few drops of the acid managed to catch her. She grits her teeth against the pain.

As soon as Valgrim's blade hits home he is the target of another Greater Dispel Magic...

Greater Dispel Magic: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27 Dispel highest level spell Valgrim cast. Freedom of Movement Dispelled.
Greater Dispel Magic: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34 Dispel highest level spell cast by anyone. Windwalk Dispelled.
Greater Dispel Magic: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (7) + 17 = 24
Greater Dispel Magic: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18

You set off a contingency, that was not another trap.

Valgrim: By the way, went and looked up your banner CL and it is 19.

The undead maggot has repaired a lot of the damage to its body but necrotic fluids still seep from many of the half-healed wounds.

In other words, it still has significant damage from your first encounter.

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

To move things along, we delay until Bub inspires and hastes...

Friar moves into the room, within 30' of the maggot, so his Nimbus of Light affects it and he tries to dispel the mirror images. Maggot will take 18 damage if it remains within nimbus.

Nimbus of Light (Su): At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot nimbus of light for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. This acts as a daylight spell. In addition, undead within this radius take an amount of damage equal to your cleric level each round that they remain inside the nimbus. Spells and spell-like abilities with the darkness descriptor are automatically dispelled if brought inside this nimbus. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Dispel check: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (15) + 19 = 34


Exousia, angered by the Con damage, flies toward the creature, greataxe in hand! You may take AoO.

Power attack: 1d20 + 17 + 11 + 2 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (20) + 17 + 11 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 46
Damage: 3d6 + 36 ⇒ (5, 5, 2) + 36 = 48
Confirmation: 1d20 + 17 + 11 + 2 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (14) + 17 + 11 + 2 + 1 - 5 = 40
Extra damage: 6d6 + 72 ⇒ (6, 5, 1, 3, 4, 1) + 72 = 92
Total if confirmed: 140 (subtract DR)

Wow, she is all about the crits with that thing lately. She must really be ticked off.

Damage: is 59+130=189 this round so far but damage is halved because of incorporeal form. It has no natural armor bonus currently.

AOO versus Exousia: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (15) + 30 = 45 That hits since natural armor, armor, and shields don't count against its attacks right now.

Damage: 4d6 + 19 ⇒ (1, 6, 4, 1) + 19 = 31 Halved due to incorporeal.

Ok, running with Bublaka casting haste and inspiring.

Both Valgrim on Exousia notice something a bit different about N'vesh-N'kar as their blades connect. He seems almost ethereal as if he is only partially on this plane, kind of like a ghost. It watches the necromatically powered energies wash harmlessly over Valgrim from its aura and takes note.

Tendril damage: 1d12 ⇒ 2

Looking at Ferez the thing gurgles out, "I see you have the spark of life in you again. This time when I kill you I shall bring your soul back to serve me in undeath..." Followed by a couple of arcane syllables you all feel the energy sapped from you.

Casts Waves of Fatigue. Everyone fatigued.

It follows this up with a final arcane spell directed at the angel.

Ray of exhaustion touch attack: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (9) + 19 = 28 Exousia exhausted.

Exousia finds herself barely able to lift her greataxe as her strength is sapped to the point of making her barely able to stand. It once again wriggles away through the air getting out of Ferez's burning light.

The Mirror Images were successfully dispelled. Exousia gets an AOO.

Updated Current Status:

Bublaka 162/184
Friar Ferez: 166/176
Valgrim: 222+19/233 StoneSkin: 91/150
Exousia: 214/229

Active Spells:
Good Hope (Everyone) - 19 minutes, +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls
Heroes Feast (Everyone, except Valgrim and Ferez(dispelled)) - 12 hours at start
Status (Friar Ferez/Everyone) - 24 hours
Wind Walk (Everyone, except Ferez and Valgrim(dispelled)) - 20 hours at start
Communal Airwalk (Everyone except Exousia?) - 50 minutes
Haste (everyone)

Magic Vestment (Friar Ferez - armor) - 30 hours
Magic Vestment (Friar Ferez - shield) - 30 hours
Freedom of Movement (Friar Ferez) - 200 minutes
Shield of Faith (Friar Ferez) - 20 minutes - +5 Deflection
Sacred Bond (Ferez and Valgrim) - 75' range for touch spells - 200 minutes
Death Ward (Friar Ferez) - 19 minutes

