The Torture Chamber (Everquest RPG PBP)

Game Master Xenh

Abandon all hope, ye who enter the world of Norrath.

Hail and well met fellow travellers and welcome to the dark lands of Norrath.

Norrath has entered The Age of Legend. A host of nations and races seek to assert their will over the lands of Norrath. From the high elves of Felwithe seeking to reclaim the grandeur of their lost Tunaria, to the iksar of Kunark rebuilding their shattered empire, to the brutal assaults of the ever warlike ogres on the lands of humankind, to the ongoing civil war between Erudites on Odus, to a myriad of other conflicts across the known world a new age will emerge.

Whether as a valiant paladin, an ambitious rogue, a power-hungry mage, or any number of heroic callings, the fate of Norrath hangs in a precarious balance. It will be the deeds of extraordinary men and women that determine its fate.


  • Heroic Campaign
  • Started November 2012
  • GM is Xenh
  • Game Link

    EverQuest is a D20 world based on Sony's MMORPG which was trade skilled into a roleplaying game by White Wolf Publishing. To play the game one will need only the Player's Handbook (Book Cover Image), which some have bought through Amazon (second hand I think it's sub $10) and others got it through sites like

    Racial Diversity[b]
    Many would argue that a level 1 character starting with a +6 to STR would be insanely overpowering, but I think that gives a strong flavour of ogre, rather than just a whiff. Most of these games are caster-centric, so it is nice to see the melee come out ahead. Rather than just being vanilla it has a flavour, and with flavours there are those that dig them and those that don't.

    [b]Lore Restrictions
    There are those who would chafe against monk only being permitted to two races (human and iksar), but it follows the lore perfectly and I think that makes them a bit more special. Tribal societies are shamanistic, and again that makes sense.

    Training Points
    Rather than having a static feat and attribute increase delivered at a certain level, it is your choice to spend your points on whatever you want. Don't care about feats, don't buy them, it's that simple. You can put your points towards stats, skills, feats or even resistances.

    - Ranks in language skills. Absolutely love this.
    - Alcohol tolerance!

    This is where this system really shines. The bard is hands down more interesting than any other game has put out, with songs that make them the masters of doing a bit of everything, but nothing amazing. True hybrid classes and pure casters that each have their own spell list with very little in the way of overlap with other classes.

    Magic System
    So simple, so pure and the best casting system of any game out there in my eyes. No need to change spell levels for metamagic, just spend more mana. Need to change spells, no worries you can do that on the fly. You have access to all of your spells, but only a handful at any one time.

    Please peruse the group and get a feel for how the game is run/played, then if you can commit to the 1 per day posting minimum then feel free to touch base with me.

    I am always looking for new blood that will fit in well with out merry band of misfits

  • Grand Lodge

    This would be new, I'm intersted, will read the book in a bit.

    Lecloront wrote:
    This would be new, I'm intersted, will read the book in a bit.

    Let me know if you have any troubles tracking down the EverQuest Player's Guide.

    Still have room here? I tried to get this going when the book first came out, but the rest of my group hated the idea. I always thought Norrath had potential for a good tabletop game.

    Not at the moment, at least not for the evil group could I keep you on the reserve, in case I have someone drop out?

    Wow, saw the word Everquest in the recruitment thread and jumped on that like Ogre Guard on a High Elf. I am very much intrigued. I played Everquest for nearly 10 years. Ogre warrior. High elf cleric. Iksar monk. Troll shaman. Vah Shir Beastlord. I've got some great stories and wonderful memories from those days. I had to give it up when my kids came along. Primary healer in a raiding guild became more like a job than a hobby.

    If there is still room, I'd like to play my Ogre Warrior again. Krallek Meatshield. As you can see I still carry that moniker today.

    Please do, I'll have to see if I still have the book tucked away somewhere, been a couple of moves since then and you know how that goes. If not I can probably track down a pdf version.

    We have two EverQuest PBP games going on:

    Diablerie (Evil Game)
    Torture Chamber (Good Game)

    Please see if you can track down your Player's Handbooks and check out the in game threads for both games. My game (Torture Chamber) is fullish, but I am always willing to check out good player and replace my NPCs with PCs (I'll likely come back with another NPC that's totally useless but permits me the opportunity to roleplay a bit). I have two NPCs in the group right now.... :) <wink>

    One post is the minimum each day.

    Evil JB (running Diablerie) has possibly two new players, so we're waiting to see how they work out before he commits to new players.

    p.s. Krallek, what server did you play on? I was on Druzzil Ro and then server transferred to Quellious.

    Here was my SK's magelo before I game him to a friend: LINK

    Digging deep into the memory vault here. The original server name was Brell Serillis (sp?) and I played there from just a few days after launch. Later the server merged with Cazic Thule.

    I was in the following guilds: "The Scourge", "The Drunks of Tunare", and I can't for the life of me remember the two more recent guild names. The ones I spent most of my time with lol. Go figure.

    One of my early game mentors was featured in Allakhazam's player of the week way back in the day!!

    Krallek wrote:

    Digging deep into the memory vault here. The original server name was Brell Serillis (sp?) and I played there from just a few days after launch. Later the server merged with Cazic Thule.

    I was in the following guilds: "The Scourge", "The Drunks of Tunare", and I can't for the life of me remember the two more recent guild names. The ones I spent most of my time with lol. Go figure.

    One of my early game mentors was featured in Allakhazam's player of the week way back in the day!!

    Drunks of Tunare is an amazing name : )

    • "Torture chamber" is not hyperbole. Horrible, horrible things are commonplace
    • Not all fights are fair. To survive you will have to sneak, bribe, obey, trick, compromise, and at times run away. Despite all this you still will likely die screaming in agony.
    • The daily posting requirement is serious. If you don't notify the DM that you will be unable to post or post, your character doesn't act.
    • No OOC statements in the Gameplay thread. Game mechanics go there, but commentary goes in Discussion. The goal is to keep the game as immersive as possible.
    • Please do not post beyond the edge of the unknown. If you wonder where that is, simply ask.

    Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

    Been there, done that, got the t-shirt :)

    Alright, so I might be taking on a few more players for the evil game. Not 100 % sure, but if Torch and Krallek wish to make characters let me know. It might be a week or two before you get the chance to join up in game

    I just started up in Xenh's game. I'm taking over one of the NPC's there then I'm going to add my own character when we get to a spot to add him in.

    A beastlord and bard healer? eeek

    If you are a rabid posting cleric, druid or shaman, please apply within : )

    Calling ALL Shamans, Druids and Clerics!

    We want die with us slowly....apply within : )

    Well I could always run two characters, a cleric if needed...

    Kwen wrote:
    Well I could always run two characters, a cleric if needed...

    I appreciate the offer and will keep it in mind.

    Let the bleeding commence, since your going to Kunark without a healer it looks like!

    Silver Crusade

    is this game still going on? if so im very interested. Ive played EQ for a long time and always played the healer or shaman.

    Riftman22 wrote:
    is this game still going on? if so im very interested. Ive played EQ for a long time and always played the healer or shaman.

    The Evils game is currently on hold while the DM/GM/Guide adjusts to a new job.

    My game (Torture Chamber) is still going strong, check out the in-game thread, get a feel for the commitment (1 post per day at the minimum) and the flow of the game and touch back in the Discussion Thread if it's your cup of tea.

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