The Unsettled House

Game Master Aebliss

Every Night, the House of Dulapont hears the footsteps of the Dead; hears the voices of the Dead; shudders in the grip of the Dead. Who will reach out their Hand to soothe its Fears and lead it out of the Night?

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For several generations, the Dulapont family has been a byword for wealth, excellent breeding, patriottism and loyalty to the crown in the city-state of Clearvale-by-the-Lake.

The most recent generation showed great promise. Mme. Marite Dulapont, the current matron, had managed to maintain the family's fortunes and its good relationship with the crown despite the untimely death of her husband, François, and had raised their two sons well despite her refusal to remarry. Traven, the eldest son and heir, was married and the happy father of a healthy, happy baby girl. Not to mention, a very promising young scholar. His younger brother Jeremy was not yet married and seemed at times a bit resentful of being 'the spare', but showed courage and determination, and was making a career for himself in the army.

But suddenly, everything started to go wrong.
Then Traven's young wife and child were killed by muggers while they were out on the town to buy some new silks.
Traven retreated into the family house and never ventured outside. What few callers were allowed to see him reported that he was a broken shell of a man, aged beyond his years.
In contrast, Jeremy's star seemed to be on the rise; he left the army and entered the social whirl that was the Dulapont family's birthright. Alas, his education so far had not prepared him adequately for this, and he caused several faux pas, which cost his house considerable embarrassments. In the end, Mme. Marite forbade her youngest child from attending the many parties and gatherings of the social season without her there to coach him - another blow to the House's good name.

The family's cash flow has slowed down to a trickle, as old business interests have withdrawn their custom from what they believe to be a failing family.
Someone or something ravaged the Dulapont family tomb, four years after the death of Traven's wife and child, and no trace was ever found of the perpetrator.
And now, the hauntings.

You, whoever and wherever you are, have heard of the hauntings. How could you not have heard? Mme. Marite has finally broken down and called for help to protect her house. The news has travelled from mouth to mouth, from wall to wall as notices have been spread to the houses where adventurous souls gather to exchange news and seek their next grand quest.

'Every Night, the great and ancient House of Dulapont hears the footsteps of the Dead.
Every Night, the wounded and bleeding House of Dulapont hears the voices of the Dead.
Every Night, the House of Dulapont shifts and shudders in the grip of the Dead.
Who will reach out their Hand?
Who will take the Hand of the House?
Who will soothe its Fears and lead it out of the Night?
If none do, the House shall heed.
The House shall bleed.
The House shall fall.
And the Dead shall rise.'


Hello to everyone who started reading this post and has made it this far. Are you hooked yet? ;)
I am not the greatest of DMs, and I warn you the pace of this campaign is more than likely to be slow, and I am capable of many mistakes. Please be ready to work with me if this happens... ^^;

The system is Pathfinder.

The books open for character creation are:
* Core rulebook
* Advanced player guide
* Magic of the Inner Sea
* Dragon Empires Gazetteer
* Ultimate Magic
* Ultimate Combat
* Advanced Race Guide

We are starting with 1st-level characters.
I would like to have a party of five to six people, and recruitment ends next Wednesday.
20-point buy character creation.
Two traits, which must be drawn from the Advanced Player Guide.
Maximum starting gold; buy anything you want, so long as you can afford it.
I enjoy a good, well-developed character background. Please give me some story (two to three paragraphs) to go with your submission.
Have some good reason to come to the Dulaponts' rescue. I will accept one distant Dulapont cousin, coming to his family's aid, but no more. ;)
Levelling will be done at my discretion, rather than by constant tallying of xp.

Clearvale-by-the-Lake is a city of my own design. Think of a sprawling, London-like metropolis, as it was during the 19th century - if the many creatures of fantasy roleplaying had been there. The city is misnamed; it is a place of creeping fog and blackest smog, when the factories belch out their smokes at the same time that the Lake disgorges its regular mists. When there's no fog, there is rain, but the city still thrives because it is a centre of industry and craftsmanship, and it ships its products out via the Lake to the other city-states that surround it.

