The Twice Dead Professor's Carrion Crown

Game Master gmpathfinder

Beginning in January 2013

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The three candidates were all very well thought out. A slight majority favors Misroi, so we're inviting him to the game. Thank you RedMage and Edwyn, it was very hard to make the decision between the three of you.

Hopefully we can find each other in another game soon!

Thank you for the opportunity to join, GM, and both congratulations and well wishes go out to you, your wife, and the baby.

Rolling for Awnara's gold (70 average): 2d6 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6


Hope mother and baby are doing well. Thanks for the consideration - sounds like it will be a great game!

Have you ever heard voices speaking to you? Do you have the undeniable urge to heal your fellow companions?

Our group has just entered the second book- we've been having fun, but we've lost a little steam. Our cleric has had to bow out and we're looking for a replacement.

If you're interested, please submit a concept of a character with basic background and stats.

We're looking for a 4th level character that can heal.

I'd like to review them and make a selection by Sunday 5/25.

Feel free to ask any questions- the game thread is available for your perusal.

Thanks for reading.

How will you introduce the new character? Would someone still need ties to the professor?

I have an idea for a Cleric who will, as soon as he can, takes levels as Soul Warden (PrC from Undead Slayer's Handbook) followed (or interspersed) by either more Cleric or Holy Vindicator. As you may have guessed, the character will focus on channelling.

I have a straight cleric build (Glory / Sun Domains) of Sarenrae that I could bring, built around channeling.Can I ask if the Aasimar race is playable? I only ask because I am wondering if I could use the Channel Force feat with this character or not. Initial spread would hopefully look something like 8/10/10/9/16/17, and feats would mostly consist of Improved Channel, Selective Channeling, Quick Channel, Divine Interference, and then either the Channel Force / Improved Channel Force feats or the Spell Focus (Conjuration) / Augment Summoning / Superior Summoning line, depending on whether Aasimar are a playable race. (I am guessing no from your original sign ups but it doesn't hurt to ask)

That said, the gentleman above was before me, so feel free to take his submission.

@Cuan: The PCs are just starting book two, and there's an easy way to introduce a PC on the road. I'd assume that you'd start with gear, etc, but would have to figure out a reason to travel with the group.

@Ginganinja: If you have a compelling backstory, I'd definitely consider your character equally.

I'd rather select the most interesting, best fitting submission than operate off of a first come, first serve basis.

I created a quick alias so you can get a rough idea of his backstory. Obviously having not started Book 1, I had to try and think up a way to explain why my slightly bookish character was hanging around in Ustalav. If the GM has any ideas as to how I could tweak my backstory to best fit within both the AP and the party, then they are entirely welcome. I created a small plot hook within the backstory if that sort of thing floats your boat, but don't feel under any pressure to resolve it if it doesn't fit within the AP.

I'm working on Tibor

As for his


Tibor comes from humble beginnings. The only son of a gravedigger and one of the attendant at Velonstair, the Pharasmin cathedral in the town of Courtaud, he never knew much of any form of luxury.
From a young age his father brought him along to the graveyard where he learned the trade he was suspected to perform when he'd grow up. It was during these days, at the tender age of 7, that Tibor encountered his first ghost. It was the spirit of a little girl who perished during the revolution of the area, nothing but collateral damage in the war between the old noble house and the populace.

Completely unafraid of the spectral girl they played together among the headstones until he fell asleep. It was then the ghost fain

Rest opt come later

Sorry about the odd end of my last post, more or less fell asleep there.

Full background:

Tibor comes from humble beginnings. The only son of a gravedigger and one of the attendant at Velonstair, the Pharasmin cathedral in the town of Courtaud, he never knew much of any form of luxury.
From a young age his father brought him along to the graveyard where he learned the trade he was suspected to perform when he'd grow up. It was during these days, at the tender age of 7, that Tibor encountered his first ghost. It was the spirit of a little girl who perished during the revolution of the area, nothing but collateral damage in one of the few fights between the old noble house and the people of the land. Completely unafraid of what he encountered Tibor and the spirit girl played in the graveyard for several hours until Tibor fell asleep on the steps that led into some old crypt. The spirit girl hovered over him, guarding her new friend while he slept, only to vanish and pass on just before he woke, her desire for friendship and unbiased attention met.

When Tibor came running home from the cemetery he was met with anger from his parents, anger that turned to worry and gladness for his return mere minutes later. Feelings that only intensified when he told them about his experience. It was this very same spirit that had chased down and killed two grave robbers and had scared off Pharasmin priests that wanted to remove it. It was the experience with the little ghost that forever altered his perception of the spirits of the dead.

As he grew up it also was this encounter with the spirit girl that both drew the attention of the church of Pharasma and of Professor Lorrimor. While he quickly joined the former, eventually joining the clergy despite being affronted by their uncaring nature, it was the latter that motivated him to make more of his stay at the church.

