The Unsettled House

Game Master Aebliss

Every Night, the House of Dulapont hears the footsteps of the Dead; hears the voices of the Dead; shudders in the grip of the Dead. Who will reach out their Hand to soothe its Fears and lead it out of the Night?

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True, especially at higher levels.

Noya Yuuki Aiba
Working on here background, and let me know if the sample I showed you earlier would be a good background format to submit.

Well, personally I'm partial to this format. ^^

Looks the same, the only difference is that I use spoilers to group common data, and I list every bonus and penalty for anything number based.
I like it since I allows quick auditing and I just open the spoiler for the data taht I'm looking for.

That And I was wondering if you liked the way I format the character's background, and that of their family members

The character's background is fine. You don't need to go into too much detail on family members.

After all, what am I going to do? Use the fact that I'm in control of all the setting's evil creatures to attack your PCs' loved ones and use them as blackmail material?

*whistles innocently*

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Perish the thought.

I take that you like that format,

Mr Burns voice and Pose:

John Woodford wrote:
Perish the thought.

every time I read that I think Nodwick.

Me, I'm reminded of Vaarsuvius, instead. ^^

Took a quick peek at Ultimate Campaign, and it's loaded with RP type Traits and Feats

Added the first draft of Background to Noya

Azure_Zero wrote:
Took a quick peek at Ultimate Campaign, and it's loaded with RP type Traits and Feats

Well, I know where a goodly chunk of my next paycheck is going.

It also has optional systems, and a not half bad Character background generator.


CHAPTER 2: DOWNTIME pages 74-> 130

CHAPTER 3: CAMPAIGN SYSTEMS pages 132 -> 194

CHAPTER 4: KINGDOMS AND WAR pages 196 -> 151

Ooo, that sounds really nice.

Here are our entries so far:

Alfred Black - male human Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger 1

Astrea - female Aasimar Oracle of Life 1

Athalaric - male human Wizard 1 (Conjurer, possibly, seeing as he has Summoner's Charm.)

Gabriel Stone - male human Gunslinger 1

Garra - female human Urban Barbarian 1

Noya Yuuki Aiba - female Aasimar Paladin (Oath against Undeath) 1

Oberst - male Half-Elf Bard 1

R!Kktik - male Ratfolk Crypt-Breaker Alchemist 1

There are two more days to deposit your entry. Starting Thursday morning, entries are closed and I start picking the team.

Data on Submitted:
Male: 5
Female: 3

LG: 2
NG: 1
CG: 1
LN: 3
TN: 1
CN: 0

Alchemist: 1
Barbarian: 1
Bard: 1
Gunslinger: 2 (Both LN, and Male)
Oracle: 1
Paladin: 1

Aasimar: 2 (Both LG, and Female)
Half-Elf: 1
Human: 4
Ratfolk: 1

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Interested. However, I have a question:

Is Clearvale-by-the-Lake inserted into the Golarion setting, or does it exist in an entirely different environment?

If the former: Where on Golarion is Clearvale?

If the latter, is it based on anything pre-built that I could look at for appropriate setting-specific information regarding religions, nationalities and other relevant topics?

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Secondly: How will combat be resolved? Will there be maps or will it be more loose and free-form?

answer for your first question

DM Quoth wrote:
A quick answer to two questions on my way to other stuff: Clearvale-by-the-Lake is somewhere on Golarion. ^^

My answer to the second question is that, as I do not have access to map-making skills, combat will be more loose and free-form.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Ah, missed that. Interesting, I can work with this! I'll have something up shortly.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

R!Kktik equipment:
Studded leather armor, light crossbow, 20 bolts, dagger, alchemic silver light mace, belt pouch (2), wooden holy symbol, flint & steel, traveler's outfit, backpack, alchemist's kit*, formula book*, bedroll*, torch (5)*, rice paper (20 pcs)*, ink*, pen*, sack (2)*, trail rations (2 days)*, whetstone*, waterskin*, 0 pp, 48 gp, 5 sp, 3 cp. All items marked with asterisks are in his backpack. Total encumbrance: 36.5 lbs (medium load). Encumbrance without backpack: 24 lbs (light load).

DM Quoth, Google Docs can be your friend when it comes to mapmaking. Take a spreadsheet, shrink the column width to match the row height, and use cell colors as terrain. An example from one of my games is HERE.

True, google docs can be your friend.
Though I admit I use photoshop and photobucket for my maps
And Daz Studio for character renders.

Here is Sir Gavin D'Monteforte.

John Woodford wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

DM Quoth, Google Docs can be your friend when it comes to mapmaking. Take a spreadsheet, shrink the column width to match the row height, and use cell colors as terrain. An example from one of my games is HERE.

That is some good ingenuity right there. Excel for the win!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
DajellyMan wrote:
John Woodford wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

DM Quoth, Google Docs can be your friend when it comes to mapmaking. Take a spreadsheet, shrink the column width to match the row height, and use cell colors as terrain. An example from one of my games is HERE.

That is some good ingenuity right there. Excel for the win!

Credit where credit is due: I was told about that by DM Talomyr a couple of years ago.

Shadow Lodge

Submission finished!

So we are are 10 submissions now.

And in roughly seven hours (quite possibly more) I begin the difficult selection process.

Any late entries have until then to sneak in their character. ^^

Peace out -- I am going to bed.

Did a background update

Data on submitted:
Male: 7
Female: 3

LG: 2
NG: 1
CG: 1
LN: 4
TN: 2
CN: 0

Alchemist: 1
Barbarian: 1
Bard: 1
Cavalier: 1
Cleric: 1
Gunslinger: 2 (Both LN, and Male)
Oracle: 1
Paladin: 1

Aasimar: 2 (Both LG, and Female)
Dhampir: 1
Half-Elf: 1
Human: 5
Ratfolk: 1

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Update to R!Kktik's equipment:
He's also going to buy a set of thieves' tools, leaving him with 18 gold and change. Depending on what that does to his encumbrance, he may switch to plain leather armor.

These are our candidates.

Alfred Black - male human Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger 1

Astrea - female Aasimar Oracle of Life 1

Athalaric - male human Wizard 1 (Conjurer, possibly, seeing as he has Summoner's Charm.)

Balin Katona - male Dhampir Cleric 1

Gabriel Stone - male human Gunslinger 1

Garra - female human Urban Barbarian 1

Gavin D'Montforte - male human Cavalier 1

Noya Yuuki Aiba - female Aasimar Paladin (Oath against Undeath) 1

Oberst - male Half-Elf Bard 1

R!Kktik - male Ratfolk Crypt-Breaker Alchemist 1

There are two more days to deposit your entry. Starting Thursday morning, entries are closed and I start picking the team.

And the choice is made:

Alfred Black
Gavin D'Monteforte

Please report to the gameplay thread! You all arrive at the gates to Dulapont Manor at roughly the same time. Get acquainted, if you like. ^^

To everyone else who tried out, thank you for your submissions. The choice was not easy, and I would appreciate it if you remained on the extras roster, in case someone drops out. Also, feel free to hang around the discussion thread; I believe an audience can make the game more lively.
Just don't reveal everything thats behind the spoiler tags!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

dotting for interest :) may submit something for your perusal for future selection although it appears I have a long wait ahead lol!

Feel free to leave a little something if you like. ^^

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