Transylvanian Tadpole RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 |
Perhaps the crunch is coming a little on the late side, seeing our GMs above post, but nonetheless, here it is.
Maraedlara Veirerles
Male elf Druid (Urban Druid) 1
LN Medium Humanoid (elf)
Init +5
Low-light vision
Perception +9
AC 13 (+1 Dex, leather armour)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Saves Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +5
Special Defences immune to sleep, +2 saves vs. enchantment
Speed 30 ft.
Scimitar -1 (1d6-1/18-20 x2)
Dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20 x2)
Shorbow +0 (1d6/20x3) [60-ft.]
Dagger +0 (1d4-1/19-20x2) [10-ft.]
Druid Spells Commonly Prepared (CL 1st)
Domains: Weather
1st level (2): entangle, obscuring mist (domain spell), summon nature’s ally I
Orisons (3): detect magic, mending, purify food and drink
Special Attacks
Storm Burst (6/day): Inflict 1d6+1 nonlethal damage on a target within 30-ft. and cause -2 penalty to attack rolls for 1 round.
Str 8
Dex 12
Con 10
Int 16
Wis 17
Cha 12
Base Atk +0 CMB -1 CMD 10
Improved Initiative
On the Payroll
Climb +3
Knowledge (Nature) +9
Perception +9
Profession (Florist) +7
Spellcraft +7
Survival +9
Swim +3
Languages Common, Elven, Druidic, Skald, Varisian, Sylvan
Equipment: Shortbow, scimitar, dagger, 20 arrows, 2 pheromone arrows, waybread, map of Ustalav, whetstone, marbles, hooded waterproof lantern, leather armour, traveller’s outfit, trail rations for 8 days, flint & steel, backpack, 2 flasks of oil, sprig of vervain, 41 gold pieces, 6 silver pieces, 8 copper pieces
Special Abilities
Elf Racial Traits low-light vision, immune to sleep, +2 saves vs. enchantment, +2 CL checks to overcome spell resistance, +2 bonus to Spellcraft checks to identify magic items, +2 Perception checks, proficient with longbows, shortbows, longswords and rapiers
Divine Spell Casting: orisons aren’t expended, can’t cast chaotic spells, substitute prepared spell for domain spell (obscuring mist)
Nature Sense +2 bonus to Knowledge (Nature) and Survival checks
Wild Empathy Improve the attitude of an animal.
Forlorn +1 Fort. saves (Elves of Golarion)
On the Payroll Whether he needed a bodyguard in a rough neighbourhood, a guide to an isolated archaeological dig, or information on a specialized topic, Professor Lorrimor was never shy about hiring professionals to help him attain his goals. Add 150 gp
Favoured Class: Druid (+1 hp)
The urban druid archetype is from the Advanced Player's Guide, the waybread and Forlorn trait from Elves of Golarion, and the On the Payroll trait from the Player's Guide to Carrion Crown. Some of the equipment is from the Adventurer's Armoury and Advanced Player's Guide (I don't have Ultimate Equipment).
If selected, I'll create an alias of Maraedlara for posting (not sure how to do that yet, but I'm sure it's easy to work out. I'll also reiterate that I'm happy to be an alternate.
Thanks for reading!
Morgrym Hammergun |
![Market Patron](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/19PlanarMarketFlatd.jpg)
If selected, I'll create an alias of Maraedlara for posting (not sure how to do that yet, but I'm sure it's easy to work out. I'll also reiterate that I'm happy to be an alternate.
Indeed it is! Simply click on the "My Account" link at the top of any Paizo.com page and scroll down to the box titled "Messageboard Aliases" (should be fourth from the top on the left hand side). Within the box, clock the link "create new messageboard alias." and select a name and an icon the same way you did with your profile. Your new alias will now appear in your "Messageboard Aliases" box and is ready for editing. Just ensure that when you want to post with your new alias that you select the right alias from the drop-down box below the "Add New Post" text box.
Hope this helps!
GM: Twice Dead Professor |
![Belfor Vittanis](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/13_Belfor_Vittans_a.jpg)
GM: Twice Dead Professor wrote:Great submissions! I'm finishing up reading through all 26 entries.
Like a good professor, I've got a grading rubric for each, so I should be able to narrow down the group by Friday. I'm traveling tomorrow, so I'll have limited internet.
My biggest regret is being able to take everyone.