Barkskin (Valgrim) - 150 minutes, +5 natural armor bonus
Repel Vermin (Valgrim) - 150 minutes on himself, 10' radius
Anticipate Peril (Valgrim) - 15 minutes, +5 initiative
Magic Vestment (Valgrim - armor)
Shield of Faith (Valgrim) - 20 minutes - +5 Deflection
Resist Energy (Fire 30) (Valgrim) - 150 minutes
Stoneskin (Valgrim) - from Banner - 10/min per level, do not know CL
Death Ward (Valgrim) - 19 minutes
Greater Heroics (Valgrim) - 19 minutes

Freedom of Movement (Bublaka)
Death Ward (Bublaka) 19 - minutes

Barkskin (Exousia) - 150 minutes, +5 natural armor bonus
Freedom of Movement (Exousia) - 150 minutes
Death Ward (Exousia) - 16 minutes
-2 Con from acid breath.

EDIT: Hmmmm, after some further thought about the incorporeal trait, I think it would have halved the breath weapon damage also, even though it wasn't hitpoint damage. Ability damage is still a form of damage, right? So she only took 1 Con damage from it.

You are all up again.

Ferez: I notice you said your nimbus only does 18 damage, did you not restore your permanent negative level also? If you did, then it should be 19, right?

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Did you roll SR for both those spells for the angel?

I believe to restore a permanent negative level, you need restoration and a 1000 gp gem, which I do not have.

Whoops, no I did not.
1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25
1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34
Ok, she resists waves but the ray gets through. Needs to make a save to avoid exhaustion.

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

GM, angels have a protective aura that functions as a lesser globe, which blocks 3rd or lower level spells, unless it is a SLA. The baddie would know that. 20' radius so Valgrim is protected.

Right, right...another good catch. Let's see if he would know that...ok, yes he would Knowledge(planes) at +40. So Waves of Fatigue stays the same but...the ray, hmmm.

Ok, it'll use it's SLA Quickened Hold Monster on everyone. Will saves all around for everyone. Spell penetration will remain the same.

EDIT: Correction, misread it as "Mass" version and realized I hadn't typed that, it only effects Exousia. It is NOT the "Mass" version. So, only she needs to make a will save.

Ferez: Ah-ha! Just noticed that Exousia has Greater Restoration once a day. She would have used that to fix everything on you. So you didn't even need to use the wand on yourself.

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Nice catch, GM! Exousia would have used Greater Restoration on Friar then!
Exousia Will save: 1d20 + 19 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 19 + 4 + 2 = 38
EDIT: Forgot AoO
AoO: 1d20 + 31 - 5 ⇒ (9) + 31 - 5 = 35
Damage: 3d6 + 36 ⇒ (1, 1, 2) + 36 = 40

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

Valgrim spring attacks the grub again!
Attack: 1d20 + 41 - 1 ⇒ (10) + 41 - 1 = 50
Damage: 2d4 + 4d6 + 43 ⇒ (3, 4) + (3, 1, 4, 3) + 43 = 61
Miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 76
Miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 64

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

Thanks, Friar, I didn't realize I was the holdup. Haste and now two rounds of inspiration checked off.

Bubba moves closer to include everyone as he casts good hope on the party.

Bublaka: I have your original Good Hope spell you cast against the centipedes and such as being still in effect, so no need to cast a new one then (it's listed under current status).

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

Ahem. I knew that. Scratch the re-cast. Shadow Evocation, then. Just a 5' step.

Bublaka calls on the power of the metamagic rod he recently purchased and casts a fireball at the creature.

Intensified Shadow Evocation - Fireball Will DC 22 to disbelieve, Reflex DC 22 to halve damage: 15d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 6, 3, 2, 6, 3, 5, 5, 2, 4, 1, 6, 5) = 61

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Exousia regenerates and flies at the creature and strikes at it, taking the AoO.
Power Attack: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (17) + 26 = 43
Damage: 3d6 + 36 ⇒ (1, 3, 2) + 36 = 42

Friar moves within 30' and channels energy to harm undead!
Channel Energy: 9d6 + 19 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 2, 1, 3, 6, 6, 1) + 19 = 50
Will DC 24 save for half; do not add turn resistance (full damage)

Will save versus Bub's Shadow Invocation: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (17) + 24 = 41 Success, only 20% damage: 12 fire.
Reflex save versus Bub's Shadow Invocation: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18

AOO on Exousia: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (18) + 30 = 48
Damage: 4d6 + 19 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 5) + 19 = 33

The powerful fire-magic hits the undead thing directly but it sees through its illusory nature and whatever protections it has up make the remaining fire wash off harmlessly. Valgrim and Exousia both leap back after the thing, with the angel taking a bite as she flies in (16 damage).

