The Whispering Cairn
Game Master
The worms crawl in and...stay
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Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Updated unclaimed treasure list with sale values:
Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 (2000 gp)
Rod of flame extinguishing (7500 gp)
Cloak of Arachnida (7000 gp)
Harp of charming (3750 gp)
4 beads of force (6000 gp)
Treasure already divived:
Ring of evasion (Vug)
Belt of Dwarvenkind (Friar)
Wand of lightning bolt (23 charges, caster level 8th) - Bubba
Wand of haste (19 charges) - Vulcan
HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4
I have no need for the harp and while the cloak is cool, I will pass on it, also.
Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18
I figure the Wand of Haste is a great back up to Bubba being incapacitated, and the wand of Lightning bolt just because. While the save DC's are lower than Vulcan's can be useful against mooks, saving Vulcan's spellcasting for bigger enemies.
HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4
That's fine. I think Valgrim was thinking we could back each other up, but if you want the offensive wand, too, go for it.
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Correct, I'd like Bubba to have some offensive power with the wand of lightning.
Vulcan, I think HPs are more important than AC at these levels, so you should trade in Belt of Dex +2 and take Belt of Con +2 for extra 14 hps.
When we sell treasures (be it Belt of Con +2 or Dex +2), the total is:
43,000gp + 26,250 gp = 69250
Each person's share: 13850 gp
Vulcan you may want to upgrade your Cloak of Resistance +1.
Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18
Yeah that makes sense, with things like Blink, AC isn't as important. Swapping belts makes sense in that light. If Bubba wants the wand that's fine.
Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Hey guys, a certain Jack Daniels has offered to run Feres. I just wanted to check with you, but I think we need another player, so I'm inclined to give him a chance.
HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4
I have no concerns, but I'm not one of the originals.
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
I have not played with him but it would help to have someone manage Friar's spells and rolls.
Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18
With the amount of casting the character does it would certainly help I'm sure it would help.
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Hello all! Thanks for the selection, BT. I hope to continue the party's successes.
Reviewing the Discussion thread, I see Friar has over 39K of gold he has not spent. Let me know BT if I can spend it. I will proceed without it for now.
Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
You can definitely spend the gold. Manzorian can get you about any magic item you can afford on short notice.
Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7
Okay, thanks DM.
13850 gp + 26,720.6 gp, 4 sp + 256 gp, 2 cp= 40,826 gp, 4 sp, 2 cp
Friar upgrades his Cloak of Resistance +2 to Cloak +5 = 21000 gp
Remaining gold: 19,826 gp, 4 sp, 4 cp
That's all for now.
HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4
Marvelous idea. I have just enough to make my Cloak a +5, as well.
Female Elf Alchemist (preservationist) 18
Vug improves her cloak to +5, since all the cool kids are doing it.
Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18
Summary of 15th level for Valgrim:
Take another level of ranger (13/2)
HP roll: 1d10 ⇒ 8
Favored Class: +1 hp
Favored Terrain: Urban (+2), Raise Mountain (+4)
Skills: +1 acrobatics, stealth, survival, perception, 2 ranks in Knowledge (Geography)
Feat: Improved critical (falchion)
4th level spell commonly memorized: Freedom of Movement
HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4
Bubluka takes a 15th level of bard.
HP Roll: 1d8 ⇒ 2
Favored class: +1 skill point
+1 BAB, +1 Fort
+1 3rd-level/day, +1 5th-level/day
Bardic Performance changes: Inspire Competence +5, Inspire Heroics
+1 5th-level spell known
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Perception, Perform (Act), Perform (Dance), Perform (Oratory), Spellcraft
Feat and spell to be selected, character sheet not updated yet
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Inspire heroics = +4 dodge bonus!!! My new favorite friend! :) Also, now that Valgrim can cast FoM on himself (at 15th level), that opens a slot for both Bubba and Friar to prepare another spell or buff someone else.
Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
I was going to handwave the dragonslaying since you already got the xp and you will kill them easily. But maybe you need to blow off some steam. Let me know what you prefer.
As soon as you have finished levelling we can move on either way.
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Handwave it. Good to know our party would not let 4 evil dragons survive to wreak havoc on innocents and/or come at us at a later date.
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Changed mind on Improved Critical feat. TBD.
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Feat selected: Great Fortitude.
Cleric of Sarenrae 20/Hierophant 2 HP: 253/253; AC:32/15/27; F +24; R +18; W +28; Init: +11; Percep: +29; Hero Points: 3/3 Channel: 7/8; Quicken Rod 3/3; Extend Lesser Rod: 0/3; Intensified Rod: 3/3; Maximize: 3/3; Greater Maximize: 0/3; Mythic Power: 3/7
Friar takes a 15th level of cleric.
HP Roll: 1d8 ⇒ 5
Favored class: +1 hit point
+1 BA, +1 Reflex save
Channel Energy 8d6
Extra 5th level spell
1 8th level spell + domain
Skills: +1 Diplomacy, +1 Knowledge (Religion), +1 Sense Motive
Feat: Quicken Spell
HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4
So tempting to take the elixir of Charisma (party willing, of course), get Spell Focus (Illusion), and take Shadow Evocation as my new spell. Fireball with Reflex save DC 23 sounds like fun! And I have other evocation choices if that one is not appropriate!
