The Whispering Cairn (Inactive)

Game Master Death-Lok

The worms crawl in and...stay

Wormcrawl Fissure

Wormcrawl Map Key:

1. Entrance to Wormcrawl Depths
2. Brazzemal's Aerie
3. Northern Lake
4. Southern Lake
5. Zulshyn the Lillend
6. Chimera Spire
7. Thessalar's Fortress
8. Earthcancer Gorge
9. Ktuss' Maw

Current Map

8,151 to 8,200 of 10,541 << first < prev | 159 | 160 | 161 | 162 | 163 | 164 | 165 | 166 | 167 | 168 | 169 | next > last >>

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

With a word, Bublaka sets his shield to protect him on its own (animated property) so he can gesture for a spell. Three notes of his song take physical form and shoot across the gap like razors, directed at the urgulgasta.

3 touch attack missiles dealing sonic damage and deafened (if that applies) for 1d6 rounds

Ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 18 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 18 + 2 + 1 = 35
Damage: 3d10 ⇒ (3, 10, 5) = 18

Ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 18 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 18 + 2 + 1 = 34
Damage: 3d10 ⇒ (7, 5, 4) = 16

Ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 18 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 18 + 2 + 1 = 26
Damage: 3d10 ⇒ (9, 6, 8) = 23

Deafened, the better of: 1d6 ⇒ 21d6 ⇒ 61d6 ⇒ 5

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Exousia, angered by the deaths of the paladin and the cleric, declares the ulgurstasta as her smite target and charges at it with her true seeing, greataxe in hand! You can take AoO against her.
Fort save vs. Horrid Wilting: 1d20 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 19 + 2 = 31
She regenerates 10 hps.
Power attack: 1d20 + 38 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 38 + 2 = 60....critical
Confirmation attack: 1d20 + 38 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 38 + 2 = 47
Damage: 3d6 + 55 ⇒ (5, 1, 1) + 55 = 62
If confirmed, 6d6 + 110 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 5, 2, 2) + 110 = 127
Total:189 ...bypasses all DR!
Wow, seems to make sense with all the death around her. You should not enrage an angel!

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4


Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

If we are continuing...

If the worm is still up, apply attack to it with same spring attack and blinding; if not apply to centipede:
1d20 + 37 ⇒ (15) + 37 = 52
Damage: 2d4 + 2d6 + 45 ⇒ (3, 4) + (1, 3) + 45 = 56
Confirmation: 1d20 + 37 ⇒ (12) + 37 = 49
Damage: 2d4 + 45 ⇒ (4, 3) + 45 = 52
1d100 ⇒ 64
1d100 ⇒ 63
Total damage: 108 before DR.

Think this is the first time its Displacement has mattered, miss chance for Bublaka's sonic bolts:
1d100 ⇒ 60, 1d100 ⇒ 37, 1d100 ⇒ 18

Bub's song bolts hit: 1d6 ⇒ 1 The one bolt that strikes it hits the actual ulgurstasta!

Damage: 221 + 18 + 189 + 98 = 526 526 damage and it is STILL up! But barely...

Bublaka fires three sonic bolts at the creature and one of them manages to get through its magical defenses and strike something solid. Meanwhile, the enraged angel buries her axe deep in the undead maggots head. Despite the rotten brain matter that oozes out of the gash the thing keeps on going. Lastly Valgrim leaps up and continues to work on the things under belly...

Ulgurstasta's AOO on Exousia: 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (13) + 31 = 44 Miss.

Raya takes 170 damage from a failed save for Finger of Death bringing to zero hitpoints and staggered.

N'vesh-N'kar, seeing that the paladin is barely standing, chitters at the centipede again, it burrows though the rock and emerges just as the sensor hits her again. Apparently, her Freedom of Movement is dispelled as the centipede's mandibles close on her, latch on, and pull her back into the earth. She seemed to be trying to heal herself at the time...

Tendril aura damage: 1d12 ⇒ 9

The monstrous grub then tries to bite Valgrim in half and swallow him...