With all of that said... any questions? And more importantly: is anyone interested enough to take up the cause of the Dulapont family?

Dotting for interest - I'll have something up over the week-end.

I still have to flesh out the crunch with the fluff, in the sense that he still needs some crunch, but i thought i'd at least put him up for you to go over his point-but stats, and his back-ground. i was going for a semi-western themed gunslinger, to see how they played. now for introductions: "the only name of mine you need to cal me by is Gabriel Stone, and if you go the coin, then i'll be your huckleberry."

also, if you want me to tone down the background story a little bit, PM me

Grand Lodge

Athalaric, scholar of the Arcane Arts, and of Varisian origin to the rescue.

I am definitely interested. I will fill in the missing aprts of the profile, including background story, asap.

Just one question: Is Clearvale-by-the-Lake intended to be somewehre in Golarion? Or is it in a homebrew world?

I"m interested. Is the technology of 19th century London, or just the feel of the city? How common are firearms,and other more advanced technology?

Thinking about a "Mysterious Stranger" Gunslinger.

so very, very interested. application forthcoming.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think I could manage another slow game.

R!Kktik, ratfolk alchemist and reluctant business factor:

Like any city its size, Clearvale-by-the-Lake is actually composed of many different communities, sharing space and occasionally overlapping. Most people only saw a fraction of them, and only recognized them by their outward signs--the factories of the industrial districts, surrounded by the crowded tenements where their workers and their families eked out a miserable and crowded existence; the larger houses of the merchants in the business districts; the great mansions of the nobility far upwind of the factories...but deep below the cobbled streets still more communities may be found, some not inhabited by humans....

The ratfolk matron looked somewhat askance at the patchy-furred creature brought before her. The pair of her grandchildren grooming her did not even register in her thoughts, so used was she to the constant crush of the warren. Who is he? Ah, yes. From his scent...what I can distinguish over his reagents...he is my fifteenth niece's second son, her get from that roving scavenger who came through here from Outside. It looks like she finally got him to stop chewing on his tail. "Ah, R!Kktik. So glad you could bestir yourself from your laboratory and join me. I have a task for you."

Whiskers twitching in poorly-suppressed annoyance, the young ratfolk leaned forward. "Whatever it is, it'd better be worth the interruption. I was just before validating Thule's synthesis of the lesser alkahest, and without me there to tend the reaction it'll probably have eaten the retort by the time I get back. Great-aunt." While keeping his attention on her, he began to reflexively groom one of the ratfolk pressed up next to him in the close confines of the warren.

His great-aunt sniffed. Well, at least he remembered who I was. "It is time you did more for your family's interests than putter around in that foul-smelling lab of yours." She cut him off before he could do more than open his mouth to protest. "You have that privilege because your family is wealthy. Well, some of our business interests in the City Above are threatened do I put this? The travails of a human family. They are far too small to be respectable by our standards, of course." She paused to take a bit of cheese in one delicately clawed hand. "Take some, R!Kktik. It's quite good. Now, where was I? Ah, yes. The Dulapont family. We have done well over the years doing business with and through them, but now they're troubled by hauntings and the callowness of a younger scion. You should understand that last, R!Kktik. And don't look at me like that. The humans who do business with them are going elsewhere, away from them...and us. I am working to find us other connections to the City Above; I'm not that stupid. That takes time, though, and it would be faster if you would go and help them set things right. Use some of your vaunted intellect and skills outside of the warren." Where your 'experiments' won't threaten to bring down the walls, she thought to herself. "It will do you good to see the City Above, my dear boy. You'll come to appreciate what we have down here so much more. Oh, and keep your eyes and ears open for any new business opportunities. One can never have too many contacts among the humans."

Muttering to himself, the young alchemist left his overbearing great-aunt and pushed his way to his lab. The smell of hot stone and molten glass told the tale before he reached the place, and he chittered angrily at the cleanup that awaited him. He shrugged in a quick twitch. "She's right, but I don't have to like it. The humans are supposed to have some good alchemists; I might actually learn something from them." And after a hasty cleanup, he packed up his belongings and set out for the City Above.