But I have few other illusions, so that seems like a weak feat for me. *sigh*
Female Elf Alchemist (preservationist) 18
HP: 1d8 ⇒ 1
You guys can duke it out over the Charisma drink. I suggest we sell the +1 Str/Con drink, though.
Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18
Go for it my biggest issue is SR rather than saves.
Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Vulcan, I noticed that you have 20 hero points saved up. You know that you can buy a feat for those, right? Like Spell penetration.
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Good idea, BT. And Vulcan, when you reach 15th level, you get another feat and you can take Greater Spell penetration and have +4 on SR rolls.
Bubba, looks like the Cha elixir is yours.
Vug, we are definitely selling the other elixir.
Sell elixir: 27500/5 = 5500 gp each
Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18
Was looking at spell penetration for 15th so picking both those up is an excellent idea.
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
I know you don't like Bubba as a buffer but Greater Heroism is amazing for a 5th level spell at 15th level: immune to fear, 15 temp hps, +4 morale bonus to hit and saves and checks, and 150 min duration to boot! Vug and Friar don't have access to it and Vulcan probably won't take it. Think about it. :)
HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4
Well, it's not like we need someone to deliver mass damage, I suppose. Vulcan does a good job of that already.
The duration for the greater version of the spell is 1 minute per level. Would the temporary hit points from Greater Heroism stack with those of Heroes' Feast?
I need to compare the different buffs I have and make sure where they stack and where they don't.
HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4
A compromise. I took Expanded Arcana for my feat, which allowed me to select Greater Heroism and Greater Dispel Magic as new spells.
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Good catch, Bubba on the min/level (15 mins is long in a dungeon). Still, it's an awesome buff and the saves stack with our cloaks of resistance. Good selection of spells too. The temp hps won't stack, only the higher of the two.
Bubba, when you can, move the Game Thread along. Probably with a Kn.(local) check to get the info on the invitations and a Diplomacy to grease the proper official. LOL!
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Not really, but I'm still here. Thanks for your concern.
HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4
I was popping in to apologize for my unusual absence, RL had me firmly in its grip what with obligations and stuff, so I didn't know something was up. Hope everything works out, whatever is going on.
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Lucendar wrote: Summary of 15th level for Valgrim:
Take another level of ranger (13/2)
HP roll: 1d10
Favored Class: +1 hp
Favored Terrain: Urban (+2), Raise Mountain (+4)
Skills: +1 acrobatics, stealth, survival, perception, 2 ranks in Knowledge (Geography)
Feat: Improved critical (falchion)
4th level spell commonly memorized: Freedom of Movement
BT, I have been thinking about it and I would like, with your permission, to change my 15th level selection from ranger to fighter. There's been no combat or anything material in game since we leveled. The HD is the same so the 8 hps rolled would stay same. I would add the 2 skill ranks to Acrobatics and Perception, so the jump check would have been the same. Thanks in advance.
Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Thanks, BT! Valgrim is updated with one level of fighter. His two feats were Mobility and Spring Attack. Also, Valgrim will put in an order either in Maskholm or in Manzorian's town for a suit of non-magical mithral full plate mail (valued at 10500 gp). Please let me know in game when it is available.
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Bubba, BT may be waiting for your presentation of gifts to move thread along.
HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4
I imagine so. I'm an artist - these things take time.
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Male Dwarf Ranger 16/Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Champion 2 HP: 334/334; AC:34/15/30; F +31 (+33); R +22; W +16 (+18); Init: +11 (+17); Percep: +27 (+29); Hero Points: 5/5; Mythic Power: 7/7; Rage: 14/14
Ok, Bubba, you're up. Enough stalling. :)
Male Human Sorceror (Stormborn) 18
Leveled. 15 is a doozy.
Burn 20 hero points for Spell Penetration
Feat: Greater Spell penetration
+1 Will
New spells: Hungry Darkness (3d6/ 2 Con), Elemental Assessor (2d6 each typer +4d6 of most damage for next 4 rounds)
Bloodline spell: Control Weather,
Bloodline power: Ride the Lightning (Sp): At 15th level, as a full-round action you can become a living lightning bolt and move in a straight line up to 10 times your speed. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity while moving in this way. Creatures or objects in your path are affected as by your thunderbolt power. Creatures do not block your movement but solid barriers do unless they are reduced to 0 hit points. You can use this power once per day for a number of rounds equal to your sorcerer level
HP 223/223, 0 temp; AC 27, T19, FF 21, additional +2 vs undead foes, DR 2/- vs undead; 47/52 rds BP; 5/7 MP; CMD 39 (41 vs trip); 1st6,2nd6,3rd5,4th3,5th2,6th4
Female Elf Alchemist (preservationist) 18
It's a day late, but...
Happy 4th anniversary, Age of Worms game!!
The biggest thanks go to Black Tom for his persistence and all-around awesome DMing skills!