It takes 11 damage from Exousia and 20 more from Valgrim. The damage is not huge but it's adding up. I'll post its action shortly.

Ok, back...

Will save versus channeled energy: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (1) + 24 = 25 Doh! lol. It takes 25 damage from this.

Just after Ferez holy power burns it, the grub with a quick arcane word reinforces itself with False Life. Then hated thing wriggles it way around the angel before calling forth a swarm of skeletal arms that burst from the ground and reach up toward the low flying companions trying to rip and tear at them.

Take: 17d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 3, 5, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 6, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 6, 4) = 63 and are immobilized from Grasp of the Dead or make a DC29 reflex save for half (or none if you have evasion).

False Life: 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Damage from tendrils: 1d12 ⇒ 10 Halved of course, so 5.

Exousia gets another AOO. The thing takes 9 damage from Ferez's light.

Updated Current Status:

Bublaka 157/184
Friar Ferez: 161/176
Valgrim: 222+19/233 StoneSkin: 86/150
Exousia: 203/229

Active Spells:
Good Hope (Everyone) - 19 minutes, +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls
Heroes Feast (Everyone, except Valgrim and Ferez(dispelled)) - 12 hours at start
Status (Friar Ferez/Everyone) - 24 hours
Wind Walk (Everyone, except Ferez and Valgrim(dispelled)) - 20 hours at start
Communal Airwalk (Everyone except Exousia?) - 50 minutes
Haste (everyone)

Magic Vestment (Friar Ferez - armor) - 30 hours
Magic Vestment (Friar Ferez - shield) - 30 hours
Freedom of Movement (Friar Ferez) - 200 minutes
Shield of Faith (Friar Ferez) - 20 minutes - +5 Deflection
Sacred Bond (Ferez and Valgrim) - 75' range for touch spells - 200 minutes
Death Ward (Friar Ferez) - 19 minutes

Barkskin (Valgrim) - 150 minutes, +5 natural armor bonus
Repel Vermin (Valgrim) - 150 minutes on himself, 10' radius
Anticipate Peril (Valgrim) - 15 minutes, +5 initiative
Magic Vestment (Valgrim - armor)
Shield of Faith (Valgrim) - 20 minutes - +5 Deflection
Resist Energy (Fire 30) (Valgrim) - 150 minutes
Stoneskin (Valgrim) - from Banner - 10/min per level, do not know CL
Death Ward (Valgrim) - 19 minutes
Greater Heroics (Valgrim) - 19 minutes

Freedom of Movement (Bublaka)
Death Ward (Bublaka) 19 - minutes

Barkskin (Exousia) - 150 minutes, +5 natural armor bonus
Freedom of Movement (Exousia) - 150 minutes
Death Ward (Exousia) - 16 minutes
-1 Con from acid breath.

Heh, on the flip side, its really not managing so far to do much to you guys at all and is running low on spells. It is in range of a full attack from Exousia this round also.

Your all up again.

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

Reflex save: 1d20 + 20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 20 + 2 + 1 = 34 Good Hope, Haste

Ring of Evasion, Freedom of Movement

Is everyone struck by the tendrils?

Check off another round of bard, 29/46

"What do you need?" I have an idea, but now's a reasonable time to check. It might just be time for me to get out of the way - it may be bull rushing me soon.

Bublaka: Everyone is in the area of the tendrils but (I should have mentioned) you were actually outside the area of the Grasp of the Dead skeletal barrage.

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

I realized that when I looked at the map. Felt good to actually save from an effect for once.

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Reflex saves:
Friar: 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 16 + 2 = 24
Exousia: 1d20 + 11 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 11 + 4 + 2 = 29
Can Friar still channel energy? Does Freedom of movement help?
If yes, he channels energy to heal, excluding grub: 9d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 1, 6, 5, 3, 5, 5, 6) = 40

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

Reflex save: 1d20 + 20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 20 + 4 + 2 = 30

"Bubba, dispel that bastard's incorporeality! I want it to feel my blade!"