Power attack Ulgurstasta bite: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (18) + 25 = 43
Damage: 4d6 + 46 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 4) + 46 = 60
Power attack Ulgurstasta bite: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (16) + 25 = 41
Damage: 4d6 + 46 ⇒ (3, 6, 6, 6) + 46 = 67

Think those are both hits. 127 damage or 107 after stoneskin. Striking at the more damaged foe in hopes of bringing you down.

Failing to bring the dwarf down the undead says another quick arcane syllable and disappears through a Dimension Door.

Your all up again.

Updated Current Status:

Bublaka 162/184
Friar Ferez: Dead/171(176)
Guardian Raya: Taken/204
Valgrim: 46+38/218+38(233) StoneSkin: 94/150
Exousia: 197/229

Active Spells:
Good Hope (Everyone) - 19 minutes, +2 morale bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls
Heroes Feast (Everyone, except Valgrim and Ferez(dispelled)) - 12 hours at start
Status (Friar Ferez/Everyone) - 24 hours
Wind Walk (Everyone, except Ferez and Raya(dispelled)) - 20 hours at start
Communal Airwalk (Everyone except Exousia?) - 50 minutes

Magic Vestment (Friar Ferez - armor) - 30 hours
Magic Vestment (Friar Ferez - shield) - 30 hours
Freedom of Movement (Friar Ferez) - 200 minutes
Shield of Faith (Friar Ferez) - 20 minutes - +5 Deflection
Sacred Bond (Ferez and Valgrim) - 75' range for touch spells - 200 minutes
1 Negative level from Enervation

Freedom of Movement (Valgrim) - 150 minutes
Barkskin (Valgrim) - 150 minutes, +5 natural armor bonus
Repel Vermin (Valgrim) - 150 minutes on himself, 10' radius
Anticipate Peril (Valgrim) - 15 minutes, +5 initiative
Magic Vestment (Valgrim - armor)
Shield of Faith (Valgrim) - 20 minutes - +5 Deflection
Resist Energy (Fire 30) (Valgrim) - 150 minutes
Stoneskin (Valgrim) - from Banner - 10/min per level, do not know CL
3 Negative Levels from Enervation

Freedom of Movement (Bublaka)

Barkskin (Exousia) - 150 minutes, +5 natural armor bonus
Freedom of Movement (Exousia) - 150 minutes

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Exousia tries to dispel the sensor.
Dispel Magic: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27

The sensor disappears but then reforms almost immediately. This is some form of magical trap that seems to infuse the entire ledge areas. She and Valgrim think it might have to do with a myriad of crystals embedded into the floor and walls of the areas. You bet a rogue would know what to do...

Bublaka and Valgrim what are you two doing this round?

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

The massive grub disappeared?

Bublaka: Yes.

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

With a cough, the bard offers, "The beast can't have gone far with that spell, but we don't know where. It will be healing up and returning, though. I suggest we do the same."

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

"Exousia, grab Friar and let's go down this cavern and out of range of that sensor. You too Bubba!"

Valgrim heads to where the Wall of Force is. Does he still feel the urge to head a particular direction?

Yes, he does. Is he still raging or dropping it?

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

When he reaches the end of the hall and turns the corner, if there is one, he drops out of rage, since he is going to be fatigued. Hold off on my action. I am still waiting to hear from Bubba, since he might think it might be a bad idea to proceed further in and might just want us to leave the complex altogether.

Understood, waiting.

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

"If you say so, but I'm ready to reverse course when you are, my friend."

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

"Agreed, Bubba. We need to bring Friar back." Valgrim and Bubba head out of the cavern double speed, hasted. Exousia picks up Friar's corpse and flies out, following.

Not sure if you aware of this or not but using the Resurrection scroll brings Ferez back to full health and with all his spells still memorized. The only penalty is he gets a negative level. So, whether your leaving or not you can bring Ferez back right now, or at least Exousia or Bublaka can.