Crunch forthcoming.

I submit Astrea, hp battery and healer extraordinaire.

Her backstory is still in progress. I imagining something along the lines of her being a tutor/housekeeper of the Dulapont family, got cursed by malevolent spirits while doing laundry, and being drawn summarily into the whole mess.

Let me know what you think of that DM.


Will it be module length or AP length game?

Dotting for interest...

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


But a question: the system is Pathfinder, but is the setting also Pathfinder, aka, Golarion?

A quick answer to two questions on my way to other stuff: Clearvale-by-the-Lake is somewhere on Golarion. ^^

scranford wrote:

I"m interested. Is the technology of 19th century London, or just the feel of the city? How common are firearms,and other more advanced technology?

Thinking about a "Mysterious Stranger" Gunslinger.

It's more the feel of the city than all the technology, although Clearvale-by-the-Lake has made great strides in the field of alchemy, and it does have its own factories. No trains, though.

Alchemy is generally more trusted in the City than 'standard' arcane magic.

Azure_Zero wrote:


Will it be module length or AP length game?

I'm hoping module length, but there may be sequels if this one goes well.

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Are you running 'Chimes at Midnight', 'Quoth the Raven' and 'Hell's Heart' by chance? =)

nomadicc wrote:
Are you running 'Chimes at Midnight', 'Quoth the Raven' and 'Hell's Heart' by chance? =)

Nope. ^^

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'll join in... thinking of a noble or similar station character, maybe a relative of the Dulaponts' but more likely in a similarly down-and-out house. Definitely a duelist, probably fighter or rogue. I'll put together the details this weekend. =D

Thinking about a Cleric, Paladin, Fighter, Bard or Alchemist

Is Blood of Fiends and or Blood of Angels open as usable content

Are gunslinger and the black powder inquisition allowable?

Azure_Zero wrote:

Thinking about a Cleric, Paladin, Fighter, Bard or Alchemist

Is Blood of Fiends and or Blood of Angels open as usable content


Alright, yes.

Now hear this:

I am adding some more books to the list of source books you can use for character creation, but THIS. IS. IT. No other sourcebooks, no matter how nicely you ask. ;)

* Blood of Angels
* Blood of Fiends
* Faiths of Neutrality
* Goblins of Golarion
* Gods and Magic
* Humans of Golarion
* Orcs of Golarion

I'm dotting for interest. If allowable, I'd like to play a musket master kind of gunslinger. He would be from a neighboring area, whether another country or not I'm unsure on, and he would be a hired sort, to really make sure the family gets back on its feet so that his employer can get in on the ground floor.

ShadowyFox wrote:
Are gunslinger and the black powder inquisition allowable?

The Gunslinger; definitely.

If the Black Powder Inquisition is in one of the sourcebooks on the list, then go for it - but please refer to the book for my benefit, so I can look it up.

Good to know. The Black Powder Inquisition is in Ultimate Combat, on pg. 52.

Here is my idea for Alfred Black...Mysterious Stranger.

Character Sheet:


Alfred Black
Male Human Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1
LN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +4
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4 (+2 trait bonus vs poison or drugs (+4 to avoid effects of alcohol)), Ref +6, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Cutlass +1 (1d6/18-20/x2)
Ranged Pistol +5 (1d8/x4)
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Gunsmithing, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits Iron Liver, Snake Bleeder
Skills Bluff +6, Craft (alchemy) +0 (+2 when brewing poisons), Craft (firearms) +2, Intimidate +6, Perception +4, Sleight of Hand +8, Survival +4
Languages Common
SQ deed: deadeye, deed: focused aim (+2), deed: gunslinger's dodge (+2 ac), grit
Other Gear Leather armor, Black powder, Cutlass, Firearm bullet (5), Firearm bullet (15), Firearm bullet, silver (3), Pistol, Backpack (16 @ 1.2505 lbs), Belt pouch (9 @ 0.3526 lbs), Canteen, Hat, Powder horn (1 @ 0 lbs), Powder horn (empty), 2.95 GP, 3 SP, 5 CP
Special Abilities
Deed: Deadeye (Ex) Use 1 grit per extra range increment to make a touch attack beyond the first.
Deed: Focused Aim (+2) At 1st level, as a swift action, the mysterious stranger can spend 1 grit point to gain a bonus on all firearm damage rolls equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) with all firearm attacks she makes until the end of her turn. At 7th level, when sh
Deed: Gunslinger's Dodge (+2 AC) (Ex) Use 1 grit, immediately move 5 ft/drop prone to gain 1x/2x bonus to AC vs ranged attack.
Grit (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on firearm crit/killing blow.
Gunsmithing You can use a gunsmithing kit to craft/repair firearms and ammo.
Iron Liver +2 to Fort saves vs. poison and drugs, or +4 vs. alcohol.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Snake Bleeder +2 trait bonus to Craft (alchemy) to brew poison.
He woke up startled, and took a sudden paniced breath. The pain was incredible...his whole body hurt...especially his neck. And it was dark. Not dark like an unlit room, or like a cloudy moonless night but dark. He then slept again.

The next time he awoke the pain was less severe. He tried to sit up but quickly met resistance. Wood? He was in a box. He could smell the pine sap. He pushed to the left and right above it couldn't be. His worst nightmare buried alive. He screamed his parched throat unable to create much volume. So he pounded and kicked his boots able to creathe the most noise. Then he heard something. A rattling heavy thumping seeming to come from all around him. He redoubled his efforts, and finally a sliver of daylight shone through the narrow gap between the boards. As he opened his mouth to cry out again, dirt dribbled into his mouth from the opening. Pushing and twisting he was able to turn in his premature coffin, and placing his back against the top of his prison he began to push. The boards gave way with a crack, and he rose up collapsing on the side of his makeshift tomb. He passed out again.

He came to to the unusual sensation of something wet, smelly and rough licking his head. With a start he opened his eyes to the ugly face of somebody's mule. With a whicker and a snap of it's teeth the mule backed away, and he climed from the tomb. Swaying he stood and looked around him.

Besides the mule there were two bodies. One dressed as a soldier, the other as a worker. He turned over both bodies...a neat bullet hole between their eyes determining the cause of their demise. Since he was only in his stained long johns and boots, he quickly stripped the corpses, taking what clothing they could provide. The size was close enough...and he actually liked the big black hat. Also hanging from the neck of the soldier was a canteen, that while not full gave him enough moisture to consider his next step. Searching the mule's pack he found a full gamblers kit, and several small kegs of gunpowder, as well as some more normal supplies

After some atheletic antics in capturing the mule's guide line, he finally secured the mount, and started off in the direction he thought he smelled woodsmoke in. As he began to move in that direction, he stumbled over something in the growing darkness. He reached down and found a fine leather gunbelt, with a pistol in the holster, and a powder horn, and belt pouch attached.

Then as he buckled the belt around him a thought struck him like a thunderbolt.'Who am I'? He couldn't remember his name, where he was, where he was from he seemed to know nothing. Then an owl flushed from a nearby patch of thorns, and before he even knew what was happening the pistol was in his hand, and pointed at the potential threat. He might not know who he was, but at least that was a clue as to what he was.

Well maybe there were answers ahead. He cautiously approached the cabin that had been the source of the woodsmoke smell, anouncing his arrival as he slowly approached. A young man stepped from the door of the cabin, just as his last vestiges of energy haveout. He fainted once again. The man helped him. In and out of a fever he drifted, till finally he awoke many days later, feeling week and out of sorts...and he still didn't know who he was. He turned to the wall beside him and noticed a small painting of a city, storm tossed and dark with industry. There was a name on the small painting identifying the city as "Clearvale by the Lake", and the artist as Alfred Black.

The man finally darkened the doorway. "Well look who'd decided to rejoin the living". "That painting you're looking at was in your gear". "I put it up there thinking it might calm you a bit". "You were pretty violent a couple of times in your fever". The man rubs a fading bruise beneath his eye. "Names Fevreaux, Niles Fevreaux". "And you might be"?