Valgrim delays to allow the bard's dispel check and then spring attacks!
Attack: 1d20 + 40 ⇒ (18) + 40 = 58
Damage: 2d4 + 2d6 + 43 ⇒ (1, 3) + (5, 1) + 43 = 53
If not incorporeal, critical:
Confirmation:1d20 + 40 ⇒ (20) + 40 = 60
Damage: 2d4 + 43 ⇒ (2, 2) + 43 = 47
Miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 70
Miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 6

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

Acrobatics to move in potentially threatened area: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (2) + 26 = 28

As you wish, m'lord.

Casting Greater Dispel Magic on the enormous grub.

Caster Level check: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (12) + 19 = 31

Caster Level check: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (2) + 19 = 21

Caster Level check: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (8) + 19 = 27

Caster Level check: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (14) + 19 = 33

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

Actually, I wanted a dispel just against the incorporeality not against his 4 highest buffs, but good thinking. SLAs can be dispelled.

Ferez: It says it immobilizes you for one round but I would think that Freedom of Movement would protect you from that, so yes you are free to move.

Yeah, for the sake of my sanity I would say you have to target the spell Like Ability directly since it has no direct spell correlation that I can tell. I can use your first roll for that if you wish Bublaka.

Here is the description of his ability just in case I am missing something: Incorporeal Form (Sp): Once per day, N’vesh-n’kar can become incorporeal for 17 rounds. While in this form, he gains the incorporeal subtype. He only takes half damage from corporeal sources as long as they are magic but his spells deal only half damage to corporeal
creatures. Spells and other effects that do not deal damage function normally.

I made Grasp of Dead do full damage since it is a unique ability and animates from a terrestrial source. Everything else has been doing half.

Just reread, incorporeal trait and it says: it takes only half damage from a corporeal source (except for channel energy). Missed that at first, so Ferez's channel did full damage. +25 hitpoints damage added.

Assuming that Bublaka targets incorporeal...

Sure that the huge undead maggot is about to charge and crush him beneath its bulk, Bublaka stands steady and focuses on the Ulgurstasta weaving some arcane syllables throughout his song. The ulgurstasta's form solidifies in perfect timing with a devastating blow landed by Valgrim, ripping a tremendous gaping hole in the things side. As ruined as its form currently is, the necromantic powers that drive it will not let it rest in death...yet...

Ferez channels the power of his goddess, but this time directing her healing light to soothe the wounds of his companions.

Still got Exousia to go, and well...she gets a full attack.

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

A smile comes over Exousia's face, as she sees the creature turn solid again. She takes a 5' step to the north and full attacks the undead.

Hasted attack: 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (17) + 31 = 48
Damage:3d6 + 36 ⇒ (5, 6, 5) + 36 = 52
1st attack: 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (16) + 31 = 47
Damage:3d6 + 36 ⇒ (5, 1, 6) + 36 = 48
2nd attack: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (11) + 26 = 37
Damage:3d6 + 36 ⇒ (3, 2, 6) + 36 = 47
3rd attack: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (18) + 21 = 39
Damage:3d6 + 36 ⇒ (3, 6, 5) + 36 = 50

Adding several mighty swings, the thing finally collapses into a rotting quivering mass before Exousia's, and the parties, fury. So ends the story of N'vesh-N'kar the greatest of the original Ulgurstasta.

CR 21 all by himself. With the addition of his centipedes and such probably a CR22 or 23 encounter.

Experience for encounter is 102400 + 76800 + 38600 = 217800

There are no traps upon the chests and they contain 12,400 gp, 1,500 pp, dozens of bags of gemstones worth 18,500 gp, and a shocking collection of rings, necklaces, and other items of jewelry worth a total of 21,000 gp. Then there are 5 distinct items:

-A gothically-ornate suit of full plate embossed with a multitude of small figures forming an army across its breastplate, vanbraces, and greaves. Closer inspection of the figures reveals them to be skeletal, decomposed, or wrathlike. It's an army of undead! The armor radiates a strong necromantic aura. It does not detect as evil at all.

-A greatsword that appears to have been forged from an unknown steel alloy. When unsheathed, its blade resembles a star-studded night sky. Its black scabbard is decorated with pieces of obsidian. Aura strong necromancy.

-A ancient twisted blackened wooden cudgel or rod that is usable as a light mace. Aura strong necromancy (sense a theme?)

-This fearsome-looking mask of ivory is fashioned into the likeness of a human skull with a missing lower jaw, allowing the bottom half of the wearer's face to remain visible when the mask is worn. You guessed it, strong necromancy aura!

-A plain leather non-magical belt pouch. It is to this that Valgrim feels the pull.