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

The issue was the 1 minute (10 rounds) casting time. :) So wanted to leave, cast and come back in. Wall of Force will still be there.

Leaving the caves unmolested, the remaining trio flies and walks through air back into the open air of the Earthcancer Gorge. Getting a safe distance (whatever you decide this is) from the entrance, Exousia takes the scroll and begins reciting the prayers over the fallen priests remains while a badly wounded Valgrim and Bublaka stand watch...

Do you attract unwanted attention? 1d100 ⇒ 89 No.

...the prayer completes and, with a sudden sucking in of air, Ferez begins to cough while his eyes flutter open and focus on you all.

Any per round duration spells have expired (like haste).

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

In the meantime, Bubba uses the Wand of Restoration on Valgrim to get rid of the negative levels - 3 round casting time.
Valgrim also drinks his 9 Cure Serious potions: 27d8 + 45 ⇒ (7, 5, 2, 2, 1, 3, 6, 3, 8, 8, 7, 2, 8, 5, 5, 7, 5, 4, 7, 4, 4, 8, 2, 6, 1, 3, 8) + 45 = 176

"Padre! Glad to have you back! You scared us back there!"

Valgrim: Just one restoration takes care of the negative levels because they are temporary BUT 3 more will take care of your ability drain damage (so 4 total - looks like you can just target one thing per spell). If my math is right than you are at 222/233 hitpoints after your potion binge.

Ferez: You still have all spell effects going unless they specifically say death ends the effect. You do still have 1 temporary negative level and one permanent negative level.

Bublaka: Are you going to use Restorations on your ability drains?

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

I am, yes. By my notes, I have three drains to deal with - does that sound correct? Regardless, Valgrim is fully healed, then Friar's levels, then my own. Does that work?

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

I am back! Thank you all!

Okay, 4 charges on Valgrim, one on me to dispel temporary negative level, and 3 on Bublaka, so that is 8 charges. 21 left on Wand. How is Bubba's health, since Valgrim is close to full and Exousia regenerates?

"I saw the light....and Sarenrae was beautiful...but she told me I had more work to do here! Where is Raya? Did we destroy the Ulgurstasta?" Seeing everyone's sad eyes, Friar's gaze turns steely as his anger at the undead worm grows.

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Updated Spell List:
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 19th; concentration +27)
9th—quickened flame strike (DC 22), mass heal, miracle, prismatic sphere D
8th—fire storm (DC 25), stormbolts (DC 25), sunburst D (DC 25), sunburst (DC 25)
7th— empowered flame strike(DC 22), empowered flame strike, empowered flame strike, holy word (DC 24), sunbeam D (DC 24), sunbeam (DC 24)
6th—cold ice strike (DC 23), fire seeds D, heal, heal, heroes' feast, wind walk
5th—call spirit, communal air walk, disrupting weapon, flame strike D (DC 22), empowered searing light (2)
4th—blessing of fervor (DC 21), death ward, death ward, dimensional anchor, freedom of movement, holy smite D (DC 21)
3rd—dispel magic, magic vestment (3), sacred bond (DC 20), searing light D, searing light
2nd—bless weapon D, grace (3), lesser restoration (2), status
1st—hide from undead (DC 18), protection from evil, shield of faith D, shield of faith (4)(2)
0 (at will)— create water, detect magic, stabilize, virtue

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

Down 17 points. I'm not cryin'

Quietly, "I will add an epic ode to the many works about that courageous woman. Her death... we could not recover her body. One of the centipedes dragged her back into its tunnel."

Sheepishly, the bard looks at the companions. "I did not hold my own in that fight. I pray my failure did not lead to Raya's death, but I'm afraid it may have." He takes a deep breath, "We know a bit about the initial foes we face and indeed killed a few of them. I must do better next time - how can I best be of assistance? For one thing, I might be able to use my magic to put us deeper into the cavern if you thought bypassing that killing field would be beneficial. Like when we escaped the giants' cave-in."

Seriously, let's talk tactics for a moment. What do you need from me? Can we proceed with three and Exousia?