LOL! Yeah I'd probably regret that also, having to run an adventure for 26 people! That's a heck of an undertaking! This has gotta be one of the easiest recruitment threads ever! ;)
Sorry, I couldn't resist pointing this out. It was just too funny. You gotta admit, it's pretty amazing how a sentence reads if you leave out one simple word. :)
Indeed! In my defense, it was late and I can't read.
Esme, Irnk, Mothril: no worries, I will review the changes.
Vivian Deberth |
![Carmilla Caliphvaso](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9047_Carmilla.jpg)
A shout-out to Vivian Deberth, an old friend and incorrigible flirt ;-)
Who, me? You have to be mistaken, Morthil... I remember some fella who bringed a smile on my lips and a swing to my hips, however...*bumps her side into Morthil's*
Give him my best regards, if ever you come across him, please.
Morgrym Hammergun |
![Market Patron](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/19PlanarMarketFlatd.jpg)
well today is the day folks!
Yes, but when's the hour? I'm not good at handling anticipation. I've been hitting the refresh button every 15 minutes since 6 o'clock this morning!
...I might have a problem.
It's been said, but best of luck to all. I know that everyone puts a ton of effort into these submissions and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like they're waiting to get an assignment back from teacher.
Did he ever mention how many people he was looking at taking? Is this going to be a 4 person party or a 6?
Morgrym Hammergun |
![Market Patron](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/19PlanarMarketFlatd.jpg)
well there was that post that said he was taking everybody...
That's true, and I did play a PBP campaign like that once. It was a gauntlet/battle royale where 20+ people died over the course of the first month but it was still a lot of fun. However, I do believe this GM had something different in mind.
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |
![Marsh Giant](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/B4-Marsh-Giant.jpg)
well there was that post that said he was taking everybody...
True. Perhaps that really is the best way to make the selection. Hit the party with a large mob, and take the survivors :) Of course, this would backfire if the survivors are the ones that turtle or run from the carnage.
Morgrym Hammergun |
![Market Patron](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/19PlanarMarketFlatd.jpg)
Vachordi Strong Wind wrote:well there was that post that said he was taking everybody...True. Perhaps that really is the best way to make the selection. Hit the party with a large mob, and take the survivors :) Of course, this would backfire if the survivors are the ones that turtle or run from the carnage.
That might not be backfiring, per se. A party full of dishonorable, opportunistic cowards could have very interesting role play value in a haunted house style campaign.
The first death is for selection. The second is...
This is one of the greatest one liners ever. I am already imagining an entire action movie based around this line. And it is bad ass.
rashly5 |
rashly5 wrote:The first death is for selection. The second is...This is one of the greatest one liners ever. I am already imagining an entire action movie based around this line. And it is bad ass.
The first death is for selection. The second is for keeps.
Directed by The Twice Dead Professor
Full cast to be announced.
Coming in January 2013.
GM: Twice Dead Professor |
![Belfor Vittanis](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/13_Belfor_Vittans_a.jpg)
A bit of movie trailer humor: Movie trailer
The time is ... now.
Will the following pcs please report to the discussion thread. Discussion thread
Cavalier Gavin Vaecali
Barbarian Fenru Fears Nothing
Cleric Gilda Kvartzfolly
Paladin Edrik Nobel
Rogue Shel Whispertongue
Sorceress Jakira
Everyone else: I'm sorry. Thank you for your submission. I wish I could take more of you.
Lilien Elendyll |
![Telandia Edasseril](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/05_queen_telandia_final.jpg)
Best of luck to everyone that managed to get in the game!
Just out of curiosity though, and also to get useful advice to build a better character in the future, if I may ask, what influenced you most in your decisions?
I'm expecially curious about the arcane spot on the team, since I was presenting an arcane character and they were the minority of the applications.
Thanks for your time, and happy gaming.
GM: Twice Dead Professor |
![Belfor Vittanis](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/13_Belfor_Vittans_a.jpg)
My primary criteria was backstory and how well that would fit with the group. From there, I looked at mechanics and other components of the application. Finally, when it came down to a tie, I had to go with my gut/who I thought would mesh best with my playing style.
Lilien Elendyll |
![Telandia Edasseril](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/05_queen_telandia_final.jpg)
Arcane slot was probably the hardest choice I had to make. I really like the thought of a diviner in action.
Oh well, at least I know you liked my concept :).