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

Great fight, GM. You made the creature last a long time.

Valgrim congratulates the party's tactics. "Great job Bubba, bringing it back to solid; Friar, thanks for keeping us healthy, and Exousia, you are indeed a great warrior. At least, it led us to its treasure room before dying."

Valgrim opens the leather pouch and pours its contents on the ground.

Valgrim feels a rushing sensation pass through him, suddenly his mind opens and things that had been hidden to him become obvious. It's not like new information comes into his mind but like he starts seeing things in a different light or that connections between things become apparent. All that pours out of the pouch is 25 gold. For a moment the ranger frowns mystified but somehow he feels like Balakarde is close at hand whenever he touches the pouch. Anyone holding the bag now feels a mysterious pull back out into the canyon.

For game purposes, whoever holds the pouch gains +10 insight bonus on all Knowledge checks and Spellcraft checks. Also, they get a +2 luck bonus to both Intelligence and Wisdom.

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

Valgrim tosses Friar the pouch, "Hold on to that, it will make your spells harder to resist. I felt a pull back to the canyon, so I guess we need to follow Balakarde's essense. Let us pack this treasure and head back to the Lillend's place to rest. Bubba, care to investigate the magical treasures and see what we found?"

After identifying the magic, we head back to artist's tower. I think Exousia's Windwalk was dispelled so we may have to head back the normal way.

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

I can Dimension Door us 11 times if we find ourselves riding Shanks' Mare and we need to get over or past something more quickly than a walk or run.

If I can borrow that plain leather bag, I would have a +35 to Spellcraft checks. Or these can be aid another checks for Friar - I didn't check to see what his unmodified bonus was.

Spellcraft for armor: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (10) + 25 = 35

Spellcraft for greatsword: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (12) + 25 = 37

Spellcraft for cudgel: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (19) + 25 = 44

Spellcraft for skull mask: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (19) + 25 = 44

I'm going to say the bag has to "attune" to you like attribute boosting items to avoid a musical chair sort of situation.

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Then I think Friar will hold on to the pouch, due to the +2 Wisdom and now he has +32 on Knowledge (religion) checks.

+4 undead controlling full plate
Greatsword of Lifestealing called "Blackrazor"
Rod of Withering
Mask of the Skull

Here is what you know of Blackrazor's history: In a multiverse far removed from this plane, powerful beings kept absolute order, banishing entropy and decay to preserve the planes of their reality from its long-overdue death. Yet with all their power, eventually the artificial stasis imposed by these entities failed and the multiverse began to die. Like worms in rotten wood, creatures from beyond infested the rotting multiverse, speeding its destruction.

The wizard Keraptis time-communed with the rulers of this multiverse, who granted Keraptis the knowledge needed to transform one of the reality-parasites into a weapon in exchange for taking it back to his own planes. The creature that Keraptis forged into Blackrazor was an abomination similar to an atropal, a stillborn god.

Blackrazor was guarded by the ogre mage Qesnef in a dungeon beneath White Plume Mountain, who preferred not to touch the dreadful thing. Later under the same mountain, Blackrazor was wielded in battle by the efreeti Killjoy.

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

Totally cool, Friar. I don't blame you in the least.

"The armor is powerful enough, defensively, but it also gives the wearer the ability to control a literal army of undead, thus the decorations on it. OK, a small army, but quite a few creatures."

Pointing at the greatsword, "This is a weapon of legend, my friends. Blackrazor has a long and storied history, but what matters now is that on a particularly successful blow, it can suck the very life essence from its target."

Picking up the cudgel, he tests its heft. "A rod of withering, I believe. Similar to the sword, but rather than lifeforce, it 'merely' attacks the victim's physical strength and vitality."

"And lastly, this gruesome item must be worn to attune to the user. After doing so, it can be launched at a target that it attacks, perhaps killing it outright, but always hurting them."

"Definitely a thematic selection of powerful magic items."

PS TWTW, love the extra history. Bublaka would share the spoiler with anyone that wanted him to expand on the history of Blackrazor.

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Upon hearing of its history, if Bub shares: "None of those items look good, but we definitely should leave the sword alone. It sounds like an evil weapon and it may try to possess us. I doubt anyone will come looking for it here. Unless we think we can destroy it....Bub? As for the rest, I have no use for any of it and I would only part with them to the archmage for safe-keeping. None of those items should fall in the wrong hands."
Loremaster time?

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