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

"I am sorry a sister of Sarenrae fell. Bub, we all made tactical mistakes. I failed to cast magic on Exousia or Valgrim's blade that may have destroyed the undead on contact or at least had a chance to do so. We should go in with protections against necromantic magic (Death ward). I have 2 spells, Exousia can cast it on herself, and Valgrim has a scroll. I think Bublaka, you should try concentrate on dispelling the creature's mirror images if it casts that magic again, since that forces Valgrim to blind himself and will give me chance to use Searing Light. I will focus on keeping us healed. Yes, if you could teleport us to the Wall of Force that would be great, then we can follow Valgrim's hunches."

Bub, you are the most versatile:
Inspire heroics, greatness, etc.
You can buff with Greater heroism, deadly finale
Attack with song bolt
Greater dispel
Dispel magic
Blind the creature with Glitterdust/Slow (undead not immune since it is will save) - true, it may only fail on a 1, but the more rolls, the greater the chance and no SR roll for Glitterdust
Wand of Searing Light - SR applies though
You have a ton of choices. Don't sell yourself short.

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

We buff with DW and any other buffs Bubba wants to spare and we head back. I think we can go forward on this fight, since we killed many of its allies and hopefully, it does not have enough time to recuperate 1-2 minutes later. So if we back in quickly, we have a chance, especially with DD. Going forward after, if we survive, we can only do so if Exousia is allowed to have class levels and we can pick her spells. :)

A Restoration spell can also cure the permanent negative level Ferez, in case you wanted to use another one for that. At which point you'll be back to normal I believe.

Yes, what to do going forward has been on my mind. I am fine with leveling Exousia, but things will definitely be tough. Not impossible, but tough.

It's definitely been 2 minutes at this point (that is, at the point your rebuffed and ready to head back in).

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Death Ward on all and any buffs Bub wants to spare (min/level) and we head back. Hopefully, with better results. :)

Yes, I was thinking paladin levels for Exousia to help her smite and bypass DR with her speed axe.

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

By the way, I have been forgetting to add +2d6 damage from undead bane property on my falchion(only added +2 hit/+2 damage) so really the worm should have taken an extra 8d6 from my 4 hits. Maybe that extra damage would have destroyed it. Sorry about that guys. That was dumb of me to not add it. I will not make mistake again.

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

I have deathless on my armor and two scrolls of death ward. Is the wall of force within my dimension door range? If not, we move toward it until it is, I cast haste and start inspiring courage, and jumps us in. How does that sound?

By the way, how many rounds of bardic performance do I need to scratch off?

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

I know I have a lot of options, but they seemed very inadequate facing that thing and I repeatedly froze. And I even when I remembered the song bolt, I couldn't find it and thought I must have misremembered. I finally just did a search and found "deafening" song bolt. Or to put it another way, I need to be the last person to criticize for mistakes made.

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

Yep, that works, Bubba.

Ok, I think I got this figured out now.

After casting preparation spells the group follows Bublaka through his Dimension Door. Thankfully, the wall of force holding back the magical trap seems to still be up and functioning. From the new vantage point on the ledge you all can see another cave, that you couldn't see earlier from the crevasse, that goes deeper into the rock wall. The new cave entrance is cloaked in some thin mist, but you can see readily through it into the cave beyond. Bones of the ulgurststa's previous victims lie scattered about the cavern in front of you. Most of them seem to be monstrous in origin, such as chimera and the like. Valgrim can feel the pull on him indicating that this is the right way to go...

I have revealed the area in Roll20.

Where are you guys coming out of your D-Door exactly and how high up (ceiling is 40' feet).

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

I would say 5' off the ground. "Uh guys, we have to go through a skeletal room, that way."

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Friar invokes Divine Presence 30' aura for next 19 rounds. "After you, fearless leader."

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

"Well, that room certainly looks like a nice place for an ambush, so let me go first. If anything, drop some powerful magic on me!"