Btw, if you ever find yourself in need of another char to fill a spot (or another role in the current party: I couldn't help but notice you don't have a knowledge skill monkey, and that was precisely my char specialty *hint* *hint*), just remember Lilien stands ready for action!
Happy gaming!
bi0philia |
![Vinroot the Drunken Treant](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9523-Treant.jpg)
The player's guide mentions dhampir pcs if my memory isn't betraying me. Any chance you'd be willing to accept a dhampir submission?
Considering a sorcerer of the Sanguine bloodline.
I should note I'll be out of town tomorrow and Sunday, so I likely wont be able to work on the character until after the weekend. If you're trying to fill the spot quickly, I understand.
GM: Twice Dead Professor |
![Belfor Vittanis](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/13_Belfor_Vittans_a.jpg)
Hm. Color me interested.
Given the premise of the game (Lorrimor's will, etc.), would the new recruit just be considered a late arrival (which might contradict the will a bit...)? Or is there some other hook we could use? Sorry, just brainstorming potential backstories.
It's a simple matter for a new character to arrive late. Or we can wave the magic wand of metagaming and they may have been there the entire time.
Oh, you mean like that wizard hiding behind the wagon?
Edwyn Varro |
![Sargavan Pathfinder](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9226-Sargava.jpg)
Here's the alias with the crunch and fluff for my necromancer, Edywn Varro. He uses the life subschool, which forsakes all power involved with undead creation. Character-wise, he will not use the "evil" magics associated with necromancy, as he has the somewhat controversial view that it is not entirely evil. So naturally, spells with the evil descriptor won't be in his repertoire.
A thoroughly-bred Ustalavian child, Edwyn was born in a rather small village in the province of Vieland. By familial tradition Edwyn's father passed onto him his knowledge of the arcane. Also raised as a devout Pharasmite, he was made all too aware of the evils that lurked in their midst - evil spirits and the wretched undead; products of the "vile magics" of necromancy. The idea that any one school of magic could be inherently evil never quite clicked with Edwyn, who in his later years, sought to expand his education.
Traveling further north to Lepidstadt, Edwyn made the decision to apply to the prestigious University there, under the guise of studying theology. To secure his entry into the school, the young wizard composed a rather controversial treatise denouncing the prosecution of necromancy, titled "The Ethical and Beneficial Applications of Necromantic Magics in Modern-Day Pharasmite Ustalav." The idea that necromancy could in any way be "good" was off-base to the school's educators, who very nearly denied him entry (and tossed him over to Pharasma's inquisitors, at that). However, as luck would have it, one Professor Petros Lorrimor happened to be lecturing at the university around this time. Impressed by Edwyn's treatise, Lorrimor gave him a sterling recommendation that the school was unable to ignore.
From thereon out Edwyn and Professor Lorrimor became rather good friends, frequently debating on the particulars of Pharasmite theology and the evils of undead creation. Such arguments went on even by letter, as they corresponded even when the Professor was away. One day however, Edwyn received a letter that was not written by Petros' hand...
![]() |
I made up a celestial sorcerer for a Ravenloft game a few months back. That never happened, but I'd be glad to rebuild her for Carrion Crown.
"Dash it all, man," said Filo Puddyfoot urgently. "How is she?"
"Not well, Filo," said the priest. "It is good you came when you did, though. She has lost a lot of blood to that...that creature." The Desnan grimaced at the thought of the undead creature that attacked this poor halfling's wife. "I've used what herbs and simples I have, and called upon the Great Dreamer's power with little avail." The man pursed his lips, and tried to find the right words to say what must be said.
"I am sorry, Filo. She is dying."
Filo's heart caught in his throat. He clenched the hat in his hands, and his voice quavered. "What...what of the child?"
"I'm doing everything I can to save it. She was already near to term, it may be possible to save your unborn child.{/b]"
"[b]Then do it!", the halfling cried. "If there is nothing to be done for my Awnara, then save the child!"
"I will try, but my magics are limited, Filo. I will do what I can, and the rest is in Lady Luck's hands."
The Densan left the halfling in the rectory while he went to tend to Awnara. Filo spent the next hour in the silent church, worrying and praying to Desna. Finally, he heard the cry of a babe approaching, and he stood to see the Desnan approach with an infant wrapped in cloth. "It was not an easy birth, Filo, but through the Starsong's grace and all the healing magic I could muster, I was able to bring your daughter into this world." He passed the babe on to her father. "She awoke into this world as her mother began her final sleep."