Sitting up I rubbed my head, feeling the whiskers of weeks of growth...who was I? "Alfread Black, and much obliged for your help". "I'd be a goner without you".

The stranger looked away, as I rubbed the painful scar around my neck. Then returning the small painting to the bed. "But I've been in your way long enough". "Here take this gold as payment for your hospitality, and I'll be gone by morning".

"Where you headed"? "Back home"?

"I suppose so". They might be missing me in Clearvale by now".

And I kept my promise and left the next morning at sunrise. Maybe somebody there could tell me who I am.

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Dotting. Going with a down-on-her-luck Urban Barbarian. Will have a character ready in a bit.

Edit: Also, are the other Faiths of books omitted for any particular reason?

Yes. I don't own any of them. ^^

My noble gnomish bard didn't get accepted into another game... I may repurpose him here?

Are Words of Power acceptable? I'd like to try out that system.

Certainly, on both counts.

DM Quoth wrote:
Yes. I don't own any of them. ^^

Do you prefer PDFs or the physical books?

Got the stats done. I'll have to get the background done tomorrow.

Garra's profile

Needless to say, a Kellid from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords isn't likely to be well versed in the niceties of polite society.


Submitting Oberst, a Half-Elf Bard. All the info and background is in the profile. Right now, he is a 25 point build but I could very easily fix that.

As for his reasons for coming to the Dulapont's aid, he has heard tales of the haunting and of the family's rich (both literally and metaphorically) history. He has a love for studying new stories, and is very interested to learn what is going on (so perhaps he could write a song about it).

Thinking of a changeling witch (dream weaver witch). Cruch and fluff to follow

AdamWarnock wrote:
DM Quoth wrote:
Yes. I don't own any of them. ^^
Do you prefer PDFs or the physical books?

I prefer books I can hold in my hands. ^^

DM Quoth wrote:
I prefer books I can hold in my hands. ^^

Hear, hear! There's just something so nice about physically holding a book and flipping through the pages.

DajellyMan wrote:
DM Quoth wrote:
I prefer books I can hold in my hands. ^^
Hear, hear! There's just something so nice about physically holding a book and flipping through the pages.

And that you don't have to stare into a lamp and spend electricity to read. :p Yes, I am sometimes very low-tech.

DM Quoth wrote:
DajellyMan wrote:
DM Quoth wrote:
I prefer books I can hold in my hands. ^^
Hear, hear! There's just something so nice about physically holding a book and flipping through the pages.
And that you don't have to stare into a lamp and spend electricity to read. :p Yes, I am sometimes very low-tech.

Nothing wrong with that. I just sent you a PM. Even if you don't allow the books in this game, there are still some nice options in there as well as some juicy flavor on the major and minor gods. Another set of books I'd get is the Book of the Damned series. Lots and lots of good stuff there, although the third volume is the one that creeped me out the most.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Here's R!Kktik's character sheet, though I don't have equipment purchased yet. Let me know if you have any questions.

R!Kktik Crunch:
Current XP 0/?
Male ratfolk crypt breaker alchemist 1
LN Small humanoid (ratfolk)
Init +2 Perception +1; darkvision 60’

AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Current hp
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1

Speed 20 ft.
Melee scimitar +1 (1d6+2/18-20/x2) or dagger -1 (1d3-1/18-20/x2))
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d6/x3)
Special Attacks Bombs
Formulas Known
Level 1: cure light wounds, disguise self, identify, keen senses, shield, touch of the sea

Str 8, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 111
Throw Anything (alchemist bonus): You do not suffer any penalties for using an improvised ranged weapon. You receive a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls made with thrown splash weapons.
Point-Blank Shot (L1): You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.