Can I get a Greater Heroism, Bubba? If so, Valgrim moves into the room alone.

Valgrim: Go ahead and make 2 will saves please.

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

Will save: 1d20 + 16 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 16 + 4 = 26...if spell or SLA add +4
Will save: 1d20 + 16 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 16 + 4 = 38.......if spell or SLA add +4
If not spell, Valgrim will add 2 HPs to first roll. I will go through thread and confirm how many I have left.

HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4

Count on that Greater Heroism, Valgrim.

We all have death ward active, right? How many rounds of bardic performance did I burn through in the first battle?

Another question nags at the back of my mind, but I cannot remember it.

EDIT: for the moment, I'm going to use bardic performance to inspire heroics on Valgrim. As long as he's within 30', he receives a morale bonus to saves and dodge bonus to AC. Both are +4.

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

You da man, Bubba! I went through the Thread since the Fang Dragon - we were awarded 2 Hero Points (obtaining second Key and destroying phylactery - Bubba got extra one for rping) and I spent only 1 since then, so Valgrim has 12 Hero Points or 10, depending if he had to use them just now. Yes and we have Death Ward, in case attack was negative energy.

No hero point expenditure necessary, you made both saves.

The mist pulls at the edges of Valgrim's mind and tries to dull his senses but he manages to fight off the effect. Just as he is stepping forward a powerful force tries to shove or pull his very lifeforce from his body. Again, the dwarf is able to fight off the effect. Many of the bones in here still glisten with the disgusting digestive juices of whatever ate them...

Bublaka: We'll call it an even dozen rounds of singing used if you were using it during the entire battle. So, assuming you came in already buffed with your new song, this would be round 14 now. You can adjust the total accordingly if I have misunderstood anything.

As valgrim advances carefully into the bone-filled cavern, several of the piles suddenly animate in hideous mockeries of what they were in life.

6 Chimera and 1 dragon skeleton animate! Initiatives everyone. If you go before them, then go ahead and take your actions.

Skeleton initiatives: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Thanks for springing trap, Valgrim! ;)

Friar: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Exousia: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Oh, so close! Rolling for Bubba: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Skeletal Dragon Bite: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (15) + 24 = 39

#1 Skeletal Chimera charging Bite: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

#2 Skeletal Chimera charging Goat Head Gore: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

#3 Skeletal Chimera Bite: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
#3 Skeletal Chimera Bite: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
#3 Skeletal Chimera Goat Head Gore: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
#3 Skeletal Chimera Claw: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
#3 Skeletal Chimera Claw: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

The skeletal beast swarm around the ranger, but he ducks and weaves expertly to avoid all of their tearing claws and bites.

Your all up now, go ahead.

I suppose I should put the initiative list together:

Skeletons 22
Exousia 21
Ferez 20
Valgrim 14
Bublaka 10

So Exousia and Ferez are up actually.

Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7

Exousia delays to allow Friar to go first.

Friar concentrates on a point 90 feet away (he can see with Daylight from Exousia's sword) and unleashes his last Sunburst, catching Valgrim, per his instructions, all the undead I hope, and any past the blacked out area.
If you need SR roll: 1d20 + 19 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 19 + 4 = 42
Valgrim takes 36 and is blinded or none with his evasion.
Undead take 114 or 57 or none if they have evasion.
Reflex DC save is 25. Hope I don't blind Valgrim.

Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14

Reflex save: 1d20 + 20 + 4 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 20 + 4 + 4 = 48..not blind, but what a waste of a 20, when I would have made save with a 2. Aaaargh!

Why, Ferez?! He has been blinding himself anyway. Your just saving him the effort :)

Dragon reflex save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Chimera reflex save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Chimera reflex save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Chimera reflex save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Chimera reflex save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Chimera reflex save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Chimera reflex save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

The room blazes like the sun for a moment, leaving nothing left of the skeletal undead except crumbling bones and ash. The dragon skeleton actually implodes into a fiery explosion of its own, but it doesn't reach Valgrim.

All skeletons destroyed!

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