Filo held his daughter close, studying her small face. Tears were in his eyes - joy and sorrow fought for dominance. "My Awnara has died," he said between sobs. "But you will live on through her, Awnara Puddyfoot."
* * *
Years passed, and the girlchild named Awnara grew. Life was hard in Ustalav, but she and her father were able to eke out a living in Vieland. As she was coming of age, she spied her father speaking with a human dressed in scholarly robes. She heard her name, and as Filo got up, she dashed back to her room, grabbing a hairbrush and feigned at brushing out her honeyed locks.
"Awnara, dearest," her father said, knocking on the doorframe as he entered. "There is a man who wishes to speak with you." He regarded his daughter for a moment. "Judging by the flush on your cheeks, you've already seen him."
She sheepishly put the brush down on her nightstand. "I could never fool you, father. Who is this man?"
"A scholar by the name of Lorrimor. He was very insistant upon speaking with you."
She hopped off of her bed, and followed her father. The scholar had placed a leather-bound tome on the table; the size of it engulfed most of the table's real estate. He towered over both father and daughter, but there was a kindness in his eyes. "Awnara? I am Professor Petros Lorrimor, and I would like to ask you a few questions. Please, have a seat."
Awnara looked to her father, who nodded in assurance. She seated herself before the human, who brought a vial of ink from his pouch and a quill. "Let's start with the basics. Your father told me you were born seventeen years ago?"
"Yes, Professor," she replied.
"And your mother, she was attacked by a nosferatu?"
"A...a what, Professor?", she asked, puzzled at the word.
"Nosferatu," he said, waving his free hand while his other jotted down notes. "One of the hungry dead. Colloquially, a vampire."
Her eyes widened, and both she and her father made a protective sign to ward off the attentions of the monsters from beyond the grave. "I have been told as much, Professor."
The scholar nodded. "Have they also told you of the manner of your birth?", he asked.
"My mother died giving birth to me. The old priest of Desna was able to keep both of us alive long enough for my mother to birth me. She passed on soon after that." He said this with slight remorse, but her father shifted uneasily. She knew he had never fully recovered from her mother's death.
"And did they tell you what was done during that difficult birth?"
"Only bits and pieces, Professor. The priest used magic, that's all I really know."
Here the scholar looked up at the girl. "That's a very unique case, you do realize. Not many people experience the touch of the heavens in utero. I'm currently investigating the effects of such early exposure to miracles and their effect upon the people that receive them. Tell me, Awnara, have you had any unusual experiences within the last two to five years? Experiences that you would be classified as un-, sub-, or super-natural?"
Awnara shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "Not that I can think of, Professor."
"I see," the Professor nodded. "I can understand your reluctance to talk about these things, Awnara. Most subjects are reticent to discuss the details of their abilities for fear of scorn or rejection. Or, as one comes to expect in Ustalav, worse." He removed the spectacles he wore, and glanced down at the halfling girl benevolently. "But I have no interest in placing judgment upon you, only to find if there is a connection between early exposure to divine power and retaining that power later in life. Most abilities begin to appear at adolesence, and it is entirely possible you could be manifesting this sort of thing soon. Are you certain you have not experienced anything unusual?"
She looked away from the Professor's intense gaze. "No, Professor. I have not."
Lorrimor opened his mouth to protest again, but Filo spoke first. "See here, Professor, she has said twice now that she does not have any strange powers - can you not leave it at this? Can you not pry into this family's darkest day?"
The scholar regarded Filo for a moment, then nodded his head. "Very well. Mister Puddyfoot, I thank you for your time. Miss Awnara, it was a pleasure to meet you, even so briefly." He collected his notes, and stood up from the table, crouching in the small space. He made his way to the door, but turned as he got there. "Perhaps nothing may now be occurring, but should it do so, please write me. I will leave my forwarding address here, should you wish to talk about this more privately."
He slipped a piece of paper on the table next to the door, then left. Filo went over to the table and snatched up the paper immediately. "There will be no more talk of unnatural powers in this house," he said as he tore up the paper into tiny pieces. "No talk of witchcraft. Am I understood?"
Awnara looked down at the ground again, and nodded silently.