Appraise +8 (+1 rank, +4 INT, +3 class skill)
Craft (Alchemy) +10 (+1 rank, +4 INT, +3 class skill, +2 racial)
Disable Device +7/+6 in armor (+1 rank, +2 DEX, +3 class skill, +1 trapfinding)
Escape Artist +7/+6 in armor (+1 rank, +2 DEX, +3 class skill, +1 trait)
Knowledge (Arcana) +9 (+1 rank, +4 INT, +3 class skill, +1 trait)
Knowledge (Engineering) +9 (+1 rank, +4 INT, +3 class skill, +1 trait)
Perception +7/+8 to find traps (+1 rank, +1 WIS, +3 class skill, +2 racial, +1 trapfinding (situational))
Spellcraft +8 (+1 rank, +4 INT, +3 class skill)
Use Magical Device +6 (+1 rank, +0 CHA, +3 class skill, +2 racial)
Racial Modifiers +2 Craft (Alchemy), Perception, UMD

Mathematical Prodigy Mathematics has always come easily for you, and you have always been able to “see the math” in the physical and magical world. You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (engineering) checks, and Knowledge (engineering) is always a class skill for you.
Vagabond Child You grew up among the outcasts and outlaws of your society, learning to forage and survive in an urban environment. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Escape Artist checks, and it is always a class skill for you.

Languages Common (Taldane), Aklo, Draconic, Gnome, Undercommon
Combat Gear TBD 0 pp, x gp, y sp, z cp


Favored Class: Alchemist +1 SR at L1

Small: Ratfolk are Small and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.

Slow Speed: Ratfolk have a base speed of 20 feet.

Darkvision: Ratfolk can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Rodent Empathy: Ratfolk gain a +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence rodents.

Swarming: Ratfolk are used to living and fighting communally, and are adept at swarming foes for their own gain and their foes' detriment. Up to two ratfolk can share the same square at the same time. If two ratfolk in the same square attack the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in two opposite squares.

Tinker: Ratfolk gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy), Perception, and Use Magic Device checks.

Trapfinding: A crypt breaker adds 1/2 his level on Perception checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device checks (minimum +1). A crypt breaker can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps. When determining the ability of a crypt breaker to deal with locks or traps, treat his alchemist levels as rogue levels. This ability replaces the Brew Potion bonus feat.

Alkahest Bombs: A crypt breaker’s bombs are specially designed to work best against constructs and corporeal undead—two foes commonly encountered in ancient tombs. Known as alkahest bombs, these bombs deal acid damage instead of fire damage. Alkahest is an alchemical fluid that eats away unliving flesh and animated constructs, but it doesn’t work as well against other targets. Against constructs and corporeal undead, alkahest bombs deal 1d8 points of damage, plus 1d8 points of damage for every odd-numbered level instead of 1d6. Against all other creatures, alkahest bombs deal 1d4 points of damage, plus 1d4 points of damage for every odd-numbered level. This ability otherwise functions as and replaces the standard alchemist bomb class feature.

Crypt Breaker’s Draught: Rather than develop mutagens that increase their natural armor and physical abilities at the expense of their minds, crypt breakers focus on the creation of special draughts that can enhance their senses. When a crypt breaker drinks one of these draughts, he gains a +4 bonus on all Perception checks and gains one of the following special senses: darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, or scent. While under the effects of a crypt breaker’s draught, the alchemist also gains light blindness. This ability replaces the mutagen class ability (a crypt breaker cannot create mutagens unless he selects the mutagen discovery from Ultimate Magic).

DajellyMan wrote:
DM Quoth wrote:
I prefer books I can hold in my hands. ^^
Hear, hear! There's just something so nice about physically holding a book and flipping through the pages.

Agreed, that and they can be read during a power outage

Garra's Background:
Her stomach rumbled and snarled as the scents of cooking meat and sizzling spices flowed across the market. She reached for the purse at her side that held her coin. No jingle, just empty leather. The short woman thought about the equipment in her pack. The hook and rope might be enough to get her a few meals and a roof over her head.


She ran her hand on the sheathed weapons strapped to her back. Hard leather covered the blades and points of the polearms. The thought of selling those flitted across her mind.

"Raje šel nag..."

Hallit:I'd rather go naked...