The Professor was very interested in his encounter with the ghostly girl and was one of the few who actually seemed to understand when Tibor told him that he didn't believe all undead to be evil miscreants but that some, mainly those who ended up in their position unwillingly, were nothing but lost souls who either sought a way to pass on or were simply confused by all that had happened, not understanding the fact they had perished. It were the talks they had that inspired Tibor to be more than just another cleric at the cathedral. Instead he chose to move, trekking around the Lozeri county, investigating supposed hauntings and peacefully sending spirits home wherever he could. After each encounter he'd send a letter to the Professor, sometimes describing how a spirits wanted nothing more than to return an item to a lost loved one and sometimes describing how he sadly had to resort to violence and force as a spirit had proven malignant.

The answer to his last letter to the Professor came as a shock to him. Normally it took quite a while to get an answer, but then again the Professor was a busy man and he only had so much time, but this one arrived a mere two weeks after his own letter. The news inside was sad though, telling of the Professor's untimely demise. What shocked him even more though was that the same day he received news that his father had been found dead at the cemetery where he worked, apparently killed by some malignant spirit. As such all he could do for the Professor was write another letter, this time to his daughter Kendra, telling her how much it pained him to learn of her father's untimely death but that he also had to bury his own father as well as figure out what happened to him.

Beyond this what happened depends on how much in game time it took to conclude book 1.

Grand Lodge

Hey, I might put a character together for this. Do you have a link to the carrion crown book so I can see what the traits are? Oh, and wealth as per crb for level 4?

grimdog73 wrote:
Hey, I might put a character together for this. Do you have a link to the carrion crown book so I can see what the traits are? Oh, and wealth as per crb for level 4?

I'll make a selection tomorrow night, so if you have time to write one up, I'll give it a gander. I forgot that this was a holiday weekend when I initially posted the deadline.

player's guide

Grand Lodge

Ok, here's the numbers part


Durgin Firebeard CR 4
Male Dwarf Ranger 4
NG Medium Humanoid(dwarf)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60'; Perception +10
(+12 stonework, +2 vs undead)


AC 22; Touch ; Flat-Footed618; (+1 breastplate, +1 hvy stl shield)
HP 44 (4 HD)
Fort +10; Ref +5; Will +4
Defensive Abilities ; DR ; Immune ; Resist ; SR


Speed 20base/20 unarmored
Space 5ft; Reach 5 ft
+9 dw waraxe 1-10+4/x3
+8 mwk warhammer 1-8 +6/x3
+7 handaxe 1-6+3/x3
+7 dagger 1-4+3/x3

+6 mwk lt xbow 1-8/x2
+5 dagger 1-4+1/x3


Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD +18 ( vs. trip)
Feats:Endurance, Shield Focus(*), Weapon focus(Dw. waraxe),
Great fortitude

Survival (4) +10 (+12 tracking)
Perception (4) +10
Stealth (4) +8
Know. Dungeon (4) +7
Know. Nature (4) +7
Heal (4) +10

Racial Modifiers:
darkvision 60', +4 cmd vs. trip/bullrush, +4 ac vs. giant subtype,
+1 attack vs orc and goblinoid, +2 saves vs oison, spells and spell-like
abilities, +2 perception, +2 appraise for metal/gems
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Traits: Resilient, Chance saviour
SQ: Fav. enemy(undead), track, wild empathy, Endurance,
combat style feat (*), Fav. terrain(dungeon), Hunter's bond(party)
Spells 1x lvl 1/day

Combat Gear
+1 Dw. waraxe
Mwk Lt xbow 40 bolts
Mwk warhammer
+1 breastplate
+1 hvy steel shield

Other Gear
50' silk rope
2 waterskin
5 pcs chalk
belt pouch
6 days rations
map case
2 potions cure light
potion cure moderate
ranger's outfit

gp 564
sp 8
cp 5

Grand Lodge

Now for the background...


Durgin Firebeard hails from Highhelm, the son of a smith and a priestess. He got the adventuring bug from his uncle, a renowned warpriest of Torag. He spent many nights listening to his uncle tell tales of smiting hordes of undead and aberrations during his travels. When he told his father he wanted to forge his own destiny adventuring, he nodded,and handed his son a gleaming waraxe. The waraxe had been in the family for generations.

He came across Prof. Lorrimor by chance during a stop at a trading outpost. The Professor needed a man with a certain skillset, which Durgin was eminently proficient in...killing the undead. During their brief time together, the professor shared his knowledge with the dwarf.
The old man's death did not come as a shock to Durgin....he likely died doing what he loved and had a good life.

He chose to honour the old man by having a last drink with the man, albeit at the graveyard.

His strengths are his inner drive and strength of will. His training has kept him safe. His weakness is his hatred of the undead and his headstrong attitude.

If he were a piece of furniture, he would be a stone fireplace.....cold, hard and strong on the outside, but a raging inferno inside.

As for PbP experience, I am new..only in 2 campaigns for a couple weeks. I have been gaming for 30 years though. That's got to count for something....

Trying to figure out whether I indeed want the Roaming Exorcist archetype or go for a standard Cleric, both have their appeal. It's basically a choice of skills vs 2nd domain

Thanks for the great interest. I'd like to invite Tibor over to the game thread.

Grand Lodge

Oh well...if anyone else drops out let me know

Thank you GM, for your consideration.

Thank you, I'm on my way.

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