"Good." Filo tossed the paper into the dustbin, and left to work his fields again. Awnara returned to baking bread and the chores her mother would normally be doing. All the while, the dustbin called to her. Eventually, she could no longer stand the torture, and rushed to it. She reached into it, and picked out a fragment of the page. She closed her eyes and said a word in a tongue she had heard long ago, a memory that seemed older than herself. The parchment glowed, as did many other scraps of the paper within the dustbin. They floated together, and rebound themselves once again. Looking around to see if she had been noticed, she folded the page and ran to hide it in her room.
That night, she began writing Professor Lorrimor, and telling him all about the dreams she had - of choirs singing tunes more beautiful than any mortal bard, of cities of pure silver and gold built upon the clouds themselves, and her mother, always smiling down upon her with pure love. Lorrimor urged her to explore her abilities thoroughly, as she was clearly heaven-blessed. This continued for a dozen years, until the correspondence stopped suddenly. She was deeply saddened when she received a letter stating the man had passed, and decided to finally make good on her promise to visit.
Awnara was originally built for a Ravenloft game that never happened, and she's currently built at level 5. I'll be depowering her should I get accepted, but here's a good idea of where she might end up. I'll be giving her the Subject of Study trait in place of Ghost Sight.
GM: Twice Dead Professor |
![Belfor Vittanis](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/13_Belfor_Vittans_a.jpg)
Would you consider a synthesist summoner for the arcane slot? It sounds like the group is pretty well rounded so I imagine playing a support role (eidolon focus on stealth, infiltration, defenses).
I'll consider one- it's an interesting concept, but keep in mind the group is missing it's arcane slot, so they'll want someone who has a fair amount of flexibility when it comes to magic use. If you want to work up a backstory and some crunch by say Wednesday night, I'd like to fill the spot soon.
Edwyn & Misroi- both are great concepts that I think would fit well. After TheRedMage decides if he's throwing his hat in, I'll have the group decide. So if you can wait until Thurs, I'd appreciate it.
TheRedMage |
![Fiendish Baboon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Monkey2.jpg)
@GM - thanks for the feedback and response. I will definitely have something ready and get it to you tonight (I'm on EST so it's morning for me!).
I way I envision the character he will be able to enter battle, but the summons will provide the flexilibity (since they can get a lot done, be used for different purposes, etc). Anyway, thanks for the consideration and I will have something ready by tonight!
TheRedMage |
![Fiendish Baboon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Monkey2.jpg)
Hey guys - thanks for your patience. Apparently the boards were down last night between 9:30-10:30 when I was trying to post up my character (did anyone else have that problem).
Anyway, the character is listed under my profile - Vistis Horn. Everything is complete except the eidolon which I purposefully left unstatted for now depending on GM/group input. The way my character history is written, the eidolon is based on a serpentine form and more of a "monster." However, given the horror element of the setting/campaign I could easily make his eidolon form either more demonic (actually thinking about the creature on the cover of the Carrion Crown player's guide) or even werewolf-like. I don't know if that is considered too stereotypical but it might be more fun for role-playing purposes.
The serpentine form would allow me to focus more on stealth, scouting but also decent combat whereas the biped (demonic or werewolf) would be more of a brawler. I see the group has a lot of great damage potential and tanks(cavalier, paladin, barbarian).
Also, if you take a look at my spells, I am open to changing those as well. I have to take rejuvenate eidolon otherwise I have no way to heal myself. Infernal healing is a good, guaranteed 10 point heal out of combat which could free up the cleric, or I could substitute with grease or other battlefield control.
So, I am definitely open to input from the GM and players.
As for me as a player: I'm in my early 30s, playing D&D since way back when it was 1st edition but happily moved on to 3.5 and PF (don't like 4 at all). I am committed to the games I play in. I was in a weekly real-life RotRL campaign every week for 1 year (then we moved). Prior to this I played an email RPG for 2 years until one day the DM disappeared (I kid you not). Currently I am playing in a PBP campaign of Rappan Athuk and hope to get into another fun, committed game (I post under the alias of Olofire Stargazer if you want to check out my play-style and commitment/posting frequency). Unless I am on vacation or out-of-town for work (and I will give ample notice) there is a 100% chance I can post everyday and about a 95% chance I can post 2-3x/day. As far as my play style, I personally like to get along with others and design my characters the same way. That's not to say that they are all LG push-overs, but we are engaging in collaborative story-telling. It makes sense for our players to have common goals and trust one another since we are literally putting our lives in other people's hands.
Sorry for the very long post. I appreciate the consideration and hope I get a chance to game with you all!