She thought for a moment, going over everything she owned, all that she was carrying. She went over why she should keep it, why she should sell it. In the end, the only thing she'd be willing to part with was the stack of pot she had bought, thinking that hunting would be easier near the soft city dwellers.

It wasn't.

She only had two talents. There were better singers and more imposing guards. She hadn't been able to hunt anything. All the game she had seen was "owned" by this or that noble. How can you own game you don't hunt? The idea was ridiculous. Her thoughts turned to the piles of garbage in the alleyways. She'd had rotten food before. Sometimes luck was not on you're side in a hunt, or some idiot didn't preserve the meat right.

She quickly thought of something else. Eating bad food was not something she wanted to relive.

Her shoulders slumped as she let our a long breath. Her stomach rumbled again, rudely reminding her that it'd been nearly two days since her last meal. She thought about going back. Back to her tribe. No, they would jeer, and laugh, and in the end make her not much better than a slave.

Then there was the humiliation of failing.

No, she was going to prove to them that she was tough and clever enough to survive on her own. First, though, she needed gold for food. Gold, silver, and copper, what was with these city-folk and their obsession with these soft, worthless metals. Good iron and steel made better blades, though they'd probably make it into little discs like they did with the other metals.

She continued walking, her feet aching from the hard cobbles. What was wrong with dirt? It would have taken less effort than this, surely. Her head was bowed, but something caught her eye. It was a piece of paper, but it had a picture, and writing on it. She looked at it, scratching her head, wondering what was going on. She grabbed a passing cheese-maker's apprentice.

"Can you tell me what this is about?"

"Wot, can't read?"

Her narrowing, icy-blue eyes let the boy know that she could, and would, beat the tar out of him. Wisely, he refrained from anymore insults.

"Says tha Dulapont family's lookin' fer some ghost-'unters. Probably fetch a good bit a' coin fer it."

"Who are the Dulaponts?"

"Nobles, been in trouble fer a spot. They live up on the hill."

She let the boy go and looked up the street to the hill. Her mind went over her options. Well, it can't be anymore embarrassing than having to explain why you don't have the blades of your weapons sheathed to a guard when you don't understand a word he's saying. And a little embarrassment was better than starving.

She just hoped that there would be something to eat when she got there.

Two things: I didn't spend all of her starting gold, is it okay if I just assume she doesn't have any coin left?
She can't read, but she can speak common fairly well, is that going to be a problem?

It's okay, if that's what you want. ^^ Feel free to hunt around for a bit more equipment to really spend it all, if you like.

I don't think the illiteracy will be too much of a problem. Plenty of other characters can read just fine.

Here are our entries so far:

Alfred Black - male human Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger 1

Astrea - female Aasimar Oracle of Life 1

Athalaric - male human Wizard 1 (Conjurer, possibly, seeing as he has Summoner's Charm.)

Gabriel Stone - male human Gunslinger 1

Garra - female human Urban Barbarian 1

Oberst - male Half-Elf Bard 1

R!Kktik - male Ratfolk Crypt-Breaker Alchemist 1

Finally decided on
Assimar(Angelkin), Paladin (Oath Against Undeath)

Compiling the character at the moment

Sample Template of A character

The first post in the gameplay thread is up, but please do not post in it!

At least, not until you have been selected as a player in the campaign. ;)

The discussion thread is also up.

Feel free to wander in and admire the furnishings, if you feel so inclined. ^^

How would you as DM interpet Fast Learner?

as some go strict to the letter; (A+B) or C
or be flexible in the wording; (A+B), (A+C), or (B+C)

I'd say you get 1 skill rank and one bonus hitpoint whenever you take a level in your favoured class. Dreaming up different rewards might get tricky in the game balancing area. ^^

So Fast Learner = Toughness

Aasimar paladins have the Favored Class Option of +1/6 to their paladin auras.
Hence why I asked about Fast Learner as some GMs keep it to the letter others being flexible.

Well, no. With Fast Learner, you get both advantages at the same time. Toughness only gets you bonus hp -- and if you take both Toughness and Fast Learner, you get double bonus hp every level, which is nothing to sneer at.

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